HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200701Motion and Update Boardman Project.pdfRECT.IVEB ?$?$ JUL - I Pl{ 3: 25 , , , i:,i.i'cffiHu'*n sEm. An TDACORP Company LISA D. NOROSTROT Load Counrcl I nordstrom@ida hooourer.conr July 1,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-19-19 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan ldaho Power Company's Motion to Suspend and Update Regarding Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project Dear Ms. Hanian Attached for electronic filing in the above matter is ldaho Power Company's Motion to Suspend and Update Regarding Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, X; !.z("t-t -*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sdh Aftachment LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 ! n ordstrom @ id ahop ower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBL!C UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 201 9 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN CASE NO. IPC-E-19-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE AND UPDATE REGARDING BOARDMAN TO HEMINGWAY TRANSMISSION L]NE PROJECT ldaho Power Company (ldaho Power or Company), in accordance with Procedural Rule 056, hereby moves the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) suspend the procedural schedule in the above-captioned case. ldaho Power seeks this suspension to allow time for ldaho Power to conduct a comprehensive review of the Company's Integrated Resource Plan (lRP) modeling. As described in more detail below, ldaho Power has experienced complications in its efforts to implement a new modeling approach in this proceeding. While ldaho Power has previously amended the initialfiling, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and has provided further corrections and revisions, the Company has identified additional issues that require additional diligence to ensure accuracy of certain aspects of the IRP analysis. For this reason, ldaho Power has initiated a systematic audit of the Company's IRP modeling in consultation with ldaho Powe/s internal audit division, to ensure the reliability of the IRP results. ldaho Power commits to concluding this audit and proposing a revised procedural schedule in this proceeding by no later than July 31 ,2A2O. ldaho Power has consulted with Commission Staff and they do not oppose the Company's requested suspension. ln addition, ldaho Power wishes to provide an informational update related to the Boardman to Hemingway S00-kilovolt transmission line project (B2H). The B2H co- participants are exploring several scenarios of asset and service arrangements aimed at maximizing the value of the project to each of the co-participants' customers. Those negotiations are ongoing, and ldaho Power expects those discussions to continue for the foreseeable future. However, as part of the negotiations, the B2H co-participants are exploring a potential change in the project's ownership arrangement, whereby ldaho Power would acquire Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) ownership share and provide transmission service to BPA's southeast ldaho customers. Because this ownership arrangement would include a commitment by BPA to fund the incremental cost of ldaho Power's increased ownership percentage through a long-term purchase agreement, the 21 percent ownership percentage assumed in the Amended 2019 IRP continues to provide a reasonable basis for least-cost, least-risk planning for the time being. While the negotiations are still in an exploratory stage, ldaho Power is providing this update at this time because BPA plans to discuss the possible ownership IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 2 arrangement with its southeast ldaho customers and ldaho Power believes the Commission would benefit from the background information provided herein. I. MOTION TO SUSPEND PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE 1. ldaho Powerfiled its original IRP on June 28, 2019. Atthe recommendation of ldaho Power's lntegrated Resource Planning Advisory Council, ldaho Power's IRP used a Capacity Expansion Modeling (CEM) approach to build and optimize alternative portfolios. Specifically, the Company employed the Long-Term Capacity Expansion (LTCE) tool in AURORA, which allows for portfolios to dynamically adjust based on the impacts of new capacity additions and other factors. 2. Subsequent to this initial filing, the Company identified an issue related to the CEM approach, which required the Company to perform additional modeling to confirm the accuracy of the IRP's conclusions. The LTCE model had optimized portfolios for the entire Western Electricity Coordinating Council WECC) region, rather than for ldaho Power's system in particular. For this reason, on July 19, 2019, ldaho Power notified the Commission of the need to perform supplemental analysis to ensure that the IRP yielded a leastcost, least-risk solution specific to ldaho Power's service area, and asked thatthe Commission refrain from adopting a proceduralschedule untilan amended IRP could be filed. 3. ldaho Power filed its Amended lRP on January 31,2020. This Amended IRP identified eight modifications to the original lRP,1 and implemented a new manual modeling step to ensure that the LTCE results yielded the best possible economic and reliability outcomes for ldaho Power's system and customers. lmportantly, these changes 1 See Cover Letter to Amended 2019 IRP at 1-2 (Jan. 31,2020) (setting out the eight specific changes). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 3 resulted in only two modifications to the preferred portfolio's near-term 2019-2026 Action Plan: (1) the removal of the Franklin Solar facility, and (2) the addition of 5 megawatts (MW) of demand response in 2031, rather than in 2026. 4. Subsequently, on May 29, 2020, the Company provided a correction to the IRP related to the costs associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant (Bridger). The need for this correction was identified while preparing a response to a discovery request in a separate docket before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. While reviewing the Company's modeling outputs, it became clear that certain Bridger-related costs had inadvertently been excluded from portfolios in which a Bridger unit was exited prior to the existing shutdown date of 2034. This correction required the replacement of seven pages in the Company's Amended IRP but did not impact the Company's recommendation of the Preferred Portfolio-which remained the least-cost, least-risk solution to serve customers. 5. ln recent weeks, the Company has identified necessary changes in the Amended lRP. These newly discovered issues have prompted ldaho Power to initiate a comprehensive review of its Amended lRP. The review is being performed by a multidisciplinary team of Company subject matter experts (lRP Review Team), including participants from the Company's internal audit division. 6. This new internal review and audit process is carefully analyzing allaspects of the Company's modeling. This process involves the following general steps: e First, the IRP Review Team is examining how specific inputs-such as forecast data, operational constraints, and financial assumptions-are developed for inclusion in the AURORA model. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 4 . Secon4 the IRP Review Team is investigating how inputs are adjusted or converted for incorporation into the AURORA model and that the inputs were correctly entered. For instance, some inputs must be converted from one type of measurement to another in order to accommodate the AURORA program, and the review team is checking to ensure that all such conversions were performed correctly. o Third, the IRP Review Team is analyzing how the AURORA model handles the various inputs within the model itself (i.e., the modeling logic), to make sure that the model is using the proper data inputs in the proper processes and that the modeling settings and options are suitably selected. o Fourth, the review team is examining the consistency and accuracy of the AURORA model's outputs, to ensure that the model produces logical and consistent results. The Company anticipates that this review and audit process will take approximately 2-3 weeks. 7. Once ldaho Power's internal review and audit is complete-and no later than July 31,2020-the Company will provide a status update to the Commission and will propose a corresponding new pro@dural schedule. Until the results of this analysis are complete, however, the Company is unable to accurately forecast the time necessary to provide any revised modeling and analysis that. may be required. As a result, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the procedural schedule be suspended until the Company has provided a further update by no later than July 31 ,2020. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 5 II. UPDATE REGARDING B2H PROJECT 8. The B2H project's co-participants are ldaho Power, BPA, and PacifiCorp. To date, the co-participants' contemplated interests in B2H have generally corresponded with their capacity needs, and with the current allocation of permitting costs borne by each co-participant as follows: ldaho Power: 21 percent; BPA: 24 percant, and PacifiCorp: 55 percent.2 However, as described in ldaho Power's Reply Comments, the B2H co- participants are exploring severa! alternative asset, service, and ownership arrangements. L Under one of the scenarios being discussed, ldaho Power would assume BPA's previously-contemplated ownership share, ldaho Power would serye BPA's southeast ldaho customers, and BPA would pay the equivalent of its previously- contemplated ownership through the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) for service to BPA's southeast ldaho customers. As part of the next steps in the discussions, BPA intends to reach out to its customers in southeast ldaho to solicit feedback on this potential arrangement. ln light of this impending outreach, ldaho Power wishes to ensure that the Commission also possesses all relevant current information, despite the fact that the agreement remains under negotiation at this point. 10. BPA's interest in B2H is related to its need to provide service to BPA's customers in southern ldaho. Under the contemplated arrangement, ldaho Power would assume BPA's ownership share in the project, while BPA would be responsible to pay the costs of that increased share through a Network lntegration Transmission Service Agreement (NITSA). Under the OATT, as a NITSA customer BPA would repay the full 2 These percentages are rounded. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 6 cost of the project necessary to meet BPA's needs-which, as noted above, equates to roughly 24 percent of the total costs of B2H-+ver the life of the project. 11. ldaho Power believes that the practical implications of this potential ownership arrangement for the Company's Amended IRP are limited. While ldaho Power's formal ownership interest would increase, the Company's original 21 percent ownership share would continue to reflect the Company's approximate share of the costs for B2H. Thus, ldaho Power's share of the financial responsibility for B2H, as analyzed in the Amended lRP, would remain unchanged. As a result, the Amended IRP's use of a 21 percent ownership share for purposes of the IRP's least-cost, Ieast-risk analysis is still appropriate. However, if ldaho Power determines that its customers will experience additional benefits by virtue of owning 45 percent of B2H, then the Company will evaluate these net benefits in a future proceeding. 12. While ldaho Power believes that the current discussions are very promising, the B2H co-participants must still work through the details of the proposed ownership arrangement-as well as numerous other aspects of the negotiations-to ensure that it is in the best interests of each party's respective customers. ldaho Power will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. fl. coNcLustoN ldaho Power has commenced a comprehensive review and audit of its Amended IRP modeling, and asks that the Commission suspend the procedural schedule in this docket until the Company provides a further update by no later than July 31 ,2020. ln addition, the Company is pleased to report that BPA remains committed to the construction of B2H and the co-participants have tentatively agreed to an ownership IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE. T structure that wil! maintain the co-participantrs' approximate financial responsibility for the proiect. These negothtions reprcsent a positive step in the development of B2H. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 1d day of July 2020. X;!.fla*+**,*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POTA'ER COMPANYS MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE.8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 1st day of July 2020I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND UPDATE REGARDING BOARDMAN TO HEMINGWAY TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staft Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 IdaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 STOP B2H Coalition Jack Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburg Law, PLLC P.O. Box 531 Boise, ldaho 83701 Jim Kreider 60366 Marvin Road La Grande, Oregon 97850 ldaho Sierra Club Julian Aris, Associate Attomey 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, California 94612 Hand Delivered _U.S, Mail _Overnight Mail _Fru(X Email edward.iewell@ouc.idaho.oov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FN(X Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com stacie.foor@arkoosh. com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email iack@vanvalkenburohlaw.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email iim@stopb2h.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail - Overnight Mai! _FAXX Email iulian.aris@sierraclub.oro IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE - 9 Gloria D. Smith, Managing Attorney 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, California 94612 Ana Boyd, Research Analyst 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, California 94612 lndustrial Customerg of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, !nc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83707 _Hand Delivered -U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail_FAXX Email oloria.smith@sierraclub.oro _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAXX Email ana.bovd@sierraclub.org _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail_Fru(X Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overniqht Mail _F$(X Email dreading@mindspring.com Hand Delivered_ U.S. Mail Overnight Mai!_ FAXX Email darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart. com aclee@holland hart.com o lqarqanoamari@holla ndha rt.com _ Hand Delivered_ U.S. Mail Overnight Mail_ FAXX Email iswier@micron.com zf"e *l2d1,.-. Sandra D. Holmes Legal Admin istrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE AND B2H UPDATE. IO