HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180705Comments - Redacted.pdfSEffi*o An IDACORP Company ON July 5, 2018 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re Case No. IPC-E-18-08 ldaho Department of Administration's Petition for Exemption from the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Master-Metering Standards - ldaho Power Company's Comments Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed forfiling in the above matter are an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Comments. Also enclosed are an original and seven (7) copies of the confidential portions of Attachments 2 and 3 to the Comments. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this matter. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com LDN:kkt RTC E IVE D t$i3 jiil -5 Pll 3: l5 Lisa D. Nordstrom .<,^,C %g,tdr"rt SSI Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n ord strom @ ida h opower. co m ftT C T IVED ifflil JUL -5 Pll 3: l6 li.r ' !l-i I ,ri'i* i.:'t"jELlCi[;i $OMMISSION Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION'S MASTER- METER!NG RULES FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES AND THE IDAHO POWER MASTER-METER! NG STAN DARDS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-18-08 COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY On April, 13,2018, the ldaho Department of Administration ("lDOA') filed a petition ("Petition") with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") seeking an exemption from the Commission's Master-Metering Rules for Electric Utilitiesl ("Master- Metering Rules") and waiver of ldaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power" or "Company") 1 Master-Metering Rules for Electric Utilities, IDAPA 31.26.01 COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1 Master Metering Standard2 (collectively referred to as "Rules") requiring that ldaho Power individually meter the tenants of the State of ldaho's recently-acquired Chinden Campus located at 11311 West Chinden Boulevard in Boise, ldaho ("Campus"). ln these comments, ldaho Power recommends the Commission deny the proposed exemption. ldaho Power believes that requiring individual meters in compliance with current Commission-approved Master-Metering Rules will better achieve the goals of promoting energy efficiency through more accurate price signals, billing accuracy, and a direct customer-utility relationship. However, the Company recognizes the Commission must consider the unique circumstances presented in this case to determine if such circumstances warrant an exemption from those rules. ln its comments, the Company sets forth information it believes relevant to the Commission's decision. I. BACKGROUND ln November 2017, the IDOA contacted ldaho Power to request electric service at the Campus and to inquire about the possibility of ldaho Power assuming ownership and providing ongoing maintenance of the electrical distribution system located at the Campus, pursuant to Rule M of ldaho Power's tariff. At that time, ldaho Power informed the IDOA of the Commission's Master-Metering Rules and discussed ldaho Power's recommendation of requiring individual metering at each individual customer's building to comply with the Rules. During several subsequent discussions between November2017 and March 2018, representatives from ldaho Power and the IDOA discussed those requirements further, 2 l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule E (Master Metering Standards) COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 with the IDOA ultimately inquiring of ldaho Power about the possibility of pursuing an exemption from the requirements of the Master-Metering Rules. The Commission's Master-Metering Rule 1033 requires units of commercial buildings to be individually metered where tenants control their own electric space heating, water heating, or air-conditioning appliances. lt states: 103. MASTER.METERING AND INDIVIDUAL METERING IN COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND SHOPPING CENTERS (Rule 103). No unit of commercial buildings and shopping centers shall be master-metered for blectric service after July 1, 1980, if the units for their tenants contain an electric space heating, water heating, or air-conditioning (space cooling) unit that is not centrally controlled and over which the unit's tenants individually control electric usage. Tenants in otherwise master-metered buildings whose electric load or who operate appliances whose electric load exceeds the individual metering threshold found in the utility's tariffs must be individually metered. ldaho Power's Master Metering Standard tariff found in Section 4 of Rule E is nearly identical to Rule 103. Rule C of ldaho Power's tariff also limits the ability of customers to resell electricity in master-metered configurations "unless the Commission authorizes alternative procedures."a ldaho Power met with Commission Staff ("Staff') on March 27, 2018, to inform Staff of discussions between the IDOA and ldaho Power related to the Rules, and discuss ldaho Power's interpretation of the Rules. ln a subsequent meeting between Staff, the IDOA, and ldaho Power on April 5,2018, ldaho Power discussed its recommendation to individually meter the buildings for purposes of supplying electric service to the Campus. 3 Master-Metering Rules for Electric Utilities, Rule 103, IDAPA 31 .26.01 .103. 4 l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule C (Service and Limitations), Section 6. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 On April 13,2018, the IDOA filed its Petition with the Commission seeking authority for an exemption from the Master-Metering Rules and Rule E of ldaho Power's tariff. II. MASTER.METERING RULES FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA" or "Act") required the Commission to consider whether it would adopt federal standards contained in the Act with regard to master metering of electric service in new multi-occupant buildings. Section 133(b)(1) of the Act provided that master metering in new buildings "shall be prohibited or restricted to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of the Act." Section 1 15(d) of the Act determined separate metering to be appropriate in new multi-occupant buildings in which the occupant of each unit has control over a portion of the electric energy used in the unit if the long-run benefits to the electric customers in the building exceed the costs of purchasing and installing separate meters. ln response to the requirements of PURPA, in 1980 the Commission opened a docket to establish rules related to the allowance or disallowance of master metering.5 ln addition to the conservation goals of PURPA, the Commission based its decision to adopt the proposed master metering rules upon several premises:o 1. lndividually metered tenants who are responsible for paying their own electric bills use less and waste less electric energy than master-metered tenants who are not; 5 Re Master Metering Sfandards, Case No. P-300-15, Order No. 15556, 37 PUR 4th 1 19 (May 21, 1 980) 6 ld. at 120-121 COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 2. The ultimate consumers of electric energy are better served by a direct customer relationship with the utility than by disguising utility costs in the rent or by the landlord playing the role of the public utility; 3. lt is inequitable for electric customers to pay more or less than the cost of electricity which they consume themselves. Related to commercial buildings, the Commission established the master metering requirements now known as Master-Metering Rule 103.7 III. CAMPUS ELECTRICAL SERVICE HP, lnc. and its predecessor companies ("HP") initially developed the Campus between 1976 and 1995. Through most of its history, the Campus was occupied solely by HP and ldaho Power provided service in accordance with Schedule 19; as a primary service level customer, HP was responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it would be used.8 The initial Point of Deliverye ("POD") was established adjacent to ldaho Power's Hewlett Packard ("HPKD') substation located on the west side of the Campus. ldaho Power metered all of HP's usage through a single primary meter and HP owned, operated, and maintained all distribution equipment on its side of the POD, which included a significant amount of electrical infrastructure throughout the Campus that networks eight main buildings, two chillers, two boilers, and several outbuildings. 7 lnitially identified in Order No. 15556's Appendix A as Rule 4(a), the Commercial building requirements were ultimately promulgated as Master-Metering Rule 103. (IDAPA 8l.P.U.C No. 29, Tariff 101, Rule B (Definitions) provides that "Primary Service is service taken at '12.5 kilovolts (kV) to 34.5 kV. Customers taking Primary Service are responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used by the Customer." e Rule B defines Point of Delivery as "the junction point between the facilities owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the Customer; OR the Point at which the Company's lines first become adjacent to the Customer's property; OR as otherwise specified in the Company's tariff." COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 ln 2015, HP contacted ldaho Power regarding options to serve a tenant, Sykes Enterprises ("Sykes"), that was unaffiliated with HP. ldaho Power informed HP of the Rules and the Company subsequently installed a second primary metering package to serve Building 8, which was being leased to Sykes. The Company's POD for that service was the same location as the existing POD; ldaho Power installed the necessary metering equipment at the POD and HP installed and maintained the distribution equipment beyond that POD necessary to provide service to Sykes. !n accordance with section 5 of Rule C of ldaho Power's tariff, the service provided to Building 8 is not interconnected electrically to any other building on the premises. Today, ldaho Power continues to provide primary service to the Campus through the two above-described primary meters, with each POD located at ldaho Power's HPKD substation next to the Campus on Cloverdale Road. Buildings 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, and 7 and associated chiller units are served by the original primary meter and Building 8 is served by a second primary meter. The buildings are also served by a complex network of heating and cooling facilities. Please see Attachment 1 tor a map of the Campus and its current tenants. Through its discussions with the IDOA, and review of information provided to the Commission in IDOA's Petition, the Company is now aware that there are currently several entities leasing space at the Campus. All entities leasing space at the Campus currently pay for their electric service through their commercial leases rather than directly paying ldaho Power. The Company does not have the detailed energy usage information by individual lessee (other than Sykes, for which it has the separate meter) that would be necessary to fully evaluate the applicability of Master-Metering Rule 103, but understands that the tenants have individual control of at least a portion of their energy use. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 IV. CONSTRUCTION STUDIES COST ESTIMATES ldaho Power does not currently own or maintain any electrical facilities or metering equipment beyond the PODs located near the HPKD substation. The IDOA has requested cost estimates associated with ldaho Power owning, operating, and maintaining allfacilities located on the Campus necessary to provide service to the Campus. Because the types of facilities required and ultimate funding mechanisms would differ depending on whether the Commission grants the exemption from the Rules, ldaho Power performed two construction studies to determine what would be necessary for ldaho Power to perform such a role under either scenario. Please refer to the construction studies included as Attachments 2 (Version 1) and 3 (Version 2).10 A. Version I (assumes master metering exemption is granted). This version locates the POD adjacent to the HPKD Substation, and provides the necessary configuration if the Commission grants the IDOA's request for an exemption to the Rules. ln this version, ldaho Power and the IDOA would enter an arrangement under ldaho Power's Rule M,11 Facilities Charge Service, which governs the provision of services to customers who request that the Company design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities located beyond the POD that are solely provided to meet the customer's service requirements. The IDOA would not be responsible for an upfront Contribution in Aid 10 Portions of these construction studies are exempt from disclosure under tdaho Code $ 74- 105(4)(b) because they concern critical infrastructure, the public disclosure of which would jeopardize the safety of persons, property, or the public safety. 11 l.P.U.C No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule M (Facilities Charge Service) is a voluntary service provided at the customer's request and at the option of the Company. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 7 of Construction ("CIAC"), rather it would pay an ongoing monthly facilities charge.12 ln this version, ldaho Powerestimated the IDOA's monthlyfacilities charge paymentto be $20,191. As described in greaterdetail in Section 8 of Attachment 2, this amount includes an estimate for ldaho Power to (1) install new equipment pursuant to Rule M (estimated installation cost of $1,311,508), and (2) assume ownership of certain existing facilities located at the Campus. While ldaho Power does not have a standard option to assume ownership of customer-owned equipment and provide ongoing maintenance, at the request of the IDOA, ldaho Power explored what, if any, of the existing facilities ldaho Power could reasonably and safely own, operate, and maintain going forward. After ldaho Power conducted an extensive on-site evaluation of facilities located beyond the POD currently owned, operated, and maintained bythe IDOA, the Company concluded thatthe bulk of the distribution system located at the Campus is non-standard to ldaho Power's distribution system and acquiring the IDOA's equipment would pose operational concerns for ldaho Power.l3 While ldaho Power cannot reasonably accommodate the transfer of ownership of most of the equipment on-site, it believes it can safely own, operate, and maintain the existing primary conductor serving the Campus. lf the Commission were to grant an exemption to the Rules, and the IDOA were to request that ldaho Power provide Rule M, Facilities Charge Service, ldaho Power proposes valuing the cable based on an estimated replacement cost (to be finalized 12 Under ldaho Power's Schedule 66, Miscellaneous Charges, monthly charges for Rule M facilities are determined by multiplying the monthly facilities charge rate by the Company's total investment in distribution facilities installed beyond the POD. The monthly rate depends on the rate schedule the customer takes service under, as well as the age of the facilities. For commercial customers taking primary levelservice under Rate Schedules 9 and 19, facilities installed 31 years or less are charged 1.41 percent per month and for facilities installed for more than 31 years the monthly rate is 0.59 percent. 13 Reference Section 3 of Attachment 2 for additional details. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 8 at the time of transfer), and assessing a Schedule 66 facilities charge monthly rate of 0.59 percent because the majority of the cable is believed to be over 31 years old. The Company believes, given the unique circumstances in this case, this is a reasonable and economic alternative to asking the IDOA to remove the existing cable and requiring the IDOA to fund the installation of new facilities installed by ldaho Power. B. Version 2 (No exemption required/received; individual meter points at each building). This study, found in Attachment 3, locates the POD at each building and/or each chiller at the Campus under a traditional metering arrangement where no master metering occurs.la The configuration set forth in Version 2 anticipates ldaho Power separately metering each building and chiller (11 primary meters plus a limited number of secondary metersl5) on the Campus. ln this version, facilities necessary to provide service from the HPKD substation to each POD would be installed in accordance with Rule H,16 and for facilities beyond the 11 primary meters, the State would enter into a Rule M facilities charge arrangement. The IDOA would be required to contribute an upfront CIAC for the Rule H related work (estimated at $891,081) and the remainder of necessary facilities (estimated at $837,741) would be installed pursuant to Rule M, with ldaho Power recovering the costs through an ongoing monthly facilities charge (estimated at $11,812lmonth). This version also assumes the Company would take ownership of the conductor more fully described la Version 2 envisions a single tenant in each building. lf multiple tenants occupy a building with a single meter, theoretically master metering could still exist, albeit on a small scale. ls Version 2 includes secondary meters under Schedule 95 for peripheral services such as a fire suppression pump, parking lighting, and irrigation service to maintain Campus operations. 16 |.P.U.C. No.29, Tariff No. 101, Rule H (New Service Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallations or Alterations) applies to requests for electric service...that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 9 17 IDOA Petition at 10. 18 Order No. 15556, 37 PUR 4th,119,121 COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1O above, but because the conductor would be located prior to the PODs, it would not impact the IDOA's facilities charge. The total construction cost estimate for Version 2 ($t ,728,822) is $417 ,314 higher than the estimate for Version 1 ($t,31 1 ,508). The primary difference between the two versions is attributed to the expanded scope of work stemming from the installation of individual meters described more fully in Section 8.4 of Attachment 3. IV. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS While ldaho Power has no operational preference between the two Campus configurations envisioned in the construction studies, ldaho Power continues to believe the individual metering configuration of Version 2 is optimalto achieve several regulatory considerations. lndividual metering of each building allows for: (1) adherence to the regulatory policies that underlie the Master-Metering Rules, (2) accurate billing, (3) tenant flexibility, (4) consistent treatment among customers, and (5) a direct customer relationship. ln addition to these regulatory considerations, the Company also provides a discussion related to the cost estimates from the construction studies, below. A. Underlying Premise of Master Metering As noted in the IDOA Petition,lT the Master-Metering Rules were developed to promote energy efficiency by providing control of energy use to each occupant of a multi- occupant facility. ln its Orderls establishing master metering rules, the Commission based its decision to adopt the Rules on the three premises discussed previously: customer usage behavior, direct customer relationships with the utility, and equitable charges for electricity. ln this €se, the Company does not believe these premises can be upheld without individual customers being individually metered. B. Accuracy of Billing. _ The existing Campus is billed on two separate Schedule 19 accounts, with usage for Buildings 1-7 served at one meter and usage for Building 8 served at a second meter. None of the lessees at the Campus currently are billed by ldaho Power. As the IDOA states on page 5 of its Petition: IDOA is responsible for utilities under all the assumed leases. Campus Building 8, occupied by Sykes Enterprises, lncorporated, is separately metered; however, the tenant is not required to pay for electrical service by the assumed lease unless its use exceeds a usage cap specified in the lease. Under the Campus Building 8 lease, IDOA is also responsible for supply of heating and air conditioning to the building sufficient to maintain an indoor air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees. ln its Petition, the IDOA cites provisions in the HP lease that require the IDOA to separate the utilities serving the HP-leased premises from the remainder of the Campus.le ln response to Staffs discovery requests, the IDOA provided a methodology for allocating ldaho Power's monthly bill among the building/tenants associated with that bill using sub- metering. The method proposed for allocating electric bills to HP appears to be based on allocations of sub-metered kilowatt-hours ("kWh").20 The IDOA believes its proposed method of bill allocation and use of sub-metering accurately reflect HP's use of electric 1s IDOA Petition at 7 20lDOA's Responses to Staff Production Request Nos. 4, 7, and 10 are included in Attachment4 to these Comments. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 service and result in a reasonable approximation of actual energy costs, as HP's use of the Campus does not differ from other users in the type of activity or hours of use.21 When determining whether the proposed sub-billing would be accurate, the Company believes it is important for the Commission to consider that Schedule 19 pricing is not based entirely on the amount of kWh consumed. The Commission-approved rate structure contained within Schedule 19P22 includes components that would not be possible to accurately allocate underthe IDOA's proposed methodology. These components include the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, and the On-Peak Demand Charge. lf energy usage patterns among the lessees are consistent, the allocation method may be a reasonable approximation of individually-metered accounts. Nonetheless, the Company believes the most accurate billing would result from individually metering each tenant (building). It is also important for the Commission to consider that if individual meters are required, the rate schedule under which each POD takes service would be subject to the applicability rules in the Company's general service schedules. Based on historical usage information provided to ldaho Power, all 11 of the primary accounts will either qualify for service under Schedule 9P or Schedule 19P.23 Additionally, Version 2 of the Construction Studies contemplates secondary metering billed under Schedule 95 would be necessary for peripheral Campus operations. 21 IDOA's Responses to Staff Production Request Nos. 7 and 10 (Attachment 4). 22 Page 4 of |.P.U.C No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Schedule 19 (Large Power Service) containing the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, and the On-Peak Demand Charge is provided as Attachment 5 to these Comments. 23 ldaho Power does not have the detailed historical energy usage information necessary to determine with certainty which rate schedules the 11 primary meters contemplated in Version 2 of the Construction Studies would qualify for. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 Billing each individual building at the appropriate rate structures will better align price of electricity with the cost of service as compared to allowing the aggregated billing under a single Schedule 19P POD. The Company has other instances of single customers taking service at more than one POD at a premise, and requires those individual PODs to qualify for the appropriate schedule. ln fact, the Company is precluded from aggregating meter readings together for purposes of billing.2a ldaho Power does not have the detailed energy usage information available to quantify the estimated impact of the billing under individual meters when compared to a single meter bill. Lastly, the Company believes it is important for the Commission to consider the potential impacts of the IDOA's inability to accurately bill HP for their usage. On page 7 of its Petition, the IDOA states: HP lnc. has a very complex Supervisory Control and Data Access (SCDA) system that meters and measures all utility use at the HP lnc. leased premises. For business confidentiality reasons, HP lnc. will not share the SCDA system or its information with IDOA. HP Inc., however will use this information in conjunction with its control of chill plant number 1 and boiler plant number 1, its BAS system controlof lighting and HVAC, and as additional information in an audit of IDOA to confirm its utility usage under its contractually required sub- metering of its leased premises. On page 9, the Petition goes on to state. The HP lnc. lease does not allow the IDOA to pass through or charge any costs related to electrical service other than the actualcharges from ldaho Power Company related to HP !nc.'s use of electricity. lf HP Inc. SCDA data does not match the IDOA invoices and an HP !nc. audit finds that IDOA overstates electric charges, the lease providesthat IDOA is required to pay the audit cosfs, which could be subsfanfta/. (Emphasis added) 2a Section 5 of Rule C requires: "where separate Points of Delivery exist for supplying service to a Customer at a single Premises or separate meters are maintained for measurement of service to a Customer at a single Premises, the meter readings will not be combined or aggregated for any purpose except for determining if the Customer's total power requirements exceed 20,000 kW.' COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY. 13 The only way to ensure HP only receives actual charges associated with HP's use of electricity is to individually meter and bill HP for its usage. C. Tenant Flexibility The IDOA's Petition states that the long-term plan for the Campus is for it to be occupied entirely by the State of ldaho and "not operated as a commercial "ctivity."2s However, on page 6 of the Petition, the IDOA also indicates that "a key issue in the Governor's and Legislature's decision to pursue a purchase of the Campus was retaining HP lnc. as a part of the Treasure Valley business community" and explains the HP lease has an initial lease term of seven years, with two renewal options each for a term of five years, for a total of 17 years. While the State's long-range plan is to fully occupy the Campus, and the IDOA asserts it currently "has no authority to lease the Campus to any private entity outside of the existing leases at the Campus,"26 these long-term plans could change over time with changes in the economy, commercial office rental and vacancy rates, tenant lease renewal decisions, and other factors. Separate metering would provide more flexibility in case the State's plans change. D. Potential Application to Other Customers While facts differ from case to case, it is possible that providing one exemption to the Master-Metering Rules may lead to additional requests for exemption from the Rules. ln another commercial setting, owners made significant energy efficiency improvements or modifications to the heating and cooling systems to remove individual tenant control, to 25 IDOA Petition at 6. 26lDOA Petition at 8. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 14 achieve the underlying goals of the Master-Metering Rules.27 The Commission has also required significant energy conservation measures to be incorporated into the initial construction of congregate residential living facilities.2s As set forth in the IDOA's discovery responses to Staffls Production Request Nos. 8 and g found in Attachment 6, the IDOA anticipates energy efficiency measures will be installed in Building 2; it does not anticipate entering into an Energy Savings Performance Contract as described in ldaho Code S 67- 5711D. lf an exemption is permitted in this case, it is important that such exemption be based on the narrow set of facts unique to this case. E. Direct Customer Relationship The direct customer relationship with the utility, described in Order No. 15556 as a premise upon which the Commission decided to adopt Master-Metering Rules, would be best achieved by individual metering of occupants. !n a direct customer relationship, ldaho Power has additionaldata about customers' individualenergy use patterns, and can assist the customer in identifying behaviors directly impacting their consumption and demand thus enabling them to make wiser choices about their future energy usage. The recording and management of hourly energy consumption data is the basis for the Company's ability to provide customers with access to detailed data about their 27 ln the Matter of the Joint Application of ldaho Power Company and Sinclair Oil Corporation for fhe Sa/e and Transfer of Ceftain Utility Owned Facilities, Case No. IPC-E-05-16, Order No. 29864 at 2. ("To comply with the spirit of the master-metering rule, Sun Valley asserts that within 60 days of transfer, it will retrofit the individual thermostats for each tenant so that each thermostat will be centrally controlled by Sun Valley.") 28 ln the Matter of the Request of Crosslngs Corporation for an Exemption for the RiverPtace Senior Living Community from Gas, Electric and Water Customer Relations Rule 9.2, IDAPA 31.C.9.2, Case No. IPC-E-91-21, Order No. 23936. ln the Mafter of the Reguesf by the City of Boise for an Exemption from the Commission's Master Metering Rule 102, IDAPA 31.26.01 102, Case No. GNR-E-94-1, Order No. 25401. ln the Mafter of the Reguesf of Orofino Retirement Properties, lnc. for an Exemption from Rule 102 of the Commlssion's Master-Metering Rulesfor Electric Utilities, Case No. \ M/P-E-96-5, Order No. 26512. ln the Matter of the Reguesf of Crossrngs Corporation for an Exemption from Rule 1 02 of the Commissrbn's Master-Metering Rules for Electric Utilities, Case No. IPC-E-96-7, Order No. 26451 . COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 15 individual energy consumption, thus enabling them to make wiser choices about their future energy usage. Daily and hourly usage data is typically validated and posted within 72 hours so that customers can use the available pre-bill information to reduce their bill by proactively managing their energy consumption. This level of data empowers customers to identify energy usage patterns and behaviors directly impacting their consumption. Buildings without individual meters will not have time-based usage history available to resolve usage questions or concerns, or to allow the IDOA to evaluate rate options like time-of-use or critical peak pricing in the future. Because Idaho Power customer service employees utilize these same tools when assisting customers, employees will not have access to detailed usage information to provide optimal information to assist the IDOA with its usage and billing inquiries. Further, in this mse, a direct relationship between Idaho Power and HP would appear to address the IDOA's lease requirement that HP be billed its actual utility costs. F. Cost Considerations. 1. lncremental Meterinq Costs: ldaho Power's construction studies estimated thatthe overall increase in construction costs for individually primary metering the Campus buildings versus modifying to use a single primary meter is approximately $417,000. As the IDOA noted on page 5 of its Petition, the leases assumed by the IDOA are expected to expire in the next two to four years, after which the State will occupy the space. For this set of occupants, the long-run benefits of COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 16 individually metered buildings-as articulated in PURPA Section 115(d)2e - are likely minimal. With renewal options, HP's lease could continue for at least 17 years from inception; the potential long-run benefits of individual metering would be more substantial. As an additional point to consider, the incremental metering costs are potentially mitigated by reductions in the costs the State would incur to implement their own SCADA or sub-metering procedures on the Campus, as well as reductions in costs the State may be subject to related to utility bill audit provisions in its HP lease. 2. Upfront costs versus onqoinq monthlv charqes: Because the funding mechanisms are different under the two versions, it is important to consider the impacts of the upfront CIAC required to be paid by the State, as well as the ongoing monthly costs associated with each version, summarized in the following table: Upfront CIAC (Rule H) Ongoing Annua!30 Charge (Rule M) Version 1 $242,292 Version 2 $891,081 $141,744 lnstallation of facilities necessary to individually meter tenants would result in estimated upfront costs to the State of $891,081 according to the Company's construction studies. But the studies also indicate that facilities charges would be lower by approximately $100,548 per year under that scenario (assuming current rates). This lower facilities charge should be taken into account when evaluating the overall financial impact of individually metering 2s ln its Order No. 15556 establishing the master metering rules, the Commission noted thatthe difficulty of measuring the benefits of fostering and maintaining direct relations between electric utilities and their customers and of equitable treatment of the ultimate consumers of electricity. Although it was "confident that in most instances the rules which we propose could survive a strict cost-benefit analysis focusing solely upon quantifiable benefits to the customer or to the utility, but we have phrased neither our rules nor our order in these terms." 37 PUR 4th 1 19, pp. 120-121 . 30 Version 1 monthly facilities charge for first 31 years is estimated at $20,191/month; Version 2 monthly facilities charge for first 31 years is estimated at $1 1,812/month. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 17 the Campus, as over the long-run the reduced facilities charge could more than offset the higher upfront costs to the State. V. CONCLUSION ldaho Power believes that its customers are best served and the intent of the Master-Metering Rules is best met by limiting exemptions from the Rules. lndividual metering allows for electricity charges to be based on actual use of the electrical system, sends appropriate price signals to customers, and allows customers to respond to those signals by employing energy efficiency or demand reduction measures. However, the Company also recognizes that there are many other factors for the Commission to consider in rendering its decision in this case. Operationally, the Company is prepared to serve the Campus as desired by the IDOA under either an individual or master-metered configuration. Should the Commission authorize an exemption from the Rules, and the IDOA desire ldaho Power to provided facilities services beyond the POD, the Company will charge for these facilities charge services and take ownership of the existing conductor in the manner described above in Version 1 of the Construction Studies unless the Commission order directs otherwise. lf it denies the IDOA's Petition for a permanent exemption, the Commission should evaluate granting the IDOA a temporary exemption from Master- Metering Rule 103 and relevant portions of ldaho Power tariff Rules C and E to allow the IDOA's current billing practices to continue until individual meters are installed as set forth in Version 2 of the Construction Studies. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 5th day of July 2018. !SA . NOR OM COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 18 Attorney for ldaho Power Company CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ! HEREBY CERTIFY that on the Sth day of July 2018 I served a true and correct copy of COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: ldaho Department of Administration _Hand Delivered Julie K. Weaver X U.S. Mail Deputy Attorney General _Overnight Mail Contracts and Administrative Law Division _FAX 954 W. Jefferson, 2nd Floor X Email iulie.weaver@aq.idaho.qov Boise, ldaho 83720-0010 Commission Staff Karl Klein Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 X Hand Delivered_ U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail_ FAXX Email karl.klein@puc.idaho.gov o Ki , Executive Assistant COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 19 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-1 8-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 xo ::=FIgEi.ootEB r -yoo otYoto=g= ox6eIZad o- = o-I U -tJuiI&I 6'5oc:lac)eI@#5FrE- RtE.nEg AEEtr99 5{so-€E- g,g 3ill *r/+ r'L l [. , \ I1;rn w- -t, !l: l$Iolo # ,i n ryLtrl iltI J ..1 ,t. rI f !-{f-1-r}- !! t t J -. tt ! t l*- I r'.':, q .l r * 'l't L \i s-s" s t',EI*$ A a / 1'-. ^l +l ,$-(!_ rr \,lwarr tt\o, a f i, TJ_., fl;r 4 t{ Eri It {":ti r" n TI o U! o () o </-) N o cO N -a =O r.(-, (Y) \o a i. .-'-l r.i,: r -idl: l-r..*#if 1 $ T -r"rl* .---fl-F G tl f,.}n. t I i' r BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 2 EIffi*o An toAcoRP companY Gonstruction Study State of ldaho Department of Admi n istration Boise, ldaho Version 1 - Point of Delivery at Hewlett Packard Substation Final Report June 22,2018 for in State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study 2018 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 TeeLe oF CoNTENTS Table of Contents List of Tables List of Appendices 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Required Upgrades to the State's Chinden Campus Electrical System - Version 1 ..... 3. l. Summary:.............. .2 .2 3.2. Rule M Facilities Charge Service Work Description:3 5 5 4. Construction Sequencing ........... 5. Regulation, Permiffing, and Other Requirements 6. Customer Requirements.................6 8. Project Funding - Rule M Cost Estimate for Monthly Facilities Charge 7 9. Estimated Schedule .............8 10. ConclusionA.,lext Steps 9 LIsT oF TABLES Table I Estimated Schedule .,............8 LIsT oF APPENDIcES Appendix A: Rule M Appendix B-1: Idaho Power Work Order Map of Substation and Campus Appendix B-2: Idaho Power Work Order Map of Campus Appendix C: Hewlett-Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing Appendix D: 5136 Vault Specifications June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page i i i ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 1. lrurnooucnoN The State of Idaho - Department of Administration ("State") requested Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") evaluate the modifications necessary for Idaho Power to own and operate the electrical system at the State's Chinden Campus (the "Project"), including the following: o What, if any, portion of the Chinden Campus' current electrical system meets Idaho Power's standards; o Requirements for redesigning the existing electrical distribution system to Idaho Power construction standards; o Requirements associated with various metering configurations; o Estimated costs for design and construction of Idaho Power electrical distribution work; o Estimated monthly amount of facilities charge service;and, o Estimatedconstructiontimeline. Idaho Power is providing two Construction Studies to the State. Version I locates the Point of Delivery (POD) at the Hewlett Packard Substation, and provides the necessary configuration, if the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") grants the State's request for an exemption to the Commission's master metering rules (Case No. IPC-E-18-08). Version 2 locates the POD at each building or chiller at the Chinden Campus, and provides the necessary configuration if the Commission does not grant the State's request in Case No. IPC-E-18-08. This Construction Study outlines the preliminary estimated costs and timeline associated with Version I and is dependent upon the Commission approving the State's request for an exemption from the Commission's master metering rules in Case No. IPC-E- 18-08. This Construction Study is not a binding offer, but rather a conceptual study completed by Idaho Power for purposes of providing the State with information relevant to the State's decision to proceed with the Project. 2. BAcKGRoUND In November 2017, the State inquired about Idaho Power assuming ownership and providing ongoing maintenance of the electrical distribution system located at the State's Chinden Campus, pursuant to Rule M of Idaho Power's Tariff. At that time, Idaho Power informed the State of the Commission's Master Metering Rules for Electric Utilities (IDAPA 31.26.01) ("Rules") and discussed Idaho Power's recommendation of requiring separate PODs at each individual customer's building to comply with the such Rules. Customers requesting load greater than I MW receive service at the primary voltage, and are responsible for providing transformation of power to the necessary voltage for use by the customer beyond the POD. Distribution facilities installed by Idaho Power, up to and including the meter at the primary service level customer's POD, are installed pursuant to the terms of Rule H of Idaho Power's Tariff (Rule H). Customers taking service at a primary voltage level may request that Idaho Power own, operate, and maintain distribution facilities located beyond the POD pursuant to Rule M. June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 1 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Customers requesting load less than I MW receive service at a secondary voltage, and all distribution facilities installed prior to the POD (including transformation facilities) are installed pursuant to Rule H. The State inquired about an exemption from the Commission's Rules and requested Idaho Power evaluate owning facilities beyond the POD if the Commission were to grant the State an exemption. While the Company does not currently have a standard option to assume ownership of customer- owned equipment and provide ongoing maintenance in exchange for the customer paying a facilities charge, Idaho Power evaluated the electrical distribution equipment at the Chinden Campus and committed to explore options for accommodating the State's request. Ultimately, the bulk of the distribution system located at the Chinden Campus is non-standard to Idaho Power's distribution system and acquiring the State's equipment would pose operational concerns for Idaho Power as further described below. However, the distribution cable and duct-vault system at the Chinden Campus is currently constructed and maintained consistent with Idaho Power's operating standards and practices. If the Commission grants the State's exemption request, Idaho Power is willing to assume ownership of the cable in exchange for the State paying a facilities charge (further described in sections 3.2 and 8). Accordingly, the remainder of this Construction Study anticipates Idaho Power taking ownership and maintenance of the equipment standard to its system. 3. ReoutRED UpcnaDES To THE STAIC'S C HINDEN CEUPUS Euecrnrcal Svsreu - Venstoru 1 At the State's request, Idaho Power is providing a proposed electrical configuration appropriate for Idaho Power to own and operate in accordance with Rule M of ldaho Power's Tariff. Rule M is attached as Appendix A to this Construction Study for the State's reference. 3.1. Summary: IIIII-IIII I Idaho Power Troublemen are on call to provide emergency response State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction June 22,2018 Page 2 Studv Version 1 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 The existing transformers and switches at the State's Chinden Campus do not meet Idaho Power standards and must be replaced for Idaho Power to provide facilities charge service. Idaho Power does not operate or maintain equipment inside of buildings and is phasing out live-front switchgear. The State's Chinden Campus distribution wiring is a delta system. The Idaho Power distribution design standard is a grounded wye system with a system neutral. Idaho Power does not use a delta distribution design system that does not contain a system neutral. Therefore, Idaho Power does not retain inventory of delta primary voltage electrical equipment like the transformers installed at the State's Chinden Campus. Idaho Power employees are trained to operate and maintain a wye standard primary voltage system. The existing primary cable at the Chinden Campus also does not meet Idaho Power's standards; however, Idaho Power is able to take ownership and re-use the cable, where possible, considering there are no operational differences between the existing cable and Idaho Power's standard cable. In addition, the existing cable conduit is properly sized and can accommodate Idaho Power's standard cable, which Idaho Power will use to replace the existing cable if failure occurs in the future. Idaho Power's proposed design (work order maps) for Version I are attached as Appendices B-1 and B-2 to this Construction Study for the State's reference. 3.2. Rule M Facilities Gharge Service Work Description: Idaho Power obtained identifring information associated with the State's switches and transformers, to be removed from the Chinden Campus, from the Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5. Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5 is attached as Appendix C to this Construction Study for the State's reference. New Idaho Power devices will be renumbered by Idaho Power. The following descriptions of work to be completed under a Rule M facilities charge arrangement start with equipment located at the substation and move clockwise through the Chinden Campus as shown on the ldaho Power work order maps (attached as Appendices B-l and B-2): t June 22,2018Stale of ldaho - Department of Adminis Construction Study Version 1 Page 3 I ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 a June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 4 Confidential E E E E n ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 4. GoIISTRUCTION SEQUENCING Cutover to the new system requires multiple isolated outages. The outages will be planned and coordinated with the State to minimize interruptions. The construction schedule will be adjusted accordingly to meet the State's request that outages are scheduled at least six months in advance to avoid interruption of service during the summer months and holidays. 5. ReculnnoN, PenmtrnNc,AND OTXEN REOUINEMENTS The metering configuration must be consistent with the outcome of the State's petition for an exemption from the Commission's Rules. If this exemption is not granted, this Version 1 Construction Study with a single POD at HPKD is not a viable option. Idaho Power will work with the State to understand the permitting necessary for the Project and, when applicable, jointly coordinate the necessary permit applications. It is also important the State understand there may be additional regulations and permitting requirements applicable to the State's facilities which are not ldaho Power's responsibility, and which could impact the estimated cost and schedule. Although Idaho Power will work with the State on permitting, it is ultimately the State's sole responsibility to understand and comply with all necessary regulations and permits. I V June22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Stud Version 1 Page 5 I tr I T ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 6. CUSToMER ReouInEMENTS If the State proceeds with Version 1, and upon Commission approval of the State's request for an exemption and Idaho Power entering into a facilities charge arrangement with the State, the State will transfer ownership of the underground duct vault and cable to Idaho Power, at no cost to ldaho Power, pursuant to an Asset Transfer Agreement to be negotiated between the State and Idaho Power. The State will also be required to provide ldaho Power with the necessary easements on the State's property to accommodate installation, operation, maintenance, alteration, relocation, upgrades, conversation, and/or removal of the facilities and equipment associated with the Project, at no cost to Idaho Power. The easements and executed Asset Transfer Agreement must be in place prior to the Project construction start date, as shown in the estimated construction schedule set forth in Section 8. In addition, the State will be responsible for other requirements associated with the Project including, but not limited to, the following: Disposing the transformers and switches that are removed by Idaho Power; Replacing damaged landscape and sidewalks; Providing and installing service wire from the buildings to the secondary side of the transformers; Verifying to Idaho Power that the State's back-up generators are isolated from back- feeding to the primary side of the transformers in accordance with applicable codes; Providing necessary access for specialized equipment (cranes, line beds, cable pulling equipment, etc.); Allowing Idaho Power to provide a parallel Idaho Power lock, in addition to the State's lock, on enclosures containing Idaho Power equipment; and, Coordinating and communicating outage information with the State's Chinden Campus tenants. 7. CouPLExrnES U ttxttowNs AN D Assutvt PTToNS Idaho Power prepared the cost estimate associated with this Version I Construction Study in accordance with the upgrades outlined in Section 3. The cost estimate is conceptual in nature and does not represent a refined engineering design; as a result, the final configuration and costs may change. Factors that may contribute to such changes in configuration and cost include, but are not limited to: r The estimates are based on ldaho Power's construction study estimating tools and not a detailed design estimate; o Contingencies have not been added and are commonly as high as 30Yo; o Exact locations of meters and transformers have not been determined; o ldaho Power will likely contract this work and, given the current economy, contractor bids could escalate substantially; State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 June 22,2018 o T a a a a a a a Page 6 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 . Commodity markets have at various times exhibited significant price volatility which could impact material and salvage values; o Additional equipment to ensure the State's back-up generators are isolated from back- feeding to the primary side of the transformers is not included; . Adders to account for crews working non-standard hours to minimize impact of outages on tenants are not included; and, o Salvage value of removed cable has not been included - salvage value, if any, will be determined at the time of cable removal and adjusted to cover removal costs. 8. PnotEcr Futtorttc - RuLe M Cosr ESnMATE FoR Mournly FecrrnEs CHARGE At the State's request, Idaho Power completed a facilities charge estimate in accordance with Rule M whereby Idaho Power owns, operates and maintains distribution facilities located beyond the POD in exchange for the State paying a monthly facilities charge. If Idaho Power and the State enter into a Rule M arrangement, the State's estimated monthly facilities charge payment is $20,191 . This includes an estimate for Idaho Power to ( 1) install new equipment pursuant to Rule M and (2) assume ownership of certain existing facilities located at the Chinden Campus (the cable described in Section 2). 1. New Equipment: Idaho Power estimates new equipment installation pursuant to Rule M in the approximate amount of 51,311,508, which would result in a 518,492 monthly payment (the facilities charge rate for all new equipment equals l.4lo of the initial investment cost). 2. Existine Cable: If the Commission grants the State an exemption from its Rules, Idaho Power proposes the monthly facilities charge be based on the replacement value of the existing cable, currently estimated at$287,887. Also, because most of the existing cable has been in service for over 3l years, Idaho Power also proposes assessing the facilities charge rate of 0.59Yo against the value of the cable. Under this arrangement, the estimated monthly payment for the existing cable would be $ 1,699. The actual facilities charge will be based on Idaho Power's average unit price for the replacement value of new cable at the time Idaho Power takes ownership of the cable. In exchange for ldaho Power owning, operating, and maintaining the distribution system located beyond the POD, the State's total estimated monthly payment is $20,191 ($18,492+ S1,699). This is only an estimate and the State's monthly facilities charge under Rule M will be based on the actual cost of the facilities installed. As part of this fee, Idaho Power's commitment to owning, operating, and maintaining these facilities serves the State by providing specific benefits. In the event of an outage, the State will have 24/7 access to knowledgeable and experienced experts to quickly identify and resolve issues associated with the facilities. Idaho Power maintains an inventory of commonly used equipment, including transformers, to ensure the State's electric service is quickly restored in the event of an outage. Additionally, Idaho Power completes periodic and routine detailed visual inspection and thermal scanning of equipment beyond the POD to ensure the electrical equipment serving the June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 7 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 State operates effectively. This proactively identifies maintenance needs before an unexpected outage occurs. The State has the choice to install, own, and maintain its own electrical equipment beyond the primary meter, similar to how HP historically arranged the campus. However, Idaho Power does not maintain or provide emergency response to customer-owned equipment. Idaho Power has made considerable efforts to estimate the costs of the necessary upgrades; however, it is important the State understand that because Idaho Power intends to contract the work, costs associated with the new facilities can vary substantially depending on numerous factors including, but not limited to, current inventory cost, contractor availability, and work load. The below Estimated Schedule is dependent upon the State entering into a Facilities Charge Service arrangement with ldaho Power pursuant to Rule M. Table 1 outlines an Estimated Schedule for design, material procurement, and construction. The schedule allows for six (6) months of outage coordination between award of the contract and construction per the State's request. If the State desires to compress the outage coordination schedule, an earlier completion date may be achieved. Table I Estimated Schedule Timeline Milestones Start Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week I 5 10 ll t6 22 22-46 46 52 54 State and Idaho Power agree to and sign Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form Scope Design start Order long lead material Design complete Request for bids for contract construction Award contract construction Outage coordination with the State Construction start* Construction complete Commissioning complete *Construction start date may be earlier depending on outage coordination State of ldaho - Department of Admini June 22,2018 Page 8 stration Construction Study Version 1 Confidential 9. Esnuereo ScHeoule ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 The above Estimated Schedule is an estimate only based on a conceptual design and is therefore subject to change and not warranted or guaranteed by ldaho Power. 10. CoNcLusroru/Nexr Sreps Following are the next steps required to move forward with the Project under this Version I (which would occur if the Commission approves the State's petition for an exemption from the Commission's Rules in Case No. IPC-E-18-08): The State confirms its intent to move forward with the Project; Idaho Power and the State enter a Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form; o Idaho Power and the State enter an Asset Transfer Agreement. Unless and until a Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form is entered between the State and Idaho Power, neither party has any legal obligations, express or implied, related to this Project. Melanie Pinkston, will serve as the State's Major Customer Representative and point of contact to begin the Rule M process. She can be reached at (208) 388-5595, or mpinkston@idahopower.com. Please do not hesitate to contact Melanie with any follow up questions or clarifications. June 22,2018 a a State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 9 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Appendix A l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule M State of ldaho - Department of Administration June22,2018 Page 10 Construction Study Version 1 Confidential ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. M-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective August 24,2015 Sept.7,2015 Jean D. JewellSecretary RULE M FACILITIES CHARGE SERVICE This rule applies to eligible customers taking Primary or Transmission Service under Schedules 9, 19 or Special Contract, or Transmission Service under Schedule 24. Eligible Customers may request that the Company design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities beyond the Point of Delivery that are solely provided to meet the Customer's service requirements. This service is provided at the Customer's request and at the option of the Company in exchange for the Customer paying a monthly facilities charge to the Company. Primary and Transmission Service level Customers not taking facilities charge services are responsible for providing the transformation of power beyond the Point of Delivery needed to meet the Customer's service requirements. See Rule B. 1. Companv-Owned Facilities Bevond the Point of Deliverv Under a facilities charge arrangement, the Company will own and operate facilities beyond the Point of Delivery that are installed to solely benefit the Customer, and the Customer will pay a monthly facilities charge to the Company based on a percentage of the initial investment cost of the facilities installed. As part of this arrangement, the Customer agrees to allow ldaho Power access to the Customer's property to provide installation of facilities, operation and maintenance, alteration, relocation, upgrade, conversion, and/or removal in order to meet the Customer's service requirements. The Customer agrees to provide rights-of-way as outlined in Rule C. Company-owned facilities beyond the Point of Delivery will be set forth in a Distribution Facilities lnvestment Report (DFl) provided to the Customer. As the Company's investment in facilities beyond the Point of Delivery changes in order to meet the Customer's service requirements, the Company shall notify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer a revised DFl. The Company will also adjust the monthly facilities charge to be paid by the Customer based on any increase or decrease in the investment cost of the Company-owned facilities resulting from additions and/or deletions as set forth in the revised DFI. 2. Alteration and Failure of Companv-Owned Facilities ln the event the Customer requests the Company to alter (remove, reinstall, or change) Company-owned facilities beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvable cost" of such removal, reinstallation, or change. Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprised of the total depreciated costs of materials, labor, and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between the salvable cost of material removed, and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs. Failed equipment will be replaced by the Company as part of providing ongoing operation and maintenance of Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery. When a failed piece of equipment is replaced by the Company, the initial investment cost of the failed piecq of equipment will be removed from the Customer's DFI and replaced with the investment cost of the new piece of equipment to calculate the Customer's monthly facilities charge. IDAHO lssued - August 7,2015 Effective - September 7, 2015 Advice No. 15-09 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. M-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveJune22,2O16 July 16,2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary RULE M FACILITI ES E SERVICE 3. Sale of Companv-Owned Facilities Customers paying a facilities charge may request to purchase Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery. All sales of facilities must meet the following provisions: No mixed ownership of facilities. A Customer purchasing Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery must purchase all facilities listed on the DFI for that location. The Customer must provide the operation and maintenance of all facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery after the sale is complete. The Customer must prepay engineering costs for sales determinations taking greater than 16 estimated hours of preparation. Sales determinations equal to or less than 16 estimated hours of preparation will be billed to the Customer as part of the sales agreement, or after the engineering is completed in instances where the sale is not finalized. The factors set forth in ldaho Code $ 61-328(3) will be considered as a guide for the sale of Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to the customer served by those facilities. All sales shall be brought before the Commission, whether as an application or other informal procedure. 4. Monthlv Facilities Charqe Rate Effective January 1,2012, a facilities charge, as specified in Schedule 66, will be assessed on each facilities charge customer's monthly billing. 5. Consent and Acknowledoe Form Prior to entering into a facilities charge arrangement, the Customer and Company must agree to and sign the Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form attached to this rule. a b c. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33514 Effective - July 16, 2016 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. M-3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 5,2012 March 24,2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary RULE M FACI LITI ES CHARGE SERVICE ldaho Power Companv Facilities Charqe Service Consent and Acknowledoement Form By signing this form, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") and ("Customer") hereby consent to and acknowledge the following: 1. ldaho Power will design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities on the Customer's property which are beyond ldaho Power's Point of Delivery and are solely provided to meet the Customer's service requirements at the following Customer location: 2. This service is provided at the Customer's request and at the option of ldaho Power in exchange for the Customer paying a monthly facilities charge to ldaho Power as specified in Schedule 66 of ldaho Power's current and effective tariff. 3. ldaho Power and the Customer agree that this arrangement is provided under the terms and conditions of Rule M, Facilities Charge Service, of ldaho Power's current and effective tariff. IDAHO POWER COMPANY CUSTOMER PRINT NATUE PRINT NAME TITLE TITLE IDAHO lssued - February 24,2012 Effective - March 24,2012 Advice No. 12-04 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Dated: ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Appendix B-l ldaho Power Work Order Map of Substation and Campus June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 1 1 APPENDIX B.1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S WORK ORDER MAP OF SUBSTATION AND GAMPUS IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER IDAHO CODE S 74-1 05(4XB) BECAUSE IT CONCERNS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF WHICH WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF PERSONS, PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Appendix B-2 ldaho Power Work Order Map of Campus State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 June 22,2018 Page 12 Confidential APPENDIX B.2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S WORK ORDER MAP OF CAMPUS IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER IDAHO CODE S 74-1 05(4XB) BECAUSE tT CONCERNS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, THE PUBLIG DISGLOSURE OF WHIGH WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF PERSONS, PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Appendix C Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5 June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 13 APPENDIX C HEWLETT PAGKARD SITE POWER DISTRIBUTION DRAWING IS EXEMPT FROM DtsclosuRE UNDER TDAHO CODE S 74- 105(4XB) BECAUSE rT GONCERNS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF WHICH WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF PERSONS, PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 'l Appendix D 51 36 Vault Specifications State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 June 22,2018 Page 14 Confidential 66-05-10 Revised 07/17 Underground 5136 Vault The 5 136 vault (approx. 5' x l3' t 6' high) is used as a basement for padmounted equipment when it needs to be larger than the 5l15. Several 5136 pads are available for common applications and custom pads can be designed for unusual applications. Contact Methods & Materials for assistance. Cat. lD Description Traffic Rating Weight CU Code 462',t4 47308 VLT CNRT 5136 BASE SECTION PAD CNRT 5136 F/PME WHATCH HS25 19,800|bs nla 700 lbs DVs1368 DVs't36P27 Typical 5136 Pad B" 5136 Vault Cat. lD 46214 lnside Height 166"'. 1 66" 60" x 64' Opening Pad is S" Thick 5136 Pad for PME Switchgear Weight = 5,400 lbs Cat. lD 47637 \\\\-*-/ 78"70" 70 Vaults &ffi* ,-l @-otx6 @! ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 This page left blank intentionally June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 1 Page 1 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 3Effi* An toAcoRP company Construction Study for State of ldaho Department of Admi n istration in Boise, ldaho Version 2 - Point of Delivery at Each Building and Ghiller Final Report June 22,2018 State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study 2018 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 TaaLe oF CoNTENTS Table of Contents.. List of Tables........ List of Appendices 2. Background 3. Required Upgrades to the State's Chinden Campus Electrical System - Version 2 3.1 . Summarv: 3.2. Rule M Facilities Charge Service Work Description: ................. 3.3. Rule H New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or A lterations Work Description : 4. Construction Sequencing 5. Regulation, Permitting, and Other Requirements 6. Customer Requirements................ 7. Complexities, Unknowns and Assumptions....... 8. Estimated Costs 8.1 . Project Funding........... ....2 1. lntroduction .3 .J ,4 .4 .5 .6 .8 .8 .8 ..9 ...............9 8.3. Rule H New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations Estimate: 8.4. Comparison to Version I 9. Estimated Schedule 10. Conclusions/Next Steps 8.2. Rule M Facilities Services Charge Estimate o................ , .................. I 0 ....... .. . . .. ..... 1 1 ..................1 1 .......... ........ 1 1 ..................12 June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 1 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 LIsT oF TABLES Table I Estimated Schedule LIsT oF APPENDIcES Appendix A: Rule M Appendix B: Rule H Appendix C: Idaho Power Work Order Map Appendix D: Hewlett-Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing Appendix E: 5136 Vault Specifications State of ldaho - Depadment of Administ Construction Study Version 2 12 June 22,2018 Page 2 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 1 lrurRoouc The State of Idaho - Department of Administration ("State") requested Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") evaluate the modifications necessary for Idaho Power to own and operate the electrical system at the State's Chinden Campus (the "Project"), including the following: o What, if any, portion of the Chinden Campus' current electrical system meets Idaho Power's standards; o Requirements for redesigning the existing electrical distribution system to ldaho Power construction standards; o Requirements associated with various metering configurations; o Estimated costs for design and construction of Idaho Power electrical distribution work; o Estimated monthly amount of facilities charge service; and, o Estimatedconstructiontimeline. Idaho Power is providing two Construction Studies to the State. Version 1 locates the Point of Delivery (POD) at the Hewlett Packard Substation, and provides the necessary configuration, if the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") grants the State's request for an exemption to the Commission's master metering rules (Case No. IPC-E-18-08). Version 2 locates the POD at each building or chiller at the Chinden Campus, and provides the necessary configuration if the Commission does not grant the State's request in Case No. IPC-E-18-08. This Construction Study outlines the preliminary costs and timelines associated with Version 2. This study is not a binding offer, but rather a conceptual study completed by ldaho Power for purposes of providing the State with information relevant to the State's decision to proceed with the Project. 2. BncxGRoUND In November 2017, the State inquired about Idaho Power assuming ownership and providing ongoing maintenance of the electrical distribution system located at the State's Chinden Campus, pursuant to Rule M of Idaho Power's Tariff. At that time, Idaho Power informed the State of the Commission's Master Metering Rules for Electric Utilities (IDAPA 31.26.01) ("Rules") and discussed Idaho Power's recommendation of requiring separate PODs at each individual customer's building to comply with the such Rules. Customers requesting load greater than I MW receive service at the primary voltage, and are responsible for providing transformation of power to the necessary voltage for use by the customer beyond the POD. Distribution facilities installed by Idaho Power, up to and including, the meter at the primary service level customer's POD, are installed pursuant to the terms of Rule H of Idaho Power's Tariff (Rule H). Customers taking service at a primary voltage level may request that June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 3 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Depa(ment of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Idaho Power own, operate, and maintain distribution facilities located beyond the POD pursuant to Rule M. Customers requesting load less than I MW receive service at a secondary voltage, and all distribution facilities installed prior to the POD (including transformation facilities) are installed pursuant to Rule H. The configuration set forth in this Construction Study (Version 2) anticipates Idaho Power will separately meter each building and chiller (l I total) located on the State's Chinden Campus. This configuration allows every tenant on the Chinden Campus to be individually metered by Idaho Power. For those buildings taking service at a primary voltage, the State requested ldaho Power design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities beyond the POD that are solely dedicated to the State's service requirements. Facilities located beyond each POD are installed pursuant to Rule M of Idaho Power's Tarifl and facilities located up to each POD are installed in accordance with Rule H of Idaho Power's tariff. Rules H and M are attached as Appendices A and B respectively for the State's reference 3. ReQUIRED UPCNADES TO THE STATE,S GNIruOEN CAMPUS ElecrRrcAL Svsreu - VenstoN 2 At the State's request, Idaho Power is providing a proposed electrical configuration appropriate for Idaho Powerto own and operate in accordance with Rules H and M of Idaho Power's Tariff. A description of the proposed work is broken out below by the applicable Rules. 3.1. Summary: I Troublemen are on call to provide emergency response State of ldaho - Depa June22,2018 Page 4 rtment of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 The existing transformers and switches at the Chinden Campus do not meet Idaho Power standards and must be replaced for Idaho Power to provide facilities charge service. Idaho Power does not operate ormaintain equipment inside of buildings and is phasing out live-front switchgear. The State's Chinden Campus distribution wiring is a delta system. The Idaho Power distribution design standard is a grounded wye system with a system neutral. Idaho Power does not use a delta distribution design system that does not contain a system neutral. Therefore, Idaho Power does not retain inventory of delta primary voltage electrical equipment like the transformers installed at the State's Chinden Campus. Idaho Power employees are trained to operate and maintain a wye standard primary voltage system. The existing primary cable at the Chinden Campus also does not meet Idaho Power's standards; however, Idaho Power is able to take ownership and re-use the cable, where possible, considering there are no operational differences between the existing cable and Idaho Power's standard cable. In addition, the existing cable conduit is properly sized and can accommodate Idaho Power's standard cable, which Idaho Power will use to replace the existing cable if failure occurs in the future. Idaho Power's proposed design (work order map) for Version 2 is attached as Appendix C to this Construction Study for the State's reference. 3.2. Rule M Facilities Charge Service Work Description: Idaho Power obtained identifying information associated with the State's switches and transformers, to be removed from the Chinden Campus, from the Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5. Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5 is attached as Appendix D to this Construction Study for the State's reference. New Idaho Power devices will be renumbered by ldaho Power. The following descriptions of work to be completed under a Rule M facilities charge arrangement start with equipment located at the substation and move clockwise through the Chinden Campus as shown on the ldaho Power work order map (attached as Appendix C): a June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 5 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 ; I I T 3.3. Rule H New Service Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallations or Alterations Work Description: The following descriptions of work to be completed under a Rule H distribution facilities arrangement start with equipment located at the substation and move clockwise through the Chinden Campus as shown on the Idaho Power work order maps (attached as Appendix C). a I State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 June 22,2018 Page 6 Confidential I ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 a T - June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 7 I T I I ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 4. CoIISTRUCTION SEQUENCTNG Cutover to the new system requires multiple isolated outages. The outages will be planned and coordinated with the State to minimize interruptions. The construction schedule will be adjusted accordingly to meet the State's request that outages are scheduled at least six months in advance to avoid interruption of service during the summer months and holidays. 5. ReculenoN, PenmrnNc, AND Ornen REQUTREITIENIS As described above, the State's metering configuration must be consistent with the Commission's Rules without need for an exemption. Idaho Power will work with the State to understand the permitting needs specific to the Project and, when applicable, jointly coordinate the necessary permit applications. It is also important the State understand there may be additional regulations and permitting requirements applicable to the State's facilities which are not Idaho Power's responsibility, and which could impact the estimated cost and schedule. Although Idaho Power will work with the State on permitting, it is the State's sole responsibility to understand and comply with all necessary regulations and permits. 6. GusromeR ReouInEMENTS If the State proceeds with Version 2, the State will transfer ownership of the underground duct vault and cable to Idaho Power, at no cost to Idaho Power, pursuant to an Asset Transfer Agreement to be negotiated between the State and Idaho Power. The State will also be required to provide Idaho Power with the necessary easements on the State's property to accommodate installation, operation, maintenance, alteration, relocation, upgrades, conversation, and/or removal of the facilities and equipment associated with the Project, at no cost to Idaho Power. The easements and executed Asset Transfer Agreement must be in place prior to the Project construction start date,as shown in the estimated construction schedule set forth in Section 8 In addition, the State will be responsible for other requirements associated with the Project including, but not limited to, the following: Disposing the transformers and switches that are removed by ldaho Power; State of ldaho - Department of Administratio'l lqry!ry ligq Study Version 2 June 22,2018 o a I a Page 8 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 o Replacing damaged landscape and sidewalks; o Providing and installing service wire from the buildings to the secondary side of the transformers; . Verifying to ldaho Power that the State's back-up generators are isolated from back- feeding to the primary side of the transformers in accordance with applicable codes; o Providing necessary access for specialized equipment (cranes, line beds, cable pulling equipment, etc.); o Allowing Idaho Power to provide a parallel Idaho Power lock, in addition to the State's lock, on enclosures containing Idaho Power equipment; and, r Coordinating and communicating outage information with the State's Chinden Campus tenants. 7. CoUIpLEXITIES. UNKNoWNS AND Ass UMPTIONS Idaho Power prepared the cost estimate associated with this Version 2 Construction Study in accordance with the upgrades outlined in Section 3. The cost estimate is conceptual in nature and does not represent a refined engineering design; as a result, the final configuration and costs may change. Factors that may contribute to such changes in configuration and cost include, but are not limited to: a a o a a a a a a 8. The estimates are based on Idaho Power's construction study estimating tools and not detailed design estimate; Contingencies have not been added and are commonly as high as 30%o; Exact locations of meters and transformers have not been determined; Idaho Power will likely contract this work and, given the current economy, contractor bids could escalate substantially; Commodity markets have at various times, exhibited significant price volatility which could impact material and salvage values; Additional equipment to ensure the State's back-up generators are isolated from back- feeding to the primary side of the transformers is not included; Adders to account for crews working non-standard hours to minimize impact of outages on tenants are not included; Salvage value of removed cable has not been included - salvage value, if any, will be determined at the time of cable removal and adjusted to cover removal costs; and, If Rule H work exceeds $1,000,000, a tax gross-up rate of l9%o will be applied. EsnmarED Cosrs 8.1. Project Funding The facilities necessary to complete the Project are classified as either facilities charge services (Rule M), see attached Appendix A, or distribution facilities (Rule H) see attached Appendix B. Pursuant to the regulatory requirements of Idaho Power's Tariff, these two classifications require the following distinct funding: June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Studv Version 2 Page 9 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Facilities charge services (Rule M): under a facilities charge arrangement, Idaho Power will own and operate facilities beyond the POD that are installed to solely benefit the State, and the State will pay a monthly facilities charge to Idaho Power based on a percentage of the initial investment cost of the facilities installed. o o Distribution facilities (Rule H): the State is responsible for funding distribution facilities pursuant to the terms of Rule H of ldaho Power's Tariff. The State must initiate the Rule H design process by submitting a service request to Idaho Power. Following receipt of the service request, Idaho Power will design the distribution facilities necessary for the Project. Upon completion of final design, Idaho Power will provide the State with a firm cost quote for the distribution facilities ("Rule H Cost Quote") refining the distribution facility estimates listed in the Cost Estimate Table. Upon receipt of the Rule H Cost Quote, the State will have 60 days to execute the Rule H Cost Quote and submit a purchase order as a promise of payment for the full amount of the work. 8.2. Rule M Facilities Services Gharge Estimate: At the State's request, Idaho Power completed a facilities charge estimate in accordance with Rule M whereby ldaho Power owns, operates and maintains distribution facilities located beyond the POD in exchange for the State paying a monthly facilities charge. If Idaho Power and the State enter into a Rule M arrangement, the State's estimated monthly facilities charge payment is S I I ,812 based on an estimated installation cost of $837,741 for the facilities described in Section 2.1). The facilities charge rate for all new equipment equals l.4lo/o of the initial investment cost. The above monthly payment is only an estimate as the State's monthly facilities charge under Rule M will be based on the actual cost of the facilities installed. As part of this fee, Idaho Power's commitment to owning, operating, and maintaining these facilities serves the State by providing specific benefits. In the event of an outage, the State will have 2417 access to knowledgeable and experienced experts to quickly identify and resolve issues associated with the facilities. Idaho Power maintains an inventory of commonly used equipment, including transformers, to ensure the State's electric service is quickly restored in the event of an outage. Additionally, Idaho Power completes periodic and routine detailed visual inspection and thermal scanning of equipment beyond the POD to ensure the electrical equipment serving the State operates effectively. This proactively identifies maintenance needs before an unexpected outage occurs. The State has the choice to install, own, and maintain its own electrical equipment beyond the primary meter, similar to how HP historically arranged the campus. However, Idaho Power does not maintain or provide emergency response to customer-owned equipment. Idaho Power has made considerable efforts to estimate the costs of the necessary upgrades; however, it is important the State understand that because Idaho Power intends to contract the work, costs associated with the new facilities can vary substantially depending on numerous factors including, but not limited to, current inventory cost, contractor availability, and work load. State of ldaho - Departmq June 22,2018 Page 10 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 8.3. Rule H New Service Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallations or Alterations Estimate: The preliminary estimated cost for distribution facilities required to upgrade the State's Chinden Campus, as described in Section 3.3, is S891,081. This estimated cost factors in Idaho Power using as much of the existing cable as possible. Upon completion of final design, Idaho Power will provide the State with a Rule H Cost Quote for the necessary distribution facilities ("Rule H Cost Quote"). The State will be required to fund the Rule H Cost Quote prior to Idaho Power beginning construction of the upgrades. Idaho Power will contract the work associated with upgrading the electrical system at the State's Chinden Campus. The pricing for contracting work can vary substantially depending on contractor availability and work load. 8.4. Comparison to Version 1: The total estimate for Version 2 (51,728,822) is S417,314 higher than the estimate for Version I ($ 1 ,3 I 1 ,508). This difference is attributed to several items: a a The scope of work is different for the two versions. Version 2 material costs are $341,400 higher than the Version 1 material costs due to several differences, primarily driven by: the cost of 7 primary meter packages, two additional 500 KVA transforrners, and 2,000 additional feet of l/0 Al triplex cable. Version 2 also has 140 additional feet of trenched power cable conduit, three additional 3-phase sectors, and two additional 4-way pad mount switches. The labor for Version 2 is $47,700 higher than Version I due to the increased scope of work. 9. EsnmerED ScHEDULE The below Estimated Schedule is dependent upon the State entering into a Facilities Charge Service arrangement with Idaho Power pursuant to Rule M and signing the Rule H cost quote. Table 1 outlines an Estimated Schedule for design, material procurement, and construction. The schedule allows for six months of outage coordination between award of the contract and construction per the State's request. If the State desires to compress the outage coordination schedule, an earlier completion date may be achieved. State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 June 22,2018 Page 1 1 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Table I Estimated Schedule Timeline Milestones Start Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week I 5 l0 ll l6 22 22-46 46 52 54 State and ldaho Power agree to and sign Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form and the State signs and funds a Rule H Cost Quote Scope Design start Order long lead material Design complete Request for bids for contract construction Award contract construction Outage coordination with the State Construction start* Construction complete Commissioning complete *Construction start date may be earlier depending on outage coordination The above Estimated Schedule is an estimate only based on a conceptual design, and is therefore subject to change and not warranted or guaranteed by ldaho Power. 10. Cottclusto NS/NExr Sreps Following are the next steps required to move forward with the Project under this Version 2 (which would occur if the Commission does not approve the State's petition for an exemption from the Commission's Rules in Case No. IPC-E-18-08): The State confirms its intent to move forward with the Project; Idaho Power and the State enter a Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form; Idaho Power provides the State with a Rule H Cost Quote and the State signs and funds the same; Idaho Power and the State enter an Asset Transfer Agreement. Stateofldaho-DepartmentofAdministratio@rsion2 June 22,2018 a a a a Page 12 Confidential ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Unless and until a Rule M Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form is entered between the State and Idaho Power and a Rule H cost quote is signed by the State, neither party has any legal obligations, express or implied, related to this Project. Melanie Pinkston, will serve as the State's Major Customer Representative and point of contact to begin the Rule M process. She can be reached at (208) 388-5595, or mpinkston@idahopower.com. Please do not hesitate to contact Melanie with any follow up questions or clarifications. June 22,2018State of ldaho - Deoartment of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 13 ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Appendix A l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule M Stateofldaho-DepartmentofAdministratio@rsion2 June 22,2018 Page 14 Confidential ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. M-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective August 24,2015 Sept.7,2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary RULE M FACILITIES CHARGE SERVICE This rule applies to eligible customers taking Primary or Transmission Service under Schedules 9, 19 or Special Contract, or Transmission Service under Schedule 24. Eligible Customers may request that the Company design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities beyond the Point of Delivery that are solely provided to meet the Customer's service requirements. This service is provided at the Customer's request and at the option of the Company in exchange for the Customer paying a monthly facilities charge to the Company. Primary and Transmission Service level Customers not taking facilities charge services are responsible for providing the transformation of power beyond the Point of Delivery needed to meet the Customer's service requirements. See Rule B. 1. Companv-Owned Facilities Bevond the Point of Deliverv Under a facilities charge arrangement, the Company will own and operate facilities beyond the Point of Delivery that are installed to solely benefit the Customer, and the Customer will pay a monthly facilities charge to the Company based on a percentage of the initial investment cost of the facilities installed. As part of this arrangement, the Customer agrees to allow ldaho Power access to the Customer's property to provide installation of facilities, operation and maintenance, alteration, relocation, upgrade, conversion, and/or removal in order to meet the Customer's service requirements. The Customer agrees to provide rights-of-way as outlined in Rule C. Company-owned facilities beyond the Point of Delivery will be set forth in a Distribution Facilities lnvestment Report (DFl) provided to the Customer. As the Company's investment in facilities beyond the Point of Delivery changes in order to meet the Customer's service requirements, the Company shall notify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer a revised DFl. The Company will also adjust the monthly facilities charge to be paid by the Customer based on any increase or decrease in the investment cost of the Company-owned facilities resulting from additions and/or deletions as set forth in the revised DFI. 2. Alteration and Failure of Companv-Owned Facilities ln the event the Customer requests the Company to alter (remove, reinstall, or change) Company-owned facilities beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvable cost" of such removal, reinstallation, or change. Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprised of the total depreciated costs of materials, labor, and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between the salvable cost of material removed, and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs. Failed equipment will be replaced by the Company as part of providing ongoing operation and maintenance of Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery. When a failed piece of equipment is replaced by the Company, the initial investment cost of the failed piece of equipment will be removed from the Customer's DFI and replaced with the investment cost of the new piece of equipment to calculate the Customer's monthly facilities charge. IDAHO lssued - August 7,2015 Effective - September 7,2015 Advice No. 15-09 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-2 Cancels IDAHo pUBLlc UTILITIES couMlsstoN LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. M-2 Approved Effective June 22,2016 July 16, 2016 Jean D. JewellSecretary RULE M FACILITIES CHARGE SERVICE 3. Sale of Companv-Owned Facilities Customers paying a facilities charge may request to purchase Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery. All sales of facilities must meet the following provisions: No mixed ownership of facilities. A Customer purchasing Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery must purchase all facilities listed on the DFI for that location. The Customer must provide the operation and maintenance of all facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery after the sale is complete. The Customer must prepay engineering costs for sales determinations taking greater than 16 estimated hours of preparation. Sales determinations equal to or less than 16 estimated hours of preparation will be billed to the Customer as part of the sales agreement, or after the engineering is completed in instances where the sale is not finalized. The factors set forth in ldaho Code $ 61-328(3) will be considered as a guide for the sale of Company-owned facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to the customer served by those facilities. All sales shall be brought before the Commission, whether as an application or other informal procedure. 4. Monthlv Facilities Charqe Rate Effective January 1, 2012, a facilities charge, as specified in Schedule 66, will be assessed on each facilities charge customer's monthly billing. 5. Consent and Acknowledge Form Prior to entering into a facilities charge arrangement, the Customer and Company must agree to and sign the Facilities Charge Service Consent and Acknowledgement Form attached to this rule. a b c. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33514 Effective - July 16, 2016 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. M-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. M-3 !DAHO PUBLIC UT!LITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective March 5,2012 March 24,2012 Jean D. JewellSecretary RULE M FACILITIES CHARGE SERVICE ldaho Power Companv Facilities Charqe Service Consent and Acknowledoement Form By signing this form, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") and ("Customer") hereby consent to and acknowledge the following: 1. ldaho Power will design, install, own, and operate transformers and other facilities on the Customer's property which are beyond ldaho Power's Point of Delivery and are solely provided to meet the Customer's service requirements at the following Customer location: 2. This service is provided at the Customer's request and at the option of ldaho Power in exchange for the Customer paying a monthly facilities charge to ldaho Power as specified in Schedule 66 of ldaho Power's current and effective tariff. 3. ldaho Power and the Customer agree that this arrangement is provided under the terms and conditions of Rule M, Facilities Charge Service, of ldaho Power's current and effective tariff. Dated IDAHO POWER COMPANY CUSTOMER PRINT NAME PRINT NAME TITLE TITLE IDAHO lssued - February 24,2012 Effective - March 24,2012 Advice No. 12-04 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Appendix B l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Rule H June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 15 ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective l{lay 21,2018 June 1,2018 Per O.N. 34046 Diane M. Hanian Secretary RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1 , 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 24, 45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. New construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilities with a Vested lnterest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or removal. Apolication is a request by an Applicant or AdditionalApplicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Companv Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line lnstallation and/or Alteration that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. lncreases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. lf, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or projectwhich will add a load greaterthan 100 kilowatts, the Companywill not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilities. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. Easement is the Company's legal right to use the real property of another for the purpose of installing or locating electric facilities. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilities that are free and clear of any Vested lnterest. ldaho Power Company 1 o nal Sheet No. RULE H NEW SERVI CE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions(Continued) Fire Protection Facilities are water pumps and other fire protection equipment, served separately from the Applicant's other electric load, which operate only for short periods of time in emergency situations and/or from time to time for testing purposes. Line lnstallation is any installation of new distribution facilities owned by the Company. Line lnstallations are exclusive of Service Attachments and eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds. Line lnstallation Allowance is the portion of the estimated cost of a Line lnstallation funded by the Company. Line.lnstallation Charqe is the partially refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever a Line lnstallation is built for that individual. Local lmprovement District is an entity created by an authorized governing body under the statutory procedures set forth in ldaho code, Title 50, Chapter 17 or ldaho Code $ 40-1322. For the purpose of Rule H, the term LID also includes Urban Redevelopment projects set forth in ldaho Gode. Title 50, Chapter 20. Mu]tip_lg. 9ccupancy Proiects are projects that are intended to be occupied by more than four owners or tenants. Examples include, but are not limited to condominiums and apartments. Point of Deliverv is the junction point between the facilities owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the customer; OR the point at which the Company's lines first become adjacent to the customer's property; OR as otherwise specified in the Company's tarffi, Prior Riqht of Occupancv is a designated area within the public road right-of-way where the Company and the Public Road Agency have agreed that the costs of the Relocation of facilities in the designated area will be borne by the Public Road Agency. For example, a Prior Right of Occupancy may be created when the Public Road Agency expands the public road right-of-way to encompass a Company Easement without compensating the Company for acquiring the Easement but the padies agree in writing that the subsequent Relocation of distribution facilities within the designated area will be borne by the Public Road Agency. Private Feneficiarv is any individual, firm or entity that provides funding for road improvements performed by a Public Road Agency or compensates the Company for the Relocation of distribution facilities as set forth in Section 10. A Private Beneficiary may include, but is not limited to, real estate developers, adjacent landowners, or existing customers of the Company. Public Road Aqengy is any state or local agency which constructs, operates, maintains or administers public road rights-of-way in ldaho, including where appropriate the ldaho Transportation Department, any city or county street department, or a highway district. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Nov.30,2009 Dec. 1,2009 Per O.N. 30955 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO lssued - November 27,20Q9 Effective - December 1, 2009 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, lD ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. H-3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 12,2012 March 15,2012 Per O.N. 32473 Jean D. JewellSecretaryRULE H NEW SERVI CE ATTACH MENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Relqcation is a change in the location of existing distribution facilities. Residence is a structure built primarily for permanent domestic dwelling. Dwellings where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges, clubs, and structures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence. Service Attachment is the interconnection between the Company's distribution system and the Applicant's or AdditionalApplicant's Point of Delivery. Standard Terminal Facilities are the overhead Terminal Facilities the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installing one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installing one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 2O0 amperage meter base. Subdivision is the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts for the purpose of transferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereon that is lawfully recognized, platted and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary Line lnstallation is a Line lnstallation for electric service of 18 calendar months or less in duration. Temporary Service Attachment is a Service Attachment to a customer-provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction. Terminal Facilities include transformer, meter, overhead service conductor, or underground conduit (where applicable). These facilities are not eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds. Underqround Service Attachment Charoe is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new underground service is required by a customer attaching to the Company's distribution system. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 32473 Effective - March 15,2012 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seventh Revised Sheet No. H-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Sixth Revised Sheet No. H-4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.26,2018 March 15,2018 Diane M. Hanian Secretary RULE H AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions(Continued) Unusual Conditions are construction conditions not normally encountered, but which the Company may encounter during construction which impose additional, project-specific costs. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: frost, landscape replacement, road compaction, pavement replacement, chip-sealing, rock digging/trenching, boring, nonstandard facilities or construction practices, and other than available voltage requirements Costs associated with unusual conditions are separately stated and are subject to refund if not encountered. lf unusual conditions are not encountered, the Company will issue the appropriate refund within 90 days of completion of the project Uoqrade is a request by a customer to increase capacity and/or size of Company-owned distribution facilities. Upgrades are eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds. Vested lnterest is the right to a refund that an Applicant or Additional Applicant holds in a specific section of distribution facilities when Additional Applicants attach to that section of d istribution facilities. Vested Interest Charqe is an amount collected from an Additional Applicant for refund to a Vested lnterest Holder. Vested lnterest Holder is an entity that has paid a refundable Line lnstallation Charge to the Company for a Line lnstallation. A Vested lnterest Holder may also be an entity that has paid a refundable charge to the Company under the provisions of a prior rule or schedule. Vested lnterest Refund is a refund payment to an existing Vested lnterest Holder resulting from a Vested lnterest Charge to an Additional Applicant. Vested lnterest Portion is that part of the Company's distribution system in which a Vested lnterest is held. Work Order Cost is a cost estimate performed by the Company for a specific request for service by an Applicant or Additional Applicant. The Work Order Cost will include general overheads of 16.62 percent. IDAHO lssued - December 29,2017 Effective - March 15,2018 Advice No. 17-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-5 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No. H-5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective March 12,2012 March 15,2412 Per O.N. 32473 Jean D. JewellSecretaryRULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued)2. General Provisions Cost lnformation. The Company will provide preliminary cost information addressing in the charges contained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary information will not be considered a formal Cost Quote and will not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather will assist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to request a formal Cost Quote. Upon receiving a request for a formal Cost Quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will be required to prepay non- refundable engineering costs to the Company. A Cost Quote will be binding in accordance with its terms. b c. Ownership. The Company will own all distribution line facilities and retain all rights to them. Riohts-of-Wav and Easements. The Company will construct, own, operate, and maintain lines only along public streets, roads, and highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of- way or easements satisfactory to the Company will be obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. Removals. The Company reserves the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been used for 1-year. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last customer of record and the owner of the property served. Propertv Specifications. Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utility easements, final construction grades, property pins and proof of ownership. Undeveloped Subdivisions. When electric service is not provided to the individual spaces or lots within a Subdivision, the Subdivision will be classified as undeveloped. Mobile Home Courts. Owners of mobile home courts will install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery. Conditions for Start of Construction. Construction of Line lnstallations and Alterations will not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriate charges to the Company. Terms of Pavment. All payments listed under this section will be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherwise. a d e. f g h IDAHO lssued per Order No. 32473 Effective - March 15,2012 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho t. ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. H-6 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION Approved Effective March 12,2012 March 15,2012 Per O.N. 32473 Jean D. JewellSecretaryRULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions (Continued) lnterest on Pavment. lf the Company does not start construction on a Line lnstallation or Alteration within 30 days after receipt of the construction payment, the Company will compute interest on the payment amount beginning on the 31st day and ending once Company construction actually begins. lnterest will be computed at the rate applicable under the Company's Rule L. lf this computation results in a value of $10.00 or more, the Company will pay such interest to the Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider. An Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider may request to delay the start of construction beyond 30 days after receipt of payment in which case the Company will not compute or pay interest. Fire Protection Facilities. The Company will provide service to Fire Protection Facilities when the Applicant pays the full costs of the Line lnstallation including Terminal Facilities, less Company Betterment. These costs are not subject to a Line lnstallation Allowance, but are eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds under Section 8.a. Customer Provided Trench Diooinq and Backfill. The Company will, at its discretion, allow an Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfill. ln a joint trench, backfill must be provided by the Company. Costs of customer- provided trench and bacKillwill be removed from or not included in the Cost Quote and will not be subject to refund. 3. Line lnstallation Charqes lf a Line lnstallation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a partially refundable Line lnstallation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Line lnstallation Allowances identified in Section 7. k L IDAHO lssued per Order No. 32473 Effective - March 15,2012 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs '1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho J. RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 4. Service Attachment Charqes a Overhead Service Attachment Charoe. lf an overhead Service Attachment is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non-refundable Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Service Attachment allowances identified in Section 7. Underqround Service Attachment Charoe. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company will determine the location and maximum length of service cable. Sinqle Phase 400 Amps or Less and Sinqle Phase Self-Contained Multiple Meter Bases 500 Amps or Less. Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus Distance charge) Base charge from:underground $ 22.00 overhead including 2" riser $573.00 overhead including 3" riser $826.00 ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. H-7 Distance charge (per foot) Company lnstalled Facilities with '1l0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.26,2018 March15,2018 Diane M. Hanian Secretary $ 10.00 $ 10.68 $ 12.82 b Customer Provided Trench & Conduit with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable ii. All Three Phase. Sinole Phase Greater than 400 Amps, and Sinqle Phase Self- $ 3.18$ 3.86$ 5.25 Contained Multiple Meter Bases Greater Than 500 Amps. lf a three phase, single phase greater than 400 amp, or single phase self- contained multiple meter base greater than 500 amp underground Service Attachment is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non- refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost. IDAHO lssued - December 29,2017 Effective - March 15,2018 Advice No. 17-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho i. ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. H-8 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eiohth Revised Sheet No. H-8 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.26,2018 March15,2018 Diane M. Hanian Secretary RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested lnterest Charqes Additional Applicants connecting to a vested portion of a Line lnstallation will pay a Vested lnterest Charge to be refunded to the Vested lnterest Holder. Additional applicants will have two payment options: Option One - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: Vested lnterest Charge = A x B x C where; A = Load Ratio: AdditionalApplicant's Connected Load divided by the sum of AdditionalApplicant's Connected Load and Vested lnterest Holder's load. B = Distance Ratio: AdditionalApplicant's distance divided by originaldistance. C = Vested lnterest Holder's unrefunded contribution Option Two - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay the current Vested lnterest, in which case the Additional Applicant will become the Vested lnterest Holder and, as such, will become eligible to receive Vested lnterest Refunds in accordance with Section 8.a. lf Option One is selected, the Additional Applicant has no Vested lnterest and the previous Vested lnterest Holder remains the Vested lnterest Holder. The Vested lnterest Holder's Vested lnterest will be reduced by the newest Additional Applicant's payment. The Vested lnterest Charge will not exceed the sum of the Vested lnterests in the Line lnstallation. lf an Additional Applicant connects to a portion of a vested Line lnstallation which was established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested lnterest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the AdditionalApplicant. 6. Other Charoes Alteration Charoes. lf an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non-refundable charge equalto the Cost Quote. Enqineerino Charqe. Applicants or Additional Applicants will be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line lnstallations and/or Alterations greater than 16 estimated hours. Estimates equal to or less than 16 hours will be billed to the Applicant or Additional Applicant as part of the construction costs, or after the engineering is completed in instances where construction is not requested. Engineering charges will be calculated at $74.00 per hour. a. b. IDAHO lssued - December 29,2017 Effective - March 15,2018 Advice No. 17-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seventh Revised Sheet No. H-9 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Sixth Revised Sheet No. H-9 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.26,2018 March 15,2018 Diane M. Hanian Secretary RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Other Charqes (Continued) c.Enqineerinq Charoes for Aqencies and Taxino Districts of the State of ldaho. Under the authority of ldaho Code Section 567-2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of ldaho may invoke its right to decline to pay engineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and billed to the agency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of ldaho Code 567-2302 must notify ldaho Power of such claim at the time ldaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges. ldaho Power may require that the state agency or taxing district's claim be in writing. lf the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of ldaho Code Section 567-2302 does not pay the engineering charges within the 60 day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions of that statute will apply. Joint Trench Charqe. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company for trench and backfill costs included in the Cost Quote. ln the event the Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfill costs by sharing a trench with other utilities, the cost reduction will be included in the Cost Quote. Riqhts-of-Wav and Easement Charoe. Applicants or Additional Applicants will be responsible for any costs associated with the acquisition of rights-of-way or easements. Temporarv Line lnstallation Charoe. Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay the installation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line lnstallations. Temoorarv Service Attachment Charoe. Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay for Temporary Service Attachments as follows: i. Underqround - $58.00 The Customer-provided pole must be set within two linear feet of the Company's existing transformer or junction box. d e. ,f g IDAHO lssued - December 29,2017 Effective - March 15, 2018 Advice No. 17-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.26,2018 March15,2018 Diane M. Hanian Secretary RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTAC HIVFNTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Other Charqes (Gontinued) g. Temporarv Service Attachment Charqe (Continued) ii. Overhead - $243.00 The Customer-provided pole shall be set in a location that does not require more than 100 feet of #2 aluminum service conductor that can be readily attached to the permanent location by merely relocating it. The electrical facilities provided by the Customer on the pole shall be properly grounded, electrically safe, meet all clearance requirements, and ready for connection to Company facilities. The Customer shall obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments and will provide copies or verification to the Company as required. The above conditions must be satisfied before the service will be attached. Temporarv Service (Overhead or Underqround). Overhead Permanent. and Customer Provided Trench lnspection Return Trip Charoe. A Return Trip Charge of $58.00 will be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site, but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. Unusual Conditions Charqe. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote. This payment, or portion thereof, will be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. ln the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote is equal to or greater than $10,000, the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an lrrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch office issued in the name of ldaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, ldaho Power Company will bill the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the lrrevocable Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider will have 15 days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billing to make payment. lf the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bill within 15 days, ldaho Power will request payment from the bank. i. IDAHO lssued - December 29,2017 Effective - March 15,2018 Advice No. 17-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seventh Revised Sheet No. H-10 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Sixth Revised Sheet No. H-l0 h. RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charqes (Continued) Underoround Service Return Trio Charqe. When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $95.00 will be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. 7. Line lnstallation and Service Attachment Allowances The Company will contribute an allowance toward the Terminal Facilities and Line lnstallation costs necessary for Line lnstallations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installing Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. Allowances for Overhead and Underqround Line lnstallations and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Maximum Allowance per Service ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. H-11 Residential: Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Non-residence Non-residential: Schedules 7,8,9,24 Single Phase Three Phase IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective tfiay 21,2018 June 1,2018 Per O.N. 34046 Diane M. Hanian Secretary $2,353.00 0.00$ $2,353.00 $5,604.00 b Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case Allowances for Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancv Proiects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects will receive a $2,353.00 allowance for each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $5,604.00 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers will be eligible to receive allowances for Line lnstallations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho j a. ldaho Power Company ].P.U.C. No. 29. Taritf No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. H-12 8. Refunds IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov.30,2009 Dec. 1,2009 Per O.N. 30955 Jean D. Jewe!!SecretaryRULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANp prsTRtBUT|ON L|NE INSIALLATIONS OR ALTERAT-IONS (Continued) Vested lnlerest Refunds. Vested lnterest Refunds will be paid by the Company and funded by the AdditionalApplicant's Vested lnterest Charge as calculated in accordance with Section 5. The initialApplicant will be eligible to receive refunds up to 80 percent of their original construction cost. Additional Applicants that become Vested lnterest Holders will be eligible to receive refunds up to their total contribution less 20 percent of the original construction cost. A Vested lnterest Holder and the Company may agree to waive the Vested lnterest payment requirements of Additional Applicants with loads less than an agreed upon level, Walved Additional Applicants will not be considered Additional Applicants for purposes of Section 8.a.i. (1) below, i. Vegted lnterest Refund Limitations (1). Vested lnterest Refunds will be funded by no more than 4 Additional Applicants during the S-year period following the completion date of the Line lnstallation for the initial Applicant. ln no circumstance will refunds exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party's cash payment to the Company. b. Subdivision Refunds. Applicants will be eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds for facilities installed inside Subdivisions if the construction was NOT part of the initial Line lnstallation. Customers requesting additional Line lnstallations within a Subdivision will be considered new Applicants and become eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds, A subdivider witl be eligible for Vested lnterest Refunds for payments for Line lnstallations outside subdivisions. a. (2) t. il. IDAHO lssued - November 27 ,2009 Effective - December 1, 2009 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs '1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, lD ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov.30,2009 Dec. 1,2009 Per O.N. 30955 Jean D. JewellSecretary OriqinalSheet No. H l3 RULE H NEW SERVI CE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE TNSTALLATTONS._QB ALTERATIONS (Continued) 9. L.9.c-4J,lmprovement 9lg,tricG Unless specifically provided for under this paragraph, a Local lmprovement District wlll be provided service underthe generalterms of this rule. The Company witl provide a cost estimate and feasibility study for a Local lmprovement District within 120 days after receiving the resolution from the requesting governing body. The Cost Quote will be based on Work Order Costs and will not be considered binding on the Company if construction is not commenced within 6 months of the submission of the estimate for reasons not within the control of the Company. The governing body issuing the resolution will pay the Company for the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study regardless of whether the Line lnstallation or Alteration actually takes place. After passage of the Local lmprovement District ordinance, the Company will construct the Line lnstallation or Alteration. Upon completion of the project, the Company will submit a bill to the Local lmprovement District for the actual cost of the work performed, including the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study. lf the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, the Local lmprovement District will pay the actual cost. lf the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, the Local lmprovement District will pay only the estimated cost. The governing body will pay the Company within 30 days after the bill has been submitted. A Local lmprovement District will be eligible for a Line lnstallation Allowance for any new load connecting for service upon the completion of the Line lnstallation. A Local lmprovement Diskict will retain a Vested lnterest in any Line lnstallation to the Local lmprovement District. A Local Improvement District may waive payments for Vested lnterest from Additional Applicants within the Local lmprovement District, IDAHO lssued - November 27,2009 Effective - December 1, 2009 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, lD ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-14 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-14 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 18,2012 July 12,2012 Per O.N. 32592 Jean D. JewellSecretaryRULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACH MENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 10. Relocations in Public Road Riqhts-of-Wav The Company often locates its distribution facilities within state and local public road rights-of- way under authority of ldaho Code $ 62-705 (for locations outside ldaho city limits) and the Company's city franchise agreements (for locations within ldaho city limits). When the Company is notified of a road improvement project pursuant to ldaho Code $ 40-210, the Company will meet with the Public Road Agency as provided in ldaho Code to S 40-210. lf a Public Road Agency determines that the Company's facilities incommode the public use of any road, highway, or street, the Public Road Agency can require the company to relocate or remove the facilities. lf a Public Road Agency determines that the Company's facilities must be relocated or removed because they incommode the public use of the road, highway, or street, the Company will relocate its distribution facilities from or within the public road rights-of-way and the Company will bear the costs of such relocation. lf one or more Private Beneficiaries has requested that the Company's facilities be relocated or removed, the Company will use reasonable efforts to recover that portion of the total Relocation or removal costs attributable to the request from the Private Beneficiaries. lf the Private Beneficiaries dispute the Company's calculation of the Private Beneficiaries' cost responsibility, either the Company or the affected Private Beneficiaries may initiate a proceeding to have the Commission establish the reasonableness of the Company's calculation of the Relocation or removal cost responsibility as between the Company and the Private Beneficiaries. 11. ExistinqAqreements This rule shall not cancel existing agreements, including refund provisions, between the Company and previous Applicants, or Additional Applicants. All Applications will be governed and administered under the rule or schedule in effect at the time the Application was received and dated by the Company. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 32592 Effective - July 12,2012 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Appendix C ldaho Power Work Order Map State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 June 22,2018 Page 16 Confidential APPENDIX C IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S WORK ORDER MAP IS EXEMPT FROM DlsclosuRE UNDER TDAHO CODE S 74- 105(4XB) BECAUSE rT CONCERNS GRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF WHICH WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF PERSONS, PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Appendix D Hewlett Packard Site Power Distribution Drawing No. E-5 June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 17 APPENDIX D HEWLETT PACKARD SITE POWER DISTRIBUTION DRAWING IS EXEMPT FROM DtscLosuRE UNDER TDAHO CODE S 74- 105(4XB) BECAUSE rr CONCERNS CRITICAL INFRASTRUGTURE, THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF WHICH WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF PERSONS, PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Appendix E 5 I 36 Vault Specifications State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 June 22,2018 Page 18 Confidential 66-05-1 0 Revised 07/17 Underground 5136 Vault The 5136 vault (approx. 5' x 13' " 6' high) is used as a basement for padmounted equipment when it needs to be larger than the 5l15. Several 5136 pads are available for common applications and custom pads can be designed for unusual applications. Contact Methods & Materials for assistance. Cat. lD Description Traffic Rating Weight CU Code 46214 47308 VLT CNRT 5,I36 BASE SECTION PAD CNRT 5136 F/PME WHATCH HS25 '19,8001bs 7,700 lbs DV51 368 DVs1 36P2nla Typical 5'136 Pad \ 5136 Vault Cat. lD 46214 B' 78"70" lnside 166"'.. too 60" x 64" Opening Pad is S" Thick 5136 Pad for PME Switchgear Weignt = 5.400 lbs Cat. lD 47637 70" Vaults Sffi* ll 4" t ,t"l I (o-otx6 @Io ldaho Power Company State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 This page left blank intentionally. June 22,2018State of ldaho - Department of Administration Construction Study Version 2 Page 19 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. !PC-E-18-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a detailed description of thc methodology to allocate the Idaho Power Carnpus-wide billing to all the sub-entities (including Ieases). This description should provide enough detail so it describes the calculations from the data collected fiorn all the sub-meters (identified by item tag) and how this data rvill be used to reconcile and allocate the diftercnt charges rvithin the overall campus-wide bill (i.e. customer, demand. errergy) to all the sub-entities. IDOA ANSWER: A mock-up ol a cost generator fbr the Campus is enclosed. The enclosed mock-up allocates cost using two ntethods: one if sub-meters are placed on transtbnners, and the other if sub-meters are placed on Switch Gear. IDOA will create one specifically for the SCADA, if it is able to use that systern. In the rnock-up, the "bill"' is populated first with infnrmation from the ldaho Power Company bill; the hilling periocl date, the kWh used and the dollar amount. Readings are takcn from the metcr databasc correspondirrg with the Power Company bill service period end date. The data can be populated either manually or automated. For the Capitol Mall, IDOA uses "nretalink" to populate an Excel spreadsheet fiom a SQL database. Sub panels related to common areas are added to the per building readings. 'l'hese togethe'r create the "bill" lbr each INDF.X. Readings at meters are typically logged every fifteen ( l5) rninutes. A typical electric meter carr "hold" or rnainlain data tbr about two (2) months. should there be a connection to sen er issue. For the Capitol Mall. IDOA's electric meter readings archive data goes back to 1992. The electric data on the HPI SCADA database provided to IDOA went back to 2004. Despite the "bill" produced for the Capitol Mall and mocked up in thc cncloscd spreadsheet. facilities costs are allocated differently based on user type as fbllows: State Agerrcy Users. The costs of state tacility use by state a*rrency users. including utility costs, are paid through a combination of direct legislative appropriation to IDOA and a ratc paid for use of the space by the using agenc)'established in the agency''s legislative appropriation. -lhe IDOA appropriation pays its personnel costs, certain capital costs such as maintenance equipment and vehicles" and routine maintenance costs such as elevator and fire system inspectiorrs and costs in excess of agerrcy budget allocations. Agency budget allocations co!'er agency use of state tacilities on a "full services" basis. Sirnilar to a fulI sen-"ices lease discussed below, agency users do not incur costs other than their appropriated budget fur their routine use of a state tacility. Certain costs specific to an agency. however, are paid using separate agency appropriated funds. IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION - 7 These agency specific costs include the costs of replacing carpets or remodelirlg space and are not included withirr the appropriation to the agency for use of state space. To develop the appropriated budget fbr agencies and the IDOA, IDOA tracks costs incurred in operating the state facilities such as utilities, janitorial services and supplies, light bulb replacement. landscaping. common area maintenance, and window cleaning. IDOA provides this infonnation to the Division of Financial Management and the Legislative Services Office. Based on this information, rental rates are included in agency budget requests for considcrati,on by the legislature. Rents as appropriated are collectcd tiom state tenants by IDOA using its interaccount transaction autliority discussed in the answer to Request No. 7. Former HP Inc. Tenants. The costs paid by fonner HP Inc. tenants are govemed by the leases negotiated between the tenant and HP Inc. as the fonner landlord as follorvs: First Tcchttology fs6ls1'alCredit Ltnion (Building 2): The First Technology Federal Credit Union Lease rvas originally a master lease fiir multiple HP Inc. properties. The [.ease was revised during the purchase process only to separate it to a stand-alone lease serving the Boise site and the tenns were not materially rnoditied. The base rent paid by the tenant is for a full services lease. with the exception of after hours HVAC charges. ,Sce paragraph l(G). pp. l-2 of the Lcasc Agreernent. Under a full services lease, tlre base rent is the only paynent a landlorcl receives fbr all the costs or services idcrrtiflcd in the lease. Utilities are commonly within the base rent of a full services lease and are included in the First Technology Federal Credit Union Lease base rent. After hours HVAC charges arc additiorral rent and are allocated as a share of the actual costs representing the square tbotage clf the leased prernises in relation to the square fbotage of the building. Sc,c paragraph 9.p. 5 of the Lease Agreen:ent. The IDOA has not had a request by First Technology Federal Credit Union related to after-hours use fbllorving IDOA's assumption ol'the Lease. Hcv'lattPeckurelEntcrpriseCompan.t'(Building2): 'l'heHPhrc.LeaseassumedbyIDOA is a full senices lease and base rent covers the identified senices. including utilities. Sce paragraph l2. p. -3. and Exhibit C of the [-ease: Sce also Second Amendment to Lease. paragraph 2(a) (lncreasing the annual rent to "cover estimated incremental power cosls."). Entcrpri.sa Scr-r'ict:.s /,tCi (Building 4): -fhe HP Inc. Lease assumed by IDOA is a tirll sen ices lease and base rcnt covers the identified serv'ices, including utilities. Scc paragraph 12. p. 3. and Exhibit C of the Lease. IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODI"JCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION. S S.vkes Enterprises. Inc'orporatcd (Building 8): The HP Inc. Lease assumed by IDOA ohligates the IDOA to provide Standard Tenant Services sct forth in paragraph5.2, p. l8 of the Lease in exchange tbr the base rent. Starrdard Tenant Services inclr.rde electrical serv'ice, howevsr. paragraph I 5.2(b) provides: If Tenant consumes more electricity than 4 watts per usable square foot (excluding lighting and air conditioning), Tenant shall pay the cost of such excess electricity consumptit'rn (as deternrined by submeter installed at Tenant's cost or as reasonably determined by Landlord) to Landlord as Additional Rent pursuant to Section 3.2(d) above. HP lnc. HP Inc.'s Lease contains provisions at paragraphs 5.1 and 6.6 concenring allocation of costs related to Standard Tenant Services, including utilities. Following execution of the Lease. the Idaho Power Company accounts fbr clectric service tcl the Canrpus were transferred into the name of IDOA. The provisions of 6.6 have not been tbllowed firr electric billings. Instead. HP Inc. and IDOA have infunnally agreed to allocate intcrim utility charges for electric service based on square firotage until the Landlord Separation Work set forth in section 6.5(A) is cornplete. This likely results in under-billing to HP Inc. because portions of the Campus billed to IDOA and used in thc square footage allocation are unoccupied. IDOA Contact: Keith Reynolds. Deputy Director. Department of Aclministration 208-3 3 2- I 8 I 2, Keith. Revnolds@.adm.idaho. gov IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION - C) !t> E!: Ei iq . EE;.: :ir I! !: 6 Eii t II il : :Ei !I I ! t t i , a i1 Nrn6 tNc{ t1r\ r.no$o d dco:+= cc)-o3h socF66 d$o N dico !i:co-oil3 .9 l-o!ocF6o (\ (o-n3o(\l rfr!c.lriNst {nR6(f d\l^ (n C'tHE.u ro rOut iO tYt i E oq ! q ta -EE=IOB= J)J)aaE. G.UU33oo6- O- Fzfo U(9t-(J)J6 du =oo- +{n Fl 6 <t qJ 6a E3oE3f; #-Et-E Et :- E o3or t^ =EL EotJ trot ,s.cI mq <f+n FaN m!O c,rolo r-'N mrc|cirOu)raN m(od\oID FaN eNN\odi 6 '.on')noconi No)roNdN 6q Nood 6@ c,(o(osN ood x EUFu ie N+ =6o+r<l x dl<t ;T€o6N<l >e + =6odN >s t =oo @N<t a6gr oto d N ar+ N =\DNmN a<tNc; ;-rN N6 }Rru] m ;'o6€ x m.t =@olort ;Roco o IoJ.o ItEc =o NIt @c =5co lt6cE'- co +dcE'= co n+ @ .E!'= co + Es CL :=(J @+U .E =l co N CGa :E(J Nltrc =fco =Go !oo _9 G U xuo = n nm oN6m omnm o<t6 onn $o6m o@r 6oom oN6m Noo6 5a. Eo\) a,E \) Gc.r(te)as =o+ qJ G: Gr) :vtSoPo E .Ct =taItelE vtLo ELol|tatr(ULF uotr !,(Eo G, LoIPoboco(, i5 L.o 3oC ta J CL E(!(J cotLc LJtrfJ !t:;"i'p EIaUi;:B E A PF doo rO rt 1,)ooqtr-tH la 1,l(vt HrO avl oriOltrtrY! datc, rO sl doo rO rt r{(,o rD t d s =v J FoF ItE;t!!Feg5 (J E3J FoF Ht+E;t! .vFIg5 IJ =xJ FoF =! J FoF B5EJ =3e9 r5cJ =3ap [5tJEd dP r\!o .E ==co tD o0 .E =lo l,) 00 .= =ao c o0 .g =:tro doroh&ARdroN3.tB N6'IH <t, IEI F\N ,v,t!0,A Ir r REEEEEE&&EE(R&!3sssssSsESSSiSSs-< I tI I E Er iE IJg tJc J ! JE !fi :.i3I !lPSa t:5xtr a EI ! E b I I 6I I E E !li ts:EE Q P Sd i!risE*e o iiRri E! .i, E g E E: E E E <1,, XE.l- sEJ .3!lE il-lr 'IH sH I E .giE c!R. HE f,6o Ii ost 6 6 t Irii!s 7 E t 9,I I til! i rl TE:l s att b __l i I E ! : l iI I ,rli \rjl N ,nor *r\ ro(o rJ1(oN.}t (Yt :- o o 3o4 ai3 CL EoUcoIt ,=sI (\c(o(nlr) r-.(\llr) rr)fn cocfl Nlnr.o FiNv> (Y'c! a!Inro FiNv\ (\ o'! F{6 F{ oo'!-l(/} FI FIdo)c\l (r1 c\l(ol/lfi') oo-FIl,a FI!-ldorc\loit> filf! c!t/)(o F-'Nlr> oqo|t| x ;srJ.)N $ F{ x!'ld)+et ;sFl(n +Fl xFlrn+-{ bsFlaor }Rdo+ ;so401 xFlco+ }R!'{fn+d }Roqo d.lr,FutE (o (f,o)(nNsf 00rno) tll\<l oo(nq lrtN<f oo(oo) rJ1r\<f oomo) Nr{(n ooodloFi 00rr1q l/)Fl(n oood(o Fl 00rno) r..!Nsf o (,oJto r{It bo .E =f,co (\ 1+ o0cE'= co ft') oo.c3:cct =llt oo .= ==dt rJl+ oo .E =fao FiIt cG o_ OJ E(J (o+ bo .g ==co r!It Cso- 6) -c() N+ oo.s =5d) =(! o Ec, (oU:(o U xtfla = rJ1Fltn(o or{lnrn omlJ1m osltJ)(n ornlJ)m slolnrn o(ot/)(n lJ1olJ1fn or\lJ1fn NoO)rnrn ooodro o aYtor lrt rvl oooorDFI @(n C'I N (Y) @ aYtgr ut <f @(n O! ln <f @(Ylgr ut rf ro .r1gr rYl <f I =YlriJoo JJ ro o oo$o\o Nlt E=tas5 EI dd) =+=coiiuD.2 lo.CoJcF0(! =ta\ str lJ') fr G1 <f a\l s Nx F{(O tSsrnNN+ st a\ <r lJ) x sf tNAt sr rr.l N <t oooo(o !'{ dico Y:' =ao-o33 .elo-c(tJcFq(E lnLo{-l0, E Jtn c(E L(Eo a0tr Lo+t(El-oco L ln J CL E Fzfo IJ.J(,d -U J) co G,LU =oo- E=qOo> JJJ-JAco G. d.LU LIJ ==ooo- o- Nl\lNstrFlfoN <t E3aE =Es-E -6Et l! o\ oo qJ!oa aaSa. EB\,sa)E \,str tY {. 0)ao at AJ E =L,, B\) to€oo5CJ =iap lt.. -cE=Eas5 E(J a;c: =iEP SEC-Y =iEP R;C.s E3d9 t;C.s E3dP F{=oo5CJEA cots JJ co G,lr,l3o4o- e =oG, F{NO)rOl\\&qRln r-.1 l.D N{EqBFl N ar1 Fl.u! Jl!oo-o = :I =Y E o T' 0,, ro g REQUEST NO. 7: With respect to the Campus, ivill electricity costs be a separately identified component on cach bill provided to non-state tenants? Will electricity costs be a separately identified component on the bill provided to state agencies? Please provide a sample bill fbr tenants at the Campus. IDOA ANSWER: IDOA nianages use charges or rent differently for private tenants under the leases assurned ffom HP Inc." the HP Inc. Lease. and for state agencies. Assumcel Leascs'. As with urost comrnercial leases. IDOA does not bill private tenants for monthly rent (base rent), which is due and paid by the tenant as provided in the Lease. For example, paragraph 3.I of the Sykes Enterprises. lncorporated Lease provides that base rent is due and payable to the landlord in advance of the first day of each calendar montli. Paragraph 3.6 of this Lease states that all rent payments arc to be made to landlord as it directs. For full services lease tenants rvhere no additional charges arc authorized by the Lease, IDOA cannot bill the tenant firr such charges arrd pays those charges using the base rent paid by the tenant or I[)OA's appropriation. This is the same process used by the Idaho Pubhc Utilities Cunmission's l-ease. which is a full sen'ices lease. l'he Comrnission's fiscal statf rna-v be able to provide additional infomration on how this process rvorks in practice. For lenants where an additional charge related to certain uses is authorized. such a r:harge is "additional rent." For exanrple, in the Sykes Enterprises. Incorporated Lease, clectric use is generally covered under the base rent payment. hou'ever use by the tenant in excess of 4 watts per usable square foot is identified as additiorral rent. Scc Lease paragraph 15.2(b). IDOA as landlord is authorized under the Lease to use any reasonable rnethod to detennine the tenant's use of electricity and would provide a notice of adclitional rent under the noticc provisions of Lease paragraph 13.10 to the tenant address identitled in Article L So long as Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated is the sole tenant of Building 8, IDOA could use the separate billing frorn Idaho Power as a reasonable basis tbr the additional rent. If state agencies are using portions of Building 8. IDOA could use a SCADA reading or sub-meter as a reasonable basis fbr additional rent. Sub- meters are specifically identified as a reasonable basis for additional rent related to excess electricity use in paragraph l5.l(b) of the Lease. Additional rent fbr excess electricity is paid uncler section 3.2(d) of the Lease and is paid with the next base rent paynent. HP Inc. Lecsc'. As discussed in the answerto Request No. 10, the HP Inc. Lcase is not a full senices lease. IDOA bills in arrears fbr utilities by utility type. The HP lnc. Lease includes IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODLJCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION - I2 provisions for "interim utilitl' payments" covering the period betrveen lease commencement and separation of utilities at paragraph 6.6 of the Lease. As discussed in the answcr to Request No. 4. the parties are infbrmally allocating electric charges billed to the Campus based upon square footage until the electric use can be separated by sub-meter or SCADA system. Under Lease paragraph i.8. HP Inc. can audit IDOA's allocation of costs. Stcte Agencv Ltsers'. State agencies are not billed. As discussed in the answer to Request No. 4. state agency use costs are allocated to either the IDOA appropriation or the agency appropriation. Funds appropriated to agenc)'users are directly'deducted fiom the agenc!"s operating fund in the treasury by interaccount transaction under the authority granted to IDOA in Idaho Code section 67-5704. This process is subject to audit by the Legislative Services Office whcn auditing an agency user or IDOA. IDOA Contact: Keith Reynolds, Deputy Director, Deparlment of Administration 208-3 3 2- 1 8 I 2. Keith.Reynolds(gadm. idalro. gov IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQLJEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION. I3 REQUEST NO. l0: StafT understands tlre Campus is served by Idaho Porver, whcr supplies prirnary service under Rate Schedule 19. Rate Schedule 19 has several components: service charge, basic charge, demand charge (varies by season), on-peak demand charge, and energy charges tbr on-peak, mid-peak u,rd o11'-peak usage (varies by season), Staff also understands that HP Inc.'s Lease provides that IDOA only will bill HP Inc. fbr HP Inc.'s actual costs. Horv will total costs of electricity be recovered for HP Inc.? IDOA ANSWER: IIP Inc.'s Lease is not a typical full services lease and is complex. The following discussion is intended to explairr how costs. including electrical costs are allocated in the context of the complex Lease. The Lease provides base rent tbr all of the covered tenant serv'ices and either direct payrnent or allocation of other costs. Unlike a typical full services lease. H P Inc. undeftakcs certain repair and nraintenance obligations. provides tor the security in its leased premises, is allowed to make certain improvements and alteralions rvithout landlord approval. and is ar.rthorized to manage one of the chilling and one of the boiling plants at the Campus. The base rent paid by HP Inc. under the Lease reflects the lower costs transf'erred to thc landlord in this atypical leasc. The HP Inc. Lease required utility separation and specifically authorizes Emon brand or other sub-meters in satisfirction of the required scparation of clcctrical seruicc. Scc paragraph 6.5(AXvii) of the Lease. IDOA understands HP Inc.'s request to include paragraph 6.5(A) is to establish processes tbr utility cost allocation in satisfaction of federalta.r larv requirernents that it pay its orvn utility costs follorving the lease back of real properly it fbnnerly owned. HP Inc. has detennined that separation using sub-rneters represents the actual costs fbr electric charges accurately. HPIrrc.'suseoltheCampusdoesrrotdilferfiomotherusersinthetl'peolactivitl,or hours of use. IDOA also believes that the utility separation usin-e sub-rneters accurately' reflects HP Ine .'s use of elcctric scrvicc. Altirough IDOA bclicves HP Inc. is not fully paying thc costs of electric service prior to separation. this belief arises tiom the use of square footage to allocate costs and not because HP Inc.'s use varics b,v time of da1' or scason. ,Scc Ansrvcr to Rcqucst No. 4. IDOA's analysis of off-peak and rnid-pcak costs in the most recent ldaho Power Cornpany billing for the Campus (cxclusive of Building 8) shows that cost diflbrence between 6ff:peak and mid-peak costs is 4i 10 of one cent (.00.1235). representing approxinrately 4.1o/o ctf the total bill ($8517.81 of a S193.275.71 monthly bill). This analysis confirms that sub-metering will produce accurate IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OIT AMINISTRATION - I6 allocation sufficient to satislv IDOA and HP Inc.'s Lease as rvell as the Comnrission's stated purposes. Future variations in electric use are also addressed by the Lease. Lease paragraph 5.1(AX I ) provides the general language for utility costs and applies aller utility separation under Lease paragraph 6.-5 is conrplete. This paragraph provides that IDOA shall contract clirectly with a utility provider to the cxtent there is no separate meter. Paragraph 5.1(AX I ) further provides: If 'l'enant's use of utilities is in excess of normal general of'fice occupancl' loads arrd the Premises is not separately metered or submetered, Tenant shall separately meter or sub-meter the Premises fbr such excessively used utility" at its sole cost and expense. Even if physical sub-meters are used at the CanTpus. this paragraph rvould allow IDOA's SCADA system to be used to allocate electric use by time of day and season and produce records tied to Rate Schedule l9 should HP lnc. use of the Campus change so as to use utilities in a manner in excess of normal general office occupancy loads. Lastly. the Lease dellnes "Nomtal Business Hours" as the period betr.veen 7:00 a.rn. and 6:00 p.m. on State of ldaho business days and between 8:00 a.m. and I :00 p.m. on Saturdays. This definition is consistent rvith general office occupancy, including ldaho state agency use. The Lease's ternrs concerning the provision of utilities onll' appll' to Normal Business l{ours. Sca Lease paragraph 5.1(AXl). If HP lnc. changes its operations so that it is not consistent with Nonnal Business Hours. the IDOA can notify HP Inc. that IDOA is not rcquired to provide utility access tilr that operation and request an appropriate adjustment to the Lease tenms. IDOA Contact: Keith Reynolds. Deputy Director, Department of Adrninistration 208-3 3 2- 1 8 I 2, Keith. Reynolds(qadm.idaho. gov IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODLJCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION - I7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-19-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 5 ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 19-4 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 19-4 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective May 31,2018 June 1,2018 Per O.N. 34071 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Non-summer $299.00 $1 26 $4.47 nla 3.92130, 3.50s60 Non-summer $299.00 $0.70 $4.34 nla 3.90290 3.48930 Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $299.00 $1.26 $6.03 $0.95 5.23130, 4.15990, 3.71170, Summer $299.00 $0.70 $5.85 $0.95 s.17190, 4.13070, 3.6875d nla nla PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.1 8.08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 6 REQUEST NO. 8: With respecl to the Campus, has the IDOA entered into an Energy Savings Perfirnnance Contract(s) as described in Idaho Code 5\ 67-571lD? If so. please provide copies of any contract. If not. does IDOA intend to enter into any such contract? Please explain. IDOA ANSWER: IDOA has not entered and does not anticipate entering an Energy Saving Performanc.e Contract. The state has not had sufficient operating history with the Chinden facilities to detennine if an Energy Savings Perfbrmance Contract would be beneficial. Improvements will be rnade as rvork scope is identified and funds become available, ,uvithor,rt the Iong-term financial obligation of a Pertbrmance Contract. IDOA Contact: Jan Frew. Administrator, Division of Puhlic Works 208-332- I 9 I 2. Jan. Frew@radm.idaho.gov IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AMINISTRATION. I4 REQUEST NO. 9: In its preparation for state office occupancy in Building 2. has IDOA installed. or does it intend to install. any energy efticiency measures in the near future? Please explain. IDOA ANSWER: AII improvements to Building 2 will be constructed according to current building and energy codes. Significant areas of improvement include: L Hundreds of fluorescent light fixtures that currently house Tl2 larnps will be removed. New fixtures will be installed that utilize LED larnps. 2. New ceiling systcms will be installed in eighty percent (80%) of Building 2, at a lower height than the current configuration. This will reduce tlie volume of space needing to be conditioned. -1. The existing roof will be replaced with a new single-ply roof and insulation system. 1. The Building HVAC system rvill be totally re-worked. with a large amount of equiprnent being replaced with new. energy efficient equipment. 5. A lighting control system will be installed. 6. A Building Automation System will be installed that will allow efficient programmirrg and monitoring of all building systems. IDOA Contact: Jan Frew, Administrator, Division of Public Works 208-332- I 9 I 2" Jan. Frew@adm.idaho.gov IDOA RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTTOTHE IDAHO DEPARTMENI"OF AMINISTRATION . I5