HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191216Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMNfl SSIONER KIELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMN{ISSION SECRETARY COMIVtrSSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: DATE: DECEMBER16,2019 STJBJECT:IN TITE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH PICO ENERGY, LLC FOR TIIE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM THE PICO ENERGV DAIRY DIGESTER COGEI{ERATION FACILITY; CASE NO. IPC-E-I9-39 On December 16, 2019, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed an Application requesting consideration of a replacement Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA" or "Agreement") with Pico Energy, LLC ("Pico Energy'') for energy generated by the Pico Energy dairy digester cogeneration project ("Facility"). The Facility is a 2.276 megrwatl nameplate capacity cogeneration facilily near Jerome, Idaho. The Facility represents it is a qualifying facility ("QF') under the Public Utilily Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA"). TIIE APPLICATION The Facility has been delivering energy lo ldaho Power as a PURPA small power production facility under a ten-ye.u energy sales agrcement dated May 4, 2OlO. See Order No. 32024. The Company states Pico Energy is reconfiguring the Facility from small power production facility to a cogeneration facility. Application at 2. As the cogeneration facility will use fossil fuel as it-s fuel source, it will no longer be eligible for the small power production avoided cost rates established by the Commission. Id; see Order No. 34350. Under the ESA, the Facility will use published avoided cost fueled rates, which are substantially less than the avoided cost rates in Pico Energy's existing energy sales agreement. d. The ESA will be for a ten-year term, and will replace the existing energy sales agreement with ldaho Power. /d. at 5. DECISION MEMORANDUM MAITHUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL The Company believes the Scheduled First Energy Date, Scheduled Operation Date, First Energy Date, and Operation Date for Facility will occur simultaneously; the panies will mutually agree in writing on a date after Commission approval ofthe ESA and append the agreed date to the ESA. /d. at 6. The Company requests the Commission declare all payments for purchase ofenergy under the ESA be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. /d ar 7. STATF RECOMMENDATION Commission Staff had a phone confcrence with Idaho Power and Pico Energy on December 12,2019. Because of Pico Energy's timeline for reconfiguring the Facility from a small power production facility to a coteneration facility, Staff determined that an expedited Commission rcview process is both desirable for the parries and fea"sible for Staff. Staff recommends the Commission issue a Noticc of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure and set a December 31, 2019 comment deadline, and a January 7, 202O reply commenl deadline. COMi\ISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure and set a December 31, 2019 comment deadline, and a January 7,2020 reply comment deadlioe? ) Matt Hunter Deputy Attomey General I r,l.!rl ,l:CfRl(\llt] I 19llulr'l l rr,d.rr.tu 6iU.E 1DECISION MEMORANDUM .-- )