HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191218Comments.pdfJOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOTSE, rDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0357 IDAHO BARNO.5470 IN THE MATTEROF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO FUND ITS CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE NORTHWEST ENER(;Y EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE THROUGH THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER F OR 2O20.2024 RECEIVED 1Cl9 OEC lB PH 3: lr I Street Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201.A BOISE, ID 837I4 Attorney tbr the Commission Stafl BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIf,S COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E.I9-34 CO}INIENTS oF THE, CO}TNIISSION STAFF The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, submits the following comments regarding the above referenced case. BACKGROUND On October 21,2019, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed an Application seeking Commission authorization for the Company's continued participation in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ('NEEA") for 2020-2024 and confirmation that its participation be funded by the ldaho Energy Efficiency Rider ("Rider"), The Company requests the Application be processed by Modified Procedure. Application at 7 . In its Application, Idaho Power characterizes NEEA as a non-profit organization whose purpose is to maximize energy efficiency in the Northwest via the acceleration and adoption of energy-efficient products, services, and practices through market transformation. Id. at 1-2. STAFF COMMENI'S DECEMBER I8,2019 1",i../- ] ..r./'\lr: 'lr"rrlVrl I Idaho Power states NEEA is funded by Northwest utilities including Idaho Power, the Energy Trust of Oregon and the Bonneville Power Administration. 1d. at 2. Idaho Power represents it began participating in NEEA in 1997. ld. The Company asserts from 1997-2018 NEEA has delivered 1,740 average megawatts ("aMW") of total regional energy savings,582 aMW of which are Net Market Effects energy savings. 1d.l Idaho Power represents that during this period the Company's allocated portion of NEEA's savings was 371,527 megawatt-hours or 42.41 aMW. /d. Besides these savings, Idaho Power asserts by participating in NEEA it can leverage its market transformation investment by building on NEEA's pooled resources, suppliers, market research and program design in Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. Id. Idaho Power also asserts its participation inNEEA enables it to inlluence the direction of NEEA's activities to bring direct benelit to its customers. Id Idaho Power asserts NEEA's 2020-2024 Strategic and Business Plans ("Plan") have two strategic goals in the 2020-2024 period: (1) transformation - sustain a portfolio ofinitiatives and support functions that enable more cost-effective elficiency to occur sooner, in larger amounts and/or at a lower cost than otherwise expected, and (2) operations - continuously improve organizational culture and performance efficacy, ensure accountability and transparency, and stdve for innovation in service to the benefit ofall stakeholders. Z/. at 3. Idaho Power also states that related to its transformation goal, NEEA is pursuing market developmcnt initiatives for Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters, Retail Product Portfolio, Super-Efficient Dryers, Luminaire Level Lighting Controls, and Codes and Standards. /d. The Company states NEEA's Plan intends to deliver 360-500 aMW of total regional energy savings by utilizing approximately $159.4 million invested by regional stakeholders. 1d. at 4. Based on its customer counts and energy sales relative to the region, Idaho Power states its funding share is approximately 9.2 percent or $ 14.7 million during 2020-2024. ld. The Company states that since 2002 the Commission has authorized Idaho Power to recover the costs for Demand-Side Management programs and NEEA participation from the Rider. ,1d. at 3. I ldaho Power states Net Market Effects are savings associated with market change and not counted as locally incented savings or baseline savings. ,ad at footnote 2. )STAFF COMMENTS DECBMBER I8,2019 Idaho Power asserts it must demonstrate its customers benet-rted from its participation in NEEA before it can receive a Commission determination that it prudently used its Rider funds. Id. at4. The Company alleges it has evaluated the anticipated cost-effectiveness of NEEA's Plan and the Company's continued participation in NEEA. 1zl. As a result, Idaho Power asserts it has negotiated safeguards in ils 2020-2024 Funding Agreement with NEEA to ensurc the use of Rider funds for 2020-2024 is a prudent application of customers' funds. 1d at 4-5; see a/so Attachment 3 to the Application. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff recommends that the Commission authorize Idaho Power's continued participation in NEEA for the 2020 - 2024 funding cycle and that its participation be funded by the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider. Idaho Power's Funding Agreement with NEEA is approximately $2.9 million annually for five years, which is about 7 percent ofldaho Power's annual demand-side management expenses. Staff believes that NEEA slill appears to provide cost-efflective energy efficiency through market transformation for customers in Idaho Power's service territory. Staffunderstands that the main value ofNEEA is its leverage as a regional organization with large retailers, manufacturers, and federal agencies that an individual utility or its contractor would not have. Intemational retailers and manuf'acturers, such as Walmart and A.O. Smith, are very unlikely to change stocking or production practices based on an incentive in a single utility's service territory. But because NEEA can o(fer financial incentives across a four-state market, and sometimes in coordination with California as well, retailers and manufacturers are willing to respond to these incentives to stock and produce more etilcient appliances. As a result of these "upstream" incentives, customers throughout the region find and buy higher efliciency appliance options at their local retailers without local utilities incurring the much greater expense of engaging and incenting individual customers. This dynamic is also true ofNEEA's work with federal agencies on efficiency standards. The participation, feedback, and formal comments ofNEEA on federal standards almost certainly has a higher impact on the outcome ofthose proceedings because NEEA is a regional voice speaking on behalfof 13 million customers, rather than a single utility speaking for its fraction of those customers. STAF-F COMMENTS DECEMBER I8.20193 The Company stated that NEEA's energy savings generated by codes and standards has significantly increased over the years and now constitutes 83 percent of NEEA's reported savings, Staffnotes that enacting efficiency in codes and standards is a positive long-term outcome ol utility programs - it means that the efficient technology is so well-understood and available that it becomes the minimum requirement, which means that utilities no longer need to offer financial incentives in order to acquire those savings. Staff acknowledges that while regional coordination on market transformation can have significant benefits for customers, aligning the pref'erences and practices of a disparate group of funders can be challenging. In particular, Staff recognizes that it can be difficult to allocate costs and benefits in market translbrmation across funders with the same precision that is possible with local utility programs. This is not ideal, but Staff believes that in addition to providing leverage with national and intemational entities, pooling regional resources also provides risk mitigation for critical work in emerging technologies that generally provides benefits that exceed costs and would not otherwise be achieved. Although NEEA's market transformation work has many benefits, it is important that it remain cost-eff'ective. Staff appreciates the additional cost-effectiveness analysis on NEEA savings conducted by the Company, particularly using Idaho Power-specific avoided costs to determine the value ofeach initiative. However, Staff reiterates the Company's explanation that its analysis only included the costs and benefits olenergy efficient appliances (for example, water heaters) sold in a single year, and therefore did not include the costs and benefits ofenergy efficient appliances forecasted to be sold in all twenty years ofthe program lil'e. The savings generated by appliances sold in future years as a result of market transformation are a critical aspect of the value that distinguishes NEEA's work fiom local utility efficiency programs. Staff will continue to monitor the cost-effectiveness of NEEA's initiatives in Idaho Po*'er's service teritory, and is therefore not opposed to the Company conducting independent evaluation, verification, and measurement of NEEA's initiatives as it does for its local programs and described in the Funding Agreement. Staffnotes that the Funding Agreement includes several provisions not included in previous NEEA Funding Agreements that release Idaho Power from its funding obligations if circumstances change. Staffbelieves these are reasonable provisions that provide a safeguard lor customer funds. 4STAFF (]OMMENTS DECEMBER 18.20I9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission authorize Idaho Power's continued participation in NEEA for the 2020 - 2024 funding cycle and that its participation be funded by the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider. Respectfully submitted this day of December 2019 Jo Hammond, Jr. Attomev General Technical Staff: Stacey Donohue i:umisc:commenls/ipcol9.34jhsd comments 5STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 18,20I9 CERTIFTCATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS ISTII DAY OII DECEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC.E.I9.34, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POST'AGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE, ID 83701-0070 E-mail : lnordstrom(Z)idahopower.com doc ketsiziti dahopower. corn THERESA DRAKE IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-00'70 E-mail : ldrake(a)idahopower.conr .L ll"e.* SECRETARY,,l .'P'1'1Y16ATE OF SERVICE