HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191101Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUNI 't'0:COMNIISSIONER KIF]I,I,ANDF]R CONIMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDBRSON CONIMISSION SE,CRI.]TARY CON{MISSION STAFF LEGAL TTR0I\I:JOIIN R. HANII\{Orr-D JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: NOVENIBER l,2019 STiBJECT:IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO FUND ITS CONI'INTII,D PARTICIPATION IN THB NORTH1VEST I.],NERGY EFFICIBIiCY ALLIANCE THROTJGH THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER FOR 2020-2024; CASE NO. IPC-E-19-34. On October 21,2019, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") filed its Application for an order authorizing the Company's continued participation in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ("NEEA") for the period of 2O2O-2O24 and that its participation be funded by the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider ("Rider'). Application at I . APPI,ICATION NEEA is a non-profit organization whose ongoing purpose is to maximize energy efficiency in the Northwest via the acceleration and adoption of energy efficient products, services, and practices through market transformation. Id. at l-2. NEEA is funded by Northwcst utilities including Idaho Power, the Energy Trust of Oregon and the Bonneville Power Administration. /d. at 2. Idaho Power represents it first began participating in NEEA in 1997. The Company asserts that from 1997-2018 NEEA has delivered 1,740 averagc megawatts ("aMW") of total regional energy savings, 582 aMW of which are Net Market Effects energy savings. 1d.r Idaho Power represents that from 1997-2018,Idaho Power's allocated ponion of NEEA's savings was 371,527 megawatt-hours or 42.41 aMW. 1d. In addition to these savings, Idaho Power assefts that by participating in NEEA it can better leverage its market transfbrmation investment by I ldaho Power statcs Net Market Effects arc savings associated with market changc and not counted as locally inccntcd savings or baseline savings. /d at ftnt 2. DECISION MEMORANDUM building on NEEA's pooled resources, suppliers, market research and program design in the four-state area. ld. Idaho Power also assefts that its participation in NEEA enables it to influence the direction of NEEA's activities to bring direct benefit to its customers. Id. In its Application, Idaho Power asserts that it evaluated its continued participation in NEEA and has negotiated contractual sat'eguards to ensure that the use of energy efficiency Rider funds for thc 2020-2024 cycle is a prudent application of customers' funds. /d Idaho Powcr requests that its Application be processed by modified procedure and the Commission's Rules of Procedure. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Noticc of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure. Staff recommends the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure provide for written comments to be due for the Commission Staff and any othcr interested panie s on December I 8, 2019, and a reply comment deadline for the Cornpany of December 26, 2019. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure that establishes a written comment deadline of December 18, 2019, for Staff and any other interested parties followed by a December 26,2019, reply comment deadline for the Company'? Joh Hanrmond Jr. ty Attorney General l:\l.rrl\lrl lj{-lRl(1IIt: l: l9 ].lLn mo(rl,( hl9lJ ,h Li.. 2DECISION MEMORANDUN{