HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191127Petition for Intervenor Funding.pdfAttomey for the Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto@idahoconservation.org IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANYTOSTUDYTHECOSTS, ) BENEFITS,ANDCOMPENSATION )OFNETEXCESSENERGY )SUPPLIEDBYCUSTOMERON. ) SITE GENERATION ) RECEIVED lil9ll0Y 21 PH ? t0 ' i! i t.^-1,!I\,,- lr.r:ttAtlSSlON CASE NO. IPC.E-I8.I5 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING COMES NOW, the Idaho Conservation League ("lCL"), pursuant to Idaho Code $ 61-6174. and IDAPA with the following application for intervenor funding. ICL is an intervenor pursuant to Order No. 34193. This Application, filed concurrently with our Reply Brief, is timely pursuant IDAPA that allows Intervenors to petition for funding 14 days after the deadline for submitting briefs. II. Idaho Code $ 61-617A(2) and IDAPA Rule 31.01.01,162 Requirements 1. Itemized list of Expenses The attached Exhibit A is an itemized list ofexpenses incured by ICL this proceeding ICL Application for Intervenor Funding IPC-E-18-15 I November 27, 2019 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I. Idaho Code $ 61-617A and IDAPA Rule 31.01,01,161 Requirement The Commission based on numerous filings and public reports can take official notice that Idaho Power Company is a regulated electric utility with gross Idaho intrastate, annual revenues exceeding three million, five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). Idaho Code empowers the Commission to award "legal fees, witness fees, and reproduction costs". I.C. $ 61-617A. As listed in more detail in Exhibit A, ICL gained status as a party to the case, participated in several day-long negotiation sessions including working with our expert advisors to provide detailed presentations and proposals to the parties, submitted and reviewed production requests, and concluded '*ith two rounds ofbriefing on the proposed settlement. ICL sees recovery of only ICL council's time in this docket. Our expert witness Ms. Kobor of Vote Solar and co-council Mr. Bender or Earthjustice are generously donating their substantial time and expenses to this Idaho dockst. In all ofthese efforts ICL locused on issues directly relevant to the issues covered by this docket and sought to use our time and the time and resources of the other parties in the most efficient manner possible. IDAPA 3 I .01 .01 . 162.01 . 2. Statement of Proposed Findings This docket presents tu,o questions to the Commission - lvhether to approve the proposed settlement and how to treat existing customers with onsite generation. ICL and Vote Solar played a significant role in shaping the proposed settlement here. While we could notjoin the final agreement, we have elected to pursue our dispute in future forums. We take no position on whether the Commission should adopt the settlement. Regarding the treatment ofexisting customers, as detailed in our Opening and Reply Briefs, we recommend the Commission allow existing onsite generation customers to remain on the Net Monthly Metering Program for 20 years, and to define existing customers as anyone who has submitted to ldaho Power a complete application for interconnection within 60 days ofthe Commission order in this case. IDAPA 3. Statemcnt Shorving Costs ICL Application for Intenenor Funding IPC-E-18-15 ? Novenrber 27 ,2019 ICL requests $1 1,800 in intervenor funding, as shown in Exhibit A. Both the hourly rate and hours expended are reasonable lor this complex case. ICL's council has ten years ofdirect, specialized experience appearing before the Idaho PUC. The hourly rate ol$200 reflects this experience and the local market conditions. The hours claimed are but a fraction ofthe total time ICL, our expert witness, and our co-council expended in this case. We elect to seek recovery of only that time spent directly engaged with parties or filings to the Commission, although the time spent preparing for these tasks is appropriately recoverable. For the reasons above - seeking only a portion ofour time spent, collaboratively working towards solutions, and an hourly rate that reflects the market - we recommend the Commission find ICL's requested costs "reasonable in amount". IDA PA 3 1.0 1.0 1. I 62.03. 4. Explanation of Cost Statement ICL is a nonprofit organization supported solely through charitable donations from our members and supporters. ICL does not have any financial interest in the outcome ofthe proceeding that is distinct from any Idaho Power customer. In this proceeding. \4'e represent our members and supporters who are ratepayers ofldaho Pouer, as well as any Idahoan interested in protecting their rights to fair programs that enable onsite customer generation. While ICL budgets annually for our programs and costs, we are subject to the timing and pace of utility filings, something we do not control. Access to intervenor lunding is necessary to ensure our ongoing ability to secure "full and fair representation" before the Commission as contemplated by ldaho Code $ 6l-617A. Idaho PUC Rules of Procedure requires that a Iicensed attorney represent organizations. IDAPA retains a licensed attorney on staffdedicated entirely to issues that ICL Application for Intervenor Funding IPC-E-18-15 -) November 27. 201 9 arise under Idaho's public utilities laws. ICL dedicates this full-time, highly trained staffmember to provide consistent, professional, and impactful advocacy for our members and supporters. The cost of employing and training this staff member is a significant financial commitment for a charitable organization. Further, ICL's annual planning allocates this staff member's time and resources to efforts expected to occur that can impact our program goals. Access to intervenor funding is important to ICL's ability to represent our interests here while maintaining the ability meet other organizational goals and priorities we have promised to our supporters. ICL consistent involvement in these issues had a meaningful impact in controlling our costs here. As explained here and listed in Exhibit A, ICL's costs are reasonable and incuning these costs created an ongoing hardship to reallocate our limited budget to achieve our goals. IDAPA 3l .01 .01.162,04, By awarding cost recovery here, the Commission will "encourage participation in all stages ofall proceedings belbre the commission so that all affected customers receive full and fair representation in those proceedings." I.C. s\ 61-617A. 5. Statement of Difference ICL and Vote Solar provided unique contributions to the negotiations, the settlement, and the proper treatment ofexisting onsite generation customers. As the only party not to sign the settlement it is clear we have a different position than Staff. However, because the settlement negotiations are confidential, ICL cannot describe in detail the difference in positions among parties regarding these issues. Regarding the treatment ofexisting onsite generation customers, ICL and Vote Solar also take a unique position regarding the eligibility date and the length of legacy treatment. Our Reply Comments on the Settlement, Opening Brief and Reply Brief on existing onsite generation customers document ICL and Vote Solar take a materially different ICL Application for Intervenor Funding IPC-E-l 8-15 November 27,2019 .l position form Staff in this docket. IDAPA 3 I .0 I .01 . 162.05 6. Statement of Recommendation ICL proposed findings address issues ofconcem for all customers Idaho Power who deserve a balance of allowing people to meet their own needs through onsite generation without negatively impacting other customers. All customers, regardless ofclass, share a strong interest in ensuring that utility programs are fair, just, and reasonable. ICL pursued this common interest when negotiating the proposed settlement and addressing the treatment ofexisting onsite generation customers. While ICL does have members who are onsite generation customers, or advocacy and position here is not on behalf of any individual or subset, rather on behalfofall similarly situated people whether they are a member, agnostic to ICL, or in some instances oppose our mission. IDAPA 7. Statement Showing Class of Customer Our individual members and supporters who are customers of Idaho Power are in the residential class. ICL's Boise office is a Schedule 9 customer, while our Ketchum office is a Schedule 7 customer. IDAPA WHEREFORE, ICL respcctfully requests the Commission grant this application. DATED this 27th day ofNovember 2019. 4.x= Benjamin |. Otto Idaho Conservation League ICL Application for Inten'enor Funding IPC-E-18- l s November 27, 2019 Respectfully submitted, Exhibit A Cost Statement for Idaho Conservation League ICL Application for Intervenor Funding IPC-E- l8- l5 6 Investigate Idaho Power's Application and prepare and file Petition to Intervene 1.5 Participatc in one pre-meeting and seven scttlement negotiations 39 Revie$' comments on settlement 1.5 Prepare and file Reply Comment on Settlement 2 Prepare and file Opening Brief on Existing Customers 8 Rer,ierv other pany Opening Briefs 1.5 Prepare and File Reply Briel-on Existing Customers 5.5 Hours:59 Rate: S200/hr Total: $11,800 November 27 .2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certifr that on the 27th day ofNovember 2019, I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING to the following via the service method noted:h Hand Deliverv Mail: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary (Original and seven copies provided) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Electronic Mail Only: Benjamin J. Otto Rocky Mountain Power Yvorure R. Hogle Ted Weston Yvonne.hogle@pacifi corp.com Ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Vote Solar Briana Kobor, Vote Solar briana@votesolar.org David Bender. Earthjustice dbender@earth.l ustice.org Al Luna, Earthjustice aluna@earthj ustice.org Nick Thorpe, Earthjustice nthorpe@earthj ustice.org City of Boise Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attomey Boise City's Attorney's Office agermaine@cityofboise.org Idaho Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Nunez Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC Kelsey@kelseyjarnunez.com Zack Waterman, Sierra Clr.rb November 27, 2019 IPUC Ed Jewell Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Edward j ewell@puc.idaho. gov Idaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner lnordstrom@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com cashenbrenner@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com Anthony Yankle tony@ynakel.net IDAHYDRO C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices Tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com Taylor.pestel l@arkoosh.com IPC-E-18-15 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Idaho lrrigation Pumpers Associalion Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen PLLC elo@echohawk.com Mike Heckler, Sierra Club Zack.waterman@sieraclub.org Micheal.p.heckler@gmail.com Idaho Cleon Energt Association Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP prestoncarter@givenspursely.com Industrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC Peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading dreading@mindspring.com Micron Technologt, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thon'ald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP darueschhoff@hollardhart. com tnelson@hol landhart.com aclee@hollandhart.com gigargano-amari@hollandhart.com Jim Swier, Micron j swier@micron.com Individual Russell Schiermeier buyhay@gmail.com IPC E 18-15 CERTIFICA'I'F] OF SERVICE November 27, 2019