HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200113Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BARNO.9917 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH LITTLE WOOD IRRIGATION DISTRICT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM THE LITTLE WOOD RIVER RESERVOIR HYDRO PROJECT CASE NO. IPC-E-I9..35 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF RECEIVED ]r:$ JAtl l3 All ll:50 - - . issloN Street Address for Express Mail: 1133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-4 BOISE, ID 837I4 Attorney lbr the Commission Staff ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attomey of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attomey General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUNI) On November 8, 2019, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed an Application requesting consideration ofan Energy Sales Agreement C'ESA" or "Agreement") with Little Wood Irrigation District ("Little Wood") for energy generated by the Little Wood River Reservoir Hydro project ("Facility"). The Facility is a 2.85 megawatt C'MW') nameplate capacity hydro facility near Carey, Idaho. The Facility is a qualitying f'acility ("QF") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. The Facility has a scheduled First Energy Date under the ESA of March 1, 2020. STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY I3,2O2O BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I The Agreement contains published non-seasonal, non-levelized hydro avoided cost rates lbr a 20-year term. The ESA would replace an cxisting power sales agreement between the Company and Little Wood dated August 17, 1984, which expires F'ebruary 29,2020. The Company requests the Commission declare all payments for purchases under the ESA be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. STAFF REVIEW Staff recommends approval olthe proposcd ESA between Idaho Power and Little Wood Stafls review is focused on: l) the 90/l l0 rule with at least five-day advanced notice for adjusting Estimated Net Energy Amounts: 2) the eligibility lbr and the amount of capacity payments; 3) thc non-seasonal hydro rates; and 4) requirements for Designated Network Resource ("DNR") status. 90/110 Rule QFs provide a monthly estimatc ofthe amount of energy they expect to produce. If thc QF delivers more than I l0 percent of the estimated amount, cnergy delivered in excess of 110 pcrcent is priced at the lcsser of 85 percent ol the market price or the contract price. IftheQF delivers less than 90 percent of the estimated amount. total energy delivered is priced at the lesser of 85 percent of the market price or the contracl price. Order No. 29632. Statf verified that this provision is included in the ESA. The ESA adoptcd a five-day advanced noticc for adjusting Estimated Net Energy Amounts for purposes of complying with 90/110 firmness requirements. The Commission has approved a live-day revision to monthly generation estimales in previous cases. recognizing that Estimated Net Energy Amounts that are closer to the time of delivery can improve the accuracy ofinput used by the Company for short-term operational planning. Sae Case Nos. IPC-E-I9-01, IPC-E-19-03, IPC-E-I9-04, IPC-E-19-07. and IPC-E-19-12. Thc Facility has been generating energy since I 985, and the Company has a long generation history for the QF. Staff believes a five-day advanced notice is appropriate. 2SI'AFF COMMENTS JANI.JARY 13.2020 Capacitv Paymcnt There are two issues Staf}'analyzed regarding eligibility ofcapacity payments for the Facility. The first issue deals with whethcr or not thc QF is eligible for immediate capacity payments for the Iull term ofthe contract. The second issue deals with a change in the nameplate capacity ofthe Facility included in the original ESA as comparcd to the lower nameplate capacity stated in the renewal contract. IJased on its analysis, Staffbelieves the Facility should be granted immediate capacity payments for all generation during the full term of the replacement contract. In Order No. 32697 , the Commission stated that, "If a QF project is being paid for capacity at the end ofthe contracl term, and the partics are seeking renewal/exlension ofthe contract, the renewal/extension includes immediate payment of capacity." Although thc original contract did not contain a capacity payment, Staff believes the Facility should be granted capacity payment lbr the full term of the replacement contract, as was granted by the Commission to the Black Canyon #3 project in Order No. 34295. Similar to the Black Clanyon #3 project, the Facility in its original contract included avoided cost rates without a capacity payment as dctcrmined in Order No. 1 8 1 90, effective September I , 1983, because the Company was. at that time, energy constrained and not capacity constrained. Since about the year 2000, the Company has added significant amounts of capacity such as Danskin (2001 and 2008), Bennett Mountain (2005), and Langley Gulch(2012) gas plants. Because the Company went through those multiple capacity deliciency periods during this Facility's initial 35-year contract term, Staffis confident that the project has contributed to the Company's need Ibr capacity and should be eligible lbr immediate payment for avoided capacity with the renewal of the contract. Additionally, Staffnotes that the total nameplate capacity in the renewal ESA has changed from the original ESA. The nameplate capacity stated in the renewal ESA is 2.850 kW, which is less than the nameplale capacity of 3.000 kW stated in the original contract. Because the updated amount is less than the amount the Company has included for purposes ofresource planning, the Company should have avoided the cost of new capacity additions by at lcast the smaller amount. Thus, Stal'f believes the Facility should be granted capacity payments for all generation produced by the Facility. Had the nameplate capacity increased instead ofdecreased, lS'I'AFF COMMDNTS JANUARY 13.2020 Staff believes that the amount ofthe increase would not have been eligible for capacity payments until the Company becomes capacity dcficient. Non-Seasonal Hvdro Rates Parties in this case chose to use non-seasonal rates for this project. A "seasonal hydro" project is a hydro generation facility that produces at least 557o of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order No. 32802. Although the monthly generation estimates show this project has potential to produce over 559o of its annual generation during the sumrner months, the parties still agree to use non-seasonal rates, because the historical generation record shows "the QF would not comply with the requirements of an ESA containing seasonal hydro published avoided cost prices on an ongoing basis without making changes to the operation ofthe Facility." The Company's Response to the First Production Request of Commission Staff. Staff verihed that the proposed non-seasonal rates are correct and comply with Order No. 34350. nated Netwo ource DNRS The original contract contained an incomplete sentence that described the continued DNR status. The Company added a portion to the sentence to make it complete in replacement page 39 of Appendix B. The new sentence states "[t]he DNR status will continue if this Agreement is l) executed and approved by the Commission; 2) a General Interconnection Agreement C'GIA") has been executed by both parties; and 3) the Seller is in compliance with all requirements of that GIA." Staff believes it is reasonable and acceptable. 4 JANUARY 13,2O2O STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the ESA and declare Idaho Power's payments to Little Wood for the purchase of energy generated by the Linle Wood River Reservoir Hydro project under the ESA be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. STAFF COMMENTS $$^Respectfully submitted this dav olJanuarv 2020. Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Yao Yin i:unl isc/commcnts/ipce I 9.3 5 dhyy comments )STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 13.2O2O CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE ]'HIS I3.I'H DAY OF JANUARY 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, rN CASE NO. IPC-E-19-35, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN WALKER REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83',707-0070 [-mail: dnalk daho dockcts(@idtrhopower.com SECRETAR CERTIFiCATE OIT SERVICE ENERGY CONTRACTS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail: cncrsycontractsf@idahorrower.com