HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200807Clenera Comments.pdfOctEnera"800 w Main St, Suite 900 Boise,lD 83702 208-639-3232 Date: August6,2020 Re: Case No. IPC-E-20-02 Requests for Public Input - responses from Clener4 LLC Question l: The time, costs, and resources required to develop a forecasted generation profile. Response to Question I : A forecasted generation profile for an eslablished project locolion and size can be generated in approximately 2-3 da1ts. Question 2: Whether there are additional benefits to the utility's system that are achieved by battery storage projects at specific thresholds. Response to Question 2: Establishing an eligibility tbeshold ofjust l00kW would cause increased costs for sntall Battery Storage QF projects due lo infficiency of integrating lechnologlt components (i.e. power plant controller, metering, rela1,s, inverters, elc). At l0 to 20MW threshold projects can achieve nteaningful cosl savings and cosl effectiveness through integration of components. Establishing an eligibility threshold of'less than l0 to 20 MW would elJbctively discourage development of cost effective Energt Storage QFs. Question 3: Whether there are limitations on the ability of battery storage QFs to disaggregate Response to Questiott 3; lt is nol clear what Staff's queslion means, please elaborate on whal the specific concern is or provide an example. However it should be noted that some battery slorage systems may have /lexibility in their ability to be sitedfor marimtrm utility benefit. Question 4: Whether Staffs understanding of the prevailing state of battery technology and inverter size is correct. Response to Question 4: Li-ion batteries are lhe predominanl technolog,t currenlly used in the energy stordge industry, and lhe range of inverters thal Staffcited is accurate. Question 5: The all-in costs to develop and build a battery QF Response to Question 5: The final cosl .for a Battery Storage QF is highly variable depending on lhe exact design and integration of components. A tl,pical 20M14 Battery Storage QF proiect, the all-in cosl to develop and build may range fi'om approxintately $30 million up to $40 million. That said, it is unclear why the C'ommission has any interesl in the cost to the QF of developing its project in light of the fact that avoided cosl rates are to be based on the ulility's incremental cost of resource acquisitions and not based on the QF's cost or "payback" periods. Question 6: The expected life of different battery technologies. Response to Question 6: The expeclecl usable li.fe.for mosl Li-ion bqtteries is 20 to 25 years, although the bullen, storqge system clegrades over llrc lifetime at non-linear rate. For exantple. over tltefirst 3 yetn's the system degrades by approximalely l0% in tolal (or 3.3% annually), and then.from yeor 4 onward, depending ort the baltery chemistry the degratlation rate is approxintalely I -2% annually. Question 7: How ancillary services provided by battery QFs could be valued and what impact this would have on the payback period. Response to Queslion 7: Batlerv Slorage QFs must be charged.fi'om q renewctble resoru"ce. Therefore, some o/ llrc capabilities o/-the ballery storage lechnology (i.e. charging./iom the transmission grid) are lintited in ttperalions conlrqctualll' ftut not technically). For example,.frequency regulation could only be achieved in one direction (again, due to controclual limitations to Eulifi, as a QF, nol necessarily lechnical limiltrlions). All otlter ancillary services could be supporled. Belou, is qn illustt'ation oJ' ancillary sertices llrul can be supported by a Battery Slorage QF. Salid llcfp Srnl.g &lesSnarmr lliO/EIOS.rrEr Utliv3c'rri(.r Pllrf $npur iiaplE . Ancillary Services for additional fGG . Primary frequency regulation . Frequency droop response . Spinning reserve . Synthetic inertia . Raffip control . Black Start Question 8: The contract term necessary in order for a battery storage QF to have a reasonable opportunity to obtain financing. Response lo Question 8: A general guideline /bt'contract terms lhal are necessdrv to obtqin.financing is I 5-20 l,eau'5, based on industry standards. However, i/'contracted rales are sfficiently ltigh enough to ir ,.+*,i : frE obtain a recoyery of capital in a shorter qmounl of time, lhen a shorler term would sffice to mitigate risks for /inancial parlners. It is wortlty of note thot, according to the Staff's review of surrounding states' contract lengths, lhat lhe ldaho Commission is an extreme outlier by only permitting two year contracgt terms for aryt wlrdrto,o, project larger than 100 kll/ and ary other project larger lhan l0 aMllt. The radical nature ofthe ldaho rules on conlracl lengthwhen compared to all surrounding states suggests thal lhey are nol reasonable. Question 9: Using multiple successive contracts with shorter length terms to maintain accuracy of avoided cost pricing over the life of a PURPA project and the QFs ability to obtain financing. Response to Question 9: IPUC Staff observed thal reducing conlracl terms from 20 to 2 years was effective at endingfuture development of Wind and Solar QFs, based on inability to obtainfinancing. This is a logical outcome given tlmt reducing contracl lengths to just 2 years introduces significant uncertainty into any proposedfinancing or investors expectations ofgetting a return ofcapital let alone a return on investment.. Question l0: Best practices in surrounding states and analysis on the development of QFs in those states. Response to Question l0: In a December 2019 ruling, the Arizona Corporation Commission recently established l8-year minimum contracl lengths in order to encourage development of QFs, see dockel E- 01345A-16-0272. The ruling also established additional guidelines to help ensure that QF PPAs are financeable. While lltere are a lol of states that aclually encourage the developmenl of QFs, Idaho is no longer one of them. If the Commission is serious$'interested in exploring this question it will need to dramatically expand the scope of tltis dockel which it has specifically lintited to "determine the appropriate project eligibility cap and contract term for energ) storage qualifuingfacilities." [Order No. 34699 at poge l.J But to reiterate our comments above as they relate the specific issues in this dockel, establishing an eligibility threshold of less than l0 to 20 MlV would effectively discourage development of cost effective Energy Storage QFs and a general guideline for contract terms lhal are necessary to obtain financing is I 5-20 years,