HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200103Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MENIORANDUN,T TO:COMMISSIONER KIELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPI.]R COMI\{ISSIONER ANDERSON C OMITIISSION SECRETA RY COMMISSION STA}'T' I,I.]GAI, F'RON{:JOIIN R. IIAMNIOND JR. DE,PTITY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: .IANUARY 3,2020 SIJI]JF]CT:IDAHO POIVER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAI, OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SAI,ES AGREENIENT WITH BIG WOOD CANAL CONIPANY; CASFI NO. IPC.E-19-37. On December 9, 2019, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed an Application seeking approval of its proposed Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA") with Big Wood Canal Company ("Big Wood" or "Seller") for the energy generated by the Jim Knight hydro project ("Facility"). The Facitity is a qualifying facility ("QF") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). THE APPLICATION The Facility operated by Big Wood is a 475 kilowatt ("kW") nameplate capacity hydroelectric facility near Gooding, Idaho. Applicatiott at 4. The Facility currently delivers energy to the Company under a PURPA energy sales agreement executed on April I, 1985. Id. The existing energy sales agreement expires on May 31 ,2020. ld. The Company and Big Wood intend the proposed ESA to replace the expiring energy sales agreement. Id. at2. The Company states the proposed ESA complies with Commission orders regarding this type of agreement. /d. The Company asks thc Commission to process the Application by Modified Procedure before thc existing energy sales agreement expires. 1tL at 6. In the proposed ESA, Big Wood has contracted for nonlevelized, seasonal hydro published avoided cost rates as set by the Commission in Order No. 34350 lor a 2O-year term. /d. at 4. Because this is a replacement ESA, the proposed ESA contains capacity payments for the DECISION MEMORANDUM I R. Ilanrnrond Jr. puty Attorncy Gcneral I1l lrdut E(rRI(1llYJ-l: le :lnll( l I l9l?-d!! mcho.jrh d({ 2DECISION MEMORANDT]M entire term ofthe Agreement. Id. at3. The Company rcquests that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure. Id. at 6. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modihed Procedure. Staff recommends the Notice of Application and Notice ol Modified Procedure providc for a twenty-one (21) day written comment period for itself and any other interested parties, with a seven (7) day reply comment period fbr the Company to follow. COMMISSION DI'CISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure that establishes a twenty-one (21) day written comment period for Staff and any other interested parlies followed by a seven (7) day reply comment period for the Company?