HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170623Jonas Rebuttal.pdfMatthew A. Johnson (ISB #7789) Wm. F. Gigray,III (ISB #1435) Wurre PersRsoN GrcRev &Nrcnols, P.A. 5700 East Franklin Road, Suite 200 Nampa, Idaho 83687 Office: (208) 466-9272 Fax: (208) 466-4405 mj ohnson@whitepeterson. com Attorneys for Intervenor: City of Ketchum BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FOR WOOD RIVER VALLEY CUSTOMERS .':1,'rIi;:il ' j, O:' X. ri,_,.J l;l v'v-r CASE NO. IPC.E.16-28 CITY OF KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYOR NINA JONAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I Q. Please state your name and office within the City of Ketchum. 2 A. My name is Nina Jonas. I currently serve as the Mayor of the City of Ketchum. I 3 was elected as Mayor in 2013 and prior to that served on the City Council from 2009-2013. 4 Sustainability and energy efficiency have been important parts of my leadership platform and 5 efforts at the City. 6 a. What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony? 1 A. My rebuttal testimony will clarify the position and concerns of the City of 8 Ketchum with respect to items raised in direct testimony. I will also respond to direct testimony 9 related to the issue of whether Idaho Power has appropriately and adequately evaluated 10 alternatives in this matter. I will also respond to arguments raised in direct testimony related to I I burdening municipalities with the costs of the proposal. 12 a. What are the City of Ketchumf s interests and concerns in this proceeding? KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- I I A. The City of Ketchum ("City") is concemed with issues in the proposal of Idaho 2 Power Company ("Company") as related to protecting land usage, scenic values, and the unique 3 nature of the area. Additionally, the City joins in the concerns of other intervenors in this matter, 4 such as in the direct testimony of Michael Heckler, related to the Company's insufficient 5 consideration and review of alternatives to a redundant transmission line. The City has formed 6 an advisory committee known as the Ketchum Energy Advisory Committee ("KEAC") 7 specifically to advise the City on energy issues with a particular focus on striving toward 8 increased use of renewable energy, conservation, and efficiency. Resolution 14-005 of the City 9 of Ketchum specifically identifies a purpose of forming the KEAC is to reduce the carbon l0 footprint of the community and become a greener community. I I To that end, the City and KEAC have focused on evaluating new energy technologies and 12 methods of promoting energy efficiency to reduce the need for more resource-intensive energy 13 production and distribution. The City is quite interested in this proceeding for the purpose of 14 making sure the Company does not simply answer every energy question with a proposal to 15 build more "sticks and wires," but instead conduct a true consideration of alternatives. The City 16 joins with the interest of intervenors such as the Sierra Club of Idaho in questioning whether the 17 Company has truly evaluated and considered alternatives and feasibility costs that can achieve l8 goals of resiliency and redundancy without simply reverting to building more lines. 19 a. Does the City believe the Company has adequately and appropriately 20 considered alternatives to a redundant transmission line? 2l A. No. The City does not believe that the Company has appropriately addressed or 22 investigated a true cost-benefit analysis of alternatives, including consideration of local 23 generation and micro-grid altematives. The City disputes the Company's contention that such KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- 2 I alternatives would "greatly exceed the cost of the second transmission line."l 2 The City has previously commented as to the need for more details and independent 3 analysis of reliability via local alternatives.2 An analysis of cost-effective solutions needs to take 4 into account not just immediate needs but future trends and adaptability to more contemporary 5 approaches to energy production and distribution. Better grid integration, accommodation for 6 growing local generation trends, and consideration of storage deserve a true independent analysis 7 as these options become more common and more cost-effective. The City has previously 8 commented on such and provided a potential proposal for such an analysis.3 Those comments 9 and proposal are hereby referenced and reincorporated by this testimony. This need for an l0 independent analysis continues to be overlooked by the Company and is overlooked or 1l summarily dismissed without argument in the direct testimony of Company representatives. 12 Additionally, the testimony of IPUC staff engineer Mike Morrison recommends against a 13 redundant transmission line as an immediate need, instead recommending reconstruction of the 14 existing line and use of a temporary line.a This further indicates that there need not be a rush to 15 dismiss alternatives without independent analysis or for Idaho Power to significantly invest in a 16 less than compelling line construction that is unnecessary in the present and not designed to 17 accommodate the future. Technological changes require better analysis of alternatives than has l8 been provided by the Company in this matter. 19 The City of Ketchum concurs and supports the assertion of Mr. Heckler in his direct 20 testimony: "We believe that a more robust consideration of alternatives is in the public interest 2l and that a combination of a rebuilt line along the existing right-of-way with some grid edge 'Application at I L 2 City of Ketchum Comment Letter, dated Oct. 4,2016, already on file in this matter 'Id.4 uoRRlSoN DI at 3 and22. KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- 3 1 resource alternatives can provide excellent resiliency at a lower cost . . ."5 2 Q. Does the City support the Company's stated goal of increased reliability? 3 A. Yes, the City shares in the concerns and goals related to increasing energy 4 reliability, as well as energy efficiency. However Mr. Heckler in his testimony outlines how the 5 Company has conflated reliability with redundancy, thus skipping over consideration of 6 alternatives to a redundant line. This matches with the City's concem that the Company has been 7 in a rush to judgment on this matter. The City's perception is that the Company has jumped 8 straight to constructing a redundant line, while ignoring the record of reliability on the existing 9 line and the likelihood that reconstruction with a temporary line more cost-effectively achieves 10 the needed reliability. As Mr. Morrison's IPUC staff testimony attests, this reconstruction option 11 is more cost-effective while the City also sees that option as having the benefit of not 12 overspending on an investment into traditional infrastructure that may be ill-suited to handle and 13 address reliability and efficiency in relation to more contemporary energy technology. 14 a. How does energy efficiency play into the goals of the City? 15 A. In forming KEAC the City specifically included pursuing and promoting energy 16 efficiency as a purpose and goal. These energy efficiency goals contrast with the Company's 17 portrayal of rising demand in this area. Additionally, Mr. Heckler's testimony shows problems t 8 with the Company's assumptions and portrayals with respect to population growth, outage 19 events, and load demand. Again, the City believes the Company has speculated on such 20 projections in such a manner as to derive a desired result, rather than in conducting a true 2l analysis. The victim of such speculation is again a discounting of alternatives and a rush to 22 overbuilding of sticks and wires, rather than evaluation of cost efficiency and technological 23 adaptability for longer term future reliability and efficiency. t HECI<LBR DI at l, lines 12-16. KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS-4 I The City concurs with the testimony of Mr. Heckler that these concerns about 2 projections, values, and technology warrant consideration of a technical review committee 3 approach. The standard objection that such a process lengthens the time required is mitigated by 4 IPUC staffs findings and recommendation that the existing line is more reliable than portrayed 5 by the Company. The City and KEAC would be interested in participating in such a technical 6 review committee as such goes directly to the purposes and expertise for which the KEAC was 7 formed. 8 Q. How would the City like to respond to the assertions about charging 9 undergrounding incremental costs completely to the local communities? l0 A. The City understands that there are options to direct billing to affected rate payers 1l by line item to address a local community pressing for more costly options for purposes like 12 aesthetics. However, the City feels that undergrounding has been over-portrayed as purely an 13 aesthetics issue. Insuffrcient attention has been paid to health, safety, and economic concems. 14 Engineering various overhead lines will not only impact the aesthetics and visibility within the 15 Ketchum community, but poses safety risks and creates burdens in an area where development 16 already is complicated due to space constraints. Aesthetics also become more economically 17 significant in an area where the economy is heavily reliant on tourism and a certain atmosphere. l8 Furthermore, undergrounding seems to provide practical benefits to address many of the weather l9 and nature-related concerns that have been raised with the existing line. 20 The City also joins in the concerns raised in Mr. Heckler's testimony that apportionment 21 of costs onto the local communities is also irresponsible at this time when there are significant 22 concerns about cost methodology. There are disputes between the Company, staff, and 23 intervenors with respect to calculation of such costs and even what should be the appropriate KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- 5 I base case. These technical issues related to cost deserve funher review and analysis before 2 beginning to order significant costs to be borne by the local communities. 3 Q. What are the City's concerns with respect to the testimony of Cox 4 Communication representatives? 5 Staff and intervenor teptimony contradicts the testimony of Mr. Stull of Cox 6 Communication that the Company requires "badly needed redundant facilities." My testimony 7 already references the problems with a focus purely on redundancy, particularly as proposed by 8 the Company, and raising questions as to a judgment of "badly needed." 9 The City understands how co-location may be desirable. However the City does not l0 support overbuilding of redundant lines or overbuilding on a repair of the existing line any more 1 I than absolutely necessary to accommodate existing services on the poles. Heightening of poles 12 should be restricted to a minimum to preserve the character of these communities 13 Additionally, issues pertaining to co-location should be of lower priority until the 14 multitude of technical review concems are addressed. l5 a. Please summarize your testimony on behalf of the City. 16 A. The City sees significant differences of analysis and recommendations between 17 the testimony of the Company, staff, and intervenors as to actual need in this matter. Those 18 differences need resolution via technical review; particularly where such technical review 19 provides a better avenue to more fully and independent evaluate alternatives and changing 20 technologies that better match local priorities. 2l The City supports more sophisticated analysis of technological advancement and a 22 reluctance to rush into overbuilding traditional infrastructure just because that is the way it has 23 been done before. KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- 6 2 aJ 4 5 6 The City accepts that some level of local responsibility for incremental costs to address purely local concerns may be necessary, but believes better analysis of such cost alternatives and actual needed construction is necessary before imposing such. a. Does that conclude your testimony at this time? A. Yes. Dated thrs'7-3d. day of June,2017 WHITE PETERSON Matthew A. Johnson Attorneys for City of Ketchum KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS. T CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this N day of June,20l7, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document by the method indicated below to the following: Donovan E. Walker Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company l22l W.Idaho St. PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 -0070 L/ Daphne Hu ang Camille Christen Deputy Attomeys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 t Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27'h St. PO Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 Kiki Leslie A. Tedwell 300 Let'er Buck Rd. Hailey,Idaho 83333 Kelse y Jae Nunez Kelsey Jae Nunez, LLC 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise,Idaho 83703 US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : dwalker@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com ttatum@idahopower. com US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : daphne.huang@puc. idaho. gov camille.christen@puc. idaho. gov US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : peter@richardsonadams.com US Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email: ktinsv@cox.net US Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : Kelsey@kelseyjaenunez.com KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYORNINA JONAS- 8 Michael He ckler 3606 N. Prospect Way Garden City, Idaho 83714 Zack Waterman Sierra Club Be njamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. Sixth St. Boise,Idaho 83702 L aura Midgley 231 Valley Club Drive Hailey,Idaho 83333 C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock St., Ste. 900 PO Box 2900 Boise,Idaho 83701 Gre gory M. Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 r tr US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : michael.p.heckler@gmail.com US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : zack.waterman@sierraclub.org US Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : botto@idahoconservation. org US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : midgley22l 5@gmail.com US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : tom.arkoosh@arkoosh. com US Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile No. Email : greg@richardsonadams.com WHITE ON jpll:\I4ork\KKetchum, City of 24892Vdaho Power-ll/ood River Valley CPNC .?43\Rebuttal Testimony of Mayor Jonas 6-23-17.doc KETCHUM REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MAYOR NINA JONAS- 9