HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171222Levin Direct.pdfJohn R. Hammond, Jr. - ISB No. 5470 FlsueRPuscuttP U.S. BANK PLAZA_ 7th Floor l0l s. capitol Blvd., Suite 701 P.O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: 208.331.1000 Facsimile: 208.331.2400 E-mail: jrh@fisherpusch.com Attorneys for the Snake River Alliance and NW Energt Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON-SITE GENERATION RECEIVED ?[,?AECZZ pH 3: tB L, i ;, iiri;i*5grfi l8r,o* CASE NO. IPC-E-T7-13 PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY (NONCONFIDENTIAL) OF AMANDA M. LEVIN December 22,2017 CRiGINAL PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY (NONCONFIDENTIAL) OF AMANDA M. LEVIN CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY... III. IDAHO POWER'S REASONING IS FLAWED. IDAHO POWER'S PROCESS IS BACKWARDS.......1 5 PROPOSAL IS UNWARRANTED AT THIS TIME GIVEN STATE OF NET METERING IN COMPANY TERRITORY. ....22 CONCLUSION 26 .2 ,4 IV. V. VI. VII IDAHO POWER HAS NOT SUBMITTED SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE...7 Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page i of ii 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. EXHIBIT LIST Professional Qualifications of Amanda M. Levin IPC's Response to Vote Solar's Second Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Request No. 42 IPC's Response to Vote Solar's First Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Request No. 3 IPC's Response to the First Production Request from Commission Staff, Response to Request No. 3 Prefi led Direct Testimony (I.{onconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page ii of ii I 2 J 6 ll t4 4 5 7 8 9 l0 12 l3 15 t6 t7 l8 a. A. PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY (NONCONFIDENTIAL) OF AMANDA M. LEVIN I. INTRODUCTION Please state your name and business address. My name is Amanda Levin. I am an Energy and Climate Analyst for the Natural Resources Defense Council ('NRDC"), ll52 l5th Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC,20005. In what capacity are you submitting this testimony? I am a witness for the Snake River Alliance and NW Energy Coalition. Have you previously testified before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")? No. Have you prepared an exhibit describing your education, relevant employment experience and other professional qualifications? Yes, I have. My professional and educational background is provided in detail in the attached Exhibit No. 1001 that is incorporated herein by reference. Briefly though, in my current position at the NRDC I focus on analysis and advocacy around carbon and energy polices, decarbonization strategies, energy efficiency, renewables integration, and wholesale market reform. I also a. A. a. A, a. A t9 Pagel of32 Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 t4 15 16 17 18 t9 12 serve as an expert for NRDC and partner organizations in front of state utility commissions, legislatures, and federal agencies. My research on electric restructuring, alternative utility business model design, and industrial energy efficiency program design has been published in a variety of academic press and journals. I also have served as a witness in front of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and participated in utility proceedings in the states of Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. il. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY Please explain the purpose of your testimony. My testimony focuses on the implications of Idaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power" or the "Company") Application on regulatory processes, policy objectives, and ratemaking outcomes in the State of Idaho. I will first discuss why the Company's reasoning and support for its proposal is insufficient and, at times, not correct. I will then discuss why the Company's curent approach is wholly backwards and how this improper process could have a detrimental impact on the Commission's other policy objectives. Such an unorlhodox application and process is also unnecessary given the status of net metering in the Company's service territory. a. Briefly summarize the key recommendations of your testimony. a. A. 20 Page2 of32 Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 1 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 2t A.The Commission should reject Idaho Power's proposal to create new customer classes for residential and small general service customers with customer-sided generation. Idaho Power has not provided sufficient evidence or data in its Application for such a measure. Creating new customer classes is a significant and substantial change, and should only be taken after robust, transparent evaluation of the costs and benefits these customers contribute to the system and meaningful stakeholder engagement. The process proposed in the Company's Application is wholly backwards; such an extraordinary request is also unwarranted at this time given the status of net metering in the Company's service territory. Moving forward with the creation of separate rate classes at this time runs counter to the state energy policy and other public policy objectives. Furthermore, it could result in new administrative inefficiencies, increased rate volatility for net metered customers, and discourage customers from investing in clean energy technologies. The Commission should instead first open a comprehensive, general investigation into the costs and benefits of distributed energy resources, the profile and costs of serving self-generating customers, and rate design approaches. The process should be transparent and open to all interested stakeholders. To inform this process and any future rate or cost-of-service changes, the Commission should order Idaho Power to begin collecting and compiling data on the load and energy profiles of its net metering customers and the associated costs and benefits of customer-sided generation in the Company's territory. Any future Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 22 Page 3 of32 6 I 2 aJ 4 5 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t5 16 14 a. A. rate, rate schedule or cost-of-service changes for these customers should be based on and supported by robust, verifiable analysis of this collected data. III. IDAHO POWER'S REASONING IS FLAWED What topics will you address in this section of your direct testimony? I will address one of the Company's main claims that creating a separate class for net-metered or distributed generating ("DG") customers is warranted given their "two-way" relationship with the grid.t Do you agree with the Company's distinction between "one-way" and 'otwo- way" relationships? No. Idaho Power's classification of differences between DG and non-DG customers is inaccurate and misleading. Please explain. With advanced metering infrastructure ("AMI"), ofly customer can have a two- way relationship with the grid. AMI allows all customers, and any of their "smart" (grid-enabled) devices, to follow and track customer usage, system conditions, and energy prices and respond to this information, changing their I See Prefiled Direct Testimony of Idaho Power Witness Connie G. Aschenbrenner, pg. a. A a. A. 26. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 4 of32 1 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 13 t4 l5 t6 17 consumption and load patterns in response to grid signals.2 While these customers may not have on-site generation, this type of customer-grid interaction is just as much of a "two-way" relationship and can look similar to net-metering from a grid perspective, especially at lower levels of DG penetration. For example, consider customers that have "smart" (grid-enabled) appliances and thermostats. The customer could set their smart thermostat system into "energy-saving" mode and enroll in an A/C Cool Credit cycling program. The customer could also monitor the usage and cost of running their smart dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer remotely. If prices fall in the middle of the day (e.g., solar power ramps up, load is low), these "smart" devices and customer loads can rise automatically to take advantage of this low-cost, excess power; when prices rise (e.g. renewable power resources ramp down), loads will fall automatically. With AMI, smart devices in the customer's house can dynamically respond to and communicate with the grid and the utility. The utility isn't just sending power; the utility is sending power and information, and the customer (or their devices) are acknowledging that information, altering behavior and grid 2 For example, see the Department of Energy's "Grid Modernization and Smart Grid" landing page, available at https://energy.gov/oe/activities/technology-development/grid- modern ization-and-smart- grid. Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 5 of32 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 14 15 t6 t7 a A. energy demand, and even sending information back.3 Not only is this a "two- way" flow of information between the utility and end-user, but the load and consumption profile of this customer would look different than the typical residential customer: they would likely have peaks at different times than the total system or class peak and grid consumption would be more spread out over the day. Does Idaho Power currently encourage "two-way" relationships with customers? Yes. With "smart" devices and advanced meters, customers have a much greater ability to adjust the way they operate and change their energy demand in response to signals from the grid, markets, or utilities. This is a "two-way" relationship and just as potent of an energy resource as distributed generation. In other words, better optimizing energy use with smart devices has the same impact as distributed generation from a grid perspective - when these devices turn down or off it reduces the customer's grid energy consumption and stress on the grid system like a net metering, rooftop solar unit would. In fact, Idaho Power pays its customers to "cycle" their home's air 3 See Edison Electric Institute's "Smart Meters at a Glance", available at http://www. eei. org/i ssuesandpo I icy/gri d- enhancements/Documents/Smart%20Meters%20lEI%20lnfographic%20Sept20l6.pdf. Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 6 of32 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l1 12 13 t4 15 t6 17 l0 a A conditioning to reduce the customer's grid energy demand during peak periods.a The utility recognizes that this demand-reducing, load-changing behavior (spurred by new technologies) has measurable grid benefits for customers and the utility.s As such, these customers remain part of the same residential class as all other residential customers and no proposal has been made to separate them out. IV. IDAHO POWER HAS NOT SUBMITTED SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE What topics will you address in this section of your direct testimony? In this portion of my testimony, I discuss where the Company is lacking sufficient data for its proposal. I provide recommendations on what data Idaho Power should collect, compile, and provide on DG customers to inform and support future proceedings on the value of distributed generation and ratemaking and/or rate design. a. Has the Company provided adequate analytical support and evidence for its proposal in your opinion? A. No. In fact, in response to Vote Solar's Discovery Request, Idaho Power acknowledges they have not engaged in any such process to evaluate the benefits a See Idaho Power's "AC Cool Credit" Offering, https://www.idahopower.com/ways-to- save/sav i n gs-for-your-home/rebates-and-offers/ac-coo I -cred iV. 5 For example, see Idaho Power's 2016 DSM Report on the cost-effectiveness and performance of this program, https ://docs. idahopower.com/pdfs/AboutUs/Plann i neForFuture/irp/AppendixB DSM.pdf. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin PageT of32 1 2 1J 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 15 t6 17 of net-metering (Exhibit No. 1002).6 The Company should collect and provide data not only showing that these customers have different load or usage patterns and profiles, but that these differences have a materiql impact on the cost to serve these customers compared to other residential customers. Cost causation - the concept that each group of customers pays the cost they impose on the utility system - is a fundamental principle of ratemaking.z It ensures that rates are fair to both customers and the utility, and are neither unjust nor discriminatory. Before receiving approval for the creation ofa separate rate class, even if no change to the rates are proposed, the Company should complete the load research necessary to provide analytical support that these customers cause different costs on the system, what costs should be allocated to these customers, and how they should be allocated. A. What data and analysis does the Company provide in its Application? The Company's witness, Connie G. Aschenbrenner, provides a few pieces of evidence on the load characteristics and scale of net metering in the Company's territory. This includes a summary of the Company's 2017 Annual Net Metering Status Report, which details cumulative demand-side capacity, customers, and 6 See IPC's Response to Vote Solar's Second Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Request No. 42. 7 For example, see the Michigan Public Service Commission's presentation "Tariff Development II: Developing a Cost of Service Study", available at pubs.naruc.org/pub/538I 93C0-2354-D714-5142-F855D2D063F9, see slides 3-4. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin a. Page 8 of32 I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 t4 15 t6 17 18 a applications by customer class, as well as near-term forecasts of growth in the program. Witness Aschenbrenner also includes two figures to illustrate load differences. The first shows the average load shape for residential non-net energy metering and net energy metering ("NEM") customers on the single peak day of 2016. The second shows the average load shape of the residential class segmented by monthly consumption and then the profile of net-zero customers on the same peak day. Ms. Aschenbrenner also provides an annual bill comparison of a net- zero customer and a nearby non-NEM residential customer. Is this sufficient for showing that the creation of a separate class is warranted in your opinion? No. Just showing different usage patterns is not sufficient for creating a new class. Idaho Power needs to prove that the demand and usage profile of these customers has a material impact on the cost to serve them. This is essential to determine that costs are allocated appropriately and fairly between customers.8 New classes should only be created when there is sufficient proof that a distinct group of customers' energy activity is driving costs that these customers are not covering under current rate tariffs. Even then, there may be other public policy reasons to continue to allow some inter- or intra-class subsidization (e.g. promotion of clean A. 8 For exarnple, see Brattle's "Retail Costing and Pricing for Electricity", presented at the lnstitute of Public Utilities' Annual Regulatory Studies Program, http://www.brattle.com/system/publications/pdfs/000/005/348/original/Retail_Costing_and_Prici ng_of _Electricity .pdfl 1 47 I 21 9921 . Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 9 of 32 2 J 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0 l1 12 l3 t4 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t energy resources, energy affordability for low-income households). In addition, the creation of new rate classes may breed other, perverse impacts; allocating costs among many smaller rate classes can result in increased administrative inefficiency and more volatile rates stemming from the additional complexities of modeling, allocating, and recovering the costs of service across many narrower groups of customers. It is important to remember that diversity in load within a class is not necessarily problematic. It is an inherent part of average ratemaking, especially for large classes. There is substantial load and usage variation among the residential class, even when excluding customers who can self-generate. For example, certain households may have night workers, where occupants work outside of the home from 11 pm to 7 arn, and then are home during the day and evening. These households will have usage patterns that look much different than households where the occupant(s) hold a more typical 9 to 5 job. Some households may have retired or elderly occupants, stay-at-home parents, or occupants with telework/work-from-home schedules. Again, these households will have usage pattems different from a household where all occupants are at work or school during the day. A young single student in an apartment building does not have the same net energy or load profile of a family of four outside of city districts - but both are classified as residential class. This individual diversity of load within a class is not a detraction. In fact, this intra-class diversity can improve the load factor of the system - reducing each Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 22 Page l0 of32 1 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t a A. individual's cost of service. If individual peaks are slightly different from each other, but around the same size, the utility can use the same-sized system to meet all these peaks and customers without having to duplicate infrastructure investments. In other words, if there are two customers each with a max demand of 5 KW, but one has a peak demand at I I am and the other at 3 p-, the utility doesn't need to build a 10 KW system to serve them, it may only need a 6-7 KW system. This lowers the total system cost and each customer's cost on the system, since some of the investments can be used by both customers. Especially if these customers - whether night workers, customers with smart-thermostats or other devices, or DG owners - are distributed widely and rather equally throughout the utility's geographic footprint, it is much more likely that this variation in load and usage profiles creates valuable and beneficial load diversity rather than separate or incremental system costs. What problems could be created if classes are created based solely on shown, different usage patterns? Just because individual usage pattems are not perfectly similar does not mean that one should separate out each ofthese distinct usage patterns into separate classes. This can create administrative inefficiency, requiring more complex and resource- intensive processes and procedures. It can also produce less stable rates for each class: due to the increased complexity of a cost of service study over many smaller classes, this may result in greater variation in allocated cost to each class from rate case to rate case that are then spread across a much smaller number of Prefiled Direct Testimony (Ntronconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 22 Page 1 I of32 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 t3 t4 l5 17 l8 19 20 2t t6 a. A. end-users, resulting in more drastic per-customer cost impacts. To promote administrative efficiency and rate stability, the Commission should move forward cautiously when deciding whether to create new, additional rate classes. A utility must prove more than a separate usage or load pattern to justify the creation of a new rate class. Distinct usage patterns within a single class are not necessarily a problem; they may actually reduce the per-customer system costs due to improved class load factors. A utility must show that these variations in usage and load result in measurable, statistically significant differences in the cost of service for this sub-group compared to others in the class. And, even then, the Commission should ensure that any rate changes are as fair and as stable as they can be and do not infringe upon other public policy objectives, such as advancing the adoption of emerging adlor state-promoted technologies. What recommendations do you have on data process and procurement? Creating a new rate class is a significant and substantive change. If done improperly, it can lead to increased inefficiency and rate volatility. Any rate design changes should be data-driven, with supporting analysis based on the monitoring and measurement of actual DG system performance and customer profiles. There must also be enough data points (either from absolute number of customers or length of time covered) to provide statistically valid outputs for a cost-of-service analysis. Too few data points and/or insufficiently robust analysis could result in negative regulatory and customer outcomes due to inappropriate22 Page 12 of 32 Prefi led Direct Testimony Qllonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 class or cost basis changes. Therefore, the Commission should consider requiring the Company to collect and compile data on:e o The hourly usage and demand of DG customers; o Geographic information of the spatial distribution and size of projects at a sub-station level; o Coincident and non-coincident peaks of DG and non-DG customers for residential and small general service classes separately; o Estimated average annual fixed cost recovery for DG and non-DG residential and small general service customers; o The average percentage of "full costs of service" recovered from DG and non-DG customers, by class; and o The proportion and absolute number of customers who net out their monthly or annual usage with customer-sided systems. The Commission should consider requiring any future proposal or change to rate design from the Company to be based on at least several years of data. The company, in coordination with interested stakeholders, should also figure out the data necessary for evaluating the costs and benefits of DG. This e The Company has provided some limited, but not all, of this data during discovery. This list serves as a more holistic set of data necessary for sufficient analysis of these customers. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page l3 of32 8 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 l8 o. A. should include discussion of what costs and avoided costs should be considered and what data is required to calculate these costs and avoided costs. Without this more robust data gathering and analysis process, a proposal like the one included in the Company's Application is technically and substantively premature. Do you have additional suggestions for possible analysis? Yes. The Company has stated, that despite its assertion that net metering service is a regressive wealth transfer, it does not have or gather income information (Exhibit No. 1003).10 Given customer protections and concerns, the Commission and the Company may consider conducting representative surveys over this data collection period. These surveys could anonymously record data on household size, square footage, installation of smart appliances or thermostats, and/or household income for both DG and non-DG customers. This could help provide some additional context and insight into the demographic implications of net metering, while respecting customer protections. As will be discussed more below, any and all findings from this analysis or a cost-benefit analysis of DG should be disclosed to the public, interested stakeholders, and regulators prior to proposing any rate changes. l0 See IPC's Response to Vote Solar's First Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Discovery Request No. 3 Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 14 of 32 4 1 2 1J 5 6 7 8 10 11 t2 l3 l4 l5 16 17 l8 t9 20 9 V. IDAHO POWER'S PROCESS IS BACKWARDS a. What topics will you address in this section of your testimony? A. I will briefly discuss the common process of determining and implementing a rate change like proposed in the Company's Application. From this, I will explain why the Company's Application should be denied at this time and recommend a revised schedule and process for the issues presented in this case. a. Is Idaho Power's request in this case unusual? A. Yes. The Company's Application and approach is very unusual. While many states across the country have been discussing how to properly value distributed energy resources, how to allocate costs, and whether to explore alternative rate designs or create new rate classes, this appears to be the only case that I am aware of where a utility has filed for the creation of separate rate classes as a first step. There have been similar discussions in recent months in Nevada, Kansas, Iowa, and Arizona. These other instances were in the context of a rate case or general proceeding. No utility filed for the creation of a separate rate class without either completing a valuation of solar or cost of service study beforehand or as part of the application. In the case of Kansas, the general proceeding only allows the utility to file for the creation of a separate class in a future rate case. a. Are you aware of any other jurisdiction that has created a new rate class for net metered customers that has not undertaken a cost/benefit analysis? A. No. The only jurisdictions I am aware of that have approved separate rate classes Prefiled Direct Testimony Q',lonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 2t Page I 5 of32 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 l2 l3 14 l5 for investor-owned utilities are Nevada, Arizona, and Kansas. In each state, the decision to create a separate rate class was undertaken in either the context of a rate case or other proceeding designed to evaluate the costs and benefits of DG. California and Hawaii have NEM successor tariffs in place. However, at least in California, customers still take service under residential rates; the compensation rates are a separate tariff that applies only to net excess generation.ll In addition, new laws in Montana and North Carolina do allow establishing a separate rate class as part of a comprehensive DG proceeding.l2 Nevada ended net metering and created new rate classes for those customers at the end of 2015, after the utilities filed for the approval of eight net metering schedules.13 Their Application included a Net Metering Cost of Service Study and Narrative.la While the Nevada PUC did approve the utilities' joint Application in2015, the legislature reinstated net metering in2017. AB 405 raises the compensation rate back up to 95 percent of retail rates initially, with the rate declining by 7 percent for every 80 MW of additional distributed generation ll See Net Surplus Compensation Rate for California. l2 See Utility Dive, "In new trend, utilities propose separate rate classes for solar customers without rate increase", November 2,2017, https://www.utilitydive.com/news/in-new- trend-utilities-propose-separate-rate-classes-for-solar-customers-w/508393/. l3 See Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a cost of service study and net metering tariffs, Docket No. I 5-07041 . ra The COSS and all technical appendices are Volume 2 of 2 in the original application in Nevada Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page l6of32 capacity until it hits a floor of 75 percent of the retail rate.l5 Arizona ended net metering for new customers at the end of 2016 as part of the Commission's Value-of-Solar Proceeding.t6 The decision establishes rooftop solar customers as a separate class and replaces the compensation rate with a Value of Solar ("VOS") rate. In Kansas, Westar was granted approval to create a "Residential Standard Distributed Generation" Tariff for systems beginning operation after October 2U5.n This came out of a rate case settlement;18 as part of the settlement, the Kansas Corporation Commission opened up a general docket to examine issues surrounding rate design for DG customers.le Following this general docket, the Kansas Corporation Commission has ruled that other utilities can file for a ls See Utility Dive, "Nevada governor signs net metering bill", June 16,2017, https://www.utilitydive.com/news/nevada-governor-signs-net-metering-bill/445 177l. I6 Arizona Corporation Commission, Docket E-00000J-14-0023, httn://edocket.azcc.gov/Docket/DocketDetailSearch?docketld:1 8350#docket-detail-container2. l7 The distributed generation tariff for residential service is available on Westar's website at https://www.westarenergy.com/Portals/0/Resources/Documents/Tariffs/061 7 Resident Standard Distributed_Generation. pdf. l8 Kansas Corporation Commission See Docket No. l5-WSEE-1 l5-RTS. le Kansas Corporation Commission Docket No. l6-GIME-403-GIE, In the Matter of the General Investigation to Examine Issues Surrounding Rate Design for Distributed Generation Customers Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page77 of32 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12 l3 14 15 t6 t7 A. separate DG rate class in future rate cases.20 a. Are you aware of any other jurisdiction that has created a new rate class of any sort while keeping the rates and/or tariffs identical to another rate class? No, not that has been approved. Interstate Power and Light ("lPL") in Iowa proposed the creation of a separate rate class but with the same rate tariffs as residential in April of 2017.21 IPL also did this within the context of a general rate case, which Idaho Power has not done. The proceeding is still open and no ruling has been made. Is anything being done on this issue by other jurisdictions in the Northwest United States? Yes, both Oregon and Montana are currently attempting to gain clarity on the costs and benefits of distributed generation prior to moving forward on potential new rate classes and/or tariffs. Initiated in January 201 5 as a result of a legislative-mandated report evaluating the effectiveness of solar programs in Oregon, the investigation to determine the resource value of solar ("RVOS"), is split into two phases.22 Phase one involved the Oregon Public Utilities Commission ("OPUC") hiring an outside 20 See Kansas Corporation Commission, Final Order in Docket No. l6-GIME-403-GIE, Filled September 21, 2017. 2l Iowa Utilities Board, Docket RPU-2017-0001, Application for Approval of Non- Standard Notices. 22 Oregon Public Utilities Commission, Docket No. UM I 716. a. A. Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 18 of32 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 14 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l consultant, E3, to provide expert analysis in the development of a methodology and related computational model that would produce an RVOS based on a variety of inputs. Stakeholders, including utilities, environmental groups, ratepayer advocates, and the solar industry spent considerable time in phase one developing arguments and evidence to support the inclusion or exclusion of various value streams, or "elements." After multiple rounds of testimony, the Commission concluded phase one in September 2017. The result was the adoption of E3's RVOS methodology, with some tweaks, that would produce a"25-year marginal, leveled value for a generic, small-scale solar resource installed rn2017." Phase two commenced immediately after the conclusion of phase one, requiring that the utilities calculate RVOS values for their respective systems. This involves the utilities determining values for each of the l1 elements the Commission adopted at the conclusion of phase one. These values are: l) energy, 2) generation capacity, 3) transmission and distribution capacity, 4) line losses, 5) integration costs, 6) administration costs, 7) hedge value, 8) market price response, 9) grid services, l0) RPS compliance, and 1l) environmental compliance. The bulk of each utility's RVOS will come from the first four values, which will mostly derive from each utility's existing avoided cost calculation methodology. The remaining values either require additional work, will use placeholder values, or will come from pertinent utility assessments. In early December 2017, the utilities filed their initial RVOS calculations, which will subsequently be reviewed by stakeholders who will file testimony in the Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 22 Page 19 of32 I 2 J 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 l1 t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 coming months. In Montana where the debate over net metering has mostly occurred inside the capitol, the state legislature recently approved legislation requiring NorthWestern Energy to "conduct a study of the costs and benefits of customer- generators" and "submit the study to the commission for the purpose of making determinations in accordance with a public utility's general rate case..."23 Subsequently, and as allowed by the statute, the Montana Public Service Commission ("MPSC") opened a general docket and hired Plugged In Strategies as a consultant to provide input on the methodology of the cost-benefit analysis done by NorthWestern Energy ("NEW"). After taking comments from all interested stakeholders, the MPSC issued a Notice of Commission Action outlining the minimum information required for the cost-benefit analysis to be informative. The NCA also laid out the well-known process to follow the cost- benefit analysis: "NWE must submit the study to the Public Service Commission ("Commission") as part of a general rate application... . The Commission will evaluate NWE's study and make findings regarding whether customer-generators should be classified separately from other customers for rate design purposs5."24 The statute requires the cost/benefit analysis to be completed by April 1,2018 and 23 Montana Legislature, HB 219 l-rttn:l lleo mt onv/hil ls/201 7/sesslaws/chO?4R ndf Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page2} of32 24 Montana Public Service Comrnission, D2017.6.49, http://www.psc.mt.gov/Docs/ElectronicDocuments/pdffiles/D201 7649NCA.pdf. 1 4 2 J 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 NWE has hired Navigant as its third-party consultant to conduct the study. a. How would you suggest the Commission move forward? A. Creating a separate class should be the last step of the process. It should only occur if and after the utility can prove that these customers not only have a different load profile , but different costs of service . This requires extensive gathering and submission of data on customer-sided DG. The process should start with data collection and remain data-driven throughout. The utility must first monitor, measure, and gain sufficient experience with these customers and their behaviors. This can provide critical insights into these customers, how they interact with the system, and potential opportunities to improve the operations of these systems and the grid. Data collection and analysis are also the key foundations for any comprehensive proceeding on the value of solar and appropriate rate design for DG customers. Next, before proposing changes to rates or classes, there should be a general proceeding which provides all interested stakeholders an opportunity to discuss how to properly value customer-sided technologies. In this more general proceeding, stakeholders should determine what costs and benefits should be included in a valuation of solar, develop clear and transparent methods to calculate these costs and benefits, and discuss potential rate design approaches and offerings for these customers that reflect the full value of distributed generation and prevent unnecessary subsidization. Until there has been a Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin 2t Page2l of32 I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 13 t4 15 t6 l7 18 r9 20 proceeding on the costs and benefits of these customers to the grid and utility, there is not sufficient data or basis for cost causation or suppor-t for the creation of separate classes. Then, once the data, methods, and stakeholder engagement has been conducted, the Company should model the impacts of any proposed separate rate class, cost allocation method, or rates and allow other parties to evaluate the modeling outcomes. This will ensure the proposed treatment of DERs within the territory advances economic efficiency and public policy objectives, and does not unduly discriminate against specific classes of customers. Finally, only after a robust, honest evaluation of costs and benefits based on actual system performance, the utility may file for a change to rate classes or rates. Any change to rate classes should be done within a rate case. VI. PROPOSAL IS UNWARRANTED AT THIS TIME GIVEN STATE OF NET METERING IN COMPANY TERRITORY a.The Company states that the creation of a separate rate class is necessary given the fast growth in net metering service. Do you agree? No. Idaho Power points to similar discussions occurring in other states, such as Nevada, Arizona, California, and Hawaii.25 However, the status and pace of net metering is very different in these locations than within Idaho Power's own territory. A. 2s See Prefiled Direct Testimony of Idaho Power Witness Timothy E. Tatum, pg. l7-18 and Exhibits 3 and 5. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page22 of32 I 2 J 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 1l t2 l3 t4 t5 t6 t7 18 t9 a While the Company focuses on the double-digit growth rate, this focus is misleading. While net metering service has been growing within the Company's territory at a rather fast pace in the last few years, the absolute number of NEM customers and applicants is still incredibly small. At the time of the filing, Idaho Power had 1,400 residential and small general service net metering customers. This is just 0.25 percent of its customer base. In other words, the Company is proposing to create two separate rate classes for just 0.3 percent of its residential customers and 0.17 percent of its non-residential customers.26 To put this in perspective, Hawaii shifted away from net metering when penetration rates were as high as 16 percent.2T Creating new rate classes for such a small portion of customers and load as is the case in Idaho is unjustified and statistically dubious. In fact, it is likely many other sub-groups that meet similar "criteria", such as night workers (e.g. different load profile) or customers who have installed smart devices (e.g. "two- way" relationship) constitute a greater number of customers and load than current net metered customers. Yet, despite this, the Company has only targeted net metering service customers. Is the creation of a separate rate class necessary to study these net metering customers? 26 Reflects June 201 7 NEM numbers. In the Octob er 20ll update included in the Company's Answer to IECA's Motion to Dismiss, Idaho Power quoted total applications of 1,893, but not by class. This would reflect 0.36 percent of customers. Customer count taken from EIA Form 861, reflecting end-of-year 2016 values. 27 See Greentech Media, "Hawaii Regulators Shut Down HECO's Net Metering Program", October 74,2075, https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/hawaii-regulators- shutdown-hecos-net-meterin g-program#gs.X gGAnas. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page23 of32 I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 l3 14 l5 t6 A. a A. No. While the Company has suggested that establishing separate classes now will "position the Company to study this segment of customers"2S, Idaho Power admitted in discovery that "the Company is currently able to gather the information that is necessary to study various segments of customers" without creating a separate class (Exhibit No. 100+7.20 Is the Company at risk of financial harm if the decision to create a separate class is postponed until after a general proceeding on costs and benefits of distributed generation? No. The Company has a Fixed Cost Adjustment30 mechanism that would allow Idaho Power to f,rle a request to increase effective rates for residential and small general service customers in the case the Company under-recovers its fixed costs for serving these customers in a given year (e.g. actual grid energy sales are lower than forecasted because of customer conservation or self-generation) .:t Thus, there is no immediate concern or risk of the utility under-recovering its prudent costs for the residential and small general service classes if the Company's Application is denied at this time. 28 See Pg. 9 of the Company's Application. 29 See IPC's Response to the First Production Request from Commission Staff, Response to Request No. 3. 3o See Idaho Power's Schedule 54. https://docs.idahopower.com/pdfs/aboutus/ratesregulatory/tariffs/286.pdf. 3l From Idaho Power's 2016 DSM Report, pg. 166: "Under the FCA, rates for Idaho residential and small general-service customers are adjusted annually up or down to recover or refund the difference between the fixed costs authorized by the IPUC in the most recent general rate case and the fixed costs Idaho Power received the previous year through actual energy sales. The FCA addresses, for residential and small general-service customers, the percentage of fixed costs that are recovered through their volumetric energy charges." Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 24 of 32 I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 13 t4 15 16 17 l8 t9 20 21 22 Z) a Do you have any suggested principles the Commission and Company should consider when determining future changes to net-metering or net-metered customers? Yes. As penetration of demand-side technologies, including distributed generation, increases, there may be reason to explore alternative rate and compensation mechanisms. However, Idaho Power has not yet reached levels where this is necessary. The Company and the Commission should use this time to have robust, honest discussions with stakeholders to determine what alternatives may work for the utility, customers, and solar providers in the state when penetration levels are much higher. Any future mechanism should:32 o Not infringe on the ability for customers to install storage, distributed generation, or energy effrciency technologies and reduce their consumption of grid electricity. o Be gradual. Rate changes should be implemented gradually and predictably for existing NEM customers. o Be sustainable, clear, and fair. Solar compensation rates should reflect the full benefits. o This could include a value of solar compensation rate at higher penetration levels, which includes both short and life of system benefits of distributed generation. o Promote synergistic behavior and technology adoption. Rate design options, such as time-of-use, critical peak pricing, or other time-varying options, may A. 32 Principles drawn from "Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design", May 2017. Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 25 of 32 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 17 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 a. A. result in customer, renewable integration, and grid benefits. More optimal timing of consumption to match a home's solar production can reduce integration challenges and costs at higher levels of penetration. . Allow for and incentivize the adoption of distributed generation coupled with storage or electric vehicles; ensure that barriers to customer adoption of these newer technologies are not created. In addition, any revisions to compensation rates or assertions of cost shifting must be demonstrated with valid, transparent data that reflects both the values of distributed resources and the costs of providing service. Before approving a substantial rate design change, the Commission should consider requiring an independent cost-benefit analysis. Consideration of a separate rate class must be based on material public analysis demonstrating both significantly different load and cost characteristics. VII. CONCLUSION Briefly summarize your key recommendations. I recommend that the Commission reject Idaho Power's Application to create a separate rate class for net metering customers. The Company has not provided sufficient data to support such an extraordinary request, portions of the reasoning provided are false, insufficient and incorrect, and there is no pressing need for such a significant and substantive step at this time. The Commission should instead first order and open a comprehensive public proceeding on the valuation of DERs and the costs and benefits of these customers to the grid and utility. As part of this general proceeding, the Commission should also order that Idaho Power begin collecting and publicly Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page26 of32 2 aJ 4 a. A. submitting data on the usage and profiles of these customers to inform both the general proceeding and any future rate proceedings. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page27 of32 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22"d day of December, 2Ol7,l served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by delivering the same to each of the following individuals by electronic mail, addressed as follows: IDAHO POWER COMPANY: Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company t22r W. Idaho St. (83702) PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 lnordstrom@ idahopower. com dockets@ idahopower.com Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company l22l W. Idaho St. (83702) PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttatum@ idahopower. com caschenbrenner@idahopower. com COMMISSION STAFF: Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 sean. costel lo@puc. idaho. gov IDAHYDRO: Idahydro clo C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 900 PO Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 t o m . arko o sh@artqash.qa m erin.cecil@arkoosh.com tr U.S. Mail fl Facsimile E Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery EI Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail n Facsimile n Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail fl Facsimile n Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail n Facsimile n Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 28 of 32 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.: Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc c/o Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Ste. 100 PO Box 6l 19 Pocatello, ID 83205 elo(Eechohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 tony@yankel.net IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE: Matthew A. Nykiel Idaho Conservation League PO Box 2308 102 S. Euclid#207 Sandpoint, ID 83864 mnykiel @ idahoconservation. org AURIC LLC: Elias Bishop Auric Solar, LLC 2310 S. 1300 W. West Valley City, UT 84119 elias.bishop@auricsolar.com Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson Givens Pursley LLC 601 W. Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com den@ givenspursley. com tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Ovemight Mail D Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail ! U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery EI Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Ovemight Mail tr Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail I Facsimile E Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 29 of 32 SIERRA CLUB: Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC Sierra Club 920 N. Clover Drive Boise, ID 83703 kel sey@kel se)rj aenunez. com Tom Beach Crossborder Energy 2560 9th Street, Suite 213A Berkeley, CA 94710 E-mail : tomb@crossborderenerg)r.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY Michael Heckler michael.p.heckler@gmail.com Zack Waterman zack. waterman@sierraclub. org CITY OF BOISE CITY: Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Telephone: (208) 608.7950 Facsimile: (208) 384.4454 agermaine@cityofboi se. org tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail tr Facsimile fl Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile tr Overnight Mail n Hand Delivery E] Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail n Facsimile n Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery El Electronic Mail Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 30 of32 IDAHO CLEAN ENERGY ASSOCIATION: C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 900 PO Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com erin.cecil@arkoosh.com David H. Arkoosh Law Office of David Arkoosh PO Box 2817 Boise,ID 83701 david@arkooshlaw.com VOTE SOLAR: David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 53711 dbender@ earthj ustice. org Briana Kober Vote Solar 360 22"d Street, Suite 730 Oakland, CA 94612 briana@votesolar.org tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail E Facsimile E Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery EI Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile ! Overnight Mail E Hand Delivery X Electronic Mail tr U.S. Mail E Facsimile D Overnight Mail ! Hand Delivery E Electronic Mail Prefi led Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 31 of32 INTERMOUNTAIN WIND AND SOLAR, LLC: Ryan B. Frazier Brian W. Bumett Kirton McConkie 50 East Temple, Suite 400 PO Box 45120 Salt Lake city, uT 84111 rfrazier@kmclaw.com bburnett@kmclaw.com Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC 1952 West 2425 South Woods Cross, UTG 84087 dou g@imwindandsolar. com tr U.S. Mail n Facsimile E Overnight Mail tr Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail n U.S. Mail E Facsimile n Ovemight Mail n Hand Delivery I Electronic Mail Jr. Prefiled Direct Testimony (Nonconfidential) of Amanda M. Levin Page 32 of 32 EXHIBIT 1OO1 Professional Qualifications of Amanda M. Levin 0. Please state your name, business address, and occupation. A. My name is Amanda Levin and my business address is I 152 15th Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC, 20005. I am an Energy and Climate Analyst for the Natural Resources Defense Council ("NRDC"). 0. What is your educational background? A. I have a Bachelors in Public Policy from Stanford University and a Master's in Public Policy, with a concentration in Energy and Environmental Policy, from Stanford University. a. Briefly describe your role as an energy analyst at NRDC. A. I have worked at NRDC as an energy and climate analyst since June 2014. My current work focuses on analysis and advocacy around carbon and energy polices, decarbonization strategies, energy efficiency, renewables integration, and wholesale market issue reforms. I also serve as an expert for NRDC and partner organizations in front of state utility commissions, legislatures, and federal agencies. I have written and published numerous reports on utility rate design, clean energy deployment, federal and state energy policies, and decarbonization strategies. My research on electric restructuring, alternative utility business model design, and industrial energy efficiency program design has been published in a variety of academic press andjournals. a. A. a. A. Have you previously testified in front of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission? No. Have you previously testified in front of Public Utilities Commissions in other jurisdictions? Yes. I have previously testified in front of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. I have also participated as an intervenor in utility proceedings in the states of Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. EXHIBIT 1OO2 IPC's Response to Vote Solar's Second Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Request No. 42 (attached) BF9UEqI XO, g?: Reference lhe statement by Mr. Tatum on page 5, lines 17- ?0 of his direct testimony, thal: "The existing R&SGS rate design does not reflecl the costs and benefits CIf the transaction between ldaho Power and its cuslomers with on- site generatio*." a" Flease provido all analyses that the Company has conduc&d that quantify the cost to srn e sustomers with on-site generation and all data reli*d upon, lf applioabb, pl*ase provide supporting wnrk paper* in their natiye format with frnnulas and links intacl. b. Please provide alf anxlyses that the Company has conducted that quantify the benefits associaled with *ervirq customers with on-site generation and all data relied upon. lf applicable. please provide supporting work papero in their native format with formulae and links intact. RESPONSE TO- REQUEST NO.42: a. The Company parform*d trrrro reparate analyses to estimate the cost shifl, and the cosl lo serve residenlial custoffers wilh orr-sita generation, as of the end of 2015 and 201$. Pleas* sea the r*sponse and Attachments to Request No. 17 for a description of the analysis and the v***pape rs frr the analyee*, b. The Cornpany has ntt condurted any analyser to quantifu tht benefita associated wilh serving ruslcrners wilh on-eite generation. l-l$wever, the Company ha* requested a new dncket be apeced at the conclusion of this case with the purpo*e nf establishing a compcnaation sl&,cture for custornqr*owned DfRs that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electric system. The response lo this Request is spon*or"ed by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Manager, ldaho Power Company" IDAHO POWEB COMPANY'S fiESPONSE TO VOTE SOLAR'S STCOND SET OF OATA REQUESIS TO IOAHO POYVER COMPANY . 38 EXHIBIT IOO3 IPC's Response to Vote Solar's First Set of Data Requests to IPC, Response to Request No.3 t (attached) RgnUfr$T ll*. 1: Reference Application, page 5, paragraph 7. Please provide all analyses showing. confirming, or in any way $upporting your aseertion that net metering service acts as a regressive wealth transfer from lower-inc*rne to hlgher- income customers in your service lerrilory, includi*g your ddinitions of "lourer-income' and'higher-income'as used in this paragraph, and all income data for th* rasidential cuntorners taking service under $chedule 84, *ustnrn*r Hn*rgy Fr*duction Net Melering, that you relied on to make the assertion r*garding th* tran*far of raealth frorn loyrer-income to higher-income customers. SfSPOh{SE, Ig." EFAIEST f.IO. !: ldaho Powsr does nct galher income information for its custorner* and has not porfonn*d an analysis acmrding to incorne level. The di*cussion on page 5, paragraph ?, *f th* Application yvas a r*f&ran*s tn Mr" Talum's lestimony. ln his testimony, Mr. Tatum refercned an Oclober 201$ Public Utiltre* Fortnightly article when he stated that othem in the industry have eancluded flrat the nel nctering poliry is regremive in nature and that the oub*idy frcm non-solar to aolar customars constftutes a regressiva y*Bnltfi trarsfer from lower-inmrne slrstome,B to higher-income customer$. Mr. Tatum *xpressed that ldaho Frer sharcs tlTis cancern. The response ta this Request is sponsored by Tim Tatum, Mce President of Regulatory Affairs, ldaho Power Cornpany. IDAHO POWER COMPASIY'S RTSPONSE TO VOTE SOLAR'S rIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPA'IY - 4 EXHIBIT 1OO4 IPC's Response to the First Production Request from Commission Staff, Response to Request No.3 (attached) REQUt9IL ilO, A: On page I of lts Application, the Company states that "Establishing separate customer classes now will position the Company to study this segment of customers, providing the data necsssary to understand how this customer segment utilizes this system." What information ryill the Company be able to gather that is nol currently available for {h**e customers? qFq,f-#ilSr Tq,AHngfSI Xq. qr To provide context, the fullquota from page 1$ of Mr. Timothy E. Taturn's testirnony stated that; The *sHblishment of simila*y *ituated customer$ or customer classes has been a long-xtanding and impodant first step in the ratemaking proceas" Taking this important firsl ratemakins $tep now will posilios the Carnpany to study this *egrnent of customers, providing the data necessary to understand how this cuslomer seg,nenl utilize* the Carnpany*s sy$tem. The data quanlifying the usage of the syatem will inferm r*rhat costs (revenue requirement) aro appropriately allocated to the newty established cu*tomer classes in a future rate proceeding {class cost-of-senrice process). Talum Dl, p. 19, lines 14-24 The Company is currently able to gather ths infonnation lhat is neceosary lo etudy variou$ $egments nf custorners; however, rhould the Commisrisn dacline to suthoriz* the establishmeat of the requested nevr customer classes. the Company raould have no reason to modify its class cost-otservice study or ratemaXeing processes. lf the ldaho Fublic Utiliti*s Commission ("'Comrnission") detenn,ines there are differencas that wanant the establishment of new s.mtomer classes, the Company will a*sigfl costs to the new customsr classes in the class cost-of-service study and de*ign rates specific to those clasees as part of a future rate proceeding. lf the Commiasion determines no differences exist that warrant the rreation of a new customer class for 'NAHO POWER COMFANY'$ RT$PONSE TO THE FIRST FRo0ucrCIN RTQUEST OF r|-lE CoitjiMl$$r0r{ STAFF - 5 cultorners with on-site generation, the Company will continue to allocate costs to the residential and small general service customer clesses that exist today. The respon*e to this Requesl is *ponsored by Tim Tatum, M*e Fresident of tegulatory Affairs, ldaho Pswer Gompany. IDAIIO POW€R CCMPANY'S RESPONSE IOTHE FIRST PROSUCTION RTOUEST OTTHE COMMIS$ION STAFF -S