HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191108Decision Memo.pdfRE DF],CISION I\TE]\{OItANDT]M TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDE,R COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOSEPH TEITRY TERRI CARLOCK DATE: NOVEMBE,R 6.2019 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATON FOR AUTIIORITY TO BORROW UP TO S45O,OOO,OOO IN SHORT-TERM DI]BT; CASE NO. IPC.E-I9-33 On October 15, 2019. Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") applied for authority to bonow shon-term and mid-tcrm debt up to $450.000,000 aggregate principal amount at any time. Idaho Power's current short-term bonowing authority was granted by Order No, 33375, dated September 14.2015. This requested authority could extend through December 31,2O26. The required fees were included with the Application. The borrowings under the requested authority may consist of: ( I ) loans evidenced by unsecured notes or other evidence of indebtedness; and (2) unsecured promissory notes and commercial paper. Any note issued will either be shon-terrn borrowings lbr one year or less, or mid-term bonowings lbr a term of more than one l'ear but nol more than three years. Idaho Porver intends to obtain new unsecured lines ofcredit or exlend cxisting lines ofcredit. Each line of credit will provide a specific dollar amount be available to draw upon tbr a f'ee. Uncommitted credit facilities may also be utilized on an "as available" basis at negotiated interest rates. Idaho Power expects the initial crcdit agreement to bc fbr $300.000.000 with the options to increase the linrit to $450.000.000. ldaho Porver will provide the Commission with written notification in the event it increases the lirrit above $300.000,000. Idaho Power requesls the short-term and mid-term borrowing authority be authorized initially through f)ecember 31,2024, with the ability to extcnd the tirne period lbr 1wo one-ycar extensions through December 31. 2026. ldaho Power will provide written notillcation to the Commission il it elects to exercise either ofthe one-year extensions beyond December 31.2024. ln no event will any borrowings under this authority extend beyond December 31.2026. DECISIONMEMORNNDUM .I- NOVEMBER6.2OI9 Idaho Power requests this borrowing authority be conlinuing rhrough December 31,2026, so long as ldaho Power's senior secured debt rating is investment grade, at least BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor's and Baa3 or higher by Moody's Investors' Service. If Idaho Power's rating falls below investmenl grade, Idaho Power will follow the Commission approved Iiling process to establish its ongoing borrowing authority. The net proceeds will be used to obtain temporary capital fbr: the acquisition of property; the construction, completion, extension. or improvement of its lacilities; the improvement or mainlenance of its service; the discharge or lawful refunding of its obligation: and for general corporate purposes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the proposed short-term and mid-term bonowing authority up to $300,000,000, with the option to incrcase to $450,000,000 wirh written notice provided. Staff recommends the term be authorized through December 31,2024. with two optional one-year extensions rlith writlen notice providcd. Staff recommends the Commission order Idaho Power to nrake a filing supporting continued borrowing authority ilthe ralings I'all below investment grade. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve Idaho Pou,er's request for short-term and mid-term borrowing authority up to $300.000,000. with the option to increase to $450,000,000 with uritten notice provided? Does the Commission approve the borrowing authority.. for the period through December 31,2024, with two optional one-year exlensions with written notice provided? Does the Commission wish to order Idaho Power to make a filing suppofling conlinued borrowing authority if the ratings fall below investrnent grade'? seph-l'err1 udmcnros,/lPC-li-l 9-31 Dccision Nlcnxr DECISION MEMORANDUM 1-NOVF]MBER 6,20I9