HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200601IRP Replacement Pages.pdff,EHH. AnlD 00RP@mmny - i ill !: l;9 LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com May 29,2020 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re: Case No. !PC-E-19-19 2019 Amended lntegrated Resource Plan ('lRP") - Replacement Pages Dear Ms. Hanian: The Company is writing to provide notice that a correction to certain cost information contained in the Company's Amended 2019 lRP ('!RP") filed January 31, 2020 is necessary to properly reflect the final present value resource portfolio costs presented in the plan. The need for this change was discovered while preparing information fora discovery request in a separate docket, and is related to costs associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant ("Bridge/'). While reviewing the modeling output, the Company determined that certain Bridger-related costs were inadvertently excluded from portfolios in which a Bridger unit was exited prior to the existing shutdown date of 2034. After correcting this issue within all impacted portfolios and performing a page-by- page review of the lRP, the Company has determined that a total of seven pages require replacement. However, it is important to note that the Company's Preferred Portfolio is still identified as least-cost and least-risk, and the conclusions drawn from the analysis have not changed. The remainder of this letter details the discovery of the omission, the impact of the conection, and the final conclusions to be drawn from the updated figures. The Company has also provided two attachments containing the corrected pages for the lRP, in both legislative and clean format. l. BackEround In Case No. IPC-E-19-18, ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff ("Staff') requested that the Company provide a detailed annua! breakdown of costs Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29,2020 Page 2 of 8 included in the Company's resource modeling associated with the Bridger plant. When the Company was preparing this information, it was determined that the fina! reported portfolio costs within the IRP inadvertently truncated the recovery of existing capital investment for portfolios in which a Bridger unit was retired early.l To arrive at total portfolio costs within the IRP, two genera! steps are performed in sequence: 1) resource portfolios are developed, then 2) net power supply expenses ("NPSE") are calculated for each of the constructed portfolios to determine total portfolio costs. ln the first step, portfolios are constructed through a combination of the AURORA model's Long-Term Capacity Expansion ("LTCE') functionality and subsequent manual refinements. Due to computing bandwidth and model capabilities, this step is performed by analyzing one week per month per year for 20 years within the LTCE model. Then, as further discussed in Chapter 9 of the !RP, starting from the LTCE portfolios, manual refinements are applied to determine if portfolios can be further optimized for ldaho Power's service area. As discussed further below, this step properly modeled Bridger end-of-life costs. In the second step, once the portfolios are constructed, more granular hourly interval modeling is performed to determine the NPSE associated with each of the portfolio buildouts. Because this second step is not making resource decisions while simultaneously calculating portfolio @sts, the computing requirements are less substantial, thus allowing the Company to utilize a more granular 8,760-hours-per-year approach. The truncation of costs occuned in the second step and resulted from the way AURORA accounts for fixed costs in the modeling process, and how these costs are ultimately reflected in the modeling output. Under the standard modeling logic used by AURORA, fixed costs must be input in the model as annual amounts. Therefore, costs associated with existing capital investment at the various Bridger units were required to be converted to annual recovery amounts between 2019 and the cunent Bridger end-of- life date of year-end 2034. To account for the accelerated recovery of existing investments in the event of a unit shutting down prior to 2034, an additional input was required that represents the net book value ('NBV") of existing capita! at the end of each year in the modeling period. The inclusion of the NBV input is necessary to ensure that the final present value portfolio costs reflect all associated non-avoidable costs when determining whether or not a unit should be shut down early.2 1 Within the context of this letter, the reference to an 'early" Bridger unit retirement means any unit that is retired prior to the existing shutdown date of 2034. 2 This methodology reflects the standard regulatory cost recovery approach of recovering the costs of an asset over its useful life. As discussed with the IRP Advisory Council, the Company believes this modeling approach is appropriate given the lack of an existing alternative cost recovery mechanism. Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29,2020 Page 3 of 8 The NBV of certain retired Bridger units was inappropriately excluded from the tota! portfolio costs reported in the IRP thereby understating the tota! portfolio costs. ln the event that a unit was shut down early, the costing model simply zeroed out the annual cost associated with that unit for each year after the shutdown date, without taking into account the NBV of existing capital at that time, even though cost recovery would still be required for the uncollected portion of existing capital. ln other words, the annual cost recovery stream for existing capital was truncafed rather than accelerated. This resulted in these costs being excluded from portfolios that contained early Bridger unit retirements. !n examining the output of the AURORA costing model through the aforementioned discovery process, the Company determined that the truncated fixed costs should have been added back to the modeling output after-the-fact to reflect all costs associated with these portfolios. It is important to note that the truncation of costs existed in the second step in the process when the Company was performing the more granular NPSE runs to determine total portfolio costs. This omission did not impact the optimization of resource portfolios determined by the LTCE modeling nor the resource decisions made in the subsequent manual portfolio development process. l!. Corrected Results As mentioned previously, ldaho Power's correction of the cost omission impacts seven pages of the IRP that included or were based on tota! portfolio costs. Upon recognition of the omission, the Company performed a thorough review of the revised results to determine components of the IRP impacted by the correction. The intent of this review was to determine whether any of the conclusions or decisions from the IRP required revision. As discussed further in this section, the Company has determined the conected analysis does not impact the final conclusions contained in the lRP. To make this determination, the Company revisited the three primary steps in the decision-making process that were based on total portfolio cost: 1) portfolios selected for manual optimization, 2) selection of the Prefened Portfolio, and 3) development of the near-term action plan. 1. Portfolios selected for Manual Optimization The selection of portfolios forfurther manual optimization was based in part on the information provided in Figure 9.1 of the lRP, which contains two axes: one reflecting tota! portfolio cost, and the other reflecting risk variance as determined by the standard deviation of each portfolio modeled under four different futures. The original chart is provided below: Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29,2020 Page 4 of 8 Figure 9.1 - Amended 2019 IRP a Potrilo 2357 mO.O@ t7,@o om . Podotio20 E aEs l6,aoo.om $6.600.o@ s6 400 0@ t Podoli9osroro o '.."ETil"i1" $6.200.0@ . Podolio 1A $6.@O.O@6a50.ooo s650.ooo $as.ooo $1.os.ooo Fou.Scensnos NPV Vad.rce (S x 1,O@) 31 250.OOO $1.450 OOO As described in more detail on pages 108 and 109 of the lRP, the Company selected portfolios 2, 4, 14, and 16 for further evaluation given their relative performance from both a total cost and risk perspective. Because Figure 9.1 is based on total portfolio cost and variance, it was impacted by the conected data. Therefore, the Company developed the conected chart, as provided below: Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29, 2020 Page 5 of 8 Gorrected Figure 9.1 The above information demonstrates that the selection of the prefened portfolio would have been the same had the conected information been known at the time the lRP was developed. As shown on this chart, Portfolios 2,4,14, and 16 still perform wel! with regard to both total cost and risk relative to other portfolios. While the conection caused some movement in the data points plotted within this figure, the Company's initial conclusions remain valid. 2. Selection of the Prefened Portfolio Following the selection of Portfolios 2,4,14, and 16, the Company performed the manual optimization process that was primarily based on preserving the 1S-percent planning margin while modifying the exit datesforthe various Bridger units. Because total portfolio costs were an output of this step rather than an input, the modeling decisions made in this step were not impacted by the new data. However, once the manual adjustments were complete, the final portfolios were compared utilizing total cost as a key metric, thus having the potential to impact the Company's selection of its Preferred Portfolio. Ultimately, as discussed further below, the Company determined that the same Preferred Portfolio identified in the IRP remains the least-cost, least-risk option once all costs are appropriately considered. The table below contains a summary of total net present value portfolio costs utilizing the conected data, as compared to the original amounts contained in the lRP. While this table contains summary data under the Planning Gas-Planning Carbon scenario, the full corrected table under each of the modeled scenarios (Planning Gas- Panning Carbon, High Gas-Planning Carbon, Planning Gas-High Carbon, and High Gas- High Carbon) is provided in the attached replacement pages. tr,6,0 tr,@,o 3r,ro,o ,r,@.@ ,aea 9{3O,@ ta,@.@ t{ro @ l{oo,@!gw E E!rII ai*! t .*r, tagm t64@ tL@.@ uvtu.lrrr@l ,Le,@ tLaE,@ Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29,2020 Page 6 of 8 Total Portfolio Cost Comparison Ranked by Total Cost Corrected vs. Amended IRP Planning Gas-Planning Garbon ($000's) Corrected Amended IRP P16-4 $6.127.043 P16-4 ;5.996.478 P16-2 $6,128,474 P14-4 $6,012,329 P14-3 $6.132.463 P14-5 $6.026,339 P16-1 $6.139.322 P16-2 $6.033.966 P16-3 $6,140,885 P14-6 $6,040,012 P14-4 $6.142.894 P14-2 $6.050.117 P14-2 $6.144.625 P14-3 $6.068.301 P14-1 $6,148.128 P16-1 $6,069,778 P14-5 $6.150.717 P16-3 $6.076.723 P14-6 $6,158,834 P14-1 $6,078,583 P2-3 $6.207.994 P2-4 $6,103,118 P2-1 $6.214.646 P2-5 ;6.117.622 P2-2 $6.224.380 P2-6 $6.129.786 P2-4 $6,233,683 P2-2 $6,129,872 P4-3 $6,234,937 P2-3 $6,143,832 P2-5 $6.241.999 P2-1 $6.145.102 P2-6 $6,248,609 P4-4 $6,151,167 P4-1 $6,252,296 P4-2 $6.160,188 P4-2 $6.254.696 P4-3 $6.170.775 P4-4 $6.281.731 P4-1 $6.182.752 The column titled "Corrected" contains the corrected total portfolio costs ranked by relative performance, while the column titled "Amended lRP" contains total portfolio costs as included in the 2019 Amended lRP. While the "Amended lRP" values contain the aforementioned omission and should not be compared to the absolute costs contained in the "Corrected" column, the Company is providing this side-by-side comparison to support the following discussion of why the corrected information does not result in a modification of the Prefened Portfolio. For a number of reasons, the Company determined that it still would have selected Portfolio 16(4) as the Preferred Portfolio had the conected total portfolio costs been known at the time the Amended IRP was prepared. First, Portfolio 16(a) remains the least- cost portfolio under planning assumptions. The margin between this portfolio and the next-best option is smaller: in the 2019 Amended !RP, Portfolio 16(4) outperformed Portfolio 14(4') by approximately $16 million, while in the conected results, Portfolio 16(4) outperformed the next-best performing Portfolio 16(2) by $t.4 million. While this gap is Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29,2020 Page 7 of 8 relatively narrow, the only differences between the corrected 16(4) and 16(2) are related to the retirement timing of the final Bridger unit in the 2030's. Examining the next-best option not based on Portfolio 16 (i.e. Portfolio 14(3)), the cost gap widens to $5.4 million. Similarly, the primary differences between Portfolio 14(3) and the Preferred Portfolio are also related to Bridger unit retirement decisions beyond 2030. While the cost margins are relatively less under the conected results, Portfolio 16(4) is still the least cost option, and other high-performing options presented no compelling reason to consider a shift in the preferred choice. The Company also examined the significance of the corrected information with regard to the Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line ("82H"), and determined that the corrected results still support the selection of the Preferred Portfolio. To support this conclusion, the Company considered the cost differences between the lowest cost portfolios with and without B2H. ln the 2019 Amended lRP, the difference between the Prefened Portfolio and the best-performing non-B2H portfolio was $106.6 million, while after the correction this gap narrowed to $81 million; these results still support the selection of Portfolio 16(4) as the prefened option for Idaho Power and its customers. 3. Evaluation of the Near-Term Action Plan (2019-2026) After performing the step-by-step review detailed above, the Company determined that the Near-Term Action Plan for the time period 2019-2026 is not impacted by the conected information. While the margins between the top-performing portfolios narrowed relative to what was included in the IRP filing, Portfolio 16(4) was still the top performer, with the next best option being identical within the action plan window. Aside from Bridger unit exit dates, another key component of the action plan is the construction of the B2H transmission line, which is supported by a margin of over $80 million over the best performing non-B2H option. lll. Conclusion The Company strives to produce accurate and reliable planning results and regrets any impact that this required correction may have on the IRP review process. ldaho Power would however like to emphasize that this conection is solely related to the total portfolio costs presented on the seven pages included in the attachments, while all other components - including the LTCE modeling and manual portfolio construction, as wellas associated inputs - remain valid. The conclusions drawn by the Company as discussed in the 2019 Amended IRP have not changed, as the Company still believes that Portfolio 16(4) is the least-cost, least-risk option to reliably serve ldaho Power's customers into the future. Please contact me at (208) 388-5825 if you have any questions Filing Center ldaho Public Utilities Commission May 29, 2O2O Page 8 of 8 Very truly youlls, &" !.(r"t-t*-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sdh cc: SeMce List BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.I9.19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT LEGISLATIVE FORMAT 9. Modeling Analysis ldaho Power Company Table 9.2 AURORA hourly simulations Planning Garbon High Carbon Planning Gas High Gas X x X x The purpose of the AURORA hourly simulations is to compare how portfolios perform under scenarios different from the scenario assumed in their design. For example, a portfolio designed under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon should perform better relative to other portfolios under a Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario than under a High Gas and High Carbon scenario. The compiled results from the four hourly simulations are shown in Table 9.3. Table 9.3 2019 IRP WECC-optimized portfolios, NPV years 2019-2038 ($ x 1,000) NPv ($ x 1000) Planning Gas- Planning Carbon High Gas- Planning Carbon Planning Gas- High Garbon High Gas- High Carbon Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 4 Portfolio 5 Portfolio 6 Portfolio 7 Portfolio 8 Portfolio 9 Portfolio 10 Portfolio 11 Portfolio 12 Portfolio 13 Portfolio 14 Portfolio 15 $6.262.350$ffi s6,223,789 $H€O3e8 $6.874.144$ffi $6,842,290 $#11.725 $6.247.134 $624?-134 $6.300.335 $H95"506 $7.127.612 $6ps7p47 $7.051,976 $6p2+4r-r $6,351.648$ffi $6,B57,192$w $8.046,481 $7p36J26 $7.971.543 $7S66,893 $6.298.486w $6.174.321$ffi $6.614.981 $6148+416 $6.983.921$w+ $7.093.879 $7S50,988 $7.341,288 $7??-10J23 $7.316.957$++W $6,965.305$ffi $6.995.951 $opea-122 $7.465.617$#2 $7.439.290$ffi $6.960.567$ffi $7.075.085 $7p75p85 $8.000,950 $7*90504 $7,955,809 $7,951,'159 $7.084,234 $7p84*34 $7.124.752 $7S8+€€4 $7.316,209 $+185$44 $8.615.746 $8,6{sJqo $8.311.531 $8*€e€40 $7,889.371 $7J58€06 $7.895.248 $7J64i683 $8.640.298 $&so+s8 $8.675.861 $8S7+032 $8,013.583 $7S83p48 $7.976.251 $7;845i686 $8,563,652 $es$s52 $8.319.929$W $8,622,632 $8512371 $8.513.342 $81409.693 $8.966.855 $8,966S55 $8.469.873$W $7.91 '1.042 $7,789,477 $9.785.216 $gJ8q2_i€ $9.526.968 $si484#71 $8.448.550 $83++p85 $8.484,150$ffi $9.783.543 $9J83r543 $9.772.529 $sJ67+O+ $8,429,0s9 $8*981494 $8.460.322 $8329J57 $9,640,438$sffi $9.006.307 $sp06307 $8,669,388 $8,559333 $8,608.133 $9503,484 $10,'126.243 s14Jr6,?43 $9.764,847 $c#+e56 $8,760.622$&w Page 106 Amended 2019 IRP ldaho Power Company 9. Modeling Analysis Portfolio 16 Portfolio 17 Portfolio 18 Portfolio 19 Portfolio 20 Portfolio 21 Portfolio22 Portfolio 23 Portfolio 24 $6.763.329$WH€4 $6,306.492 $630614S2 $6.1 98.529 $6J€5S38 $6.901,220 $6J7OS55 $6.942,680$w $6.483.530$ffi $6.511.244W $7.361 .418 $7+301953 $7.511.054$ffi $7.335,705s@40 $7.084.799 $7S84+se $7,100.577 $7S57$85 $7.417.954 $7+87p8s $7.401.825$##Je7 $7.074.327 $7$74,"27 $7,064,598$7+ffi $7.715.737 $7#85J+2 $7.811.640 $7$81i975 $L932Jr_9 $7*0+154 $8.943.907 $8n943p07 $8.684.580 $8$4+S8e $8.009.460 $7S78€95 $8.1 70.1 1 7 $8,O8qO7g $8.795,307 $8J95307 $8.722.004w $8.281.876 $8J51-+t+ $8.359.016 $8+28+5+ $8.646.724 $8'5+eJ59 $10.093.639 $1+0931639 $9,817.930 $9J75p39 $8.644.820$8$+ffi $8.830.530 $8J4O,492 $9.733,627$w $9,634,701$s,ffi4+ $8,705,303 $8r574J38 $8,761,633 $&€1+68 Under the Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario, Pl4 has the lowest NPV value of the 24 WECC -optimized portfolios at 96,1 7 4]+,43e32 1,000. Figure 9.1 takes the information in Table 9.3 and compares all24 portfolios on a two-axis graph that shows NPV cost under the plaruring scenario and the four-scenario standard deviation in NPV costs. The y-axis displays the NPV values under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon, and the x-axis displays the four-scenario standard deviation in NPV costs for the four scenarios shown in Table 9.3. Note that all cost scenarios are given equal weight in determining the four- scenario standard deviation. Idaho Power does not believe that each future has an equal likelihood, but for the sake of simplicity presented the results assuming equal likelihood to provide an idea of the variance in NPV costs associated with the four modeled scenarios. Figure 9.1 shows that P14 is the lowest-cost portfolio under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon, although its four-scenario standard deviation is higher than some other portfolios. Conversely, P 24has the lowest four-scenario standard deviation, but the highest expected cost under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon. Portfolios plotted along the lower and left edge of Figure 9.1 represent the efficient frontier in this graph of cost versus cost standard deviation. Moving vertically, portfolios plotting above the efficient frontier are considered to have equivalent cost variance, but higher expected cost. Moving horizontally, portfolios plotting to the right of the efficient frontier are considered to have equivalent expected cost, but greater potential cost variance. Amended 2019 IRP Page 107 Ltr CDoot 13opCo E oo Foo)o(L Ed.t E.I j g E68'I;T E tdI E.o Ed g.s Ed ail .iTI: i.t, I i I a E.I6 I.i.Ti!IrF Ictt EI d i?I attIa t =f g 8' o' II Ed o' I* T a tIto :I!l. iI. T I a E g Ii a B.I F' TIrtla!.I a E 8' E $ troCL Eoo o =o TLo-cop o al, Ec o)c oEo o,{0|o0t r Sl ^dil a"l &4uH o)o c, CD(E(L (Ltr o)oNEoEtro E ooo-I$" (t ooo-IN. @ ooo x @ 0,ooOEq.q U5oo->;ez oo (Eco()ago5ooo_ u-Ico6 o(,tr .E .E oo(, o .D o oo(, o-2 oto .9IL ooo-I@@ ooo-oort68coI @e :od)=Fpot E8 Eoo-a @ o .oPvooa=-.€ oc a ro eO.e= EE6oco aa .o E * Eoo. C.l .9 -ptoo- o o al .9 Ee{tNO.9 o-EoEo(L a ro .o Eto(L a o .9pEo(l' a oN .96Eo(L a (o .9 EEor a o,.t.e .g€3E8'E& 8r a @ .9 Eto(L a Io-ooo @@ 8o-ooN F.e F- .9 EEoo- o ooo-o8 |.'.6 (.,N .9E oo- a tN .9Etoo- a 8qoo$ r.-@ 8o-ooN @@ 8coot+ @@ 8o-oo(o @e (OOOI x $) ndN aseC 6uruue;6 art'6 Ec oc opo =o, E1(Ulo-lEiololglol =loto-lol-clol!, I 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan ldaho Power Company Based on these results, Idaho Power selected the following four WECC-optimized portfolios for manual adjustmant with the objective of further reducing Idaho Power-specific portfolio costs: Portfolio 2 (Planning Gas, Planning Carbon, without B2H) Portfolio a (Planning Gas, High Carbon, without B2H) Portfolio 14 (Planning Gas, Planning Carbon, with B2H) Portfolio 16 (Planning Gas, High Carbon, with B2H). Manually Built Portfolios The manual adjustments to the selected four WECC-optimized portfolios specifically focused on evaluating Jim Bridger coal unit exit scenarios. In addition, a l5-percent planning margin was preserved while generally retaining the resource mix of the WECC-optimized portfolio. Table 9.4 shows the six selected Jim Bridger exit scenarios studied. Table 9.4 Jim Bridger exit scenarios Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6 2022 2026 2034 203/ 2022 2026 2028 2034 2022 2028 2034 203r', 2022 2026 2028 2030 2023 2026 2028 2030 2024 2026 2028 2030 The Jim Bridger exit scenarios (1), (2), (3), and (4) focused on evaluating exit scenarios for the second, third and fourth units, while scenarios (5) and (6) focused on evaluating the exit date associated with the first Jim Bridger unit. Scenarios (5) and (6) centered on portfolios developed under a planning natural gas, planning carbon future, or P2 and P14. Thus, the complete set of manually built portfolios consists of the following: o P2 derived portfolios-P2(l), P2(2), P2(3), P2(4), P2(5), P2(6) o P4 derived portfolios-P4(l),P4(2), P4(3), P4(4) o Pl4 derived portfolios-P14(1), Pl4(2), P14 (3), Pl4 (4), Pl4 (5), Pl4 (6) o P16 derived portfolios-P16(1), Pl6(2), P16(3), Pl6(4) Manual adjustments yielded the portfolio cost changes for P2 (decreases and increases). Table 9.5 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes tor P2 Scenarios 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average Planning Gas, Planning Carbon High Gas, Planning Carbon -e.J%- 0s% 1_.M1.4 % 0.4%- 03% 2.60/014 % -!,3%.- ss% 9-.6%H 9.zu- 4=3% 3_.8%.2$o/ s.3%- 9_4%- 91%-1& 03% 0J% 3_J-%ZS 3.6o/o2-5 Z6%1=Mol o/frff Page 1 10 Amended 2019lRP ldaho Power Company 10. Preferred Portfolio and Action Plan Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Garbon Average 2=0%.- -1 5%-1=* -0.9% -3.s%-+& -2J%-3& -'1.70/o -1J%-& -:_!%-& -1.0o/o -1,4%- c Eot -2.e%.- 33% '2.Oo/o -1_3%: 53% -2s%- 3J% -1.9o/o -!.2%- 5,% -+6y"-'l.go/o -3.4o/o' 4A% -asyo-'|.50/o As demonstrated in the tables above, the LTCE model performed reasonably well in developing low cost portfolios for Idaho Power's service area. However, Idaho Power was able to further lower overall portfolio costs through the manual refinements detailed above. Based on these results, the company is confident that its preferred portfolio detailed in Chapter 10 achieves the low cost, low risk objective of the IRP. Manual adjustrnents yielded the following portfolio cost changes for P4 (decreases and increases): Table 9.6 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes for P4 Scenarlos 1 2 3 4 Average Planning Gas, Planning Garbon High Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Garbon Average -8.6%-7& -25%- 1.8%2f% 8s%w -p.2%ee -8.6%-8% -1 8%-1=* q !%s5% 9.8%ru -0s%-w -B_9%-gJ% -37%- 7f,%7.W gJ%:se -94%se -3_,zu--g4% -9.M-w -!.2%-o& 6.6%W -01%- e€% :9.0%-c+% -2_,0%_- 1,4% 0.9%+A% 2.6%w -01%o.o% Manual adjustrnents yielded the following portfolio cost changes for Pl4 (decreases and increases): Table 9.7 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes lor P14 Scenarios 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average Planning Gas, Planning Garbon High Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Average -!,4%.- 0s% 1.4%+O 'J-3%.- 1-7% -0p%-w -0_3%-w --01%-& 2_.1%.14 -31%: 33% -2,1%-H -1-1%- 43% -e,!%- 1=O% 1.0%,u -1 .0%- 1-3% -!,2%- a4% -0,2%.- os% -01%-& 2.9%1=f -4.M- 54% -3.6%-M -1-4%: a Eo/ -0.4%- 2.Bo/o11 -3.,2"k.- -3,6%.- 44% 24r/, -0.3%- I EOl 2_J%,L6 -!.2%- 5=1% -3,5%:& -1-3%:2& -01%- 1=4% 2j%+M -3 0%- 3-7% -2.4Yo- 33% -0-9%- lJ% Manual adjustments yielded the following portfolio cost changes for P16 (decreases and increases): Amended 2019 IRP Page 111 Table 9.8 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes for P16 10. Preferred Portfolio and Action Plan ldaho Power Company Scenarios 2 3 4 Average Planning Gas, Planning Carbon High Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Average -s.2%4& -3.M4.e% -3.2%1e -9.4%€$% -9.3%-8*% -2.3%1=* 2__&etx 10.0%1&8% 9.2%1.1% -1-l%1.-2% 9f,%1ax EJ%8€% -0.5%0s% 4.8%1M 2_.5%3# 10.1%114% 9.M1& {3%+e% -9:1%41% 7.4o/o& -0.9%43% -1.9%4-e 1.4%2e gs%e-s% -0.2%w The costs for the manually built portfolios under the four natural gas and carbon scenarios are provided in Table 9.9. Table 9.9 2019 lRP manually built portfolios, NPV years 2019-2038 ($ x 1,000) NPv ($ x 1000) Planning Gas- Planning Carbon High Gas-Planning Garbon Planning Gas-High Garbon High Gas- High Carbon P2-1 P2-2 P2-3 P24 P14-1 P1+2 P14-3 P14-4 P4-1 P+2 P+3 P44 P1&1 P16-2 P16-3 P16-4 P2-5 P2-6 P14-5 P14-6 $6.214.646$ffi $6.224.380$W $0.zoz.gga$6Ja3s32 $6.233.683$&+0311{€ $6.148.128$6p78f83 $6.144.625$W $6.132.463$6p6H+ $6.142.894$6342329 $6.252.296$ffi2 $6.254.696$6J€OJ€8 $6.234.937$€#7€*75 $6.281.731$€#51+€7 $6,139.322$€S€€F+8 $6.128.474$6p33p66 $6.140.885$6pffi3 $6.127,043$5p9+4+8 $6. 24 1, 999$€r1-1+i€e2 $6.248.609$6J29J86 $6.150.717$6S26338 $6.158.834$6p4OB{+ $7.191,103$7J2{+,58 $7.277j39s;]48E€g? $7.133.215$7p69,O53 $z.gos.oz0$7+3+055 $7.223.413$7r+53€69 $7.272.O17$t+4a50g $7,1 93.333$#2€r{+2 $7.332.295$4?0i1r73o $7.133.892$7€641347 $7.186,760$7S92+52 $7.089.312$7S25J50 $7.285.775$#55*40 $7.164.787$7€95343 $7.212.430$t+]g-$22 $7127.226s7#3W $7.274.178$#431613 $7.358.157$7+33J79 $7.34e.519$7+30Ss7 $7.325.242$7+00€64 $7.317.331$+{A8SO8 $8.143,812$8S74*€8 $7.986.643$7*92S $8.1 73,037$8J€8S75 $7.946.693$7€1ffi $8,356.333$8+86J89 $8.203.655$&1€€f147 $8.384.001$831a339 $8.101.415$7J+€r85O $8.040.012$+ng70r4€8 $z.ags.st s$7€o{roos $8.032.887$7S68J25 $z.egz.+s8$7+54*93 $8.137.558$8p€9,O14 $7.991.379$7p9W2 $8.129,659$8p6W $7.922.348$;71791+83 $z.gsz.gz5$7s2+p98 $7.959.204$7"84e392 $8,1 09.990$7p85${2 $8.118.130$499W $9.386.183$9316S39 $9.265.187$+17Oi6.79 $9.394.39W34 $9.247.321$gJ{€J5€ $9.678.095$s€08S5+ $9.498,540$q4O4+32 $9.743.204$9rw $9.+ra.osa$9#8as89 $9.204.273sp1434+29 $e.058,868$sp64360 $9.218.379$€H€'4+{+ $9.043.868$8p13r303 $9.507.231$q€7n687 $e.362.875$s*€e# $9.51 5,841$9145{1679 $9.283.140$9J52ffi $9.254,151$g+2AJ74 $9,257.987$9J3sJ€4 $9,416.194$ffi $9.421 . 1 22$9302+99 Under the Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario, Pl6(4) has the lowest NPV value of the20a portfolios at865,ry6127,478Q4tr000. Page 112 Amended 2019 IRP ldaho Power Company 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan .hfrh5 . hfth lt x.X.. xx ,. x.X X.. x..X .. a aaaa a aaa . X. x .x t< x a a a a aa-aa $,ooqm x,' ts,54m t6,00,m t4$qm sr0qo iino aEm@ x mFrt@l .x x. s,5@.000 X.X xx x x .X X. X x. x. . X. X x x X .x .x .. . .X 17 5mom Figure 9.5 Portfolio stochastic analysis, total portfolio cost, NPV years 2019-2038 ($x 1,000) The horizontal axis on Figure 9.5 represents the portfolio cost (NPU in millions of dollars, and the 24 ponfolios are re,presented by their designation on the vertical axis. Each portfolio has 20 dots for the 20 different stochastic iterations scattered across different NPV ranges. The Xs designate the Planning Gas Planning Carbon scenario that was performed for each portfolio. The distribution of 20-year NPV portfolio costs for the set of 20 manually built portfolios is shown in Figure 9.6. Amended 2019 IRP Page 115 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan ldaho Power Company .rl.l .tt-l . P2.l . tr{ . [+l . a+, a tt&t .Fl . P1CI .nH r n6i rEH . A-5 . ?r1 .tus . ?t{ )o X..x xx.x.x Xo Xr x.x xx. X.x. x x x X x 3i,E@ 36e@ 5u@ g,.q@ t50@ t.aq,o mlSrwl Page 114 Amended 2019 IRP ldaho Power 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan oP2-1 cP2-2 tP2-3 tP24 oP141 oP142 o oP1L3 cP1S4 c P4-1 oP4-2 o P4-3 oP44 r P1&1 cP1G2 o P1&3 o PlG4 oP2-5 oP2$ oP1*5 oP14-6 $5,500,000 Figure 9.6 o! x oN {o X \o x X. o\ X rN x \o X. r! X. X. X X. !o -- t aa a a t t a aa aoo aa o oa aa o aa a a a o aaa a a a a-a a a aa aaa a - aao a aa a aa ao a aa a a a oa a a a aa a- aa aa a a oaa- a aa a a-a aaaa aa aa a g a a- oooo a- aa aaa aaa aaa a aaa a aa a aa a- aa a a- o aa a a a- aao a aa a a -a a a-a -a a a oao a aa a- a aa aa a- aa aaa aaa a a o o a a a a oa a a a a o a a a a a a a a a aa a aoao a a- aa -a a a - aa aa a a o a a a a aa aa - aa a a a a a a a a o $6,000,000 $6,500,000 $7,000,000 $7,500,000 NPV ($ x 1000) ilanually built portfolio stochastic analysis, tota! portfolio cost, NPV years 2019-2038 ($x 1,000) Amended 2019 IRP Page 115 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT CLEAN FORMAT 9. Modeling Analysis ldaho Power Company Table 9.2 AURORA hourly simulations Planning Carbon High Garbon Planning Gas High Gas X X X X The purpose of the AURORA hourly simulations is to compare how portfolios perform under scenarios different from the scenario assumed in their design. For example, a portfolio designed under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon should perform better relative to other portfolios under a Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario than under a High Gas and High Carbon scenario. The compiled results from the four hourly simulations are shown in Table 9.3. Table 9.3 2019 lRP WECCoptimized portfolios, NPV years 201F2038 ($ x 1,000) NPv ($ x 1000) Planning Gas- Planning Garbon High Gas- Plannlng Garbon Planning Gas- Hlgh Carbon High Gas- High Carbon Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 4 Portfolio 5 Portfolio 6 Portfolio 7 Portfolio 8 Portfolio 9 Portfolio 10 Portfolio 11 Portfolio 12 Portfolio 13 Portfolio 14 Portfolio 15 Portfolio 16 Portfolio 17 Portfolio 18 Portfolio 19 Portfolio 20 Portfolio 21 Porllolio22 Portfolio 23 Portfolio 24 $6,262,3s0 $6,223,789 $6,874,14 $6,842,290 $6,247,1v $6,300,335 $7,127,612 $7,051,976 $6,351,6/A $6,857,192 $8,046,481 $7,971,543 $6,298,486 $6,174,321 $6,614,981 $6,763,329 $6,306,492 $6,198,s29 $6,901,220 $6,942,680 $6,483,530 $6,511,2214 $7,361,418 $7,511,054 $6,983,921 $7,093,879 $7,U1,2U $7,316,957 $6,965,305 $6,995,951 $7,465,617 $7,439,290 $6,960,567 $7,075,085 $8,000,950 $7,955,809 $7,08/,2u $7,',t24,752 $7,316,209 $7,335,705 $7,084,799 $7,100,577 $7,417,gil $7,401,825 $7,074,327 $7,004,598 $7,715,737 $7,811,640 $8,615,746 $8,311,531 $7,889,371 $7,895,2/A $8,O40,298 $8,675,861 $8,013,583 $7,976,251 $8,563,652 $8,319,929 $8,622,632 $8,513,342 $8,966,855 $8,469,873 $7,911,042 $7,932,719 $8,943,907 $8,684,580 $8,009,460 $8,170,117 $8,79s,307 $8,722,0M $8,281,876 $8,359,016 $9,785,216 $9,s26,968 $8,448,550 $8,484,1s0 $9,783,543 $9,772,529 $8,429,059 $8,460,322 $9,640,438 $9,006,307 $8,669,388 $8,608,133 $10,126,243 $9,764,847 $8,760,622 $8,646,724 $10,093,639 $9,817,930 $8,il4,820 $8,830,530 $9,733,627 $9,634,701 $8,705,303 $8,761,633 Page 106 Amended 2019 IRP ldaho Power Company 9. Modeling Analysis Under the Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario, Pl4 has the lowest NPV value of the 24 WBcc-optimized portfolios at $6,17 4,321,000. Figure 9.1 takes the information in Table 9.3 and compares all24 portfolios on a two-axis gaph that shows NPV cost under the planning scenario and the four-scenario standard deviation in NPV costs. The y-axis displays the NPV values under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon, and the x-axis displays the four-scenario standard deviation in NPV costs for the four scenarios shown in Table 9.3. Note that all cost scenarios are grven equal weight in determining the four- scenario standard deviation. Idaho Power does not believe that each future has an equal likelihood, but for the sake of simplicity presented the results assuming equal likelihood to provide an idea of the variance in NPV costs associated with the four modeled scenarios. Figure 9.1 shows that Pl4 is the lowest-cost portfolio under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon, although its four-scenario standard deviation is higher than some other portfolios. Conversely, P 24has the lowest four-scenario standard deviation, but the highest expected cost under Planning Gas and Planning Carbon. Portfolios plotted along the lower and left edge of Figure 9.1 represent the efficient frontier in this graph of cost versus cost standard deviation. Moving vertically, portfolios plotting above the eflicient frontier are considered to have equivalent cost variance, but higher expected cost. Moving horizontally, portfolios plotting to the right of the efficient frontier are considered to have equivale,nt expected cost, but greater potential cost variance. Amended 2019 IRP Page 107 (Lt o)ootEoEco E €o o CDo(L :.ti!& E$! Et' : ir! t I tiI.tII g E6Il tI3 EIII II o II a I o(,tr6 G 8630g(,oo o o oo(, o.- P t. iI. I IiTt.I oto o IL E. E9 E.d g d d E. 8 rd g. Ee' E E.d q EF. E s g r g. g c b0OI r 3l Adr *r lrtutd coo. Eoo o =o TLoEop .12o (Eg o) .E6Eo =o, ldaho Power Company 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan Based on these results, Idaho Power selected the following four WECC-optimized portfolios for manual adjustment with the objective of further reducing Idaho Power-specific portfolio costs: Portfolio 2 (Planning Gas, Planning Carbon, without B2H) Portfolio 4 (Planning Gas, High Carbon, without B2H) Portfolio la (Phnning Gas, Planning Carbon, with B2H) Portfolio 16 (Planning Gas, High Carbon, with B2H). Manua!!y Built Portfolios The manual adjustrnents to the selected four WECC-optimized portfolios specifically focused on evaluating Jim Bridger coal unit exit scenarios. In addition, a 15-percent planning margin was preserved while generally retaining the resource mix of the WECC-optimized portfolio. Table 9.4 shows the six selected Jim Bridger exit scenarios studied. Table 9.4 Jim Bridger exit scenarios Scenario 1 Scenario2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6 2022 2026 2034 2034 2022 2026 2028 203/. 2022 2028 2034 2034 2022 2026 2028 2030 2023 2026 2028 2030 2024 2026 2028 2030 The Jim Bridger exit scenarios (1), (2), (3), and (a) focused on evaluating exit scenarios for the second, third and fourth units, while scenarios (5) and (6) focused on evaluating the exit date associated with the first Jim Bridger unit. Scenarios (5) and (6) centered on portfolios developed under a planning natural gas, planning carbon future, or P2 and P14. Thus, the complete set of manually built portfolios consists of the following: o P2 derived portfolios-P2(l), P2(2), P2(3), P2(4), P2(5), P2(6) . P4 derived portfolios-P4(l),P4(2), P4(3), P4(4) o Pl4 derived portfolios-P14(l), Pl4(2), Pl4 (3), Pl4 (4), Pl4 (5), Pl4 (6) o Pl6 derived portfolios-Pl6(l), Pl6(2), Pl6(3), Pl6(4) Manual adjustments yielded the portfolio cost changes for P2 (decreases and increases). Table 9.5 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes lor P2 Scenarios 12 3 4 5 6 Average Planning Gas, Planning Carbon High Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Carbon -O.1Yo 1.4o/o -2.OYo -1.5o/o 0.0olo 2.6Yo -3.9% '2.7o/o -0.3% 0.6% -'|.70/a '1.4o/o 0.2Yo 3.8Yo -4.4Yo -2.90/ 0.3% 3.lYo 4.3o/o '2.9o/o 0.4Yo 3.6% -4.2o/o -2.BYo 0.1Yo 2.6Yo -3.40/o -2.40/ Amended 2019lRP Page 109 10. Preferred Portfolio and Action Plan ldaho Power Company Average -0.9% '1 .7o/o -1 .Oo/o -2.0o/o '1.9% '1 .8o/o -1 .5o/o As demonstrated in the tables above, the LTCE model performed reasonably well in developing low cost portfolios for Idaho Power's service area. However, Idaho Power was able to further lower overall portfolio costs thrcugh the manual refinements detailed above. Based on these results, the company is confident that its preferred portfolio detailed in Chapter l0 achieves the low cost, low risk objective of the IRP. Manual adjustments yielded the following portfolio cost changes for P4 (decreases and increases): Table 9.6 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes tor P4 Scenarios 1 2 3 4 Average Plannlng Gas, Planning Garbon High Gas, Planning Garbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Average -8.6Yo -2.5!o 1.8Yo 8.5To -0.2Yo -8.6% -1.8Yo O.OYo 6.8To -0.9o/o -8.9o/o -3.1o/o 'l .70/o 8.7Yo -O.4o/o -8.2Yo -0.40/o -0.2o/o 6.6% -O.SYo '8.60/0 -2.OTo 0.9% 7.6Yo -0.5Yo Manual adjustments yielded the following portfolio cost changes for P14 (decreases and increases): Table 9.7 Jim Bridger exat scenario cost changes tor P14 Scenarios 2 3 4 5 6 Average Planning Gas, Planning Carbon High Gas, Planning Carbon Planning Gas, High Carbon High Gas, High Carbon Average -O,4Yo 1.4Yo -1.3o/o -O.9Yo -0.3% -0.5% 2.1Yo -3.1Yo -2.7o/o -1 .1o/o -0.7o/o 1.OYo -1.OYo -O.2Yo -0.2o/o -0.5olo 2.9Yo 4.4o/o -3.60/o -1.4o/o -0.4o/o 2.8To 4.2o/o -3.6% -1.3to -O.3o/o 2.7o/o 4.2o/o -3.5% -1.3Yo -0.5To 2.1o/o -3.iYo -2.4o/o -0.9% Manual adjustrnents yielded the following portfolio cost changes for Pl6 (decreases and increases): Table 9.8 Jim Bridger exit scenario cost changes for P16 Scenarios 1 2 3 4 Average Planning Gas, Planning Carbon High Gas, Planning Garbon Planning Gas, High Garbon High Gas, Hlgh Carbon Average -9.2Yo -2.3o/o 2.6Yo 10.0% o.2% -9.4Yo -1.7o/o O.7o/o 8.3o/o -0.5% -9.2Yo -2.$Yo 2.SYo 'i.0.10/o o.1% -9.4Yo -O.8o/o -O.1o/o 7.4o/o -0.8% -9.3% -1.9o/o 1.4o/o 8.9% -o.20h Page 1 10 Amended 2019 IRP ldaho Power Company 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan The costs for the manually built portfolios under the four natural gas and carbon scenanos are provided in Table 9.9. Table 9.9 2019 IRP manually built portfolios, NPV yeas 2019-2038 ($ x 1,000) NPv ($ x 1000) Planning Gas- Planning Carbon High Gas- Planning Garbon Planning Gas- High Carbon High Gas- High Carbon P2-',1 P2-2 P2-3 P2-4 P14-1 P14-2 P14-3 P14-4 P+1 P+2 P4-3 P4-4 P16-1 P16-2 P1G3 P164 P2-5 P2-6 P14-5 P14-6 $6,214,646 $6,224,380 $6,207,994 $6,233,683 $6,148,128 $6,144,625 $6,132,463 $6,142,894 $6,252,296 $6,254,696 $6,234,937 $6,281,731 $6,139,322 $6,128,474 $6,140,885 $6,127,043 $6,241,999 $6,248,609 $6,150,717 $6,158,834 $7,191,103 $7,277,139 $7,133,215 $7,363,620 $7,223,413 $7,272,017 $7,193,333 $7,332,295 $7,133,892 $7,186,760 $7,089,312 $7,285,775 $7,1il,787 $7,212,4n $7,',t27,226 $7,274,178 $7,358,157 $7,349,519 $7,325,242 $7,317,331 $8,143,812 $7,986,643 $8,173,037 $7,946,693 $8,356,333 $8,203,65s $8,384,001 $8,101,415 $8,040,012 $7,895,513 $8,032,887 $7,882,458 $8,137,558 $7,991,379 $8,129,659 $7,922,348 $7,952,375 $7,959,204 $8,109,990 $8,1 18,1 30 $9,386,183 $9,265,187 $9,394,396 $9,247,32',1 $9,678,095 $9,498,540 $9,743,204 $9,414,654 $9,204,273 $9,058,868 $9,218,379 $9,043,868 $9,507,231 $9,362,875 $9,515,841 $9,283,1ZCI $9,254,151 $9,257,987 $9,416,194 $9,421,122 Under the Planning Gas and Planning Carbon scenario, Pl6(4) has the lowest NPV value of the 20 manually built portfolios at $6,127,043,000. Amended 2019lRP Page 111 10. Prefened Portfolio and Action Plan ldaho Power Company Figure r; ,.*ilL""n"",il"rv"i", tilJ#li,"'1",, Npv yearc 2oi$2038 ($x i,000) The horizontal axis on Figure 9.5 represents the portfolio cost (NPV) in millions of dollars, and the 24 portfolios are represented by their designation on the vertical axis. Each portfolio has 20 dots for the 20 different stochastic iterations scattered across different NPV ranges. The Xs designate the Planning Gas Planning Carbon scenario that was performed for each portfolio. The dishibution of 2O-year NPV portfolio costs for the set of 20 manually built portfolios is shown in Figure 9.6. xx x. ,.. .. X.x ..X.. x .X . X. t 9(x, X.. .ttl .ll t . ?l+l .It .Ba .116t .rlta .tlar ttH . tl.t . tl{ )<. x x x x x x x x x x x x .X x x X x x $.so @o 5s@ E6r@r 37mm 37s@ Manually built portfolio stochastic analysis, total portfolio cost, NPV years 2019-2038 ($x 1,000; ,a,m@ Figure 9.6 Page 1 14 Amended 2019 IRP