HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170821Request for Intervenor Funding.pdfKelsey Jae Nunez, ISB No. 7899 Kelsey Jae Nr-rnez LLC 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, ID 83703 208_39t.2961 kclseviii; kel sevi acnunez.corn# Attornelt Jitr lclaho Sieta Lllub IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONYENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR WOOD RIVER VALLEY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC.E-I6.28 REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING COMES NOW the Idaho Sierra Club ("Sierra Club"), pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-617A and IDAPA with the following request for intervenor funding. Sierra Club is an intervenor in this case pursuant to Order No. 33683. This request is timely pursuant to the Commission's instruction at the technical hearing to submit such requests within l4 days by August 22,2017 Applicability of Idaho Code $ 61-6UA and IDAPA Rule Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company") is a regulated public utility that has gross Idaho intrastate annual revenues exceeding S3,500,000.00. III. IDAPA Rule 31.01 .01.162 requirements A. Itemized list of expenses The attached Exhibit A is an itemized list of expenses incurred by Sierra Club in this proceeding. Exhibit A indicates a subset of hours spent on investigating the Application and I. '.::1!/i::ilt-,..-l I LLJ 1l'ii:ixI Pll 2:2| ll I i:,,l:, , t] I Idaho Sierra Club Apptication for Intervenor Funding - IPC-E-16-28 - I direct testimonies of ldaho Power, Commission Staff, and other lntervenors; analyzing and conducting discovery; preparing and liling the direct and rebuttal testimony of Michael Heckler: reviewing the direct and rebuttaltestimon,v of other pafiies: lrreparing for cross examination of witnesses; and participating in the public and technical hearings. B. Statement of proposed findings Sierra Club requests that the Commission f,rnd that: (i) the Company has not demonstrated that the proposed redundant transmission line is necessary or in the public interest; (ii) a more robust analysis of the alternatives is needed to determine the most cost-efl-ective means of providing reliable and adequate service; and (iii) a technical advisory committee or sirnilar body should be appointed to conduct such analysis. Idaho Sierra Club also asks the Commission to grant this request for inten'enor funding. C. Statement showing costs Idaho Sierra Ch-rb requests $14,850 in intervenor tunding fbr attorney t-ees, as shown in Exhibit A. These fees rvere incurred reasonably and appropriately. This case covered complex and technical issues and required reviewing and responding to extensive filings of the Company, Commission Statl, and other active parties. To uncover and understand the f-acts. rve revier,ved multiple rounds of discovery requests and submitted our own discovery requests, the results of u&ich were used by Sierra Club and other parties in prepared testimorry and at the technical hearing. Counsel for Sierra Club was an active participant in all stages of the proceeding. For eacl"r of these efTofts, lve endeavored to be effrcient and have chosen not to request reimbursement fbr all billable hours. Many hours w'ere billed exploring creative options and strategies i.vith fellor.v parties and other internal and external stakeholders, and ouly a portion of Idaho Siena C'lub Request Ibr Interveilor Fulding - 2 those hours are included in this request. Other costs not included in this request include travel, printing, and more than one hundred hours collectively invested by Sierra Club staIl, including that of Energy Committee Chair and Witness Michael l-leckler. We request an hourly rate for legal cotursel of $150 per hour. which is a reasonable local rate and in line with the guidance provided in Order No. 32846. For all these reasons, our request fbr intervenclr funding to pay the costs of the listed attomey fees is reasonable. D. f,xplanation of cost statement Sierra CIub is a nonprofit organization supported through charitable donations fi'om our members and tbundations. In this proceeding, we represent our members and supporters who are Idaho Power ratepayers as well as those who have an interest in promoting distributed energy generation and resiliency throughout [daho. To provide consistent, professional, and impactful advocacy for our members and supporters, Sierra Club dedicates signihcant staff time to energy issues. The cost of employing and training staff members and hiring outside legal counsel is a significant financial commitment for a charitable organization. Because charitable contributions are inherently unstable and sometimes insufficient. the availability of interyenor funding is essential fbr Siena Club to participate in these proceedings. Sierra Club has no pecuniary interest in the outcome of this case; rather rve dedicated our time and resoulces to represent the interests of our supporters who have a strong interest in robust distributed energy in ldaho. E. Statement of difference Siena Club's proposed findings are materially different thar, the Commission StafT. Staff took the position that local generation and storage options considered by the Company exceed the cost of the proposed redundant line, r,vhich indicated that StafIbelieves the Company's Idaho Siena C'lub Request lbr Intervenor Funding - 3 alternatives analysis was sutficient and need not be redone by a technical advisory committee or other similar body. Our direct and rebuttal testimony thoroughly explains our position on the insufficiency of the alternatives analysis and our disagreement with Staff s characterization of the costs and benefits associated with distributed energy resources. Our participation provides a detailed counterpoint to the Staff position in this case so that the Commission has a complete and robust record upon which to base its decision. F. Statement of recommendation Sierra Club's proposed tindings address issues of concern fbr general ratepayers '*'ho will be subject to rate increases wten ldaho Power seeks to recover the costs of the proposed redundant line, as well as local ratepayers who rnay be assessed additional charges for local undergrounding. Sierra Club asserts that all customers, regardless of class, share a strong interest in ensuring Idaho Power makes cost effective expenditures after a thorough and proper analysis of alternatives. Our participation in this case raises issues relating to the investment in redundant infrastructure for the sake of redundancy and the dismissal after only "high-level" and "conceptual" analysis of altemative technologies that can serve in providing cost-el1'ective, reliable service at variours locations within our state" including the North Wood River Valley. G. Statement shorving class of customer Sierra Club's members and supporters are residential and small commercial customers of Idaho Power Respectfully subrnitted this 21st day of August, 2017 U}ry,fo I'Iu*Yu# !J Kelsey Jae Nunez, Attorney for Idaho Sierra Club Idaho Sierra Club Request for Intervenor Funding - 4 Exhibit A Cost Statement for ldaho Sierra Clutl For attorney fees billed by Kelsey.Iae Nunez LLC Analyzing Idaho Power's application and direct testimonies, conducting relevant legal research, and crafting response strategies 25 hours Analyzing discovery requests and responses of other parties and drafting Sierra Club discovery 15 hours Preparing and filing the direct testimony and rebuttal testimony of Michael Heckler 35 hours Reviewing the direct and rebuttal testimony of other parties 6 hours Preparing for and participating in the public hearing of July 26, not including travel to and from Ketchum 3 hours Preparing for and participating in the technical hearing of August 8 15 hours Total 99 hours @ $150/hour $14,850 Idaho SienaClub Request for Intervenor Funding - 5 CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifu that on the 21 st day of August. 201 7, I caused to be served true and correct copies of the foregoing document upon: Oripinal and 7 conies via hand deliverv Diane Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Ptrblic Lltilities Commission 472W. Washingtt'rn Boise,ID 83702 I)trnrrv*n li. Walh*r l'im l"*tunt LJnhtl lln r,* gr t"*nrpmy l'{} l}*x ?$ ll*ixe" ll) lt1?{}? tr)xphnc Iluimg t'xmrllc Chn*tr* I l$prlty r\ttr*ffwJf* { hr**rrl l*l*hu iluhlrc I trlltrcs ('trtilff}lLSrilfi ,,1?: \l', W*shrnr*tnn tliS?$Il lr{} }l*,r }*,}?}{} Ihrix*. ltr) tl:?:tI llrrtsr J, I{ish*rrtmu l{ l*ihrrdxrn r\{tffns. ['1"1"(. i I S N" lT'h qr. i'{} lltrr tr}tll !krix*. lI) ll}?fi: ll-nl'l l,E*lirl "\. l"*rJ*'r*tt i{X} I"rlt'r;r lluuk R*:nI llrtih:r, lt) !113.13 l.l.l$" hlml, []*xtxgr ]lr$psrd t}v*rnigirt L.*tmrr I**rxi llslitsr*d Viu $xxrmilc tr,1-m*ltrr"M 'tMr rnlLHgr-rj_rd;*tu} :*sL*Irm L'"::i. Il*rl, Pnrt**e Prrfunit i lr. *rrri g.fut {..1**rist * {*nd l]tltv*rcrt Uirl $ix*lmrlr f i"m"*il , l.lghpr:, i1t**tlls.#J*r$ 1d**ft rg g1r 1 ''l*ftt-[t$,#*ft*$sm *..sffi t I !{. $l*rl. P*xt$gs i}r*6r.*ltt Ilvwnrght L'*uner {l*nrl lfuliltr*d !'ix F;xxrmrl* {i-nrarl .\ l(f fl!:tt h.rrd *rw.nl,rsn:.>,,11! 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II) lti?(l: .l:,,t t. 1"1'.1. ,.:l H*n* Sqi*s$ru{ Ll $. ttx$ *#vrrnryfi{ HSs$_rAx *lf . firnnrl tffit,&tli$.{s&s$Eerl qq] X t:,S. l4rril. llost:rg* llrcpaid (h'r:rni*ht C*uri*r llunri Dcliverr",tl \ria li;rcsirrrile Ii-nxril $g ufl*:*;ldilntr,$rlll-l 1, rtr* ,.1yd lir$'I.{'#Lr"'' \ ''t1 '."j Kelsey Jae Nunez Attorneyfor ldaho Sierra Club Idaho SienaClub Request for Intervenor Funding - 7