HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920206.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING February 6, 1992 - 1:30 p.m. IN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Marsha H. Smith, Joe Miller and Ralph Nelson and staff members Mike Gilmore, Lori Mann, Brad Purdy, Scott Woodbury, Tom Faull, Tonya Clark, Bill Eastlake, Lynn Anderson, Belinda Anderson, Gary Richardson, Stephanie Miller, Don Oliason and Myrna Walters. The following are Minutes transcribed from notes taken at the February 6, 1992 Decision Meeting. ITEMS CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WERE THOSE LISTED ON THE FEBRAURY 6, 1992 DECISION MEETING AGENDA. 1.  Belinda Anderson's January 31, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  U S West North's Intralata Incoming WATS - Advice No. 92-1-N. Commissioner Nelson said he would move approval of the tariff advice. Commissioners Smith and Miller concurred. 3.  Brad Purdy's January 31, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. UPL-E-92-1; In the Matter of the Application of Utah Power & Light Company for an order approving a power purchase agreement. Commissioner Nelson asked if the agreed upon rates were the old rates or the new rates? Tom Faull replied neither one.  They are negotiated rates. Commissioner Nelson asked Tom Faull if there was any problem with that? Tom Faull said no. Commissioner Nelson said he would then move approval. Commissioner Miller commented UP&L is reluctant to enter into these contracts and make their negotiations half-way easy.  Don't really have a record to allow the Commission to comment on that, though. Brad Purdy said there are three CEM/UPL cases.  He reviewed them. -2- Commissioner Miller commented he was glad the "guy" finally got a signed contract. It was okay with him. Approved. 2.  Lori Mann's January 19, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  South County Water Company's Application to Amend its Certificate; Case No. SOU-W-91-1. Commissioners reviewed map of South County's current and proposed service areas.   After brief discussion, was decided to put the matter out on modified procedure.   4.  Mike Gilmore's February 5, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Notice of Application and Order making Afton Energy a party in Idaho Power's Application to Establish an "All-Energy" Rate for The Purchase of Electricity from Afton Energy - Case No. IPC-E-92-4. Mike Gilmore explained he was trying to get Afton in as a respondent. Commissioner Miller asked what in essence the current dispute was? Mike Gilmore responded that Idaho Power Company wants to have the contract reformed for ease of administration. Commissioner Miller asked if it had anything to do with disputes and Afton's lack of production? Mike Gilmore explained. Commissioner Smith asked what the difference was between reforming this contract and the one that Scott Woodbury brought up, terminating that contract? Commissioner Miller said when Scott Woodbury brought it up, came to a different conclusion.  Might be a good idea to reread Scott's brief.  Was not sure what the law was, whether it belongs here or not. **Scott Woodbury will furnish the Commissioners with copies of his brief. Commissioner Miller said he did think the Commission should proceed on this matter and see what Afton brings up. -3- Commissioner Smith said she would like to be consistent on what Commission says its legal authority is. Commissioner Miller said it is something Commissioners need to get their minds together on.  For purposes of this, the proposed order and notice looked good. All commissioners concurred. **Randy Lobb was in attendance at this time. 5.  Scott Woodbury's February 5, 1992 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. INT-G-92-1 - Amalgamated/IGC Contract. Scott Woodbury informed the Commissioners that the contract has stayed the same for five years. Commissioner Nelson said it looked fine to him. Commissioner Smith asked if the special contract rate was subject to Commission decision with or without a contract? Scott Woodbury said without Commission approval of the rates, tariffed rates would apply. Commissioner Smith asked - Commission could give them these rates with or without a contract? Mike Gilmore responded they could file a tariff specific to the company. Scott Woodbury commented in the absence of a general rate case, it is a good deal for the "core" market. Approved the contract. Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 20th day of February, 1992.                      Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary mjw 0090M