HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191205Replacement Page 39.pdfSTffi An IDACORP CompanY DONOVAN E, WALKER Lead Counsel d\,valker@idahooower,com RECEIVED :ailg OEc -5 Pl,t 2: 0l SS oi'l December5,2019 Re: Case No. IPC-E-19-35 Little Wood River Reservoir Hydro PURPA Project Energy Sales Agreement Replacement Page 39 Dear Ms. Hanian: On November 8, 2019, in Case No. IPC-E-19-35, ldaho Power Company (''ldaho Power") filed an Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission'') regarding an Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA") between ldaho Power and Little Wood lrrigation District ("Little Wood") under which ldaho Power will purchase electric generation from the Little Wood River Reservoir Hydro Qualifying Facility. Commission Stafi identified clerical errors on page 39 of Appendix B of the ESA. The beginning of the second sentence of Section B-7, page 39, should include the phrase: "The DNR status will continue if . . . ." ldaho Power has spoken with Little Wood about this issue and sent replacement pages for the ESA to Little Wood and Commission Staff on November 21,2019. Therefore, enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies of replacement page 39 of Appendix B of the ESA between ldaho Power and Little Wood. Very truly yours, ovan E. Walker DEW/KKT Enclosures cc w/encl:Dayn Hardie Yao Yin VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 {,4f/'-- I! B-t B-2 APPENDIX B FACIt,Il'Y AND POTNT OF DELIVERY Project Name: Little Wood River Reservoir Hydro ftoject Project Number: 3l6l5l l0 DESCRIPTION OF- FACILITY F'acility Nameplate Capacity: 2.850 kW Qualifying Facility Category (Small Power Production or Cogeneration): Small Power Production Primary Enerry Source (Hydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Waste, Geothermal): H)dro Fueled or Non-Fueled Rate (Generator primarily fuelcd with fossil or non-fossil fuel): Non-Fueled Any modifications to lhe Facility, including but not limited to the generator or turbine, that (l) inqeases or dccreases the Facility Nameplate Capacity, or (2) changes the Qualifying Facility Category, or (3) changes the Primary Dnergy Source or (4) changes to the generator fuel and subsequently the Fueled Rate or Non-Fueled Rate, will require a review ofthe Agreement terms, conditions and pricing and Idaho Power, at its sole determination, may adj ust. the pricing or terminate the Agreement. tfthe Agreement is terminated because ofsaid modifications, the Seller will be responsible for any Termination Damages. I-OCATION OF FACILITY Near: Carey, ldaho Actual or nearest physical street address: 951 Little Wood Reservoir Road, Carey, ID 83320 GPS Coordinates: Latitude Decimal Degrees 43.425202 LongitudeDecimal Degrees -114.025448 State: Idaho County: Blaine Description of Interconnection Location: Adjacent to power plant. 38 'l he Little Wood Hydroelectric project is located at the base of the Little Wood River Rescrvoir near Carey, Idaho. The hydro pJant utilizes the reservoirs outlet tunnel and a 40 foot section of penstock to deliver water to a IIydro West 2850 kilowatt vertical Frances turbine that is coupled to an Ideal synchronous generator. The plant operates on inigation flows from the reservoir during the summer months and occasional flood control flows during the winter and early spring. 8.3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY DATE AND OPERATION DATE 1'his Facility is interconnected and already delivering enerry to ldaho Power pursuant to a Power Sales Agreement that expires on Febrvry 29,2020. The First Enerry Date and the Operation Date for this Agreement will be at hour beginning 00:01 on March l, 2020, provided that the B-4 B-5 B-6 Commission approves the replacement Agreement and the Seller completes all of the Article IV and Afticle V requirements prior to March l, 2020. MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: The Maximum Capacity Amount is 2,850 kW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in accordance with the CtA. This value is the maximum generation (kW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point ofwher€ the Seller's Facility energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The GIA will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. The Point of Delivery identified by the GIA will become an integral part ofthis Agreemenl. LOSSES Ifthe ldaho Power metering equipment is capable ofmeasuring the energy deliveries by the Seller to the ldaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. Ifthe Idaho Power metering equipment is unable to measure the enerry deliveries directly at the Point of Delivery, the Losses will be calculated. This loss calculation is currently set at I .127% ofthe kWh electricity produclion recorded on the Faciliry generation metering equipment. If at any time during the term ofthis Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation needs to be revised due to a change in the electrical equipment or some other factor, then ldaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous month's kWh loss calculations. 39 B-7 DESIGNATED NETWORK RESOURCE (DNR) This Facility is an ldaho Power DNR pursuant to an existing energ;r sales agreement. The DNR il4glu!1,q"a-!-lr_!!c Llf+ this Agreement is l) executed and approved by the Commission, and 2) a GIA has been executed by both panies and 3) the Seller is in compliance with all requirements of that GlA. ldaho Power cannot accept or pay for generation from this l-'acility ifthe Facility has not achieved the status of being an Idaho Power DNR. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC') rules require tdaho Powcr to preparc and submit the application to achieve DNR status for this Facility. Because much ofthe information Idaho Power nceds to preparc the I)NR application is specific to the Seller's F'acility, Idaho Power's ability to flle the DNR application in a timely manner is contingent upon timely receipt ofthe requircd information from the Seller. Prior to ldaho Power beginning the process to enable Idaho Power to submit a request for DNR status for this Facility, the Seller shall have I ) filed a Generalion lnlerconnection application, 2) submitted all information required by Idaho Power to complete the application, and 3) cilher cxecuted lhis Agrecmcnt or. at a minimum, provided Idaho Power wilh conflrmation of the Seller's intent to complete this Agreement in a timcly manner. Seller's failure to provide complete and accurate information in a timely manner can significantly impact Idaho Powcr's ability and cost to attain the DNR designation for the Seller's Facility and the Seller shall bear the costs of any of these delays that are I result ofany action or inaction by the Seller. 40 APPENDIX B FACILITY AND POIN'I OF DELIVERY Projcct Name: Little Wood Rivcr Reservoir Hydro Project Project Number: 3 16151 l0 B-I DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Little Wood Hydroelectric project is located at the base of the Lifile Wood River Reservoir near Carey, Idaho. The hydro plant utilizes the reservoirs outlet tunnel and a 40 foot section of penstock to deliver water to a Hydro West 2850 kilowatt vertical Frances twbine that is coupled to an ldeal synchronous generator. The plant operates on irrigation flows from the reservoir during the summer months and occasional flood control flows during the winter and early spring Facility Nameplate Capacity: 2.850 kW Qualifying Facility Category (Small Power Production or Cogeneration): Small Power Production Primary Enerry Source (llydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Waste, Ceothermal): Hydro Fueled or Non-Fueled Rate (Cenerator primarily fueled with fossil or non-fossil fuel): Non-Fueled Any modifications to the F'acility, including but not limited to the generator or lurbine, that (l) increases or decreases the Facility Nameplat€ Capacity, or (2) changes the Qualifying Facility Category, or (3) changes the Primary Energy Source or (4) changes to the generator fuel and subsequently the Fueled Rate or Non-Fueled Rate, will require a review of the Agreement terms, conditions and pricing and ldaho Power, at its sole determination, may adj ust the pricing or terminale the Agreement. lf the Agreement is terminated because ofsaid modifications, the Seller will be responsible for axy Termination Damages. LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Carey, ldaho Actual or nearest physical street address: 951 Little Wood Reservoir Road, Carey, ID 83320 GPS Coordinates: Latitude Decimal Degees 43.425202 LongitudeDecimalDegrees -114.025448 State: Idaho County: Blaine Description of lnterconnection Location: Adjacenl to power plant. SCHEDULED FIRST ENERCY DATE AND OPERATION DA'I'1, This Facility is interconnected and already delivering energy to ldaho Power pursuant to a Power Sales Agreement that expires on February 29,2020. The First Energy Date and the Operation Date for this Agreement will be at hour beginning 00:01 on March l, 2020, provided that the 38 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 Commission approves the replacement Agreement and the Seller completes all of the Article lV and Article V requirements prior to March l, 2020. MAXIMIJM CAPACITY AMOUNT: The Maximum Capacity Amount is 2,850 kW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to ldaho Power in accordance with the GIA. This value is the maximum generation (kW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the ldaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. POINT OF DEt,IVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point ofwhere the Seller's Facility enerry is delivered to the ldaho Powet electrical system. The GIA will determinc rhe specific Point of Delivery for this F'acility. The Point of Delivery idcntified by the GIA will become an integral part of this Agreement. LOSSES Ifthe Idaho Power metering equipment is capable ofmeasuring the energy deliveries by the Seller to the ldaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. Ifthe ldaho Power metering equipment is unable to measure thc energr deliveries directly at the Point of Delivery, the Losses will be calculated. This loss calculation is currently set at I .127% of the kWh electricity production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. Ifat any time during the term ofthis Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation needs to be revised due to a change in the electrical equipment or some other factor, then Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous month's kWh loss calculations. 39 40 B-7 DESIGNATED NETWORK RESOURCE (DNR) This Facility is an ldaho Power DNR pursuant to an existing encrgy sales agreement. 'l he DNR status will continue if this Agreement is l) executed and approved by the Commission, and 2) a CIA has been executed by both parties and 3) the Seller is in compliance with all requirements of that GIA. Idaho Power cannot accept or pay for generation ftom this Facility ifthe Facility has not achieved the status of being an ldaho Power DNR. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (*FERC) rules require Idaho Power to prepare and submit the application to achieve DNR status for this Facility. Because much ofthe information Idaho Power needs to prepare the DNR application is specific to the Seller's Facility. Idaho Power's ability to file the DNR application in a timely manner is contingent upon timely receipt ofthe required information from the Scller. Priorto ldaho Power beginning the process lo enable ldaho Power to submit a request for DNR stalus for this Facility, the Seller shall have I ) filed a Generation Interconnection application, 2) submitted all information required by ldaho Power to complete the application, and 3) either executed this Agreemenl or, al a minimum, provided Idaho Power with confirmation of the Seller's intent to complete this Agreement in a timely manner. Seller's failure to provide complete atrd accurate information in a timely manner can significatrtly impact ldaho Power's ability and cost to rttain the DNR designation for the Seller's Facility and the Seller shall bear the costs of any of these delays that are a result ofany action or itraction by the Seller.