HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180323Wilson Affidavit.pdfJohn R. Hammond, Jr. - ISB No. 5470 Frsuen Puscu llp U.S. BANK PLAZA_ 7,h Floor l0l S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 701 P.O. Box 1308 Boise,ID 83701 Telephone: 208.331.1000 Facsimile: 208.331.2400E-mail: jrh@fisherpusch.com Attorneys for the Snake River Alliance and NW Energ,, Coalition IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON.SITE GENERATION Case No. IPC-E-I7-13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AFFIDAVIT OF WENDY WILSON IN SUPPORT OF INTERVENOR FUNDING RICIIVED 20l8FIAR23 pH l:3rr ii,:ri;ii rlUeLiC,-:l i r-r I-l :.:1 C G,1{ to{ lSSl0N 0RlGil\l nl ) ) ) ) ) ) ) STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada WENDY WILSON being first duly swom upon oath, deposes and says as follows, to-wit: 1. I am the Executive Director of the Snake River Alliance and I make this Affidavit based on my own knowledge. 2. The Snake River Alliance is a nonprofit entity and is an advocate in Idaho for renew- able and nuclear-free energy. It raises community awareness about the dangers of nu- clear waste and power and works to identify and promote sustainable alternatives. The Snake River Alliance furthers its mission by advocacy, collaboration, education, grassroots organizing and participation in regulatory proceedings before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 3. Because of the Snake River Alliance's mission and the important issues raised in this ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT oF WENDY WILSoN IN SuppORT OF INTERVEN0R FUNDING - 1 SS. proceeding I felt it was absolutely necessary to participate as an intervenor. 4. Due to the expense of participating in this regulatory proceeding the Snake River Al- liance decided to partner with the NW Energy Coalition (the "Coalition"). 5. The Snake River Alliance along with the Coalition retained the services of John R. Hammond, Jr., of the law firm of Fisher Pusch LLP to represent them in this matter. 6. The Snake River Alliance does not currently have legal counsel working in-house that could undertake representation in this case. 7. The Snake River Alliance and the Coalition also retained Amanda Levin of the Na- tional Resources Defense Council as an expert witness for this case. 8. Despite the partnership with the Coalition, participation in this proceeding is expen- sive due to its complexity and the public interest therein. Such expenses incurred by the Snake River Alliance constitute a significant financial hardship for it and directly impacts its ability to participate in future regulatory proceedings in furtherance of its interests and the interests of its members. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAITH NAUGHT [Signature on following pagel ArpInRvn op Wrruny WILSoN IN SUPPoRT oF INTERVENoR FuIrIoIruc - 2 DATED tnis 4 day of March, 2018. w SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this J.t day of March, 2018. for Idaho Residing at: Commission Expires: ?e of ll AFFIDAVIT oF WENDY WILSON IN SUPPORT OF INTERVENOR FuT.IoIT.Ic . 3 I et3v1?. t lta 7., -, a. a i, CERTIFI I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the of March, 201 8, I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by delivering the same to each of the following individuals by electronic mail, addressed as follows: IDAHO POWER COMPANY: Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company l22t W. Idaho St. (83702) PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower. com Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company l22l W. Idaho St. (83702) PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttatum@ idahopower. com caschenbrenner@idahopower. com COMMISSION STAFF: Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 sean.costello@puc.idaho. gov IDAHYDRO: Idahydro clo C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 900 PO Box 2900 Boise,ID 83701 tom. arkoo sh(@arkoo sh. c om tr U.S. Mail fl Facsimile E Overnight Mail I Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail erin.cecil@arkoosh.com ATRoevIT oF WENDY WILSoN IN SUPPoRT oF INTERVENoR FUNDING - 4 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.: Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc c/o Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Ste. 100 PO Box 6119 Pocatello, lD 83205 elo@echohawk.com n U.S. Mail E Facsimile ! Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 tony@yankel.net tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE: Matthew A. Nykiel Idaho Conservation League PO Box 2308 102 S. Euclid#207 Sandpoint,ID 83864 mnykiel @idahoconservation. org tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile n Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail AURIC LLC: Elias Bishop Auric Solar, LLC 2310 s. 1300 w. West Valley City, UT 84119 elias.bi shop@auricsolar. com ! U.S. Mail fl Facsimile tr Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery EI Electronic Mail Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson Givens Pursley LLC 601 W. Bannock Street Boise, lD 83702 prestoncarter@ g-ivenspursley. com den@,giv enspursl ey. com n U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail I Hand Delivery EI Electronic Mail AFFIDAVIT oF WENDY WILS0N IN Supponr oF INTERVENoR Furuuruc - 5 SIERRA CLUB: Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC Sierra Club 920 N. Clover Drive Boise, ID 83703 kelsey@kelseyj aenunez.com Tom Beach Cross Border Energy 2560 gth Street, Suite 2l34 Berkley, CA 94710 tomb@crossbordq1g4g4qy. cq4 ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Michael Heckler michael.p.heckler@ gmail.com ZackWaterman zack.waterman@ sierraclub.org CITY OF BOISE CITY: Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Telephone: (208) 608.7950 Facsimile: (208) 384.4454 agermaine@cityofboise. org IDAHO CLEAN ENERGY ASSOCIATION: tr U.S. Mail I Facsimile n Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail n Facsimile n Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail fl U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson 601 W. Bannock Street POBox2720 Boise, ID 83701 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com den@ givenspursley.cor! AFFIDAVIT oF WENDY WILS0N IN SUPPoRT oF INTERVENoR FUNDING - 6 VOTE SOLAR: David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 5371I dbender@p_arthj ustig:. org Briana Kober Vote Solar 360 22"d Street, Suite 730 Oakland, CA 94612 briana@votesolar.org INTERMOUNTAIN WIND AND SOLAR, LLC: Ryan B. Frazier Brian W. Burnett Kirton McConkie 50 East Temple, Suite 400 PO Box 45120 Salt Lake City, UT 841l1 rfrazier@kmclaw.com com tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Ovemight Mail tr Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail ! Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile n Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail D U.S. Mail E Facsimile n Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC 1952 West 2425 South Woods Cross, UTG 84087 dou g@imwindandsolar.com J Jr AFFIDAVIT OF WENDY WILSON IN SUPPONT OF INTERVENOR FUNOITTC . 7