HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170720Comments.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17tr St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 484-ee80 (Cell) bmpurdy@.hotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2016 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED. i,. t: L,: Ii/E t) .l:",1 l0 plri Z: 0l+ CASE NOS. IPC-E-I7-03 COMMLINITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW,Intervenor Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAD and in response to OrderNo. 33737, issued by the Commission in this proceeding on March 30,2017, submits the following comments in response to the Application filed by Idaho Power Company (*Idaho Power" or the "Company'') seeking a finding of prudence by the Commission for all the following DSM investments: l) $31,321,862in DSM investrnents recovered through the Company's Energy Efficiency Funds; 2) $7,059,420 of demand response program incentives funded through base rates tracked through the Company's PCA mechanism and; 3) $1,860,901 of incremental DSM labor expenses incurred during 20ll-2016 and not yet deemed prudent by the Commission. The foregoing investments for which the Company seeks a prudence determination total $40,242,182. ICAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03 Although Idaho Power's objective is to obtain a determination by this Commission that the entirety of its DSM investments, as described above, were prudently incurred, CAPAI limits these comments to the Company's Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program or "WAQC" (Weatherization Assistance for Qualifi ed Customers). I. BACKGROUND-COMPANY'S APPLICATION The Company declares that its 2016 energy savings totaled 42,260 MWh from its residential class, 88,161 MWh from its commercial/industrial sector, in addition to savings achieved through Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ("NEEA") initiatives. Idaho Power states that it enrolled enough participants in demand response progftrms to achieve 392 MW of load shedding capacity, and that the programs ultimately reduced demand by 378 MW. In support of its Application, Idaho Power included its 2016 DSM report with attachments, as well as the testimony of Ms. Connie Aschenbrenner with exhibits. [n addition, supplements to the 2016 DSM report were included in the Company's filing. Supplement 1 to the 2016 DSM report provides the methodologies by which the Company calculated the cost- effectiveness of its DSM programs and includes a table reporting expenses by funding source and cost category. The 2016 DSM report examines Idaho Power's program expenditures, marketing, cost-effectiveness, and evaluations. In addition, there is a section that describes other programs and activities not tied to direct energy savings. Finally, the Company's DSM report lists the benefit/cost methodologies utilized in previous annual DSM reports including the Total Resource Cost test (TRC); the Utility Cost test perspective (UC); the Participant Cost Test (PCT) perspective, and; the Ratepayer Impact Measure (2M) perspective. 2CAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03 II. TESTIMOI\'Y OF IDAHO POWER WITNESS COIYNIE ASCHENBRENNER Like the Company's Application and associated Supplements, the testimony of Idaho Power witness Aschenbrenner identifies the Company's various DSM programs, including WAQC, and the cost-effectiveness of those programs. Ms. Aschenbrenner also provides a substantive evaluation of other DSM programs. Regarding WAQC, the relevant testimony of witress Aschenbrenner can be found beginning onp.Z2,ln.l2 throughp.25,ln.25, where she discusses both WAQC and the "Solutions" program. As revealed in Exhibit No. 2 to Ms. Aschenbrenner's testimony, neither WAQC nor Solutions are currently cost-effective without taking into account "other benefits to [WAQC] that are difficult to quantiff, such as health and safety measures." See, Testimony of Aschenbrenner, p. 23, lns. 6-8. Exhibit No. 2 to Ms. Aschenbrenner's testimony shows the following scores for WAQC and Solutions under the cost-methodologies discussed earlier:r PROGRAM TRC UTC wAQC SOLUTIONS 0.6s 0.70 0.73 0.59 Ms. Aschenbrenner noted that these programs have recently seen some improvement. As noted earlier, she pointed out that there are other benefits derived from WAQC that are difficult to quantifu, but very real just the same. Though not specifically stated by Ms. Aschenbrenner, other examples include the fact that providing weatherization to low income customers reduces their bills and that, therefore, they will be more likely to remain current in paying their accounts, thereby reducing collection and past due costs, they are more likely to remain customers of Idaho ' There is no cost-effectiveness score for these programs under the PCT because low income customers who receive weatherization measures through them comes at no cost to the customers. aJCAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03 Power, the reduction of the number of accounts that are ultimately written off as uncollectible, and so on. Ms. Aschenbrenner also concludes that the "WAQC program provides real and substantial per home savings." Aschenbrenner, p. 22, lns. 23-24. Ms. Aschenbrenner concludes that "due to the costs of comprehensive whole-house weatheization, it is difficult for the value of the savings to outweigh the costs." Id., p. 22, ln. 24 through p. 23, ln. l. She further notes that WAQC is consistent with the Idaho State WeatheizationAssistance Program (*WAP") guidelines." Aschenbrenner, p. 23, ln. 2 through p. 23, ln. 4. lll4s. Aschenbrenner further notes that WAQC is offered in coordination with the state WAP under the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines and that changes to the program must be made by the state WAP. Aschenbrenner, p. 23, lns. 9-l 1. CAPAI would like to coordinate, either through a formal or informal discussion, with Idaho Power and members of CAPAI's network to develop a strategy to improve the cost- effectiveness of WAQC, including addressing the challenge of providing whole house weatherization and cost sharing with federal flurding sources. Ms. Aschenbrenner further notes that "Idaho Power continues to work in partnership with its weatherization managers, stakeholders, and vendors to streamline operations and adjust offerings to make this program [WAQC] more cost-effective." Id. at p. 23, lns. l2-15. She notes that new savings values were introduced in 2016 as a result of a billing analysis completed in 2015, and while the program shows cost-effectiveness of less than 1.0 for 2016, the new savings did improve the cost-effectiveness of WAQC when compared to 2015. Id., p. 23, lns. 15-19. Ms. Aschenbrenner testified that it is the Company's plan to continue to offer the WAQC program in the future and will continue its effons to improve the cost-effectiveness of this 4CAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03 progftrm while at the sarne time offering it to the Company's limited-income customers on an ongoing basis. Id. p. 24 lns. 23-24 through p. 25, lns. l-7. III. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION In addition to any recommendations set forth above, CAPAI believes that the Company has sufficiently justified recovery of its expenditures in the WAQC program and respectfirlly submits that the Company should be allowed recovery of its related expenditures. Furthermore, CAPAI is fully dedicated to improving progrirm implementation based on all of the foregoing considerations and through any other measures that might come to light through an informal process. CAPAI appreciates the opportunity to comment on Idaho Power's filing and the Commission' s consideration of these comments. DATED, this 2fth day of July,20l7. Attorney for CAPAI 5CAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby state that on this 20th day of July, 2Al7,I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing document to the following via electronic mail: Diane Hanian Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 dhanian@puc.id.gov Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission daphne.huang@puc. id. gov Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise,lD 83707-0070 lnordstrom@ idahopower. com dockets@idahopower.com Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 caschenbrenner@idahopower.com Peter J. Richardson Industrial Customers of ldaho Power c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27thSt P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. 6tr St. Boise, lD 83702 (208) 34s-6933 X t2 botto@idahoconservation. org 6CAPAI COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO IPC APPLICATION: CASE IPC-E-17-03