HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200814Comment.pdfFrom:Tess Lindberg-Connor
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 10:55:58 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and want to reduce our use of fossil fuels like coal and gas.
Regards, Tess Lindberg-Connor
6224 N Park Meadow WayBoise, ID 83713
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Denise Lundy
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 10:56:20 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
When contemplating your Integrated Resource Plan, as and Idahoan, I encourage you to divest
from fossil fuels and support clean, renewable energy sources that will help combat climatechange, grow Idaho's economy and protect air quality.
Denise Lundy 925 E Garden Ave
Coeur D'alene, ID 83814
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Steve Walker
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 10:59:16 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and want to reduce our use of fossil fuels like coal and gas. I have solar panelson the roof of my house and drive and electric powered vehicle to reduce my carbon footprint.
Idaho Power should not waste money on gas and instead invest heavily in renewable resourceslike solar, wind, and water power. Imagine if everytime we used water there were turbines in
our water pipes generating electricity. I support Idaho Power's clean energy transition andaccelerate this change in Idaho. I believe Idaho Power should exit coal powered plants in the
next 3 years and do much more to encourage and support independent power like customerowned wind and solar systems. We have an abundance of sunshine in Idaho, so let's see solar
on every buildings rooftop and use of turbines in water and sewer systems like Portland,Oregon.
We could be 100% renewable energy by 2030. Why don't we be a leader and aim for thattarget instead?
Steve Walker 4777 S Whitmore Way
Boise, ID 83709
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:jeremy fryberger
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:00:00 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am a human being.
How Democrats Save The World
Given the nonstop firehose of right-wing corruption and cruelty, it’s easy to be overwhelmed
by today’s America. Even easier, though, is losing track of the Big Picture. Thus, let us alwaysstrive to remember the only way that we’ll ever save the world:
At its most fundamental, “Saving The World” is nothing more than replacing ignorance with
awareness; fear, with courage. Sure—easier said than done. Yet, in just four steps, we canbreak down “Saving The World” into straightforward daily activism. Besides, do we have any
other choice? The future of life on earth now hangs in the balance.Frustratingly, no quick fix or “silver bullet” reduces ingrained ignorance. Nevertheless,
Democrats’ road map is mercifully concise: strengthen society. By improving people’scircumstances (thereby reducing feelings of personal insecurity), a population naturally
becomes more open, and thus more exposed to influences that increase awareness andcourage. Although it’s said that a horse can’t be forced to drink, a calm, healthy horse—with
access to water—eventually chooses to drink. Meanwhile, in and of itself, a strengtheningsociety provides countless additional benefits!
Let’s pause for a just a moment. Some will wonder—legitimately—why Democrats must do
all the heavy lifting. Why can’t Conservatives—right now, on their own— access the facts andknowledge that have always been available to everyone? Why should Dems have to rescue
Conservatives? Why do we, alone, need to strengthen society so Conservatives can feel betterabout their lives and reduce their harm against all of us?
Valid points, indeed. Yet, have you ever observed a frightened or terrified horse? Or, moreapropos, an angry mob? Although conservatism’s explanation for The Right’s discomfort and
fear has always been horrifically wrong, such discomfort is nevertheless absolutely real—andendlessly destructive. Let me say that again: Conservatives’ fear and discomfort is undeniably
real—and enormously destructive. Thus, if we don’t grab the reins and save Conservativesfrom themselves—by addressing the true sources of their discomfort—Conservatives will
simply continue destroying all life on earth.
Therefore...what’s the best (and fastest) way to strengthen society? Most of us here alreadyknow: enact good policy—block bad policy. How do we do that? Again, not rocket science:
elect more and better Democrats—and vigorously support (or pressure) all public officials andpublic entities.
FYI—I don’t mean to discount the vast, important and ongoing work by NGOs that addressthe symptoms of bad policy, or the work that exists beyond the edges of politics. In many
ways, these efforts keep society from falling apart. However, elections and legislation alwaysoffer the most widespread approach to battling America’s core disease: ignorance.
We’re more than halfway through this—everyone still with me? Meanwhile, we’ve already
reduced something as complex and unwieldy as “Save The World” to just “Elect MoreDemocrats”. Before continuing, though, we need to briefly discuss a topic that might seem
unrelated: compounding interest.If you’ve forgotten, compounding interest allows even the smallest of investments today—
especially when combined with past and continuous future contributions—to becomeenormous over time; the mix of consistency and patience pays huge dividends down the road.
Truly beautiful, however, is the fact that past contributions, when influenced by compoundinginterest, create their own future contributions. Imagine a snowball that, once started, gradually
rolls itself bigger!Our job, meanwhile—aside from starting new snowballs—is to pack on a bit more snow each
day. Over years and decades, these small, consistent contributions can become unstoppable.Take (Idaho District 26 Rep.) Muffy Davis, for example: we helped form that “snowball” by
working to get Muffy elected; her growing influence as a legislator—and beyond—is thecompounding interest; by supporting Muffy during the Legislature, and also ensuring her
future re-election (i.e. packing on more snow), we grow our initial investment that much faster—even as we turn some of our attention to forming new snowballs.
Now, for this discussion, a daily ‘contribution’ is the effort (or actual dollar donation) that
every Democrat can/should put forth. More specifically, I’m talking about five general tasksof activism:
Rally all Dems to do moreSupport good—and resist bad—legislators/policy
Register and turn out any non-voters inclined to support Dem candidates/policiesSway Independents to our side
Transform other-party supporters into Dem supportersRealistically, just the first three options—maybe four—are continuously available.
Nevertheless, although Trump, the GOP, and the entire conservative movement are currentlytheir own best form of GOP disincentive, we can’t ignore them entirely—because The Right,
of course, has a nasty habit of dishonesty, lawlessness, and harm.As such, ‘resistance’ will always be crucial. Same goes for engaging with conservatives
whenever engagement opportunities arise. Yet, our most important work must always be inrecruiting and managing the tens of millions of voters (and potential voters) who are likelier to
support our cause before any other—and in protecting/strengthening our Democratic Partyelected officials and policies. This is the basic work that we must do EVERY DAY—
I happen to believe that each of us is ultimately here in this life to help reduce suffering byincreasing unity. And, as I just argued, replacing ignorance and fear—i.e. the roots of
suffering and division—with awareness and courage doesn’t have to be any more complexthan increasing the Democratic Party’s vote count. Think of it: things as mundane as voter
engagement and turn-out—combined with consistency, patience, and the nature ofcompounding interest—equal nothing less than “Saving The World”!
What are we waiting for? Why waste any more time (than necessary) worrying about TheRight? They’ll keep doing what those driven by ignorance and fear always do. Meanwhile,
even when the entire world—or just your small corner of it—seems on fire, remember thatyour daily contribution is how we save the world.
jeremy fryberger 151 4th St W
Ketchum, ID 83340
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Sheila Moriarty
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:01:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it means investing in our
Regards, Sheila Moriarty
151 4th St WKetchum, ID 83340
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Crystal Rain
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:02:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it is the way of the future.
We must transition to 100% clean energy as soon as possible in order to avoid the worsteffects of climate change. With Idaho Power's Energy Portfolio already hovering around 70%
clean and an abundance of additional local renewable energy resources, there is nothingstopping IDPCO from reaching 100% clean MUCH sooner than 2045. Markets are already
moving away from fossil fuels and the technology is advancing every day. Please, do your partto ensure that our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to experience a clean,
healthy earth, just like me and you. We can reach 100% clean energy by 2035!
Regards, Crystal Rain
3815 Kay StGarden City, ID 83714
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Karen Steenhof
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:03:12 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and air quality. We need to reduce our use of coal and gas. Idaho Power hastaken steps in the right direction, but they should accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to
clean energy sources. Alternative energy sources will be good for Idaho's economy.
Regards, Karen Steenhof
18109 Briar Creek RdMurphy, ID 83650
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Melvin Melton
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:04:25 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because ...
Melvin Melton 3202 W Camrose Ln
Boise, ID 83706
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Muriel Roberts
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:05:00 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
As an Idaho Power subscriber, I want to state that I encourage Idaho Power to do everything
possible to move from fossil fuels for power generation.
I have been involved in Solarize Pocatello and we have been very successful in encouraginghomeowners to install solar panels. We are working with the city to become 100% dependent
on clean energy.
We appreciate Idaho Power's commitment to a clean energy transition. The sooner the better!
Regards, Muriel Roberts
541 S 7th AvePocatello, ID 83201
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Scott Runkel
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:06:07 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy. From combatting climate change to
reducing air pollution to creating reliable low-cost energy are all reasons to move away fromcarbon-based fuels. Renewables are getting cheaper and are reliable. It is time to secure our
future and phase out fossil fuel energy. The cost of inaction will be far greater than makechanges now.
Scott Runkel 1610 Northridge Dr
Hailey, ID 83333
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Robert Vestal
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:07:05 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because climate change is an
enormous threat to our planet and to all creatures, not just human being. My wife and Iinvested in rooftop solar panels in order to do our part to mitigate the effects of climate change
and reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources. We encourage Idaho Power tobe a leader in this effort and to abandon policies that discourage residential and commercial
conversion to solar energy.
Regards, Robert Vestal
2021 N Stoneview PlBoise, ID 83702
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Elizabeth Jeffrey
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:08:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy for Idaho and the nation because our
continued mining, transportation and burning of fossil fuels has contributed huge percentagesto our present climate crisis. This is a crisis I would like to outlive and have my grandchildren
outlive but fossil fuels must remain in the ground NOW and going forward if we have achance at our continued good fortune of living on this resilient earth.
I support Idaho Power's transition to clean energy but it is necessary to speed up this timelineand not continue to waste time and money on fossil fuel development and use. Let's move this
energy transition on and move it on more quickly!
Regards, Elizabeth Jeffrey
201 3rd Ave NHailey, ID 83333
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Jody Mahnken
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:09:06 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer. I support clean energy because the climate is heating up
affecting all life. Our air, water and lands are polluted which affects our health and futuregenerations. Idaho Power offers 100% energy from non- fossil fuel sources.
Jody Mahnken 4140 Oxbow Way
Boise, ID 83713
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Leah Victorino
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:10:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I want to see our state
investing in the energy infrastructure of the future. It is clear that technology will continue to move us to more economical options in wind and
solar, raw resources which we find here in our own state. Idaho had the opportunity to make astrong commitment to not only the ecological and ethical sourcing of power, but to do so with
fair, reasonable prices. The energy transition is here and it is not going anywhere. Please don't attempt to use low
power prices for customers as an excuse for not keeping up with the times. Have prudence andknow that many of us Idaho Power customers are seeking more sustainable energy with the
understanding that power rates that are so low that they sacrifice our natural resources andquality of life are falsely priced. There are absolute costs associated with any action that
degrades or disturbs our land, water, and air, whether we feel it now, or later when it's at amuch higher cost. Personally, our family, along with many of our neighbors', are in favor of
paying fair prices for clean energy and a clean conscience that doesn't sacrifice our children'sfuture.
Leah Victorino 2112 Madison Ave
Boise, ID 83702
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Michelle Reagan
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:11:23 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it's clean! We have very
viable alternatives to fossil fuels in solar and wind and it is time make the change!Climate change is the biggest existential threat to people and it is time to make the right
choices for future Idahoans. Lets accelerate the change from fossil fuels including gas tosustainable energy production. Accelerating this change is critical to have any impact on
climate change, it's good for the locals, and it's good for the future generations.
Regards, Michelle Reagan
210 Little Pond CtMccall, ID 83638
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Scott Reagan
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:12:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because It’s the only option that
internalizes the true cost of energy. Negative externalities from non-renewables like airpollution, co2, fish deaths, etc. must end as quickly as possible if we want a healthy
environment for future generations. Couple this imperative with the fact that solar and windare now basically at price parity with fossil fuels for large tenders and rapidly falling - there
really is no reason to not accelerate the transition away from non-renewables immediately.Any new fossil fuel plants will be stranded assets in the near future. Battery storage + solar
can run circles around fossil fuel peaker plants operationally, and with battery prices beingdriven down via large deployments like the Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia and
smaller utility+residential battery programs like Vermont’s Green Mountain Power, it’sobvious that the writing is on the wall for non-renewables. Let’s embrace the future now and
have a more resilient and clean grid.
Regards, Scott Reagan
495 Deinhard LnMccall, ID 83638
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Mary Pielstick
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:13:06 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because we have the science to
move from using fossil fuels. Idaho needs to be a leader in the energy industry and begin nowto help stop the exorbitant pollution created by fossil fuel. The technology has been available
for quite some time and it is now to implement new programs. I love Idaho and want it to beas clean as possible for the length of my life and for those whom follow. Be the leader.
Mary Pielstick 1415 5th St N
Nampa, ID 83687
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Todd Achilles
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:14:17 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it makes economic sense in
the short-term and climate sense in the long-term. Given Idaho's renewable energy abundance,Idaho Power should be a national leader in zero-carbon generation.
Todd Achilles 113 Paint Brush
Sun Valley, ID 83353
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Jason Marenda
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:15:08 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I believe in being a good
steward in what we have been given. Even if you don't think that climate change is man-made,I don't think that you can argue that developing and using clean energy is being a better
steward of what we have been given than the alternative which is using fossil fuels like coaland gas.
Jason Marenda 2260 Winterhaven Dr
Hailey, ID 83333
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Michael Haseltine
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:16:19 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because, well, for one, it's cheaper
now than any alternatives like coal or natuaral gas, but also because it's cleaner, like it's namesays. Hope you all are listening!
Michael Haseltine 1110 E 7th St
Moscow, ID 83843
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Joanie Fauci
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:17:14 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy. I am happy that Idaho Power plans
to become cleaner and greener than it currently is. But I feel it could do more.
Idaho Power should divest from all coal plants as quick as possible. We do not need to keeppaying for these legacy, pollution machines. Let them go, mothball them, whatever, and do it
sooner than 2030.
Wind and solar have seen tremendous growth in the past few years. It’s clean, green, andlocal. Idaho Power should invest more in these technologies. And since we have so much
capacity for this locally, we don’t need to spend so much on the huge Boardman toHemingway transmission line. That is a total waste of money. Why not keep using the existing
lines? We don’t need this whole new grid. We don’t need out of area power. We just need tomonitor, police, and provide our power more efficiently. Idaho Power needs to think and
provide in new ways. It’s time to adjust to the newer technologies and methodologies forproviding power. There are resources out there on how to do so. You don’t need to recreate
the wheel. Other utility companies have already been doing this. Move away from the oldmentality of large scale and learn how to provide locally.
Thanks for listening and I hope to see some change.
Joanie Fauci 2944 Hillway Dr
Boise, ID 83702
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Michelle Ough
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:18:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because, growing up on the
Spokane river in Post Falls, I came to love Idaho’s natural beauty; of which there is anabundance. Even on the most stagnant and still days, the air was still so clean and clear. I
moved to Boise Idaho recently and have found even more beauty to appreciate, and I am sograteful that Idaho Power offers the green energy program, but I’d love to see it expanded or
made even more available. I would also love to see Idaho Power invest in more solar optionsor make those available so we can all use one of the best Boise resources: the gorgeous
sunshine. Idaho has always had a culture of rugged independence, and by investing in localclean energy, can be even more independent and self reliant as a state.
Michelle Ough 10930 W Tidewater Ct
Boise, ID 83713
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Elizabeth Jeffrey
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:19:12 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and, during our COVID epidemic, I have seen the costs of not
acting quickly and fully enough to respond to a known danger. I believe we need to focus ourefforts on clean and renewable energy completely and quickly if we are to be successful in
cutting our carbon footprint sufficiently to meet the goals set by international climatescientists.
Although gas and propane are a cleaner source of energy than coal, we need to stop takingfossil fuels out of the ground and attempting to transport them long distances - where they
eventually cause environmental damage. We have affordable and positive alternatives at agood price!
At a time when Idaho Power has worked at shutting down (the benefits of) local renewable
power (ie rooftop solar) at or near its end use and is now looking to cut through 350 milesworth of open land for power poles from Oregon, I hope the PUC can see its way clear to see
the economic and environmental costs of not moving forward with a better, cleaner, renewableenergy structure for Idaho's future and vote/mandate accordingly.
Elizabeth Jeffrey 201 3rd Ave N
Hailey, ID 83333
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Teri Turner
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:20:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because the planet is warming due
to human carbon dioxide emissions. Time is running out to mitigate the damage caused byburning fossil fuels. I purchase Green Power from Idaho Power, but I want coal and gas
eliminated from my power mix as soon as possible, while providing fair and just transition forcoal and gas workers.
Teri Turner 3678 S Caleb Pl
Meridian, ID 83642
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Brady Turner
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:21:12 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because we need to protect our air,
water and climate. We can’t wait to move away from fossil fuels, we need to do it now, soIdaho Power needs to make this transition sooner. We don’t need to invest in more fossil fuel
generation (e.g. more gas plants) and we need to support Idahoans who are impacted by thetransition.
Brady Turner 3678 S Caleb Pl
Meridian, ID 83642
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Michael Larkin
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:22:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
Wind and solar are becoming increasingly cheaper. I would hope Idaho Power would convert
to renewable energy sooner than 2045. Climate change is advancing faster than most of theexperts predicted and we should all convert to renewable energy as soon as possible.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Regards, Michael Larkin
7505 W Portneuf RdPocatello, ID 83204
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Richard Skinner
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:23:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it is long term The most
efficient And lowest cost, lower maintenance cost and requirements and helps protect theenvironment.
Richard Skinner 353 S Haines St
Boise, ID 83712
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Ted McManus
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:24:18 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy. It is good for our economy, our
health, and the future of our state. Please move forward with clean energy. No more coal!
Also, I support incentives to homeowners who use their homes and hard earned income tosupply energy to the grid. This should be rewarded as it saves us all money.
Thank you.
Ted McManus 1045 Valley Rim Rd
Mccall, ID 83638
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Christine Sugg
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:25:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer; and I support the quest to develop local clean energy and help
Idahoans save energy.
Idahoans have already seen changes in climate. These continued escalating changes willincrease the impact rising temperatures is making, including impacts: on the health of
Idahoans; threatening various agriculture enterprises; and raising the frequency and intensityof wildfires.
And each one of these impacts comes with a personal human toll and an economic cost to all
of us. Therefore, it is imperative that Idaho transitions to clean energy as soon as possible.
I urge you to require Idaho Power to:
Move up the date to transition to clean energy
Look for and utilize the resources available within Idaho, rather than from other states
Based on the history of service, innovation, and dedication that began in 1916 and on thestrength of Idaho Power and IDACORPS, I believe that Idaho Power has the inherent capacity
to achieve these goals and bring Idaho to the forefront in clean energy using Idaho resources.
Thank you for your consideration of my submission.
Regards, Christine Sugg
11490 W Cumberland River DrNampa, ID 83686
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Melinda Quick
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:26:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer, Idaho citizen, and I care about combating climate change,
growing Idaho’s economy, and protecting our air quality.
I commend Idaho Power's dedication to clean energy and support local clean energy whilehelping Idahoans save energy.
I am concerned about climate change and want to reduce our use of fossil fuels like coal and
gas. Idaho Power should not waste money on gas and instead invest in local Idaho resources.
I support Idaho Power's clean energy transition and want them to accelerate this change inIdaho.
Melinda Quick 910 Main St
Boise, ID 83702
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Scott Friedman
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:27:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support 100% clean energy because of worsening climate
change and the pollution caused by fossil fuels which affect cardiovascular risk. Clean energyhas become cheaper than fossil fuels. Please do not invest in more gas plants. Please partner
with customers who have independent power sources. This is where our communities want togo. Please also consider working with INL to get federal funding for geothermal energy, a
resource that is accessible in our state. Let us accelerate our withdrawal from fossil fuels forthe future of our children.
Scott Friedman 100 Sun Valley Rd
Sun Valley, ID 83353
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Jane DeChambeau
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:28:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I know first-hand how
quickly the transition brings benefits to family homes.
Since 2016, we have installed solar panels and upgraded our heating and cooling system.Without a doubt, our home is warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, without any
increase in our usage. In fact, over the last twelve months we have produced more energy thanwe used.
Because this happened quickly and easily at our house, I am confident Idaho Power can
transition to clean energy long before 2045.
Clean energy is an important step in managing climate change. Accelerating Idaho Power’stransition to clean energy will help Idaho lower its usage of fossil fuels. Plus, clean energy
keeps our energy dollars in Idaho.
Transitioning to clean energy helps all Idahoans. Please support making clean energy the toppriority for all of Idaho’s power companies.
Jane DeChambeau 1479 Rimrock Ct
Boise, ID 83712
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Richard Hibson
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:29:11 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I'm concerned about being
dependent on out of state sources. I'm also concerned about any sources that include naturalgas that comes from fracking
Richard Hibson 502 S Saxton Ave
New Plymouth, ID 83655
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Libby Burter
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:30:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because our environment and public
health requires clean air. As a RN for many decades, I saw firsthand how poor air qualitydiminished health of those with asthma, allergies and other pulmonary compromised
conditions. As a school nurse, we would need to alter outdoor activities based on air quality.
Fossil Fuels are expensive and harmful. I am happy to see your clean energy transitions plans,but please accelerate our exit from fossil fuel power sources. Twenty years is too long to wait.
Libby Burter 3065 Bonview Dr
Boise, ID 83712
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Lucian Davis
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:31:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
As an Idaho Power customer, I am writing to urge Idaho Power to commit to entirely clean
energy immediately, and to thank you for the commitments you have made so far. Investing in clean energy will help Idahoans save money, and protect the land and ecosystems
many of us live here to enjoy. Climate change is a serious threat to the health and wellbeing ofIdahoans and our planet. As a student studying conservation biology, I know too well how
climate change will devastate our ecosystems. We are already seeing these effects with longerfire seasons and hotter, more destructive fires.
Divesting from coal plants is a fantastic first step, but building new gas plants adds to theproblem. I urge Idaho Power to divest from all fossil fuels, and fully invest in renewable
energy like solar, and to do so as soon as possible. We do not have time to wait.Thank you for your consideration and for your commitments to clean energy.
Lucian Davis 2619 S Holden Ln
Boise, ID 83706
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Louisa Evers
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:32:11 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am greatly concerned
about how greenhouse gas emissions are changing our climate. I have installed solar panels onmy rooftop, and replaced my windows with ones that promote energy efficiency. I support
Idaho Power's move towards clean energy, but believe they can do more and move faster.Idaho Power should spend less on investing in natural gas and more on solar, wind, and
possibly small-scale hydropower. There should be more incentives to replace older electricalequipment and appliances with more energy efficient alternatives to both reduce the rate of
increase in electrical use and Idaho Power's subsequent need to build more generatingfacilities, and to save Idaho Power customers money. Climate change is not only in the future;
it is now. Evidence includes changing fire season severity; more intense rainstorms; hottersummers; milder winters; greater variability in snowpack and subsequent water for domestic,
agricultural, and commercial use; less certainty in agricultural growing seasons; and the spreadof invasive plants, especially annual grasses.
Louisa Evers 17826 Mountain Springs Ave
Nampa, ID 83687
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Linda Erdmann
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:33:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because it is the future for our local
and global economy. Clean energy will bring jobs (stimulate the economy), health (saving onhealth care costs), slow and hopefully stop climate change saving lives and the health of our
planet. Idaho is a pioneering state that can move faster to meet clean energy goals. Shut downcoal and support independent power.
Linda Erdmann 110 Wood River Dr
Ketchum, ID 83340
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Ted McManus
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:34:24 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am a resident of McCall and an Idaho Power customer. I have a rooftop solar system and
have made a significant investment to help move our state toward clean energy and energyindependence.
It is of the utmost importance that you maintain the ability of customers to earn credits fromthe generation of clean solar energy through its transfer to Idaho Power. This is the most cost
effective and efficient way for our society to create energy for homes.Please do not take a step backward and support coal-fired or gas-powered power plants OVER
residential solar. We need to move into the future with confidence and a way that makeseconomic sense.
Through the creation of solar on our roofs, we can move toward our goals of being free offossil fuels much more quickly.
Please EMPOWER HOMEOWNERS to move in the direction of rooftop solar. Give themincentives, not disincentives.
Ted McManus 1045 Valley Rim Rd
Mccall, ID 83638
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Elizabeth Jeffrey
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:36:05 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I am concerned about Idaho Power's Integrated Resource
Plans going forward. Idaho Power's plans for cutting out cool burning is to slow in cutting our burning of dirty
fossil fuels and significant greenhouse gas emitters. Equally, their intentions to use new gasplants instead of moving immediately to the cleaner, renewable and less expensive energy
sources so plentiful in Idaho makes no sense to its customers or to our climate crisis. Whyfurther develop infrastructure that we are fully aware will cause damage to our planet and our
future when we can and should move immediately to the future of clean renewables?!!Their plans also ignore the desired and logical inclusion of utilizing local renewable energy
sources to its full. As a customer and a resident, I would like Idaho Power to put more energyand creativity into developing a partnership relationship with its many distant and rural
customers who would like to contribute their local solar and wind energy collection to the mixof reliable power.
I support clean energy because I care about my family, my community, state, nation andcivilization. I would like the PUC and Idaho Power to listen to its customers and do the same.
Elizabeth Jeffrey 201 3rd Ave N
Hailey, ID 83333
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:jeremy fryberger
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:37:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because ...
jeremy fryberger 151 4th St W
Ketchum, ID 83340
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Mel Jackson
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:38:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I applaud the company's efforts to move to greener sources
of energy. However, they could do it faster. It makes no sense to import dirty coal fromWyoming. Clean sources of energy (wind, solar, hydro) will ensure a healthier planet and will
give us better air to breath here locally in Idaho. Also, there will be positive economic benefitsin terms of job creation. Finally, encourage the utilities to allow individuals to generate their
own clean energy and the ability to interconnect into the grid. Such a distributed model ismuch more efficient than dealing with 40-year old centralized coal plants that lose money
every day they are open (yet we rate-payers still must subsidize). Thank you.
Regards, Mel Jackson
1353 E Corniche CtBoise, ID 83706
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Emily Mendes
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:38:44 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because we are in a new era of
being. humans are changing the way that they think and do. Part of that change is living moresustainably and taking less raw material from the earth. We can do that through solar power,
which is never ending, and storage of that power for when it is cloudy. We can do that throughwind and water. How amazing we can use the elements to create energy.
Emily Mendes 4172 Libby Ln
Boise, ID 83705
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Danette Phelan
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:39:18 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and the future of our state, country and planet. I care about supporting localclean energy and conservation.
The time is now and we have no time to waste. Please invest in local Idaho clean energyresources and let's move toward a cleaner future for us all.
Thank you.
Regards, Danette Phelan
6213 S Survival PlBoise, ID 83716
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Matthew Archibald
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:40:03 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I believe we need to do all
we can to protect the environment. What if we could retrofit every house in Idaho with solar?!Think of all the jobs it would provide! It would foster energy independence and be better for
the environment than coal or nuclear power. I know that there are infrastructure and technicalaspects that I'm not aware of. I just hope that this type of thinking is being considered in your
discussions. Thank you very much for all you do for us. We appreciate it! Please continue beforward-thinking and conisder the environment as a priority.
Matthew Archibald 820 S Main St
Hailey, ID 83333
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Kimberly Beswick
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:41:01 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support an accelerated transition to clean energy.
Clean energy is also local energy, hydro, solar, wind are all local resources, and greatly reduce
the health/environmental effects created by coal.
Climate change is a reality, investing in clean energy technology, infrastructure is good forIdaho's economy and economic independence.
Creating a clean energy future benefits Idaho today and ensures that we are doing our part as
well to create a sustainable, secure future for future generations.
Regards, Kimberly Beswick
12436 N Upper Ridge PlGarden City, ID 83714
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Ted Stout
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:42:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
The on-going pandemic has affected all of our lives. Epidemiologists had predicted this event
for many years but it was mostly ignored by our leaders. Similarly climate change is alreadyimpacting all of our lives and will continue to do so in ever more dramatic ways unless we
take action. I applaud Idaho Power for taking action to move to renewable sources of power. Iencourage you to take further action before it is too late.
Please encourage and support local clean energy. Also, accelerate the transition to sustainable,
low carbon forms of energy.
Regards, Ted Stout
310 1st StBellevue, ID 83313
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Linda Engle
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:43:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
Because of the climate crisis, it is very important to me and my family that all our new
electricity comes from renewable solar and wind coupled with storage. With Idaho's abundantsun and wind it is economically feasible to do this without building new gas plants.
Additionally please revise your community solar policies to make lower and middle income
families able to afford solar.
The fate of my children's, and grandchildren's happiness is in your hands. Many thanks foryour past efforts.
Linda Engle 340 S 11th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83201
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for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Rene Rodriguez
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:44:23 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean renewable energy. I think small customer
solar and wind should be a part of the move to renewables by 2030. Old and proposedroadblock to doing this should be removed.
Rene Rodriguez 541 S 10th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83201
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:45:08 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because ...I care about our future
and my children’s future on a stable planet. Thank you for supporting home power generation.
PAUL ALLEN 7961 W Pocatello Creek Rd
Pocatello, ID 83201
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Keith Reinhardt
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:46:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy. Also, I support Idaho Power's
commitment to exit coal by 2030 but not their plan to build a natural gas peaker plant as aninterim solution. Furthermore, I support the inclusion of customer generated power as a
component of Idaho's Clean Energy Future.
Regards, Keith Reinhardt
356 S 8th AvePocatello, ID 83201
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Jeffrey Brookman
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:47:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and recently learned that you plan to exit coal power plants by
2030. I applaud this action. However, I also understand you plan to build a natural gas peakerplant as an interim solution and think that this is misguided; it is a higher cost solution than
alternatives, namely renewable energy with battery storage.
Here is an article of one your competitors using renewable energy production + batterystorage: https://ieefa.org/nextera-gas-fired-peaker-plants-cannot-compete-with-new-battery-
Please use 21st era technology and use renewable energy and battery storage rather than anatural gas peaker plant. We would all be better served and have lower costs.
Thanks, Jeff
Jeffrey Brookman 20 Purdue Ave
Pocatello, ID 83201
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Tyler Harris
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:49:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because nothing matters more to our
future survival. Climate change is clearly becoming an existential threat and Idaho Power caneither be proactive or spend millions trying to catch up to regulations once lawmakers awaken
from their Trump induced slumber. We have one of the best solar power generation fields inthe US and it is absurd we are abandoning development to pay off outdated coal technology.
Wake up.
Regards, Tyler Harris
646 Granite WayBoise, ID 83712
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Muriel Roberts
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:50:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer. I want us all to work to reduce our use of fossil fuels to slow
down climate change.
I support local clean energy and helping Idahoans save energy. I have worked to helpPocatellans install solar panels through "Solarize Pocatello."
I applaud Idaho Power's commitment to generate power without using coal. I would encourage
the transition to be more rapid than the current plan.
Regards, Muriel Roberts
541 S 7th AvePocatello, ID 83201
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Kevin Studley
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:51:02 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I care about the world
future generations will inhabit. This year has shown us how fragile and toxic our globaleconomy is. We need a future where conservation and clean energy are as important equality
and liberty for all people. Conservation needs to be the first component for a clean energyplan, followed by renewable energy, while using fossil fuels as a supplement to transition
away from carbon-heavy energy forms.
I am very concerned about climate change and the impact it will have for future generations.We are already seeing and living through the impacts of a volatile, human-induced change to
our global atmosphere. I support Idaho Power's clean energy transition and would like to seemore urgency in this plan. I would also like to more of a reduction in fossil fuels such as coal
and gas, and more emphasis on wind and solar energy. If conservation is the head of a futureenergy plan, we should not have to continue to build power plants for energy-hungry
Regards, Kevin Studley
405 Floyde StMccall, ID 83638
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From:Julie Sheen
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:52:05 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because our future depends on it.
Getting off coal by 2030 is a worthy goal, but Idaho Power can and needs to move muchfaster. We need to combat climate change be developing renewable energy. Let's get off coal
Regards, Julie Sheen
147 Ellsworth RdPocatello, ID 83202
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under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Tyler Lobdell
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:53:05 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy programs that will accelerate
Idaho's transition to a zero-emission, sustainable energy future. In particular, I supportinitiatives that promote and incentivize geothermal, wind, and solar (and attendant battery
storage and other creative storage solutions). This includes net metering for Idaho Powercustomers, to incentivize dispersed solar power generation--especially given southern Idaho's
bounty of sunny days.
Further, I do not support the use or promotion of "biogas," sometimes called "renewablenatural gas," sourced from large animal agricultural operations. This is not a clean or
sustainable source of gas, and will incentivize the pollution of Idaho's world-classenvironmental resources and will hurt small, independent, family farmers who already have to
compete on an unfair playing field against large agribusiness. Monetizing this waste streamrewards operations for their irresponsible production models, and misses the true solutions at
our fingertips. Capturing methane from large animal agribusiness, which is only a problematicemission because these facilities have opted for a production model that puts too many
animals on too few acres and forces excessive amount of manure into anaerobic lagoons andother unnatural storage facilities. Pasture-based farms do not have this major problem of
adding a powerful GHG into the atmosphere from animals' waste, because manure is addeddirectly to pasture where it decomposes in aerobic conditions, and such practices should be
Thank you for consideration of my comments. Idaho can be a leader in developing asustainable energy system, if the Commission takes the task seriously and for the benefit of
our grandchildren and beyond.
Regards, Tyler Lobdell
3449 S Norfolk WayBoise, ID 83706
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From:Fredrick Birt
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:54:21 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because ...my nieces and their
children deserve a livable environment as much as we do. While I applaud you for the stepsyou have taken for clean energy, I encourage these timelines to be sped up. Also, ignoring
customer-owned solar systems is shortsighted and I encourage you to reconsider this currentpolicy. Thank you!
Fredrick Birt 4619 W Morris Hill Rd
Boise, ID 83706
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Mark Berria
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:55:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because ...
Mark Berria 565 E Greencreek Ct
Eagle, ID 83616
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Joshua Cline
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:56:04 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and am writing to express my support for clean energy in our
state. Our household has tried to walk the walk by participating in their “Green Power”program; however, we’d like to see even more. We’d gladly support more investments in
clean power solutions happening right here in Idaho. We applaud Idaho Power’s efforts thusfar, and hope they’ll take bold steps to ensure a sustainable and clean energy future for all of
us. Thank you for your time!
Regards, Joshua Cline
920 W 11th StMeridian, ID 83642
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:57:06 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because the future health of the
planet, and it being able to sustain life as we know it, depends on us moving to a zero carbonfootprint, especially with regards to electric power generation.
Idaho Power needs to embrace distributed clean energy production: wind, solar, andhydrothermal. This means supporting and encouraging customer owned and operated small
scale production. Such production helps reduce the need for peak power demand energyproduction via natural gas fueled facilities. Even though natural gas is cleaner than coal, it still
emits C0_2, and unless Idaho Power has plans to capture and sequester this stream, gas plantsare only a stop-gap measure in reaching zero CO_2 emissions.
Last year Idaho Power tried to dis-incentivize customer based solar energy production. Don'tlet them succeed on this ploy to increase their profit margins.
Pocatello, ID 83201
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Susan Rost
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:58:03 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because clean energy insures clean
air. Clean air is one of the great benefits Idaho has to offer. I left California in 1974 becausethe air quality was so bad there. I moved to Idaho because of its clean air. Now as I age
breathing clean air is more important than ever to me. Our health and the health of ourchildren is affected by the air we breath. There is a direct correlation between the air we breath
and our health. You have the ability to keep the air we breath clean by supporting andproviding wind and solar power instead of coal and gas generating power. Thank you for
moving in the direction of ensuring that our air quality continues to improve rather thancausing it to decline.
Susan Rost 14073 Morell Rd
Mccall, ID 83638
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Nan Cluss
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 11:59:22 AM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and feel it is imperative for us as a local community to do everything possibleto reduce our use of fossil fuels. Now. Idaho Power should focus on investing in local Idaho
resources and accelerate the Idaho Power clean energy transition.
Regards, Nan Cluss
2645 N 3826 EHansen, ID 83334
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Susan Whiting
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 12:00:03 PM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am very concerned about
climate change, and believe Idaho Power should accelerate it's clean energy transition. Todayis a very hot sunny day that underscores to me the amazing clean power supply we have in
abundance right here in Idaho. Let's use it.
Regards, Susan Whiting
1716 N 9th StBoise, ID 83702
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Shannon Ansley
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 12:01:23 PM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because I am concerned about
climate change and continued burning of fossil fuels. We must stop depending on fossil fuels.Peaker plants are already a thing of the past and Idaho Power should not be investing money
in such plants. The time to accelerate change is now, now, now. Please.
Best regards,Shannon Ansley
Shannon Ansley 424 S 7th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83201
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.
From:Sarah Halperin
To:Jan Noriyuki
Subject:Comment re: Idaho Power"s 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. IPC-E-19-19
Date:Friday, August 14, 2020 12:02:08 PM
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
I am an Idaho Power customer and I support clean energy because without clean energy we
will not have a planet to live on. Tackling climate change will benefit all Idahoans. Cleanenergy is the future and companies that transfer now will benefit in the long run. I hope Idaho
power sees that and adopts new technologies before it is too late.
Regards, Sarah Halperin
517 Archer StBoise, ID 83706
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.