HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200116Answer to Comer Reconsideration.pdfSIffi*. An TDACORP CompanY RECEIVED i0?$JAH 16 Pt't 2:25 rrl Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Re Case No. IPC-E-19-28 Jeff Comer vs. ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company's Answer and/or Cross-Petition to Jeff Comer's Petition for Reconsideration Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Answer and/or Cross-Petition to Jeff Comer's Petition for Reconsideration in the above matter. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Nordstrom Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahooower.com LDN:kkt January 16,2020 VIA HAND DELIVERY LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 122'l West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@idahopower.com I}.ECEIVED ; l;r iiH I 6 Pll 2: 25 '- l'#i.iu\i8r,o* Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE FORMAL COMPLAINT OF JEFF COMER AGAINST IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO.IPC-E-19-28 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS. PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 1 RP 331 .05 describes Answers to Petitions for Reconsideration as "pleadings that disagree with a petition for reconsideration, but do not ask for affirmative relief from the Commission's orders . . . ." Because the Company believes the Commission reached the appropriate outcome, it does not technically request "atfirmative relief." However, to the extent the Commission clarifies Order No. 34492 on its own motion under RP 325 or at ldaho Power's request, ldaho Power also characterizes this pleading as a cross-petition to facilitate that result. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) On December 1,2019, Jeff Comer, a customer of ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") served a Petition for Reconsideration ("Petition"). ln his Petition, Mr. Comer asks the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to set aside their current ruling and reconsider Order No. 34492. ldaho Power, in accordance with ldaho Code $ 61-626 and RP 331.02 and 331.05, files this Answer and/or Cross-Petitionl to Jeff Comer's Petition. ldaho Power will (1) provide procedural background as to the requirements for meter aggregation and the case history, (2) provide factual background to statements made by Mr, Comer in his Petition and to Commission Staff's recommendation to deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint, and (3) explain why the Commission should uphold its decision to deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint. ldaho Power believes the Commission reached the correct outcome in Order No. 34492, albeit on different grounds. I. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND On November 19, 2013, the Commission issued Order No. 32925in Case No. IPC- E-12-27 establishing the conditions under which customers could transfer excess net energy credits from the designated on-site generation meter to offset consumption at one or more separate meters - otherwise known as "meter aggregation": '1 . The customer may only apply the excess net energy credits to accounts held by the customer. 2. The aggregated meters must be located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the designated meter is located. Contiguous property includes property that is separated from the premises of the designated meter by the public or railroad rights of way; 3. The designated meter and the aggregated meters must be served by the same primary feeder; and 4. The electricity recorded by the designated meter and any aggregated meters must be for the customer generator's requirements. These criteria were incorporated into ldaho Power's Tariff Schedule 6, Schedule 8, and Schedule 84. ln 2019, Mr. Comer requested to transfer credits from the designated generation meter to two separate residential meters; one meter was his own residential meter and IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 2 the other was the meter located at the residence of Mr. Goodman. Upon review of the request for meter aggregation, ldaho Power determined that the meter at the residence of Mr. Goodman was not located on a contiguous property to the designated generation meter. On February 15, 2019, ldaho power approved the request to transfer credits to the meter at Mr. Comer's residence; however, the Company denied Mr. Comer's request to transfer credits to the meter at Mr. Goodman's residence. On August 6, 2019, Mr. Comer filed a formal complaint against the Company asking the Commission to review ldaho Power's method to determine contiguous property to meet the requirement of criterion 2 of the Company's meter aggregation rules ("Criterion 2"). Criterion 2 states that: "The aggregated meters must be located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the designated meter is located." On October 15, 2019, Commission Staff ("Staff') filed comments recommending the Commission deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint based on criterion 4 of the Company's meter aggregation rules ("Criterion 4").2 Criterion 4 states that: "The electricity recorded by the designated meter and any aggregated meters must be for the customer generator's requirements, " On November 19, 2019, the Commission issued Order No. 34492 denying Mr. Comer's formal complaint based on the requirements for Criterion 4; that is, the electricity recorded by the aggregate meter was not for Mr. Comer's requirements.3 2 "However, the rationale for denying the transfer of credits should have been because the transfer would have violated criteria 4 of the Company's meter aggregation rules, and not because of the Company's interpretation of the term "property." Statf's Comments at 4. 3'Having reviewed the record, we find ldaho Power appropriately denied lVlr. Comer's request to transfer excess net energy credits from the Designated l\4eter to the meter on l\4r. Goodman's property that was in Mr. Comer's name. We make this finding based on criterion 4 of the Company's meter aggregation rules." Order No. 34492 at 4. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 3 On December 1,2019, Mr. Comer filed a Petition for Reconsideration on the basis that the Commission failed to address the complaint."4 On December 26, 2019, the Commission issued Order No. 34520 granting Mr. Comer's Petition for Reconsideration. II. FACTUAL BACKGROUND A. Pro ect Ownershi The Customer Generation Application, included as an attachment to this Answer, was submitted in 2005 by Jack Goodman under the project name of "Good Co Hydroelectric." Jeff Comer was listed as Project Owner/Developer and Jack Goodman was listed as Owner/Authorized Agent with the title of "Co-owner Goodco Hydro," Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Mr. Comer and Mr. Goodman are joint owners of the project. ln his Petition, Mr. Comer states that ldaho Power "worked hand in hand with Mr. Comer and Mr. Goodman and recognized that they were equal partners in this net metering project.% Mr. Comer also states that it was "at ldaho Power Company's direction, Mr. Comer assumed responsibility for Mr. Goodman's account by placing it in his name" and thatthis was "the appropriate method, according to ldaho Power Company, to meet the requirements of aggregation."6 The name change on the account would have been done to meet the requirement for criterion 1 of the Company's meter aggregation rules ("Criterion 1"). Criterion 1 states that, "the customer may only apply the excess net energy credits to accounts held by the customer." The Company does not advise its 1 "ln their effort to reach their decision the Commission first failed to address the complaint itself as well as ldaho Power's response to the complaint." Comer's Petition for Reconsideration at 1. 5 ld. al2. 6 ld. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS.PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 4 employees to coach customers, but rather, the Company's employees are trained to inform customers of the tariff requirements. lf a customercalls the ldaho Power Customer Service Center and requests to close their contract and open a new contract under a different name, the Company would not have reason to question the integrity of the request nor would the Company have a basis to disallow such a request. B. Staffls Recommendation to Denv the Formal Complaint Based on Griterion 4 Commission Staff filed comments recommending the Commission deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint; however, Staff's recommendation to deny was based on a separate criterion than what the Company based its denial of Mr. Comer's request for meter aggregation. Staff recommended the Commission deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint based on Criterion 4 that states: "The electricity recorded by the designated meter and any aggregated meters must be for the customer generator's requirements." ln its comments, Staff recommended the Commission deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint on the basis that, "the transfer would have violated criteria 4 of the Company's meter aggregation rules".7 Staff also stated that, "the Company was correct to not aggregate meters for 2018 because there is no information in the record to show that the electricity recorded at the meter on Mr. Goodman's property was for Mr. Comer's req uirements."s ldaho Power does not necessarily disagree with Staff; however, ldaho Power finds itself in a delicate situation when validating who in fact uses the energy at any premise. ln ldaho Power's Answer to Mr. Comer's complaint, the Company expressed that there 7 StafFs Comments at 4 I ld. al2. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 5 are real challenges associated with the administration of the meter aggregation rules., With regard to who is using the energy, the Company cannot substantiate that the customer generator is in fact using the energy recorded by the aggregate meter if the customer generator so indicates; ldaho Power can only ask if the energy is for the customer generator's use and does not question the veracity of the customer's response. It is reasonable to conclude that Mr. Comer and Mr. Goodman are joint owners of the project. ldaho Power believes the arrangements made between Mr. Comer and Mr. Goodman regarding the extent of their power hydroelectric project and the financial responsibility for the electrical use being recorded for the meters in question are for Mr. Comer and Mr. Goodman to decide. III. THE COMMISSION SHOULD UPHOLD THE PRIOR OUTCOME The Commission should uphold its decision to deny Mr. Comer's formal complaint; however, ldaho Power believes the Commission's denial should be based on the failure to meet the requirements for Criterion 2 - the aggregated meter and the designated generation are not located on contiguous property. A. The lntent of Net Meterinq and Meter Aqqreqation When considering the conditions for which customers would be allowed to apply net metering credits to offset usage on other meters, the Commission established the eligibility requirements to "align with the intent of net metering as an avenue to offset usage while minimizing the potential under-recovery of fixed costs from net metering customers."1o The Commission also stated that "it would be inappropriate to let the customer apply the credits to offset the customer's own usage at another delivery point e ldaho Power's Answer to Complaint at 10 10 Order No. 32925 al5. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS.PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 6 without considering the delivery point's location.ll ln other words, the location of the aggregate meter relative to the designated generation meter was an important consideration even though the credits were to offset the customer's own usage. B. lnterpretation ol lhe fe[m '?rqpedyl by ldaho Power and Mr. Comer ldaho Power denied Mr. Comer's request for meter aggregation on the basis that the designated generation meter and the aggregate meter did not meet the requirements for Criterion 2: "The aggregated meters must be located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the designated meter is located." ldaho Power uses the separate and distinct legal deed of conveyance to determine the boundaries of the property,12 whereas Mr. Comer is combining properties by common ownership to determine the boundaries of the greater property. For reference, the locations of the two meters in question related to Mr. Comer's complaint are shown on Attachment 1 to ldaho Power's Answer to Complaint - the designated generation meter is denoted with a green dot and the aggregate meter at Mr. Goodman's residence is denoted with a blue dot. ldaho Power believes the separate and distinct legal deed of conveyance to determine the boundaries of the property is the basic legal unit of property in ldaho and should represent a "property" for purposes of the tariff. The provisions for meter aggregation set forth in Order No. 32925 do not define property as being the result of combining properties by common ownership to determine the boundaries of the greater property 11 /d at6 12 As described in ldaho Powefs Answer to Mr. Comer's complaint, the Company determines "contiguous property" under Order No. 32925 based on a combination of (a) the Company's GIS facility location maps, and (b) the official county assessoas parcel map. The Company overlays the Company's GIS facility location map with the official county assessor's parcel map to determine the boundaries of each parcel of land where both meter facilities are located. See ldaho Powef s Answer to Complaint at 5. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 7 C. Fair and Consistent Treatment of All Customers ldaho Power endeavors to comply with the tariff requirements outlined by the Commission and attempts to apply those requirements consistently to all customers, regardless of the circumstances. The Company has the challenge of impartially administering all tariff requirements even when the requirements outlined in the tariff are to the disadvantage of a customer in light of their particular circumstan@s. ldaho Power believes it has followed the letter and spirit of Commission Order No. 32925 with its interpretation of the term "property" for the evaluation of the requirements for Criterion 2 for contiguous property. ldaho Power requests the Commission affirm its interpretation of the term "property" for the evaluation of the requirements of Criterion 2. Providing clarity as to the appropriate method to evaluate the criteria established by the Commission for meter aggregation will ensure the Company applies the tariff requirements consistently. lv. coNcLustoN The Company believes the Commission reached the correct outcome in Order No. 34492, albeit on different grounds. ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission affirm the Company's interpretation of the term "property" as it applies to the meter aggregation rules outlined by the Commission in Order No. 32925. Respectfully submitted this 16th day of January 2020. L , NORDS OM Attorney for ldaho ower Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS.PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 8 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 16th day of January 2020 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Jeff Comer 4186 N. 1100 E. Buhl, ldaho 83316 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email comerweldino@icloud.com o Kim rly Towel cutive Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER AND/OR CROSS-PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION . 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.qov BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PC-E-19-28 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER AND/OR CROSS.PETITION TO JEFF COMER'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION ATTACHMENT 3Emmg- llt lDtct, Coo!'.ny i, P,graclNrme lnterconnectlon Application for Small Generators <20 MW D 2. Dercrlption of ecl z IA od ln.Servlc? D.te eT 4. Tol.l P,oisct l{ame Plat6 Rati 5. Enorsy rrenl lntontionl E SollonergyoutprrttoldstEPowBrCompany(llnl!l.oPURPA,o!./.lifrlngF.dlity(OF).pl!l!.rllrchacopyonh!FERC-OFc.0carion) 6.lnltlal f Locallon provldc akstch or m oeral Localion I t Nearost lnt€r5€clion AI Oe, F E. Slgn6ture: Fae (in kW or MW) (lf mulliple units at samo loDadon, add namo plale fatinos ot gach unlt togelhor)l, E Transpod ene.gy outsua outsldo ot he ldaho Powor Cofipany S€rvic6 Te,,itory E[ N.t M.te ng E O{hor (Plca8o d€6c.lbe) B&e.d upon Total Prqed NamE Plato Ratihg (kW), th6 initlal feaslbllity anal!8i8 feE wlll b€: ELLo$ rhan 1,000ld,V-S100 D 1,000thru 10,000 kWL52,OOO E Grssr.rth.n io,l)oo kwjlo,mo fi16 loc wll bo appllad b ln. co!16 ol pr*gtCng Si! lpglGdlon loa lnLrcomoctoo and lor hc hilht h!!$Ily anCr.b ln lho 6venl lho acb.l coatl of ho hillll t *lrllly anryd! orc6.d lhb he. lha apdc.nl \Nlll br ..3pon iuc lo pa!, all addllh.d co.lr- lf .ll.r lhe hi[C Le6unty rrCysl3 b compt.ltd. llte 8p9llc.rll d€cldat lo Ptoca.d w{h u|L prq.d. ddl0oo6l d.liir.d sytlom l.npocl.lrdy cotb. all lnbrconncc{on coa6. and .ny lho *r. t"l a_ho c"u't't 41ru, i^l €ant\Township Range Qr.raner Ssclro. oR srreer Address ,116a *, us F R ur*t D d,rL.- E4ltL Colnpany I t Maillng Address s at"a Mailing Mdrsss Clly o Slato zlp oler ThlB ep*athn ii Bo inlsrcoanscllon €qu.!i. nol a m(u€sl lor lrsolmlolloo aorvlco. Thls rOpllcauon door nol !dd,o!! tha raquLcflrnlg ,or sddllional 3tudic6, snd/orupgradar (o, sry UmgnrltCdr romoa6 lhd n{ghl bc ,oqulrad for dal'voay ol on€rgy to. e t|l].ch.3ca olhcr lhon ldsho Pone, Comprny. Un t., ou, Ogon Acc€rr Tr.nrmlaalon Tad{ rul.., procodura. fur oblahhg llrosmlssim irMari uE po6rad ofl olrl OASIS s{tr Er: hltpifloella.ldahopo!rur @m ' o/40 Nam6 rint)oo H and Compafly aeoCo E OwnerrAuthorized Dat6 $-a.5- o5 () 't -ir' ,NIMIOT.PoIIIER ln,o coiP cofiP,ny 6cl Name lCoho Po*./ Comp.qr Project Description Questionnaire for Small cenerators <20 MW 1 6c>o d 2. Dsscri ion of Energy Source 3. Gengration Data Estimat6d Annual Generation ((kwh) E€timatod Projod Capacity (kW) t3r oo Kt)6d lo il€m 5 ol lhis Non.Dlspatchablo Plant; ErDected Energy Dellveries (kwh) Jan M6r (lf lhe E3linaled ProjEcl Cap.cl(y is ls66 lhan 100 kW,-e5 t( ul load hours I EJlyuro FERC Liceng€ No. or FERC ex€rnption No L.l 2-OO fl wina Numb€r ot Unit6 IUnlt Si!6(s) f] G€othermal D Biofiass or W6sle Source oI Fusl Fuel Type ofFuel 0 Thermal E oter APr May Heaw Load Jun Llght Load Fob sop Oct DscJulAug Hoavy Load Ught Lo.d vy load hou.s are 7:00 a.m. to 11r00 p.m.. Mondsy-Salurday. All day Sunday 6re liaht hou.s) Dispatchable Plant: Prorect Capacity Dispatchability (kW) JunI kw Jan Fsb Mar Di€patchrb16 kW Jul Aug Sop Oct Nov Ooc Total kw Ol6Ditchablo kW Mlnlnrum Baseload Energy to be Oelivered (kwh) Jan Feb Mar Apr Horvy Load -- Mlv LIqht Load Jul sep Nov 0ecOct H..YY Load --Lioht Load - L ht load ho!rs Mav _. Jun Asg I -' 4. Generation Facilitios l\4arirnum Capablllties kVa Cl hv6rter (Wav6 fom data must be provided) Mako Model Voltage Rating Oulpul Ralins Numbgr of Ph6s6s D) St6p Up Translormers: ldaho Power will specily thB osrn€ction ard high-side voltsge, Wlll ldaho Po.r€r Eupply, own, and maintain lh€ slelp up kansform.B?!No E ves Sze Voltsge ! ead Mount E Pole Mount A) rype TotalCapaclly kW (Unlly Pow€r Fscto4 Power Facto. Range E lnductlon Total Capacity kW (At_Pq,ve, Faclor) E DC Gsnerelor wlth lnv6rto'Total Capacity Make Model Wlnding E oerta E wl€Numbor of Unlts Volta0e Nol.: lo mulliple mit installations, if all gener€tors arc nol of the same type, capacity. etc, lbt each unil sepaaately 5. Sin Llnc Dia ranl 6. Other Submilted data lease lisl and attach addltional Provlde a g8narg on singi€.lino m showng all unlt protsction and control 6quipm.nt wilh this appllc6tlon 4<-s Qoo Qtt*t AolCo 0 ,e.oC.l ,,, eA B) Generator Data E Synchronous U B-zi-os I I