HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190524Patteson Direct.pdf3 I RE C E IVED l0t9lt,qT 2b Pl{ lr: l*5 iTil,?ffic#*fnh18t,o* BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ]DAHO POWER COMPANY EOR AUTHOR]TY TO MODIFY SCHEDULE 15, DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING, AND SCHEDULE 41, STREET LIGHTING SERVICE, TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT- EM]TTING DIODE TECHNOLOGY. CASE NO. ]PC-E_79_77 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KRISTY M. PATTESON 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 n Pl-ease state your name, business address, and present position "Company"). with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or 10 A. My name is Kristy M. Patteson. My business address is 7227 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I am employed by Idaho Power as a Regulatory Analyst II. 0. Please describe your educational background. A. In May of L992, I earned a Bachel-or of Science degree in Mathematics from Boise State Unlversity. I have al-so attended electric utility ratemaking courses, including "The Basics: Practical Regulatory Tralning for the Efectric Industryr " a course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Pubfic Utilities, "Residential Demand Charges" presented by Electric Utllities Consultants, Inc., and Edison Electric Institute's "El-ectric Rates Advanced Course." O. Please describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. I began my employment with Idaho Power in 7992 in Corporate Services where I provided technical- support to Company employees needing assistance with Microsoft Office products. In 1999, I began working in the Metering Department where I was responsible for the operation and maintenance of Idaho Power's handhe1d meter reading system. In 2006, I began working in the Load Research and 11 72 13 74 15 76 t1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 PATTESON, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 25 1 Forecasting Department where I was responsibJ-e for 2 conducting analyses and studies with an emphasis on the 3 study of energy use, behavior, and demand characteristics 4 of specific groups and cl-asses of customers in Idaho 5 Power's servi-ce area. 6 Durj-ng the fall of 20L5, L accepted my current 7 posltion as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs 8 Department. As a Regulatory Analyst, I support the 9 Company's various regulatory activities, including tariff 10 administration, regulatory ratemaking and compl-j-ance 11 filings, and the development of various pricing strategies 12 and policj-es. 13 O. What is Idaho Power proposing in this docket? 14 A. Idaho Power is requesting approval to (1) 15 modj-fy Schedule 15, Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting 16 ("Schedul-e 15" or "area lighting") and Schedule 4L, Street 11 Lighting Service ("Schedule 41" or "street lighting") to 18 al-low for light-emitting diode ("LED") technofogy effective 19 October t, 2019, and (2) cl-ose Option \\B" of Schedule 47, 20 customer-owned, Idaho Power-maintained systems effective 2L September 30, 2023. 22 O. Is the Company requestlng a rate change as 23 part of this filing? 24 A. No. 25 0. How is your testimony organized? PATTESON, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 A. My testimony wiII begin with (1) an overview 2 of Idaho Power's current area lighting and street lighting 3 service offerings followed by (2) an explanation of why 4 Idaho Power is planning to instal-l- LED light fixtures for 5 all Company-owned area and street lighting systems. I will 6 then (3) explain the Company's plan to replace al-l- Company- 7 owned lighting systems with LED light fixtures and B discontinue maintenance of customer-owned lighting systems, 9 (4) provide the revenue requirement impact analysis, and 10 (5) describe the proposed changes to Schedules 15 and 47. 11 Finally, I wiII (6) describe the Company's plan to L2 communicate with customers who will be impacted by this 13 change. 74 I. IDAIIO POIYER'S CI'RRENT ARE.A ATiID STREET LIGHTING SERVICES 15 O Pl-ease describe the area lighting and street to Idaho Power76 Iighting services currently available L] customers. Idaho Power's lighting servicesA1B 19 through two tariff schedules: Schedul-e 15 and to electric are provided Schedule 4L. service20 27 )) 23 24 25 Schedule the 15 is applj-cabJ-e outdoor dusk to dawn Iighting ofprovided for commercial, yards, driveways, under Schedule 15 industrial, and residential- customer Customers taking a per lamp basis and premises. are charged on grounds, service for the PATTESON, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 !4 15 1,6 71 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 type and wattage of lamp. A11 light fixtures under Schedule 15 are owned and maintained by the Company. Schedule 4L is appllcable to electric service provided for lighting of public streets, public a1leys, public grounds, and thoroughfares to improve visibility for drivers, ds well as to illuminate outdoor pedestrj-an walkways. Schedul-e 4L provides three service options for street lighting customers. . Optlon \\A" ("Schedule 4tA" ) provides for Idaho Power-owned and Idaho Power-maintained street lighting systems. Street lighting systems under this option are not metered and customers pay monthly lamp charges based on their choice of standard wattage high pressure sodium vapor lamps. . Option \\B" ("Schedule ALB" ) provides for customer- owned, fdaho Power-maintained street lighting systems. Option \\B'l was cl-osed to new service in 2072 as a part of Idaho Power's l-ast general rate case.l AIl new customer-owned lighting systems instal-l-ed after January L, 2072, are required to take service under Option C, where the lighting system is owned, operated, and maintained by the customer. Option option a \\c// for ("ScheduIe 4LC") provides customers choosj-ng to own a service their lighting 1 Case No. IPC-E-11-08, Order No. 32426. PATTESON, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 system. Option \\C" allows customers with non- 2 metered lighting systems to provide their own 3 maintenance without being charged for Idaho Power- 4 provided maintenance. Option \\C" al-so provides 5 greater flexibil-ity to customers as they are not 6 limited to the liqht fixture offered by Idaho Power; 1 rather, the customer can install llghting systems B not offered by the Company. 9 Q. How many customers take service under 10 Schedul-es 15 and 47? 11 A. Table 1 summarizes the customer counts for L2 each of the three service options for Schedule 4L and for 13 Schedule 15. 14 Tab].e 1: Customer Counts Service Option Description #of Customers 41A Company-Owned / Company-Maintained B2 4 18*Customer-Owned / Company-Maintained*42 4LC Customer-Owned / Customer-Maintained 531 Dusk to Dawn Llghting 6,389 15 L6 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 *No New Service as of January 2012 II. FACTORS DRIVING LED CON\ZERSION O. Generally, what factors are drivlng the Company's request for an LED conversion? A. The Company is proposing to transition away from the existing high pressure sodium and metal halide liqht technology, collectively referred to as High PATTESON, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 15 1 Intensity Discharge ("HID") toward LED Iighting in 2 recognition of several- factors. First, HID tighting 3 technology is expected to reach a point of technical 4 obsolescence in the coming years. Second, technological 5 advances and improving economics are making LED lighting 6 options more cost competitive as compared to HID 7 technologies. Lastly, LED lights use l-ess energy, operate 8 with lower maintenance costs, and provide improved Iighting 9 quality. When all of these factors are considered in 10 aggregate, the Company believes its adoption of LED 11 lighting options will serve the best. interests of its L2 customers. 13 A. HID Lighting Techno1 Will Become Obsolete 74 O. What type of lighting technology does the 15 Company currently own and install for Schedules 15 and 4L? 76 A. A11 Company-owned lighting systems instal-l-ed 77 under Schedul-es 15 and 4l currently consist of HID light 18 fixtures. 19 O. Why is Idaho Power proposing to move away from 20 the HID technology? 27 A. Due to changing technology within the lighting 22 industry, the Company has less certainty regarding the 23 future availability of HID lighting. Idaho Power's current 24 fixture manufacturer has recently notified Idaho Power that 25 it has discontinued a}l but two of the high pressure sodium PATTESON, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 fixtures and has eliminated metaf hal-ide optlons on many other fixtures. Based on conversations with this and other manufacturers, the industry trend is to manufacture more LED liqht fixtures and fewer HID light fixtures. The Company expects HID street liqht and area light options to become increasingfy obsolete as LED replacements become more widely util-ized. B. Industry Lighting Trends O. What trends has the industry experienced with regard to area lighting and street lighting installations? A. According to a 2017 report by Navigant Consulting (*2071 Report on LED Adoption"),2 LED penetration in area and street lighting applications j-n the U.S. has grown from 0.3 percent in 2070 to an estlmated 28.3 percent in 2016, while parking lot applications have grown from 1 percent in 2070 to an estimated 26.2 percent in 20L6. O. What changes have occurred with LED technology 10 11 I2 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 that now make LED area lights and street 79 effective option for Idaho Power's street 20 services? 21 Iights a cost- I ight 1ng 2 Navigant Consulting, Adoption of Light-Emitting Diod.es in Common Lighting Applications, Sol-id-State Lightlng Program Building Technologies Office Energy Efficiency and Renewabl-e Energy U.S. Department of Energy, pp. 51-54. https : / /www. energy . govl s lte s / pr od / f rle s / 2071 / AA / fi 5 / Led-adopt ion-juI20l-7 0.pdf PATTESON, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 A.Reduced capital costs lighting opti-ons. Accordi-ng Adoption, the typical price fixtures have decreased more than 50 percent from 20L2 to 201,6 and the typical price of an LED parking 1ot/area light has decreased more than '15 percent from 2072 to 2016.3 O. Have other utilities undertaken a similar LED replacement pro;ect of their own? A. Yes. Several- utilities have already embarked on their own projects to replace HID light fixtures with LED liqht fixtures. Avista, Xcel Energy, Pacific Gas & Electric, and Portland General Electric have replaced HTD liqht fixtures with LED liqht flxtures to varying degrees, ranging from replacement of all- lamp type and wattages to only replacement of sel-ect lamp styles and wattages. 16 C. Benefits of LED ts 11 O. What attributes make LED technology a preferred replacement for the existing HID technology? A. LED lighting provides several advantages over traditional HID lighting options: LED lights use less energy, reduce maintenance costs, and provide better lighting quality as compared to HID technology. 1B 79 2t 23 PATTESON, DI 8 Idaho Power Company to the of LED are creating parity in 207'l Report on LED street and roadway Iight 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 20 22 24 3 rd. 1 Q. How will the Company save energy by replacing 2 all Company-owned HID lighting systems with LED liqht 3 fixtures? 4 A. LED light fixtures are more energy efficient 5 than HID llghting systems because they use l-ess energy to 6 produce the same or better light quality. 1 Q. Did the Company quantify the estimated energy B savings? 9 A. Whil-e energy savings varies depending on the 10 wattage and the type of fixture being replaced, Lf all 11 Schedul-e 15 and 4L Company-owned lighting systems are L2 replaced with LED light fixtures, Idaho Power estimates an 13 annual reduction in energy consumption of approximately 74 8,581 megawatt-hours. Thls reduction in energy consumption 15 results in net power supply expense savings of 76 approximately $250,000 on a level-ized basis that wil-I L1 automati-caIly flow back to customers through the Power Cost 18 Adjustment ("PCA") mechanism. 19 O. How will the replacement of all Company-owned 20 HID lighting systems with LED liqht fixtures resul-t in 2L reduced maintenance costs? 22 A. The operating life of an LED is longer than 23 that of an HID bul-b. The LED light fixtures specified for 24 the LED conversion project have an L70 rating of 100,000 25 hours per Illuminating Engineering Society standards. An PATTESON, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 7 L10 rating specifies that the LED must maintain 10 percent 2 of its initial lumens during its rated life. Assuming an 3 Ll 0 rating of 100,000 hours and 4,059 burn hours annua11y, 4 the projected life of the specified LED light fixtures is 5 approximately 24.6 years (100,000 hours/4,059 hours per 6 year burn time) . By comparison, Idaho Power's most 7 commonly installed 100W high pressure sodium vapor bulb has 8 an expected l1fe of approximately 20,000 hours,a roughly 20 9 percent of the expected l-ife of an LED fixture. 10 O. How does the liqht quality of LED lights 11 compare to that of HID lighting? 72 A. LED lights provide better light quality. LED 13 Iights project light in a focused pattern, directing light 74 more precisely where it is needed. In addition, the color 15 temperature of the light appears whiter wlth better color 16 rendition thus providing greater clarity than the yellow l1 hues of high pressure sodium vapor lighting. The result is 18 more uniform liqht coverage, with Iess glare and fewer dark L9 spots, whi-ch improves visibil-ity due to better J-ighting 20 quality. 2t O. Has fdaho Power had any experience with 22 replacing area lights or street Iights with LED light 23 fixtures? a The lamp life of HID lamps varies by lamp manufacturer, Iamp orientation, and lamp wattage. PATTESON, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 18 A. Replacement of Company-Owned Lighting Systems 19 u Does the Company own all lighting systems 20 taking service under Schedule 15 and Schedule AtA? 27 Yes. AII lighting systems taklng service 22 under Schedule 15 and Schedule 41A are Company-owned. 5 Navigant Consulting, Enerqy Savings Estimates of Light Enitting Diodes in Niche Lighting AppTications, Building Technologies Program Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy, p. 1. https://wwwT.eere.energy.gov,/buildings,/publications/pdfs/ss1/nlchefinalreportjqn"ery? ! r r.!q! PATTESON, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. In August 2073, Idaho Power repl-aced 2 existing high pressure sodium vapor light fixtures in a 3 Company-owned parking lot with LED llght fixtures. Idaho 4 Power found that the LED light fixtures provided better 5 lighting. Before and after photos of the parking l-ot are 6 provided in Exhibit No. 1. 1 Q. Are there benefits associated with the 8 installation of LED light fixtures other than better 9 lighting quality and reduced costs? 10 A. Yes. LED lighting fixtures can be recycled 11 whereas hiqh pressure sodium 1amps, which make up most of 12 Idaho Power's current street lighting systems, cannot be 13 recycled and require special handling for disposal. 74 According to a report prepared for the U.S. Department of 15 Energy, "LEDs contain no mercury and require no special 16 handling for disposal."s Ll III. IDATIO POIYER' S REPI.ACE!,IENT PI,ATit 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 O. Does the Company plan to replace al-l- existing fixture types and wattages under Schedule 15 and Schedule 41A with LED liqhting fixtures? A. Yes. The Company plans to replace all fixtures under Schedule 15 and Schedule 4lA; this includes a1l wattages for both high pressure sodium vapor and metal halide lighting systems. The fixtures that are removed from service wiII be retired using the Company's normal retirement process. O. If the Idaho Public Utll-ities Commission ("Commission") were to approve the Company's request, wilI Idaho Power continue to instal-l- HID lighting systems for Schedule 15 or Schedufe 4L? 10 11 t2 13 14 15 request, A . No. Upon Commission approval Company-owned HID J-ighting systems of the Company's will no longer 7,76 be avail-able for new instalfations effective October I1 20L9. 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 O. When the Company-owned fixtures ? does the Company plan to begin replacing LED IightHID lighting systems with . With Commission approval, the Company expects replacing and retiring the Company-owned HID systems in October 2079. Who wiff perform the work to replace all Iighting systems with LED light fixtures? A to begin lighting O24 PATTESON, Dr L2 Idaho Power Company 25 Company-owned HID 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 A Idaho Power w11I replace all- Company-owned HID liqht fixtures. The Company approximately 25 percent of over a four-year period. O. How many light to replace under Schedu1e 15 utilize current staffing to lighting systems with LED anticipates replacing the existlng fixtures per year fixtures does Idaho Power plan and Schedule 41A? A Idaho Power plans to replace 9,874 Iight fixtures under Schedule 15 and 1,6,998 light fj-xtures under 10 Schedule 41A. The counts by lamp type and wattage as of 11 March 2079 are provided in Exhibit No. 2. I2 O.Please describe the LED light fixtures the 13 Company plans to install. fdaho Power worked witht4 15 76 L1 1B 79 A identify replacement LED products liqht f ixture of f erings. Tabl-e 2 lumen ranges identified as the LED HID lamp wattages. TabJ-e 2: LED Equivalent Offerings Iists the wattage and replacement for existing PATTESON, Df 13 Idaho Power Company for its supplier to its existing HID LED Replacement Schedule 15 Area Lighting Watts Lumens 100W High Pressure 200W Hiqh Pressure 400W High Pressure Sodium Sodium Sodium 30-40w 70-85W 3,600-4,800 1 ,200-9,600 18, 000-24, 000175-200W 20 LED Replacement Schedufe 15 Flood Liqhtinq 200w High 400W High 400W Metal-Halide HaIide1000W Metal- Pressure Sodium Pressure Sodium 70-85W 120-150w 120-150w 250-300W Lumens B, 100-10, 800 18,000-24,000 18,000-24,000 32,00 0-38, 000 Watts Schedufe 41A Street Lighting 70W High Pressure Sodium 100W High Pressure Sodium 200W High Pressure Sodium 250W High Pressure Sodium 400W Hiqh Pressure Sodium Lumens 3, 600-4, B0o 3, 600-4, 800 1 ,200-9,600 10, 000-14, 400 18,000-24,000 LED Replacement Watts 30-40W 30-40W 70-B5W 115-140W 175-200W 1 ^Z 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 O. why watts and lumens single value? A efficiency of LED a range al-l-ows for constantly improving and listlng variances in input watts and In addition, a necessary may have for a does Idaho Power list a range for both for the LED replacements rather than a LED lighting is an evolving technology. The light is slight time.lumens output as different range rs fixtures over manufacturers of LED liqht 10 slightly different input similar application. watts and lumens output 11 12 O. What design criteria was specified by Idaho 13 Power for the LED replacements? PATTESON, Df 74 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 n Idaho Power specified the design criteria in the areas of dark-sky Dark-sky CompJ.iance compliance and color temperature. O. Why did Idaho Power's design criteria inc1ude a speciflcatlon for dark-sky compliance? A. Numerous cities in Idaho Power's service area have committed to reducing light pollution; portions of B1aine, Elmore, Custer, and Boise counties are part of the Central- Idaho Dark Sky Reserve. Participating cities require outdoor lighting fixtures that are "dark sky friendly, " meaning that they minimize glare while reducing light trespass and skyglow. All fixtures certified by the fnternatj-onal Dark-Sky Association are required to be fulIy shielded to face downward to the ground and minimize the amount of blue light in the nighttime environment. Idaho Power specified that all LED street light fixtures for Schedule 41A be a full- cut-off design and all area light fixtures for Schedule l-5 be ful-l- cut-off compliant in dark- sky areas with the refractor removed from the fixture. Due to the general nature of a flood liqht, the 2l flood light fixtures specified for Schedule 15 are not 22 dark-sky compliant. 23 Color TerpelelqEe 24 What is the significance of color temperature? PATTESON, Dr 15 Idaho Power Company 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 25 O 1 A. Col-or temperature describes the light 2 appearance provided by a light source. It is measured in 3 Kelvin ("K") on a scal-e from 1,000 to 10,000 ranging from 4 "warm white" to "cool- white" and then to "daylight". At 5 31 000K, the light produced is cal-led "warm white" and can 6 be described as yellow-white in appearance. Col-or 7 temperatures above 3,100K will emit a more neutral white 8 light and may even have a slightly bl-ue tint approaching 9 4,000K. 10 O. Did Idaho Power's design criteria include a 11 specification for color temperature? 72 A. Yes. Idaho Power specified 3,000K for all- LED 13 street Iight Schedule 15, fixtures for Schedule 41A. SimilarIy, for t4 Idaho Power specified 3,000K for all area 15 light fixtures;however, Idaho Power specified 4,000K for fixtures.L6 all- flood light L] O. why did 18 temperature of 4,000K 19 A. To best 20 the existing Schedule 2L specified 4,000K for ZZ existing flood that currently light Idaho Power specify a different color for fl-ood light fixtures? align the type of liqht produced by 15 flood lights, Idaho Power the LED replacement. Many of the fixtures utilize metal- halide lamps operate at approximately 4,000K. PATTESON, Dr 76 ldaho Power Company 23 24 4tr, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 B. Discontinue I'Iaintenance of Customer-Owned Fixtures O. Pl-ease explain Idaho Powerf s request to discontinue maintenance of customer-owned street tight fixtures and to cl-ose service under Option \\B" of Schedul-e 41. A. Idaho Power currently performs maintenance on approximately 9,'742 fixtures owned by roughly 42 customers in Idaho under Option \\B" of Schedul-e 41. As previously mentioned, Option \\B" of Schedu1e 4l was cl-osed to new service in 20L2 after which time all- new customer-owned systems were required to take service under Option \\C'l of Schedul-e 41, where the customer would own, operate, and Ultimately, over time, the Companyanticipates that Option C will become theprimary service option for customer-ownedstreet lightlng systems as it transitionsto requirlng meters and customer-provided maintenance on all new customer-ownedlighting systems.6 O. Why is now the begin transitioning customers right time for ldaho Power to away from Option \\B//? 10 72 13 maintain their own fixture. fn Case No. IPC-E-11-08, the 14 Company explained that 11 15 L6 71 1B t9 20 2t ZZ 23 24 25 A. Transitionj-ng 26 fixtures to either Option \\ 21 customer-owned street liqht properlyA" or Optlon \\C// wiII 6 Case No. IPC-E-11-08, Sparks DI, p. 2f, ll. 16-20. PATTESON, DT T1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 sj-tuate the Company for the impending obsolescence of HID Iighting. O. Are there other efficiencies to be gained by moving away from maintaining customer-owned HID street light fixtures? A. Yes. If the Commission were to grant Idaho Power's request to replace all Company-owned lighting systems under Schedule 15 and Schedul-e 41A with LED liqht flxtures, the new LED light fixtures would no longer require the same frequency of routine maintenance that the HID technology requires. By discontinuing Option "B", Idaho Power could also eliminate the four-year maintenance required by customer-owned lamps that may lead to a reduction in staffing. Further, Idaho Power could reduce the number of catalog items it stocks in inventory for lighting fixtures. The proposed change to LED from HID lighting will reduce the overall- number of stocked products and consol-idate the number of catalog items from twenty to el-even. O. Are there other factors that should be considered regarding the Company's request to discontinue Option \\B" under Schedule 4L? Yes. Idaho Power is 10 11 72 13 14 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A provider fixtures; that performs maintenance not the only servj-ce on customer-owned other busj-nesses in southern Idaho currently PATTESON, DI 18 Idaho Power Company 1 provide this servj-ce. In fact, almost aI1 cities taking 2 service under Option \\B" of Schedul-e 47 already own other 3 fixtures that they maintain under Option \\C" of Schedule 4 4]-. 5 Q. When does the Company propose to discontinue 6 maj-ntenance of customer-owned HID street lights under 7 Option \\B" of Schedul-e 47? I A. Idaho Power proposes that all existing 9 Schedul-e 418 customers transition to Option \\A" or to 10 Option \\C" of Schedul-e 4l at a date of their choosing over 11 the next four years, but not later than September 30, 2023. L2 This coincides with the same period of time that Idaho 13 Power plans to complete the replacement of al-l Company- 74 owned lighting systems with LED light fixtures. 15 0. Did the Company consul-t with Schedul-e 41B L6 customers prior to the date of this filing? L1 A. Yes. The Company consul-ted with all Schedule 18 41B customers (42 cities) during the fall of 2018 to L9 understand the impact to each if the Company were to 20 receive Commission approval to el-iminate option \\B" in 2l Schedule 41. 22 O. Generally, what did the Company hear from the 23 Schedule 41B customers? 24 A. Overall, customers were receptive to the idea 25 of transitioning f rom Option \\B'l to Option \\A" or "C". PATTESON, Df 19 Idaho Power Company 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 Customers evaluating As were also pleased to learn that Idaho Power was a move to LED lighting technology. several citi-esI mentioned previously,already 11 maintain a number of their own street lights under Option \\C" and were eager to real-ize the potential for cost savings by moving from Option \\B" to "C". Some customers indicated they wished to have Idaho Power assume ownership of the lighting system and requested to be transitioned to Option \\A" if Option \\B" were discontinued. O. If its request is approved, how does the Company plan to notify Schedule 418 customers of the requirement to convert to Options \\A" or "C". A. The Company intends to personalJ-y contact each !2 13 74 customer taklng service under Schedul-e 418 and wil-l- work 15 with those customers to develop a transition p1an. t6 IV. REVENITE REQUTREMENT IMPACT Ar{ArYSrS L1 Has the 10 l, the conversion Company determined what, if dDy, project will have on Idaho Power's1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 impact annual-revenue requirement? A Yes. The Company completed an analysis that quantified the present over a 2l-year period proj ect . The analysis compared difference based on updated, value revenue requirement impact of implementing the conversion the annual- revenue requirement current costs between two PATTESON, Dr 20 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 o 9 scenarios: (1) a scenario in which the Company did not replace its exlsting Company-owned lighting systems (the business-as-usual- scenario) and (2) the replacement of existing Company-owned lighting systems with LEDs (the LED conversion scenario) . It should be noted that the 20L9 revenue requirement is a partial year and reflects the conversion to LEDs beginning in October 201,9. The full conversion is not expected to be completed until September 2023, and therefore, the full year revenue requirement 10 impacts are seen beginning in 2024. 11 This revenue requirement analysis l-ooked at t2 incremental costs associated with the conversion of 13 existing Company-owned lighting systems to LED opti-ons as 14 compared to a no change or "business-as-usuaf scenario." 15 This revenue requirement analysis is based on the estimated 16 costs of the existing Company-owned lighting systems 77 compared to the estimated costs of replacing existing 18 Company-owned lighting systems with LEDs and does not 19 refl-ect what the Company is collecting from customers 20 through its Schedule 4l and Schedul-e 15 rates. 2I O. What are the results of the present value 22 23 24 revenue requirement A. During near-term reductions analys i s ? the transition to LEDs, there are some PATTESON, Dr 27 Tdaho Power Company in the Idaho jurisdictional revenue 25 requirement (first three years) and some near-term 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 B v increases in the Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement (next three years) . Overaff, the Company's Idaho j urisdlctional revenue approximately $548, 000 mill-ion over a 20-year value basis. O. Have you requirements O. 20 rates as part 2L A 22 rates as part 23 modify its tariff to anticipation of the Schedules 15 and 4l Z4 requirement woul-d be reduced by over a 6-year period and $2.3 period (2079-2038) on a net present for the LEDs. Is fdaho Power requesting to change customer of this filing? No, the Company is not requesting to change of this case. The Company requests only to prepared an exhibit demonstrating the estj-mated annual revenue requirement impact? A.Yes. Exhibit No. 3 provides a summary of the 10 potential future cost savings beneflts of transitioning to 11 LED lighting fj-xtures presented in the form of an annual 72 revenue requirement analysis. 13 O. What is driving the Iower annual revenue 74 requirements? 15 A. The annual revenue requirements under the LED L6 conversion scenario primarily provides for lower operations L7 and maintenance expense amounts due to lower maintenance 1B 19 allow LED technology to be deployed in HID technology's obsolescence. Because specify a certain type of lighting PATTESON, Dr 22 Idaho Power Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 technology (HID technology), the Company is unabl-e to simply replace those obsol-ete materials without Commission approval. It is al-so important to note, current revenue from Schedul-es 15 and 4L related to the cost components at issue in this case is lower than the current revenue requirements of both the business-as-usuaI scenario and the LED instal-lation scenario. Therefore, a rate increase could be supported for either scenario. However, it is not the Company's intent to use this filing as a vehicle to increase rates for Schedule 15 and 47 customers. The Company's expectatlon is that it will seek to incl-ude any new rate base required to provi-de service to Schedules 15 and 4l in base rates in a future rate proceeding. However, the benefit attributable to l-ower energy consumption resulting in net power supply expense savings wil-l be real-ized through the PCA annually upon deployment of the LED technology. O. Cou1d the revenue requirement quantification presented on Exhibit No. 3 be ut.ilized to inform a rate change? A. No. The revenue requirement analysis presented on Exhiblt No. 3 was developed to determine the long-term economics of moving to the LED technology and to assess the cost-effectiveness of LEDs, and therefore, onJ-y PATTESON, Dr 23 Idaho Power Company 10 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 z3 24 25 1 evaluates the revenue requirement components associated with the technology change. A fulI cost-of-service analysis properly for the affected classes would be required to inform a rate adjustment. Such an 2 3 Aq 5 6 1 U 9 analysis is case and wouldbeyond the scope of be better addressed comprehensive revj-ew issues presented in this in a proceeding where a more of cost-of-service is performed. V. PROPOSED TARIFF CTIATiIGES What changes is the Company prosing to and 47? The Company's proposed tariff changes for are refl-ected in Attachment 1 to the The Company's proposed tari-f f changes for theare reflected in Attachment 2 Lo What specific changes does Idaho Power propose 10 0. Schedules 15 A. Schedul-e 15 Application. Schedu.l-e 4L Application. o. for Schedule 11 72 13 L4 15 76 71 15? 18 A. As more fully described above, the Company is t9 proposing changes to Schedule 15 that wil-l- (1) add language 20 to indicate that high pressure sodium vapor lighting 2L systems and metal halide lighting systems wil-I no longer be 22 avallable for new installations as of October t, 20L9, and 23 (2) outline the proposed wattage and lumen ranges 24 identified as the LED replacements for existing high 25 pressure sodium vapor lighting systems. PATTESON, Dr 24 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 O. What specific changes does Idaho Power propose for Schedul-e 47? A. As more fully described above, the Company is proposing changes to Schedule 4L that will- (1) add language to Option \\A" to indicate that hiqh pressure sodium vapor lighting systems will no longer be availabl-e for new instal-lations as of October 7, 2019, (2) add language providing an option for customers to request a shield be installed, at their expense, oo an LED fixture, (3) outl-ine the proposed wattage and l-umen ranges identified as the LED replacements for existing high pressure sodj-um vapor lighting systems under Option "A", (4) add language to indicate the cl-osure of Option \\B" effective September 30, 2023, and (5) for housekeeping purposes, (a) where necessary, add language to specify whether the tariff provision applies to high pressure sodium vapor or LED fi-xtures and (b) remove the "Ornamental Lighting Customer-Owned System" section of Schedule 41. Ornamental lighting was closed to new service after October 31, 1981, and through attrition, no customers remain under this service offering. VI. CUSTOMER COMMT'NICATION 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t1 1B L9 20 2t ZZ 23 Did the Company consult with customers prior 24 to the date of this filing? 25 PATTESON, Dr 25 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 A Yes. take service under The Company Schedule 4l stakehol-ders to the Idaho Power met about the street of their happy to LED Iearned" identified 46 cities who as key Company.changes being with these 46 O. receive from A. hear that Idaho technology. A from their own proposed by the cities prior to GeneralJ-y, what the cities? filj-ng this application. feedback did Idaho Power 10 OveraII, the cities potential LED replacement of the Iights. Some cities have already customer-owned street lights with were positive Company-owned replaced many LEDs and were Power was considering a move to few cities al-so shared "Iessons 11 t2 13 conversions. Those cities explained that 14 most of the feedback they received from 15 the LED light fixtures were with t6 of the LED light or customers regarding to either the cofor for a shiel-d to be regard the need l1 temperature installed on the LED light to prevent glare. These cities 18 reconrmended the Company install- LED street lights rated at L9 3,000K or l-ess because, in their experience, customers 20 preferred the 3,000K or less col-or temperature. 27 0. Did the Company take that feedback into 22 consideration when preparing its proposed LED changeout 23 plan? 24 A. Yes. As I mentioned previously, the LED light 25 fixtures proposed for all area liqht and street light PATTESON, Dr 26 Idaho Power Company 1 fixtures are 3,000K and are dark-sky lighting compliant, 2 with an option for a shield (upon request) at the 3 customer's expense. The only exception to the 3,000K are 4 the flood light fixtures util-ized in Schedul-e 15, which are 5 4,000K. This decj-sion was partially informed by the 6 feedback obtained from the cities. 1 Q. What other efforts has the Company made to 8 inform customers of the filing? 9 A. The Company has created a webpage for the LED 10 Conversj-on Project. The webpage was made available as of 11 the date of this filing and can be found at L2 www.idahopower/lnO.com. The webpage contains frequently 13 asked questions to answer the most common questions that I4 15 frequently asked L6 questions are incl-uded as Exhibit No. 4. Ll The Company also plans to personally contact al-l- 18 customers t.aklng service under Option \\A" or \\B" of 19 Schedule 4t to inform each customer of the filing. The 20 Company representative wiIl provide the customer with a 2L letter to inform Schedule 41A and 478 customers of the 22 customers may have and a phone number have additional questions. A draft of filing and how they would be impacted,' proposes to replace all Company-owned with an equivalent LED fixture and to to caII if customers that is, the 23 .AZL+ street J-ight di-scontinue Company fixtures servr-ce 25 under Option "B". The letter also provides information as PATTESON, Dr 21 Idaho Power Company 1 to how those customers could submit a comment for the 2 Commission's consideration. A draft of the fetter is 3 inc]uded as Exhibit No. 5. 4 For Schedule 15 customers, the Company will send a 5 bill insert to Schedu1e 15 customers subsequent to the 6 filing of the AppJ-ication to inform them of the filing. 7 The bill insert will- include the web address of the 8 Commission website, the web address of Idaho Power's LED 9 Conversj-on Project website, and will provide a phone number 10 for customers to contact Idaho Power wlth additlonaf 11 questions. A draft of the bitl insert is included as L2 Exhibit No. 6. 13 IfO 14 inform customers approved, how does Idaho Power plan to of the tariff changes and LED replacement 15 plan? 76 A Upon Commission approval, the all customersL1 once again personally contact. 79 under Option \\A" or \\B// of Schedule 4l. A representative wil-l- inform each customer of 20 2t 22 23 24 Company wil-l- taking service Company the 1B Commission's decislon in implementation p1an. Additionally, at the case and discuss the Company's the time the Company performs the LED replacement for Schedule 15 customers, Idaho Power wiIl leave a doorhanger explaining that the light was replaced PATTESON, DI 28 Idaho Power Company Z5 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 1 with an LED. A draft of the doorhanger is included as Exhibit No. 1 VII. CONCLUSION O. Please summarize the Company's request in this proceeding. A. Idaho Power is requesting approval to modify Schedu1e 15 and Schedule 4L to al-l-ow for the replacement of al-l- HID Company-owned lighting systems with LED light fixtures and to discontinue maintenance of customer-owned HID Ij-ghting systems by transitloning customers from Option \\B// of Schedul-e 4L to either Option \\C" or Option \\A'r by September 30, 2023. Idaho Power is requesting that the Commissj-on issue an order authorizing the Company to modify Schedule 15 and Schedule 4t to al-Iow for LED technology, to el-iminate the option for new installations of Company-owned HID area lights and street lights going forward effective October 7, 2019, and the closure of Option \\B" of Schedule 4L to service effective September 30, 2023. O. Why shoul-d the Commission approve the Company's request? A. Continuing to install and maintain HID technology wiJ-1 result in higher costs for lighting customers due to upward pressure on HID lighting costs as a resul-t of its impending obsolescence. The reduction in 10 11 T2 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 79 20 2L ZJ Zq PATTESON, Dr 29 Idaho Power Company 25 1 cost for LED lighting has created parity in J-ighting 2 options that makes it a viable option for fdaho Power to 3 move to LED street and area lighting. Eurthermore, the 4 move to LED lighting is responsive to customers' 5 preferences, furthers energy efficiency, promotes 6 environmental stewardship, and wil-I increase customer 7 satisfaction. B Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 9 A. Yes, it does. 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 PATTESON, Dr 30 Idaho Power Company 25 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY STATE OF IDAHO SS. County of Ada I, Kristy M. Patteson, having been duly sworn to testify truthfulJ-y, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the followj-ng: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Regulatory Analyst and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing rebuttal testimony is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DArED this Aq\"y of May, 20Ls. Kr yM at C5 Aday of 79 M"y, 2079. 10 11 72 13 l4 15 t6 t1 1B 20 2L 1') 23 24 25 26 21 2B 4ySUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thls No ry Publ ,^)Ll-Lo Residing at for Idaho ise, Idaho My commission expj-resz 72/20/20 PATTESON, Dr 31 Idaho Power Company KIMBERLY K. TOWELL coMMlssloN #169s8 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO 29 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-19-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 Parking Lot Lighting Before LEDs Parking Lot Lighting After LEDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 1 "'+ -.: i -':-'* tF r., '. ; . _. -r " i )a3 (/ )(-*".1t ' I ' ' "1'j' . :j ::.. ,,,,.,-- '--iF- til $ -I E4r * *l?t I *.3t t ii FE-r - dEL._t *p I , 17 ! rr IN,r g ; * ''rt!r t'N 7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-19-17 PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY COUNTS BY LAMP TYPE AND WATTAGE AS OF MARCH 2019 Schedule 15 Lighting Systems Schedule 15 Lamp Types ldaho Area Lamps 100W High Pressure Sodium 200W High Pressure Sodium 400W High Pressure Sodium Flood Lamps 200W High Pressure Sodium 400W High Pressure Sodium 400W Metal Halide 1000W Metal Halide 7,565 700 104 838 419 119 69 9,814 Schedule 41A Lighting Systems Schedule 41A Lamp Types ldaho 70W High Pressure Sodium 100W High Pressure Sodium 200W High Pressure Sodium 250W High Pressure Sodium 400W High Pressure Sodium 109 14,829 1,674 267 118 16,998 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E -19-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of4 NNts .i.iui @Q @NFa. dl v! @o NO- .1dl qOHFots60 dFOo+odle n 4ts6oco di.idOHo6t ct .i co'@n or6 .,i.;d$9@6 @$N@- dl 9-6AE@o6F @- d_r €- .9a!c,o>E-xPEnEE Od coc'=.i oE6Aize s@er x@eN x@oq N 6N s@oq N @0q N s@oqr @oq N a@oqr @oq aon o @ G!@ ooo 6ts g- BEEXYEFuE9oO:EFE 9,8 E{ EaEE;" ilE-; .EHE:HXUHE EEi;'i.EE!E;'E EEEEEf;;EEEE iE"Es"E,8ifig:Eo-sooFO F9 o o o n a ?fr{ dsodo doNd{ {6NOd 6H69 ooododd+Hd49o<+N6<oi6Nd4s6<o d- oooN64NNOq.1 @-.1 $-6N6N660NAH ooo<N6F dN@d @$N6 dOO6 6@OIN ooo6Nots Ndod od66doN6 600Q HN oNooddOO NNNul N- dl dl o-60 006o 6d@s ad o60@o@o@ a60NO NO@Nd o6066 gOOt dN oootsH$6N OONNO +6066N@6@o NOOOH 4@OOd69006H6N OONdili uiiN-@tsd+{Hd d<oN@oo6 0€i@N OO9o@ doaiNHN{Hd o o o =oI =F z l-t6l6li lo l"IN l@ l"to lnat\ t: l@.to ln l- lNt@ld l-l6li ldr l" lo I U'I l- INljlo t: lil6l$- l" Itsl6i l6li tsqrEO b; Ea-gEtgt{3 <ot.=-o... s=gsg,iEqEE h:o c !o cctoE;.9.9E.9.9H.=cE-ef,-e!t=nd r iE:EiEE.cEbE E;tiEgEs9g"EgsEsEF NOOtsooo.nd ts@ N60 o6FdNOo6@ dNool o- @' NdoNO N@oo d 6@Oo@do F.' @os- 11 N@od N dNo @dooNNo NOO odiooa ui Ngo @o o6$ NO 6- doo dooo6d i60 otso@ HOO60 doo@ HOO oood o d@o6@dN oo N ooo .1 qON@@ r.' 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Patteson, IPC Page2 of 4 a NO 6@NO@d @NO oo9OHEo6 o6@ NN @rFrqo 6i s-dl\ @n o<6 odo @H oNo qn?d- @o- HNO \d!o!oo@o- d-id69NO €Nts s- c'! dl@Hatsqroj s@oqr @oq N s oq N >e oq N x@09 N @d oo ! oo ^ ^t t^oNooFdnlNlN<6 0@ool6lm66 60N+lo166 N d Nl6l6@H 6 N@lNlNN -1616_|_{do<@N@lNlNdc 6i60l6lmN 6 0 F 6 6ldldts d < N @ 6l+l+oH6d@loloo H Cj -l@ llS_^l_Nhohdo@1616@N mdodl<l<C N N @ d 6ININ m 6 N c16166 H 61616o H Cr-lNls_^|^6No<<601616666660161601 @- 6- q ol nl6-l@-N c N 6l6lmoo m o@l@l@d -lNlN_|6@o6d6616166F NF66ININoo ots66l6lh <6N66dlcl{oo o o@l<l<d d N vlNlNl6Noo6o@loloH+ @6tsOlFlts@- ul .\L o- d- ull@-16-d 6 6 61616eo 6 66lNlNa -lN lNIoco66d61616d N a 616166 i 6 61616 6666661N1Ndo m 66lolod -lN lN _ _|_oNoo66ol<l<6 N N dl6l6N- ul F- o- ol --l"1l"lo6 0<FNlolooo N 66loloN H i -l@16 <<oo---l-l-NO @ts@6l6ln6- 6. o- o- o- dll\lN- <c 6NN61616N6 N 66ININts H d -1616loooNNN61616o@@<NNl@l@o@666<lcl* G6 6 66lNlN60dN61616NH=-l'l= o o o o N@O @ @- {-+o {NO @sOF ooo@dui@@a- o- @@ oo o@o od.n r'i@@o@+di ON ilid ONddi ooo doi 6@+di 60090 NN @6 o60ro NOO oooHo AN@o@d.1 o ts6oo d. tsc @o 6d.i N o_6 o d oo .io'6660 dFC q. ..t o! 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F-:I-8.=Er€.*ipEEE"*l EEEEEf;E;EEE ?EEs"EEEpE;Eo^q o oF9 F9 oxDEoET@!Eo5.8 E"E..=d-o9SugE?i o!.= i o-. o != a oE! _;= Ex*EtEe o=ci.=!c.-!cohs:E-Eg.9Eg.9.=E:bcSE!t.esE 5f,€:;Et;=E::EEEEHEHETE-Ee8EsiFu"E!EEEE € od N o I o o t 0 o o o oo oo stsUE3iuqkId o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E -19-17 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/') recently made a filing with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") requesting approvalto change all area light, flood light, and ldaho Power-owned street light fixtures from high pressure sodium ('HPS') light fixtures to light-emitting diode ('LED") light fixtures. lf approved, ldaho Power anticipates starting the changeout in Fall 2019. Why is ldaho Power requesting the change to LED street Iights and area lights?. Due to changing technology within the lighting industry, the Company has less certainty regarding the future availability of the existing HPS technology.. LED lights provide significant advantages over the existing HPS lights. LED lights provide better lighting quality, consume less energy, and require less maintenance. lf I have a street light or area light account, can I decline the change to an LED?. No. lf approved as filed, ldaho Power will no longer maintain an inventory of HPS lights as the transition is made to LED street lights. ldaho Power will replace all ldaho Power-owned street light fixtures with LED light fixtures. When wi!! ldaho Power begin replacing the old fixtures with the LED fixtures?o With Commission approval, ldaho Power will begin replacing existing light fixtures with LED fixtures in late Fall 2019. The project is expected to take approximately four years to complete. Will the LED light fixtures look different than the existing street light fixtures?o The LED light fixtures will look similar to the existing HPS fixtures. Are LED lights brighter than the existing light fixtures?. The light quality of the LED light fixture is visually different than light produced by the existing HPS fixtures. HPS street lights produce a light color with a yellowish or orange hue, whereas the color temperature of LED lights is whiter with better color rendition, thus providing greater clarity. LED lights also project light in a focused pattern, directing light more precisely where it is needed. The result is more uniform light coverage, with less glare and fewer dark spots, which improves visibility. What color temperature has ldaho Power selected for the LED fixtures?. ldaho Power expects that all street light fixtures under Schedule 41(A) will be 3,000 Kelvin ("K"). ldaho Power has identified cobra-head LED fixtures that comply with lnternational Dark-Sky Association standards for shielding, which minimizes glare and light spillage.. The only exception to the 3,000K expected is the Schedule 15 flood lights, which are specified at 4,000K. Schedule 15 flood lights are specified at 4,000K because many of the existing flood light fixtures utilize metal halide lamps operating at approximately 4,000K. This type of lighting is not dark-sky compliant due to the nature of a flood light fixture in general. Willthis changeout affect my power bil!?. ldaho Power is not requesting a rate change with this filing About ldaho Power ldaho Power, headquartered in Boise, ldaho, and locally operated since 1916, is an energy company that employs approximately 2,000 people who serve more than 550,000 customers throughout a 24,OO0-square-mile area in southern ldaho and eastern Oregon. With 17low-cost hydroelectric projects as the core of its diverse generation portfolio, ldaho Power's residential, business, and agricultural customers pay among the nation's lowest prices for electricity. IDACORP lnc. (NYSE: IDA), ldaho Power's independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, ldaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E -19-17 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.5 3Iffi*. An IDACORP Company Insert Date] Insert Recipient Name] Insert Recipient Title] Insert Recipient Company] Insert Recipient Street Address] Insert City, State Zip] Subject Modification to Streetlighting Service Dear Insert Recipient] As it has for more than 100 years, Idaho Power is pleased to offer streetlighting services to our customers. As a current streetlighting customer, we want to let you know that on May 24,20L9,ldaho Power filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to modiff its streetlighting service to reflect changing lighting technology. Idaho Power is requesting to replace all company-owned streetlight fixtures with light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures. LED lights provide better lighting quality than the currently installed high-pressure sodium lights. They also use less energy and require less maintenance. Idaho Power is proposing to perform the replacement of existing fixtures over a four-year period, in lieu of routine maintenance. Concurrent with the switch to LEDs, Idaho Power is requesting to discontinue Company maintenance of customer-owned light fixtures. The Company is proposing that all fixtures owned by the customer, but maintained by the Company, transition to Option C of Idaho Power's tariff Schedule 41, Customer-Owned, Customer-Maintained System or to Option Au Idaho Power-Owned, Idaho Power-Maintained System, by September 30,2023.1f transitioning to Option C, the Company will work with customers who continue to have non-metered seasonal or variable energy use, to remove or meter the variable usage by September 30,2023. I invite you to learn more about the proposal. Copies of the application are available to the public at the Commission offices (472W. Washington St., Boise) or on Idaho Power's website, r,wvw.idahopower/LED.com or the IPUC website, www.puc.idaho.gov. To submit a comment on the proposal, visit vwvw.puc.idaho.gov. Under the "Consumers" heading, click on "Case Comment Form," and include the case number, IPC-E-79-77. Please contact your enerry advisor if you have questions. Thank you for being an Idaho Power customer, We value your business! Exhibit No. 5 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 1 Sincerely, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-19-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.6 I ldaho Power is proposing to replace all existing area light and flood light fixtures with LED (light-emitting diode) fixtures. The LED lights are cleaner, will provide better lighting quality and require less maintenance. lf you have questions, please contact our energy advisors at 1-800-632-6605 or visit our website for more information. idahopower.com/LED ftffi* Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 2 An loacoRP conrDinv muffi.@tr T 1Ir'. u t.l Proposal for LED Lights for LighG As a customer with an area or flood light, we want to let you know that on May 24,20'19,ldaho Power filed a request with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to replace existing high-pressure sodium and metal halide lights with light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures, which provide better lighting quality, consume less energy and require less maintenance. lf approved as proposed, the project would begin in fall 2019 and would take about four years to complete. ldaho Power proposes changing out lights on its regular four-year maintenance schedule To learn more about the proposal, visit the IPUC website at puc. idaho.gov. lf you have questions, please contact our energy advisors at 1-800-632-5605 or visit our website for more information. idahopower.com/LED ftffi*@ 2019 ldaho Power 3 I I 80-t-0040 Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 2 of 2 An IDACORF Comprny h, rt ll,I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-19-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PATTESON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.7 I Exhibit No. 7 Case No. IPC-E-19-17 K. Patteson, IPC Page 1 of 1 elmlo Pcm,ER. An l0AcoRP CompanV ldaho Power has replaced the area light at this address with an LED (light-emitting diode) fixture. This new light will provide better lighting quality and require less maintenance. lf you have questions, please contact one of our energy advisors at 1-800-532-5505 or visit our website for more information. idahopower.com/LED ItuE@tr - E il hts I New LED