HomeMy WebLinkAbout19911230.docx Decision Meeting December 30, 1991 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance:  Commissioners Smith, Miller, Nelson; Staff:  Mike Gilmore, Don Howell, Don Oliason, Scott Woodbury, Tonya Clark, Terri Carlock, Beverly Barker, Lori Mann, Gary Richardson and Marjorie Maxwell. Commissioner Smith began meeting by saying we would try for the world's shortest decision meeting.   Item 1.  Terri Carlock's Decision Memorandum regarding Citizens Utilities Company short term debt issuances, Case No. CUC-S-91-4 looked okay to each of the commissioners--approved. Item 2.  Lori Mann's Buhl EAS Petition will be considered next year as originally stated by Commissioner Smith. Other Items of Discussion Mike Gilmore asked if commissioners wanted to take up the Inmate Rules.  Commissioner Miller has a couple of questions; Commissioner Smith is not ready to discuss them yet. Lori said we just received a request for an extension of time to January 10th in which to respond to staff's production request due to illness of Ray Hendershot.  Commissioner Smith asked if staff had any objections.  There were none so commissioners said to slip everything 3 weeks. Commissioner Miller said that our Orders will be accessible in electronic form starting the 1st of January.  Ed will zap them over to Supreme Court. Commissioner Nelson said Dennis Hanson has had several UP&L complaints:  a beauty shop in Grace burned down; they think because of a power surge.  Bev Barker's crew is following up on that.  Beverly said that UP&L's Rexburg office didn't seem to know anything about the problem, but had promised to check into difficulties and get back to consumer division. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. DATE this 17th day of January 1992 in Boise, Idaho. Respectfully submitted,                                  ̂ Marjorie Maxwell Assistant Commission Secretary 0082M