HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170418Petition to Intervene.pdfGregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 gre g@richardsonadams. com peter@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Rock Rolling Properties, LLC f.r"/_r'-r1trr\ I \. "'./ -- i 'r u l-,' : iiil .r;r.l i $ fii'{ I I: 0 | . I '-:'ll.r,': BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-16-28 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FOR WOOD RTVER VALLEY CUSTOMERS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC Rock Rolling Properties, LLC hereby petitions to intervene out of time in this proceeding under the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Rule of Procedure, Rule 7l IDAPA 31.01.01 .71, and the Notice of Intervention Deadline issued on November 29,2016, in Order No. 33657, and as grounds therefore states as follows: l. The name and address of this Intervenor is: Rock Rolling Properties, LLC c/o Kris Dondero PO Box 739 Sun Valley, ID 83353 Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders and other documents should be provided to Gregory M. Adams at the address noted above. PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE I 2. Rock Rolling Properties, LLC is the owner of real property located on the east side of Hospital Drive in Blaine County, [daho, identified as Tax Lot 7158. For ease of reference, Attachment One to this Petition depicts the lot owned by Petitioner Rock Rolling Properties, LLC, and Attachment Two depicts an aerial view of the lot. 3. There is currently no distribution or transmission line running along Hospital Drive, and Rock Rolling Properties, LLC's lot possesses a view to the west of the slopes of Bald Mountain where Sun Valley's ski resort is operated. Idaho Power seeks authorization in this proceeding to place an overhead 138-kilovolt transmission line along the east side of Hospital Drive. Idaho Power has not contacted Rock Rolling Properties, LLC to discuss a precise location, but it appears that the overhead configuration along Hospital Drive would place the transmission line either directly abutting the property owned by Rock Rolling Properties, LLC, or possibly even running across the property. Rock Rolling Properties, LLC is not aware of whether ldaho Power intends to condemn its property. In any event, however, the above-ground configuration along Hospital Drive would substantially impair the value, use, and enjoyment of the property by, among other impacts, directly impairing the view of Bald Mountain from Rock Rolling Properties, LLC's lot, limiting future beneficial uses of the property, and generally changing the character of the property and the surrounding area. 4. The substantial impact of Idaho Power's proposal on Rock Rolling Properties, LLC cannot be seriously disputed. The Idaho Supreme Court has recognized that "by their very nature, utility transmission lines impact the land they occupy both visually and physically. Depending on the present and future use of the property, there are innumerable ways the effects PETTTION TO TNTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 2 could be encountered."l In this case, the Wood River Community Advisory Committee, referenced in Idaho Power's application, recommended that the 138-kilovolt transmission line be placed underground along Hospital Drive to mitigate these impacts. Additionally, in denying Idaho Power's application for a conditional use permit, the Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission specifically relied upon "the impact to property value of lands running adjacent to a new transmission line," and it further found that "[w]here an existing distribution line does not exist along Hospital Drive and then along either the highway or the bike path to the north from there, a new transmission line will not be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of this area."2 5. As a directly impacted property owner, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC received a notice of the local land use approval proceedings from Blaine County by letter dated September 26,2016. The representatives of Rock Rolling Property, LLC attended and participated in the ensuing proceedings before the Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission, which resulted in denial of tdaho Power's request for a conditional use permit for the overhead transmission line. 6. Rock Rolling Properties, LLC therefore claims a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding. It will suffer substantial economic impacts if, as proposed by Idaho Power, the western boundary of its property is permanently marred by industrial transmission towers that may be up to 60 feet tall with high-voltage lines. I Manookian v. Blaine County, I l2 ldaho 697 ,701,735 P.2d 1008, l0l2 ( 1987).2 Re: Application of ldaho Power Companyfor a Condition (Jse Permit (CUP), Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision, at 9- 10 (March I , 2017). PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTTES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 3 7. Good cause exists to grant this Petition to Intervene out of time under the Commission's Rule of ProcedureT3,IDAPA Although receiving written notice from Blaine County regarding the conditional use permit proceedings, to the best of Rock Rolling Properties, LLC's information and belief, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC did not receive a notice from Idaho Power that it would initiate this separate proceeding where Idaho Power would a.rgue that Blaine County's land use decision would be "null and void" to the extent it conflicts with the outcome of this proceeding.3 Rock Rolling Property, LLC more recently became aware of Idaho Power's position before this Commission and is now justifiably concerned that its property value, as well as use and enjoyment of its property and the general quality of life in the Wood River Valley, will be adversely impacted by the overhead line as proposed to this Commission. 8. Additionally, good cause also exists because Rock Rolling Property,LLC represents a unique interest not currently represented in this proceeding. Hospital Drive is uniquely impacted by Idaho Power's proposal because there is currently no distribution or transmission line along the street. [t is not clear from ldaho Poweros application that it has fully and adequately considered the economic costs and safety implications of placing a new 138- kilovolt line in this area. Without waiving its right to seek compensation in appropriate fora for diminished property value resulting from construction of the transmission line, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC may be able to assist the Commission to understand the economic impacts to the properties along Hospital Drive. These are unique and important factors that the Commission See ldaho Power's Application at 14,125 PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLTNG PROPERTIES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 4 should consider in deciding whether to approve a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as requested by ldaho Power. 9. Although it is after the deadline for petitions to intervene, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC makes this filing prior to the due date for the first round of intervenor and staff testimony set for May 5, 2017, and over three months in advance of the scheduled technical hearing on August 8-9,2017. If granted intervention, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC consents to be bound by orders and notices entered prior to its intervention. No party is prejudiced by this proposed untimely intervention. Therefore, good cause exists for untimely intervention, and it would be unreasonable and unjust to deny this Petition to Intervene. 10. Rock Rolling Properties, LLC, through legal counsel, intends to participate herein as a party, and if necessary, to introduce evidence, cross-examine witnesses, call and examine witnesses, and be heard in argument. The nature and quality of evidence which Rock Rolling Properties, LLC will introduce is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. I l. Without the opportunity to intervene herein, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC would be without any means of participation in this proceeding which may have a material impact on the value, use, and enjoyment of its property. 12. Granting Rock Rolling Properties, LLC Petition to lntervene will not unduly broaden the issues beyond their proper scope, nor will it prejudice any party to this case. WHEREFORE, Rock Rolling Properties, LLC respectfully requests that this Commission grant this Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and participate in all matters as may be necessary and appropriate; and to present evidence, call and examine witnesses, present argument and to otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 5 DATED: April 18, 2017. RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC By . Adams (ISB No. 7454) PETITION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 6 ATTACHMENT 1 Record of Survey of Rock Rolling Properties, LLC (Tax Lot7158) and Rock Rolling Properties #2, LLC (Tax Lot 8024) o I oo a f B t zotro E6 o oIo = N icccc = @ -@ s@o = Nhoooa ouoIo s c co @ ) o c -o No @ inN6 vlo FzU z F 6( C € cc @ 6in @lo E cc c cc c o o oc c ccs € O No no 1 0-z Uzo6Ia6 6io- gT >o9n(od9b; tESI o@N oj 02Uo ciz E6 oUFF JIzl .s5.r't /x.99,Co,EdS 0- co :E oq l o ! 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':{-#s >r Y ATTACHMENT 2 Aerial Photograph of Rock Rolling Properties, LLC and Rock Rolling Properties #2, LLC r{A !.1 t1 .'* q CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 18tr day of April 2Ol7,I served a trr,re and correct copy of this PETITION TO INTERVENE on the following via First Class Mail and Electronic Mail: Diane Hainan, Secretary (Hand Delivery) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Diane. holt@puc. idaho. gov Tim Tatum Idaho Power Companyl22l W ldaho Street Boise ID 83702 t. tatum@idahopower. com Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell 300 Let'er Buck Road Hailey, Idaho 83333 ktinsv@cox.net Zack Waterman Director, Idaho Sierra Club 503 W Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 zack.w aterman@sierraclub. org Daphne Huang IPUC 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702 daphne. huang@puc. idaho. gov C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 8O2 W. Bannock Street, Suite 9OO Boise, ID 83702 tom. arkoo str@arkoo sh. com Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company l22l W Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 dwalker@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Peter Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N 27t, Street Boise ID 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com Laura Midgley 231 Valley Club Drive Hailey, Idaho 83333 midgley22l@gmail.com Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N Sixth Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bott@idahoconservation. org Camille Christen IPUC 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702 camille. christen@puc. idaho. gov Matthew A. Johnson Wm. F. Gigray White Peterson Gigray & Nichols, PA 5700 E. Franklin Rd., Suite 200 Nampa, Idaho 83687 mj o hn son@whitepeterson. com Michael Heckler 3606 N Frospect Way Garden City, Idaho 837 L4 Michael. p. heckler@gmail. com By M. Adams Adams, PLLC