HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191023Comments.pdf3Effi*. an roAcoRP company DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahooower.com RECEIVED .0l9OCT 23 Pll 2: l8 ',' ri it, il,,:un?,h8s'o* October 23,2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re Case No. IPC-E-'|9-14 Power Purchase Agreement with Jackpot Holdings, LLC - Comments of ldaho Power Company Regarding PPA Elections Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed forfiling in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of the Comments of ldaho Power Company Regarding PPA Elections. truly yours, novan E. Walker DEW:kkt Enclosures ?ilazc- DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No 592'l) ldaho Power Company '122'l West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P.ECEIVED il! "'rCT 23 Plt 2: l8 C CASE NO. |PC-E-19-14 COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDI NG PPA ELECTIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I. INTRODUCTION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") hereby respectfully submits the following Comments to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to update and provide additional information to the Commission and Commission Staff regarding elections within the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA" or "Agreement") between ldaho Power and Jackpot Holdings, LLC ("Jackpot Solar" or "Selle/') which has been submitted to the Commission for its approval in this case. The PPA provides forthe purchase of 120 megawatts ("MW") of renewable solar electric generation from the COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS - 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH JACKPOT HOLDINGS, LLC, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF UP TO 220 MEGAWATTS OF RENEWABLE SOLAR GENERATION. Jackpot Solar Facility, with an option to purchase an additional 100 MW of renewable solar generation from the adjacent Franklin Solar Facility. The PPA also contains provisions that grant ldaho Power, or any ldaho Power Affiliate, a Right of First Offer ('ROFO) to purchase the Facility prior to Seller's ability to sell the Facility to any other party. Under the terms of the PPA, ldaho Power has given Notice regarding both of these provisions to Jackpot Solar as of October 18, 2019. This Notice is attached hereto at Attachment 1. Capitalized terms used in these Comments but not defined in these Comments have the definition given to them in the Agreement. II. BACKGROUND Section 8.3 of the PPA grants to ldaho Power the right to an additional 100 MW of Capacity from the Franklin Solar Project. This option was to expire on September 1, 2019. Additionally, Section 8.4 of the PPA grants ldaho Power a ROFO which prohibits Jackpot Solar from selling the Facility, or any interest therein, to any other party without first allowing ldaho Power to negotiate for the purchase of the Facility or any other Offered lnterests therein. On August 12,2019, Alternative Power Development, Northwest, LLC ('APD') (Jackpot Solar's parent entity and project developer) delivered to ldaho Power a Seller ROFO Notice pursuant to Section 8.4.1 of the PPA indicating that it intended to enter into a Restricted Transaction by selling the Jackpot Solar project, including but not limited to the PPA, GlA, permits, studies, leases, and everything existing and contemplated with an outright purchase of the project in its entirety, to a third party. Under the terms of Section 8.4.1 of the PPA ldaho Power had 30 days after receipt of this Seller ROFO Notice to elect to enter into negotiations to purchase the Facility and Offered lnterests. Pursuant to several subsequent meetings between APD and ldaho Power regarding the ROFO, and as evidenced in several letter agreements signed by APD and ldaho Power, both the 30 day deadline referenced in Section 8.4.1 related to the Buyer COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS - 2 ROFO Notice and the September 1,2019, deadline referenced in Section 8.3.1 related to the Additional 100 MW of Capacity from Franklin Solar Project were moved to a common deadline of October 20,2019. III. NOTICE REGARDING 1OO MW AND ROFO NEGOTIATIONS ldaho Power delivered a Notice to APD on October 18, 2019, stating that it elected not to exercise its right and option to purchase the 100 MW of Additional Output identified as Franklin Solar in Section 8.3.1 of the PPA, and that ldaho Power was electing to exercise its right to negotiate for the purchase of the Jackpot Solar Facility pursuant to its ROFO in Section 8.4 of the PPA. Risht to Additional 100 MW of Capacity from Franklin Solar Proiect - ldaho Power is completing and providing to Staff through discovery updated portfolio analysis from its 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP") relating to the inclusion of Jackpot Solar (120 MW) and Franklin Solar (100 MW) as generation resources in the lRP. Although the preliminary supplemental analysis regarding the additional 100 MW from Franklin Solar in the IRP shows some incremental benefit to customers beyond inclusion of the 120 MW of solar from Jackpot Solar, several factors contributed to the Company's decision to not purchase the additional 100 MW of solar generation. First, ldaho Power is concerned about adding intermittent and variable generation beyond the 120 MW from the Jackpot Solar purchase. A 120 MW solar facility itself will be the single largest solar facility in the state of ldaho once constructed, and a 220 MW facility would be among the largest single facilities in the nation. The most recent integration study, conducted in 2017-2O18, identified a 173 MW limit of additional variable generation, particularly wind and solar, that the then current system configuration and load could integrate without unacceptable reserve violations. The Company currently integrates approximately 1,200 MW of generation from the Public Utility Regulatory COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS . 3 Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA') PPAs and another 101 MW from the Elkhorn Wind project. The 2018 variable resource integration study indicated that additional investigation was warranted into the combined reserve violation impact of the combined integration of additional wind and solar, and that this would likely need to be done with a more comprehensive inclusion of integration considerations into the IRP process as additional resources and system considerations would likely be necessary beyond an additional 173 MW. Electing to take the additional 1 00 MW would surpass the previously identified 173 MW limit from the 2018 study. The new IRP modeling enabled by the longterm capacity expansion ('LTCE) module can consider reserve violations, as well as the addition and retirement of resources. While ldaho Power is confident in this modeling approach and that the 120 MW will benefit customers and be capable of integration into the Company's operations, the LTCE modeling is new and ldaho Power prefers to have more time and experience with the capacity expansion modeling and conduct more specific work regarding the integration of variable resources before acquiring generation beyond an additional 120 MW Second, the Application in this case states that the Contract Price for Jackpot Solar in the PPA is among the lowest publicly reported solar PPA purchase prices in the nation, with a Contract Price substantially lower than ldaho Power's approved PURPA avoided cost rates applicable to solar faciiities and lower than average Mid-Columbia market prices. Application, p. 9. The Contract Price for 120 MW is $21.75lMWh, andlor 220 MW is $23.1 1/MWh, escalated at 1.5 percent for 20 years. The incremental 100 MW in the PPA causes an overall price increase, where typically it would be the contrary where adding more would result in incrementally lower prices. While it remains true that the $21.75 is among the lowest reported prices based on ldaho Power's information and COMI/IENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ETECTIONS - 4 knowledge, the Company has received unsolicited offers since the filing of the Jackpot Solar PPA lower than the $23,11, but not lower than the $21.75. Third, ldaho Power has received several tentative requests and has undertaken several high-level discussions with existing and potential customers interested in large solar installations and the direct purchase from ldaho Power of generation and the renewable attributes of that generation from ldaho Power. However, such customers typically require that their purchase be directly tied to the incremental addition of such generation and are not as interested in generation from an already committed resource such as that available with the additional 100 MW from Franklin Solar. Lastly, ldaho Power's credit rating agencies take an unfavorable view of additional large PPA obligations, particularly those that are not required by law under PURPA. As stated above, ldaho Power currently has approximately 1,200 MW of PPA obligations from PURPA contracts, as well as another 136 MW of non-PURPA wind and geothermal PPAs. All PPA obligations, and the imputed debt therefrom, are negatively viewed by the Company's credit agencies and by many investors and can adversely impact the Company's credit rating, as well as the overall financial health of the Company. This has the effect of increasing costs for both the Company and for customers. Because PPA cosUbenefit directly flows through to customers, with no earnings or opportunity for earnings, there is a direct and negative impact upon the view held by credit rating agencies and investors regarding whether to invest in ldaho Power and at what cost the Company can access capital The continued viability of a utility system comprised of mostly purchased power rather than utility-owned generation will likely require subsequent regulatory proceedings and the Commission's consideration of alternative regulatory policy regarding a utility's ability to earn, attract investment, and remain a viable COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS - 5 going concern not only for the benefit of customers but also for shareholders. Proceedings of this nature are currently in process in some other states. After careful consideration and substantial deliberations of many factors, most of which are outlined above, ldaho Power declined to exercise its right to add the additional 100 MW to the existing 120 MW contained in the PPA. Riqht of First Otfer to Purchase the Facilitv - Section 8.4.1 prohibits the Seller from offering to sell the project and interest(s) in the project to any other party without first offering that interest to ldaho Power. To summarize how the ROFO provisions operate, after Seller gives ldaho Power Notice of a proposed sale of an Offered lnterest, ldaho Power must elect whether to pursue negotiations with Seller to purchase that Offered lnterest. lf ldaho Power does not elect to do so, then Seller may proceed to sell to a third party. lf ldaho Power elects to negotiate and ldaho Power and Seller are unable to reach a final purchase of the Offered lnterest, then Seller may sell to a third party, so long as the materral terms of such sale, such as price, payment terms, and overall revenue streams are not more favorable to Seller than those negotiated with ldaho Power. As the Commission and Commission Staff are aware, the economic benefits of this Facility and this transaction depend upon securing the current 30 percent federal tax credits, which requires significant action prior to December 31, 2019. As such, ldaho Power has asked the Commission for an Order approving the PPA prior to the end of this year. Additionally, this effectively restricts the time with which a new owner would have to take the necessary steps to both purchase the project and secure the tax credits. Under the current Agreement, ldaho Power and APD must have a definitive agreement reached prior to December 1, 2019, and close that transaction by December 15, 2019. The necessary investment into the project's development must also be made prior to December 31 to secure the tax credits. COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS .6 ldaho Power will commence negotiations for the purchase of the Facility through a non-regulated IDACORP affiliate of ldaho Power Company, and would leave the PPA in place as submitted, with the only change being the IDACORP affiliate as the ultimate owner of the Facility and counter-party to ldaho Power Company in the contract, and deletion of the automatic termination provision in Section 8.8 of the PPA so that ldaho Power's affiliate's purchase of the PPA does not automatically terminate the PPA. lf ldaho Power had not exercised its ROFO to enter into negotiations for the purchase, or if ldaho Power is unsuccessful in negotiating that purchase then APD has indicated that the Facility will be sold to a third party. ln either scenario the PPA as submitted to the Commission for its approval would not change, and any benefit to customers from that PPA would not change or be negatively affected. However, there could be additional benefits for the Company and its customers through affiliated ownership, such as tax credit benefit and the aforementioned impact to credit ratings, and the resulting overall cost of acquiring access to capital for the Company and its customers. lf ldaho Power is able to successfully negotiate ownership of the Facility with APD such that an unregulated affiliate of IDACORP is the owner, ldaho Power would make a subsequent filing with the Commission regarding the affiliate transaction of having a PPA between ldaho Power and the affiliate company. There should be no affiliate transaction concerns with such an arrangement as the PPA, which was negotiated and executed at arm's length with a non-affiliated company, would remain in tact and would not change the benefit that flows to customers as a result of that PPA. Because of the time-limited nature of the economic value associated with the current tax credits which step down at year's end, it is imperative that the Commission continue its review of the Contract and issue an Order approving the same prior to December 31. COI\TIMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS - 7 IV. CONCLUSION ldaho Power submits these Comments in order to update and provide additional information to the Commission and Commission Staff regarding elections within the Jackpot Solar PPA. ldaho Power has elected not to include the additional 100 MW of generation from the Franklin Solar Facility and instead remain with the lower cost 120 MW Jackpot Solar generation. Additionally, ldaho Power has exercised its Right of First Offer to negotiate for the ownership of the Facility, rather than have the project sold to a third party. Should ldaho Power successfully negotiate ownership of the Facility by an IDACORP affiliate company, the PPA with ldaho Power as presented to the Commission, along with the associated benefits to ldaho Power customers, would not change. ldaho Power would make a subsequent filing regarding the affiliate transaction between ldaho Power and an IDACORP affiliate company. Therefore, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve the PPA with a Final Order prior to December 31, 2019, and if approved declare that all payments for purchases of generation under the PPA be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes and be included for collection in future Power Cost Adjustment filings. Respectfully submitted this 23'd day of October 2019. E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company y/u- COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS .8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 23'd day of October 2019 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A(83714) P O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 837 20-007 4 o Kim rly Towe xecutive Assistant _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email edward. iewell@ouc. idaho. oov COMMENTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY REGARDING PPA ELECTIONS . 9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-19-14 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 atmlollptgyy6p" Ar TDAC0RP C0mpany October 18,2019 Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 e-mail: peter@richardsonadams.com Elizabeth Woolstenhulme Alternative Power Development, Northwest, LLC 515 North 27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 e-mail: elizabeth.apdn@qmail.com HAND DELIVERY Buyer ROFO Notice and Notice Regarding Right to Additional 100 MW of Capacity from Franklin Solar Project - Sections 8.3 and 8.4 of the Power Purchase Agreement Between Jackpot Holdings, LLC and ldaho Power Company Peter and Elizabeth As referenced above, thrs Notice is provided pursuant to Sections 8.3 and 8.4 of the Power Purchase Agreement Between Jackpot Holdings, LLC and ldaho Power Company dated March 22,2019, ('PPA). Capitalized terms used and not defined in this lefter have the meaning set forth in the PPA. On August 12,2019, Alternative Power Development, Northwest, LLC ('APD') delivered to ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") a Seller ROFO Notice pursuant to Section 8.4.1 of the PPA indicating that Seller intended to enter into a Restricted Transaction. Pursuantto several subsequent meetings between APD and ldaho Power regarding the Right of First Offer ('ROFO"), and as evidenced in the letter agreements dated August 28, 2019; September 17 , 2019; and September 27 , 2019; signed by APD and ldaho Power, both the 30 day deadline referenced in Section 8.4.'t related to the Buyer ROFO Notice and the September 1, 2019, deadline referenced in Section 8.3.1 related to the Additional 100 MW of Capacity from Franklin Solar Project were moved to a common deadline of October 20,2019. This Notice serves as ldaho Power's response regarding both items. Re */Y l22r w. rdaho sr (a3702) 8oke. lO 83707 DONOVAN E. IflALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahopower.com Peter J. Richardson Elizabeth Woolstenhulme October 18,2019 Page 2 of 2 Rioht to Additional 100 MW of Capacitv from Franklin Solar Proiect - Please be advised that ldaho Power, pursuant to Section 8.3 of the PPA, hereby elects not to exercise its right and option to purchase the Additional Output identified as Franklin Solar in Section 8.3.1 of the PPA. Buver ROFO Notice - Please be advised that ldaho Power, pursuant to Section 8.4 of the PPA, hereby elects to exercise its right to negotiate with ROFO Seller for the purchase of the Offered lnterests, which ldaho Power understands to be a purchase of the entire Jackpot Solar 120 MW project (comprise of the Facilig and Offered lnterests) including bu1 not limited to the PPA, GlA, permits, studies, leases, and everything existing and contemplated with an outright purchase of the project in its entirety. Pursuant to the September 27,2019,letter agreement between ldaho Power and APD, the ROFO Period during which ROFO Seller (APD) is to negotiate in good faith and exclusively with Buyer (ldaho Power), shall expire on December 1 , 2019. ldaho Power expresses its deepest sympathy at the untimely passing of Robert Paul, and appreciates APD's October 13, 2019, communication and continued commitment to the project in Robert's absence. ldaho Power looks fonitrard to our continued relationship and moving into negotiations for the purchase of the project. Since Ylr Donovan E. Walker Lead Counsel ldaho Power Company