HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191231Comments.pdfrTEC:IVED MATT HLTNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAI, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10655 Street Address for Express Mail: I I331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I-A BOISE, ID 837I4 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION II'DEC3I fiH 9:55 I ta ,irssloN IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN ENERGY SALES AGRE,EMENT WITH PICO ENERGY, LLC FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC E,NERGY FROM THE PICO ENERGY DAIRY DIGESTER COGENERATION FACILITY COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission comments as follows on Idaho Power Company's Application. BACKGROUND On December 16,2019,Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed an Application requesting consideration of a replacement Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA" or "Agreement") with Pico Energy, LLC ("Pico Energy") for energy generated by the Pico Energy dairy digester cogeneration project ("Facilit "). The Facility is a qualifoing facility ("QF") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 C'PURPA). The Facility is a 2.276 megawatt nameplate capacity PURPA small power production facility near Jerome, Idaho. The Facility has been delivering energy to Idaho Power under a ten- year energy sales agreement dated May 4,2010. See Order No. 32024. Pico Energy is reconfiguring the Facility lrom a small power production facility to a cogeneration facility. As the cogeneration facility will use fossil fuel as its fuel source, it will no S1'AFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 3I.2OI9 CASE NO. IPC-E-I9.39 longer be eligible for the small power production avoided cost rates established by the Commission. See Order No. 34350. Under the ESA, the Facility will use published avoided cost fueled rates. The ESA will be for a ten-year term, and will replace the existing energy sales agreement with Idaho Power. The Company believes the Scheduled First Energy Date, Scheduled Operation Date, First Energy Date, and Operation Date for Facility will occur simultaneously; the parties will mutually agree in writing on a date after Commission approval ofthe ESA and append the agreed date to the ESA. STAFF'ANALYSIS Staff recommends approval of the proposed ESA between Idaho Power and Pico Energy conditioned on the parties making two modifications: 'l) the adjustable component of the fueled avoided cost rate should use year 2020 rates to correspond with the 2020 operation date, instead ofusing 2019 rates included in the contract; and 2) the nameplate capacity stated in Appendix B ofthe contract should be corrected to represenl the actual nameplate capacity of the facility. Staffs review of the ESA was focused on: l) the 90/l l0 rule with at least five-day advanced notice for adjusting Estimated Net Energy Amounts; 2) eligibility for and the amount of capacity payments; 3) adherence to the capacity size threshold to qualiff for published rates; and 4) the avoided cost rates. I l0 Rul Qualifoing facilities (QF) provide a monthly estimate of the amount of energy they expect to produce. Ifthe QF delivers more than 110 percent ofthe estimated amount, energy delivered in excess of 110 percenl is priced at the lesser of85 percent of the market price or the contract pdce. If the QF delivers less than 90 percent of the estimated amount, total energy delivered is priced at the lesser of85 percent ofthe market price or the contract price. Order No. 29632. Staff verified that this provision is included in the ESA. The ESA adopted a five-day advanced notice for adjusting Estimated Net Energy Amounts lbr purposes of complying with 90/l l0 firmness requirements. The Commission has approved a five-day revision to monthly generation estimates in previous cases. recognizing that Estimated Net Energy Amounts that are closer to the time of delivery can improve the accuracy of input used by the Company for short-term operational planning. See Case Nos. IPC-E-19-01, STAFF COMMENTS DE,CEMBER 31.20197 IPC-E-I9-03, IPC-E-I9-04, IPC-E-I9-07, and IPC-E-19-12. The Facility has been generating energy since at least 2009, and the Company has a long generation history for the QF. Staff believes a five-day advanced notice is appropriate. Capacitv Pavment In Order No. 32697 , the Commission stated that, "If a QF project is being paid for capacity at the end ofthe contract term, and the parties are seeking renewal/extension of the confiact, the renewaVextension includes immediate payment ofcapacity." Staffverified that this project is being paid for capacity at the end ofthe original contract, and thus the project should be allowed to receive capacity payment for the full term ofthe replacement contract. Capacity Size Threshold In order for a cogeneration project 10 qualify for published rates, the project capacily cannot exceed 10 aMW. Project capacity is determined on a monthly basis under normal or average design conditions. In other words, the maximum monthly generation that qualifies for published rates is capped a1 the total number of hours in the month multiplied by l0 MW. Order No.29632 at 14. This project has a2,276kW mmeplate capacity, thus, produces less than l0 aMW on a monthly basis under normal or average conditions. Staff verified the project is eligible for published avoided cost rates. The facility consists of two 1,138 kW tubines, giving the facility 2,276 kw of total nameplate capacity. However, Appendix B ofthe proposed ESA mistakenly states that the nameplate capacity is 2.276 kW. Staff recommends the Commission order Idaho Power to file replacement Appendix B that corrects the mistake. Avoided Cost Rates This contract is the first contract where fueled rates will be implemented by Idaho Power. Idaho Power verbally clarified that they propose to adjust lueled rates annually on June l. Since annual updates on June I are being proposed, Idaho Power used the 2019 published rate effective June 1,2019. Staff disagrees with Idaho Power's plan for implementing fueled rates. Staffbelieves payments received by QFs should be based upon rates for periods in which the facility operates. For example, payment received by Pico in 2020 should be based on 2020 rates instead of 201 9. 3STAFF'COMMENTS DECEMBER 3I.2019 In addition, Staff believes that in order to incorporate the annual adjustment for the adjustable component ofthe fueled rates, each specific year should have two sets ofrates: rates for the period from January I through May 3l using the latest version ofthe Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) model; and rates for the period from June I through December 31 using a newer version of the model after it is updated on June I to incorporate the new natural gas forecast from the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA). Pico is in the process ofreconfiguring the facility from a PURPA small power production facility to a PURPA cogeneration project, and the reconfiguration will be completed before the original contract expires. Thus, parties agreed to terminate the approved agreement early and enter into a replacement contract with new avoided cost rates. Because the cogeneration facility will utilize fossil fuel as its fuel source, the parties adopted tLeled rates in compliance with Schedule 73 and Order No .28945. Fueled rates include a non-adjustable component and an adjustable component. According to Order No. 28945, the non-adjustable component is equivalent to the fixed cost ofa combined cycle combustion turbine (CCCT) generator, and the adjustable component is intended to track the price of the natural gas fuel for a CCCT. Currently, published avoided cost rates use EIA's natural gas forecast, and the forecast is updated annually on June l. The proposed contract lists the non-adjustable rates for the entire l0-year contract term and the adjustable rates only for the year 201 9. Idaho Power explained to Staff through telephone conversations that the Company plans to update the adjustable component annually on June I and apply the 2019 adjustable rates to the period from January l, 2020 through May 3 I , 2020, until the next adjustment that takes place on June I , 2020. Staff verihes that the non-adjustable component of the rates is correct, but disagrees with ldaho Power on t}re adjustable component. According to the most recent SAR model approved in Order No. 34350, the adjustable component is 24.44 MillsikWh for the year of 2019 and 26.53 Mills/kWh for the year of 2020. Since the project will start operation as a cogeneralion facility in the beginning of2020, Staff believes 26.53 Mills&Wh should be used until a newer version of the SAR model is approved on June 1,2020. Ifnot corrected, the facility will be compensated using 2019 rates for generation produced by the facility during the first halfofyear 2020. To continue this logic and to ensure that the facility is always being paid for operation that corresponds with the Commission-approved adjustable component ofthe fueled avoided cosl rate, the facility will necessarily need to be paid two sets of rates for each year remaining in the STAFF- COMMENTS DECEMBER 31,20I9I contract. The first is a change in rates that normally occurs each new calendar year due to annual cost and rate buckets used to calculate avoided cost rates embedded in the Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) model. The second is a change in the rates stafiing June I due to the update from the new natural gas price forecast. Staff believes this proposal will ensure that the facility will always be paid the Commission-approved avoided cost rate. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the Commission approve the proposed ESA between ldaho Power and Pico Energy conditioned on the following: 1. The parties file replacement Appendix B in the ESA correcting the nameplate capacity. 2. The parties update the avoided cost rates in the ESA based on Stalf s proposal. Respecttully rrt-itt"a tni, 3l* day of December 2019. Hunter Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Yao Yin i:umisc/commenlripcel 9.39mhry comments )S]'AFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 31.2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 3IST DAY OF DECEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-19.39, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-00'.10 ENERGY CONTRACTS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: cnergvcortracts(a)idahopower.com E-MAIL: drvalkcr(dridahoDorler.con.r dock ets(.Did ahopou,cr. com JAMIE WALLACE 680 ANDERSON DR FOSTER BLDG 10 SUITE 58 PITTSBURG PA I5220 PETER RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27TII STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peterlrrtrichardsonadanrs.cornE-MAIL: iu,allacc [r]montauk \/.com J-,4b--*Srcnrreyr' CERTIFICA I'E OF SERVICF