HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200109Kluckhohn Request for Reconsideration.pdfRichad E, Kluckhoha 2564 W. Pa*stone Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 Telephone QOE9414186 Facsimile Q08)Sn-5756 kluckhohn@gmailcom IN THE MATTER OF THE PE"TITION OF IDAHO POITER COMPANY TO STUDY THE COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET L\CESS ENERGY SI.JPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON.SITE GENERATION RECEIVED ,'i?il J,1li -9 Ptl 2; 02 rSSl0N,l- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RICHARD TLUCEIOHISS REQUESTFOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDERNO.:'450!' Case No. IPC-E-I8-15 Pursuant to Idaho Code $ 61-626 and IDAPA 337.01 el tcq,, Richard E. Kluckhohn hereby petitioos this Commission for teconsidetetion of its determinetion in its Ordcr No. 34509, issucd December 20, 2019 ('Otde/). INTRODUCTION Ideho Powet aod several othet entities enteted into a sctdement egeetnent which rcquired the Idaho Public Utilitics Commission's ('Commission') epproval which ures rcquested on Octobet 11, 2019. This r€que$t was 6led by both Idaho Powet and the Commission's Staff. On Decernber 2, 2019 and December 3, 2019, thc PUC held public headngs during which mote then 50 customers ptovided cotnmens, and the heating lasted until 2:75 *m. on Decembet 3, 2019, eftet beginning at 7:00 p.m. The thrust of Ideho Powe/s and the Commission Saffs sctdemcot agrcement lrres that they would convcrt curtent customets' ptogmms ftom a 1:1 kilowett hout ('krVh') monthly net metering cteditr to an hourly net-metering. Under the houdy net-metetiog ptoposal, Idrho Powet would I The ralrr of thc nct crrrgr orpotts ir cqud to thc ralue of the cocrgy coosumed. RICHARD E-UCKHOHIVS REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDERNO.3450!' Page I of6 purchase any excess power at the rate of apptoximately 4.4 cents per kVh, while any excess power the customer used during that hour would be purchased at the then market rate. The Commission conecdy found that the public was not placcd on adcquate notice that the culteot docket, would result in fundamenal changes to the net-meteting progan\ under which the customem had invested in a long-term asset In addition, the Commission cotecdy found that Idaho Power, hstead of doing as the Commission hed ordeted, entered into a s€tdement egreemeot rrithout conductiog any sort of study. Finally, the Commission grandfathered existing customers into the net-meteting ptogram, It is this 6nding, and the specific otder entered by the Commission rcgarding the gtandfathering of customers, thet is objectionablc. ARGTIMENT L Comrnisgion'sFindinge In its Endings, the Commission steted it "is not changing the Company's net-metedng prognm at this time, the Commission finds it prudent and iustiEable to distirguish berween existing customeff and new customeE based on the customers' reasonable expectations when making significant personal invcstrnens in on-site generation systems." (Otdet No, 34509, P. 10, emphasis added.). The Commission futther stated that thet Idaho Power will undettake m effort to comply with the Otdeq but that the Commission anticipates "programrnatic changes" ele likely to be requested by Idaho Powet ftom the PUC. (ld. at 12.). The Commission states, "!rfe think a rcasonrble customet would considet the unccrtainty of the ptogmm design when deciding whethet to invest in on-site gencration going fonrard. (Id. at 12- emphasis added). The Commission noted that the Idaho Legislaturq in Idaho Code 48-'l8O{, requires a disclosurg however this disclosure was not added ot required ptior to July 1, 2019. Finally, the RICI{ARD KLUCBIIOHISS REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER NO. 3450!' Prge 2 of6 speciEcs of gra.ndfathedng existing customer is clearly defined by the Commission, as being (1) an existing customer who has an on-site generation system, ot who made a binding Enanciel commitrncnt to instdl an on-site sy6tem, (2) existing cusomets ate grandfetheted into Schedule 6 or Schcdule 8 as the schedulcs exist on the date of the Order, and (3) the customet et the mctet site at the origindly installed nameplate capacity of dre system. It is item 3 that is obiectiooable. 2. Tte System aad the Cugtomer ehould be gtandfrthered. The Commission speciEcally stated: "Ve are not gtaodfathedng the system-" The Commission goes on to explain that if a customet sells the house, the new owuers will be net-metering under the then-existing terms. This ptotects my qrfient purch.se of the asset, however it is nothing mote than e stedth coofiscation of my ass€t in the event I sell my housc, ot if I pass away and my heirs decide to mov€ in, etc.... As the Commission tecognized, the public was not on edeguate notice that this docket, nor prerious dockec, might result in fun&mental chenges to the net-metering progranL Many customers had a teasonable expectation that the net-metering program was, es represeoted by the Commission end by Idaho Power, as beiry the net-metering ptogmm available fot the life of the solat generation system. Idaho Power, the PUC, and the insallets all knew that the analysis ptesented to the person was based on e s)rstem's life expectancy of 25 yeers. Genera\, the equipment is warrantied for 25 ycars and thus the consumet had the expectation the net-metering ptogram would march that expectatioo. Like all other componene of the montbly-oet-metering prcgrarr\ there wes no indicatiod that the ptogram was ditecdy connected only to the customer who purchaeed and installed thc solat system, as opposed to the residence it was inst"lled on. The public and the customers had a reasonable expectation that the net-metering program would be ttaosfetted qrith the system and not be tied to RICHARD KLUCKHOHNS REQUEST POR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDERNO.34509 Page 3 of 6 the customer, The PUC's Otdet gmndfathering in only the existing customcts, and not thc syEtem, causes a material chenge in the ptogtam which matcrially devalues the customeds ass€t and is a taking'z of the ecouomic value of the customet's assel Any progtam which is less th.n 1:1 klD0h monthly ctedit offset is a taking of the customet's asset without compeosating tle consumet. Since the asset value is based solely on the method of computing the offset ctedit, any reduction or devaluation in that ctedit is a taking. The PUC end Idaho Power kneu, or should have known the Public were using thc net metedng program as a tecovery of t}re Customer's personal invcstments in the solar power generation asset. The PUC, in its otder and analysis, has admitted that the public invested in solar systems in otdet to convert ftom a vatiable cost utility to a 6xed known cosL Any chenge to that progrem in which they putchascd without compensation constinrtes a teking of the valuc of the cost sevings, The PUC's decision of gta.ndfathering only the customets, as opposed to the systetq is arbirary as it reletes to the conversion of a home generating solrr system to the then cument program upon change of oame, with no economic compensation given to the owner of that system. The public was not given reasonable notice that Idaho Power and the PUC intended to devalue their systems in this manner. The tecotd of the cese does not support this decision. It is a givcn economic fect that any rcduction of the value of a cashflow v,ill teduce the value of the asset. Likewise, the PUC failed to consider the un-intended consequetrces on seniot citizens. The PUC admic "the public, almost unanimously, opposed the ptoposed setdement." Specifically, 2 Several commcntcs uscd thc word "thcfd' of thcir essct in thcir tcstimony. The PUCs dccirioo is akin to thc govemment engegiog in eminent domain, end rcfi.uing to ptovidc fair and rcasonabh compcosation. In goothct cxample, I&ho Power issues dividends on itc IDACORP's commoo stock Customer A purchaes IDACORP and receivcs a 6.3Yo dividend on Customcr A's stock. A gowmmentrl cotity mekes a tulc t[at sutes if an existing or*ncr of IDACORP's stock sclls it, dre purcharcr is only entided to rtccive a 3.1% dividcod. Thc govcmmcnal cotity hes devalued the rgset of Customer A's stock in IDACOR? without compcosrthB Custotrr A. Customet A might be inceotivized to kccp the stock, howevcr if Customer A dies, or nee& tbe funds fot hcalth care, or rny o&cr reesoq dre govemmcotd entity hes devalued the assct of Cuatomer.{ with oo cotnpensatioo. RICHARD K-UCGIOHIgS REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDERNO.34509 Page 4 of5 ll tlrc pul>lic ncarlr unanim()uslr' oplxrscd thc changc in thc nct-mctering pr(Er:tm. 'l'hc l'Ll(l notcs that "nunrerous coftrmcntcrs who statc tlrcy ittvcstcd thcit rctircmcnt saving in on-sitc gcncratirxr." (ilcatll' this matcrialll impacts scni()f citizcn morc than ant' othcr class of citizcn. ljurthcr scnior citizcns ,lrc morc likcly to nccd thc full T'aluc of thcir asscts as thcv dcal rvith mcdical i$sucs, mcntfll issucs, thc irrabilin'to litc irr tlrcir homc, and dcatlr. 'l'hc (irmmission's action is a taking from scnior citizcns at thcir most vcncrablc timc of lifc. lir thc firrcgoing rcasons, I rvould rcqucst thc Commission rcconsidcr its dccision, and amcnd its ordcr to grandfathcr thc s)'stcm, for thc lifc of thc systcm or a rcasonablc timc framc of not lcss than thc stanclard rv,rrranq pcriod of thc svstcm, as opposcd to grandfathcring thc customct. METHODS OF RECONSIDERATION REqUESTED 'l'lrc pctitioncr rcqucsts rLc()nsidcradon l)r' rvrittcn briefs. I)41'l')l) .f anuan' t), 2O2o. l(cspcctfullt submittcd, <--7"{/' lliclr;rrcl I'.. liltrcklrohn RICHARD KLUCKHOHN'S REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER NO.34509 Pagc 5 of 6 P*# CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ItIIillIill\'(ll.lll'l ll;\' that on.fanuarv 9, 20, ^ tluc and c()rcct c()pl of thc aborc and ft)lcgoing docur.rrcnt w^s f()nvardcd addrcsscd ls firlLrrvs in thc manrrcr statcd bckrrv: ldalro I)ublic ['tilitics Comrnissirxr ;\'l'lN: l)ianc I larriarr, Oonrnrissiott Sccrctan' rli:rrra.Irri4r(g;r-1rc'.itlrtltr,.g,,t I racsimilc (2t)8) .334-3762 Fland l)elivcrcd L'.S. Nlail Iiax l'l-NIail i( irurt Itichard l l. Kluckhohn RICHARD KLUCKHOHN'S REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER NO. 34509 Pagc 6 of 6 trT , .\:,,