HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200522Harvey Direct Supplemental.pdfEItmroNp561. ^nD OoRPcolrparry LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahooower.com May 20, 2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Case No. IPC-E-19-18 Validation of North Valmy Power Plant Unit 2 Closure in 2025 ldaho Power Company's Testimony Dear Ms. Hanian Attached for electronic filing in the above matter is ldaho Power Company's Supplemental Direct Testimony of Tom Harvey. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, I r : il !: l\,'[: D Re X*!-(,a.+*-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sdh Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAIIO PI'BIJIC TJTII'ITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAITO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION EOR A DETERMINATION VAI,IDATING A NORTH VAIMY POWER PIJAMT UNIT 2 CI-JOSURE rN 2025. cAsE NO. IPC-E-19-r_8 IDAI{O POWER COMPAI\TY SUPPIJEMENTAIJ DIRECT TESTIMOIiTY OF TOM HARVEY 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 O. Please state your name, business address, and present position with "Company"). A. My name Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or is Tom Harvey and my business address is L22L West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Vice President of Power Supply in the Power Supply Department. O. Have you previously submitted testimony before the Idaho PubIic Util-ities Commission ("Commission") in this proceeding? A. Yes. On .fune 27, 20L9, I filed testimony presenting the results of the Valmy Unit 2 closure analyses supporting a December 31, 2025, end-of-life date and requesting the Commission acknowledge the Company has sufficiently validated t.he economic retirement date of Unit 2 is December 31, 2025, as directed by the Commission in Order No. 34349. O. What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? A. The purpose of my testimony is to present additional validation that the economic retirement date of Valmy Unit 2 is December 31-, 2025, based on the analyses performed during and after the development of the Amended 201,9 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") filed with the Commission on ,fanuary 31-, 2020, as directed by the HARVEY, SUPP DI fdaho Power Company l_0 1l_ L2 13 L4 l_5 t6 L7 l-8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 t_ 25 1 Commission in Order No. 34349. The additional analyses 2 performed using the results of the Amended 2019 IRP 3 validate the conclusions found in the initial analysis 4 presented in my direct testimony. The results indicate 5 that, under the broad range of modeled scenarios, an exit 6 from Unit 2 prior to 2025 would result in higher costs for 7 customers and would cause system reliability concerns. The 8 analyses validate year-end 2025 as the appropriate end-of- 9 life date for Valmy Unit 2. l-0 O. Do you have any exhibits? 11 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 1 to my testimony presents L2 the net present value ('NPV") difference between the cost 1-3 of the Preferred Portfolio and the portfolios modeled L4 during the Company's supplemental analyses discussed Iater l-5 in my testimony. nxhibit No. 2 illustrates the results of L6 the Frequency Duration Loss of Load evaluation performed. 1-7 I. THE ATIEIIDED 2019 IRP 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 O. Please describe what led to the filing of the Amended 20L9 IRP. A. As mentioned in my direct testimony filed in \Tune 20L9, Idaho Power used the Long-Term Capacity Expansion ('LTCE") modeling capability of AURORA to produce Western Electricity Coordinating Council- ('WECC") optimized portfolios under various future conditions. Specifically, the AURORA LTCE modeling was performed using HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 2 25 1 three natural gas forecasts and four carbon emissions 2 adders, with the Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line 3 project (*82H') and without. 4 The result was 24 separate portfolios, all with a 5 Valmy Unit 2 shutdown date of 2025, that included varied 5 amounts of nameplate generation additions, creating a 7 diversity of resource mixes. While retiring Valmy Unit 2 8 prior to 2025 was an option available for selection within 9 the logic of the LTCE model, none of the 24 portfolios 10 included an early retirement of this unit. When analyzing 11 the portfolio results as part of a different case filed by L2 the Company, Idaho Power discovered an issue within the 13 logic of the LTCE modeling in AURORA that warranted further 1,4 investigation. 15 O. What concerns did the Company have with the L5 logic built into the LTCE modeling of AURORA? L7 A. It was determined that while optimizing 18 resource build-out portfolios for the WECC region, of which 19 Idaho Power's balancing authority is part, AURORA appeared 20 to be modifying the resource timing of the Company's 2L resources to the benefit of the WECC. While optimizing and 22 reducing costs for the WECC region, the Company was 23 concerned that the results did not reflect the least cost 24 portfolio for Idaho Power and its customers. HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 a. How did the Company address this issue with the LTCE modeling logic? A. To ensure the final preferred portfolio was optimized for Idaho Power, the Company manually modified a subset of the top-performing WECC-optimized portfolios to arrive at the least-cost, least risk portfolio specific to fdaho Power. Through this process, the annual level of reserves on the system was evaluated and resource additions and retirements were modified to determine if a more economically optimal result could be achieved. Extra attention was given to the Jim Bridger Coal Plant ("Bridger") to ensure the shutdown dates of these units were developed to yield the best possible economic and reliability outcome for the Company and its customers. II. SUPPLEMEIITAIJ VAIJM:I IINIT 2 CIJOSITRE AI{AIJYSES A. Did the manual modification result in any changes to the Valmy Unit 2 shutdown date of 2025? A. No. The logic of the capacity e:q>ansion model allowed Unit 2 to retire Ln 2025 or earlier. In all- 24 LTCE scenarios, Unit 2 did not shut down prior Lo 2025. In fact, the manual modification resulted in only two changes to Idaho Power's preferred portfol-io: the removal of a solar resource no longer available and the shift of demand response procurement to later in the planning period. There were no changes associated with any coal-fired generating HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company r_0 l_ t_ t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 4 25 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 units within the action plan window; the portfolios continue to indicate favorable economics associated with the exit of five of seven units by 2026. O. Did the Company perform any additional analyses of the portfolio results to further validate the Unit 2 2025 shutdown date? A. Yes. Given the concerns around the LTCE model's ability to fu11y optimlze for Idaho Power's specific system, additional analysis was performed to further validate that year-end 2025 is the optimal exit date from Valmy Unit 2 for Idaho Power and its customers. To accomplish this, Idaho Power performed a comprehensive analysisl to further validate the Unit 2 2025 shutdown date, comparing the NPV differences between the portfolio costs of the amended IRP portfolios with a series of alternative futures, including: . a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 under planning natural gas and planning CO2 cost assumptions, . a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and planning CO2 cost assumptions, I The analysis presented in this testimony $ras initially performed in response to discovery from Commission Staff("Staff") issued in this case. Therefore, the figures presented herein reflect those provided to parties throughthe discovery process. HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 10 1_1 12 13 l4 l_5 15 1,7 18 L9 20 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 under planning natural gas and high CO2 cost assumptions, . a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and high CO2 cost assumptions, o a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 under planning natural gas and planning CO2 cost assumptions but without B2H, o a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and planning CO2 cost assumptions but without B2H, o a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 under planning natural gas and high cost CO2 assumptions but without B2H, and o a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and high CO2 cost assumptions but without B2H. As can be seen in the results of this analysis, presented on Exhibit No. L, under seven of the eight scenarios, the Preferred Portfolio reflected a lower NPV than the portfolios with an exit of Valmy Unit 2 prior to 2025. Further, in all scenarios, the early exit from Valmy Unit 2 resulted in a reserve margin deficit in at least one year prior Lo 2025 without available capacity from Unit 2. Planning margin, a commonly-used North American Electric Reliability Corporation reliability indicator (M-1 Reserve HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 1_0 i-L L2 l_3 l4 l-5 L5 l7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 6 25 l- Margin), is used to ensure reliable system operation in the 2 future and is intended to account for NERC reliability 3 requirements2, Ioad variability and loss of system elements 4 that may reduce the capability of existing generation 5 resources to serve demand. 5 Q. You mentioned earlier that the IRP analyzed 7 three different gas price forecasts and four potential 8 carbon adders. why did the Company only analyze a subset of 9 these futures in the current analysis? l-0 A. The subset of future scenari-os modeled in this 11 case appropriately tests the viability of earlier shutdown L2 dates for Valmy Unit 2 because the scenarios apply l-3 conditions under which it would be most beneficial to 1,4 accelerate the retirement of a coal unit, i.e. scenarios in 15 which the cost of a different fuel (natural gas) is Iow, 15 and the cost of running coal facilities is highest due to 1,7 the high CO2 cost assumptions. Therefore, if it is not 18 beneficial to accelerate the exit from Valmy Unit 2 under L9 these scenarios, it is highly unlikely that a different 20 modeled future would yield a different result. 2L a. what is the NPv difference between the cost of 22 the Preferred Portfolio and the portfolios under planning 23 natural gas and planning CO2 cost assumptions and with B2H? HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 7 2 BAL-OO2-WECC-1 1 A. As can be seen on Line 1 of Exhibit No. l, the 2 NPV of the Preferred Portfolio is $758,000 less than the 3 NPv of a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 4 and $l-,016,000 less than a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 5 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and planning 6 CO2 assumptions and including B2H. 7 Q. What is the NPV difference between the cost of 8 the Preferred Portfolio and the portfolios under planning 9 natural gas and high Co2 cost assumptions and with B2H? LO A. The NPV of the Preferred Portfolio is l-1- $1,107,000 less than the NPV of a portfolio using a Valmy L2 Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 and $724,000 less than a portfolio L3 using a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning 1-4 naturaf gas and high CO2 assumptions and including B2H. 15 These results can be found on Line 2 of Exhibit No. l-. 15 O. Excluding B2H, what is the NPV difference L7 between the cost of the Preferred Portfolio and the 18 portfolios under planning natural gas and planning CO2 cost 1-9 assumptions? 20 A. The NPV of the Preferred Portfolio is $941-,000 2L less than the NPV of a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 22 shutdown of 2024 under planning natural gas and planning 23 CO2 assumptions but without B2H, while the NPV of the 24 Preferred Portfolio is $538,000 greater than a portfolio 25 using a Va1my Unit 2 shutdown of 2023, as presented on Line HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company I l- 3 of Exhibit No. l-. It should be noted, however, that the 2 cost of mitigating the reliability violations created by 3 the shutdown of Unit 2 in 2023 under this scenario totaled 4 approximately $40 million under the planning gas, planning 5 carbon scenario, as detailed later in my testimony. 5 Q. Excluding B2H, what is the NPV difference 7 between the cost of the Preferred Portfolio and the 8 portfolios under planning natural gas and high CO2 cost 9 assumptions? L0 A. The NPV of the Preferred Portfolio is l-l- $1,1-03,000 less than the NPV of a portfolio using a Valmy L2 Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 and $223,000 Iess than a portfolio 13 using a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023 under planning 1-4 natural gas and high CO2 assumptions but excluding B2H. 15 Please see Exhibit No. 1, Line 4 for the detailed results. l-5 a. You indicated that in aI1 scenarios the early L7 exit from Valmy Unit 2 resulted in reliability violations 18 in at least one year prior to 2025 without the available 1,9 20 2L 22 23 capacity from Unit 2. What planning margin? was the resulting impact to the A. In a1l eight of the scenarios described earlier and performed as part of the comprehensive LTCE analysis, a planning margin shortfall occurred in either 2024 or 2025. A drop below the 15 percent planning margin HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 24 9 l- 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 results in the need to delay the exit of a Bridger coal unit or accelerate the need for another resource. a. Did Idaho Power perform any further analysis to address the planning margin shortfall? A. Yes. Idaho Power performed an additional analysis to ensure that a more optimal result could not be attained by accelerating the shutdown of Valmy Unit 2 and addressing the resulting planning margin shortfall with a different resource decision. a. Please describe this analysis. A. The Company utilized a delay in the exit of a Bridger coal unit to address the planning shortfatl created by the early exit of Valmy Unit 2 prior to 2025. Because the reliability violations occurred prior to 2026, Idaho Power did not differentiate between the scenarios that included B2H and those that do not, as the modeling changes specific to the timing differences associated with exiting from Valmy Unit 2 prior Lo 2025 and delaying the first Bridger unit exit are captured prior to the in-service date of B2H. a. What were the mitigation analysis? A. The results of results of the reliability the reliability mitigation 1,0 l-1 1-2 13 L4 15 t5 L7 18 l_9 20 2a 22 23 24 analysis are presented on Lines As can be seen, a delay in the 5 and 5 of Exhibit No. 1 exit of a Bridger coal unit HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 25 10 l- to accelerate the exit of Valmy unit 2 resulted in 2 significantly higher portfolio costs. The NPV of the 3 Preferred Portfolio is $29.22 million less than the NPV of 4 a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 and 5 #29.43 million less than a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 5 shutdown of 2023 under planning natural gas and planning 7 CO2 cost assumptions. Under planning natural gas and high I CO2 cost assumptions, the NPV of the Preferred Portfolio is 9 $26.24 million less than the NPV of a portfolio using a 10 Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2024 and $25.44 million less than l-1 a portfolio using a Valmy Unit 2 shutdown of 2023. L2 a. Did the Company evaluate the construction of l-3 another resource rather than the delay of a Bridger unit L4 exit to mitigate the reliability issues caused by an early 1-5 Valmy Unit 2 exit? 1"5 A. Yes. However, because the planning margin 17 shortfall occurs as early as 2024, resource procurement 18 rules and construction timeframes would prevent the l-9 addition of any supply-side resources in that amount of 20 time. A movement in the exit date from a Bridger unit is 2L the next best option for meeting load if valmy Unit 2 was 22 shutdown prior lo 2025. 23 O. To what resource procurement rules is Idaho 24 Power subject? HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company l- t- 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 A. Under the Oregon rules governing Resource Procurement for Electric Utilities, which are applicable to Idaho Power in its Idaho jurisdiction, the Company estimates that the entire process to procure and construct additional generation would take a minimum of approximately 5 years. In Case No. fPC-E-l-0-03, the Idaho Commission directed Idaho Power in Order No. 32745 to comply with resource procurement rules applicable in its Oregon service area, "should the Company coilrmence an RFP process for a new supply-side resource prior to the devetopment of Idaho- specific RFP guidelines. " These rules would hlnder the Company's abil-ity to have availabLe a supply-side resource prior to 2024. Consequently, the Company does not believe acquisition of an additional supply-side resource is a practical option given the timing of the resource deficiency. A. Did the Company consider demand response as a viable option for mitigating the reliability impacts of an early Valmy Unit 2 shutdown? A. Demand response is considered a resource that is able to meet peak demand and, as such, is factored into Idaho Power's 15 percent peak planning margin. However, demand response is not a resource able to broadly address reliability constraints or reserve requirements. Contingency events can occur any time throughout the year. HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 10 l_ l_ 1_2 l_3 L4 l_5 15 L7 18 t-9 20 21- 22 23 24 25 a2 1 The 390 MW of demand response on Idaho Power's system i-s 2 onJ-y available in the summer during specific hours. 3 Q. How did the Company determine specifically 4 when the reserve margin deficits occurred? 5 A. Idaho Power performed a Freguency Duration 5 Loss of Load evaluation to determine when resources are Z required to address reserve margin deficits. The evaluation 8 inctuded 100 iterations of the year 2025 from the preferred 9 portfolio with a Valmy Unit 2 exit modeled in 2023. The 10 results are included as Exhibit No. 2 to my testimony with l-1 the hours in which current demand response programs are 12 available shaded. As can be seen, a large number of the l-3 loss of toad events occur during non-peak hours for which L4 current demand response programs are unavailable. 15 O. Please summarize the results of the additional l-5 validation performed by the Company that the economic 1-7 retirement date of Valmy Unit 2 Ls December 31-, 2025. 18 A. The additional comprehensive analysis L9 performed by Idaho Power to validate the Unit 2 shutdown 20 date compared the net present value differences between the 21, portfolio costs of the amended IRP portfolios with a series 22 of alternative futures, and further resolved any planning 23 margin shortfalls created by a shutdown of Valmy Unit 2 24 before 2025 by delaying the exit of a Bridger unit. Under 25 seven of the eight scenarios, the Preferred Portfolio HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company l_3 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 reflected a lower NPV than the portfolios with the exit of Valmy Unit 2 prior Lo 2025. In addition, in all eight scenarios, the early exit from Valmy Unit 2 resulted in reliability violations without available capacity from Unit 2. Lastly, delaying the exit of a Bridger unit to meet the planning margin shortfalls resulted in significantly higher portfolio costs than the Preferred Portfolio. ITI. CONCIJUSION o What conclusions can be drawn from these 10 results? A. As directed by the Commission in Order No. 34349, Idaho Power performed Unit 2 closure analyses as part of the 2019 IRP process. The additional analyses performed using the results of the Amended 2019 IRP validate the conclusions found in the initial analysis presented in my direct testimony. The results indicate that, under the broad range of modeled scenarios, an exit from Unit 2 prior Lo 2025 would result in higher costs for customers and would cause system reliability concerns. The analyses validate year-end 2025 as the appropriate end-of- life date for Valmy Unit 2. a. Does this complete your testimony? A. Yes, it does. 11 L2 13 1-4 1_5 16 t7 L8 1,9 20 2L 22 HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company 23 L4 1 DECITARATION OF TOM HAR\IEY 2 T, Tom Harvey, declare under penalty of perjury 3 under the laws of the state of ldaho: 4 L. My name is Tom Harvey. I am employed by 5 Idaho Power Company as the Vice President of Power Supply 5 in the Power Supply Department. 7 2. on behalf of Idaho Power, I present this 8 pre-fi1ed supplemental direct testimony and Exhibit Nos. l-- 9 2 in this matter. l-O 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed 11 supplemental direct testimony and exhibits are true and 12 accurate. l-3 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to L4 the best of my knowtedge and belief, and that I understand 15 it is made for use as evidence before the ldaho Public 1,6 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. L7 SIGNED this 22nd day of May 2020, at Boise, Idaho. L8 19 20 2L aJW Tom ,J. Harvey HARVEY, SUPP DI Idaho Power Company l_5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-19-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARVEY, SUPP DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 FIO=F,FUs9d qo EIa*E fi8 9edgc4 flFa!o @f\Nantt stolrl lrt <t\ r-l oOnt r"tNNoid i/l rrl N lrtmglOr Flm(oID(\r-l F{rrt oo' ul (oNO)NO)m@TDNrl Flro ao <(tc) rr1r,)NddaY) OdHd oo' oo =IEEo3tlE .ECC(! E € u-" ! c\J<'E (JI E6bE=!!\\lr66t(,(9Egg'Fcc EOE,EE aatD+([1 lrlNdNltlN6oN(oNNj +i'iUN cf EI .n .r, w, v, cOFFlmcirUlOttOot\ilotFtNjjj.;Et! !cf E$rarnrnrrl mO-l 6(ONN6+rtOrn\t()Orrf ut Ft tvt toEqeR.4lli lO 6 lO t\ NEcf, El.n,n** CNINttN.itI,iDNgrcrr{@rDFNui.itr'Fig9PR8rtdqtutr.' EE E $rnraorrr tioanmOrrtoo)r,lN1.olodeirvid.iorlsiHHN(nro@(tF I @p* E --* u.=xtluJfI sEL)U..rB pB --.EUEUg E EE EEo--o--:\\\,\L6D66.rOE66i(,lo19(9EaoaooouECCC< ECTCE.,CCECggl9 c o<o-o-a-o- r,loN ExU vc) E6 EFaatlxocoo 6 3 UIxtA =uoC' .9o ba. oIoortt(^8:EI!z oa o l!Eouti a,EJ o 6.>otr IE tro Eo o.cttnoL5ai -9u NEcl E l! l/t rclHNrl{ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO, IPC.E.19.18 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARVEY, SUPP DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 FREQUENCY DURATION LOSS OF LOAD EVALUATION Prcfened Porttolio with a Valmy Unit 2 Exit in 2023 Year:2025 LOL Frequensy by Hour of Day Hour Count (Hourc| LOt Percentate by Hour l:fi)AM 4 2.!yt$ 2:fllAM 5 3.6,6 3:00 AM 2 1.4% 4:00 AM 1 o.7% 10:00 AM 2 1.4% 11:00 AM 5 4.?% 12:00 PM 6 4.3% 1:00 PM 5 3.6t6 2:l!0 PM 6 4.rr$ 3:00 PM 6 4.?% rl:00 PM 11 8.OYo 5:00 PM L2 8.7% 6:00 PM L2 8.VYr 7:00 PM 9 6.5r E:00 PM 9 6.5t6 9:fit PM 13 9.4% 10:00 PM 11 8.9?6 l1:il!PM 1t 8.0% 12:00 AM 7 5.1% Tota!138 100.0% Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-19-18 T. Harvey Supp Dl Page 1 of 1 LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221\Nest ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rd stro m @ i da h opower. co m Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILlT!ES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER FOR A VALIDATED ECONOMIC CLOSURE DATE FOR NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT UNIT 2 CASE NO. |PC-E-19-18 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CERT!FICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 22nd day of May 2020,1 served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TOM HARVEY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.qov IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6s Street Boise, ldaho 83702 U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27h Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dreadino@mindsprino.com J"..22-zH,a-- Sandra D. Holmes Lega! Adm inistrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 2