HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171222King Direct.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Deborah E. Nelson (ISB No. 571l) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com den@ givenspursley.com 14017301J l139ts-2) RECEIVED ?01?0[c 22 Pl{ l:57 l;'ii l'li-l :urli-lc, .,, '',1 :: :-ri{li'l.ilSSlON, .: .\ I.j t_._,rilrrrru Attorneys for ldaho Clean Energt Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON-SITE GENERATION Case No. IPC-E-17-13 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KEVIN KING ON BEHALF OF IDAHO CLEAN ENERGY ASSOCIATION, INC. ORIGINAL I Q. Please state your name and address. 2 A. My name is Kevin King and my business address is 401 N Main St, Meridian,lD 83642. 3 Q. Please describe your professional background. 4 A. I have been involved in the rooftop solar and, more generally, the clean energy sector in 5 Idaho since 2009. I currently own three local companies: EvenGreen Technology, a design build 6 Solar and Energy Efficiency Company; Gem State Solar, which designs and installs solar light 7 tubes and attic fans; and Solar Tools USA, a solar tool manufacturing company. I hold an Idaho 8 electrical contractors license and am registered as an Idaho building contractor. I am certified 9 with Lithium Chemistry batteries. I hold a US Patent for tools used in the solar industry. l0 Through my professional experience, I have become familiar with the rooftop solar I I industry in Idaho, including the regulatory environment. In 2013,I worked closely with Idaho 12 Power on the integration guidelines for net metering. l3 a. On whose behalf are you testifying? 14 A. I am testifying on behalf of the Idaho Clean Energy Association (ICEA). l5 a. Please describe the Idaho Clean Energy Association. 16 A. The Idaho Clean Energy Association is a nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of 17 renewable energy, energy efficiency, and their associated technologies in the State of Idaho. We l8 provide a voice for Idaho businesses in the clean energy space. 19 a What is your position with the Idaho Clean Energy Association? 20 A. I have served on the Board of Directors for close 5 years. In 2015, ICEA formed a Solar 2l Task Force to facilitate communication among Idaho solar installers so that ICEA could present 22 a position representative of the industry in policy and regulatory matters that affect the industry. I 23 lead and serve as a spokesperson for ICEA's Solar Task Force. 1 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I Q. Are other witnesses testifying on behalf of ICEA? 2 A- Yes. Mike Leonard will provide testimony regarding the impact of the filing on his solar 3 installation business, Aurora Solar Power and Design. Steve White is a Chartered Financial 4 Analyst with experience advising clients on whether to invest in rooftop solar; he will describe 5 how the filing impacts decisions on whether to invest in rooftop solar. 6 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? 7 A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the impact of the Idaho Power's current filing 8 on Idaho businesses, particularly those which offer rooftop solar. 9 Q. Please outline the topics of your testimony. l0 A. My testimony will provide the following: 11 1) A description of the rooftop solar industry in Idaho; 12 2) A description of common transactions between rooftop solar customers and rooftop l3 solar companies; 14 3) The impacts this filing will have on the rooftop solar industry in Idaho in the short, l5 medium, and long term; 16 4) Concerns regarding Idaho Power's proposed generic docket; and 17 5) Recommendations for future net metering proceedings. l8 I will also briefly respond to Idaho Power's allegations that participants in the rooftop 19 solar industry are misleading customers. I do not see this issue as relevant to the proceeding and 20 do not wish to distract the Commission from Idaho Power's application. However, I feel 2l compelled to respond to what I view as inaccurate statements made by Idaho Power. 22 1) The Rooftop Solar Industry in Idaho 23 a. Please generally describe the market participants in the rooftop solar industry in Idaho. 2 Kmc, Dt ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I A. The rooftop solar market in Idaho is relatively young, compared to surrounding states, 2 bfi it is growing. The industry is mostly made up of small businesses, which do not all follow the 3 same model. Broadly speaking, participants in the industry include design and build companies, 4 which design and build rooftop solar installations for customers; rooftop solar installers, which 5 install rooftop solar installations; and solar sales companies, which provide outreach and 6 information to the public and potential customers. Banks, credit unions, and other financing 7 companies provide financing. Design and build companies and installers often use engineers, 8 electricians, and other third parties to complete various phases of the project. Components of the 9 rooftop solar systems are typically ordered from out-of-state suppliers or wholesalers, although 10 several wholesalers have moved into the area. Schools, government buildings, and non-profit 1l organizations have also purchased rooftop solar installations. It is a young industry, still in flux, 12 but it provides economic activity on several levels. 13 a. How does the rooftop solar industry, and clean energy businesses generally, contribute to 14 economic development here in Idaho? 15 A. Clean energy contributes to economic development in Idaho in three ways: providing 16 jobs, recruiting new businesses, and keeping investment dollars local. 5 KtNc, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 1 Jobs. Clean energy represents a 2 significant and growing number ofjobs in Idaho. 3 According to a Department of Energy report 4 published in March 2077,there are 1,645 jobs in 5 the wind and solar sector in Idaho. Specifically, 6 solar and wind offer some of the greatest job 7 growth potential across all occupations. In 8 October, Bloomberg published its prediction of Th. Fastcst€roulng OccrpatloG *dtMe uFn ad praclilioB ioh @i toi 8 ol lE 1sgd*ld l8d{rowro6@alioniin lhe U,s.i6m 2016 to 2026 lh$r@t&daro,5 st tun"reanta&sI.ut tu^@nr.rier&. I rro hy*,asanr' I "r.M,seFacud€,! I."n srutr*,"n" f ::a Eledlll@t.q{E skrbddryi rp*de k@& 8E*'& roadd PrrySlt!@e I 3or s-5 AA aa a.i a.r ftc@tu'arih6'sa:**f a.e hrdrotoreunryaer.ls f zoo bee Broa0 oi kB St.ErEs EoEtu9 9 the fastest growing occupations for 2016 to 2026. The two professions at the top of the list were I 0 Solar PV installers and Wind turbine service technicians. The article is attached as Exhibit 801 . I I A clean energy company is considered a producing company, much like a construction 12 company. When a customer invests in rooftop solar, that money supports not only solar installer 13 jobs but also indirect jobs, such as our local suppliers and the services we hire. So the growth or 14 possible decline of our clean energy businesses has a ripple affect across multiple other jobs in l5 Idaho. 16 Attracting new businesses. In terms of attracting businesses to Idaho, the ability to 17 access clean energy is becoming a significant factor. Edison Energy reports that72 percent of 18 large companies headquartered in the United States are actively pursuing additional renewable 19 energy purchases. Nearly half of Fortune 500 companies have a sustainability or renewable 20 energy target, according to Advanced Energy Economy. Among these, 22have committed to 100 2l percent renewable energy. Some of the companies in Idaho that have set a 100% renewable 22 energy goal are Hewlett Packard and Clif Bar. Others include WalMart, Apple, Amazon, Whole 23 Foods, and many more. Idaho is ranked #48 out of 50 in terms of the ease at which companies 4 KmG, DI ICEA rPC-E-17-13 I can procure renewable energy. See Exhibit 802. We solar installers believe our industry can play 2 a growing role in the ability of Idaho to attract new businesses. 3 Local investments. On-site generation is an investment alternative which supports our 4 local economy. For example, if a person invests in a fixed income fund, that capital typically gets 5 spread across companies that may span the world. If instead the person chooses to invest in 6 rooftop solar, that money helps solar installers pay their employees, our vendors, and the 7 associated local taxes. 8 Q. Can you describe the growth in demand for rooftop solar and how that has impacted jobs 9 from your first-hand experience? l0 A. 1n2009, my company had 3 11 employees. Now we have over 20 12 employees who range from salespeople, 13 engineers, MBA, designers, electricians, 14 and laborers. Three years ago, my company 15 was getting about 5 inquiries per month 16 from customers interested in rooftop solar. Average Solar lnsolation by State ldaho ranks #15 out of 5OStates t: i --:! i:i. i r:;;:i:.-":j:i=::i-: 'jii;i -":.:..i:,;ltl;:" .j_ .: _- j- .: -: ;::l_:j_: -: -1_!i. -1::_ --: --:-i:- ii:i j ;: " ::_a--. :,,:t !I i- . Source: BasEd on datr from th e Ninion rlO(cili€ a rld Atn;sphertagri inirt-*iori s r+rtid by Nerdwatret@m in I Ldy ?OIl, htt6,r,rwryrffidvEll*.@mibb:lutiliis/*#rrsllsdal-solar-sss/ 17 Market demand for solar continued to grow, and my business has received increasing numbers of 18 customer inquiries. We now have a steady 30 inquiries per month. 19 a. Is there potential for growth in the solar industry in Idaho? 20 A. Definitely. Idaho has great weather for solar. Relative to other states, Idaho ranks #16 in 2l terms of solar insolation. Yet Idaho lags behind other states in terms of the peneffation level of 22 installed rooftop solar. Among the states with less solar insolation, the majority have more solar 23 PV per capita. If Idaho were to achieve the national average of small scale solar capacity per 5 KING, DI ICEA rPC-E-17-13 J 1 capita, there is opportunity for a multifold increase in Idaho for rooftop solar related jobs 2 Exhibits 803 and 804 illustrate these points. Small Scale Solar PV Summer Capacity Relativeto Total (July 2017) L.A% t.4% o-2% ldaho USA Average Mountain ilffi::1ffiiffi31,*,'*-,.*,-*, Region Net Su mms ca prirv of uti lty Scale Un iE (Allsouc6). Smll S(alc. < lirw, typicalv r@rtop ,\, 4 Q. Please describe your customer base for rooftop solar here in Idaho. 5 A. I believe there is a misconception that only wealthy people are buying rooftop solar, but 6 that is simply not the case here in Idaho. Our customers can be placed into three general 7 categories, based on their primary motives for installing rooftop solar. 8 Investors. At my company, our top source of referrals is financial advisors because they 9 see rooftop solar as an attractive way for clients to invest. 10 Owners of Inefficient Homes. These are typically folks in rural, older homes which 1l have very high electricity requirements relative to square footage and high electricity bills 12 relative to household income. One of the big changes I've seen is the growing demand from 13 these customers as the economics for solar have improved and the availability of financing has 14 made rooftop solar more accessible. I would describe these customers as independently minded 15 and forward thinking. They are anxious about the rate at which their electricity bills have 16 increased because they literally cannot afford to see their bills increase beyond a certain point. 17 So, for example, a customer might be paying $200/month to power their manufactured home; 6 KING, DI ICEA rPC-E-17-13 I with financing, they might pay $200/month for a solar PV system for 20 years. After 20 years, 2 rather than facing a monthly bill to the utility that the customer cannot afford, the customer has 3 paid off the loan and can enjoy much lower energy costs. Approximately 30%o of my current 4 customers are in this category. 5 Retirement planning. As people plan for retirement, they often want to levelize their 6 costs of living. These folks are looking at living on a fixed income, and they are concemed their 7 income won't keep up with power rate inflation. They see an investment in on-site generation as 8 an opportunity to be less beholden to the utility's rate increases. They see solar PV as a means to 9 reduce the need to purchase energy from the grid, which allows them to budget their future l0 income and improve their monthly cash flow. l1 These three categories describe the majority of customers my company serves. We also 12 receive inquiries from customers motivated by environmental concerns (roughly 5Yo for my l3 company) and other motives. 14 2) Common Transactions with Customers 15 a What tlpes of financial and other arrangements are common in the Idaho rooftop solar 16 industry? 17 A. Rooftop solar companies offer several different arrangements to fit customer needs. Some 18 customers purchase rooftop solar installations outright, without financing. Others finance rooftop 19 solar installations, typically paying a fixed rate to a bank, credit, union, or financing company for 20 a term, after which they will own the installation free and clear. Some banks offer special 2l financing arrangements for rooftop solar arrangements. Schools, government buildings, and 22 organizations sometimes finance rooftop solar installations through grants or other programs. 23 a. In general, how do rooftop solar customers reduce their electric bills from the utility? 7 KTNG, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 1 A. When a customer installs rooftop solar, the customer reduces their need to purchase 2 power from the grid in the future. This reduction can occur in two ways - often called "Behind 3 the MeteC'and "Bi-directional Offsets." 4 Behind the Meter. For rooftop solar customers, most of the electricity they generate is 5 produced and consumed behind the meter, so the customer avoids downloading electricity from 6 the grid. Thus, most of the reduction in the customer's electric bill is from reduced consumption 7 behind the meter. This is similar to replacing an old incandescent light bulb with LED's, it's just 8 a different mechanism for reducing consumption from the grid. 9 Bi-Directional Offsets. Some net metering customers also export electricity to the grid, l0 which may enable the customer to offset future consumption and therefore their net usage. Not 11 all customers export to the grid, and there are seasons during which these customers export very 12 little if at all. For example, during the summer months it is more likely that a net metering 13 customer is using the grid bi-directionally part of the day, although during the winter months it is 14 more likely the customer is only using the solar generation behind the meter. 15 3) The Impacts of Idaho Power's Filing 16 a) Immediate I7 a Let's discuss the filing currently before the PUC. Did that filing have an immediate 18 impact on rooftop solar businesses? 19 A. Yes. During the summer, Idaho Power sent a letter to net metering customers and posted 20 documentation online which conveyed that customers who had signed up for net metering by 2l December 31,2017 would remain on the current rate schedule. The utility described its concerns 22 with net metering and its motives for putting customers signing up after that date into a separate 23 class. My experience is that customers got the impression from Idaho Power's communication 8 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 1 that they would be grandfathered provided they had signed up by December 31. Solar installers 2 began receiving a surge of inquiries from people anxious to have installations completed before 3 December 31,2017. 4 a. Is a surge in installations good for business? 5 A. This type of surge is not good for our businesses because it does not increase the total 6 number of customers who buy solar. It just squeezes that demand into a tight timeframe. We 7 installers pay more for overtime and subcontractors to meet the timeline imposed by Idaho 8 Power. Note that, though it would be better for the industry to have steady work, ours is a 9 competitive market and we cannot collude on how we go to market. Installers are going to l0 compete not to lose those customers who want to buy sooner rather than later. 1l Customers who cannot get service prior to a cut-off date then perceive they missed the 1,2 window, so this type of surge is often followed by a slump. Also, members of our industry 13 provide multiple types of service. For example, a fellow member of the Idaho Clean Energy 14 Association, Bluebird Solar & Light, informs me they lost business for their lighting and battery l5 projects because the staff had to focus on rooftop solar obligations to meet the surge of 16 customers. 17 a In2013, the PUC held proceedings on IPC-E-12-27, which proposed changes to net l8 metering rates. Did those proceeding have any impact on solar installation business in Idaho? 19 A. Yes, there was a chill on the market for about six months during the 2013 net metering 20 proceedings as customers waited to learn what new net metering rates would be. I am personally 2l aware of three solar installation companies that went out of business during that timeframe and 22 those of us that didn't go out of business suffered financially for many months after the chill 23 before we were able to recover. 9 KING, Dt ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I Q. Do you have any reason to believe that, if Idaho Power's current filing is approved, the 2 impact to the solar installation business will be any different now? 3 A. No I do not. We have seen an initial surge, but I believe this is due to the grandfathering 4 proposal and materials Idaho Power provided to customers. If the filing is approved, I believe we 5 will experience a chill similar to or greater than the 2013 proceeding. 6 b) Medium-term 7 Q. If the current filing were approved, how would that affect rooftop solar installers in the 8 timeframe following approval? 9 A. In its filing, Idaho Power has proposed creating a separate customer class for new net 10 metering customers, and then opening a generic docket to determine how that new class will be 1l treated. This would create a "limbo period" during which potential rooftop solar customers know 12 they will be treated differently, but do not know how they will be treated. Based on my 13 experience, customers who would otherwise invest in rooftop solar would hold off. Based on my 14 involvement as the ICEA spokesperson, I predict the following: 15 o For my business, EvenGreen Technology, we predict a 60%o decrease in our net metering 16 related business relative to what we would otherwise sell if the PUC were to approve the 17 filing and allow the threat of detrimental changes to net metering rates to hang over our 18 industry. 19 o AltEnergy Incorporated predicts up to a 50% decline in its net metering related business 20 if this filing were approved. 2l o Bluebird Solar & Light predicts a75o/o decline in their residential rooftop solar business 22 relative to what they would otherwise sell in the absence of this filing. 10 KING, Dl ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I o Auric Solar employees about 40 people in Idaho in rooftop solar related jobs. If the 2 Commission approves this filing, Auric has indicated that it will be forced to close its 3 business in Idaho. 4 Our businesses cannot maintain our employees and other fixed costs for the months to years 5 required to resolve what new rates or rate structures will be. 6 Q. Does the limbo period proposed by this filing differ from the general uncertainty inherent 7 to rate making? 8 A. Yes. The current filing fails to narrow the scope of changes that my potential customers 9 should consider. Potential customers will know they have been singled out for adverse 10 treatment, but do not know the range of possible outcomes. Potential customers will make I I choices in fear of a worst case scenario. Therefore we solar installers bear the cost of a worst 12 case scenario which may never occur. Given the harm to solar installers is real, the evidence 13 justifoing the filing should be substantial. 14 a. Do other factors affect solar installers and their potential customers in the medium term? 15 A. Yes. Creating an extended limbo period is particularly costly to Idaho installers and 16 potential customers over the coming years. 17 The federal Investment Tax Credit available for residential and commercial installations l8 of solar energy systems will decline over the next four years. For solar installers who have 19 invested for many years to build a market for rooftop solar in Idaho, these coming years 20 represent a particularly important opportunity to recuperate our investments. Imposing a limbo 2l period at this time also discourages Idahoans from taking advantage of federal funds available to 22 others throughout the United States. 23 a Idaho Power has not proposed pricing changes at this time. Does that prevent disruption 1l KING,DI ICEA rPC-E-17-13 I to the rooftop solar industry? 2 A. No. As I discuss above, making a separate customer class itself creates uncertainty. 3 Failing to provide the range of possible price and rate structure changes increases the uncertainty 4 rather than reducing it. The lack of immediate pricing changes does not prevent disruption to the 5 rooftop solar industry. 6 Q. How would approval of this filing affect the three types of potential customers for rooftop 7 solar which you previously identifred? 8 A. The first customer category, the Investors, weigh the risk and return of investing in on- 9 site generation. Approval of this filing would cause them to see the investrnent as very risky, so l0 they would need significantly higher returns to motivate them to invest. Many would wait for 1l better visibility to future rates, many would opt to invest into other less risky investments. 12 The Owners of Inefficient Homes and the people planning for retirement would be most 13 affected. As described earlier, we currently do a lot of business with customers who have high 14 electric bills and want to minimize their exposure to power inflation rates because they are l5 concerned their income cannot keep up with rising electricity rates. These customers want more 16 control over their costs, not less. Customers would not install solar if they perceive the threat that 17 they would still be beholden to Idaho Power to help the utility recuperate revenue associated l8 with electricity which the customer avoided downloading. These are risk averse customers, and 19 the filing creates a limbo period of high risk. 20 c) Long-term 2l a. Can you identify long-term problems associated with creating a separate customer class 22 for net metering customers? 23 A. Yes. First, if a new customer class is created, a standard customer can choose to join the t2 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I proposed new rate classes with a minimal investment into on-site generation. I recall from the 2 Idaho Power 2013 net metering docket that the company's rate proposal would have created a 3 financial incentive for high usage customers to switch into the proposed net metering rate. If the 4 rate design for net metering increases fixed costs and reduces volumetric charges, then many 5 customers would find a financial advantage in shifting rate classes. For example, high monthly 6 fixed cost would remove the opportunity for many small-home customers to reduce their high 7 electricity bills with on-site generation, but lower volumetric charges would create opportunities 8 for high usage customers to benefit from switching rate schedules. 9 Idaho Power has focused on revenue lost when customers reduce their electric bills via l0 on-site generation. Mobility between rate schedules also creates the opportunity for customers to I I take advantage of differences in rate structure and therefore lower their bills. I urge the PUC to 12 consider the current dollar value of issues associated with bi-directional use of the grid by net 13 metering customers, and compare that to potential cost shifting that would occur when some 14 portion of Idaho Power's half million residential customers lower their bills by shifting from 15 standard to a new net metering rate design by using very small solar systems. The greater the 16 difference between net metering and standard rate structure, the greater the potential for 17 unintended cost shifting. The smaller the difference, the less need for this filing. 18 a. Any others? 19 A. Yes. Any new class of net metering customers will be small. Members of a smaller class 20 are more exposed to pricing and other changes than members of a larger class. The small size of 2l the net metering class, the disparity in usage levels within the class, and the potential for changes 22 in composition of the class would lead to rates that are more volatile and standard rates. Putting 23 net metering customers into separate classes would diminish the predictability and stability of net 13 Knc, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I metering rates. This will cause long-term disruptions in the rooftop solar industry. 2 Q. Are you familiar with the filing Idaho Power made in 2012, and the PUC's resulting 3 Order No. 32846? 4 A. Yes. The PUC denied Idaho Power's request to create a new customer class for net 5 metering customers in part because creating a new class would discourage investment in 6 distributed generation. 7 Q. Would approval of the current filing discourage investment in distributed generation? 8 A. Yes. Approval of the current filing will have immediate, medium-term, and long-term 9 impacts that will disrupt the rooftop solar industry in Idaho and discourage investment in 10 distributedgeneration. I I 4) Concerns with the Proposed General Docket 12 a. Do you have concerns about the generic docket proposed by Idaho Power if its request to 13 create a separate customer class is granted? 14 A. Yes. The current filing does not provide a rate structure for us to analyze the downside 15 impacts of putting net metering customers in a separate class, so we should consider lessons 16 learned from the net metering rate design proposed by the Company in IPC-E-l2-27. One 17 example of the downside impact was that, if the proposed rate structure had been implemented, I 8 many net metering customers would have been better off financially to turn off their solar 19 systems, systems for which they had already paid, rather than be subject to the proposed new 20 rates for net metering. Page l5 of the direct testimony of Courtney R. White in that proceeding, 2l excerpted below, illustrates this point. 14 KTNG, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 14 This analysis indicates that ifthc proposcd terrns are implemcnted, ovcr 20% of l5 the net metering customers in the population evalualed rould be finencirlly bctter olf l6 (their total bills lo the Compauy would be lers) if they turned off their customcr- l7 owned genention systens in order to be billed ulder the same terrns as standard I 8 customers rather than pay the unfavorable ratcs proposed for net meterinS. A rra. l9 structure is not equitable if the choice to produce electricity orkcs a cuslomer I 20 fioancially wone oll 2 Ms. White's testimony is publically available on the PUC's website. 3 Q. How might changes to the compensation structure affect the ability of rooftop solar 4 customers to reduce their electric bill from the utility? 5 A. Changes can affect both methods of recovering investrnent, both Behind the Meter and 6 Bi-Directional Offsets. 7 Regarding regulatory changes affecting Behind the Meter savings, changes that would 8 disallow customers from reducing their usage behind the meter at retail rate would remove the 9 most fundamental economic incentive for on-site generation. Customers are not willing to pay l0 twice for their electricity. A customer is not going to pay for a solar system which he or she will 1l use behind the meter and then turn around and pay Idaho Power for revenue lost because the 12 customer avoided downloading electricity. 13 Regarding regulatory changes affecting Bi-Directional Offsets, if electricity uploaded to 14 the grid is valued at less than retail, it would greatly diminish the return on investment for most 15 solar installations. The more the investment relies on bi-directional use of the grid, the more it 16 would be affected. Such changes would decrease overall demand for rooftop solar installations 17 and affect the size of systems that would provide good retums, further discouraging investment l8 in rooftop solar installations. l5 KINC, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I Q. Related to this filing, has Idaho Power indicated if they intend to propose changes that 2 would affect Behind the Meter savings? 3 A. Yes, Idaho Power has conveyed intent that net metering customers should not be allowed 4 to benefit from reduced usage behind the meter in the same manner other customers are able to 5 benefit. For example, Idaho Power presents its view in the Idaho Statesman Guest Opinion by 6 Idaho Power Vice President Adam J. Richins, August 11,2017, attached as Exhibit 805: 7 lt costs significantly more - approximately $65 per month in total - for 8 Idaho Power to supply grid services to the average residential customer. 9 Under the current rate structure, the $60 that is not paid by a net metering 10 customer is ultimately shifted to other residential customers to pay. This is I I called cost shifting, and it results in higher prices for other customers. 12 By this definition, cost shifting occurs whenever a customer turns off the lights. Cost l3 shifting occurs when a vacation property is seldom used. See Exhibit 806. Cost shifting occurs 14 when any standard customer pays less than the average cost per customer. Our potential l5 customers for rooftop solar typically have been paying more than average, and they value the 16 freedom of choice to pay less. Idaho Power targets net metering customers and conveys that cost 17 shifting is specific to net metering customers who pay less than average. This is misleading and 18 simply not true. 19 a. If the frling were approved and in the future the fixed fee per month for net metering 20 customers were raised to be higher than that for standard customers, what customers might be 2l most adversely affected ? 22 A. Raising the fixed fee per month would most adversely affect our ability to serve 23 customers with low usage. Our business opportunities would narow to large properties. If the 16 KING, DI ICEA rPC-E-17-13 I fixed fee were increased and volumetric rates for net metering were lower than standard rates, 2 otr business would narrow to small systems for large properties because those customers would 3 benefit from the lower volumetric charges. 4 5) Recommendations for Future Proceeding 5 Q. Idaho Power has conveyed concern that residential customers who reduce their usage are 6 not paying the utility's average cost per customer. Is a filing specific to net metering the 7 appropriate venue foraddressing that concern? 8 A. No. The ability to benefit from reduced consumption behind the meter is not specific to 9 net metering. If the Commission wishes to address the question of whether residential or small 10 general service customers are accurately contributing to the class cost of service, ICEA would I I respectfully ask that the policy be considered in a non-discriminatory manner and that the issue 12 be addressed in the context of all residential or small general service customers. 13 a. Idaho Power appears to be particularly concerned that some net metering customers 14 reduce their net usage to zero. Does that make net metering customers different than standard 15 customers? 16 A. No. Standard customers have the choice to reduce their usage to zero without penalty, as 17 long as they pay the Commission approved monthly customer charges. Some residential 18 customers consume far more than average, some far less. The degree to which a customer 19 reduces usage behind the meter should not be a basis for charging net metering customers 20 differently. 2l a What action does ICEA request that the PUC take? 22 A. ICEA requests that the Commission deny Idaho Power's current filing and set guidelines 23 for future proceedings addressing net metering policy. t7 KmG, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I Q. Could you please summarize ICEA's recommendations with regard to future proceedings 2 addressing net metering policy? 3 A. Any future docket addressing net metering policy should have boundaries guiding the 4 process in order to minimize disruption and unjustified harm to the businesses impacted by net 5 metering rate design. ICEA respectfully recommends the following boundaries: 6 o Demonstrated Problem. Evidence of a material problem should be demonstrated before 7 proposing changes to net metering rate design. 8 o Non-discriminatory. Customers should be free to benefit from reduced consumption 9 without discrimination. l0 r No cart-before-horse. Analysis giving fair weight to both costs and benefits should I I precede any changes to rate structure. 12 o Referee. We ask for the regulatory version of a referee to govern the process, which 13 should include representation from stakeholders. 14 o No Surge & Slump. Any docket proposing changes to net metering rates should not 15 propose an effective date until after the potential approval of the filing. Or, if a cut-off 16 deadline is implemented, it should be based on the date a net metering application is 17 postmarked. This is a cutoff deadline commonly used across the nation that will help l8 decrease the surge and slump and other problems. 19 o Don't rush it. The process should allow time for thorough consideration of costs and 20 benefits, potential repercussions, and stakeholder perspectives. 2l o Orderly transition. Customers should be assured that for an extended period of time 22 they would be able to remain on rates current at the time their net metering application is 23 postmarked. l8 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I o SEIA principles. ICEA urges the Commission to consider and adopt the Solar Energy 2 Industries Association's ("SEIA") principles for the evolution of net energy metering and 3 rate design, attached as Exhibit 807. 4 6) Response to Idaho Power's Assertions about Installers 5 Q. On pages 16-18 of Idaho Power's Answer to ICEA's Motion to Dismiss, Idaho Power 6 argues that solar installers mislead customers into thinking that electric rates and rate structure 7 will never change. In your experience, do solar installers promise customers that they will 8 receive fixed or "locked in" electricity rates from utilities? 9 A. No. Customers know that rates from the utility are subject to change. In fact, many l0 customers seek rooftop solar precisely to guard themselves against power rate increases. By 11 purchasing a rooftop solar installation, a customer pays a fixed amount to the rooftop solar 12 company in exchange for a future supply of energy. In this manner, the customer fixes or "locks 13 in" the rate for power from his or her own rooftop solar installation. References to fixed rates or 14 "locked in" rates would refer to the purchase price or financed rates between an installer or 15 financing partner and the customer, not to rates between the customer and Idaho Power. 16 a On page l8 of Idaho Power Answer to ICEA Motion to Dismiss, the company states: 17 "Waiting to make changes until a general rate case is filed or until a technical study is complete 18 encourages hundreds or thousands more customers to make five digit investments under a faulty 19 premise." Please address this concern. 20 A. The implication of Idaho Power's statement is that customers would not invest if they 2l knew what net metering rates will be in the future. Idaho Power does not know what future net 22 metering rates will be and has not provided evidence to justifu that an investment in rooftop solar 23 should be discouraged. I do not give customers assurances about future changes to rates. When l9 KING, Dt ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I no one knows what future rates will be, it is unfair to imply that customers should be discouraged 2 from considering the services my industry offers. 3 Idaho has one of the lowest penetration rates for solar PV in the nation, and I have seen 4 no evidence to support that Idahoans should uniquely be discouraged from investing. There are 5 over a million homes with rooftop solar in the United States; the implication that rooftop solar is 6 abad investment specifically for Idaho Power's residential and small general service customers 7 is unfounded. 8 The PUC has not been given sufficient evidence to determine that customers should be 9 discouraged from investing in rooftop solar. I would urge the Commission not to signal l0 customers that their investment decisions should go on hold. 1l a. Would approval of the filing reduce the uncertainty for customers considering 12 investments in on-site generation? 13 A. This filing increases the potential for inaccurate predictions because it widens the range 14 of uncertainty and reduces predictability of future rates. Whether we like it or not, customers 15 look to installers for guidance or validation of their assumptions when investing. There is no one 16 right answer, so customers will get a wide range of predictions regarding the timing, degree, and 17 design of future net metering rates. l8 Approval of this filing puts a difficult burden on installers regarding our obligation to 19 help customers evaluate what future rates will be. If the PUC were to approve this filing, is the 20 expectation that we installers would advise customers to wait until future rates are determined? 2l Ourbusinesses cannot do that and survive. The industry cannot sell aproduct that has such a 22 high level of uncertainty and unknowns. Is it appropriate to base our guidance on reports that 23 show the majority of Value of Solar studies indicate solar is worth more than retail, or are we 20 KING,DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 I solar installers obligated to inform customers that Idaho Power would like to change net 2 meteing rates in a manner that would undo the fundamental basis for investing, the ability to 3 produce and consume one's own electricity without penalty? Anything less than forthright is bad 4 for business, yet telling customers to hold off is fatal to business. 5 Q. Would you like to respond more generally to Idaho Power's assertion that installers 6 mislead customers? 7 A. Yes. I have zero motive to lie to a customer - If a customer were to invest with us and 8 then thinks we misled them, that single customer could have more impact on my business's 9 reputation than my company's entire marketing budget. With that said, I have 5 star reviews on 10 every platform for my business. If I were misleading my customers just so they would buy solar, I I after almost 10 years of doing business someone would have called me out. In reality, my 12 customers continue to refer my company to others they know. 13 Each day, customers ask installers for simple numbers - what's a typical payback or a 14 typical cost/kWh, how much are electricity rates going to rise, etc. A challenge for installers is 15 that simple answers can get taken out of context. On the other hand, it is not practical to present 16 to the public, in a concise, understandable way, the universe of relevant information. This is a 17 challenge in all competitive markets, not just rooftop solar. ln light of this challenge, many 18 installers make rough assumptions so that customers can self-screen their interest. Before the 19 customer invests, an installer typically has a more detailed discussion to address the customer's 20 specific project and the risks and associated assumptions. 21 If Idaho Power were truly concerned about the misleading of onsite generation customers 22 by solar installers, they would or should consider providing solar installers with more accurate 23 information. For example, I personally spoke to a couple Idaho Power representatives about the 2t KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 1 future inflation rate of power, meaning how much power is going to increase each year in the 2 upcoming years. This is a value necessary to provide calculations for IRR, NPV and ROI which 3 are standard investment calculations. Assumptions vary from solar installer to solar installer 4 because we have no guidance from the power company on this value. In my conversation with 5 the Idaho Power representatives, I was told that they did not agree with the power inflation rate I 6 was using. However, the representatives were not willing to provide their estimate of power 7 inflation rates or the data used to support it. 8 Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony? 9 A. Yes. 22 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on December 22,2017, a true and correct copy of the DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KEVIN KING was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Diane.holt@puc. idaho. eov (Original and 9 copies provided) Sean Costello, Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 S ean. co stello@f uc. idaho. gov Electronic Mail Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lnordstrom@ idahopower. com dockets@ idahopower.com Matthew A. Nykiel Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League P.O. Box 2308 102E. Etclid,#207 Sandpoint, ID 83864 mnykiel@idahoconservation. ors botto@idahoconservation.ore Briana Kobor Vote Solar 360 22"d Street, Suite 730 Oakland, CA94612 briana@votesolar.org Hand Delivery & Electronic Mail Electronic Mail Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street(83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 ttatum@ idahopower.com caschenbrenner@ idahopower. com Abigail R. Germaine Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 a germaine@ c ityo fbo i s e. org Vote Solar c/o David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 5371I dbender@ earthjustice.ore 23 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 Electronic Mail (continued) Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. c/o Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello,ID 83205 elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH44107 tony@yankel.net Elias Bishop Auric Solar,LLC 2310 s. 1300 w. West Valley city, Ll't 84119 Elias.bishop@auricsolar.com Idahydro and Idaho Clean Energy Association clo C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 900 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 Tom.arkoosh@arkoosh. com Erin.cecil@arkoosh. com Idaho Clean Energy Association c/o David H. Arkoosh Law Office of David Arkoosh P.O. Box 2817 Boise, ID 83701 david@arkooshlaw.com Sierra Club c/o Kelsey Jae Nunez Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC 920 N. Clover Drive Boise, ID 83703 kelsev@ kelseviaenunez. com Zack Waterman Idaho Sierra Club 503 W. Franklin Street Boise, ID 83702 Zach. waterman@ sierrac lub. org Michael Heckler 3606 N. Prospect Way Garden City, ID 83714 Michael.p.heckler@ email.com Snake River Alliance NW Energy Coalition c/o John R. Hammond Jr. Fisher Pusch LLP l0l South Capital Blvd., Suite 701 Boise, ID 83702 irh@fisherpusch.com Snake River Alliance wwilson@ snakeriveralliance.ors NW Energy Coalition diego@nwenerqlz.orq 24 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-17-13 Electronic Mail (Continued) Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC c/o Ryan B. Frazier Brian W. Burnett Kirton McConkie 50 East South Temple, Suite 400 P.O. Bo 45120 salt Lake city, UT 84111 rfrazier@kmclaw.com bburnett@kmclaw.com Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC c/o Doug Shipley Dale Crawford 1952 West 2425 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 dous@ imwindandso lar. com dale@ imwindandsolar. com Tom Beach Crossborder Energy 2560 9th Street, Suite 2l3A Berkeley, CA94710 tomb@cro ssborderenergy. com /z 5 Preston N. Carter 25 KING, DI ICEA IPC-E-r7-13 EXHIBIT 801 J,H U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Fastest Growing Occupations Fastest growing occupations: zo occupations with the highest percent change of employment between zo16-26. Click on an ocanpation name to see the full occupational profile. OCCUPATION GRO\/VTH RATE,2o16-26 2ot6 MEDIAN PAY Solar ohotovoltaic installers tosYo $39,240 PerYear Wind turbine service technicians 96% $5z,z6o PerYear Home health aides 4f/o $zz,6oo per year Personal care aides sz%$zr,9zo per year Phvsician assistants 3f/o $ror,48o per year Nurse practitioners 360/o $1oo,91o per year Statisticians 330a $8o,5oo per year Phvsical theraoist assistants 370A $56,6ro per year Software develooers. aoolications 3oo/"$1oo,o8o per year Mathematicians 29%$ro5,8ro per year Bicvcle reoairers 2g%o $zz,6yo per year Medical assistants 2gY"$3r,S4o per year Phvsical theraoist aides 29%$25,68o per year Occunational theraov assistants 29%$59,oro per year $9z,6oo per year Exhibit No. 801 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA I Information securitv analvsts z8% OCCUPATION Genetic counselors Operations research analvsts Forest fire inspectors and prevention speciausts Health slrecialties teachers. oostsecondarv Derrick ooerators. oil and eas GROWTH RATE,2016-26 lIzey, 270A 2f% 26% 26%6 2016 MEDIAN PAY $74,r2o per year $79,zoo per year $g6,z3o per year $gg,g6o per year $48,rgo per year Last Modified Date: Tuesday, October 24,2ot7 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics I Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections, PSB Suite 2L35,2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 www.bls.oov/ooh I Telephone: l-202-69L-5700 | Contact OOH Exhibit No. 801 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King,ICEA 2 E,XHIBIT 802 OUR DIFFERENCE OUR APPROACH OUR HERITAGE ABOUT US CONTACT OUR PERSPECTIVE OFFERINGS NEWS CLIENTS BLOG lWhite Papers / Executive Reportsl lBtogl in y f SZ December 12, 2016 Shifting the Corporate Perspective on Energy: A Service, Not a Commodity Learning to view and treat energy as a service, rather than as a commodity - is a shift that warrants C-suite-levet attention and a new enterprise-wide strategy. This is teading targe organizations to take a ctoser took at their energy costs to find new ways to capitatize on emerging options to gain control over this significant expenditure. A new business modet, "Energy-as-a-Service", is attowing Best-in- Ctass companies to fundamenta[y change their retationship with energy by changing the way they procure and manage energy. This white paper exptores the factors that are driving [arge energy users to view energy as a service rather than a commodity to lower their enterprise energy costs and white improving their competitive advantage. JOIN OUR EMAIL L!ST Enter your email CONNECT WITH US ffi, in + SCRIBE TO OUR RSS FEEDS N CATEGORIES White Papers / Executive Reports Edison Energy's Ask the Expert Case Studies Blog Posts Podcasts Videos Webinars TOPICS RENEWABTE TNIRGY 164] OFF-SITE RENEWABLES t54I CE COMPAN ES t51] Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 1 Shifting the Corporate Perspective on Energy: DOWN LOAD OU R WH ITE PAPER c8ifddlned Scientists Science for a healthyplanet and safer world I BLOG ] UNrON OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS Renewable Energy for Companies: Which States Make It Easiest (or Hardest)? IOHN ROGERS, SENIOR ENERGY ANALYST, CLEAN ENERGY I IANUARY L3, 2017, 10:16 AM EST Tweet lO sxRnr t Like 0 If you're a company looking to get your hands on some renewable energy, to power your operations with sources like wind and solar, turns out some states make that a lot easier than others. Here's what a new study says about different options for businesses interested in going clean, energy- wise. The new study, Corporate clean energy procurement index: State leadership and rankings, offers an array of useful perspectives. It comes from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), and Clean Edge, the research and advisory firm behind various useful rankings of clean energy progress. The analysis is aimed at assessing states "based upon the ease with which companies can procure [renewable energy] for their operations located within each state." Ttre index has 15 metrics in three categories: purchasing from utilities, purchasing from third parties (someone other than your electric utility), and using "Onsite/Direct Deployment Options"-putting solar or wind right on your stores, factories, and warehouses. Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 2 And here's what they found: CORPORATE CLEAN ENERGY PROCUREMENT IN9EX: OVERALL RESULTS xrLA s nl *kh trrll 4U 09 r 9.01l? 60 M41uul1&lt9m .! /(riMaWafi!4 l\rl$gillffrh L}3ll)raTsnE* flc.rdJl((tilrrft,Alr!l.llLho t7 al]6 ilt6 ,,ls t!,5 06 itt3,{I3l6T7IE,g404l 474! 4A45 4641 48tl8io l.{, Source: RILA, ITI, Clean Edge zotT The top states are all over the map, literally-from #r Iowa and #2 Illinois in the middle of the country, to New Jersey, California, and Texas. As the top performers show, no one region has a lock on making corporate renewables purchases easy. But the authors note that some regions do better: The Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic regions are generally the most fauorable regions in the U.S. for corporate customers seeking to power their operotions usith renewable energy... Exhibit 802 Case No.IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA J }rn &*s tilgu troi{ ;d.}t-[irsre*r{1ffi*1.jarctl l{lc*o.taffi lr L-I a r Let businesses capture the economic development benefits of renewables... or not The analysis assesses how much choice and competition for renewable energy purchases exist by state. One indicator of that is whether companies are allowed to enter into PPAs (power purchase agreements) with third parties, which let companies take advantage of the stable prices renewables are uniquely qualified to offer, to lock in electricity rates over the long term. The answer is yes, no, or maybe: Ali.t-rFiANrlt-'tlHii{t,r pAtlIY}rpA';tilirtil'jiRitjt,i'Tl[,rf,tl.J[, tiAilr.rti l Source: KILA, ITI, Clean Edge zotT As a taste of some of the corporate procurements, the report includes examples of large-scale purchases by some pretty big names: Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E- 1 7- l3 K. King, ICEA 4 : -]I .!.lI I -t IL t" a,II rYPE oF coxrn^cT PARTIES tr{voLvED HOW IT $roRxs EXAMPLE OEsCnlPTlOI,a t,XAiiPLLs U} UI lLII Y.SIALT Uf}5I It UTPLUYFIT,HI LUNIHALI 5 DIBECT UIILITY PURCHA5ING A lacal utrlrty srqllt a PPA on behalt of a r:Orporate buyet. A (crp.Jrate buYP, ogre€s to Purchase the eloctftcity Fro0ucod by i rpnprvabE facrlrly over a Srian 0l y?af5, usuc,lf 10-20 yearJ Thi: provides fufldrnq to construL-t the faciliry A ccrp:r319 6uyEg iJt{e{tly rnvPsts rrl dnd o$/n5 ar) offyte facrl'ty cDr0orate. Ulilrty Corporate. A(orForatebuy"rWrty, utrlEet a ,pe(El utrlrty oevehper i 1ardl to proude lunding (nor rpqurredl ior a new reno\lvabla ' tafllrty lo(ated wthrn lhe utlllty'! ge,vrce lerlrtory Procter & Gamble gurcnase5 biomasr power from a onstellation rn Georqra Apple rpcerves porvor lrcm solar Jarms rn histarja ln Febr(tDry 201 5. Pro(tQl & G8rrble rtor)tr6L1ed v/rth C0flstellation to build a 5C MW bromass congeneratron plani near P&G's tacrlrty rn G€orgra P&C: \1/rll rp(e,!/€ stearn lrom the planl, whrle (;e']rgra Power purchases el?ctil(lty from it. rn 2013 and 20I5. Apple fea(hed agreernenE to pay a premrum through NV Energy's 6reen EnErqy RrdFr to pu!-chase 1000,'o renevlEblp energy troln aDprolloutgly 70 M\L/ v'/erth of solar panels rn f\ievada rn ianudry 2016, Google feo(hed arr agreernPnl u/ith lnueaerqy to purchase tho goneratron from thp Sethel t/^/ind €nprgy Farri'ty. j0ulh\qesl cf Amarillo, r,exas IKEA wDrked lvrlh Appr Clean Efiet,Jy to f und 263 MW of r,vrr:rt luroine5 in llilnot5 an6 Tex.ls Ttre faaliles are fully cwn€d by if,EA but wero construrted and are maoaged by.Apox GRIEN TARIFf PROCURIMENT oFfStTt POWER PURCHA,SE AGRET Mf NT (PPA} orRE( r INVESTMENT (rYporate, Develcper { orFera!p DEveloPet Go*gle 6oogie pu1i635e5 225 MW ol wrnd pol^€r in 7€xas !tE.A rvrnd farnrs rn tlhr10,t and Texas Source: RILA, ITI, Clean Edge zotT Broadening the pie The authors don't stop at assessing where we are, but suggest opportunities for a cleaner future. In particular, to help businesses trying to get access to renewable energy, they say, here are a few ideas for what states can do: 1. "Remove barriers to corporate deployment" of renewables, both onsite and elsewhere Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 5 Tr:ril--\ Pefr z. "support the development of next-generation options" for helping corporate buyers use renewables to save money or hedge against swings in electricity costs 3. "Expand energy choice options" for commercial and industrial customers in markets that haven't "restructured", ones in which electric utilities still own power plants, not just the electric distribution systems 4. "Ensure that an adequate market exists for renewable purchasing" through utilities or others 5. Ensure that, in any type of market, renewables "can scale up rapidly" And, as the report says, while it's focused on helping the businesses that are members of RILA and ITI in cleaning up their own acts, its findings are also "broadly applicable to many stakeholders, including other business sectors, the military, higher education, and state and local government." Businesses seeing the power and value of renewable energy have been important drivers for our transition to energy choices that cut air and water pollution, improve public health, strengthen energy security, and drive economic development. States can make it easier for leading businesses to play that important role, or not. Clearly many states see the value in making it as easy as possible to get businesses of all stripes and sizes to help us move to clean energy. This new report gives us a chance to see which states those are, and to celebrate them. Like 0 Tweet o SHNRE Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 6 Posted in: Energy Support from UCS members make work like this possible. Will you join us? Help UCS advance independent science for a healthy environment and a safer world. Hide Comments Comment Poliey UCS welcomes comments that foster civil conversation and debate. To help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion, please focus comments on the issues, topics, and facts at hand, and refrain from personal attacks. Posts that are commercial, self-promotional, obscene, rude, or disruptive will be removed. Please note that comments arre open for tlvo weeks following each blog post. UCS respects your privacy and will not display, lend, or sell your email address for any reason. Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E- I 7- 13 K. King, ICEA 7 # *oRrD REsouRcEs rNsrrrurE Published on Wo rld Resources I nstitute OttpJttlaury.wn org) States Use Renewable Energy to Win Corporate Business by Celina Bonuqli [1] - February 03,2017 U.S. states often [2]tussle [3] over who can attract the most innovative, hig h-growth businesses. !ncreasingly, governors can point to a new factor that makes their state competitive: affordable renewable energy. U.S. solar farm. Photo by U.S. Department of the lnteriorMikimedia Advanced Energy Economy commons cites that nearly half of Fortune 500 companies have a sustainability or renewable energy target; 22 have committed to 100 percent renewable energy. These companies include Walmart, General Motors, Amazon and others who have also signed on to the Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles [4]. That said, not all states are created equal in their ability to provide corporations with the renewable energy they want at the scale they need. A report [5] this month from Retail lndustry Leaders Association (RILA) and lnformation Technology lndustry Council(lTl) ranks all50 U.S. states based on 15 indicators for how easily companies can purchase renewable energy to power their operations. The top five states were lowa, Illinois, New Jersey, California and Texas. The report notes that the "structure of a state's electricity market can directly influence where corporations choose to invest in renewable projects." Overall, states with deregulated electricity markets earned higher rankings because companies in those states had "retail choice," meaning Exhibit 802 Case No.IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 8 .1,.1.;.-i--,.ft-t.-L4 - - It,a-ir-st -+-!_--.Gb --jl customers can choose which energy provider supplies their electricity. States with regulated markets, where a monopoly utility provides power to all customers and chooses the source of this power, may initially appear limited. However, the rankings concluded that even fully regulated states can succeed in offering large-scale renewable energy to big customers. lowa is a regulated state and stillcame out on top. Regulated States Use Green Tariffs to Create Renewable Energy Purchasing Opportunities Green tariffs are one option states with regulated markets can pursue to provide renewable energy to corporations. A green tariff is a large-scale purchasing program where customers can work with their utility to source up to 100 percent of their electricity from renewable resources through a fixed rate. There are now 10 green tariff orograms [6] in operation across the United States responsible for approximately 450 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy production. This renewable power avoids an estimated 554,000 metric tons of COz annually, the equivalent [7]of taking almost 1 18,000 vehicles off the road each year. Using Green Tariffs to Attract Business Virginia and New Mexico exemplify how states in regulated markets can utilize renewable energy options to attract big business. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has severaldata centers in Virginia. Although AWS can directly enter into independent contracts with renewable energy facilities in Virginia, the company must then sell this energy onto the electric power market-in this case PJM [8]-rather than consume it. AWS's data centers must source their power from Dominion Virginia Power (DVP), the state's retail electric utility. Recognizing that the energy supply of these data centers was essential to achieving AWS's commitment to source 100 percent renewable energy, the company approached Dominion seeking options. In collaboration with AWS, Dominion created an alternative to their existing green tariff, Schedule RG, and proposed an improved option, a market-based electricity rate known as Schedule MBR. Schedule MBR provides a link between production and consumption. Under Schedule MBR, large corporate buyers can contract with independent renewable energy facilities and pay a retail Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E- 1 7- l3 K. King, ICEA 9 electricity rate through Dominion that closely matches the PJM market prices the renewable energy projects earn. Through this electricity rate, Schedule MBR essentially acts as a hedge against volatility in the electricity pricing market. Rocky Mountain lnstitute illustrates this [9]: AAd^m trbrtrr btrd €E4 PJM I rred prrrt' Purcharcd tntrty' Sefore Alter 4-MrrLt brr.dwilrs!* MrrtGt b.i.d **@ Mlrkcl brsed A A PJM DVPl Purrhr3.d In.rty' 'Purchrsad it r tucd prlca trom prorctt d.velrpcri \A/hile Schedule MBR can be used to access any energy from the PJM market, the intent was to provide more access to renewables. With its approval last September, AWS was able to enter into five new solar farm agreements. These solar farm deals will generate 180 MW hours of new solar power [10], enough energy to supply more than 36,000 U.S. homes in a year. Schedule MBR establishes a mechanism for customers to access the type of fuel source they desire. This mechanism is sought by other regulated utilities, many of which are looking to create a similar market-based product. New Mexico is also responding to the growing corporate demand for renewable energy. Last year, Facebook approached utilities in two different states, asking each to provide a product that that would supply a 2017 planned data center with 100 percent renewable energy. Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) quickly responded, creating the state's first green tariff, the Green Energy Rider. By using the Green Energy Rider, PNM will procure an initial amount of 30 MW of solar energy from independent facilities to service the data center. Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 10 DVP AWS AWS PNM will eventually ensure enough renewable energy sources are acquired to meet the data center's 1 10 MW average daily load. According to PNM's application [1 1], this data center will also attract an initial capital investment of more than $250 million and create 4,000 - 5,000 jobs. ln a Facebook post celebrating the deal, Governor Susana Martinez said [12] coordination between utilities and government could aftract businesses to New Mexico. "By working together at all levels of government, and with private partners like PNM, we have helped make New Mexico a home for one of the largest tech companies in the world," she said. An Essential Renewable Energy Solution Edison Energy reports [13] that 72 percent of large companies headquartered in the United States are actively pursuing additional renewable energy purchases. For the foreseeable future, these large companies will continue to buy a substantial portion of their power from their local utility. States with regulated markets will need to be creative and flexible in order to retain and attract this business. Utilities, regulators and large customers must continue to work together to make renewable energy procurement easy and affordable. Check out the Corporate Renewable Energy Strategy map [4], which highlights these opportunities as they emerge. Source URL: htto://www.wri.org/blog/2017l02lstates-use-renewable-energy-win-corporate- business Links ['l ] htto://www.wri. org/orofi le/celina-bon uqli [2] https:/Arvww.bloombero.com/news/articles/20'l 3-02-1 3/perrv-cited-texas-tax-differences-in-california- recruitino-trio [3] https://oovernor.iowa.oov/2016/04/oov-branstad-ioins-midamerican-energv-in-announcino-36-billion- investment-in-additional-wind [4] htto ://buversorincioles. orq/corporate-re-strateqv-mao/ [5] htto://cleanedoe.com/reoorts/Corporate-Clean-Eneroy-Procurement-lndex [6] htto://www.wri.org/bloo/2016/10/oreen-tariffs-take-us-exoand-access-renewable-enerov Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA ll [7] httos:/Aruww.epa.gov/sites/oroduction/files/2016-02/documents/420f14040a.odf [8] httos://www.ferc.oov/market-oversiohVmkt-electrio/pim.aso [9] htto://bloq.rmi.oro/bloq 2016 06 03_amazon_and dominion va*oower reach_breakthrouqh re agreement [1 0] httos://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/sustainability/ ['l 1 ] http://1 64.64.85. 1 08/index.asp [12] httos://www.facebook.com/SusanaMartinezFan/posts/10154421877898971 [1 3] htto://www.edisonenerqv.com/bloq/shiftino-corporate-oerspective-enerov-service-not-commoditv/ Exhibit 802 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King,ICEA t2 E,XHIBIT 803 Average Solar lnsolation by State ldaho ranks#16out of 50States : Sour€e: Bard ood*a fromthe Nitiril Ocerft andAtru+hericAdmirifaio EtLrdlvrlrt@ il Jdy 2013, hft6//w.EdrelE-@nJbbrutlitieJ*atetrEusti+5dar€s8/ Exhibit 803 Case No.IPC-E-I7-13 K. King,ICEA I EXHIBIT 804 Small Scale Solar PV Summer Capacity Relative to Total (Ju ly 2017) t.8% t.4% 0.2% ldaho USA Average Mountain Sowc.: ElA, Ttls52.A & 62.8.: Netsummgsmailscabcap.crtyE5ri,rl*cdfasolJtit// RegiOn NetSumm6Crprirvott tiltys(.lcUnns(All5o[c61. SmllS<rlc=<lMW, ty?icalt,r@tr$Fry Exhibit 804 Case No.IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA I E,XHIBIT 805 DAVID YURMAN SHOP HOLIDAY Adam J. Richins GUEST OPINIONS Ensuring fairness for all Idaho Power customers as net metering grows BYADAM J. RICHINS AUGUSI 11, 2017 09:55 Pil Electricity has traveled on a one-way street for the better part ofa century. Customers have received electricity generated by Idaho Power into their homes, and they've paid a monthly bill to cover costs ofthe grid that delivers it. Today, over 530,000 Idaho Power customers receive one-way energy services that are safe, reliable and fair-priced. In recent years, electricity has started to travel on a two-way street. We have about 1,400 customers who generate some of their own electricity (mostly by installing rooftop solar) and send what they don't use back to the grid. This two-way use is known as net metering. We believe this is an important customer option, and we have supported net metering customers for years. Exhibit 805 Case No.IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA I I \I \ &L, * *---.-_ -l- There is a misconception, however, that Idaho Power's net metering customers are "offthe grid." In fact, these customers rely on the grid every hour ofevery day - they send energy to the grid when they don't need it at their home, and they receive energy from the grid during cloudy days, at night, when starting up major appliances and when balancing their home's energy use. They also receive a full retail credit on their bill for energy they send to the grid. Net metering customers' use of the grid is simply different than that of traditional residential customers. If both net metering and traditional residential customers use the grid, shouldn't both pay for their share? We think so. But it's not occurring under the current rate structure. Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Enter Email Address SIGN UP To illustrate this point, let's discuss a column that was sent to the Idaho Statesman last week on this topic. The writer stated that some rooftop customers pay only $5 a month for their use of the grid. We agree, and that's the concern. It costs significantly more - approximately $65 per month in total - for Idaho Power to supply grid services to the average residential customer. Under the current rate structure, the $60 that is not paid by a net metering customer is ultimately shifted to other residential customers to pay. This is called cost shifting, and it results in higher prices for other customers. Cost shifting is not unique to Idaho Power. In fact, many public utility commissions around the country are reviewing their net metering Hatey: US Witt Remember UN Vote on US Embassy. .. Exhibit 805 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 2 >_-s--i policies because of cost shifting. Idaho Power believes now is the time to take a first step in addressing this important issue in Idaho. Although we will continue to support customer choice, we believe both customer choice and fair cost allocation can and should coexist. Customers with their own generation should not pay more than their fair share for the grid, and neither should customers who don't have their own generation. We recently filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission seeking modifications to our net metering service. Idaho Power believes any changes in policy should occur over time and gradually, so we are not seeking any pricing changes at this timel rather, we are asking the commission to determine whether customers with on-site generation should have a rate structure that is different from the standard service rates. If the commission approves this request, Idaho Power will work with stakeholders and customers in a future rate proceeding that would determine what the appropriate pricing should be. Please go to idahopower.com/netmetering to check out the filing. Adam J. Richins is ldaho Power's uice president of customer operations and business development. Haley: US Witt Remember UN Vote on US Embassy.. Exhibit 805 Case No. IPC-E- 1 7- 13 K. King,ICEA 3 *-- -t..+-*, F.-*--'=-'p].l==-.gi- E,XHIBIT 806 Vacation Homes relative to Net Metering Customers 5.3% o.27% Vacation Homes, % of allHousing Units in ldaho Net Metering Custorners, g6 of Custorn ers Sourtrs-' U-S- Census Dafu on houxsfor "Seonnal, freoedtionsl, orOmsional lJse' ; IPC filing staEng 7468active & pending NEM IPC websrte stoting 53\534astomen Exhibit 806 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA I E,XHIBIT 807 Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design SA:X* H W; Ssutlern Errvimnx*teltr$'&r*Er isea ill;n6ir r6lrt s ,sElt snrrBElA $rrr**** _m aryE--{}-ti gDV 5(lA B*kkbnffi y,l}'f! ltltl h,,rlr*1l-i lr-rr,.1r, ctrar SEtuet rol.rott! urou srrrl Er,rr;lrv vivint solor {i tosiGen *{rr f6}i r* furg ir6r6t This document provides a consensus view of solar advocates for regulators and stakeholders considering rate design and compensation for distributed solar generation, including potential alternatives to net energy metering. Traditional net energy metering [NEM) is fundamentally a bill credit that represents the full retail value of distributed electricity delivered to the distribution system, and has been a critical poliry for valuing and enabling distributed generation. As penetration of solar and other distributed energy resources increases, states and utilities have begun to examine, and in some cases implement, alternative rate and compensation mechanisms. The principles below are intended to be consistent with the imperative of public utility commissions and energy service providers to maintain reliable, cost-effective service to all customers while protecting the rights of customers to generate their own energy in a manner that provides both system and public benefits, including environmental protection and economic development. They provide high level criteria for the conditions under which states may wish to consider alternatives to NEM, and high level principles for what distributed solar compensation mechanisms should look like where alternatives to NEM are appropriately considered. Specifically the paper is organized into four sections: {. Basic principles, foundational to considerations for considering rate design and compensation for distributed solar generation. * Criteria and Conditions for the Consideration of Alternatives to Net Energy Metering* Guiding Principles for Solar Rate Design, and * Guiding principles for Alternative Compensation Basic Principlesl {. Customers have a right to reduce their consumption of grid-supplied electricity with energy efficiency, demand response, storage, or clean distributed generation. Thus, a customer should always receive the full retail price value for behind the meter l The Criteria and Principles herein do not distinguish between regulated and restructured states. However, rate designs, cost allocation methods, avoided costs and cost/benefit analyses must recognize whether the utility is distribution-only or vertically integrated. Exhibit 807 Case No.IPC-E-17-13 K. King,ICEA I 1May2017 Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design choices that reduce grid-supplied energy consumption, whether installing energy efficiency measures, or consuming on-site generation. * Solar rate design and compensation mechanisms should support customer economics to invest in solar that are sustainable, consistent with the full stream of values provided by the system, and fair to all stakeholders. * Net energy metering is a proven mechanism for driving solar deployment,liked and understood by customers, and is preferred in most circumstances. * Most studies have shown that the benefits of distributed solar generation equal or exceed costs to the utility or other customers where penetration is low. Assertions that current or future solar customers have shifted or will shift costs to others, and/or create new costs, must be demonstrated with valid, transparent data that reflects the values, avoided utility costs, and results of deploying solar at the distribution level, as well as the utility cost of providing service. o A cost of service study that fails to consider the benefits of distributed solar generation (DSG) cannot establish a cost-shift. o Regulators should require an independent cost-benefit analysis before considering substantial rate design or compensation changes based on cost- shift assertions. o The benefits of existing distributed solar should be recognized when considering any asserted cost shift. o The time frame for review of costs and benefits must be on par with the life of the particular type of Distributed Energy Resources [DER) assets, e.9.20- 30 years, and be forward looking, not a snapshot ofone year ofsunk costs as is typical in a general rate case (GRC). o Regulators should seek to ensure in GRC, Integrated Resource Plans (lRP) and other relevant proceedings that future avoided costs found in cost/benefit studies related to DSG and other DER are actually avoided [e.g. the canceled PG&E transmission projects saving $ZOO million and the Brooklyn-Queens Demand Management project avoiding costly upgrades). o Since some level of quantifiable cross-subsidization is inherent in all rate design, particularly for large diverse classes, an independent finding of a material cost shift should be required before regulators authorize substantial changes to rates or rate design. * Net metering can be accomplished through simple energy netting, or in combination with monetary compensation depending on the rate design: o For non-time differentiated residential and small commercial rates, i.e. rates based on energy consumed at any time, energy netting on a kWh basis over the billing period is good policy particularly at low to moderate penetration levels, and pending demonstration of a material impact. May 20L7 Exhibit 807 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 2 2 Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design * Penetration level should be the leading threshold criteria for consideration of alternatives to NEM. t Customers who installed solar under net metering should be grandfathered for a reasonable period of time, Customers have a reasonable expectation that rate structures [as opposed to rates themselves) will not change dramatically. Gradualism is an important rate design principle, and a gradual phase-in to any new compensation methodology should be provided at the end of the grandfathering period. * Process: Early, i.e. pre-litigation, data collection and analysis under the guidance of the State Commission can provide opportunities for collaboration toward the development of a factual basis for future changes to rate designs, compensation, and other mechanisms. * Simplicity, Gradualism, and Predictability: The simplicity of the NEM compensation mechanism facilitates customer adoption of distributed solar. Any future design should consider customer needs for simplicity and any changes should be applied gradually and predictably. t Shadow billing and voluntary pilot programs to analyze opportunities to increase the benefits that net metered systems provide to the grid, and to assess the actual impacts of proposed changes ffor example, time-of-use [TOU) pilot programsJ should be considered before making substantial mandatory changes to compensation or rate design. * Hold harmless policies should be in place for low-to-moderate income (LMI) customers. * NEM imports & exports are generally netted monthly in most states, and trued up annually. More granular netting generally reduces solar customer economics, but may be worthy of consideration when penetration levels increase, or in conjunction with deployment of other DERs such as storage. May 2017 Exhibit 807 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA aJ 3 o For time-differentiated rates, monetary compensation is an accepted feature of some current NEM structures and may be necessary to preserve the full value ofexcess energy. * Opportunities for retail customers and third party DSG and other DER developers to provide additional services [e,g. voltage & frequency regulation, VAR support) should be encouraged, especially in States moving towards a service oriented utility/regulatory model, though access to markets, and appropriate compensation mechanisms. * Consideration of creating separate rate classes for customers that choose to utilize DER technologies must be based upon a factual demonstration of significantly different load and cost characteristics using publicly available actual data, and should generally be discouraged as potentially discriminatory. Criteria and Conditions for the Consideration of Alternatives to Net Energy Metering Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design Guiding Principles for Solar Rate Design * Rate design should seek to send clear price signals to customers that encourage sustainable, cost-effective investments in solar and complementary technologies. * Rate designs should not create barriers to the deployment of distributed solar generation or DER technologies other than solar. * Rate designs that provide greater incentives for DER technology deployment (e.9. more steeply inverted block rates) can be considered to encourage early adoption of effici ency, distributed generati on and storage technologies. * Rate designs that emphasize temporal cost-causation [time-varying, critical peak pricing and critical peak rebatesJ are generally consistent with solar deployment, and may be quite beneficial to customer and system alike when solar is integrated with DERs like storage or demand response. t Rate designs that emphasize higher fixed [e.g. customer, service and facility or basic service) charges than necessary for recovery of strictly customer-related costs like service drop, billing, and metering, or quasi-fixed (e.g. mandatory residential demand) charges do not reflect cost causation, disproportionately impact low and moderate income customers, and should be discouraged. * Regulatory review of rate design alternatives should consider impacts on low- income customers; e.g. utility fixed or quasi-fixed charge proposals usually put solar and efficiency technologies further out of reach of LMI customers. .t Any consideration of standby, backup or other supplemental charges for solar customers must [1) be consistent with PURPA requirements, [2J be based upon a customer's ability to control self-generation similar to a conventional fossil resource [e.g. diesel or natural gas), and (3J reflect the probability of customer generation unavailability in the development of any rates. Guiding principles for Alternative Compensation * A fair value of solar for "stacked benefit") compensation rate can be considered for distributed solar generation exports, at higher penetration levels. Such value should be determined taking into account both short term and long term flife of system) benefits of distributed solar generation. * Buy all/Sell all [BA/SA or "VOST") compensation approaches should be at the option of the retail customer, i.e. VOST should not be the only customer option. Critical considerations impacting system economics and the ability to finance include the frequency and effect of future changes to the value proposition. In addition, consideration must be given to the effect on customers of the lack of energy hedging (customer-generated solar energy does not offset the customer's utility-supplied energy). {. Alternative Compensation methods should take into account the efficacy of integrating solar with other forms of DER (e.g. storage) in the grid of the future, assuring that barriers to new technologies are not created. Exhibit 807 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King, ICEA 4 4May 2017 Principles for the Evolution of Net Energy Metering and Rate Design {. Solar specific surcharges such as installed capacity fees are discriminatory, generally unsupported by facts, and impede distributed solar generation system economics. 5 Exhibit 807 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 K. King,ICEA 5 May 2017