HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191205Comments.pdfEDWARD J. JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-03r4 IDAHO BAR NO. 10446 R:CEIVED Street Address for Express Mail: I133I W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION e Dtc -5 Pl{ 3, b2 Ltc,{isstoN IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DECREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BOARDMA}I POWER PLANT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) cAsE NO. IPC-E-19-32 COMMENTS OFTHE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomey of record, Edward Jewell, Deputy Attomey General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 344'? 5 on November 6, 2019, in Case No. IPC-E-19-32, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On October 17,2019,Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") submitted an Application requesting the Commission approve adjustments to the Company's recovery of expenses at the Boardman power plant ("Boardman"). Idaho Power owns a 10o% interest in Bomdman, which entitles the Company to approximately 50 average megawatts of generation capacity. Application at 2. Boardman is scheduled to cease coal-fired operations on Decernber 3 l, 2020. Order No. 32457. Idaho Power requests the Commission approve an overall decrease to customer rates of $1.06 million (0.09% decrease), effective January 1,2O20, to reflect the decrease associated with STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,20I91 the Boardman levelized revenue requirement. See Application at 8. The Company proposes the rate decrease be spread to all customer classes through a uniform 0.09%o decrease. See Id. al '7 . The Company requests the Commission find all actual investments made at Boardman through Decernber 31, 2018 were prudently incurred. 1d. at 8. The Company requests the Commission approve an update to forecasted investrnents through 2020 at Boardman to be included in the levelized revenue requirement mechanism established in Order No. 32457. Id. STAFF REVIEW AI\D ANALYSIS Staff conducted a thorough review ofthe Company's Application. The review focused primarily on: l) a review of the balancing account, including a review ofthe inputs to the levelized revenue requirement and an audit ofthe actual capital investments through December 31, 2018; 2) a prudency review of prior actual capital investments through Decernber 31, 2018; 3) a review of forecasted investments for 2019 ar,d 2020; and 4) verification that any change in rate would properly be distributed to customers. As a result of this review, Staff drew the following conclusions : I . Staff s financial audit of the balancing account actual inputs concludes the expenditures were properly recorded, with the exception ofan error for one project. Staffbelieves any adjustment for this error should made and included in the next filing for Staff review. Therefore, Staffrecommends no adjustment be made to the rates proposed by the Company as a result of this enor; 2. Staffwas unable to fully assess prudency ofhistorical project capital invesunents due to insufficient project source documentation, complexity in attaining the supporting documentation, and a short filing schedule; 3. Staffbelieves the Company's forecasted investments and future decommissioning costs at Boardman are a reasonable prediction of future costs, and by including them in the balancing account, intergenerational equity is maximized; and 4. Staffreviewed the Company's methodology and calculations for spreading the reduction in rates to customers and believes it is appropriate and accurate. Further details describing the basis of Staffs conclusions are described below. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,20I92 Balancing Account and Levelized Revenue Requirement In Commission Order No. 32457,ldaho Power was authorized to establish a balancing account designed to track incremental costs associated with the early closure of Boardman in 2020. These costs include: I ) the retum on undepreciated capital investments to Boardman from 2012 until the closure of the plant in 2020:2) any accelerated depreciation associated with Boardman investments; and 3) any decommissioning costs related to Boardman closure. Using the Commission approved retum on equity of 9.5%, the present value ofeach of these revenue requirement iterns is calculated and the values are then levelized to be recovered fiom customers over the remaining life of the Boardman plant. As a result of this process, the Boardman balancing account levels the cost for the early retirement of the Boardman plant over the remaining life ofthe plant. In addition, it provides an opportunity for a full recovery of all of the prudently incurred actual costs, while collecting estimated Boardman costs from customers who will benefit. Proposed Changes lo the Levelized Revenue Requiremenl Idaho Power requests an update to three components ofthe levelized revenue requirernent effective January 1,2020: l') the amount associated with plant investments as of May 31,2012; 2) the amount for investrnents made after May 31, 2012; and 3) the decommissioning and salvage estimates. The update to plant investments as of May 31,2012 trues up the estimate from Decernber 31, 201 I through May 31 ,2012. Originally, the actual plant values through Decernber 31, 201 1 plus the estimate of investments through May 31, 2012 were included in the balancing account. The Company also corrected an error in the calculation ofthe net presant value ofthe revenue requirement on existing investments for the first year of the levelized revenue requirement determination. The updated levelized revenue requiranent on existing investments through May 3l,2Ol2 is an increase of approximately $400,000. The second component ofthe levelized revenue requirement is updated to reflect actual investments from June 1,2012 through Decernber 31,2018, and the latest forecast for plant investments through 2019. This is a decrease of approximately $370,000. The Company anticipates that any costs associated with repairs will be expensed, therefore there are no plant investrnents expected in 2020. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,20I91 Finally, the Company is proposing an update to the decommissioning and salvage costs based on the 2015 CH2M Hill decommissioning study. This study updated costs for thnee iterns: 1) the Carty reservoir removal costs, which will not be incurred because the reservoir will remain in service for Portland General Electric ("PGE"); 2) transmission assets that will not be removed, and; 3) the Tower Road extension costs that are no longer needed. Although the Company has received the results ofthe latest decommissioning study completed this year, the results ofthat study were not included in this filing. ln total, the updates from the 2015 decommissioning study will decrease the Idaho jurisdictional levelized revenue requirement by 538,922. Staffhas reviewed the inputs and calculations associated with these three adjustments and believes they are accurately reflected in the updated Levelized Revenue Requirement calculation. Additional Adjustments to the Revenue Requirement Calcalation The Company also proposes to adjust for the monthly deviations between forecast revenue collection and actual revenue collection. In addition, the Company proposes to adjust for the deviations between the existing levelized revenue requirement calculations and updated levelized revenue requirement calculations. Staff has reviewed these calculations for the true-up olprior years' revenue calculations and the true-up associated with deviations in levelized revenue requirernent amounts collected in previous years. Staffbelieves the calculations are correct. The total over-collection associated with higher sales volume, through Septanber 30, 2019, is $473,097 on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. Staff supports the Company's proposal to refund this to customers effective January 1, 2020. The over-collection associated with the lower than forecasted capital investments in the levelized revenue requirernent amounts collected in previous years is $295,1 58. Staff also supports the Company's proposal to refirnd this to customers effective January 1,2020. Finally, the Company proposes to include the gain on the sale ofShared Facilities between Idaho Power and PGE. ln 2014, the Company entered into an agreement to convey 50% of the Shared Facilities to PGE, as detailed in the letter provided to the Commission on August 19, 2014. The gain on the sale, or$251,077 on an Idaho jurisdiction basis, is appropriatel y flowed to ratepayers. 4STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,2019 The total of all the adjustments on an Idaho jurisdictional basis is a decrease of $ 1,058,255 or 0.09Yo as shown Table 1. Table l: Proposed Change in Revenue Requirement Annual Revenue R uirement lm to Customers ($38,922) ($29s,l s8) ($473,097) ($2s 1.077) Firuncial Audit Staffrequested copies ofall work orders, supporting documentation, and source documents for the actual capital investments from June 2012 through Decernber 2018, and made a sample selection ofrepresentative projects for further review. Staff reviewed work orders totaling $3,408,294 out ofthe total capital investrnent of$4,984,128 from June l,2012 through December 31, 2018. In addition, Staffreviewed the forecast and budget documents prepared by PGE for the planned capital additions. To review unplanned projects - those projects that had not been listed in the forecasts - Staff asked the Company to provide a list ofprojects and costs that had not been included in the forecasted additions at the Boardman plant between 2012 to Dccember 31, 2018. Staffconcluded that the projects and costs on the list were largely associated with general maintenance and repair, and therefore are relevant to the Company's share of Boardman operations and were not carried out to extend the life ofthe plant or push out decommissioning. To assess the Company's intemal controls, Staff reviewed the intemal audit reports with supporting work papers relevant to the Boardman plant and the results ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Reports specific to the Boardman plant. Overall, Staff found that the intemal controls were adequate and effective. Staffdid not receive the source documents and other information necessary to undertake a full review of the projects selected. Instead, the Company provided the work order packet prepared when each proj ect is closed to Plant-in Service. Each work order packet generally contained enough information to veriff that PGE had billed Idaho Power for the capital investment, that Idaho Power had correctly applied AFUDC, and that Idaho Power had recorded the capital project to the correct FERC account. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,20195 Net Change in Levelized Revenue Requirement True-Up of Levelized Revenue Requiranent True-Up of Prior Year Collections Conveyance of Shared Facilities Gain Stafls review raised two issues ofconcem. First, Idaho Power was overcharged by PGE on a project to install a sewage lagoon liner, Work Order 27385087, which closed to plant in 2015. In 2014, the owners of Boardman entered into an agreement to convey a 50% interest in Shared Facilities to PGE for use at their new generation project on the Carty Reservoir. Because ldaho Power conveyed 50%o of its Shared Facilities to PGE in 2014, its ronaining interest in those shared facilities is now 570. This project is part of the Shared Facilities investment. For this project, Idaho Power recorded its portion ofthe capital investment at l0% rather thar, Soh. In consultation with the Company, this was the only project that involved the Shared Facilities subject to the Assel Purchase Agreement. Therefore, Idaho Power's investment would be $39,704, rather than $79,409 as previously recorded. Staffrecommends the Company make the necessary entries to Plant-in-Service to record the proper plant amount, and that the difference of$39,704 be carried forward in the balancing account until the next review and be used to offset future costs. Including this adjustrnent in this case would result in an additional decrease of 0.0042% and would have a very minimal impact on rates. Stafl s second issue is the lack of documentation ofthe capital projects, as discussed in firther detail in the next section. Staff asserts the Company has a responsibility to the ratepayers to be able to provide sufficient documentation to support capital investments at Boardman, both from a financial standpoint and from an operational standpoint. Staff recommends the Commission require this additional information be available for the next Boardman review, and for all capital investrnents, whether done by the operating partner at the other thermal plants, or by Idaho Power. Prudence of Past Capital lnvestment In its Application, the Company requested $4.98 million in capital investrnents made to Boardman from June 1,2012 through December 31, 2018 be declared prudent and further authorized by the Commission for recovery. These investments amount are reflected in Table 2. 6STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,2019 Table 2: Boardman Investments 2012-2018 Year ldaho Power Share of InYestments 2012 26 $r 63,426 zl) 2013 26 $1,310,858 45 2014 t7 $2,813,8 r 6 45 2015 t2 $229,563 33 2016 l5 9286,744 29 2017 8 $26,499 l5 2018 sl53.222 23 TOTAL 122 $4,984,128 216 However, for several reasons described below, Staff recommends a determination of prudence be delayed until the next balancing account true-up filing, but the cost ofthese investments rernain in the balancing account and in rates so that iffound prudent, customers that gained the benefit ofthese investments will appropriately pay for the cost. There are four primary reasons that Staff recommends a delay for determining prudence. First, the filing schedule supporting the Company's request to update rates, effective January l, 2o20,has limited Staff s ability to fully complete the prudence review as requested by the Company. The plant operator, PGE has completed 122 separate capital projects at Boardman reflecting 2l 6 budget items over the 5% year period. PGE has also potentially included plant investrnents which do not directly align with the plant closure at the end of 2020, or may have benefited an adjacent operating plant directly owned by PGE. The combination of a very limited time schedule and the sheer volume and complexity of investments did not allow Staff to perform adequate due diligence. Second, the Company has been unable to provide adequate documentation to allow Staff to properly perform its due diligence. According to the Company, coordination of documentation is constrained given that the Company defers the management, vetting, and need for capital projects to the operator PGE. Production Response No. 4. The Company also indicates there is limited ability by the Company to influence capital expenditures at the plant due to contractual limitations as a I 07o owner in the plant. Production Response No. 4. Regardless, Staffbelieves the Company is obligated to its customers to assure that capital investments made at Boardman are prudent and reasonable and encourages the Company to rernedy the lack ofreview and availability ofsource information prior to the next case. 7STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,20I9 Proj€cts Budget ltems I l8 Third, complexity of working through both the Company and PGE documentation has led to Company errors. For example, in response to Staff s Production Request No. 6 for Project 27363452, the Company indicated that "ldaho Power's share ofthe Boardman Sulfur Dioxide ('SO2) Controls project cost was approximately $500,000." This conflicts with the $2,77'7 ,774 amount for 2014 that is reflected in spreadsheets for the project contained in a separate production request response. Production Response No. 2 Attachment - Response to Request No.2 - Exhibits and work papers; Tab-2018Adds; Cell F84. This difference leads to a discrepancy of $2.92 million to the balancing account. Finally, as mentioned previously, there was insufficient evidence that projects were needed or completed efficiently and in a least-cost way. To determine prudence, Staffbelieves project source documents such as operational history, regulatory requirements, initial budgets, request for quotes and proposals, contracts, change order requests, schedules, construction status reports, and Company communication are necessary to show need and how capital projects were completed, not just that costs were paid. Staffbelieves that until the Company provides documentation as evidence in order to make their case for prudence, Idaho customers should not be locked into recovery for the investments. Forecast Capital Investment Staffreviewed the update to the Company's forecasted investment of $48,206 in Boardman and recommends this update be reflected in the balancing account. Since initiating the balancing account in 2012, the Company has continued to update its actual plant investment on an annual basis, as well as updating the ranaining yearly forecast of investments through the end ofthe plant's operating life. Staff does not believe any ofthese future investrnents appear to be unreasonable given the remaining life of the plant. In contrast to prior updates, the Company has determined that any plant investment made in 2020 would be expensed because the investments are not needed to extend the life ofthe plant. Rate Verification Staffreviewed the Company's proposed rate change work papers, and believes its proposed changes to rates are reasonable. The Company proposes to refund $ I .06 million associated with Boardman levelized revenue requirement collections to all customer classes through a uniform percentage decrease to all base rate components except the servioe charge. 8STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,2OI9 The Company allocated the decrease related to the Boardman balancing account using the jurisdictional separation study methodology consistent with that used to determine the Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement in Case No. IPC-E-l l-08. The proposed change equates to an overall decrease of 0.09%. Customer Notice, Press Release and Public Comments The Company's press release and customer notice were included with its Application. Staffreviewed the documents and determined that both meet the requirements of Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. The notice was included with bills mailed to customers beginning with the cunent billing cycle (application is dated October 17, 2019) and ending November 29, 2019, providing customers with a reasonable opportunity to file timely comments with the Commission by the Decernber 5,2019 deadline. As of Decernber 4,2019, the Commission had received no public comments. STAFF R.ECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: L The Commission approve the decrease in customer rates of $ I .06 million, reflecting the decrease requested by the Company, to become effective January I , 2020; 2. The Commission defer a determination on prudency of investments through Decernber 31,2018 until a later filing after adequate documentation is available; and 3. The Commission approve inclusion ofthe updated forecast investments to be made through 2020 in the levelized revenue requirernent mechanism, per Order No. 32457. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 5,2019I Respectfully submitted this 2 day of December 2019. >.4"J EdwardJ.(Ulll Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Kathy Stockton Johan Kalala-Kasanda Rachelle Famsworth Bentley Erdwurm Rick Keller i rumisc/cornm€nts/ipcc I 9.32ejklsjkdberk comneots STAFF COMMENTS l0 DECEMBER 5,2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 5th DAY OF DECEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-19-32, BY MAILING A COPY TFIEREOF, POSTACE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail: lnordstrom(Ei oDowcr.com do c ke ts lzr-r idahoDorver.com MATT LARKIN IDAHO POWERCOMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail: mlarkirr(r)i dalropower.com SECRET Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (