HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191113King Affidavit.pdfAttorneys for ldaho Clean Energt Association BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RECEIVED l3 Pl{ 2:05 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION Case No. IPC-E-I8-15 Arrroevrt on KEVrN KrNc rN Supponr or IDAHo CLEAN ENERcY AssocrATroN, INc.'s BRrEF REcnnorNc TnenrvENr or ExrsrrNc CusroMERs OR IGINAL County ofAda Kevin King, being first duly swom on oath deposes and stales as follows: I . I am the owner of several solar energy companies in Idaho, one of which is a member of the Idaho Clean Energy Association, Inc. ("ICEA"). I have been an active member of ICEA's Board since January 2013 and started the solar task force in February 2015. 2. I am currently the President of ICEA. In that capacity, I attended and participated in the settlement conferences and associated activities in this case. 3. ICEA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to, among other things, providing a collaborative forum for Idaho's diverse renewable energy and energy efficiency business community and to pursuing other objectives related to the advancement of clean energy in Idaho. Members ofICEA include businesses, such as solar installers, engaged in the business ) )ss ) AFFtDAvtr oF KEvIN KrNc lN SuppoR I oF ICEA's BRrEF RF:CARDTNC TREATMENT or- ExtsINc CusroMERs - I Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com 14862519_2.docx lll523-31 lr- -.-r, I r. j .ctarI STA'I'E OF IDAHO ofselling, installing, servicing, and undertaking other aclivities related to renewable energy and on-srte generatlon. 4. I currently own EvenGreen Technology, a design build Solar and Energy Efficiency Company; Gem State Solar, which designs and installs solar light tubes and attic fans; and Solar Tools USA, a solar tool manufacturing company. I hold an ldaho electrical contractors license and am registered as an Idaho building contractor. I am certified with Lithium Chemistry batteries. I hold a US Patent for tools used in the solar industry. 5. I have been involved with designing and installing solar on-site generation systems in Idaho since 2009. Through this experience, I have interacted with hundreds. if not thousands, of customers who have inquired about, and sometimes installed, solar onsite generation systems. These interactions stem from initial visits, to discussions about the financial viability of system designs, to designing systems. to installing, servicing, and repairing solar onsite generation systems. 6. Through my businesses, and through my involvement with ICEA, I stay up to date on the latest technology for solar onsite generation systems, including technology associated with energy storage (including batteries), inverters, solar panels, and the related technology that can be used to fit customers' particular needs in light ofthe goveming rules and regulations. 7 . In addition, during the course ofthe IPC-E-I7-13 case and this case, I have spoken with many customers that have solar onsite generation systems, and with many other persons that have installed solar onsite generation systems. 8. Through this personal experience, I am generally familiar with the types ofsolar onsite generation systems that have been installed in the Treasure Valley and other locations in Idaho. I am also generally familiar with the factors customers and installers have taken into AFFTDAVIT oF KEvtN KINC I\ SuppoRT oF tCEA's BRrEr. Rr.GARr)rNG TREATMINT or ExtsING CusroMERs - 2 account in making decisions on what types ofsolar onsite generation systems to install, what technologies to install, the costs ofvarious systems and technologies, how technology has evolved over time, and similar issues related to solar onsite generation systems. 9. Through this personal experience, I am generally familiar with the technology and system configurations that are currently available, and that are expected to be available in the future, and how customers may choose to use that technology in making choices about the systems and configurations of solar onsite generation systems. 10. In this affidavit, I use the term "Net Metering Program" to refer to the program established by the Public Utilities Commission that, until the IPC-E-I7-13 case, was reflected in Schedule 84. The Commission retained the Net Metering Program but moved it to Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 for certain residential and small general service customers in the IPC-E-17-13 1 l. I use the term "Net Hourly Billing Program" to refer to the program agreed to in the proposed settlement, which was filed with the Commission on October 17, 2019. 12. I understand that the Net Metering Program has been in place since the early 1980s, and that the key components ofthe Net Metering Program have been in place since the early 2000s. This understanding comes, in part, from Connie Aschenbrenner's testimony in the IPC-E-17-13 case. 13. In my experience, the Net Metering Program has several key components. In my experience, these key components dictated the decisions that customers made regarding the types of systems to purchase, the size of systems to purchase, the manner in which to configure the systems, and the technologies to use with the systems. These key components of the Net AFFIDAvtT ot KEvtN KtNG IN SLrppoRT oF ICEA's BRrEF RIC RDINC TRE^TMENT ot Exls' NG Cust oMFRs - 3 casc. Metering Program also dictated the decisions that solar installers, such as myself, made when recommending system size, system design, system configuration 14. The first key component is monthly netting. When considering solar onsite generation systems on the Net Metering Program, the customer and the installer typically discussed the customer's monthly energy consumption, the monthly generation of the onsite generation system, and how sonsumption and generation would match up on a monthly basis. The customer and installer also typically discussed the customer's consumption and anticipated generation of the onsite system on an annual basis, but using the monthly data points to frame the discussion. In my experience, neither customers nor installers discussed or considered y'roarrly data. Indeed, in my experience, neilher customers nor installers even had hourly data readily available. In fact, under the Net Metering Program, I never had a sinp,le customer request an analysis ofhourly data because this was not relevant to the customer's decision under the Net Metering Program. The customers' decisions, and the installers' recommendations, regarding system size, system orientation, whether to include storage, and other decisions were made on the basis of monthly data. These discussions and considerations were dictated by the monthly netting component of the Net Metering Program. 15. The second key component is the kilowatt-hour-for-kilowatt-hour offset, under which the customers' exported generation is treated the same, financially, as customers' consumed generation. My understanding is that some characteristics ofthis have changed over time, but the key characteristic has remained the same: the financial impact on a customer was the same whether the generation was consumed on-site or exported. Given this component ofthe Net Metering Program, customers and installers discussed the optimal system size, orientation, configuration, and associated technologies ofa system that made the most financial sense when AFFIDAv] I oF KEvIN KING IN SI]PPORT OF ICEA'S BRII]F RIGARDING TREATMTNT oF ExISTING C(JSToMERS - 4 the customer was neutral as to whether generation was consumed or exported on a net monthly basis. 16. These two components of the Net Metering Program, which were set by the Commission and that had remained materially the same (as I understand it) th-roughout the Net Metering Program's history led customers and installers to make particular choices about system configuration. Every customer is different, but speaking in generalities. the following characteristics define common system-related choices made under the Net Metering Program: Systems were most often (if not always or nearly always) sized using a customers' annual consumption data and a systems' annual generation data, using monthly consumption data and a systems' monthly generation data, since the customer was neutral between generation that was exported and generation that was consumed, and since net monthly generation was the relevant unit of measurement. a Systems were most often configured to not include storage or other technology that would enable the customer to control the timing ofgeneration or to reduce exports. Because energy was netted on a monthly basis. the ability of customers to align consumption and generation on an hourly basis was not relevant under the Net Metering Program. Further, because a kWh exported would offset a kWh consumed, storage was not critical. As such, most systems were not configured to include storage or associated technologies. Systems were often sized to generate electricity sufficient to offset the customers' annual consumption, as measured using monthly data. As discussed separately below, for customers whose monthly peak consumption occurred in thc wintertime, systems were designed to generate exports sufficient in the summer to offset winter consumption. 17. While most (if not all) customers' and installers' decisions were influenced by these key components of the Net Metering Program, specific subsets of customers were influenced very strongly by these characteristics. I have personally interacted with many customers who rely on electric heating. These customers tend to be more rural, and less af{luent, than customers that rely on natural gas heating. These customers tend to be particularly concemed with their energy bills during the winter months. Their peak consumption typically AFFtDAvrr oF KFrvrN KIN-G IN SuppoR I oF tCEA's BRrr.F RF]GARDTNG TREATVENT oF ExtSTNC CusroMERS - 5 a occurred during winter months. These customers typically sized their system to offset the peak consumption. However, their peak consumption occuned when generation was [ow. Because energy was netted on a monthly basis, and because the customer was neutral between exports and consumption, these systems typically exported large amounts of energy in the summer months. In my experience, these customers' decisions regarding whether to invest in onsite generation. the size ofthe system, and the configuration olthe system, depended heavily on monthly netting and the one-to-one ratio between exports and consumption. It is safe to say that most, ifnot nearly all, olthese customers would have made different choices about whether to invest, system size, and system configuration if those components olthe Net Metering Program were different, or ifthose components of the Net Metering Program had changed throughout the years. 18. Ifthe Net Hourly Billing Program set forth in the proposed settlement is adopted, I anticipate that customers and installers will make dillerent choices in how to size their systems, how to configure their systems, and how to take advantage ofstorage and other technologies. 19. First, because the Net Hourly Billing Program nets on an hourly basis rather than a monthly basis, customers and installers will have to obtain and rely upon hourly consumption and generation data rather than monthly consumption and generation data. Based on hourly data that I have reviewed for potential customers, I anticipate that the net hourly exports will differ more greatly across customers that net monthly exports. Stated another way, I anticipate that customers and installers will have to give greater attention to each customers' specific consumption profile, and more closely tailor particular systems' generation profiles. This will be a very difficult task and, I anticipate, will lead to more diversity in the types of systems that AFrr)AVt r oF Kr.vrN KING IN SupPoR I oF ICEA'S BRrEF RTGART)rN(i TREATMINT or- Exrs] rNG CLS roN,r[RS - 6 customers install, as well as more diversity in the conhgurations ofthese systems, the types of technologies used, and other information. 20, Second, the Net Hourly Billing Program will increase the importance of the timing of customers' consumption and the systems' generation. I anticipate that customers will make different choices about syslem size than customers have made under the Net Metering Program. While, as noted above, I anticipate more diversity, as a general rule I anticipate that customers will choose smaller systems than they would have under the Net Metering Program. Whether or not systems are sized smaller, larger, or there is simply more diversity in customers' choices, customers and installers will make decisions that are influenced more by the timing of consumption and generation. 21. Third, and relatedly, because the Net Hourly Billing Program increases the importance of the timing of a customers' consumption and generation, I anticipate that customers will choose systems that are configured 1o include storage or other associated technologies. These technologies will enable customers to match generation with consumption on a more granular basis than was necessaxy under the Net Metering Program. 22. Fourth, the proposed settlement includes a non-export option. I anticipate that more customers will choose the non-export option, with the associated storage and other technologies, which was not formalized under the Net Metering Program. 23. The decisions that customers and installers made, based on the key components of the Net Metering Program, typically cannot easily be undone. For example, it is not financially feasible for a Net Metering Program customer to decrease their system size. They have already made the investment and have little reason to incur the additional expense of(for example) ATT IDAvI I oI, KEVIN KING IN SI]PPoRT oF ICEA,S BRIHF RtjGARDINc TRIATMENT.oF Ex]STINC CUSToMERS - 7 removing panels, reconfiguring wiring, and making the other changes necessary to decrease system size. 24. In addition, customers that conligured their system to match monthly consumption and generation can:rot typically economically retrolit their systems to match consumption and generation on a more granular basis. For example, a customer whose system did not initially include baftery storage cannot just simply buy batteries. Instead, the customer would have to completely reconfigure their system. 25. To provide another example, while a new customer could take advantage of technologies to match consumption with generation by diverting energy for consumption purposes, such as electric vehicle charging. existing customers whose system was configured under the Net Metering Program would not likely be able to incorporate these technologies without completely reconfiguring their systems, which is cost prohibitive. 26. Recently, I have discussed the possibility of incorporating storage or other technologies with customers who designed and installed their systems under the Net Metering Program. The cost of reconfiguring the systems was prohibitively expensive lor all ofthese customers. If these customers had made their decisions based on Net Hourly Billing Program. the incremental cost ofa system that included storage or other technologies would not be near this amount-the system would have been designed to incorporate those technologies from the outsct 27. F-inally, while a new customer has the option to configure their installation to be a non-export system, customers that configured their systems to meet the components of the Net Metering Program typically cannot economically alter their systems to take advantage of the non-export option. Transforming an exporting system to a non-export system would require a AFFIDAvII. oT. KEvIN KING IN SUPPORT OF ICEA.S BRIEI, RI.CARI)INc TREATMENT oF ExIS,IINC CI]STOMERS - 8 complete reconliguration ofthe system. While I do not have specific figures on what that would cost, in my experience it would be at least as much, and perhaps more, than reconfiguring a system to include storage or other technologies. 28. In my experience and opinion, the Net Metering Program and the Net Hourly Billing Program are two separate programs. The key components of the Net Metering Program that drove customer decision making-monthly netting and a kilowatt-hour credit for exports- have changed. This is more than a change in rates. It is a change in programs. Under the Net Metering Program, customers made decisions regarding the configuration of their systems, and indeed whether or not to invest in onsite generation, according to the components olthe program in place at the time. Those decisions cannot be undone. 29. In my opinion, customers that made decisions under the Net Metering Program are differently situated that customers that will make decisions under the Net Hourly Billing Program. I urge the Commission to allow existing customers to continue under the Net Metering Program as specified in the proposal in ICEA's comments. DATED: November12,2019. Kevin King SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 121h day of November.20l9. N tary Publi of ld Residing at My Commission Explres: l(EltlDR l,-EE tlOFFllANcoiluSaloNftltorS I.IOTARY PUBUC STATE OF IDA}() MY cEr fl8stoN EXP|BEE 1tZ2t&A AFFrDAvtr oF KEvtN KtNC IN SuppoRT oF ICEA's BRIEF RFCARDTNC TRr-Ar Mr-rN r or Exrs'r'rNc CrJsToMFrRs - 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on November 13,2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing comments were served upon all parties ofrecord in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste.201-A Boise, ID 83714 Diane.holt@puc.idaho. eov Hand Delivery & Electronic Mail Edward Jewell, Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. I, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Edward.Jewell puc.idaho.gov Electronic Mail Via Electronic Mail Lisa D. Nordstrom Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lnordstrom@idahoDowcr.com dockets@idahopower.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conversation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 botto@idahoconservation.o Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner ldaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttatum@idaho power.com caschenbrenn dahopou.er.com Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. c/o Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, Idaho 8305 elo@echohawk.com Idahydro c/o C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 Tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com rg Erin.ce it oosh.com AFFIDAvtT oF KEvtN KrNc lN SuppoRT oF ICEA's BRIEI. REGARDTNG TREA'|'MENT oF ExtsING CusroMERs - l0 Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. c/o Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 tony@vankel.net Jim Swier Micron Technology, Inc. 8000 S. Federal Way Boise, ID 83707 j5wier@micron.com Industrial Customers of Idaho Power c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson, Adams, PLLC 515 N. 271h Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 peter@.richardsonadams.com Ar r I)Avl r oF KEvrN KrNC IN SLJppoRT oF ICEA'S BRIEF RECARDTNG TREATMENT oF ExtstiNc CusroMERs - I I Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 841 l6 ted.weston@pacifi com.com Briana Kober Vote Solar 358 S. 700 E., Suire 8206 Salr Lake Ciry, UT 84 102 briana@votesolar.org Al Luna Aluna@earthj ustice.org Abigail R. Germaine Boise City Attomey's Office 105 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 asermaine@cityofboise. ore Zack Waterman Mike Heckler Idaho Sierra Club 503 W. Fmnklin Street Boise, ID 83702 zack.waterman@sierraclub,org Michael.p.heckler@gmail.com NW Energy Coalition c/o Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 7'10 N. 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 botto@idahoconservation.org Micron Technology, Inc. c/o Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnel son@hollandhart.com Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power | 407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 wonne.hosle@Bacifi corp.com David Bender Earthj ustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 5371 I dbender@earthj ustice.ore Nick Thorpe nthome@earthj ustice. orq Idaho Sierra Club c/o Kelsey Jae Nunez Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC 920 N. Clover Drive Boise, ID 83703 kelsey@kelse)'j aenunez.com F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition 1 101 8th Avenue Helena, MT 59601 dieeo@nwenergv.org Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 dreadinq@mindspring.com Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, Idaho 83604 buyhav@email.com F---<--'^=--r" Prcston N. Cartcr AFFrDAvrr oF KEvrN KING IN SuppoRT oF ICEA's BRrEF RE0ARDTNG TREAIMENT oF ExrsrrNc CrrsroMERs - l2