HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200114Annis Direct.pdfRECEIVED ;i20 .r[]l I b PH 2: b I SS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTlLITIES COMMISSlON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATlON OF TDAHO POWER COMPANY EOR AUTHORITY TO MOD]EY SCHEDULE 30, ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE EOR THE UN]TED STATES DEPARTMENT OE ENERGY CASE NO. ]PC-E-20-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY D]RECT TESTIMONY OE MARK A. ANNIS 1 2 3 4 J 6 1 I 9 O PIease state your name, business address, and present position "Company"). A. Mv with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or name is Mark A-Annis. My business address Idaho 83702. I amis L22l West Idaho Street, Boise, 10 employed by Idaho Power as a Senior Regufatory Analyst in the Regulatory Af f a j-rs Department. O. Please describe your educationa.I background. A. I earned a Bache.l-or of Arts degree in Business Administration (accounting emphasis) from the University of South Dakota in May 1984. Afso that year, I passed the Uniform Certified Publ-ic Accountlng (*CPA") exam and am currentfy a licensed CPA in the state of Idaho. I have also attended electric utility ratemaking and finance courses, incl-uding "Introduction to Rate Design and Cost of Service" presented by El-ectric Utifities Consultants, Inc. and the Edison El-ectric Institute's "Advanced Rates Course. " O. PJ-ease describe your work experience with fdaho Power. A. I began my empJ-oyment with Idaho Power in 1997 in the Company's Finance department as an Accountant II, where f performed a variety of general and corporate accounting duties, with a focus on externaf reporting and accounting research, Over the next 18 years I held several other positions within the Einance department, including 11 l2 13 74 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 ?4 ANNIS, D] IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1 25 l- Business Analyst II, Techn.ica.I Research Coordinator, 2 External Reporting Team Leader, and Ej,nanc.ial Reporting and 3 Accounting Research Manager. In these positions I was 4 responsible for researching account j-ng policy issues and 5 implementing new accounting standards, including EederaL 6 Energy Regulatory Commission ('FERC") accounting and 7 report j-ng .l-ssues, and the completion of the Company' s 8 quarterJ-y and annual reports f j-l-ed with the Securities and 9 Exchange Commission and EERC. 10 In May 20L6 I accepted a posltion as the Budget and 11 Revenue Manager in the Einance department. In this position 12 I acted as a l-iaison between the Regufatory Affairs and 13 Einance departments as weLl as overseeing aspects of the 14 Company's budgeting processes. 15 In March 201,7 I went on a temporary duty assignment 16 in the Regul-atory Af faj,rs department, and in March 2018, I 7l transj-tioned full-time to Regulatory Affairs as a Senior 18 Regulatory Analyst. As a Regulatory Ana.lyst, I provide 19 support for the Company's various regulatory activities, 20 including regulatory ratemaking and compl.iance filings. 21, 0. What is fdaho Power requesting in this docket? 22 A. fdaho Power .is requesting approval to modify 23 Schedul-e 30, Electric Service Rate for United States 24 Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office ("Schedufe 25 30"), effective April L, 2020, to reflect a new Antefope ANNIS, D] Idaho Power Company 2 I Asset Charge ("nac", related to transmission facilities used to provide service to the U.S, Department of Energy ("DoE") . Is the Company requesting a rate change as part of thls f iling? No, other than the implementation of the DOE- a 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 A specific AAC . u. A. 11 the basis for Schedule 30. Next, testimony organi zed? wi1J, begin with an overview of I wifl provide an overvlew facifities at the Antelope How 1s your My testlmony 10 Idaho Power's current specj-al- contract with the DOE that rs l2 13 and history Substat ion, of the transmissi-on L4 to the DOE'S a portion of which are used to provide servlce Ioad. I will then discuss the need to charge 15 the DoE for Idaho Power's costs of ownership and maintenance of those facilities, which is the source of the requested charge. Einal]y, I wiff describe the methodology for cal,cul-ating the charge for costs related to owning, operating, and maintaining those facilities. I . IDAIIO POI|ER' S CI'RRENT SPECIAI. COIITR,ACT WITE TEE DOE O Pfease describe the current speclaf contract 22 between ]daho Power and the DOE. 23 . The DOE, through the facilities at the its Idaho operations Office, operates (* rNL" ) Idaho National Laboratory site located approximately 50 miles west of Idaho ANN]S, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 76 71 18 79 20 2L A 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 Eaffs, Idaho. Idaho Power serves the DOE under a special contract in accordance with the rates and charges set forth in Schedule 30. The current special contract between Idaho Power and the DOE, Contract No. GS-00P-0g-BSD-0651 ('2016 Special Contract"), was approved Comrnission ("Commiss ion" ) 33621 lssued in Case No. by the Idaho Public Utilities on October L3, 20L6, in Order No. IPC-E-16-18. The five-year term 10 of the 2016 Special Contract runs from September 75, 2416, through September 14, 2021.. II. A}ITELOPE SIIBSTATION EACILITIES O. What prompted Antelope substation asset transfer d.iscussions among the DOE, Idaho Power, and PacifiCorp? The DOE no longer wlshes to own. l-1 72 13 74 15 16 maintain the Antelope transmission substation A 17 necessary for it to receive electric service. operate, and faci-lities At DOE'S 18 request, Idaho Power has agreed to assume ownership, 19 operationT and maintenance of the DOE's Antelope 20 transmission substation facilities. Idaho Power 2l concurrently will transfer partial ownership of DOE's 22 Antelope transmission substation facifities, and operation 23 and maintenance responsibif i t i es of these facilities, to 24 Paci fiCorp. ANNIS, D] Idaho Power Company 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 O. Pfease provide an overview of the Antefope Substation facilities. A. The Ante.Iope Substation currently consists of assets jointly or individually owned bry Idaho Power and PacifiCorp, as welL as assets owned by the DOE. Idaho Power provides service to the DOE with the point of delivery being the DOE-owned assets. Eor severaf of the assets jointly owned by Idaho Power and PacifiCorp, the soJ-e function of Idaho Power's share is to provide service to the DOE. Eor the sake of clarity, assets for which Idaho10 11 72 Power currently possesses Lo as the t'2015 As set s, " an ownership while assets share are referred currently Assets. " owned by 13 the DOE are referred to as the "2019 74 15 I6 l1 O. How did Idaho Power initially acquire j-ts j ointly-owned Antelope substatlon assets? A. The Antefope Substation assets that are currently jointly owned by Idaho Povrer and PacifiCorp (i.e.. the 2015 Assets) were acquired by Idaho Power from PacifiCorp in a 2015 exchange transaction, through the Joint Purchase and Sal-e Agreement ("JPSA") . The Commission approved the JPSA, as wefl as the corresponding Joint Ownership and Operaling Agreement (*JOOA") between PacifiCorp and Idaho Power in Order No. 3331-3 issued in Case No. IPC-E-14-41 in October 2015. O. Which entity operates the Antefope substation? ANN]S, D] 5 Idaho Power Company 1B i9 20 2t 22 23 24 1 A. In accordance with the ,JOOA, the Antelope 2 Substation is operated by PacifiCorp, which charges Idaho 3 Power for its share of operation and maintenance ("O&M") 4 costs at the substation, includi-ng an allocatlon of common 5 facility costs. O&M costs are cafculated in accordance 6 with the provisions of the JOOA. Currently, PacifiCorp 7 bi11s Idaho Power monthl-y for j-ts share of the O&M costs of I the existing jointly-owned assets. 9 Q. Was the transfer of the 2019 Assets part of 10 the Company's negotiations wi-th DOE during the development 11 of the 201"6 Special Contract? 1,2 A. Yes. Negotiations regarding the transfer of 13 the 201-9 Assets occurred concurrently with negotiations to the 2016 to L4 finafize the 2015 Special Contract. Because 15 Special Contract was f ina.l-ized before the asset transfer 16 negotiations were complete, paragraph 5 of Attachment 1 L1 the 201-6 Special Contract described the expectation that 18 DOE would continue to be financially responsible for the l9 Antelope facilities that so1e1y serve DOE, stating that: 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 Upon such a transfer of tit]e, DOE understands that IIdaho Power] through afacj-l-j-ty service charge o.r simifar mechanj-sm wilf charge DoE for the maintenance of the then formerly DoE- owned equl-pment which wj-11 be malntained in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice. ANN]S. DI ldaho Power Company 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 O When did negotiations conclude concerning the 201-9 Assets ? PacifiCorp negot j-ated as set the 2019 Assets. Under the which have been provided as Application, (1) A In August 2019. the DOE, Idaho Power and Company' s interest in the 2019 Assets transfer agreements related to asset transfer agreement s, Attachments l and 2 to the the DOE conveys its ownership to Idaho Power at zero cost and (2) Idaho Power, in turn, transfers a portion of these same with fdaho Power10 assets to Pacificorp at zero cost, 11 L2 retaining onfy the portion necessary to provide service to the DOE. In October 2019, FERC approved updates to the JOOA, including the addition of the 2019 Assets subject to the asset transfer agreements. After all necessary approvals of the asset transfer are received, PacifiCorp will also charge ldaho Power for its share of the O&M costs of the 2019 Assets, which is included as a pass-through component of the AAC. III. A}ITEI,OPE ASSET CEARGE Pfease summarize the AAC that will be billed 13 L4 15 I6 I1 18 19 20 27 o 22 to the DOE. 23 A Exhibit No. 1 describes the various elements 24 of the AAC and olher detai,Is of the calculations. Exhibit 25 No. 1 includes O&M costs (as the PacifiCorp pass-through ANNIS, DI Idaho Power Company 1 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 charge ('PPTC")), as well as Idaho Power Ownership Costs O. How are O&M costs to be charged to the DOE dete rmi ned? of the substation, 10 A. As operator incur a1I O&M costs. O&M Idaho Power wiII equal the as calculatedIdaho Powe r, approved JOOA. Thls proportionate share on Exhibit No. 1. l3 determined? costs charged by Pacificorp in accordance with the EERC- methodoJ-ogy j-ncludes O&M charges and a of common equipment costs, as descrj-bed Paci- f iCorp to the DOE wi 11 costs berng charged by to assets. As shown on Exhibit the return of and on 11 L2 15 its share of the 16 No. l, ownership 2L 22 23 j ointly-owned costs incfude O. How are fdaho Power's ownership costs A Idaho Power incurs ownershj-p costs related to 1l investment, property taxes and income 18 and the DOE have agreed to calculate 19 manner simi.Iar to the method used to 20 in the JOOA. taxes. ownership ca.Iculate Exhibit Idaho Power costs in a the "Monthfy D of the JOOACommon Equipment Charge" describes the ownership Idaho Power and the DoE JooA methodoloqy: (1) retail rate of return cost methodofogy in greater detaif. determined two adjustments to the applying the current 1y-approved Idaho rather than the rate of return2A 25 contained in the Company's Open Access Transmiss.ion Tariff ANN]S, DI Idaho Power Company B 0 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 Eormula Rate, and rate to the asset (2) applying Idaho acquisition value Power' s property tax rather than the net book va1ue. How wiII the AAC be updated in the future? be updated annually on October 1 June updates to PacifiCorp's The AAC wi 11 The JOOA prescribes ca.l-cu]ation of the substation O&M cha.rges and common l1- facilj-ty charges, which are the charges to be passed through from Idaho Power to the DoE in the PPTC. In its annuaf update, PacifiCorp updates the O&M and common facility charge formula with its .Iatest EERC Eorm l data and updated asset balances. fdaho Power updates its JOOA formu.Ias annualfy on L2 t-3 14 October 1 based on its fatest FERC Eorm 1 data and updated 15 asset ba-Iances. These annual changes wiII impact the 16 calculation of ownership costs. With the October 1 update, 71 Idaho Power wil] true up any differences between amounts 18 charged by PacifiCorp and amounts billed to the DOE. Idaho 19 Power will also adjust its charges to the DOE upon the 2A effective date of an approved change to Idaho Power's 2l authorized rate of return withi-n the state of Idaho. 22 IV. IDAHO POTTER'S PROPOSED ADDITION TO SCHEDI'I,E 30 23 O. requesting? What change to Schedule 30 is Idaho Power 24 25 ANNIS, DI Idaho Power Company a nnua I l0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 A. The Company's proposed tariff changes for Schedufe 30 are reffected in Attachment 3 to the Application. The costs to own, operate, and maintain the Idaho Power assets specifically dedlcated to providing service to the DoE shoufd be charged directly to the DoE. Currently Schedule 30 does not provide for such a charge. The Company is requesting that the Commission approve the addition of the AAC to Schedule 30 to allow billing of these costs to the DoE, ensuring other cfasses are not .Ieft responsible for costs rel-ated to this specific customer. V . OTHER ADMINI STR,ATI\TE I{AITERS 10 11 1,2 O. Why has the 13 october 2015 for the costs 1,4 operating the DoE-related 15 A. The Company 16 Pacificorp charges to the 11 pending resolution of the iB 19 27 23 2A 25 Company not charged the DOE since of owning, maintaining, and equipment ? suspended the pass-through of the DOE begj-nning in November 2015, 2 019 Asset transfer negotiations. between regulated entitiesThese muLti-party negotiat ions and the federal government have been compl i cated In an effort to and have 20 taken several years to conclude.s impl i fy Antelope fac111t ies-re fated billinq to the DOE, Idaho Power and DOE agreed to suspend biJ.Iing and payment of expenses re.Iated to the 2015 and 2019 Assets until- the Antefope asset transfers received the requ.ired regu.l-atory approvafs and the new Schedule 30 charge had commenced. ANNIS. I daho DI Power 10 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 O. What amount does Idaho Power estimate j-t wiff collect from DOE for the time period spanning November 2015 to the effective date of the AAC? A. The Company has recorded a $288 thousand receivab.Ie from the DOE refl-ecting charges from November 2015 through December 2019. Il has provided periodic updates to the DoE regarding the true-up balance. O. What is the estimated annual amount to be col-.Iected from the DoE under the proposed AAC? A. Based on currently available information (the amounts provided in the 2019 JOOA update approved by EERC j-n October 201,9\, the Company estimates that its annual AAC will be approximately $75,000. Of that, approximatefy $35,000 wil-l- be the pass-through of the amounts PacifiCorp bills ldaho Power under the JOOA, and approximately $40,000 represents ldaho Power's ownership costs of the facilities. This ca.Icu.Iation is described j-n greater detaj-1 j-n Exhibit No. 1 to my testimony. VI . CUSTOMER COMMT'NI CAT IO}I 20 O. Did the Company consult with 2L prior to the date of this flIing? 22 A. Yes. As descried previously 23 Idaho Power and the DOE have had multiple 24 related to the terms of the asset transfer 25 the re.Iated AAC ca.l-cuJ-ati-ons. the customer in my testimony, discuss i ons agreements and 1C 11 L2 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 ANNIS, D] Idaho Power 11 Company 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 O. What feedback did Idaho Power receive from the DOE ? A. The DOE indicated that it accepted the proposed method of cal-cufating the AAC and the true-up. VII . CONCLUSION O. PLease summarize the Company's request j.n this proceeding. A. Idaho Power is requesting that the Commission issue an order authorizing the Company to nodify Schedul-e 30 to incfude the AAC, in order to bilf the DOE, a special contract customer, for Idaho Power's costs of owning, operating, and maintaining transmission equipment specifj-c to the provision of service to the DoE. The Company is also requestlng approval of a true-up to reflect costs incurred between November 2015 and the effective date of the AAC. o. Company's A. Why should the Commission approve the the recovery of costs to the DOE, ensuring that 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 L1 specific to these costs o. A. request ? The AAC re flect s providrng servlce are not shifted to 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 other customer classes. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. ANNIS, DI Idaho Power L2 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY STATE OE ] DAHO County of Ada 10 I, Mark A. Annis, having been duly sworn to testify truthfulLy, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the fol lowing: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as a Senlor Regulatory Analyst and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under pena.Ity of perjury of the faws of the state of ldaho that the foregoing testimony is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 14th day of January. 2020. 11 72 13 t4 15 Mark SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 14th day of 19 January, 2020. 2A 2L 22 23 24 o No ry Publ for Idaho Residing at oise, Idaho My commission expires : L2/20/20 25 26 21 ANNIS, DI 13 Idaho Power Company KIMBERLY K. TOWELL coMMtsstoN #16958 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IOAHO 28 ) ) ) t6 l1 18 . Anni s BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PG-E-20-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANNIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 CALCULATION OF ANTELOPE ASSET CHARGE THE ANNUAL ANTELOPE ASSET CHARGE The annual Antelope Asset Charge is the sum of the following cost factors applied to the Antelope Transmission Substation assets used to serve ldaho National Laboratory load. These assets ("Transmission Assets") were acquired as part of the Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement approved in 2015 and the Department of Energy ("DoE")/ldaho Power Transfer of Title Agreement ("Transfer of Title") signed in 2019. There are two factors that comprise this charge: 1) Pacificorp Pass-Through Charge 2) ldaho Power Ownership Costs Each cost factor is calculated by applying an annual percentage rate to ldaho Power's ownership share of the DoE-related Transmission Asset values as detailed below. The tables also include the source data used to determine each of the listed cost faclors. Asset Balance Definitionq: DOE Oiqinal Value - the cost to the DOE of the assets transferred to the utilities by the Transfer of Title Gross Asset Value (GA\1) - lhe Joint-Owned Acquisition Value plus the DOE Original Value Joint-Owned Acq isition Value (AVl - This amount includes the jointowned acquisition value per the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement ("JOOA"), which excludes the DOE Original Value, but rncludes costs incurred by the utilities to replace the DOE assets. Net Rate Base Amount- (NRBA) - Joint-Owned Acquisition Value less accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred income taxes. PacifiCorp Pass-Throuoh Charqe ("PPTC"): The PPTC is the allocation of the JOOA charges to ldaho Power from PacifiCorp for Pacificorp's maintenance of the Transmission Assets. lt is calculated as: PPTC = (O&M.GAV) + (CEC) Where: 1 Open Access Transmission Tariff. 2 ldaho Power only passes on Pacificorp Common Equipment Charges related to Antelope substation '161 kV and '138 kV equipment. The Pacilicorp Common Equipment Charges related to Antelope substation 230 kV equipment are not passed through to the DOE. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-20-01 M. Annis, IPC Page '1 of 2 Rate Component Description of Rate Component Source(s) Current Annual Rate Applied to this Specified Asset Value o&M PacifiCorp O&M Expense PacifiCorp OATTl Formula Rate 1 .170k GAV CEC PacifiCorp Common Equipment Charge (cEc) lvlonthly amount calculated per JOOA Exhibit D(4)(a) N/A DOE share of common equipment (currently 15.51oA) 2 Rate Component Description of Rate Component Source Current Annual Rate Applied to this Specified Asset Value ROC Recovery of Capital Rate ldaho Power OATT Formula Rate 1.86% PT Property Taxes Rate ldaho Power Actual Property Tax Data 0.460/o ROR Return on Capital Rate Current Authorized ldaho Retail Rate of Return 7 .860k NRBA IT lncome Taxes Rate ldaho Power OATT Formula Rate 1.93%NRBA ldaho Power Ownership Costs ("OC"): The OC of the Transmission Assets include the recovery of capital, property taxes, return on capital, and income taxes. lt is calculated as OC = (ROC.AV) + (PT-AV) + (ROR,NRBA) + (IT*NRBA) Where: THE MONTHLY ANTELOPE ASSET CHARGE The Monthly Asset Charge is the annual Antelope Asset Charge divided by 12. The Annual and Monthly Antelope Asset Charge will be updated: 1 . Annually on October 1s1 to coincide with the effective date of ldaho Power's OATT Formula Rate update, where such annual change will also incorporate an annual true-up of the PPTC, or2. Upon the effective date of an approved change to ldaho Power's authorized Rate of Return ("ROR") within the state of ldaho, or Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-20-01 lvl. Annis, IPC Page 2 o'f 2