HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180810Brief on Reconsidertion.pdfOFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR: David H. Bieter I BOISE CITY ATTORNEV Robert Luce ftrC E IVE i) Itl$rXlJG l0 Pfl t: lg August 10,2018 _. :.1 l;_, l,LiELIC;r ;r-: i l,-i)l.t1r1t.e51g}; Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Re:Case No. IPC-E-I7-13 IN Tgp MetrER oF THE ApprrcetloN oF IDAHo Powen CoupRNy FoR AurHoRrry TO ESTABLISH NEW SCUPOUTPS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAT SgRvTce CusroupRs WrrH ON-Srrp GsNrReuoN Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of City of Boise's Brief on Reconsideration. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely Abigail R. Deputy Attorney ARG/dga Enc. BOISE CITY HALL: tso N. Capitol Boulevard I MAIL: PO. Box 5oo, Boise, ldaho 8j7or-o5oo I P:208-608'7950 | F,208-584-aaSl I IDD|ITV 8oo-577-J529 BOISE CITY COUNCIL: Lauren McLean (Fresident), Elaine Clegg (President Pro Tem), Scot Ludwig, Lisa Sdnchez, TJ Thomson, Holli Woodings CITYOFBOISE.ORG RECE IVED tfll0XIUG l0 Pt'l l: l8 .,' l,'ii[ *t'#*?&18 t, o *ROBERT B. LUCE BOISE CITY ATTORNEY ABIGAIL R. GERMAINE (ISB No. 9231) Deputy City Attorney BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Telephone: (208) 384-3870 Facsimile: (208) 384-4454 Email : asermaine@cityofboise.ore Attomey for Intervenor IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATON FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON.SITE GENERATION U iL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-I7-13 CITY OF BOISE CITY'S BRIEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION COMES NOW, the city of Boise City, hereinafter referred to as "the City" and pursuant to the Idaho Public Utility Commission's ("Commission") Order No. 34098, filed on June 28, 2018, and Rules of Procedure, Rule 331 and Rule 332 (IDAPA and 31.01.01 .332), hereby files this Brief in Response to the Commission's Order 34098 granting reconsideration, and petitions the Commission to issue an order on reconsideration requiring ldaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") to amend its new Schedules 6 and 8 to apply only to customers with on-site generation who actually export electricity to Idaho Power's distribution system. CITY OF BOISE CITY,S BzuEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION- page I Specifically, the City supports Vote Solar's arguments in its Petition for Reconsideration stating that Idaho Power failed to present evidence that non-exporting customers with on-site generation are fundamentally different from other customers and should be classified into the new Schedules 6 and 8. Instead, Idaho Power's case focused on customers with on-site generation who both import and export energy to Idaho Power's system as being fundamentally different from other customers. The Commission's Final Order No. 34046 does not specifically address and makes no findings that those customers who are not bi-directional, and merely import energy from Idaho Power's system, are fundamentally different enough to warrant being separated into Idaho Power's new schedules. WHEREFORE, the City respectfully requests this Commission issue an order on reconsideration reversing its approval of Schedule 6 and 8 as submitted by Idaho Power, and instead require that only customers with on-site generation who export electricity to Idaho Power's system be placed into Schedules 6 and 8. DATED this D day of August 2018. OFFICE A eputy City Attorney Attorney Intervenor CITY oF BOISE CITY'S BRIEF IN RESPONSE To ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION- page2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have on this lD day of August 2018, served the foregoing documents on all counsel of record as follows: Lisa Nordstrom Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 lnordstrom@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttatum@idahopower. com caschenbrenn er@idahopower. com Sean Costello Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washinglon Boise, ID 83702 sean. co stello@puc. idaho. gov Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83702 diane.holt@puc. idaho. eov Matthew A. Nykiel Idaho Conservation League PO Box 2308 102 S. Euclid#207 Sandpoint, ID 83864 mnykiel@idahoconservation. org tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: D U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mail D Personal Delivery tr Facsimile E Electronic Meanstr Other: CITY OF BOISE CITY'S BRIEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION- page 3 Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, ID 83701 botto@idahoconservation. ore tr U.S. Mailtr Personal DeliveryD FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. c/o Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave. Ste. 100 PO Box 6119 Pocatello, ID 83205 elo@echohawk.com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileEI Electronic Meanstr Other: AnthonyYankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 tonv(Evankel.net tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Elias Bishop Auric Solar, LLC 2310 s. 1300 w. West Valley City, UT 841l9 elias.bi shop@auricsolar. com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson Givens Pursley LLC 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 prestoncarter@ givenspursl ey. com den@ givenspursley.com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Kelsey Jae Nunez LLC Sierra Club 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, ID 83703 kelselz@kelsevi aenunez.com B U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileEI Electronic Meanstr Other: CITY OF BOISE CITY'S BRIEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION- page 4 Zack Waterman Idaho Sierra Club 503 W. Franklin St. Boise, ID 83702 zack. waterman#@idahosierraclub. ors Michael Heckler Michael.p.heckl er@ smail. com C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices PO Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com erin. cecil@.arkoosh. com David H. Arkoosh Law Office of David Arkoosh PO Box 2817 Boise, ID 83701 david@arkooshlaw.com David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Rd. Madison, WI 53711 db ender@ earthj ustice. or g Briana Kober Vote Solar 36022"d St., Ste. 730 Oakland, CA946l2 briana@votesolar.ors John R. Hammond, Jr Fisher Pusch LLP PO Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 .com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE] Electronic Meanstr Other: D U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileEI Electronic Meanstr Other: CITY OF BOISE CITY,S BRIEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION_ pAge 5 Snake River Alliance wwil son@snakeriveralliance. org tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: NW Energy Coalition diego@nwenerey.ore tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Ryan B. Frazier Brian W. Burnett Kirton McConkie PO Box 45120 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 rfrazier@,kmclaw.com bburnett@,kmclaw.com D U.S. Mail D Personal Delivery tr Facsimile E Electronic Meanstr Other: Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC 1952 West 2425 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 doue@imwindandsol ar. com dale@imwindandsolar.com tr U.S. MailD Personal Deliverytr FacsimileE Electronic Meanstr Other: Yvonne Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Yvonne.ho ele@pacifi corp. com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileEI Electronic Meanstr Other: AB GERMAINE Deputy Attorney CITY OF BOISE CITY,S BzuEF IN RESPONSE TO ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION- page 6