HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200928 Workshop.pdfWorkshop Participation •Online: •To open chat in WebEx, please select the icon. •Type questions and comments in the chat box; •Please use the "all panelists" option when using chat to ensure your message will be seen. •To speak, click the hand in the lower right corner by your name. •On the phone: •*3 is the command to raise and lower your hand; •When your line has been unmuted, you will hear an announcement indicating that. •Workshop presentation is available on the commission website at puc.Idaho.gov *This Workshop is being Recorded* 1 2 •Established in 1913. Idaho Code Sections 61, 62 and 63. •The Commission regulates Idaho's investor-owned utilities, ensuring adequate service and reasonable rates. •The Commission is made up of three commissioners appointed by the Governor. The Commissioners make the decisions in each case. •Commission Staff is made up of Auditors, Consumer Advocates, Engineers & Technical Analysts. •The Staff is conducting this workshop. Staff is one of the parties in the filing and will present comments to the Commissioners. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Continued) State law requires that the Commission: •Consider the evidence that is on the record, which includes, filed testimony from the Company, Staff, intervenors, customers' written comments and oral testimony at public hearings. Important Points to Consider: •All Commission decisions must withstand state Supreme Court appeals from either utility or customer groups. 4 Purpose of Workshop •Provide customers an opportunity to meet Commission Staff. •Summarize Idaho Power’s filing request. •Explain how customers can submit public comments. •Answer questions about Company’s application. 5 6 Introduction To File a Comment •Mail letters to: •Email comments to: secretary@puc.idaho.gov •Written comments can be filed electronically via the Commission website at: puc.idaho.gov. Look for the Case Comment Form under "Consumers" on the website. •Comment are limited to first 2,500 characters. •Reference case number IPC-E-20-26. •Comments are due by OCTOBER 27, 2020. Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 7 8 9 Schedule 84 •Established September 2002, IPC-E-02-04, Order No.29024. •An optional service for Commercial, Industrial, and Irrigation Customers. •For generation facilities with a capacity up to 100 kilowatts (“kW”). •Required 2nd meter to measure energy provided by generating facility. 10 Idaho Power Concerns •Schedule 84 Capacity growth, 2015 -2019 •49%Annual growth rate •Generation Capacity Growth, 2019 -May 2020 •564%, from 2.47 MW to 16.40 MW •Compensation Structure •Economics of onsite generation systems •Customer Return on Investment Calculations 11 Grandfathering Proposal •10-year proposed grandfathering •Schedule 84 customers with two-meter configurations. •Proposed effective date December 1, 2020; •Customers would be billed under the current kWh for kWh billing structure. •No grandfathering for single metering configurations,for new Schedule 84 customers. •Is a one or two-meter configuration a reasonable distinction as a basis for grandfathering? 12 Proposed Criteria •Criteria to be applied to current systems within Schedule 84: •Terminates 10 years from final Commission Order. •System modified from two-meter to one- meter forfeits status. •Customer who moves into a property with a system “inherits” the status. •For a System that is offline for longer than six months, or moved, the system status is forfeited. 13 Public and Stakeholder Input •Staff is analyzing the merits and timeline for grandfathering existing customers. •IPC-E-18-15, Order No. 34509 and Order No.34546. •Commission authorized 25 years •Is 10 years adequate? •Please submit official case comments for Commission consideration. 14 Grandfathered System Expansion •Three ways to expand a grandfathered system: •Nameplate system capacity may be increased by 1 kW or 10%, whichever is greater. •Place new system components behind the load meter,while keeping the grandfathered system behind the existing generation meter. •Combine the existing and new systems behind the load meter. (Under this option, the system would no longer be grandfathered.) 15 Moving from Schedule 8 to 9 •Grandfathered Schedule 8 (Small General Service) systems would retain their grandfathered status if moved to Schedule 9 (Large General Service). 16 Eliminate 2nd Meter Requirement •Reduce incremental costs and complexities. •Enable Idaho Power to study the value of excess energy for all on-site generation. 17 18 Single Metering •Can reduce the power imported from the Company at time-of-use. •May reduce demand and BLC charges. •May benefit customers on rate schedules with time differentiated rates. •For example,Schedules 9 and 19 have seasonal on-peak, off peak, and mid-peak rates. 19 Staff would like to know... •Under the Company’s proposal, would you convert to a single meter system in the near future, or would you remain on the current two-meter system? •Please explain your choice. 20 Staff would also like to know... •If you plan to convert to a single meter system: •What will be needed to convert your system? •What do you think this will cost? 21 Remember •Your input needs to be on the official record •Submit comments to the Commission or •Testify at the October 13th Telephonic Hearing 22 23 Event Date Public Workshop September 28 @ 6:00 pm Telephonic Public Hearing October 13, 2020 @ 6:00 pm Public Comments October 27, 2020 by 5 pm Company Reply Comments November 17, 2020 Close of Case Final Order Proposed Effective Date December 1, 2020 24 Want to Testify? •Encourage to notify Adam Rush: •Call 208-334-0339 •Email:adam.rush@puc.Idaho.gov •Include: •Name •Telephone Number •IPC-E-20-26 Public Hearing •Deadline: •October 13, 2020 by 4pm 25 26 To File a Comment •Mail letters or comment sheets to: •Email comments to: secretary@puc.idaho.gov •Written comments can be filed electronically via the Commission website at: puc.idaho.gov. Look for the case comment form under "Consumers" on the home page. •Comments are limited to first 2,500 characters. •Reference case number IPC-E-20-26. •Comments are due by OCTOBER 27, 2020. Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 27 Idaho Public Utilities Homepage 28 Comment Form 29 Comments: Limited to first 2,500 characters. 30 Workshop Participation •Online: •To open chat in WebEx, please select the icon. •Type questions and comments in the chat box; •Please use the "all panelists" option when using chat to ensure your message will be seen. •To speak, click the hand in the lower right corner by your name. •On the phone: •*3 is the command to raise and lower your hand; •When your line has been unmuted, you will hear an announcement indicating that. •Workshop presentation is available on the commission website at puc.Idaho.gov *This Workshop is being Recorded* 31