HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180105Comments.pdf2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7e01 REC E IVED ?0lB JA${ -5 Plt k: l0 ,, '' t,tii --ijb1,?#l8 r,o* BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION OF HELLS CANYON RELICENSTNG COSTS THROUGH 2OI5 AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED, Case No.: IPC-E-I6-3+ ?- COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER COME NOW, the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ("ICIP") and pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order No. 33948 issued in the above captioned matter respectfully lodges its comments regarding Idaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power" or the "Power Company") Application for an order designating the Power Company's expenditures of $220,845,830 as prudently incurred and eligible for inclusion in customer rates at an unspecified future date. Subsequent to f,rling its Application Idaho Power, the Idaho PUC Staff and the Idaho Irrigation Pumper's Association jointly filed a Joint Motion for approval of a settlement agreement ("Settlement Stipulation") in lieu of the Power Company's initial Application seeking a prudence determination of $213,606,878 in HCC relicensing costs ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION IPC-E-I6-32 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 COMMENTS The Power Company is applying for a prudence determination of almost a quarter of a billion dollars for a project that is still a work in progress, has no concrete timetable, has no Commission approved or vetted budget and for which it has no idea what the end result will look like. Consequently, the Commission has, and Idaho Power has offered, no assurance that the end product of the relicensing process will be use and useful, or if so at what cost. While an accounting order allowing for the continued deferral of relicensing costs may be appropriate, it is premature to make any determination as to the prudence of those costs until this work in progress (new license application) either has a concrete assured conclusion with known and measurable benefits/costs or is otherwise proven to be used and useful in the provision of electric service to the Company's ratepayers. For these reasons, as more fully explained below, the ICIP respectfully requests the Commission not approve Idaho Power's Application or the Settlement Stipulation jointly filed in this matter by Idaho Power, the PUC Staff and the Idaho Irrigation Pumper's Association. THERE IS NO LEGAL BASIS FOR IDAHO POWER' APPLICATION Idaho Power's application is filedooin accordance with Idaho Code $ 6l-524." This Code Section provides no foundation upon which the Commission may make a prudence finding. Idaho Code Section6l-524 addresses the sole issue of the establishment of a uniform system of ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION IPC-E-I6-32 2 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 accounting, "to be kept by the public utilities subject to [the Commission's]jurisdiction." There is no other reference, either in the Company's Application or in the Settlement Agreement, to this Commission's alleged legal authority to issue its order declaring the prudence of expenses for a speculative investment in a new license that has yet to provide service to Idaho Power's ratepayers. Indeed, there is nothing in the Idaho Code permitting, or even addressing, the question of a prudence review for future assets.l For this reason alone, the Commission should deny Idaho Power's Application and not approve the proffered Settlement Agreement. There is simply no legal basis for the Commission to take action. The Commission does have ample authority to approve ratemaking treatment for investments made by the Company in assets prior to those assets being placed into service pursuant to two specific Idaho Code Sections -- $$ 61-541 or 61-5024. It is significant, however, that Idaho Power did not file its application pursuant to either of those sections which do allow for binding future ratemaking treatment or inclusion of construction work in progress in current rates, respectfully. Neither of the two relevant code sections, however, provide any basis for Commission action on HCC costs at this time. In order to implement binding future ratemaking treatment pursuant to Idaho Code Section 6l-5024 for its HCC expenses the Commission would have to, in addition to holding a public hearing, make specific findings that the proposed facility is I The word "prudence" is never used in the ldaho Public Utilities Code ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION IPC-E-16-32 3 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 l4 15 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 "reasonable when compared to energy efficiency, demand-side management and other feasible alternative sources of supply." Of course, not only has Idaho Power not requested a hearing, it has not (and likely cannot at this stage of the HCC licensing process) made a showing that the HCC when fully relicensed will be reasonable "when compared to energy efficiency, demand- side management and other feasible sources of supply." Idaho Code Section 6l-502 is likewise inapplicable in that it only applies to property that is not currently used and useful in providing utility service. Here, Idaho Power's application asserts that the HCC is, in fact, used and useful in providing utility service. According to the Company, the HCC is "currently providing reliable generating service."2 Thus, being fully aware of the content of the Idaho PUC Code, Idaho Power has chosen to go down a legally untenable road by asking for only a "prudence" determination of its costs with no immediate rate change and no binding future rate treatment. Thus, absent Idaho Power's, and this Commission's, compliance with the specific provisions of Idaho Code Section 6l-502A regarding binding future ratemaking treatment, any order concerning the "prudence" of HCC costs incurred to date must be merely contingent and subject to future commission revision,] adoption or rejection. Although the ICIP objects to the issuance of any order regarding prudence at this time, should the Commission issue any such order in this matter, it should be explicit in that order that 2 Idaho Power Application at p. 3 ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION IPC-E-I6-32 4 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 its prudence determination is based only on assumptions that appear to be reasonable today, and that should those assumptions prove to be false, inaccurate or misplaced (for whatever reason and regardless of fault) then today's prudence determination will be subject to appropriate revision. Failure to explicitly declare that a prudence order by this Commission today -- in light of Idaho Power's failure to utilize the code sections available to it that are specifically designed to allow it to either bind future commissions or to include investments in property held for future use in current rates -- will certainly cause confusion and potentially foster needless litigation down the road. Further, such an ill-advised order would also be beyond the legal authority granted to this Commission by the Idaho Code. The ICIP is, however, sympathetic to the Company's dilemma of having a quarter of a billion dollars (and growing) of accumulated costs and expenses with no assurance of future rate recovery. To that end, the IPIC does not oppose the concept of a prudence finding that is EXPLICITLY contingent upon a future commission's finding that the end product (e.g. fully relicensed HCC) is a prudent investment that is used and useful in the provision of service to the then-current ratepayers on Idaho Power's system. t ( J. Richardson ISB 3195 ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION TPC-E-I6-32 5 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 r8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 5TH DAY OF JANUARY 2018, I HAVE SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE TNDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN OPPOSITION IN DOCKET NO. IPC- I6-3 I AS TNDICATED BELOW Lisa D Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho Hand Delivery and Email Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6s Street Boise, Idaho Hand Delivery and Email Anthony Yankel Idaho Irrigation Pumper's Assoc 12700 Blake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 US Mail and Email Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho Hand Delivery and Email Eric L. Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumper's Assoc 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 U.S. Mail and Email Diane Hanain Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho Hand Delivery and Email Richardson ICIP'S COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION IPC-E.I6-32 6