HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200807Redacted Comments.pdfStreet Address for Express Mail: 1133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, D 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-O3s7 IDAHO BAR NO. 5470 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMBNT WITH BIG WOOD CANAL COMPANY FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM THE SAGEBRUSH HYDRO PROJECT. ffi,EC E IVE.S IitI0 f,UI -7 Pl{ trr 55 t*} {.."*;} il i-:!;i.-i.3 j:;::'-it. i'l':i,. i C i.lr;i*l i$ gffi{ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.IPC.E.19-38 REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') submits the following comments regarding the above referenced case. BACKGROUND On December 9, 2019,Idaho Power Company ("Company") filed an Application seeking approval or rejection of an Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA") between the Company and Big Wood Canal Company ("Seller"), for the Sagebrush hydro project ("Facility"). See Application at L The Facility is a 575- kilowatt ("kW") nameplate capacity qualifying facility ("QF") near Gooding, Idaho under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). Id. at 2. The Facility previously delivered energy to the Company under a PURPA energy sales agreement executed on April 1, 1985. Id. at2. In that agreement the nameplate capacity of the Facility was 430 kw. ISTAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 On January 10,2020, the Commission issued its Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure. Staff filed written comments on January 3I,2020. Wood Hydro, LLC ("Wood Hydro") filed reply comments on February 5,2020. The Company filed reply comments on February 21,2020. On March 17,2020, Wood Hydro filed supplemental reply comments. On May 28,2020, the Commission issued Order No. 34677 approving the ESA contingent upon certain modifications to it being implemented. In Order No.34677, the Commission found it reasonable for the Seller to continue to be paid for capacity up to only 430 kW for the full term of the renewal ESA. Order No. 34677 at 5; see also Order No. 32697 at 2l-22. However, the Commission also found that the 145-kW increase in nameplate capacity for the Facility should not receive capacity payments until the Company becomes capacity deficient. Order No.34677 at 6. On June 18,2020, the Company filed a Motion for Approval of the First Amendment to Energy Sales Agreement in Compliance with Order No.34677 or Alternatively for Clarification and./or Reconsideration ("Motion"). On June 25,2020, Staff filed an Answer to the Company's Motion. on June 30,2020, wood Hydro filed an Answer to staff's Answer. On July 23,2020, the Commission issued Order No.34727 granting the Company's request for clarification to consider whether the new provisions proposed in the First Amendment to the ESA ("Amended ESA") are consistent with Order No. 34677. Order No.34727 at 3. The Commission also found it prudent to allow the parties in the case to conduct discovery and to file additional written comments on the proposed Amended ESA and the issues raised by Staff in its Answer before the Commission issues a final order on clarification. Id. STAFF REVIEW Staff has reviewed the proposed Amended ESA. The objective of Staff s discovery and analysis was focused on "whether the new provisions proposed in the Amended ESA are consistent with Order No. 34677," and on issues Staff identified in its Answer to the Company's Petition. Specifically, Staff s analysis focused on three issues: (l) whether the proposed method in the Amended ESA ensures that the "seller shall not receive capacity payments for the 145 kW increase to the nameplate capacity of the Facility until the Company becomes capacity deficient" (Order No. 34677 at 6); (2) if the Company has a reasonable method to determine the amount of payment to the QF when monthly generation falls outside of the 90/l 10 band, given that the QF 2STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 could be paid two separate rates during the performance period; and (3) if the Amended ESA provisions comply with past Commission orders. After careful review of these issues, Staff has reached the following conclusions: 1. The proposed method in the Amended ESA will likely result in the QF receiving capacity payments from the incremental 145 kW of new capacity before the Company becomes capacity deficient if the hourly eligibitity limit for capacity payments ("eligibility limit") is based on nameplate capacity instead of maximum historical actual generation. 2. The method described in number 1 above, even with Staffls revisions, should not be generally applied to other cases. QF's under similar circumstances that seek approval of contracts requiring different avoided cost rates with capacity payments that use different capacity deficiency dates, and whose output is measured through a single meter, should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 3. The Company's method for determining the amount to pay the QF when outside of the 901lrc band is fair and reasonable. 4. The all-hours rates included in Appendix H of the Amended ESA includes the incorrect all-hours energy prices and needs to be corrected. Limiting Capacity Payments to Generation from Original Capacity In Order No. 34677, the Commission found "the Seller shall not receive capacity payments for the 145 kW increase to the nameplate capacity of the Sagebrush Facility until the Company becomes capacity deficient." Order No. 34677 at 6. In response to Order No.34677 the parties filed the Amended ESA "to provide for payment of a different rate (no capacity) for any hourly delivery of generation in excess of 430 kW." Motion at 2. Staff notes this capped rate schedule will only be in effect until the Company's current first capacity deficiency date of 2026. From 2026 until the end of the Amended ESA's term, the Company will be paid both capacity and energy for all generation from the Facility. Staff believes that the parties' method with an eligibility limit set at 430 kW does not meet the Commission's intent and the Seller will likely receive capacity payments for generation from the 145 kW of new incremental capacity prior to the deficiency date. For purposes of the rest of these comments, Staff needs to make clear an important inconsistency in the Parties' method for ensuring that the QF does not earn capacity payments for 3STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 the new 145 kW of capacity until the deficit date has passed. Although the proposed ESA states the capacity payment eligibility limit ("eligibility limit") in terms of kWs. Units expressed as kWs is a measurement of instantaneous capacity. However, the eligibility limit is measured over each hour of time, so what is being measured is the amount of energy and not capacity. For this reason, Staff must assume the 430 kW eligibility limit for each hour should be measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and not kW because of the inherent structure of the proposed method. Idaho's Published Rate Methodfor Capacity Payments The method for paying QFs for avoided cost of capacity in published rates is strictly based on the amount of actual generation on a $ per kWh basis, and not the nameplate capacity of a QF. The $/kWh rate structure is designed to reward QFs for the avoided cost of capacity for energy delivered, not its nameplate capacity. The Surrogate Avoided Cost ("SAR") model that calculates these rates are based on this method and has been reviewed and the rates authorized in a filing that occurs every year since at least 20L3. See Order Nos. 32817,3304t,33305, 33538, 33773, 34062, 34350, and 34683. This SAR method accomplishes two objectives. First, it provides a publishable standard rate schedule that can apply to any QF of a certain type (wind, solar, seasonal hydro, non-seasonal hydro, etc.), regardless of the nameplate capacity of the QF as long as it qualifies for published rates under the eligibility cap. In this case the Seller is compensated using the published rate schedules for Seasonal Hydro shown in Appendix E of the original ESA. These rates will be no different than any other Seasonal Hydro QF that has a fully executed contract while these rates are in effect. Second, it holds the QF accountable, requiring it to generate energy to earn the capacity value for the cost of capacity that it avoids for the utility. Setting the Appropriate Eligibility Limit for Capacity Payments In Order 34677 the Commission found "it reasonable for the Seller to be paid for capacity up to 430 kW for the full term of this renewal ESA. . . . [and] that the Seller shall not receive capacity payments for the 145 kW increase to the nameplate capacity of the Sagebrush Facility until the Company becomes capacity deficient." Order No. 34671 at 5-6. Staff believes had published rates been designed to pay for capacity on a $ per kW of nameplate capacity basis, regardless of the amount of generation produced by the Facility, the Commission's Order in this 4STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 case could have been implemented without requiring the Amended ESA. However, because of how published rates were developed and are applied, Staff believes the only way to implement Order No.34677 is to separate the original 430 kW of capacity from the 145 kW of new incremental capacity based on the actual amount of historical generation produced by the Facility Through Staff Production Request No. 2, Staff received the actual amount of generation for each hour from the Facility for 2018 and 2019. The data is reflected in the graph below. Except for hours when there was very little generation (less than 20 kWhs), the data shows that the Facility mostly generated between I *d ! t Wt s for any given hour over the two- year period. The frequency of hours that the Facility generated greater than ! kWhs decreased rapidly to a maximum of about ! tcWtr.t Because 100 percent of the Facility's generation fell I In the hourly generation data provided in response to Staff Production Request No. 2, there was a generation amount of 363.612 kWhs that occurred in hour 14:00 on 7l3\l2ol9 that the Company determined in response to Staff Production Request No. 3 was based on an estimated interval and would have been adjusted to approximately 267.876 kWh based on the previous hourly value and the next hourly value. 5STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 below the maximum of ! kwh, Staff believes that the eligibility limit for generation eligible for capacity payments should be based on this maximum generation amount. If the hourly eligibility limit is set at 430 kWhs as proposed in the Amended ESA, any hourly generation over maximum historical levels of I kWhs up to 430 kWhs will receive capacity payments. Staff believes future generation above ! t<Wtrs is highly likely because the nameplate capacity of the generating unit has increased by 145 kW. Therefore, paying capacity on generation above ! t Wt r will violate the Commission's intent to prevent the Seller from receiving capacity payments for the 145 kW increase to the nameplate capacity of the Facility until the Company becomes capacity deficient. Order No. 34677 at 6. Staff questions whether there could be issues of potential discrimination with other QFs that replace their generating unit, but instead replace its original unit with a new unit that has the same nameplate capacity as the original. However, there are multiple ways to describe capacity other than through its nameplate. Nameplate capacity is a theoretical maximum that the manufacturer rates a generating unit under optimum conditions without exceeding thermal limitations. However, the actual maximum output is typically less than the nameplate capacity based on the specific installation, the condition of the unit, the design of the unit, and other factors that can affect its overall efficiency. As a result, a new replacement unit could have a realized capacity based on output that is different than the old unit, even with the same nameplate capacity. Hypothetically, had the QF replaced the generating unit with another unit with a 430 kW nameplate, it is unlikely that the need for a bifurcated rate would have arose. However, in considering this hypothetical situation, Staff does not believe this eliminates the problem of QFs earning capacity payments for incremental generation from a newer more efficient unit. Installation of a new unit is reason enough to assume that the amount of generation will be higher than the old unit it replaces. But the Company bases its need for capacity by determining the QF's contribution of capacity primarily based on historical generation from the old,less efficient generating unit.2 This would create a discrepancy between the amount the QF receives for its contribution of capacity by generating with the new unit and the amount the Company 2 See footnote in2Ol7 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"), Appendix C, p. I 13, included as Atrachment A which describes how the Company uses actual historical generation, and other factors in its IRP, rather than nameplate capacity which is an unreasonable estimate. 6STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7,2020 assumes the QF is contributing based on actual historical generation from the old unit. However, if the Commission determines that discrimination is an issue, Staff believes that a lo%o efficiency adjustment could be applied to Staffls proposed 304 kwh eligibility limit resulting in a ! t Wt eligibility limit. Staff believes that a combination of the Amended ESA's proposed method to establish an hourly eligibility limit and Staff s modifications to the eligibility limit based on the maximum hourly amount of actual generation addresses concerns made by Wood Hydro in their Supplemental Comments dated March 17 ,2020. Staff believes that this solution ensures that the QF will not be "shortchanged" capacity payments for generation that it would have produced under the original amount of capacity while not compensating it for the new nameplate capacity added to the Facility. See Order No. 34677 at 5-6. Method Should Not Be Applied to other ESAs Staff believes it is important that the method for limiting capacity payments, if authorized by the Commission in this case, should not be applied to other cases under similar circumstances. Rather, those cases should be evaluated based on the facts in those cases. Applying the method employed in this case for other types of QFs under seemingly similar circumstances, provides an opportunity for gaming the system allowing a QF to receive benefits more than its value to the utility violating PURPA's Customer Indifference Standard [18 C.F.R. 5 292.304(a)(2)). Staff believes the method being proposed, with Staff s recommendations for setting the eligibility limit, are appropriate for this case. Further, Staff asserts that QF's that appear to be under similar circumstances that seek approval of contracts requiring different avoided cost rates with capacity payments that use different capacity deficiency dates, and whose output is measured through a single meter may require anywhere from minor adjustments to a completely new method. In this case, Staff believes it is appropriate to consider the replacement of the original generating unit with a larger unit as two hypothetical separate units in a serial configuration due to potential water flow limitations through the canal. By assuming that the maximum amount of water that can be diverted through what is analogous to the original430 kW unit, and any remaining water allowed to flow through what is analogous to the new 145 kW unit, the Seller can receive at least the amount of "capacity payment entitlement of the old capacity". Wood 7STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 Hydro's Supplemental Comments at 2. However, the method used in this case may not be appropriate for a QF that increases its capacity using additional units of capacity and./or has a sufficient supply of fuel (water, solar energy, wind, landfill gas, etc.) that is best characterized as separate units of capacity that operate in a parallel manner. In such cases, an average of the different per kWh rates weighted by nameplate capacity as described in Staff s Comments may be more appropriate.3 Method to Determine Payments Outside the 90/110 performance Band Staff evaluated the Company's proposed method for determining avoided cost payments, when monthly generation falls outside of the 90/1 10 performance band, which the Company provided in response to Staffls Production Request No. 1. See also Attachment B to these comments. Staff believes this method is reasonable and appropriate, but recommends the parties incorporate this calculation method into the Amended ESA through an additional amendment to it. Currently, QFs provide a monthly estimate of the amount of energy they expect to produce. If the QF delivers more than 1 10 percent of the estimated amount, energy delivered in excess of I 10 percent is priced at the lesser of 85 percent of the market price or the contract price. If the QF delivers less than 90 percent of the estimated amount, total energy delivered is priced at the lesser of 85 percent of the market price or the contract price. Sea Order No. 29632. However, from2020 through 2025, there are two sets of contract rates, one with capacity payments and one without, depending on whether each hour's generation is below or above the eligibility limit. The Company has proposed to blend the rates for purposes of 90/110. First, for each month, the Company will determine the total generation amount (MWh) generated below 430 kW at the hourly level and multiply the corresponding All Hours Energy Price. Then, the Company will determine the total generation amount (MWh) generated above 430 kW at the hourly level and multiply the corresponding All Hours Energy Price in Appendix H. The sum of the two items will be divided by the total generation for that month to calculate a single, blended 3 Staff s description of its weighted-average method in its first set of Comments in this case used the nameplate capacity for two purposes: (l) to identify the different blocks of capacity between the original that was eligible for immediate capacity payments, and the new block of capacity ineligible for capacity payments until the deficit date, and (2) to weight the different rates attributed to each block. The different rates for each block are based on the amount of generation from each block based on a $/kWh rate. The amount of capacity payment would be the product of the $/kWh weighted-average rate and the amount of kWhs of generation from the overall project. 8STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST ],2020 All Hours Energy Price. Last, the blended rate will be compared against 85 percent of the market price, and the lower number will be applied to the energy generated outside the 90/110 band in that month. Beyond 2026, there will be only one set of rates, so no blending is needed. Although the Commission rejected the use of Staff s proposal for blended rates in Order No. 34677 for payment within the 90/1 10 band, Staff does not believe that payments outside of the band can avoid some type of blending. This is because the authorized method requires comparisons based on monthly amounts of market price against contract price and of the amount of committed energy against actual generation. See Order No. 29632. Analysis of Rates Staff believes it is appropriate to use the avoided cost rates effective when the parties signed the original ESA.4 However, rates listed in the All Hours Energy Price section of Appendix H are incorrect. Staff has included the correct rates for the All Hours Energy Price included as Attachment C to these comments. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of an amended ESA based on the Amended ESA that includes the following additional amendments: l. Modify the eligibility limit for capacity payments from 430 kWs to ! tWt, based on actual maximum hourly generation. 2. lncorporate the method described in the Company's Response to Staff Production Request No. 1 for determining payments outside of the gDlll0 performance band into the final ESA. 3. Correct the rates for the All Hours Energy Price in the Amended ESA to those included as Attachment C to these comments. Finally, Staff recommends that the method establishing an eligibility limit be limited to this case and not applied in future cases. aThe original ESA was signed by the Seller on November 18, 2Ol9 andby the Company on November 22,2019. 9STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 7 ,2020 fo,,Respectfully submitted this Technical Staff: Michael Iouis Yao Yin i:umisc:comrrents/ipel9.3Sjhyysdrf amendnrcnt comnrcnb of August 2020. Iohn General STAIIF COMMENTS 10 AUGUST 7,2020 Existing Resource Data ldaho Power Company Qualifying Facility Data (PURPA) Cogeneration and Small Power Production Projects Status as of April 1,2A17. Contract On-line Date End Date Project Contract MW On-line Date End DateProjectMW Hydro Projects Arena Drop 0.45 Sep-2010 Baker City Hydro 0.24 Sep-2015 Barber Dam 3.70 Apr-1989 Birch Creek 0.05 Nov-1984 Black Canyon #3 0.14 Apr-1984 Black Canyon Bliss Hydro 0.03 Nov-2014 Blind Canyon 1 .63 Dec-2014 Box Canyon 0.36 Feb-1984 Briggs Creek 0.60 Oct-1985 Bypass 9.96 Jun-1988 Canyon Springs 0.13 Oct-1984 Cedar Draw 1.55 Jun-1984 Clark Canyon Hydroelectric 7.55 Jun-2017 Clear Springs Trout 0.52 Nov-1983 Crystal Springs 2.44 Apr-1986 Curry Cattle Company 0.22 Jun-1983 Dietrich Drop 4.50 Aug-1988 Eightmile Hydro Project 0.36 Oct-2014 Elk Creek 2.00 May-1986 Falls River 9.1 0 Aug-1993 Fargo Drop Hydroelectric 1.27 Apr-2013 Faulkner Ranch 0.87 Aug-1987 Fisheries Dev. 0.26 Jul-1990 Geo-Bon #2 0.93 Nov-1986 Hailey Cspp 0.06 Jun-1985 Hazelton A 8.10 Ma(2011 Hazelton B 7.60 May-1993 Head of U Canal Project 1.28 May-2015 Horseshoe Bend Hydro 9.50 Sep-1995 Jim Knight 0.34 Jun-1985 Kasel & Witherspoon 0.90 Mar-1984 Koyle Small Hydro 1.25 Apr-1984 Lateral # 10 2.06 May-1985 Lemoyne 0.08 Jun-1985 Little Wood River Ranch ll 1.25 Jun-2015 Total Hydro Nameplate Rating 155.32 MW Sep2030 Sep-2030 Apr-2024 Nov-2019 Apr-2019 Oct-2035 Dec-2034 Feb-201 9 Oct-2020 Jun-2023 As delive Jun-201 9 Estimated Nov-201 8 Apr2O2'l Jun-20'18 Aug-2023 Oct-2034 May-2021 Aug-2028 Apr-2033 Aug-2022 Jul-2040 Nov-2021 Jun-2020 Mar-2026 May-2028 Jun-2035 Sep-2030 Jun-2020 Mar-2019 Apr-2019 May-2020 Jun-2020 Oct-2035 Little Wood Rvr Res Littlewood/Arkoosh Low Line Canal Low Line Midway Hydro Lowline #2 Magic Reservoir Malad River Marco Ranches Mile 28 Mill Creek Hydroelectric Mitchell Butte Mora Drop Small Hydro Fac Mud CreeUS&S Mud CreekMhite North Gooding Main Owyhee Dam Cspp Pigeon Cove Pristine Springs #1 Pristine Springs #3 Reynolds lrrigation Rock Creek #1 Rock Creek #2 Sagebrush Sahko Hydro Schaffner Shingle Creek Shoshone #2 Shoshone Cspp Snake River Pottery Snedigar Tiber Dam Trout-Co Tunnel #1 White Water Ranch Wilson Lake Hydro 2.85 0.87 7.97 2.50 2.79 9.07 0.62 't.20 1.50 0.80 2.09 1.85 o.52 0.21 1.30 5.00 1.89 0.13 o.20 0.26 2.05 1.90 0.43 0.50 0.53 0.22 0.58 0.37 0.07 0.54 7.50 0.24 7.OO 0.16 8.40 Feb-1 985 Aug-1986 May-l985 Au9-2007 Apr-l988 Jun-1989 May-1984 Aug-1985 Jun-1 994 Oct-201 1 May-1989 Sep2006 Feb-1 982 Jan-1 986 Oct-2016 Aug-1 985 Oct-1984 May-2005 May-2005 May-1986 Sep-1 983 Apr-1989 Sep-1 985 Feb-2011 Aug-1 986 Aug-1983 May-1996 Jun-'1982 Nov-1 984 Jan-'1985 Jun-2004 Dec-1 986 Jun-1 993 Aug-1985 May-1993 Feb-2420 Aug-2021 May-2020 Aug-2027 Apo2023 Jun-2024 May-2019 Aug-2020 Jun-2029 Jun-2017 Dec-2033 Sep-2026 Jan-20'17 Jan-2021 Oct-2036 May-2033 Oct-2019 May-2015 May-2015 May-2021 Sep-2018 A9r-2024 Sep2020 Feb-2021 Au9-2021 Aug-2017 May-2031 FeV2017 Nov-20'19 Jan-2020 Jun-2024 Dec-2021 Feb-2035 Aug-2020 May-2028 Thermal Projects ltTW On-line Date Simplot Pocatello Cogen 15.90 Mar-2013 TASCG-Nampa Natural Gas 2 Sep-2003 TASCG-Twin Falls Natural Gas 3 Aug-2001 Total Thermal Nameplate Rating 20.90 MW End Date Feb-201 6 As Delivered As Delivered Attachment No. A Case No. IPC-E-19-38 Staff Comments 08107120 Page 1 of2 Page 112 2017 lntegrated Resource Plan-Appendix C ldaho Power Company Existing Resource Data Project Biomass Projects 86 Anaerobic Digester 2.28 Aug-2010 Bannock County Landfill 3.20 May-2014 Bettencourt Dry Creek BioFactoq 2.25 May-2010 Big Sky West Dairy DigestelI .50 Jan-2009 Double A Digester Project 4.50 Jan-2012 Fighting Creek Landfill 3.06 Apr-2A14 Total Biomass Nameplate Rating 34.45 MW Solar Projects American Falls Solar ll, LLC 20.00 Mar-2017 American Falls Solar, LLC 40.00 Mar-2017 Brush Solar 2.75 Oct-2019 Grand View PV Solar Two 80.00 Dec-20'16 Grove Solar Center, LLC 6.00 Oct-20'16 Hyline Solar Center, LLC 9.00 Nov-2016 lD Solar 1 40.00 Aug-20'16 Morgan Solar 3 00 Oct-2019 Mt. Home Solar 1, LLC 20.00 Mar2017 Total Solar Nameplate Rating 298.25 MW Wind Projects Bennett Creek Wind Farm 21.00 Benson Creek Windfarm 10.00 Burley Butte Wind Park 2'l .30 Camp Reed Wind Park 22.50 Cassia Wind Farm LLC 10.50 Cold Springs Windfarm 23.00 Desert Meadow Windfarm 23.00 Durbin Creek Windfarm 10.00 Fossil Gulch Wind 10 50 Golden Valley Wind Park 12.00 Hammett Hill Windfarm 23.00 High Mesa Wind Project 40.00 Horseshoe Bend Wind 9.00 Hot Springs Wind Farm 21 .00 Jett Creek Windfarm 10.00 Lime Wind Energy 3.00 Total Wind Nameplate Rating 625.92 MW Contract MW On-line Date End Date Aug-2020 May-2034 May-2020 Jan-2029 Jan-2032 Apr-2029 Mat-2037 Mar-2037 Estimated Dec-2036 Oct-2036 Nov-2036 Jan-2036 Estimated Mar-2037 Dec-2008 Mar-2017 Feb-201 1 Dec-201 0 Mar-2009 Oec-2012 Dec-2012 Mar-2017 Sep-2005 Feb-201 I Dec-2012 Dec-2012 Feb-2006 Dec-2008 Mar-2017 Dec-201 1 Dec-2028 Mai2037 Feb-203'l Oec-2030 Mar-2029 Dec-2032 Dec-2032 Mar-2037 Sep-2025 Feb-2031 Dec-2032 Dec-2032 Feb-2026 Dec-2028 Mar-2037 Dec-2031 Project Hidden Hollow Landfill Gas Pocatello Waste Rock Creek Dairy SISW LFGE Tamarack CSPP Murphy Flat Power, LLC Open Range Solar Center, LLC Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC Railroad Solar Center, LLC Simco Solar, LLC Thunderegg Solar Center, LLC Vale Air Solar Center, LLC Vale 1 Solar Contract irTW On-lin6 Date End Date 3.20 0.46 4.00 5.00 5.00 Jan-2007 Dec-1 985 Aug-2012 Oct-2018 Jun-'1983 Jan-2027 Dec-2020 Au9-2027 Estimated Jun-201 8 Mainline Windfarm Milner Dam Wind Oregon Trail Wind Park Payne's Ferry Wind Park Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park Prospector Windfarm Rockland Wind Farm Ryegrass Windfarm Salmon Falls Wind Sawtooth Wind Project Thousand Springs Wind Park Tuana Gulch Wind Park Tuana Springs Expansion Two Ponds Windfarm Willow Spring Windfarm Yahoo Creek Wind Park 20.00 20.00 10.00 4.50 20.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 Mar-2017 Mar-2017 Oct-20'16 Dec-2016 Mar-2417 Nov-201 6 Nov-201 6 Oct-2019 Dec-20'12 Feb-201 1 Jan-201 1 Dec-2010 Jan-201 1 Mar-2017 Dec-201 '1 Dec-2412 Apr-2011 Nov-201 1 Jan-201 1 Jan-2011 May-2010 Dec-2012 Mar-2017 Dec-201 0 Mar-2037 Mar-2037 Oct-2036 Dec-2036 Mar-2037 Nov-2036 Nov-2036 Estimated Dec-2032 Feb-2031 Jan-2031 Dec-2030 Jan-2031 Mar-2037 Dec-2036 Dec-2032 Apr-203'l Nov-2031 Jan-2431 Jan-2031 May-2030 Dec-2032 Mar-2037 Dec-2030 23.00 19.92 13.50 21.00 10.50 10.00 80.00 23.00 22.A0 22.04 12.00 10.50 35.70 23.00 10.00 21.00 Total Nameplate Rating 1,135.84 MW The above is a summary of the Nameplate rating for the CSPP projeas under conlract with ldaho Power as of April 1 , 2017. ln the case of CSPP proiecls, Nameplate rating of the aclual generation units is not an accurate or reasonable estrmate ofthe actual energy these projects will deliver to ldaho Power. Historical generation information, resource specrfic industry standard capacity factors, and other known and measurable operating characteristics are accounted for in determining a reasonable estimate of the energy these projects will produce Attachment No. A Case No. IPC-E-t9-38 Staff Comments 08107 /20 Page 2 of 2 2017 lntegrated Resource Plan-Appendix C Page 113 REQUEST NO. 1: Under ldaho Power's hourly methodology to establish the proper rate, there will be two sets of contract rates for the period 2020 through 2025 depending on the amount of generation in each hour and whether or not it exceeds 430 kWh. Please explain how the Company plans to pay the QF when the amount of energy in any given month is outside of the 90/110 performance band and when there are hours both above and below the 430 kWh threshold. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: As described in Article 7 .1 of the Sagebrush Hydro Energy Sales Agreement ('ESA"), Surplus Energy is defined as: (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the ldaho Power etectrical system during the month which exceeds one hundred ten percent (111a/o) of the monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount for the conesponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, or (2) if the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the ldaho Power electrical system during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) of the monthly Adjusted Estimated Net Energy Amount for the conesponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the ldaho Power electrical system for that given month, or (3) all Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the ldaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date, or (4) all monthly Net Energy that exceeds the Monthly Nameplate Energy. Article 7.2 describes the Surplus Energy Price as: for all Surplus Energy, ldaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Reference Price or the applicable All Hours Energy Price, whichever is lower. The First Amendment to the ESA, A(icle 7.6, defines the All Hours Energy Price as: the price to be used in the calculation of the Surplus Energy Price and Delay Price IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 Affachment No. B Case No. IPC-E-19-38 Staff Comments 08107/20 Page I of 2 shall be the monthly non-levelized All Hours Energy Price in Appendix E or F for generation received up to 430 kW, and the All Hours Energy Price in Appendix H for generation received between 431 and 575 kW for calendar years 2020-2025. For calendar years 2026 through the remaining term of the ESA, the price to be used in the calculation of the Surplus Energy Price and Delay Price shall be the monthly non-levelized All Hours Energy Price in Appendix E or F. For calendar years 2A20-2A25, ldaho Power will determine an actual total All Hours Energy Price by multiplying the monthly total of hourly generation up to 430 kW by the applicable All Hours Energy Price in Appendix E or F and by multiplying the monthly total of hourly generation over 430 kW by the applicable All Hours Energy Price in Appendix H. The sum of these payment amounts will be divided by the total genera[on received for the month to calculate a single All Hours Energy Price based on actual generation and ldaho Public Utilities Commission-approved avoided cost rates. As described in Article 7.2 of the ESA, ldaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Reference Price or the applicable All Hours Energy Price, whichever is lower. During calendar years 2026 through the remaining term of the ESA, the All Hours Energy Price to be used in the calculation of the Surplus Energy Price shall be the monthly non- levelized All Hours Energy Price in Appendix E or F. The payment to the QF will be the monthly Surplus Energy amount multiplied by the applicable Surplus Energy Price. The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Danington, Energy Contracts Leader, of ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 Attachment No. B Case No. IPC-E-19-38 Staff Comments 08/07 /20 Page 2 of 2 SEASONALAND NON.SEASONAL HYDRO FACILITY ENERGY PRICES WITHOUT CAPACIW, YEARS 2020THROUGH 2025 (AllHours Enerry Price) Year Season 1(Mills/kwh) Season 2 (Mills/kwh) Season 3 (Mills/kwh) 2020 21.15 34.53 28.78 202L 21,37 34.89 29.07 2022 22.4L 35.58 30.48 2023 24.L4 39.41 32.842024 26.28 42.9t 35.76 2025 28.39 46.35 38.62 AfiachmentNo. C Case No. IPC'E-19-38 StaffComments 08107120 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 7M DAY OF AUGUST 2020, SERVED TIIE FOREGOING REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-I9-38, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalker@idahopower.com dockets @ idahopower.com DAVID STEPTMNSON BIG WOOD CANAL CO 409 N APPLE ST SHOSHONE ID 83352 E-MAIL: davidsteohenson @cableone.net ENERGY CONTRACTS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: energycontracts@idahopower.com TED SORENSON WOOD HYDRO LLC 1032 GRANDVIEW DR TVINS UT 84738 E-MAIL: ted@tsorenson.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE