HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200108Petition to Reconsider by Students.pdfldaho Public Utiliti06 Commlssion Ofrlce o, tho SocrotarvRECEIVED JAN 0I 2020 lannary 7. 2020 Boise, ldaho Petition to Reconsider: Reference: Case # tPC-E-18-15 Order no. 34509 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dear PUC Commissioners : We are students concerned with lhe future ofldaho who want to do our part to sustain our future and the future ofall Idahoans. We have read the Commission order and think that it accurately reflects our concems as expressed in written and public testimony heard on December 3, 2019, with a few exceptions. l) We would like the Commission to reconsider the distinction made between n€t metering customers before Dccembcr 20, 2019 and potential net metering customers aftcr that date. We request that the Commission allow all new net met€ring customers who sign up during the period preceding any approved change to the reimbursement formula to use and be grandfathered under the current compensation formula. 2) We would like the Commission to provide assurance to all curent and future Idahoans who are considering in investing in rooftop solar energy. We feel that the proclamation as written does not provide any certainty in rates for future rooftop solar investors leaving them at risk ofunexpected change (as we have seen in this exact recent situation). We recognize that Idaho Power has the right to change their rates according to the market, however, Idaho Power's customers also have the right to assurance and clarity on where their future with energy lies especially because Idaho Power is the main, and biggest provider in southem ldaho. 4) We would like the Commission to consider the market of on-site solar generation. The effect of changing the net metering system would be catastrophic fbr the growing solar indust4r in southem ldaho. A halt in new solar installation during the period ofthe cost/benefit study would drastically impact the profitability of solar companies. Solar installation companies may choose to relocate to neighboring states. hurting our economy and also causing many difficulties to all current customers looking for repair or maintenance on their systems. 5) In addition to the economy, we would like the Commission to seriously consider the future of Idaho. If Idaho Power's changes to net metering are made, we fear that future customers will be reasonable and defer any decision to invest in on-site solar generation. Or in other terms, we, the young generation of Idaho, fear that we will be unable to invest in on-site generation solar energy, regardless ofour desires to 3) We also would like the Commission to require Idaho Power to be fully transparent in all affairs, especially with their currenl execution ofa cost-benefit analysis ofthe net metering process. We hope that throughout this analysis, Idaho Power is unbiased and clear. We expect ldaho Power to carefully gather data fiom various situations that use net-metering, not simply one focused area./situation. We expect the results to be shared and created to be comprehensive to the general public. We also tnrst that the Commission will appoint other third parties to gather and collect data and consider reviewing all data fiom all parties. do so. We the children of Idaho are simply seeking and fighting for a clean, sustainable t'uturc for Idaho and ALL its people. As students and advocates for renewable energy, we understand thc critical importance ofrooftop solar as a way to assure ldaho's sustainable, clean future. The current threats to solar are a deep concem for those ofus who deserve a clean futurc to live in and hope to move towards clean energy ils soon as possible. We very much appreciatc the direction in order to allow for multiple opportunities for public input in thc development ofa cost/benefit study. We believe that such a study will provide important information to inform any future changes to the reimbursement formula. In the meantime and until any such changes are approved, we ask that the Commission allow any ltture on-site generating customers to continue and be grandfathered under the current formula, recognize our request for transparency in future proceedings, and appropriately value rooftop solar as a means ofpower supply. We sincerely hope that ldaho Power and the Public Utilities Commission will continue to work with Idahoans to make rooftop solar and net metering a sustainable and reasonable process for firture generations to move Idaho closer towards 1000/o clean energy by 2045. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Zoe Ziegler Boise High School zmzig@live.com Cheyon Sheen Boise State University cheyonsheen@u.boi sestate.edu Lindsey Kim Boise High School 20lindsey.kim@boiseschools.net And Positive Change Idaho members. Neekey Habibi Boise High School 22neekey.habibi@boiseschools. net Emily Mynar Boise High School 20em i ly.mynar@boiseschools.n et Heaven Lee Rose Wilson Boise High School 2 I heavenlee.wilson@boisescho ols.net Harriet Parkinson Boise High Schools 20harriet.park inson[@boiseschoo ls.net Veronica Richmond Boise High School nonnierich@gmail.com Hallie Hinchman Boise High School 20hallie.hinchman@boiseschool s.net Ripley Orr Boise High School riporr@me.com Izzy Ojukwu Boise High School 20isabella.ojukwu@boiscschool s.net Wilson Aitken Boise High School wilsonaitkenS4@gmail.com