HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910927.docx Minutes of Decision Meeting September 27, 1991 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance: Commissioners Joe Miller, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Mike Gilmore, Scott woodbury, Lori Mann, Syd Lansing, Bev Barker, Gary Richardson, Bill Eastlake, Don Oliason and Myrna Walters. Items from the September 27, 1991 Agenda were discussed as follows. 1.  Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated September 27, 1991. Approved. 2.  Beverly Barker's September 25, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Request for Exemption from Rule & Tariff Prohibiting Master Metering. Commissioner Miller repeated Bev Barker's recommendation - that request for an exemption be granted with two conditions.  The Commission should make it clear that the exemption applies to this facility only so long as it is used for assisted-living or similar institutional-type caregiving, and that conversion to other uses may require individual metering.  The other condition we should impose is that the facility must meet the energy-efficient design specifications mentioned in the request for exemption or some other criteria as specified by the Commission Staff. Was curious how we would quantify this energy efficiency condition? Bev Barker said Bill Eastlake has some comments on that.  He looked at the packet of what PP&L did on a similar facility. Bill Eastlake said he did try to get Idaho Power Company involved in this through their DEAP program to get some energy modeling so that Idaho Power could verify that this was energy-efficient.  Didn't have much doubt of that. Commissioner Smith asked if it was too late to get Idaho Power in? Dennis Rattie, Director of Development for Crossings Corporation spoke to that.  Said October 15 is the start of construction.  Have contractor and design system on hold because of the electric end of the project.  That is where they are held up right now.  By the 7th the bidding will be -2- done, to start on the 15th. Commissioner Nelson said he didn't know how long it would take Idaho Power to review it. Commissioner Miller said Commission could pass this and come back to it in half an hour or so so Mr. Rattie, the contractor and Bill Eastlake could discuss it in more detail. Commissioner Smith suggested contacting Idaho Power.   **Keith Hessing was in attendance at this time. Commissioner Smith said that would be a concern of the buyer(metering individually). Mike Gilmore said the decision ought to be recorded. Bill Eastlake explained DEAP only provides money for modeling, not financing. Commissioner Miller instructed the developer, contractor and Bill Eastlake to discuss the matter further and come back. Commissioner Nelson said he liked Mike Gilmore's suggestion. Bev Barker said one of the objections with individual metering is it is going to add $40,000 to the construct cost. **Randy Lobb in attendance. Commissioner Miller said he didn't know the likelihood of this ever being used for anything else since there are no kitchens. Bev Barker said that was the big difference, no kitchen facilities. **Will come back to this item. 3.  Keith Hessing's September 26, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Utah Power and Light Company Request to Modify Electric Service Schedule No. 10 - Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Service and Electric Service Regulation No. 9 - Deposits. Commissioner Miller asked Keith Hessing about suspension of this tariff? -4- Keith Hessing said he thought it would be a good idea to suspend it and work on it. Commissioner Smith said she thought the Eastern Idaho irrigators ought not be treated differently from other customers. Bev Barker said that is current practice. Commissioner Smith said she would like it to be the same as Idaho Power. Commissioner Miller said whatever the Idaho Power Company rule is is the one that should be the UPL rule. Bev Barker explained the matter. Commissioner Nelson asked if we had had complaints from UPL customers? Bev Barker said no. Commissioner Smith said perhaps if this was the current practice, might not want to disturb it. **Bev Barker will mention it to the company people. Commissioner Miller asked about the Idaho Power Company policy? Bev Barker explained. Commissioner Nelson said he was not too anxious to disturb a system that is working. Moved that the tariff be suspended.  Will be so ordered. 4.  Mike Gilmore's September 23, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Rulemaking for Gas Customer Service Standards-Case No. 31.C-R-91-1. Mike Gilmore commented it didn't generate any interest. Commissioner Nelson asked if an engineer had worked through this? Mike Gilmore said it is the gas company's rule.  They just updated it. Bev Barker said staff thought it was a good place to start. -4- Commissioner Miller said he just wanted to make sure it was technically okay with the engineers.  If they don't have a problem with it, it is okay with him. Dave Schunke is to look at this.   **Will be held until next week's decision meeting - Dave Schunke will review in the meantime. 5.  Mike Gilmore's September 24, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Rule Requiring Utilities to Report Accidents--Case No. 31.I-R-91-1. Commissioner Miller asked - did we get to the point where this is basically a consensus? Mike Gilmore said he worked with Idaho Power on this. Commissioner Miller asked - are we going to say to U. S. West it is crazy that you think you are not subject to these? Did we accept the automobile accident exception in industry? Mike Gilmore said yes. Commissioner Miller asked - what did we do about accidents in buildings? Mike Gilmore quoted from the rule. **Only accidents in the State of Idaho. Commissioner Miller said his only concern on the brief description was the list of examples creates the inference that serious injuries of these types occur somewhat routinely.  That was his reaction. Commissioner Smith asked about putting it in the comments. Mike Gilmore said the utilities wanted an example. Suggested putting it in the order rather than the rule. Okayed. Page 2 - Change IV - Stop with the word accident. -5- Okayed rest of item. 6.  Lori Mann's September 24, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Industrial Conservation Program; Case No. IPC-E-91-7. Decision requested:  Should Idaho Power's Partners in Industrial Efficiency conservation program be amended to include special contract customers? Commissioners agreed it should be amended. 7.  Scott Woodbury's September 19, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Atlanta Power Company Winter Tariff Rate--Diesel Generation. Okayed staff recommendation. 8.  Terri Carlock's September 27, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Washington Water Power Company's Request to Issue and Sell up to and including 750,000 Shares of Common Stock - Case No. WWP-S-91-3. Approved application. 9.  Terri Carlock's September 27, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Washington Water Power Credit Agreement, WWP-S-91-4. Commissioner Smith commented about the timing. Commissioner Nelson said on these short term borrowings there is never a statement as to urgency. Approved application. **Extra Item - Beverly Barker's September 6, 1991 Decision Memorandum re:  Response to Subdivision Transmittal Letter from Boise County. After discussion, Beverly Barker asked about making a general statement to the effect that if the county approves a subdivision that has no provision for utility service, it has lots of negative effects. Beverly Barker will draft a letter for the Commissioners' signatures, responding to the notice. 10. Don Howell's 9-26-91 Decision Memorandum re:  Triennial Represcription of U. S. West's Depreciation Rates. -6- Commissioner Nelson said Syd Lansing has convinced him to go along with the company on this. Commissioner Smith said she thought it would be adequate to have Stephanie Miller or Terri Carlock send a letter saying we are not objecting, but we are certainly not accepting. Commissioner Miller asked if we permit this package while revenue sharing is in effect, when it ends, it won't be impossible to go to the other method? Syd Lansing said it is all based on historical data.  It has to be kept.  VG comes first and ELG is added to it. **You always know the lives. Commissioner Miller asked - you wouldn't loose the information? Syd Lansing said he didn't think so.  They get 100% eventually. **Stephanie Miller will do a letter response. DISCUSSION WENT BACK TO ITEM 2 - Exemption from Rule & Tariff Prohibiting Master Metering. Bill Eastlake reported that Idaho Power Company will do a quick DEAP modeling.  Plans will be at Idaho Power first thing Monday morning.  Will look over the plans.  Will have a formal okay Wednesday afternoon or Thursday.  Did recommend approval of the request subject to Idaho Power saying it is energy efficient.  Idaho Power does not have a set of formal standards to meet. Commissioner Nelson said that while he didn't know what about he is talking about, if there is a way to preliminarily wire it so that if there is a need for individual meters, would like that considered.        Contractor spoke to how to put in individual meters.  It is a costly program.  Would have to double wire it to create that situation.  Explained the way they are going to set up the wiring. Commissioner Nelson said he thought if there was an easy way to do it and a tough way to do it, ought to do it in the manner which would facilitate change. -7- Developer spoke to why they were asking for variance form master metering.  This constitutes an unreasonable amount of cost, you couldn't operate this as an independent living facility.  Said they would take a great loss to convert. Commissioner Miller said from an economic point of view it would stay this same kind of facility.  It is unlikely it will ever be an apartment complex open to the public. Contractor went over the design - residents will spend a good portion of their time in the common area.  Philosophy is to get them active, try to increase their independence. Commissioner Nelson said he would okay the request for exemption. Commissioner Smith said okay by her. **Exemption will be granted with conditions.  Idaho Power must certify it energy efficient. Bev Barker asked about how the matter would be handled - letter, order? Commissioner Miller suggested an order. **Order will be issued. Meeting adjourned.         DATED at Boise, Idaho this       day of November, 1991.                           PRESIDENT                           COMMISSIONER                           COMMISSIONER ATTEST:                               Commission Secretary 0066M