HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190628Appendix A Sales and Load Forecast.pdftIECEIVEt) I JUH 28 PH h: 38 .ealidC !-,,:lllildfiEffi I t0i{ rl DIE RESOURffiffireLANN .l ,\, ,,'IH JUNE . 20]9 FI a \[- --- 1 -[." - \,/'-:1,' -a x._J;- APPENDIX A: SALES AND LOAD FORECAST .\ ' SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT This document may contain forward-looking statements, and it is important to note that the future results could differ materially from those discussed. A full discussion of the factors that could cause future results to differ materially can be found in ldaho Power's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. @ erinted on recycled paper Idaho Power Company Table of Contents 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. ii List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iii List of Appendices ......................................................................................................................... iii Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1 2019 IRP Sales and Load Forecast ..................................................................................................3 Average Load .............................................................................................................................3 Peak-Hour Demands ..................................................................................................................4 Overview of the Forecast and Scenarios ..........................................................................................5 Forecast Probabilities .................................................................................................................5 Load Forecasts Based on Weather Variability.....................................................................5 Load Forecasts Based on Economic Uncertainty ................................................................7 Company System Load ..................................................................................................................10 Company System Peak ..................................................................................................................12 Seasonal Peak Forecast ............................................................................................................12 Peak Model Design ..................................................................................................................15 Class Sales Forecasts .....................................................................................................................17 Residential......................................................................................................................................17 Commercial ....................................................................................................................................20 Industrial ........................................................................................................................................24 Irrigation ........................................................................................................................................28 Additional Firm Load ....................................................................................................................30 Micron Technology ..................................................................................................................31 Simplot Fertilizer .....................................................................................................................31 Idaho National Laboratory .......................................................................................................31 Additional Considerations .............................................................................................................32 Energy Efficiency ....................................................................................................................32 Table of Contents Idaho Power Company Page ii 2019 Integrated Resource Plan On-Site Generation ..................................................................................................................33 Electric Vehicles ......................................................................................................................33 Demand Response ....................................................................................................................34 Fuel Prices ................................................................................................................................34 Other Considerations ...............................................................................................................37 Hourly Load Forecast ..............................................................................................................37 Historical IRP Methodology ..............................................................................................37 2019 IRP Methodology ......................................................................................................37 Enhancements to Hourly Load Forecasting .......................................................................38 Hourly System Load Forecast Design ...............................................................................39 Contract Off-System Load .............................................................................................................40 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Average load and peak-demand forecast scenarios .......................................................6 Table 2. System load growth (aMW) ...........................................................................................6 Table 3. Forecast probabilities .....................................................................................................8 Table 4. System load growth (aMW) ...........................................................................................9 Table 5. System summer peak load growth (MW) ....................................................................12 Table 6. System winter peak load growth (MW) .......................................................................14 Table 7. Residential load growth (aMW)...................................................................................17 Table 8. Commercial load growth (aMW) .................................................................................20 Table 9. Industrial load growth (aMW) .....................................................................................24 Table 10. Irrigation load growth (aMW) .....................................................................................28 Table 11. Additional firm load growth (aMW) ............................................................................30 Table 12. Residential fuel-price escalation (2019–2038) (average annual percent change) ............................................................................................................35 Idaho Power Company Table of Contents 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Forecast system load (aMW) .........................................................................................7 Figure 2. Forecast system load (aMW) .........................................................................................9 Figure 3. Composition of system company electricity sales (thousands of MWh) .....................11 Figure 4. Forecast system summer peak (MW) ..........................................................................13 Figure 5. Forecast system winter peak (MW) .............................................................................14 Figure 6. Idaho Power monthly peaks (MW) ..............................................................................15 Figure 7. Forecast residential load (aMW) ..................................................................................17 Figure 8. Forecast residential use per customer (weather-adjusted kWh) ..................................18 Figure 9. Residential customer growth rates (12-month change) ...............................................19 Figure 10. Residential sales forecast methodology framework ....................................................19 Figure 11. Forecast commercial load (aMW) ...............................................................................20 Figure 12. Commercial building share—energy bills ...................................................................21 Figure 13. Forecast commercial use per customer (weather-adjusted kWh) ................................22 Figure 14. Commercial categories UPC, 2018 relative to 2011 ....................................................23 Figure 15. Forecast industrial load (aMW) ...................................................................................25 Figure 16. Industrial electricity consumption by industry group (based on 2018 sales) ...................................................................................................................26 Figure 17. Commercial and industrial general sales forecast methodology ..................................27 Figure 18. Forecast irrigation load (aMW) ...................................................................................28 Figure 19. Forecast additional firm load (aMW) ..........................................................................30 Figure 20. Forecast residential electricity prices (cents per kWh) ................................................35 Figure 21. Forecast residential natural gas prices (dollars per therm) ..........................................36 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load .......................................................41 Company System Load (excluding Astaris) ............................................................................41 Historical Company System Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) ..................41 Company System Load ............................................................................................................42 Projected Company System Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ..................................................42 Residential Load ......................................................................................................................43 Table of Contents Idaho Power Company Page iv 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Historical Residential Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) .............................43 Projected Residential Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ............................................................44 Commercial Load.....................................................................................................................45 Historical Commercial Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) ...........................45 Projected Commercial Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ..........................................................46 Irrigation Load .........................................................................................................................47 Historical Irrigation Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) ................................47 Projected Irrigation Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ...............................................................48 Industrial Load .........................................................................................................................49 Historical Industrial Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (not weather adjusted) .........................49 Projected Industrial Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ...............................................................50 Additional Firm Sales and Load ..............................................................................................51 Historical Additional Firm Sales and Load, 1978–2018 ...................................................51 Projected Additional Firm Sales and Load, 2019–2038 ....................................................52 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 1 INTRODUCTION Idaho Power has prepared Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast as part of the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Appendix A includes details on the energy sales and load forecast of future demand for electricity within the company’s service area. The above-mentioned forecast covers a 20-year period from 2019 through 2038. This appendix describes the development of the expected-case monthly average sales forecast. The forecast is Idaho Power’s estimate of the most probable outcome for sales growth during the 20- year planning period. In addition, to account for inherent uncertainty in the forecast,additional forecast cases are prepared to test ranges of variability to the expected case. Economic and demographic (non-weather-related) assumptions are modified to create scenarios for a low and a high economic-related case. By holding weather variability constant, these forecasts test the assumptions of the expected case economic/demographic variables by applying historically-based parameters of growth on both the low and high side of the economic determinants of the expected case forecast. Economic data in the forecast models is primarily sourced from Moody’s Analytics. The national, state, metropolitan service area (MSA), and county economic and demographic projections are tailored to Idaho Power’s service area using an in-house historic economic database. Specific demographic projections are also developed for the service area from national and local census data. Additional data sources used to substantiate Moody’s data include the Idaho Department of Labor, Woods & Poole, Construction Monitor, and Federal Reserve economic databases. As economic growth assumptions influence several classes of service growth rates it is important to review several key components. The number of households in Idaho is projected to grow at an annual rate of 1.3 percent during the forecast period. The growth in the number of households within individual counties in Idaho Power’s service area is projected to grow faster than the remainder of the state over the planning period. Similarly, the number of households in the Boise–Nampa MSA is projected to grow faster than the state of Idaho as well, at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the forecast period. The Boise MSA (or the Treasure Valley) is an area that encompasses Ada, Boise, Canyon, Gem, and Owyhee counties in southwestern Idaho. In addition to the number of households, incomes, employment, economic output, and real retail electricity prices are used to develop load projections. Scenarios of weather related influence on potential ranges of the expected-case forecast are tested utilizing a probabilistic 70% and 90% distribution of normal weather (temperature and precipitation) applied to the weather assumptions in the expected case. This provides a comparative range of outcome that isolates long-term sustained weather influences on the forecast. The forecast of the expected-case scenario shows, Idaho Power’s system load is forecast to increase to 2,212 average megawatts (aMW) by 2038 from 1,833 aMW in 2019, representing an average yearly growth rate of 1.0 percent over the 20-year planning period (2019–2038). A similar annual average growth rate in system load is reflected in both weather-related Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 2 2019 Integrated Resource Plan scenarios (70th-percentile and 90th-percentile). From an annual peak-hour demand perspective, the expected case of the peak demand forecast will grow to 4,388 megawatts (MW) in 2038 from the all-time system peak of 3,422 MW that occurred on Friday, July 7, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. Idaho Power’s system peak increases at an average growth rate of 1.2 percent per year over the 20-year planning period (2019–2038) under this case. Over this same term, the number ofIdaho Power active retail customers is expected to increase from the December 2018 level of556,400 customers to nearly 775,000 customers by 2038. Beyond the weather, climate, economic and demographic assumptions used to drive the expected-case forecast scenario, several additional assumptions were incorporated into the forecasts of the residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation sectors. Some examples include conservation influences on the load forecast, including Idaho Power energy efficiency demand side management (DSM) programs, statutory programs, and non- programmatic trends in conservation. These influences are included in the load forecasts. Idaho Power DSM programs are described in detail in Idaho Power’s Demand-Side Management 2018 Annual Report, which is incorporated into this IRP document as Appendix B. Idaho Power also recognizes the impact of on-site generation and electric vehicles in its service territory and does include the energy reduction or addition in the long-term sales and load forecast due to their impact. Further discussions of these assumptions are presented in the appropriate section. Potential risks during the 20-year forecast horizon include major shifts in the electric utility industry (e.g., state and federal regulations and varying electricity prices) which could influence the load forecast. In addition, the price and volatility of substitute fuels, such as natural gas, may also impact future demand for electricity. The uncertainty associated with such changes is reflected in the economic high and low load growth scenarios described previously. The alternative sales and load scenarios in Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast were prepared under the assumption that Idaho Power’s geographic service area remains unchanged during the planning period. Data describing the historical and projected figures for the sales and load forecast are presented in Appendix A1 of this report. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 3 2019 IRP SALES AND LOAD FORECAST Average Load The economic and demographic variables driving the 2019 forecast have the impact of increasing current annual sales levels throughout the planning period. The extended business cycle recovery process after the Great Recession in 2008 for the national and service area economy muted load growth post-recession through 2011. However, in 2012, the extended recovery process was evident, and on-balance stronger growth was exhibited in most economic drivers relative to recent history at that time. It is expected that economic conditions return to long-term fundamentals during the 2019 forecast term. Significant factors and considerations that influenced the outcome of the 2019 IRP load forecast include the following: •Weather plays a primary role in impacting the load forecast on a monthly and seasonalbasis. In the expected case load forecast of energy and peak-hour demand, Idaho Powerassumes average temperatures and precipitation over a 30-year meteorologicalmeasurement period or defined as normal climatology. Probabilistic variations of weather are also analyzed. •The economic forecast used for the 2019 IRP reflects the continued expansion of theIdaho economy in the near-term and reversion to the long-term trend of the service areaeconomy. Customer growth was at a near standstill until 2012, but since then acceleration of net migration and business investment has resulted in renewed positive activity. In support, Idaho has been the fastest growth rate state in the US in terms of population—in both the 2017 and 2018 measurement periods. Going into 2017, customer additionshave approached sustainable growth rates experienced prior to the housing bubble(2000–2004) and are expected to continue. •Conservation impacts, including DSM energy efficiency programs, codes and standards,and other naturally occurring efficiencies are integrated into the sales forecast.These impacts are expected to continue to erode use per customer over much of theforecast period. Impacts of demand response programs (on peak) are accounted for in the load and resource balance analysis within supply-side planning (i.e., demand response is treated as a supply-side peaking resource). The amount of committed and implementedDSM programs for each month of the planning period is shown in the load and resourcebalance in Appendix C—Technical Appendix. Additional impacts from on-sitegeneration customers and electric vehicles are included as well. •There continues to be significant uncertainty associated with the industrial and specialcontract sales forecasts due to the number of parties that contact Idaho Power expressinginterest in locating operations within Idaho Power’s service area, typically with anuncertain magnitude of the energy and peak-demand requirements. The expected loadforecast reflects only those industrial customers that have made a sufficient and significant binding investment indicating a commitment of the highest probability oflocating in the service area. The large numbers of prospective businesses that haveindicated an interest in locating in Idaho Power’s service area but have not madesufficient commitments are not included in the current sales and load forecast. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 4 2019 Integrated Resource Plan •The electricity price forecast used to prepare the sales and load forecast in the 2019 IRP reflects the impact of additional plant investments and associated variable costs of integrating new resources identified in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio. The twoforecasts converge after the 20-year period, although the 2019 IRP price forecast yieldshigher prices in the near term when compared to the electricity price forecast used toprepare the 2017 IRP sales and load forecast. Retail prices carry an inverse relationship between electricity prices and electricity demand. Peak-Hour Demands Average loads, as discussed in the preceding section, are an integral component to the load forecast, as is the impact of the peak-hour demands on the system. Like the sales forecast discussed in the preceding section, the peak models incorporate several peak forecast scenarios based on historical probabilities of peak day temperatures at the 50th, 90th, and 95th-percentiles of occurrence for each month of the year. The peak-hour demands (peaks) are forecasted separately using regressions that are expressed as a function of the sales (average load) forecast as well as the impact of peak-day temperatures, more discussion is provided in forthcoming sections. The peak forecast results and comparisons with previous forecasts differ for many reasons that include the following: •The all-time system summer peak demand was 3,422 MW (recorded on Friday, July 7, 2017, at 5:00 p.m.). Idaho Power’s winter peak-hour load record is 2,527 MW, recorded on January 6, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. and matched the previous recordpeak dated December 10, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. •The peak model develops peak-scenario impacts based on historical probabilities of peakday temperatures at the 50th, 90th, and 95th-percentiles of occurrence for each month of the year. These average peak-day temperature drivers are calculated over the 1988 to 2017 time period (the most recent 30 years). •The 2019 IRP peak-demand forecast considers the impact of the current actualizedcommitted and implemented energy efficiency DSM programs on peak demand. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 5 OVERVIEW OF THE FORECAST AND SCENARIOS The sales and load forecast is constructed by developing a separate energy forecast for each of the major customer classes: residential, commercial, irrigation, industrial, and special contracts. In conjunction with this load (or sales) forecast, an hour peak-load (peak) forecast was prepared. In addition, several probability cases were developed for the energy and peak forecasts. Assumptions for each of the individual categories, the peak hour impacts, and probabilistic case methodologies are described in greater detail in the following sections. Forecast Probabilities Load Forecasts Based on Weather Variability The future demand for electricity by customers in Idaho Power’s service area is represented by three load forecasts reflecting a range of load uncertainty due to weather. The expected-case average load forecast represents the most probable projection of system load growth during the planning period and is based on the most recent national, state, MSA, and county economic forecasts and the resulting derived economic forecast for Idaho Power’s service area. The expected-case average load forecast assumes median temperatures and median precipitation (i.e., there is a 50 percent chance loads will be higher or lower than the expected-case loads due to colder-than-median or hotter-than-median temperatures or wetter-than-median or drier than median precipitation). Since actual loads can vary significantly depending on weather conditions, alternative scenarios were developed that address load variability due to varying weather conditions. Illustratively, Idaho Power’s maximum annual average load occurs when the highest recorded levels of heating degree days (HDD) are assumed in winter and the highest recorded levels of cooling and growing degree days (CDD and GDD) combined with the lowest recorded level of precipitation are assumed in summer. Conversely, the minimum annual average load occurs when the opposite of what is described above takes place. In the 70th-percentile residential and commercial load forecasts, temperatures in each month were assumed to be at the 70th-percentile of HDD in wintertime and at the 70th-percentile of CDD in summertime. In the 70th-percentile irrigation load forecast, GDD were assumed to be at the 70th-percentile and precipitation at the 30th-percentile, reflecting drier-than-median weather. The 90th-percentile load forecast was similarly constructed. For example, the median HDD in December from 1988 to 2017 (the most recent 30 years) was 1,035, at the Boise Weather Service office. The 70th-percentile HDD is 1,065 and would be exceeded in 3 out of 10 years. The 90th-percentile HDD is 1,188 and would be exceeded in 1 out of 10 years. As an example, for a single month, the 100th-percentile HDD (the coldest December over the 30 years) is 1,449, which occurred in December 1990. This same concept was applied in each month throughout the year for the weather-sensitive customer classes: residential, commercial, and irrigation. Since Idaho Power loads are highly dependent on weather, and the development of the above mentioned two scenarios allows the careful examination of load variability and how it may Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 6 2019 Integrated Resource Plan impact future resource requirements, it is important to understand that the probabilities associated with these forecasts apply to each month. This assumes temperatures and precipitation would maintain at the 70th-percentile or 90th-percentile level continuously, throughout the entire year. Table 1 summarizes the load scenarios prepared for the 2019 IRP. Table 1. Average load and peak-demand forecast scenarios Weather Probability Exceeding 90th Percentile 90% 70th Percentile 70% Expected Case 50% , CDD, GDD, precipitation Forecasts of Peak Demand 95th Percentile 95% -day temperatures 90th Percentile 90% -day temperatures 50th Percentile 50% -day temperatures Results of Idaho Power’s weather related probabilistic system load projections are reported in Table 2 and shown in Figure 1. Table 2. System load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 90th Percentile ............................................................ 1,939 2,035 2,140 2,342 1.0% 70th Percentile ............................................................ 1,878 1,970 2,072 2,267 1.0% Expected Case ........................................................... 1,833 1,923 2,022 2,212 1.0% Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 7 Figure 1. Forecast system load (aMW)1 Load Forecasts Based on Economic Uncertainty The expected-case load forecast is based on the most recent economic forecast for Idaho Power’s service area and represents Idaho Power’s most probable outcome for load growth during the planning period. To provide risk assessment to economic uncertainty, two additional load forecasts for Idaho Power’s service area were prepared based on the expected case forecast. The forecasts provide a range of possible load growth rates for the 2019 to 2038 planning period due to high and low economic and demographic conditions. The average growth rates for these high and low growth scenarios were derived from the historical distribution of one-year growth rates over the past 25 years (1994–2018). Of the three scenarios 1) the expected forecast is the median growth path, 2) the standard deviation observed during the historical time period is used to estimate the dispersion around the expected-case scenario, and 3) the variation in growth rates will be equivalent to the variation in growth rates observed over the past 25 years (1994–2018). From the above methodology, two views of probable outcomes from the forecast scenarios—the probability of exceeding and the probability of occurrence—were developed and are reported 1 The Astaris elemental phosphorous plant (previously FMC) was located at the western edge of Pocatello, Idaho. Although no longer a customer of Idaho Power, Astaris had been Idaho Power’s largest individual customer and, in some years, averaged nearly 200 aMW each month. In April 2002, the special contract between Astaris and Idaho Power was terminated. 700 1,000 1,300 1,600 1,900 2,200 2,500 2,800 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 WA less Astaris Weather Adjusted Expected Case 70th Percentile 90th Percentile Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 8 2019 Integrated Resource Plan in Table 3. The probability of exceeding the likelihood the actual load growth will be greater than the projected growth rate in the specified scenario. For example, over the next 20 years, there is a 10 percent probability the actual growth rate will exceed the growth rate projected in the high scenario; additionally, it can be inferred that for the stated periods there is an 80 percent probability the actual growth rate will fall between the low and high scenarios. The second probability estimate, the probability of occurrence, indicates the likelihood the actual growth will be closer to the growth rate specified in that scenario than to the growth rate specified in any other scenario. For example, there is a 26 percent probability the actual growth rate will be closer to the high scenario than to any other forecast scenario for the entire 20-year planning horizon. Table 3. Forecast probabilities Low Growth ............................................................................................. 90% 90% 90% 90% Expected Case ....................................................................................... 50% 50% 50% 50% High Growth ............................................................................................ 10% 10% 10% 10% Low Growth ............................................................................................. 26% 26% 26% 26% Expected Case ....................................................................................... 48% 48% 48% 48% High Growth ............................................................................................ 26% 26% 26% 26% This probabilistic analysis was applied to Idaho Power’s system load forecast. Its impact on the system load forecast is the sum of the individual loads of residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation customers, as well as special contracts. Results of Idaho Power’s economic scenario probabilistic system load projections are reported in Table 4 and shown in Figure 2. The expected-case system load-forecast growth rate averages 1.0 percent per year over the 20-year planning period. The low scenario projects the system load will increase at an average rate of 0.5 percent per year throughout the forecast period. The high scenario projects a load growth of 1.4 percent per year. Idaho Power has experienced both the high- and low-growth rates in the past. These forecasts provide a range of projected growth rates that cover approximately 80 percent of the probable outcomes as measured by Idaho Power’s historical experience. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 9 Table 4. System load growth (aMW) 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 Low .................................................................... 1,789 1,822 1,879 1,986 0.5% Expected ............................................................ 1,833 1,923 2,022 2,212 1.0% High ................................................................... 1,878 2,030 2,189 2,465 1.4% Figure 2. Forecast system load (aMW) 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Weather Adjusted (excluding Astaris)Expected High Low Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 10 2019 Integrated Resource Plan COMPANY SYSTEM LOAD System load is the sum of the individual loads of residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation customers, as well as special contracts (including past sales to Astaris) and on system contracts (including past sales to Raft River and the City of Weiser). The system load excludes all long-term, firm off-system contracts. The expected-case system load forecast is based on the output of the regression and forecasting models referenced previously and represents Idaho Power’s most probable load growth during the planning period. The expected-case forecast system load growth rate averages 1.0 percent per year from 2019 to 2038. Company system load projections are reported in Table 2 and shown in Figure 1. In the expected-case forecast, the company system load is expected to increase from 1,833 aMW in 2019 to 2,212 aMW in 2038, an average annual growth rate of 1.0 percent. In the weather sensitive scenarios, the 70th-percentile and 90th-percentile forecasts, the company system load is expected to increase from 1,878 aMW in 2019 to 2,267 aMW by 2038, and increase from 1,939 aMW in 2019 to 2,342 aMW, respectively. All represent an average growth rate of 1.0 percent per year over the planning period. In the economic probability scenarios, the company system load is expected to increase in the low case from 1,789 aMW in 2019 to 1,986 aMW in 2038, an average annual growth rate of 0.5 percent and in the high case from 1,838 aMW to 2,465 aMW, an average annual growth rate of 1.4 percent (Table 2). The system load, excluding Astaris, portrays the current underlying general business growth trend within the service area. However, the system load with Astaris is instructive in regard to the impact of a new significant large-load customer on system load. As noted previously, the forecast excludes any such speculative large-load customers. Accompanied by an outlook of economic growth for Idaho Power’s service area throughout the forecast period, continued growth in Idaho Power’s system load is projected. Total load is made up of system load plus long-term, firm, off-system contracts. At this time, there are no contracts in effect to provide long-term, firm energy off-system. The composition of system company electricity sales by year is shown in Figure 3. Residential sales are forecast to be about 23 percent higher in 2038, gaining 1.2 million MWh over 2019. Commercial sales are also expected to be 24 percent higher, or 1.0 million MWh, then in 2019, followed by industrial (11 percent higher, or 0.3 million additional MWh) and irrigation (16 percent higher in 2038 than 2019). Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 11 Figure 3. Composition of system company electricity sales (thousands of MWh) 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Residential Commercial Industrial Irrigation Additional Firm Sales Astaris Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 12 2019 Integrated Resource Plan COMPANY SYSTEM PEAK System peak load includes the sum of the coincident peak demands of residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation customers, as well as special contracts (including Astaris, historically) and on-system contracts (Raft River and the City of Weiser, historically). Seasonal Peak Forecast Idaho Power has two peak periods: 1) a winter peak, resulting primarily from space-heating demand that normally occurs in December, January, or February and 2) a larger summer peak that normally occurs in late June, July or August, which coincides with cooling load and irrigation pumping demand. The summer peak is reflective of the annual peak for the Company. The all-time system summer peak demand was 3,422 MW, recorded on Friday, July 7, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. The system summer peak load growth accelerated from 1998 to 2008 as a record number of residential, commercial, and industrial customers were added to the system and air conditioning (A/C) became standard in nearly all new residential homes and new commercial buildings. The 95th-percentile forecast, the system summer peak load is expected to increase from 3,634 MW in 2019 to 4,544 MW in 2038. In the 90th-percentile forecast, the system summer peak load is expected to increase from 3,610 MW in 2019 to 4,519 MW in 2038. Finally, the 50th-percentile, or expected case, the system summer peak load increases from 3,479MW in 2019 to 4,388MW in 2038. All of which represent an average summer peak growth rate of 1.2 percent per year over the planning period (Table 5). Table 5. System summer peak load growth (MW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 95th Percentile .................................................... 3,634 3,832 4,073 4,544 1.2% 90th Percentile .................................................... 3,610 3,808 4,048 4,519 1.2% 50th Percentile .................................................... 3,479 3,677 3,918 4,388 1.2% The three scenarios of projected system summer peak loads are illustrated in Figure 4. Much of the variation in peak load is due to weather conditions. Note that unique economic events have occurred, as an example in the summer of 2001 the summer peak was dampened by a nearly 30-percent curtailment in irrigation load due a voluntary load reduction program. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 13 Figure 4. Forecast system summer peak (MW) As of December 31, 2018, the all-time system winter peak demand was 2,527 MW, reached on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. and matched on January 6, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. As shown in Figure 5, the historical system winter peak load is much more variable than the summer system peak load. This is because the variability of peak-day temperatures in winter months is more significant than the variability of peak-day temperatures in summer months. The wider spread of the winter peak forecast lines in Figure 5 illustrates the higher variability associated with winter peak-day temperatures. In the 95th-percentile forecast, the system winter peak load is expected to increase from 2,636 MW in 2019 to 3,058 MW in 2038, an average growth rate of 0.8 percent per year over the planning period. In the 90th-percentile forecast, the system winter peak load is expected to increase from 2,549 MW in 2019 to 2,998 MW in 2038, an average growth rate of 0.9 percent per year over the planning period. In the 50th-percentile, or expected case forecast, the system winter peak load is expected to increase from 2,390MW in 2019 to 2,887 MW in 2038, an average growth rate of 1.0 percent per year over the planning period. This data is represented 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200 2,600 3,000 3,400 3,800 4,200 4,600 5,000 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Actual Actual less Astaris 50th Percentile 90th Percentile 95th Percentile Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 14 2019 Integrated Resource Plan in Table 6 below as well as the three scenarios of projected system winter peak load are illustrated in Figure 5.2 Table 6. System winter peak load growth (MW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 95th Percentile .............................................................. 2,636 2,735 2,848 3,058 0.8% 90th Percentile .............................................................. 2,549 2,648 2,761 2,998 0.9% 50th Percentile .............................................................. 2,390 2,500 2,635 2,887 1.0% Figure 5. Forecast system winter peak (MW) Combining the historic relationship of summer and winter peaks as depicted in Figure 6 the growth in the summer peak over the past several decades in Idaho Power’s service territory has been much stronger with an increased presence of cooling load in the peak summer months. 2 Idaho Power uses a median peak-day temperature driver in lieu of an average peak-day temperature driver in the 50/50 peak-demand forecast scenario. The median peak-day temperature has a 50-percent probability of being exceeded. Peak-day temperatures are not normally distributed and can be skewed by one or more extreme observations; therefore, the median temperature better reflects expected temperatures within the context of probabilistic percentiles. The weighted average peak-day temperature drivers are calculated over the 1988 to 2017 time period (the most recent 30 years). 1,000 1,300 1,600 1,900 2,200 2,500 2,800 3,100 3,400 1983-84 1988-89 1993-94 1998-99 2003-04 2008-09 2013-14 2018-19 2023-24 2028-29 2033-34 2038-39 Actual Actual less Astaris 50th Percentile 90th Percentile 95th Percentile Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 15 Figure 6. Idaho Power monthly peaks (MW) Additionally, note the 2019 IRP peak-demand forecast model explicitly excludes the impact of demand response programs to establish peak impacts. The exclusion allows for planning for demand response programs and supply-side resources in meeting peak demand. Demand response program impacts are accounted for in the IRP load and resource balance and are reflected as a reduction in peak demand. Peak Model Design Peak-hour demands are integral components to the Company’s system planning. Peak-hour demands are forecast using a system of 12 regression equations, one for each month of the year. For most monthly models the regressions are estimated using 25 years of historical data, however, the estimation periods vary. The peak-hour forecasting regressions express system peak-hour demand as a function of calendar sales (stated in average megawatts) as well as the impact of peak-day temperatures, real electricity prices, and in some months precipitation. The contribution to the system peak of the Company’s three special contract customers is 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 MW Avg Daily Temp (system weighted) '80 '90 '00 '10 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 16 2019 Integrated Resource Plan determined independently, using historical coincident peak factors, and then added to determine the system peak. The forecast of average peak-day temperatures is a key driver of the monthly system peak models. The normal average peak-day temperature drivers are calculated over the 1988 to 2017 period (the most recent 30 years). In addition, the peak model develops peak-scenarios based on historical probabilities of peak day temperatures at the 50th, 90th, and 95th percentiles of occurrence for each month of the year. Note the summertime (June, July, and August) system peak regression models were re-specified to account for the upward trend in weighted average peak-day temperatures over time. The trendlines were fitted to the historical weighted average peak-day temperatures and then projected through the end of the forecast period, the year 2038. These are added as explanatory variables in the summertime regression models. The addition of these variables resulted in models that better fit the actual historical summertime system peaks. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 17 CLASS SALES FORECASTS RESIDENTIAL The expected-case residential load is forecast to increase from 601 aMW in 2019 to 742 aMW in 2038, an average annual compound growth rate of 1.1 percent. In the 70th-percentile scenario, the residential load is forecast to increase from 621 aMW in 2019 to 769 aMW in 2038, an average annual compound growth rate of 1.1 percent, matching the expected-case residential growth rate (1.1 percent average annual growth). The residential load forecasts are reported in Table 7 and shown in Figure 7. Table 7. Residential load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 90th Percentile .............................................................. 649 680 718 806 1.1% 70th Percentile .............................................................. 621 650 685 769 1.1% Expected Case ............................................................. 601 628 662 742 1.1% Figure 7. Forecast residential load (aMW) Sales to residential customers made up 31 percent of Idaho Power’s system sales in 1988 and 36 percent of system sales in 2018. The number of residential customers is projected to increase to approximately 649,000 by December 2038. The average sales per residential customer increased to nearly 14,850 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 1980 before declining to 13,200 kWh in 2001. In 2002 and 2003, residential use per customer 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Weather Adjusted Expected Case 70th Percentile 90th Percentile Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 18 2019 Integrated Resource Plan dropped dramatically—nearly 500 kWh per customer from 2001—the result of two years of significantly higher electricity prices in those years combined with a weak national and service area economy. The reduction in electricity prices in June 2003 and a recovery in the service-area economy caused residential use per customer to stabilize through 2007. However, conservation efforts places downward pressure on residential use per customer since that point. This trend is expected to continue, ranging at an approximate decline of up to 0.5 percent–1.0 percent per year, as the average sales per residential customer are expected to decrease to approximately 10,100 kWh per year by 2038. Average annual sales per residential customer are shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. Forecast residential use per customer (weather-adjusted kWh) Residential customer growth in Idaho Power’s service area is a function of the number of new service-area households as derived from Moody’s Analytics’ forecast of county housing stock and demographic data. The residential-customer forecast for 2019 to 2038 shows an average annual growth rate of 1.7 percent as shown in Figure 9. 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 19 8 4 19 8 7 19 9 0 19 9 3 19 9 6 19 9 9 20 0 2 20 0 5 20 0 8 20 1 1 20 1 4 20 1 7 20 2 0 20 2 3 20 2 6 20 2 9 20 3 2 20 3 5 20 3 8 Actual Forecast Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 19 Figure 9. Residential customer growth rates (12-month change) Final sales to residential retail customers is an equation that considers several factors affecting electricity sales to the residential sector. Residential sales are a function of HDD (wintertime); CDD (summertime); historic energy efficiency trends in Idaho Power’s residential customer base; saturation and replacement cycle of appliances; the number of service-area households; the real price of electricity; and the real price of natural gas to name a few. A general schematic of the forecasting methodology used in Idaho Power’s residential sales forecast is provided in Figure 10. Figure 10. Residential sales forecast methodology framework 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% Residential Customer Model Residential Use Per Customer Model Utility DataEconomic Data Weather Data Appliance/ Usage Data (EIA) Residential Sales Forecast Residential Use Per Customer Forecast Residential Customer Forecast Architecture = SAE FrameworkTraining Start = 2008Dependent Variable = Monthly Sales Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 20 2019 Integrated Resource Plan COMMERCIAL The commercial category is primarily made up of Idaho Power’s small general-service and large general-service customers. Additional customer types associated with this category include small general-service on-site generation, customer energy production net-metering, unmetered general service, street-lighting service, traffic-control signal lighting service, and dusk-to-dawn customer lighting. Within the expected-case scenario, the commercial load is projected to increase from 473 aMW in 2019 to 587 aMW in 2038 (Table 8). The average annual compound-growth rate of the commercial load is 1.1 percent during the forecast period. The commercial load in the 70th-percentile scenario is projected to increase from 479 aMW in 2019 to 595 aMW in 2038. The commercial load forecast scenarios are illustrated in Figure 11. Table 8. Commercial load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 90th Percentile .............................................................. 488 512 542 607 1.2% 70th Percentile .............................................................. 479 503 533 595 1.1% Expected Case ............................................................. 473 496 525 587 1.1% Figure 11. Forecast commercial load (aMW) With a customer base of nearly 72,000, the commercial class represents the diversity of the service area economy, ranging from residential subdivision pressurized irrigation to large manufacturers. Due to this diversity in load intensity and use, the category is further segmented into categories associated with common elements of energy-use influences, such as economic 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Weather Adjusted Expected Case 70th Percentile 90th Percentile Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 21 variables (e.g., employment), industry (e.g., manufacturing), and building structure characteristics (e.g., offices). Figure 12 shows the breakdown of the categories and their relative sizes based on 2018 billed energy sales. Figure 12. Commercial building share—energy bills As indicated in Figure 12, agricultural-related, food sales, and the retail goods and service providers of the mercantile category represent nearly half of the sector. Recent trends in the sector show that mercantile growth has moderated. This moderation is primarily due to customer consolidation, growth in internet-based sales, energy efficient retrofitting, and new-construction technology implementation (particularly in the area of lighting). Categories showing significant growth over the past five years are reflective of the changing profile of economic and demographic growth in the service territory. Residential growth has led to a construction boom that has seen construction grow by 17 percent, and the residential profile of older customers has helped to push health care growth to 6 percent. Agricultural and manufacturing operations continue to migrate and flourish with growth rates of 9 percent and 6 percent respectively. The number of commercial customers is expected to increase at an average annual rate of 1.7 percent, reaching approximately 100,000 customers by December 2038. In 1988, customers in the commercial category consumed approximately 18 percent of Idaho Power system sales, growing to 28 percent by 2018. This share is forecast to remain at the upper end of this range throughout the planning period. Figure 13 shows historical and forecast average use per customer (UPC) for the entire category. The commercial-use-per-customer metric in Figure 13 represents an aggregated metric for a highly diverse group of customers with significant differences in total energy use per customer, nonetheless it is instructive in aggregate for comparative purposes. Agricultural, 16.6% Assembly, 5.6% Communication, 3.0% Construction, 1.3% Education, 6.4% Mfg/Dist., 10.9% Office, 12.5%Other, 4.8% Health, 4.5% Mercantile, 15.1% Food_Sales, 16.0% Lodging, 3.3% Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 22 2019 Integrated Resource Plan The UPC peaked in 2001 at 67,575 kWh and has declined at approximately 0.9 percent compounded annually to 2018. The UPC is forecast to decrease at an annual rate of 0.5 percent over the planning period. For this category, common elements that drive use down include increases in business-cycle recessions, adoption of energy efficiency technology, and electricity prices. Figure 13. Forecast commercial use per customer (weather-adjusted kWh) Figure 14 shows the diversity in the commercial segment’s UPC as well as the trend for these sectors. The figure shows the 2018 UPC for each segment relative to the 2011 UPC. A value greater than 100 percent indicates the UPC has risen over the period. The figure supports the general decline of the aggregated trend of Figure 13 but highlights differences in energy and economic dynamics within the heterogeneous commercial category not evident in the residential category. 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 19 8 4 19 8 7 19 9 0 19 9 3 19 9 6 19 9 9 20 0 2 20 0 5 20 0 8 20 1 1 20 1 4 20 1 7 20 2 0 20 2 3 20 2 6 20 2 9 20 3 2 20 3 5 20 3 8 Actual Forecast Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 23 Figure 14. Commercial categories UPC, 2018 relative to 2011 Energy efficiency implementation is a large determinant in UPC decline over time. In the commercial sector, the primary DSM technology impact has come from lighting. The categories of mercantile and office are particularly dominant in this implementation as indicated by the UPC trend. Faster growing categories, such as healthcare tend to show positive UPC trends. Other influences on UPC include differences in price sensitivity, sensitivity to business cycles and weather, and degree and trends in automation. In addition, category UPC can vary when a customer’s total use increases to the point where it must, by tariff rules, migrate to an industrial (Rate 19) category. Due to tariff migration, which occurs at the boundary of Schedule 9P (large primary commercial) and Schedule 19 (large industrial), the forecast models aggregate the energy use of these two schedules to ensure continuity in the dependent variable. The commercial-sales forecast equations consider several varying factors, as informed by the regression models, and vary depending on the category. Typical variables include weather: HDD (wintertime); CDD (summertime); specific industry growth characteristics and outlook; service-area demographics such as households, employment, small business conditions; the real price of electricity; and energy efficiency adoption. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 24 2019 Integrated Resource Plan INDUSTRIAL The industrial category is comprised of Idaho Power’s large power service (Schedule 19) customers requiring monthly metered demands between 1,000 kilowatts (kW) and 20,000 kW. The category name “Industrial” is reflective of load requirements and not necessarily indicative of the industrial nature of the customers’ business. In 1980, Idaho Power had about 112 industrial customers, which represented about 12 percent of Idaho Power’s system sales. By December 2018, the number of industrial customers had risen to 117, representing approximately 17 percent of system sales. As mentioned earlier in the commercial discussion, customer counts in this tariff class are impacted by migration from and to the commercial class as dictated by the tariff rules. However, generally speaking, customer count growth is primarily illustrative of the positive economic conditions in the service area. Customers with load greater than Schedule 19 ranges are known as special contract customers and are addressed in the Additional Firm Load section of this document. In the expected-case forecast, industrial load grows from 284 aMW in 2019 to 315 aMW in 2038, an average annual growth rate of 0.6 percent (Table 9). To a large degree, industrial load variability is not associated with weather conditions as is the case with residential, commercial, and irrigation; therefore, the forecasts in the 70th- and 90th-percentile weather scenarios are identical to the expected-case industrial load scenario. The industrial load forecast is pictured in Figure 15. Table 9. Industrial load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 Expected Case ............................................................. 284 296 305 315 0.6% Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 25 Figure 15. Forecast industrial load (aMW) As discussed previously the load growth variability is impacted by both economic, non-weather factors, and the impacts of DSM. In developing the forecast, customer-specific DSM implementation is isolated as DSM varies significantly by customer, and the actual energy use is adjusted to remove the impacts of DSM to optimize the causal influence of non-DSM causal variables. The history and forecast of DSM is provided by the DSM specialists within Idaho Power. The economic and other independent variables for the regression models are provided by third-party data providers and internally derived time-series for Idaho Power’s service area. Figure 16 illustrates the 2018 share of each of the categories within the Rate 19 customers. By far, the largest share of electricity was consumed by the food manufacturing sector (38 percent), followed by dairy (18 percent) and construction (7 percent). The categorization scheme includes a range of industrial building types (assembly, lodging, mercantile, warehouse, office, education, and health care). These provide the basis for capturing, modeling, and forecasting the shifting economic landscape that influences industrial category electricity sales. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Actual Expected Case Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 26 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Figure 16. Industrial electricity consumption by industry group (based on 2018 sales) The regression models and associated explanatory variables resulting from the categorization establish the relationship between historical electricity sales and variables such as, economics, price, technological, demographic, and other influences in the form of estimated coefficients from the industry group regression models applied to the appropriate forecasts of independent time series of energy use. From this output, the history and forecast of DSM is subtracted. Figure 17 shows the general forecasting methodology used for both the commercial and industrial sectors. General Mfg.6% Construction7% Elec/High Tech Mfg.5% Dairy-Related Mfg.18% Food Mfg.38% Water-Treatment/Pumpling4% Assembly4% Education5% Health Care6% Lodging1% Office -Large3%Other1% Warehouse2% Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 27 Figure 17. Commercial and industrial general sales forecast methodology Utility Data Economic Data IPC Commercial and Industrial Comm Manu’ing Model Comm Large Services Model IPC Commercial Sales Forecast Architecture = EconometricTraining Start = early 2000’sDependent Variable = Annual Sales Comm Services Model Comm Large Manu Model Weather DataIndustrial Manu Model IndustrialServices Model Irregular Industrial Models IPC Industrial Sales Forecast IPC Aggregate C/I Sales Forecast Architecture = EconometricTraining Start = early 1990’sDependent Variable = Annual Sales Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 28 2019 Integrated Resource Plan IRRIGATION The irrigation category is comprised of agricultural irrigation service customers. Service under this schedule is applicable to power and energy supplied to agricultural-use customers at one point-of-delivery for operating water pumping or water-delivery systems to irrigate agricultural crops or pasturage. The expected-case irrigation load is forecast to increase slowly from 222 aMW in 2019 to 258 aMW in 2038, an average annual compound growth rate of 0.8 percent. In the 70th-percentile scenario, irrigation load is projected to be 237 aMW in 2019 and 273 aMW in 2038. The expected-case, 70th-percentile, and 90th-percentile scenarios forecast slower growth than the system in irrigation load from 2019 to 2038. The individual irrigation load forecasts are summarized in Table 10 and illustrated in Figure 18. Table 10. Irrigation load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 90th Percentile .............................................................. 257 264 273 293 0.7% 70th Percentile .............................................................. 237 244 253 273 0.7% Expected Case ............................................................. 222 230 238 258 0.8% Figure 18. Forecast irrigation load (aMW) The annual average loads in Table 10 and Figure 18 are calculated using the 8,760 hours in a typical year. In the highly seasonal irrigation sector, over 97 percent of the annual energy is 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Weather Adjusted Expected Case 70th Percentile 90th Percentile Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 29 billed during the six months from May through October, and nearly half of the annual energy is billed in just two months, July and August. During the summer, hourly irrigation loads can constitute nearly 900 MW. In a normal July, irrigation pumping accounts for roughly 25 percent of the energy consumed during the hour of the annual system peak and nearly 30 percent of the energy consumed during July for general business sales. The forecasted increase of sales is due to the increased customer count from the conversion of flood/furrow irrigation to sprinkler irrigation, primarily related to farmers trying to reduce labor costs. Additionally, the trend toward more water intensive crops, primarily alfalfa and corn, due to growth in the dairy industry, explains most of the increased energy consumption in recent years. The 2019 irrigation sales forecast model considers several factors affecting electricity sales to the irrigation class, including temperature; precipitation; spring rainfall; Palmer Z Index (calculated by the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] from a combination of precipitation, temperature, and soil moisture data); Moody’s Producer Price Index: Prices Received by Farmers, All Farm Products; and annual maximum irrigation customer counts. Actual irrigation electricity sales have grown from the 1970 level of 816,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) to a peak amount of 2,097,000 MWh in 2013. In 1977, irrigation sales reached a maximum proportion of 20 percent of Idaho Power system sales. In 2018, the irrigation proportion of system sales was 13 percent due to the much higher relative growth in other customer classes. Regarding customer growth, in 1980, Idaho Power had about 10,850 active irrigation accounts. By 2018, the number of active irrigation accounts had increased to 20,459 and is projected to be over 26,000 at the end of the planning period in 2038. As with other sectors, average use per customer is an important consideration. Since 1988, Idaho Power has experienced growth in the number of irrigation customers but slow growth in total electricity sales (weather-adjusted) to this sector. The number of customers has increased because customers are converting previously furrow-irrigated land to sprinkler irrigated land. The conversion rate is slow and the kWh use per customer is substantially lower than the average existing Idaho Power irrigation customer. This is because water for sprinkler conversions is drawn from canals and not pumped from deep groundwater wells. In future forecasts, factors related to the conjunctive management of ground and surface water and the possible litigation associated with the resolution will require consideration. Depending on the resolution of these issues, irrigation sales may be impacted. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 30 2019 Integrated Resource Plan ADDITIONAL FIRM LOAD The additional firm load category consists of Idaho Power’s largest customers. Idaho Power’s tariff requires the company serve requests for electric service greater than 20 MW under a special-contract schedule negotiated between Idaho Power and each large-power customer. The contract and tariff schedule are approved by the appropriate regulatory body. A special contract allows customer-specific, cost-of-service analysis and unique operating characteristics to be accounted for in the agreement. Individual energy and peak-demand forecasts are developed with for special-contract customers, including Micron Technology, Inc.; Simplot Fertilizer Company (Simplot Fertilizer); and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). These three special-contract customers comprise the forecast category labeled additional firm load. In the expected-case forecast, additional firm load is expected to increase from 109 aMW in 2019 to 137 aMW in 2038, an average growth rate of 1.2 percent per year over the planning period (Table 11). The additional firm load energy and demand forecasts in the 70th- and 90th-percentile scenarios are identical to the expected-load growth scenario. The scenario of projected additional firm load is illustrated in Figure 19. Table 11. Additional firm load growth (aMW) Growth 2019 2023 2028 2038 Annual Growth Rate 2019–2038 Expected Case ............................................................. 109 122 133 137 1.2% Figure 19. Forecast additional firm load (aMW) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Actual Expected Case Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 31 Micron Technology Micron Technology represents Idaho Power’s largest electric load for an individual customer and employs approximately 5,900-6,000 workers in the Boise MSA. The company operates its research and development fabrication facility in Boise and performs a variety of other activities, including product design and support, quality assurance, systems integration and related manufacturing, and corporate and general services. Micron Technology’s electricity use is a function of the market demand for their products. Simplot Fertilizer The Simplot Fertilizer plant is the largest producer of phosphate fertilizer in the western United States (US). The future electricity usage at the plant is expected to stay flat throughout the twenty-year planning period. Idaho National Laboratory INL is part of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) complex of national laboratories. INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development. The DOE provided an energy-consumption and peak-demand forecast through 2038 for the INL. The forecast calls for loads to slowly increase through 2023, step up in 2024, then levelize through the remainder of the forecast period. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 32 2019 Integrated Resource Plan ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Several influential components and their associated impacts to the sales forecast are treated differently in the forecasting and planning process. The following discussion touches on several of those important topics. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency (EE) influences on past and future load consist of utility programs, statutory codes, and manufacturing standards for appliances, equipment, and building materials that reduce energy consumption. As the influence of statutory codes and manufacturing standards on customers has increased in importance relative to utility programs, Idaho Power continues to modify its forecasting models to fully capture the impact. Idaho Power works closely with its internal Demand Side Management (DSM) program managers and utilizes the updated potential study, most recently developed by Applied Energy Group (AEG). DSM guidance and the achievable potential from AEG are used as a benchmark metric for validating forecast model output. For residential models, the physical unit flow of energy-efficient products is captured through integrating regional energy efficient product-shipments data into the retail and wholesale distribution channels. The source for the shipments data is the Department of Energy (DOE) and is consistent with DOE’s National Energy Model (NEM). This data is first refined by Itron for utility-specific applications. This data captures energy-efficient installations regardless of the source (e.g., programs, standards, and codes). The DOE/Itron data is recognized in the industry as well-specified for the homogeneous residential sector, however, although DOE data is available for the commercial sector, Idaho Power’s test-modeling of the data indicates that the regional data does not provide sufficient segmentation to recognize the heterogeneous differences between the Idaho regional micro-economic composition and the mountain region economy. As discussed in the previous section on forecast methodology within the commercial class, Idaho Power segments the commercial customers by economic and energy profiles and incorporates historical energy efficiency adoption into billed sales. Thus, the energy efficiency is directly modeled into the forecast model energy variable and the forecast is adjusted in conformance with the DSM and AEG potential study forecast to recognize energy efficiency. DOE data is not available for the industrial sector. The weather and agricultural volatility of the billed sales for the irrigation sector is not well-suited for modeling energy efficiency impacts. Idaho Power monitors energy efficiency implementation in history and forecasts from internal and external sources (DSM staff and presently AEG). The trend of historical implementation (imbedded in the historical usage data) provides a guideline for evaluating the model forecast output relative to expected DSM and codes and standards. As discussed above, Idaho Power continuously evaluates the models for adequately capturing the impacts of energy efficiency and implements improvements when indicated. With input from Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 33 DSM program managers and AEG’s knowledge base, Idaho Power retains a high confidence in the representation of the impacts of energy efficiency in the forecast. A more detailed description of DSM can be found in the main IRP document under the Energy Efficiency Section. Additionally, the company publishes a dedicated DSM annual report submitted to the regulatory agencies. On-Site Generation In recent years, the number of customers transitioning to net-metering service (Schedules 6, 8, and 84) has risen dramatically, especially for residential customers. While the current population of on-site generation customers is one-half of one percent of the population of retail customers, recent adoption of solar is relatively strong for our service area. The installation of generating and storage equipment at customer sites will cause the demand for electricity delivered by Idaho Power to be reshaped throughout the year. It is important to measure the overall and future impact on the sales forecast. Therefore, this year’s long-term sales forecast was adjusted downward to reflect the impact of the increase in the number customers with on-site generation, specifically solar, connecting to our system. Schedules 6, 8, and 84 (net-metering) customer billing histories were compared to billing histories prior to said customer becoming a net-metering customer. The resulting average monthly impact per customer (in kWh) was then multiplied by forecasts of the Schedule 6, 8, and 84 residential and commercial customer counts to estimate the future energy impact on the sales forecast. The forecast of net metering customers serves as a function of historical trends and current policy considerations. The resulting forecast of net-metering customers multiplied by the estimated use-per-customer sales impact per customer results in a monthly downward adjustment to the sales forecast for each class. At the end of the forecast period, 2038, the annual residential sales forecast reduction was about 38 aMW, and the commercial reduction was less than 4 aMW. Electric Vehicles The load forecast includes an update of the impact of electric vehicles (PEV) on system load to reflect the future impact of this relatively new and evolving source of energy use. While EV consumer adoption rates in Idaho Power’s service area remain relatively low, with continued technological advancement, limiting attributes of vehicle range and refueling time continue to improve the competitiveness of these vehicles to non-electric models. As the market grows, historical adoption data builds to provide a foundation for forecasting adoption rates and for the models to evolve. IPC receives detailed registration data from Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). The data provides county-level registration which provides a basis for determining IPC service-territory vehicle inventory. However, at present, this data is only available for battery-only vehicles and data for hybrid engine-battery vehicles was not available for this forecast update. Other data sources for monitoring the outlook for PEV adoption includes the U.S. Department of Energy, R.L. Polk, and Moody’s Analytics. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 34 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Recent registration data shows a strong correlation between vehicles transferred into the service territory and growth of residential in-migration from states with higher PEV share (e.g., California and Washington). IPC subsequently developed a regression model to test the relationship utilizing migration, population and Moody’s car registration forecasts. The model results confirm the correlation and the forecast outlook conforms well with the generalized model utilizing DOE data. The evolution of the PEV market shows that high adoption continues to be evident in warmer climates, high-density and affluent population centers. The IPC forecast for PEVs shows that the service territory will continue to fall into the lower adoption ranges. IPC continues to monitor battery technology advancement, vehicle prices, charging rates and charging station availability which will serve to build the adoption rate in the service territory. Demand Response Beginning with the 2009 IRP, the reduction in load associated with demand response programs has been effectively treated as a supply side resource and accounted for in the load and resource balance. Demand response program data, including operational targets for demand reduction, program expenses, and cost-effective summaries are detailed in Appendix C— Technical Appendix. As supply-side resources, demand response program impacts are not incorporated into the sales and load forecast. In the load and resource balance, the forecast of existing demand response programs is subtracted from the peak-hour load forecast prior to accounting for existing supply side resources. Likewise, the performance of new demand response programs is accounted for prior to determining the need for additional supply-side resources. However, because energy efficiency programs have an impact on peak demand reduction, a component of peak hour load reduction is integrated into the sales and load forecast models. This provides a consistent treatment of both types of programs, as energy efficiency programs are considered in the sales and load forecast, while all demand response programs are included in the load and resource balance. A thorough description of each of the energy efficiency and demand response programs is included in Appendix B—Demand Side Management 2018 Annual Report. Fuel Prices Fuel prices, in combination with service-area demographic and economic drivers, impact long term trends in electricity sales. Changes in relative fuel prices can also impact the future demand for electricity. Class-level and economic-sector-level regression models were used to identify the relationships between real historical electricity prices and their impact on historical electricity sales. The estimated coefficients from these models were used as drivers in the individual sales forecast models. Short-term and long-term nominal electricity price increases are generated internally from Idaho Power financial models. The nominal price estimates are adjusted for projected inflation by applying the appropriate economic deflators to arrive at real fuel prices. The projected average annual growth rates of fuel prices in nominal and real terms (adjusted for inflation) are Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 35 presented in Table 12. The growth rates shown are for residential fuel prices and can be used as a proxy for fuel-price growth rates in the commercial, industrial, and irrigation sectors. Table 12. Residential fuel-price escalation (2019–2038) (average annual percent change) Nominal Real* Electricity—2019 IRP ......................................................................................................... 1.3% -0.6% Electricity—2017 IRP ......................................................................................................... 1.6% –0.3% Natural Gas ........................................................................................................................ 2.9% 1.0% * Adjusted for inflation Figure 20 illustrates the average electricity price paid by Idaho Power’s residential customers over the historical period 1980 to 2018 and over the forecast period 2019 to 2038. Both nominal and real prices are shown. In the 2019 IRP, nominal electricity prices are expected to climb to about 13 cents per kWh by the end of the forecast period in 2038. Real electricity prices (inflation adjusted) are expected to decline over the forecast period at an average rate of 0.6 percent annually. In the 2017 IRP, nominal electricity prices were assumed to climb to about 13 cents per kWh by 2038, and real electricity prices (inflation adjusted) were expected to decline over the forecast period at an average rate of -0.3 percent annually. The electricity price forecast used to prepare the sales and load forecast in the 2019 IRP reflected the additional plant investment and variable costs of integrating the resources identified in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio. When compared to the electricity price forecast used to prepare the 2017 IRP sales and load forecast, the 2019 IRP price forecast yielded higher future prices. The retail prices are slightly higher throughout the planning period which can impact the sales forecast, a consequence of the inverse relationship between electricity prices and electricity demand. Figure 20. Forecast residential electricity prices (cents per kWh) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1983 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Real 1988 1993 Nominal Nominal - 2019 IRP Real - 2017 IRP Nominal - 2017 IRP Real - 2019 IRP Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 36 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Electricity prices for Idaho Power customers increased significantly in 2001 and 2002, a direct result of the western US energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. Prior to 2001, Idaho Power’s electricity prices were historically quite stable. From 1990 to 2000, nominal electricity prices rose only 8 percent overall, an annual average compound growth rate of 0.8 percent annually. More recently, over the period 2008 to 2018, nominal electricity prices rose 78 percent overall, an annual average compound growth rate of 4.5 percent annually. Figure 21 illustrates the average natural gas price paid by Intermountain Gas Company’s residential customers over the historical period 1983 to 2017 and forecast prices from 2018 to 2038. Natural gas prices remained stable and flat throughout the 1990s before moving sharply higher in 2001. Since spiking in 2001, natural gas prices moved downward for a couple of years before moving sharply upward in 2004 through 2006. Since 2006, natural gas prices have declined about 39 percent, compared to 2017. Nominal natural gas prices are initially expected to drop by 7 percent in 2018, then rise at a steady pace throughout the remainder of the forecast period, increasing 80 percent by 2038, growing at an average rate of 2.9 percent per year. Real natural gas prices (adjusted for inflation) are expected to increase over the same period at an average rate of 1.0 percent annually. Figure 21. Forecast residential natural gas prices (dollars per therm) One consideration in determining the operating costs of space heating and water heating is fuel cost, if future natural gas price increases outpace electricity price increases, heating with electricity would become more advantageous when compared to that of natural gas. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides the forecasts of long-term changes in nominal natural gas prices. In the 2019 IRP price forecast, the long-term direction in real electricity prices (adjusted for inflation) is downward and the long-term projection in real natural gas prices is upward, with prices slowly rising throughout the forecast period. $0.00 $0.20 $0.40 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 $1.20 $1.40 $1.60 $1.80 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Nominal Actual Nominal Forecast Real Actual Real Forecast Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 37 Other Considerations Since the residential, commercial, irrigation, and industrial sales forecasts provide a forecast of sales as billed, it is necessary to adjust these billed sales to the proper time frame to reflect the required generation needed in each calendar month. To determine calendar-month sales from billed sales, the billed sales must first be converted from billed periods to calendar months to synchronize them with the time period in which load is generated. The calendar-month sales are then converted to calendar-month average load by adding losses and dividing by the number of hours in each month. Loss factors are determined by Idaho Power’s Transmission Planning department. The annual average energy loss coefficients are multiplied by the calendar-month load, yielding the system load, including losses. A system loss study of 2012 was completed in May 2014. The results of the study concluded that on average, the revised loss coefficients were lower than those applied to generation forecasts developed prior to the 2015 IRP and were used in the development of the 2019 IRP sales and load forecast. This resulted in a one-time permanent reduction of nearly 20 aMW to the load forecast annually. Hourly Load Forecast As a result of stakeholder feedback and comments filed in the 2017 IRP Idaho Power has leveraged several years of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) data to adopte a new hourly load forecasting methodology to be used in the 2019 IRP. The use of AMI data expanded its footprints at Idaho Power and is utilized to inform an hourly load forecast that conforms with forecast methods mentioned throughout this document. Historical IRP Methodology Historically, Idaho Power has utilized metered system generation reads and weather data to build a typical system load factor or hourly system shape based on a previous year, which was then applied to the monthly load forecast for the IRP planning horizon. This methodology produced a consistent system shape throughout the load forecast, but it lacked the significant statistical footing of using individual hourly regressions rooted in AMI. 2019 IRP Methodology In the time between IRP filings, Idaho Power began exploring potential methodology changes regarding hourly load forecasting relative to what the Company currently had in place. While evaluating potential changes, the Company believes it is prudent to maintain the integrity of the historic long-term forecasting methodologies previously employed by Load Forecasting. Based on the research, the Company concluded that the new methodology should be formed using a neural network. A neural network utilizes the stability of monthly sales data to calibrate and ground the hourly data via monthly peak regressions. Further, the methodology employs control and flexibility on the neural network while still leaning on its more robust statistical underpinnings. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 38 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Enhancements to Hourly Load Forecasting To begin the process, the Company engaged in consultation with the Itron. Together, Idaho Power and Itron designed the framework to introduce concepts of a neural network model that utilized two non-linear nodes and was hinged on currently accepted load forecasting processes. The result of this methodology brought statistical confidence of hourly load modeling to the Company while still conforming to the stability of the legacy methodology of monthly sales forecasting. An industry approach to weather responsiveness would be to utilize a linear model based on a heating degree day or cooling degree day level of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (actual point may differ by local utility weather characteristics). Utilities will also often use splines in regression equations to define the weather function to reflect the change of slope as the average daily temperature moves away from the 65°F mark and there is less weather responsiveness. This methodology works very well by minimizing the potential impact of overfitting. Building on this framework, Idaho Power uses a non-linear approach, wherein the derivative or local slope of a curve is calculated at each instance along the weather responsiveness curve. This responsiveness is captured in the neural network. The neural network design adopted by Idaho Power outputs a single series of hourly energy with only one hidden layer that contains two nodes (H1 and H2) representing the heating and cooling effects along the sales curve. Each of the H1 and H2 nodes uses a logistic activation function with a linear function applied to the output layer, where impacts of the calendar (weekend, weekday, holidays, etc.) are captured. A distinct model is developed for each hour of the year to capture the full spectrum of temperature responsiveness. For each non-linear hourly model, an instantaneous derivative value is calculated along the curve to obtain the relationship of energy sales to temperature. A key initiative for Idaho Power when using a neural network framework is controllability of calculations and reducing risk of overfitting of the tails of the distribution. This is achieved by capturing the derivative value and using it in the hourly forecast using 5-degree gradation bins. Further, by releasing the slopes in this fashion, it creates unique weighting schemes by hour and facilitates the construction of lagged weather impact, weekends, and holidays. The result of these hourly models is a transparent set of weather response functions. At this point, a typical meteorological year is developed using a rolling 30 years of weather history within the Idaho Power service territory. The Company then uses an algorithm to rank and average the daily temperature within a month from hottest to coldest, averaging the daily temperature for each rank across years. The result is an appropriate representation of severe, moderate, and mild daily temperatures for each month. The Company then uses that ranked and averaged typical weather by month and employs a transformation algorithm to reorder days based on a typical weather pattern. Finally, a rotation algorithm is used to ensure that the values over the forecast periods occur on the same day of the week throughout the forecast period, removing the year-to-year variation in the hourly load shape based on where it lands on the calendar of the given forecast year. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 39 Hourly System Load Forecast Design The output from the neural network is then joined with the abovementioned typical meteorological year (TMY) to develop a near final hourly forecast. An important aspect of the design was for the Company to preserve the monthly sales and monthly peak forecast that has been used historically. The newly developed methodology leverages a more statistically confident approach for allocated sales by hour within the month. To maintain conformance with the historical methodology, the Company applies a calibration algorithm to the hourly forecast to both the monthly peak and energy sales within a month as produced by the legacy linear forms the Company operates. The output of hourly sales and subsequent monthly peaks, as defined from the above-mentioned models, are adjusted such that the duration curve receives minimal adjustment during or around the peak hour, and any required adjustment grows larger as it moves out along the duration curve. This minimizes potential impacts of creating large hour-to-hour swings. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 40 2019 Integrated Resource Plan CONTRACT OFF-SYSTEM LOAD The contract off-system category represents long-term contracts to supply firm energy to off-system customers. Long-term contracts are contracts effective during the forecast period lasting for more than one year. At this time, there are no long-term contracts. The historical consumption for the contract off-system load category was considerable in the early 1990s; however, after 1995, off-system loads declined through 2005. As intended, the off-system contracts and their corresponding energy requirements expired as Idaho Power’s surplus energy diminished due to retail load growth. In the future, Idaho Power may enter additional long-term contracts to supply firm energy to off-system customers if surplus energy is available. Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 41 Appendix A1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Company System Load (excluding Astaris) Historical Company System Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) Year Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 7,275 901 1981 8,183 3.9% 1,015 1984 8,126 1.1%1,007 1987 8,492 1.8%1,055 1990 9,589 4.0%1,191 1993 10,248 2.5%1,273 1996 11,446 3.3%1,417 1998 12,241 4.0%1,517 2001 13,071 1.0%1,616 2004 13,354 2.0%1,654 2007 14,373 3.0%1,783 2010 13,841 -1.1%1,716 2013 14,096 0.2%1,755 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 42 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Company System Load Projected Company System Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 14,788 1.5% 1,833 2020 14,963 1.2% 1,849 2021 15,139 1.2% 1,876 2023 15,517 1.2% 1,923 2027 16,205 0.9% 2,008 2029 16,530 1.0% 2,048 2032 16,961 0.8% 2,096 2035 17,381 0.9% 2,154 2038 17,850 0.8% 2,212 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 43 Residential Load Historical Residential Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 194,650 14,714 2,864 322 1979 202,982 4.3% 13,892 2,820 -1.5% 330 1980 209,629 3.3% 14,846 3,112 10.4% 355 1982 216,696 1.5% 13,653 2,959 -6.4% 339 1986 227,081 0.8% 14,091 3,200 1.7% 366 1988 230,771 0.8% 14,269 3,293 2.7% 375 1991 243,207 2.1% 14,409 3,504 2.9% 401 1994 267,854 3.7% 14,048 3,763 3.1% 430 1997 294,674 3.0% 13,717 4,042 2.4% 461 2000 322,402 3.0% 13,436 4,332 1.6% 494 2003 349,219 2.8% 12,779 4,463 3.4% 509 2006 387,707 3.8% 12,967 5,027 5.7% 575 2008 402,520 1.3% 12,890 5,188 0.4% 591 2011 409,786 0.5% 12,434 5,095 0.2% 581 2014 425,036 1.5% 11,939 5,074 0.6% 576 2017 448,800 1.9% 11,496 5,159 1.1% 588 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 44 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Projected Residential Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 470,304 2.4% 11,190 5,263 1.1% 601 2022 502,081 2.1% 10,800 5,422 1.1% 620 2025 532,070 1.9% 10,595 5,637 1.2% 644 2028 560,321 1.7% 10,366 5,808 1.2% 662 2031 586,943 1.5% 10,218 5,998 1.0% 685 2034 612,354 1.4% 10,051 6,155 1.0% 703 2037 636,852 1.3% 10,074 6,415 1.4% 733 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 45 Commercial Load Historical Commercial Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 27,831 52,510 1,461 169 1979 28,087 0.9% 56,373 1,583 8.3% 180 1980 28,797 2.5% 54,169 1,560 -1.5% 178 1982 30,167 2.0% 54,130 1,633 1.7% 186 1986 33,208 2.4% 53,980 1,793 1.9% 204 1988 34,723 2.2% 54,467 1,891 4.0% 216 1991 37,922 3.1% 56,341 2,137 3.9% 244 1994 41,629 4.0% 58,445 2,433 4.2% 279 1997 46,819 4.1% 62,230 2,914 4.2% 333 2000 50,117 1.4% 66,151 3,315 4.3% 379 2003 54,194 2.4% 64,405 3,490 1.7% 399 2006 59,050 3.3% 63,613 3,756 3.3% 429 2008 63,492 3.0% 62,334 3,958 1.2% 449 2011 64,921 0.8% 58,596 3,804 0.1% 434 2014 67,113 1.1% 59,067 3,964 1.7% 451 2017 69,850 1.4% 58,014 4,052 1.1% 461 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 46 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Projected Commercial Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 72,507 2.0% 57,135 4,143 0.7% 473 2022 77,060 2.0% 55,719 4,294 1.4% 491 2025 81,315 1.7% 54,662 4,445 1.3% 508 2028 85,328 1.6% 54,030 4,610 1.3% 525 2031 89,447 1.6% 53,552 4,790 1.2% 547 2034 93,674 1.5% 52,885 4,954 1.0% 566 2037 97,946 1.5% 52,047 5,098 0.9% 582 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 47 Irrigation Load Historical Irrigation Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (weather adjusted) Year Maximum Active Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 10,476 154,696 1,621 185 1979 10,711 2.2% 163,250 1,749 7.9% 199 1982 11,312 0.6% 154,149 1,744 -7.8% 199 1985 11,576 1.8% 133,571 1,546 -0.2% 177 1987 11,254 -0.5% 132,363 1,490 -1.6% 170 1990 12,340 3.2% 149,104 1,840 11.9% 210 1993 13,078 2.1% 131,515 1,720 -4.8% 196 1996 14,074 2.9% 126,538 1,781 0.9% 203 1999 14,912 1.5% 120,501 1,797 1.9% 205 2002 15,840 2.0% 108,904 1,725 -5.1% 197 2005 16,936 3.9% 102,342 1,733 -2.3% 198 2007 17,001 -0.4% 105,177 1,788 7.8% 204 2010 17,846 0.8% 102,016 1,821 1.4% 208 2013 19,017 1.8% 103,711 1,972 1.4% 225 2016 20,042 1.4% 96,149 1,927 2.5% 219 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 48 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Projected Irrigation Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Maximum Active Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 20,727 1.3% 93,816 1,945 2.7% 222 2020 21,010 1.4% 93,458 1,964 1.0% 224 2021 21,290 1.3% 92,870 1,977 0.7% 226 2024 22,134 1.3% 91,565 2,027 0.8% 231 2027 22,975 1.2% 90,304 2,075 0.8% 237 2030 23,817 1.2% 89,198 2,124 0.8% 243 2033 24,658 1.1% 88,141 2,173 0.8% 248 2036 25,502 1.1% 87,223 2,224 0.8% 253 2038 26,064 1.1% 86,694 2,260 0.8% 258 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 49 Industrial Load Historical Industrial Sales and Load, 1978–2018 (not weather adjusted) Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 99 9,786,753 972 111 1979 109 9.6% 9,989,158 1,087 11.8% 126 1980 112 2.7% 9,894,706 1,106 1.7% 125 1982 122 3.5% 9,504,283 1,162 1.2% 133 1986 129 2.7% 10,550,145 1,357 -0.1% 155 1988 133 -1.0% 11,660,183 1,546 4.9% 177 1991 135 2.5% 12,699,665 1,719 3.4% 196 1994 143 1.7% 13,616,608 1,948 5.1% 223 1997 106 2.7% 19,309,504 2,042 5.6% 235 2000 107 -0.8% 20,433,299 2,191 1.5% 250 2003 112 1.0% 19,950,866 2,234 3.6% 255 2006 127 1.0% 18,255,385 2,325 -1.1% 265 2008 119 -3.1% 19,412,391 2,308 -2.4% 261 2011 120 -1.1% 18,597,050 2,230 -0.1% 254 2014 113 -0.7% 20,863,653 2,363 2.1% 271 2017 117 -1.1% 20,996,425 2,453 3.9% 280 Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 50 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Projected Industrial Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Average Customers Percent Change kWh per Customer Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 113 -1.7% 21,962,765 2,482 1.4% 284 2022 115 0.0% 22,350,111 2,570 0.9% 294 2025 116 0.0% 22,745,374 2,638 0.7% 301 2028 118 0.0% 22,722,807 2,681 0.5% 305 2031 121 1.7% 22,425,128 2,713 0.5% 310 2034 121 0.0% 22,636,506 2,739 0.3% 313 2037 124 0.8% 22,210,418 2,754 0.1% 314 Idaho Power Company Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Page 51 Additional Firm Sales and Load Historical Additional Firm Sales and Load, 1978–2018 Year Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 1978 357 41 1979 373 4.4% 43 1980 360 -3.5% 41 1982 368 -2.4% 42 1986 482 2.3% 55 1988 530 5.6% 60 1991 661 5.8% 75 1994 741 7.5% 85 1997 1,048 6.0% 120 2000 1,143 1.9% 130 2003 1,120 -1.7% 128 2006 1,189 1.2% 136 2008 1,114 -2.4% 127 2011 906 0.0% 103 2014 841 -2.9% 96 2017 897 3.1% 102 *Includes Micron Technology, Simplot Fertilizer, INL, Hoku Materials, City of Weiser, and Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Appendix A—Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Page 52 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Projected Additional Firm Sales and Load, 2019–2038 Year Billed Sales (thousands of MWh) Percent Change Average Load (aMW) 2019 957 5.1% 109 2022 1,048 3.5% 120 2025 1,161 1.3% 133 2028 1,171 0.3% 133 2031 1,178 0.2% 134 2034 1,186 0.3% 135 2037 1,193 0.2% 136 *Includes Micron Technology, Simplot Fertilizer, and the INL