HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200903Motion and Reply Comments.pdfftffimr. $FFfiilfr.lt""{t+[ I * EU ?i;tfis[r-3 PH ?r5S i.?,:.:.\;,. - . i.i$r-ii -iI : l-i=:- I LI; C li\ifi Is$lc'it Anf,r coRpcompanY DONOVAN WALKER Lead Counsel dwa! ker@idahopower.com September 3,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re Case No. IPC-E-20-02 Idaho Power Company's Petition to Establish Avoided Cost Rates and Terms for Energy Storage Qualifying Facilities under PURPA Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing in the above matter is ldaho Power Company's Motion and Reply Comments. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, A*€ae,(L Donovan Walker DEW/ cld Enclosures DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@ida hopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO ESTABLISH AVOIDED COST RATES APPLICABLE TO PURPA ENERGY STORAGE QUALIFYING FACIL!TIES. oASE NO. |PC-E-20-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) t. MoTroN ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with RP 56 and RP 2O1, et seg., as well as the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's ("|PUC" or "Commission") Notice of Modified Procedure in this matter, Order No. 34699, hereby respectfully moves the Commission to allow Reply Comments from ldaho Power, and submits the same herewith. ldaho Power, as the Petitioner, is traditionally allowed to respond to issues raised by the other party/parties. Because both ldaho Power and Commission Staff ("Staff') filed follow-up comments simultaneously on August 27 ,2020, ldaho Power did not know what Staffs final recommendations would be and has not had an opportunity to respond to those final recommendations. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 1 of 9 ln ldaho Power's initial comments, filed on July 16,2020,ldaho Power stated that it had no objection to Staffs recommended "enhanced" modified procedure (which called for initial comments from ldaho Power and Staff, solicitation of input from other parties, and then follow-up comments from ldaho Power and Staff) with the reservation that ldaho Power may seek leave to file Reply Comments to any new items raised by Staff in its August 27 ,2020, follow-up comments. ldaho Power Comments, July 16,2020, p 4, n 2. ldaho Power's Reply Comments, submitted herewith, are brief and have been submitted one week after the Follow-up Comments, which is the customary response timeline employed by the Commission in modified procedure cases. ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission grant leave for ldaho Power to file the accompanying Reply Comments to Staffs Revised Comments in order for the Commission to have a fulland complete written record on Modified Procedure upon which to issue its Order. I. INTRODUCTION, BACKGROUND, AND FACTS On January 21,2020, ldaho Power filed a Petition to initiate a proceeding to determine the proper avoided cost rates, as well as contract terms and conditions applicable to, and to be included in PURPAI contracts requested by energy storage Qualifying Facilities ("QF" or"QFs"). ldaho Power's Petition, p 1. On July 16, 2020,ldaho Power filed initial comments, as did Commission Staff ("Staff'). On Augusl6,2020, three parties: Renewable Northwest, Idaho Conservation League, and Clenera, LLC filed comments in response the request for public input and the Commission's Notice of Modified Procedure Order No. 34699. ldaho Power's initialcomments from July 16,2020, I Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA') IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 2 of 9 recite the procedural history and background underlying the request to determine the proper avoided cost rates and contract term applicable to energy storage PURPA QFs including the Memorandum Decision and Order issued January 17, 2020, in Franktin Energy Sforage One et al. v. Kjellander et a/., Case No. 1:18-cv-00236-REB. Again, rather than repeat those facts and background here, ldaho Power incorporates herein by this reference the lntroduction and Background from its initial comments filed on July 16, 2020, as well as the Background and facts from its initial Petition in this matter. II. REPLY COMMENTS Staff filed Follow-up, Revised Comments on August 27, 2020, recommending adoption of a 100 kW published rate eligibility cap for battery storage QFs, as well as a 10 year contract term for battery storage QF above the 100 kW published rate cap. Staff Revised Comments, Aug. 27,2020, p 26. Staff also recommends that the Commission direct revisions to the way in which capacity payments for battery storage QFs are made, and also recommends a follow-up case to align battery storage QF treatment across utilities and make additional refinements to the avoided cost methodology. ld. ldaho Power greatly appreciates Staffs consideration, investigation, discussion, and its recommendation to limit the application of the SAR2 methodology to battery storage QFs below a published rate eligibility cap of 100 kW. This will require larger battery storage QFs to utilize the more accurate lClRP3 avoided cost pricing methodology and aligns with the Company's request to do the same to combat potential disaggregation, as well as aniving at a more accurate approximation of avoided costs - protecting customers. 2 Surrogate Avoided Resource ('SAR') methodology.3 lncrementalCost lntegrated Resource Plan ("lClRP') methodology IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Pase 3 of 9 Contract Term ldaho Power believes it is premature to adopt a contract term longer than the current maximum of 2 years for projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap. The Commission made the determination to limit the maximum contract term to two years for all QFs that exceed the published rate eligibility cap in order to protect customers given the restriction and inability to make adjustments to, or update, the avoided cost rates during the term of the contract Based upon our record, we find that 2O-year contracts exacerbate overestimations to a point that avoided cost rates over the long-term period are unreasonable and inconsistent with the public interest. We find shorter contracts reasonable and consistent with federal and state law for multiple reasons. First, shorter contracts have the potential to benefit both the QF and the ratepayer. By adjusting avoided cost rates more frequently, avoided costs become a truer reflection of the actual costs avoided by the utility and allow QFs and ratepayers to benefit from normalfluctuations in the market... This Order shortens the length of IRP-based PURPA contract in order to maintain a more accurate avoided cost ... This Order strikes a balance between just and reasonable rates for ratepayers, the public interest and interests of QFs, as is mandated by PURPA and FERC regulations. Order No. 33357, p.23,32. As mentioned in ldaho Power's Follow-up Comments, FERC has now revised its rules and specifically authorized state Commissions to allow the energy rate to be updated throughout the term of the mandatory purchase or contract. FERC referred to, and quoted, the ldaho Commission in its order adopting this revision Further, the Commission [FERC] pointed to evidence that the desire to limit the effect of fixed QF contract rates had directly led to PURPA implementation issues that affected QF financing in other respects, particularly with respect to length of QF contracts. For example, a commissioner of the ldaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 4 of 9 Commission testified at the Technical Conference that the ldaho Commission's decision to limit QF contracts to a two- year term was based on the ldaho Commission's concern that longer contract terms at fixed rates would Iead to payments above avoided costs. 172 FERC t[ 61 ,041 , Qualifying Facility Rafes and Requirements, lmplementafion /ssues UnderthePublicUtilityRegulatoryPoliciesActof 1978, FERCDocketNo. RM 19-15-000 and AD 16-16-000, Order No. 872,11243, p 145 (citing n384 (citing Technical Conference Tr. at 142-43 (ldaho Commission)("No matter the starting point, allowing QFs to fix their avoided cost rates for long terms results in rates which will eventually exceed and overestimate avoided cost rates into the future. The longer the term, the greater the disparity. ... [he ldaho Commission] recently reduced PURPA contract lengths to two years in order to correct the disparity. We didn't reduce contract Iengths to kil! PURPA. We did it to allow periodic adjustment of avoided cost rates.")). The IPUC made a hard and unpopular decision to implement two-year contracts and defended that decision all the way up to the national level in order to protect customers from being saddled with a long-term lock-in of rates and paying more than they otherwise should to comply with the mandates of PURPA. As ldaho Power stated in its Follow-up Comments, it may be appropriate to authorize contracts for a term longer than two years - but only if - there is an accompanying provision or mechanism that allows for the periodic update of avoided cost rates during the term of the contract. This would be consistent with the authority granted by FERC's revised rules, as well as the !PUC's determination to protect customers from the long-term lock-in of avoided cost rates for the entire duration of the contract or legally enforceable obligation required of PURPA's mandatory purchase requirements. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 5 of 9 Staffls rationale of promoting battery storage QF development with a more favorable, financeable contract term does not outweigh the customer impact and harm that arises from the long-term lock-in of avoided cost rates estimated by imperfect methodologies at the time of contracting for the entire duration of the contract with no provision or ability to update or adjust those rates during the term of the contract. ldaho Power, given its size and total system load, has a very large penetration of QF development that operates daily on its system. Idaho Power has a total of 1,148 MW of PURPA generation under contract with a system that peaks at approximately 3,400 MW and has minimum loads around 1,100 MW. PURPA development on ldaho Power's system has not died. Renewable development in ldaho has not died. ldaho Power has a total of 134 individua! contracts with PURPA QFs including 627 MW of wind, 319 MW of solar, 69 hydro QFs for 150 MW, and several various other QF technologies for 52 MW. Since 2010,ldaho Power has entered into 131 individual PURPA QF contracts, some of which have been terminated, were replacement contracts, or were not approved by the Commission. Since 2018,ldaho Power has entered into 30 contracts with PURPA QFs, which include new and replacement contracts, three of which are currently pending approval at the IPUC. Between Franklin and Black Mesa, ldaho Power has recently had over 165 MW of battery storage QF generation seeking PURPA contracts. Additionally, ldaho Power has currently had more than 2,000 MW of wind and solar generation apply for interconnection to its ldaho system as network resources, which eventually may seek to sell generation to ldaho Power. Although ldaho Power has not entered into any PURPA QF solar contracts in ldaho since the implementation of two-year contract terms, the Company has entered into a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Pase 6 of 9 Commission-approved, non-PURPA contract with Jackpot Solar for the purchase of 120 MW of solar generation. Jackpot Solar was initially developed as a PURPA QF project, and ldaho Power was able to negotiate a non-PURPA energy sales agreement with a 20- year term containing nation-wide low rates, at that time, that were and are far below the approved avoided eost rates and methodologies in place today. The Company also has non-PURPA renewable energy contracts for 101 MW of wind and 35 MW of geothermal generation that were procured competitively and approved by the Commission. Before the Commission considers extending the cunent maximum two-year contract term - particularly for reasons related solely to promotion of QF development and financing - the Commission should assure that a mechanism is also in place protecting customers to update or adjust the rates contained in those contracts during the extended term. Further Proceedinos Staff also recommends a "follow-on docket to examine refinement or alteration of avoided cost rate methodologies for battery QFs for all electric utilities in ldaho ..." Staff Comments, p 3. ldaho Power believes that a follow-up docket should be opened, but the scope should be broadened to look at the possible revision, refinement, alteration, or abandonment of the existing avoided cost methodologies and establishment of a more refined and accurate avoided cost methodology applicable to all QFs that examines incorporation of the expressed expanded authority granted to state commissions by the recently directed FERC PURPA rule changes. Staff's recommendation for a longer contract term could be more appropriately considered along with a corresponding provision providing for the periodic update of the IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 7 of 9 avoided cost rates. Staffs recommendations regarding changes to the capacity component of avoided cost rates could be considered holistically along with revisions to the avoided cost methodology/methodologies and their application to contractual provisions between utilities and QFs. This would also allow opportunity to potentially adopt and conform - or reject changes in implementation authorized by FERC's revision of its PURPA regulations. III. CONCLUSION AND REQUESTED RELIEF To meet the current need for project pricing and requests for contract, ldaho Power requests that the Commission establish a 100 kW published rate cap and application of the current avoided cost pricing methodologies and two-year contract terms on an interim basis for energy storage QFs - and conespondingly open a general PURPA avoided cost methodology docket to examine possible revision of the avoided cost methodologies and incorporation of the new FERC PURPA rules. ldaho Power acknowledges that it may be appropriate to authorize contracts for a term longer than two years - but only if - there is an authorized provision that allows for the update of avoided cost rates during the term of the contract. Respectfully submitted this 3'd day of September 2020. furdalL- DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 8 of 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 3'd day of September 2020,1 served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. No. 8 Suite 201-A(83714 PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email edward. iewell@ouc. idaho.qov Max Greene Sashwatt Roy Renewable Northwest 421 SW Sixth Ave. #975 Portland, OR 97204 (no email indicated in Comments) Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Overniqht Mail FAX Email Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street Boise, lD 83701 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnioht Mail FAXX Email botto@ id a h ocon servatio n. o ro Clenera, LLC 800 W. Main St., Suite 900 Boise, lD 83702 (no email or author indicated in Comments) Han DeliveredX U.S.ItIail ioht t\Iail FAX Email IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION AND REPLY COMMENTS - Page 9 of 9 Christy Davenport, Legal Assistant