HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190628Application.pdfSEffi*@ RECE IVED lfilg JUH 28 Ptl h: 35 , , ,'i,fi r. ,iili,T'hl8t'o* An IDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel !nordstrom@idahopower.com June 28, 2019 VlA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. !PC-E-19-19 2019lntegrated Resource Plan - ldaho Power Company's Application Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Application. Very truly yours, Kt*ofl.'**- Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n o rd strom @ id a h opower. co m RECEIVED z0l9 JUH 28 Pl{ h: 35 ji ili;i{f;tul?&l8r'o* Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 201 9 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN. CASE NO. tPC-E-19-19 APPLICATION COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Comp?ny"), and in accordance with ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order Nos. 22299 and 30317, requests that the Commission accept for filing the Company's 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan ("!RP"). ln support of this request, ldaho Power states as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power's 2019 IRP undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the optimal mix of both demand- and supply-side resources available to meet the Company's resource needs over the IRP's 2O-year planning horizon. To this end, the 2019 IRP assesses available demand-side and supply-side resource options, load ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION - 1 forecasts, and current and expected economic, market, and regulatory conditions. Based on these assessments, the Company used long-term capacity expansion software to develop potential resource portfolios consisting of a mix of different resource types and timing. The portfolios were then subjected to rigorous financial and sensitivity analysis to identify the preferred portfolio, which represents the best combination of cost and risk for ldaho Power and its customers. Based on the preferred portfolio, the 2019 IRP also identifies an action plan ("2019 lRP Action Plan"), which details the specific steps the Company plans to take in the near term to implement the preferred portfolio. 2. The complete 2019 !RP consists of five separate documents: (1) the 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan; (2) Appendix A: Sales and Load Forecast; (3) Appendix B: DSM Annual Report; (4) Appendix C: Technical Report; and (5) Appendix D: B2H Supplement. A copy of the complete 2019 lRP is provided as Attachment 1 and can also be found on the Company's website at www.idahopower.com. lnterested persons may also request a printed copy of the 2019 IRP by contacting irp@idahopower.com. 3. ldaho Power engages with public stakeholders when developing its lRP. To incorporate stakeholder and public input, the Company worked with the IRP Advisory Council ('lRPAC"), comprised of members of the environmental community, major industrial customers, agricultural interests, representatives from both this Commission and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, representatives from the Idaho Governor's Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, representatives from the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, and others. ln addition, many members of the public participated even though they are not members of the IRPAC. A list of the 2019|RPAC members can be found in Appendix C: Technical Report. APPLICATION.2 4. For the 2019 lRP, ldaho Power conducted eight IRPAC meetings. The Company also maintained an on-line forum for stakeholders to submit requests for information, and for the Company to provide responses to information requests. The forum allows stakeholders to develop their understanding of the IRP process, particularly its key inputs, which enables more meaningful stakeholder involvement during the process. II. IRP GOALS AND ASSUMPTIONS 5. The primary goals of ldaho Power's 2019lRP are to: (1) identify sufficient resources to reliably serve the growing demand for energy within ldaho Power's service area throughout the 20-year planning period (2019-2038); (2) ensure the selected resource portfolio balances cost, risk, and environmental concerns; (3) give balanced treatment to both supply-side resources and demand-side measures; and (4) involve the public in the planning process in a meaningfulway. 6. The 2019 IRP assumes that during the 20-year planning period, ldaho Power will continue to be responsible for acquiring resources sufficient to serve its retail customers in its ldaho and Oregon service areas and will continue to operate as a vertically integrated electric utility. During the 20-year planning period, ldaho Power's load is forecasted to grow by 1 .0 percent per year for average energy demand and 1.2 percent per year for peak-hour demand. Total customers are expected to increase from 550,000 in 201 8 to 775,000 by 2038. 7. Hydroelectric generation remains a large part of ldaho Power's generation fleet; however, hydroelectric plants are subject to variable water and weather conditions. ln response to public and regulatory input, ldaho Power continues to develop more conservative streamflow projections and planning criteria for use in resource adequacy planning. APPLICATION - 3 8. The 2019 IRP examined demand-side management ('DSM") and transmission resources. DSM programs are designed to achieve prudent, cost- effective energy efficiency savings and provide an optimal amount of peak reduction through demand response programs. ldaho Power also continues to provide customers with tools and information to help them manage their own energy usage. The Company achieves these objectives through the implementation and careful management of incentive programs and through outreach and education. 9. ldaho Power's resource planning process also evaluates additiona! transmission capacity as a resource alternative to serve retail customers. Transmission projects are often regional resources, and ldaho Power coordinates transmission planning regionally as a member of the Northern Tier Transmission Group. The delivery of energy, both within the ldaho Power system and through regional transmission interconnections, is of increasing importance as regional penetration of variable energy resources and their associated intermittent production continues to increase. The timing of new transmission projects is subject to complex permitting, siting, and regulatory requirements and coordination with co-participants. III, IRP METHODOLOGY 10. ldaho Power's IRP is designed to ensure the Company has sufficient resources to reliably serve customer demand and flexible capacity needs over the 20- year planning period. ln prior !RPs, the Company developed portfolios to eliminate resource deficiencies identified in a 2}-year load and resource balance, using both demand and supply-side resources. The portfolios were designed to quantitatively eliminate the identified resource deficiencies, and they were qualitatively varied by resource type based on assessments that different resource types would perform differently depending on future conditions in energy markets and energy policy. APPLICATION - 4 A. Capacitv Expansion Modelins. 11. !n response to feedback received during the 2017 lRP, the Company made a fundamental change to its lRP methodology. Specifically, it used the AURORA model's capacity expansion modeling capability to develop the portfolios for the 2019 IRP. !n this process, the Company formulated future scenarios based on economic, market, and regulatory considerations and then allowed the AURORA model to select the optimal resources to address the conditions in each future scenario. The model selected from a wide variety of supply- and demand-side resource options to develop optimal portfolios that meet a 15 percent planning margin and regulating reserve requirements associated with balancing load, wind plant output, and solar plant output. The model can also simulate retirement of existing generation units if economic and acquire resources that are economic to displace otherwise available resources that are higher cost. 12. ln meeting the objectives for planning margin and regulating reserve requirements, the AURORA model accounts for the capability of the existing system to meet the objectives and selects from the poo! of new supply- and demand-side resource options only when the existing system comes short of meeting the objectives. Existing supply-side resources include generation resources and transmission import capacity from regional wholesale electric markets. Existing demand-side resources include current levels of demand response and savings from current energy efficiency programs and measures. 13. ldaho Power conducts a financial analysis evaluating the costs and benefits of the developed portfolios. The financial costs include construction, fuel, operations and maintenance, transmission upgrades associated with interconnecting new resource options, projected wholesale market purchases, and anticipated APPLICATION - 5 environmenta! controls. The financial benefits include economic resource options that displace higher cost alternatives, projected wholesale market sales, and the market value of renewable energy certificates ("REC") for REC-eligible resources. B. Boardman-to-Hemingwav. 14. ldaho Power's 2019 IRP analyzes the addition of the Boardman-to- Hemingway transmission line project ('B2H"). That transmission addition has been a component of ldaho Power's preferred resource portfolio since 2006. The Company has continued to analyze B2H to ensure that it remains a prudent resource acquisition. A detailed update regarding B2H is provided as Appendix D. C. Natural Gas Forecast. 15. Forthe 2019 IRP, ldaho Power has made the decision to rely on a third- party vendor for its natural gas forecast-S&P Global Platts North American Gas Analytics. Platts provides energy consulting services for 12,000 companies worldwide. For its natural gas forecasting, Platts developed a model that it refers to as the Gas Pipeline Competition Model. To verify the reasonableness of Platts' forecast, ldaho Power compared Platts' forecast to Moody's Analytics and the NYMEX natura! gas futures settlement and concluded that Platts' forecast is appropriate for the planning case forecast for the 2019 !RP. D. Garbon Cost. 16. ldaho Power's 2019 IRP accounts for the expected costs of carbon regulation and the Company's long-standing commitment to reduce its carbon emissions. Since 2009, the Company has met various voluntary goals, initiated by shareholders, to realize its commitment to COz reduction. As of 2018, ldaho Power's carbon emissions intensity, expressed as pounds of COz per megawatt-hour generated, has decreased by 46 percent compared to 2005. Carbon emissions intensity averaged APPLICATION - 6 over 2010-2018 is 27 percent below the 2005 level. And, in March 2019, the Company announced a goal to provide 100 percent clean energy by 2045. ldaho Power remains committed to decreasing carbon emissions and that commitment is reflected in the 2019 IRP. IV. PREFERRED RESOURCE PORTFOLIO 17. A fundamental goal of the IRP process is to identify a selected, or preferred, resource portfolio. The preferred portfolio identifies resource options and timing to allow ldaho Power to continue to reliably serve customer demand, balancing cost and risk over the 2019 to 2038 planning period. Although the Company has identified a preferred portfolio, "an IRP is a working document that incorporates many assumptions and projections at a specific point in time"; it is a plan that can respond to changing conditions, not a fixed blueprint.l 18. The AURORA model produced 24 dlfferent portfolios based on three natural gas and four carbon emissions adders all under two futures-one with B2H and one without. The 24 portfolios include an increase in the types of resource additions and a wider range of quantities of those resources compared to the 2017 lRP. The 24 portfolios tor 2019 include varied amounts of nameplate generation additions: . Wind (between 0 and 1,100 megawatts ("MW")) . Solar (between 0 and 1,190 MW) . Natural Gas Reciprocating Engines (between 0 and 614 MW) Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine (between 0 and 1,200 MW) DSM (between 0 and 50 MW) 1 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's 2017 lntegrated Resource Plan, Case No IPC-E-17-1 1, Order No. 33983 at 18 (February 9, 2018). a APPLICATION - 7 . Battery storage (between 0 and 105 MW) o Pumped Storage (between 0 and 500 MW) o Biomass (between 0 and 150 MW) o Additional accelerated Jim Bridger power plant ("Jim Bridger") coal unit retirements (between 0 and 708 MW) 19. Portfolio P14 was selected as the 2019 preferred portfolio ("Preferred Portfolio"). This portfolio continues the trend away from existing coal units, consistent with the 2015 and 2017 lRPs. The 2019 IRP recommends early exit from two units at Jim Bridger and confirms previous lRPs' conclusion that the Company should exit from the North Valmy power plant ("Valmy") Unit 2 in 2025. The 2019 Preferred Portfolio identifies the acquisition of two solar resources in 2022 and 2023 as Ieast-cost, least- risk resources to serve ldaho Power customers as well as a B2H in-service date of 2026. lt also has the following key attributes: . Optionality. Preserving optionality is critical to prudent long-term planning. Optionality is particularly critical in a future where the reassessment of resource choice may be necessary in response to changing energy policy (e.9., carbon cost) or planning assumptions (e.9., natural gas prices). Here, optionality means conducting the required studies and preparatory efforts to shorten lead times of potentia! resources to mitigate quantitative and qualitative risks. o Flexible Capacitv. With the addition of 220 MW of photovoltaic ("PV') solar, the ldaho Power system will have over 1,200 MW of on-line variable energy resources ("VER") (wind and solar) installed capacity. While ldaho Power is developing operational experience integrating VERs and is a participant in the integration-abetting Western Energy lmbalance Market, the Company remains concerned about maintaining adequate flexible capacity to ensure VER integration APPLICATION .8 without compromising system reliability. The continued monitoring of VER variability, particularly coupled with studied effect of the added solar PV capacity in the early 2020s, may indicate that the Preferred Portfolio's flexible capacity additions are needed earlier than the late 2020s to maintain adequate system reliability. v. 2019 rRP ACTTON PLAN (2019-2026) 20. IRP action plans typically identify resource activities that the Company plans to take in the next four years.2 For the 2019 lRP, the Company expanded the 2019 IRP Action Plan through 2026 to reflect the completion of the B2H project and addition additional coal plant retirements. These core resource actions include: o The Addition of 220 MW of Solar PV Capacitv (2022-2023). This capacity is associated with a power purchase agreement ldaho Power signed to purchase output from the 120 MW Jackpot Solar facility and the adjacent 100 MW Franklin Solar facility, which have projected commercial on-line dates of 2022 and 2023, respectively. o Exit from Three Coal-Fired Generatins Units bv Year-End 2022. and from Two More Coal-Fired Generatino Units (Five Total) bv Year-End 2026. The Preferred Portfolio includes ldaho Power's exit from its share of Valmy Unit 1 by year- end 2019, Boardman power plant by year-end 2020, a Jim Bridger unit during 2022, Valmy Unit 2 by year-end 2025, and a second Jim Bridger unit during 2026. Achieving these coal-unit exits will require substantial coordination with unit co-owners, regulators, and other stakeholders. The Company also recognizes the need to ensure system reliability is not jeopardized by coa!-unit exits. 2 ln re ldaho Powels 2013 lntegrated Resource Plan, LC 58, Order No. 14-253 at 17 (July 8, 2014). APPLICATION .9 o B2H on-line in 2026. The Preferred Portfolio includes the B2H transmission line with an on-line date during2026. The 2019 IRP Action Plan includes both permitting and construction activities. Consistent with the 2017 lRP, the Company has included a longer action plan "window" for B2H given the length of time required to permit and construct the 300 mile 500 kilovolt transmission line. The pursuit of permitting and construction over the relevant action plan periods is critical to the successful and timely implementation of the Preferred Portfolio. 21. The 2019 IRP Action Plan is summarized below. Year Action 2019-2022 2019 2019 2019-2021 2019-2026 2019-2020 2020 2020 2021-2022 Plan and coordinate with PacifiCorp and regulators for early exits from Jim Bridger units. Target dates for early exits are one unit during2022 and a second unit during 2026. Jackpot Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) regulatory approval---on-line 2022 and 2023 (Franklin Solar). Exit Valmy Unit 1 by December 31,2019. Conduct ongoing 82H permitting activities. Negotiate and execute B2H partner construction agreement(s). Conduct preliminary construction activities, acquire long-lead materials, and construct the B2H project. Monitor VER variability and system reliability needs, and study projected effects of additions of 22O MW of PV solar (Jackpot Solar and Franklin Solar). Prepare to issue a request for proposal (RFP) contingent on timing of Jim Bridger unit early exits and reliability needs. Resource on-line dales 2023- 2028. 100-900 MW flexible capacity and energy (ability to shift from P14 to P16). Exit Boardman December 31,2020. Bridger Unit 1 and Unit 2 Regional Haze Reassessment finalized. Continue to evaluate and coordinate with PacifiCorp and regulators for timing of exiUclosure of remaining Jim Bridger units. Exit Jim Bridger unit by December 31,2022. Jackpot Solar 120 MW on-line. Franklin Solar 100 MW on-line. Procure or construct resources resulting from RFP (if needed). Exit Valmy unit 2 by December 31,2025. Exit Jim Bridger unit by December 31,2026. Demand response resource added (5 MW). 2022 2022 2023 2023-2026 2025 2026 2026 APPLICATION - 1O VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 22. ldaho Power requests that any notices, inquiries, and communications regarding this request be provided to: Lisa D. Nordstrom ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I nordstrom @ idahopower. com dockets@ idahopower. com Timothy E. Tatum Matthew Larkin ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5515 Facsimile: (208) 388-6449 ttatu m@ idahopower. com m larkin@ idahopower. com VII. REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE 23. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue its order accepting the Company's 2019 IRP and finding that the 2019 IRP meets both the procedural and substantive requirements of Commission Order Nos. 22299 and 30317. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 28th day of June 2019. LISA D. NOR Attorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 11 BEFORE THE GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 2019 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION