HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191212Application for Intervenor Funding.pdfECHOHEwT &OTSEN MARK A. EcHo HAWK ERr( L. Or.sr:N JoSEPH T. PREsroNA ()RNt\'s .5{)5 Pt,Rsl t(i A\ r,.. Slr:. 100 PO BOX 6l t9 PocArr-r r.o. lD81105-61 l9 20n.4711. t(r24 108.47t1-l()7) r^\ \\ \\ \.lt( Iolt.\\\ ti.( o\l Decernber 12,2019 ldaho Public Ulilities Commission Olf ice of tho SocrataryRECEIVED DEC I 2 2019 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201 -A Boise, ID 83714 riiane,holttr nuc.idaho.sor' Boise. ldaho Re CASE No.: IPC-E-18-15 RE: APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed you will find the original and seven (7) copies of the following: Application for Intervenor Funding Electronic copies have been served per the Certificate of Service. Please file the Application in the case file. Ifyou have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, Eric L. Olsen ELOAf Enclosures H:\WDOX\CLIENTS\ I 343\0025\00094766.DOCX fr0u,,-- ldaho Public Utilities Commission "''fff'"tEt,i?'S"o DEC I 2 2019 Attorney for Intervenor Idaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Boise, ldaho CASE NO. IPC-E-18-15 APPLICATION FOR INTERVf,NOR FUNDING OF TIIE IDAIIO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("Irrigators"), by and through counsel of record, Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for intervenor funding, pursuant to Idaho Code 5 6l-617A and IDAPA 99 through .165, in this case, as follows: (A) A summary of the expenses that the Irrigators request to recover broken down into legal fees, witness fees and other costs and expenses is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by referorce. (B) The Irrigators' Counsel, Eric L. Olsen of Echo Hawk & Olsen ("Mr. Olsen"), and Irrigators' witness, Anthony J. Yankel of Yankel and Associates, Inc. ("Mr. Yankel"), fully participated in these proceedings. Mr. Olsen and Mr. Yankel prepared and served written discovery, reviewed and analyzed the various parties' positions, and attended and participated via conference call or in person in the numerous workshops and settlement conferences held in APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRICATION PUMPf,RS ASSOCIATION, INC. Page I Eric L. Olsen (lSB# 481 I ) ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6l l9 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 Telephone: (208) 47 I - I 624 Facsimile: (2O8) 47 8 - I 6'1 0 Email: clo(n cchohau,k.ctur IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO STUDY THE COSTS, Bf,NEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON- SITE GENERATION this matter. The lrrigators filed comments supporting the Stipulation and Settlement Agreernent filed in this case and filed comments on the appropriate treatment of existing on-site generation customers. (C) The lrrigators' proposed findings and recommendations are encapsulated in the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and in its supporting comments. One key issue for the Irrigators was making sure that an appropriate price was set for the for the excess distributed generation put back on Idaho Power's system ("Excess DG"). If Excess DG is priced too high, then other non-onsite generation customers are paying too much for energy and Idaho Power has difficulties managing this intermittent resource. If Excess DG is priced too low, then important renewable resources such as solar are not appropriately developed so as to appropriately lower overall system costs. The Irrigators believe that the Settlernent strikes an appropriate balance on current pricing of Excess DG and provides an appropriate methodology in addressing these pricing issues in the future. (D) The expenses and costs 'incurred by the Irrigators set forth in Exhibit A are reasonable in amount and were necessarily incurred. The expenses and costs were incurred in participating in the numerous workshops and settlement conferences, in the drafting and review discovery responses, and in commenting on the Settlement Agreement and commenting on the appropriate treatment of existing on-site generation customers. Without incurring these expenses and costs, the lrrigators would not have been able to fully participate in this matter. (E) The costs described in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for the Irrigators. The Irrigators are an ldaho nonprofit corporation qualified under I.R.C. I 501(cX5) representing farm interests in electric utility rate matters affecting farmers in southem and central Idaho. The Irrigators rely solely upon dues and contributions voluntarily paid by members, APPI,ICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDINC OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATIoN PUMPERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Page 2 together with intervenor funding, to support its activities. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7,000 Idaho Irrigators (approximately two{hirds in the Idaho Power Company service area), soliciting annual dues, The Irrigators recommend members make voluntary contributions based on acres irrigated or horsepower per pump. Member contributions have been falling which is believed to be attributable to increased operating costs and declining commodity prices. From mernber contributions the Irrigators must pay all expenses, which generally include mailing expenses, meeting expenses and shared office space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to participation in matters before the Commission. The Executive Director, Lynn Tominaga, is the only part-time paid contractor, receiving a retainer plus expenses for office space, office equipment, and secretarial services. Other Irrigator officers and directors are elected annually and serve without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for the Irrigators to fully participate in important cases such as this one due to the time and expense that must be incurred to fully participate in such a case. Because of the Irrigators' financial constraints, participation in this case, and filing of testimony and cross-examination of witnesses has been prudent. (F) The Irrigators' position urged to be adopted by in the settlement discussions materially differs from those addressed by the Commission Staffand other parties. The Irrigators urged that the price for Excess DG should rely most heavily market prices paid for solar projects, such as Jackpot Solar and less on avoided cost methodologies. (G) The Irrigators' participation addressed issues of concem to the general body of users or consumers on IPC's system. If Excess DG is priced too high, then other customer APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRICATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Page 3 classes are paying too much for their energy and their rates would not be fair, just and reasonable. (H) The Irrigators represent the irrigation class of customers under Schedule 24 on IPC's system. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the lrrigators are a qualiffing intervenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuant to Idaho Code I 61-617A and IDAPA SS through .165. DATED this 12n day ofDecernber,20l9. ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC By: ERIC L. oLSEN Attomey for Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Prge 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on the 126 day of Decernber 2019, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Diane M. Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 ll33l W. ChindenBlvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 dianc.holt(arpuc.idaho.gov Lisa D. Nordstrom Regulatory Dockets Attorney for Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lnordstrom(atidahoDower.com dockclstatidah opower.com Tim Tatum V.P. of Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttaturn(atidaho p0wer.c0m Anthony Yankel Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 tonykt yankel.net U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S- Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) trtrxtrx nnx trnx !nnx nntrtra APPLICATION FOR INTf,RVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PrSe 5 Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attomey Boise City Attorney's Office 150N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 -0500 ascnnainc(rc)citvofboise.org U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) trT Russell Schisrmeicr 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, Idaho 83604 buyhay(Zignrail.com Zack Waterman and Mike Heckler Idaho Sierra Club 503 W Franklin St. Boise, Idaho 83702 zack.waterman (ttsierraclub.orq m i chael. o.heckl erfrD em ail. com Kelsey Jae Nurez Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC 920 N Clover Dr. Boise, Idaho 83703 kel sev(akcl sqyiacn!!Dez.co!I U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) ntrtrtrx trtrtrtrx ntrx ntrx trtrtrnx ntrtrtrx APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION,INC. Pige 6 Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, Idaho 83702 prestoncarter(r4 gi vensp ursl ev.com kendrah(rl qi venspursley.conr Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, Idaho 83702 botto@,ridahoconsen'ation.orq C Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Oflices Po Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 tom.arkoosh(alarkoosh. com erin. ceci l(darkoosh. com Briana Kobor Vote Solar 358 S 700 E Ste 8206 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84102 briana(rDvotesoIar.o rg trtrnx trnntrx trntrnx trtrnnx trntrnx trntrtrx U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) F Diego Rivas NW Energr Coalition l10l 8th Ave Helen4 MT 59601 dic o wcn APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPf,RS ASSOCIATION, INC. Page ? Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WN Temple Ste 330 salt Lake City, UT 84116 ted.rveston(li. rracifi com.com Yvonne R Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WN Temple Ste 320 Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 Yvonne.ho el c(r.r, paciti corp. oorn David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Rd Madison, WI 5371I db end er(rjrearth i usti ce. o nI Austin Reschhoff Thorvald A Nelson Holland & Hart LLP 555 7th St Ste 3200 Denver, CO 80202 darueschho ff(4)hol landhart.com tnelson(athol landhart. oom U.S. Mail Hand Delivered overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Elechonic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) Jim Swier Micron Technolory Inc 8000 S Federal Way Boise, ID 83707 j swier(rrnricron.corn Peter J Richardson Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 pcter(rrlichardsonadarns.corrr Electronic Service Only Al Luna alurrlki carthiustice.t:rg Nick Thorpe nthome(&earthiustice.o rg trntr U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Ovemight Mail Telecopy (Fax) Electronic Mail (Email) trtrB trntrtrx trtrtrtrx trnE Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Page 8 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 d road i n,r({_, m i ndspri n s. co m Electronic Service Only dockets(ir idaliopower.corn Qn^Ar4./'lih^- EXHIBIT A Expert Witness Expenses: l. Witness Fees of Anthony Yankel: 265 Hours @$200= $53,000.00 2. Travel Expenses: $7,210.63 Legal Expenses: 1. Paralegal Fees: 3 Hours @ $90 = $270.00 2. Legal Fees Eric L. Olsen: 105.7 Hours @ $200 = $21,140.00 3. Travel Expenses & Costs: $826.61 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO TRRICATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Psge 9