HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190531final_order_no_34350.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date May 31,2019 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF UPDATES TO )CASE NOS.AVU-E-19-05 PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES )IPC-E-19-13 )PAC-E-19-05 )ORDER NO.34350 On April 12,2019,Commission Staff sent letters via email to Idaho Power,Rocky Mountain Power,and Avista with updated versions of the published avoided cost model,which included updated inputs for the natural gas price forecast,tax rates,and,for Avista,cost of capital figures.Staff's letters were filed with the Commission,and served to open these dockets. Because this year's update to the published avoided cost model requires the revision of multiple inputs,and not simply the annual adjustment to the natural gas price forecast,Staff recommended these dockets be opened and processed by modified procedure. On April 22,2019,the Commission issued a Notice of Applications and Notice of Modified Procedure establishing a May 16,2019 comment deadline and a May 23,2019 reply comment deadline in each docket.Order No.34318.Each utility filed a timely comment.No other comments were received. Now,based on our review of the record,we approve the updated published avoided cost rates. BACKGROUND Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA")and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"),the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")has approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR")methodology for calculation of the published avoided cost rates at which PURPA qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities ("QFs")are paid by Avista,Idaho Power,and PacifiCorp.Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy.The release of the Annual Energy Outlook by the U.S.Energy Information Administration ("EIA")triggers an annual update to the Commission's calculation of avoided cost rates.Order Nos.32697,32802.The Commission has consistently held that this annual update is a simple arithmetic re-calculation to an established methodology that is accomplished administrativelyas a matter of course.See e.g.Order Nos.33773,33538,33305. ORDER NO.34350 1 UPDATED MODEL INPUTS The Commission updates the long-term natural gas price forecast annuallyin the SAR model in order to incorporate the most up-to-date cost assumptions achievable.In accordance with the methodology approved in Order No.32697,the "reference case"natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector included in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook serves as the basis for computing published avoided cost rates.See also Order No. 34062.In Order No.32697,the Commission stated that each year the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook should automatically trigger a re-calculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No.32802,the Commission clarified that an update should occur on June 1 or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook,whichever is later.This clarification was to accommodate the possibility that the final release of EIA data does not occur in time to meet the June 1 effective date. This year,in addition to the automatic annual update to reflect EIA's most recent natural gas price forecast,Staff proposed to update additional inputs in the avoided cost model. Specifically,Staff proposed the Commission update its model to reflect changes made to the corporate tax rate in the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and Idaho House Bill 463. Further,Avista's recently concluded general rate case,AVU-E-17-01,requires an update to Avista's cost of capital input in the avoided cost computation.Staff provided the proposed updates to Avista,Idaho Power,and Rocky Mountain Power.Each utility responded stating that its respective model was updated correctlyand the resulting published avoided costs are accurate under current Commission-approved methodology. DISCUSSION The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over Avista,Idaho Power, and Rocky Mountain Power and the matters considered in this case pursuant to the authorityand power granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and PURPA.The Commission has authority under PURPA and the implementing regulations of the FERC to set avoided costs,to order electric utilities to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of energy from QFs,and to implement FERC rules. Pursuant to its authority,the Commission has reviewed and considered the filings of record.We find the rates disseminated by Staff,which incorporate the EIA's most recent annual natural gas price forecast,the revised corporate tax rates,and,for Avista,an updated cost of ORDER NO.34350 2 capital,were correctly calculated pursuant to Commission-approved methodology.We find the updated published avoided cost rates are fair,just,and reasonable. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the updated published avoided cost rates,attached to this Order,for Avista,Idaho Power,and PacifiCorp are approved,effective June 1,2019. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this day of May 2019. PAUL K LLAN R,PRESIDENT KRIS INE RAPER,COl lISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON,COMMISSIONER Diane M.Hanian ^ Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\AVU-E-19-05\AVUEl905finalorder ej I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\IPC-E-19-13\IPCEl913final order ej I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\PAC-E-19-05\PACEl905final order ej ORDER NO.34350 3 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.71 32.90 35.60 39.13 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.84 34.18 37.38 40.35 2022 30.48 5 29.36 31.13 33.00 35.79 38.62 41.41 2023 32.84 6 30.24 32.16 34.46 37.00 39.71 42.25 2024 35.76 7 31.19 33.46 35.61 38.08 40.59 43.00 2025 38.62 8 32.37 34.52 36.65 38.98 41.38 43.66 2026 43.58 9 33.36 35.50 37.53 39.79 42.08 44.38 2027 44.57 10 34.29 36.34 38.33 40.50 42.81 45.08 2028 46.55 11 35.10 37.11 39.04 41.24 43.52 45.76 2029 47.48 12 35.84 37.80 39.77 41.95 44.20 46.42 2030 48.89 13 36.52 38.50 40.46 42.62 44.85 47.06 2031 49.98 14 37.20 39.18 41.13 43.27 45.49 47.66 2032 52.50 15 37.85 39.82 41.77 43.90 46.09 48.24 2033 54.35 16 38.47 40.44 42.38 44.49 46.66 48.80 2034 56.15 17 39.07 41.03 42.96 45.06 47.21 49.36 2035 57.86 18 39.64 41.59 43.52 45.60 47.76 49.88 2036 59.86 19 40.19 42.13 44.04 46.14 48.28 50.39 2037 61.31 20 40.71 42.64 44.57 46.64 48.77 50.89 2038 62.87 2039 64.57 2040 67.03 2041 68.38 2042 69.96 2043 72.60 2044 75.74 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTAPage 1 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.71 32.90 35.60 39.56 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.84 34.18 37.69 41.00 2022 30.48 5 29.36 31.13 33.00 36.03 39.12 42.20 2023 32.84 6 30.24 32.16 34.65 37.40 40.34 46.94 2024 35.76 7 31.19 33.62 35.94 38.60 44.46 50.53 2025 38.62 8 32.50 34.80 37.08 42.23 47.71 50.62 2026 44.98 9 33.60 35.87 40.31 45.19 48.02 50.90 2027 45.99 10 34.61 38.74 43.00 45.63 48.44 51.25 2028 47.98 11 37.19 41.18 43.52 46.15 48.90 51.64 2029 76.69 12 39.42 41.74 44.08 46.67 49.37 52.06 2030 78.53 13 40.00 42.32 44.65 47.20 49.85 52.51 2031 51.48 14 40.59 42.90 45.20 47.72 50.35 52.96 2032 54.02 15 41.17 43.46 45.74 48.24 50.82 53.40 2033 55.89 16 41.74 44.01 46.28 48.74 51.29 53.83 2034 57.71 17 42.28 44.54 46.79 49.23 51.75 55.29 2035 59.46 18 42.81 45.05 47.28 49.70 53.13 55.70 2036 61.47 19 43.32 45.54 47.76 51.00 53.55 56.11 2037 62.95 20 43.80 46.01 48.98 51.43 53.97 56.52 2038 64.54 2039 66.25 2040 101.34 2041 70.12 2042 71.73 2043 74.39 2044 77.56 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTAPage 2 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.71 32.90 35.60 41.56 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.84 34.18 39.13 44.01 2022 30.48 5 29.36 31.13 33.00 37.14 41.43 45.83 2023 32.84 6 30.24 32.16 35.54 39.26 43.25 49.69 2024 35.76 7 31.19 34.35 37.47 41.00 46.72 52.63 2025 38.62 8 33.12 36.08 39.10 44.13 49.48 53.18 2026 51.42 9 34.70 37.59 41.93 46.70 50.21 53.82 2027 52.53 10 36.10 40.14 44.30 47.52 50.97 54.47 2028 54.62 11 38.42 42.32 45.17 48.35 51.71 55.12 2029 73.85 12 40.42 43.19 46.02 49.15 52.42 55.75 2030 75.65 13 41.28 44.04 46.84 49.90 53.11 56.38 2031 58.42 14 42.12 44.85 47.61 50.62 53.78 56.98 2032 61.06 15 42.92 45.61 48.33 51.31 54.42 57.56 2033 63.03 16 43.67 46.33 49.04 51.97 55.03 58.12 2034 64.96 17 44.38 47.03 49.70 52.59 55.61 59.34 2035 66.81 18 45.06 47.68 50.32 53.18 56.79 59.86 2036 68.94 19 45.70 48.29 50.92 54.31 57.32 60.37 2037 70.52 20 46.30 48.88 51.99 54.85 57.84 60.87 2038 72.22 2039 74.05 2040 98.01 2041 78.15 2042 79.88 2043 82.66 2044 85.95 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTA Page 3 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.71 32.90 35.60 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.84 34.18 36.70 38.93 2022 30.48 5 29.36 31.13 33.00 35.27 37.53 39.70 2023 32.84 6 30.24 32.16 34.04 36.13 38.34 47.14 2024 35.76 7 31.19 33.11 34.89 36.96 44.62 52.66 2025 38.62 8 32.08 33.91 35.70 42.37 49.50 52.09 2026 40.55 9 32.85 34.69 40.42 46.72 49.28 51.86 2027 41.50 10 33.59 38.84 44.32 46.72 49.27 51.80 2028 43.42 11 37.28 42.33 44.47 46.87 49.38 51.85 2029 93.73 12 40.44 42.57 44.72 47.09 49.56 51.99 2030 95.82 13 40.74 42.89 45.02 47.36 49.79 52.20 2031 46.72 14 41.10 43.23 45.35 47.66 50.07 52.44 2032 49.19 15 41.47 43,59 45.69 47.99 50.36 52.69 2033 50.99 16 41.86 43.96 46.05 48.32 50.66 52.97 2034 52.74 17 42.24 44.34 46.41 48.66 50.98 55.07 2035 54.41 18 42.63 44.71 46.77 49.00 52.93 55.34 2036 56.35 19 43.01 45.08 47.12 50.82 53.22 55.61 2037 57.75 20 43.38 45.44 48.82 51.13 53.52 55.91 2038 59.26 2039 60.90 2040 121.36 2041 64.61 2042 66.13 2043 68.72 2044 71.80 Note:A "seasonalhydro project"is defined as a generationfacility which produces at least 55%of its annual generation during the months of June,July,and August.Order 32802. Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTA Page 4 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.71 32.90 35.60 44.66 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.84 34.18 41.37 48.69 2022 30.48 5 29.36 31.13 33.00 38.86 45.04 51.48 2023 32.84 6 30.24 32.16 36.92 42.15 47.78 53.50 2024 35.76 7 31.19 35.49 39.85 44.73 49.86 55.13 2025 38.62 8 34.08 38.08 42.24 46.78 51.58 56.47 2026 61.46 9 36.41 40.27 44.19 48.49 53.01 57.74 2027 62.72 10 38.41 42.09 45.85 49.95 54.35 58.89 2028 64.95 11 40.12 43.67 47.28 51.30 55.56 59.96 2029 66.16 12 41.61 45.05 48.62 52.53 56.68 60.94 2030 67.84 13 42.93 46.33 49.83 53.67 57.71 61.88 2031 69.22 14 44.16 47.51 50.96 54.71 58.68 62.75 2032 72.02 15 45.30 48.60 51.99 55.69 59.58 63.56 2033 74.15 16 46.36 49,62 52.97 56.60 60.41 64.33 2034 76.24 17 47.34 50.56 53.87 57.44 61.21 65.09 2035 78.26 18 48.26 51.45 54.71 58.24 61.98 65.80 2036 80.55 19 49.11 52.27 55.50 59.01 62.70 66.47 2037 82.31 20 49.91 53.04 56.26 59.74 63.38 67.13 2038 84.18 2039 86.19 2040 88.97 2041 90.65 2042 92.56 2043 95.53 2044 99.01 Note:"Other projects"refers to projects other than wind,solar,non-seasonalhydro,and seasonal hydro projects.These "Other projects"may include (but are not limited to):cogeneration,biomass,biogas,landfill gas,or geothermalprojects. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy information Administration (EIA)'s AnnualEnergy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTA Page 5 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.24 37.13 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 39.17 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.16 31.82 34.16 37.40 40.41 2022 30.48 5 29.34 31.11 32.98 35.79 38.65 41.48 2023 32.84 6 30.21 32.13 34.44 37.01 39.74 42.32 2024 35.76 7 31.15 33.43 35.59 38.09 40.63 43.07 2025 38.62 8 32.33 34.49 36.63 38.98 41.42 43.74 2026 43.76 9 33.32 35.46 37.51 39.79 42.11 44.45 2027 44.76 10 34.23 36.29 38.30 40.50 42.84 45.14 2028 46.73 11 35.03 37.05 39.01 41.22 43.53 45.81 2029 47.66 12 35.77 37.74 39.72 41.92 44.20 46.45 2030 49.08 13 36.43 38.43 40.40 42.58 44.84 47.07 2031 50.18 14 37.09 39.08 41.05 43.21 45.46 47.66 2032 52.69 15 37.72 39.71 41.67 43.82 46.04 48.22 2033 54.54 16 38.33 40.31 42.27 44.40 46.60 48.76 2034 56.35 17 38.91 40.88 42.83 44.94 47.13 49.30 2035 58.07 18 39.46 41.42 43.36 45.46 47.65 49.80 2036 60.06 19 39.98 41.94 43.87 45.98 48.15 50.29 2037 61.52 20 40.48 42.43 44.37 46.46 48.62 50.77 2038 63.08 2039 64.78 2040 67.24 2041 68.60 2042 70.19 2043 72.83 2044 75.98 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,releasedJanuary 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables ref.php IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.24 37.13 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 48.28 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.16 31.82 34.16 43.95 54.15 2022 30.48 S 29.34 31.11 32.98 40.82 49.19 58.07 2023 32.84 6 30.21 32.13 38.46 45.43 53.00 60.85 2024 35.76 7 31.15 36.73 42.51 48.97 55.85 63.04 2025 38.62 8 35.09 40.28 45.75 51.74 58.15 64.81 2026 73.37 9 38.25 43.22 48.36 54.02 60.05 66.42 2027 74.80 10 40.92 45.64 50.56 55.94 61.75 67.85 2028 77.22 11 43.16 47.71 52.43 57.67 63.28 69.14 2029 78.60 12 45.10 49.50 54.13 59.22 64.65 70.33 2030 80.47 13 46.80 51.13 55.66 60.61 65.90 71.43 2031 82.03 14 48.36 52.61 57.04 61.89 67.06 72.44 2032 85.01 15 49.78 53.95 58.30 63.07 68.12 73.38 2033 87.34 16 51.07 55.19 59.47 64.14 69.10 74.27 2034 89.62 17 52.26 56.33 60.55 65.14 70.02 75.12 2035 91.83 18 53.36 57.37 61.54 66.07 70.90 75.92 2036 94.33 19 54.38 58.34 62.46 66.96 71.72 76.67 2037 96.28 20 55.32 59.25 63.34 67.78 72.49 77.40 2038 98.36 2039 100.58 2040 103.57 2041 105.46 2042 107.59 2043 110.78 2044 114.48 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables ref.php IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.24 37.13 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 47.39 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.16 31.82 34.16 43.32 52.81 2022 30.48 5 29.34 31.11 32.98 40.33 48.17 56.46 2023 32.84 6 30.21 32.13 38.07 44.61 51.71 59.05 2024 35.76 7 31.15 36.41 41.84 47.92 54.37 61.10 2025 38.62 8 34.83 39.72 44.87 50.50 56.52 62.77 2026 70.50 9 37.77 42.47 47.31 52.64 58.30 64.28 2027 71.89 10 40.27 44.73 49.37 54.44 59.92 65.64 2028 74.26 11 42.37 46.68 51.13 56.07 61.36 66.88 2029 75.60 12 44.20 48.36 52.73 57.54 62.67 68.01 2030 77.42 13 45.79 49.90 54.18 58.86 63.86 69.07 2031 78.93 14 47.27 51.30 55.49 60.07 64.96 70.04 2032 81.87 15 48.61 52.57 56.69 61.20 65.98 70.94 2033 84.15 16 49.83 53.74 57.80 62.23 66.92 71.79 2034 86.39 17 50.96 54.83 58.83 63.18 67.80 72.62 2035 88.55 18 52.01 55.83 59.77 64.07 68.64 73.38 2036 91.00 19 52.98 56.75 60.66 64.92 69.43 74.11 2037 92.91 20 53.88 57.62 61.50 65.71 70.17 74.81 2038 94.94 2039 97.10 2040 100.04 2041 101.88 2042 103.96 2043 107.10 2044 110.75 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration(ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.24 37.13 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 53.59 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.16 31.82 34.16 47.78 62.16 2022 30.48 5 29.34 31.11 32.98 43.75 55.34 67.74 2023 32.84 6 30.21 32.13 40.80 50.34 60.72 71.66 2024 35.76 7 31.15 38.65 46.54 55.32 64.73 74.68 2025 38.62 8 36.71 43.67 51.07 59.18 67.91 77.10 2026 90.64 9 41.13 47.75 54.69 62.33 70.51 79.23 2027 92.33 10 44.82 51.09 57.71 64.95 72.79 81.10 2028 95.00 11 47.90 53.93 60.26 67.26 74.79 82.76 2029 96.64 12 50.55 56.36 62.54 69.31 76.58 84.26 2030 98.77 13 52.85 58.55 64.55 71.13 78.18 85.64 2031 100.60 14 54.93 60.50 66.37 72.78 79.66 86.90 2032 103.86 15 56.80 62.26 68.01 74.29 81.00 88.06 2033 106.46 16 58.50 63.86 69.51 75.66 82.23 89.15 2034 109.03 17 60.05 65.33 70.88 76.92 83.37 90.19 2035 111.53 18 61.47 66.68 72.14 78.09 84.46 91.15 2036 114.31 19 62.77 67.92 73.31 79.20 85.47 92.06 2037 116.56 20 63.98 69.06 74.41 80.22 86.41 92.93 2038 118.94 2039 121.46 2040 124.75 2041 126.96 2042 129.40 2043 132.92 2044 136.95 Note:A "seasonal hydro project"is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55%of its annual generationduring the months of June,July,and August.Order32802. Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.ela.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.24 37.13 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 44.99 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.16 31.82 34.16 41.59 49.19 2022 30.48 5 29.34 31.11 32.98 39.01 45.39 52.09 2023 32.84 6 30.21 32.13 37.01 42.39 48.22 54.17 2024 35.76 7 31.15 35.54 40.01 45.05 50.36 55.84 2025 38.62 8 34.10 38.19 42.46 47.14 52.12 57.21 2026 62.70 9 36.47 40.42 44.45 48.89 53.58 58.50 2027 63.97 10 38.51 42.27 46.14 50.37 54.93 59.66 2028 66.23 11 40.23 43.87 47.59 51.74 56.16 60.73 2029 67.44 12 41.74 45.26 48.93 52.98 57.28 61.72 2030 69.15 13 43.06 46.55 50.16 54.11 58.31 62.65 2031 70.54 14 44.30 47.73 51.28 55.15 59.27 63.51 2032 73.36 15 45.43 48.82 52.31 56.13 60.16 64.31 2033 75.51 16 46.48 49.82 53.27 57.03 60.99 65.07 2034 77.62 17 47.44 50.76 54.16 57.86 61.77 65.81 2035 79.66 18 48.35 51.62 54.98 58.64 62.52 66.50 2036 81.97 19 49.19 52.43 55.76 59.40 63.22 67.16 2037 83.75 20 49.97 53.18 56.50 60.10 63.88 67.80 2038 85.64 2039 87.67 2040 90.47 2041 92.17 2042 94.10 2043 97.10 2044 100.60 Note:"Other projects"refers to projects other than wind,solar,non-seasonalhydro,and seasonal hydro projects.These "Other projects"may include (but are not limited to):cogeneration,biomass,biogas,landfill gas,or geothermal projects. Note:The rates shownin this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables ref.php IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 5 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.83 34.17 36.69 38.92 2022 30.48 5 29.35 31.12 32.99 35.25 37.51 40.24 2023 32.84 6 30.22 32.14 34.02 36.11 38.76 41.24 2024 35.76 7 31.16 33.09 34.86 37.29 39.75 42.12 2025 38.62 8 32.05 33.88 35.97 38.26 40.62 42.87 2026 40.55 9 32.80 34.90 36.90 39.12 41.38 43.65 2027 41.50 10 33.76 35.78 37.74 39.88 42.16 44.40 2028 46.66 11 34.59 36.57 38.48 40.65 42.90 45.11 2029 47.59 12 35.35 37.29 39.23 41.38 43.60 45.79 2030 49.01 13 36.04 38.00 39.94 42.07 44.28 46.45 2031 50.10 14 36.73 38.68 40.61 42.73 44.92 47.07 2032 52.62 15 37.38 39.33 41.25 43.36 45.53 47.66 2033 54.47 16 38.01 39.95 41.87 43.96 46.11 48.22 2034 56.27 17 38.60 40.54 42.45 44.53 46.66 48.78 2035 57.99 18 39.17 41.10 43.00 45.07 47.21 49.31 2036 59.99 19 39.71 41.63 43.53 45.60 47.73 49.82 2037 61.44 20 40.22 42.14 44.04 46.10 48.22 50.32 2038 63.01 2039 64.70 2040 67.17 2041 68.52 2042 70.10 2043 72.75 2044 75.89 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration(EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlookslaeo/tables_ref.php PACIFICORP Page 1 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.83 34.17 36.69 38.92 2022 30.48 5 29.35 31.12 32.99 35.25 37.51 45.33 2023 32.84 6 30.22 32.14 34.02 36.11 42.83 49.78 2024 35.76 7 31.16 33.09 34.86 40.64 46.77 53.14 2025 38.62 8 32.05 33.88 38.78 44.14 49.87 55.79 2026 40.55 9 32.80 37.29 41.91 47.00 52.39 58.07 2027 41.50 10 35.83 40.10 44.53 49.37 54.59 60.04 2028 76.53 11 38.36 42.49 46.74 51.47 56.52 61.78 2029 77.90 12 40.54 44.53 48.72 53.32 58.22 63.32 2030 79.76 13 42.44 46.38 50.48 54.98 59.75 64.73 2031 81.31 14 44.17 48.05 52.07 56.47 61.15 66.00 2032 84.28 15 45.73 49.55 53.51 57.84 62.42 67.17 2033 86.60 16 47.16 50.93 54.83 59.08 63.58 68.24 2034 88.87 17 48.46 52.19 56.04 60.22 64.65 69.27 2035 91.07 18 49.67 53.35 57.15 61.28 65.67 70.21 2036 93.55 19 50.78 54.42 58.18 62.29 66.62 71.10 2037 95.50 20 51.80 55.41 59.16 63.21 67.49 71.95 2038 97.57 2039 99.77 2040 102.75 2041 104.63 2042 106.75 2043 109.93 2044 113.62 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables ref.php PACIFICORP Page 2 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.83 34.17 36.69 38.92 2022 30.48 5 29.35 31.12 32.99 35.25 37.51 44.84 2023 32.84 6 30.22 32.14 34.02 36.11 42.44 48.95 2024 35.76 7 31.16 33.09 34.86 40.31 46.09 52.07 2025 38.62 8 32.05 33.88 38.50 43.57 48.97 54.53 2026 40.55 9 32.80 37.06 41.43 46.23 51.32 56.67 2027 41.50 10 35.63 39.68 43.87 48.45 53.39 58.52 2028 73.63 11 37.99 41.91 45.94 50.42 55.20 60.16 2029 74.96 12 40.04 43.83 47.80 52.16 56.81 61.62 2030 76.77 13 41.82 45.57 49.46 53.72 58.25 62.96 2031 78.28 14 43.45 47.14 50.96 55.14 59.58 64.16 2032 81.21 15 44.92 48.56 52.32 56.43 60.78 65.27 2033 83.48 16 46.27 49.86 53.57 57.61 61.88 66.30 2034 85.71 17 47.51 51.06 54.72 58.70 62.91 67.28 2035 87.86 18 48.65 52.16 55.78 59.71 63.88 68.19 2036 90.30 19 49.70 53.18 56.76 60.67 64.78 69.03 2037 92.19 20 50.68 54.12 57.69 61.55 65.62 69.85 2038 94.21 2039 96.37 2040 99.30 2041 101.13 2042 103.19 2043 106.32 2044 109.96 Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicableintegration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php PACIFICORP Page 3 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.83 34.17 36.69 38.92 2022 30.48 5 29.35 31.12 32.99 35.25 37.51 48.31 2023 32.84 6 30.22 32.14 34.02 36.11 45.21 54.75 2024 35.76 7 31.16 33.09 34.86 42.59 50.86 59.57 2025 38.62 8 32.05 33.88 40.42 47.58 55.26 63.32 2026 40.55 9 32.80 38.69 44.84 51.59 58.81 66.48 2027 41.50 10 37.03 42.62 48.49 54.90 61.85 69.17 2028 93.95 11 40.55 45.93 51.56 57.78 64.46 71.50 2029 95.57 12 43.56 48.76 54.26 60.29 66.75 73.55 2030 97.69 13 46.17 51.27 56.64 62.51 68.78 75.39 2031 99.51 14 48.51 53.51 58.76 64.49 70.62 77.04 2032 102.75 15 50.61 55.52 60.66 66.28 72.27 78.55 2033 105.33 16 52.50 57.33 62.39 67.90 73.77 79.92 2034 107.88 17 54.22 58.98 63.97 69.38 75.15 81.22 2035 110.37 18 55.79 60.49 65.40 70.74 76.44 82.41 2036 113.13 19 57.23 61.88 66.73 72.02 77.63 83.51 2037 115.36 20 58.56 63.15 67.97 73.19 78.74 84.57 2038 117.73 2039 120.23 2040 123.51 2041 125.70 2042 128.12 2043 131.62 2044 135.63 Note:A "seasonal hydro project"is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55%of its annual generationduring the months of June,July,and August.Order 32802. Note:These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php PACIFICORP Page 4 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NOb-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELlZED (YEARS)2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YEAR RATES 1 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 2019 26.64 2 27.67 28.92 29.75 31.62 34.25 37.14 2020 28.78 3 28.10 29.40 30.70 32.89 35.59 38.19 2021 29.07 4 28.63 30.17 31.83 34.17 36.69 38.92 2022 30,48 5 29.35 31.12 32.99 35.25 37.51 43.50 2023 32.84 6 30.22 32.14 34.02 36.11 41.37 46.70 2024 35.76 7 31.16 33.09 34.86 39.43 44.24 49.16 2025 38.62 8 32.05 33.88 37.76 42.02 46.54 51.13 2026 40.55 9 32.80 36.43 40.10 44.16 48.42 52.87 2027 41.50 10 35.08 38.54 42.08 45.95 50.11 54.40 2028 65.76 11 37.00 40.35 43.76 47.57 51.61 55.77 2029 66.97 12 38.67 41.92 45.30 49.01 52.95 57.00 2030 68.67 13 40.13 43.36 46.68 50.32 54.17 58.14 2031 70.06 14 41.49 44.67 47.94 51.52 55.30 59.18 2032 72.87 15 42.72 45.87 49.09 52.62 56.33 60.13 2033 75.01 16 43.86 46.97 50.16 53.63 57.28 61.03 2034 77.12 17 44.91 47.99 51.14 54.56 58.17 61.88 2035 79.15 18 45.88 48.93 52.05 55.44 59.02 62.68 2036 81.45 19 46.79 49.81 52.90 56.27 59.81 63.42 2037 83.22 20 47.63 50.63 53.71 57.04 60.54 64.15 2038 85.11 2039 87.13 2040 89.92 2041 91.61 2042 93.54 2043 96.52 2044 100.02 Note:"Other projects"refers to projects other than wind,solar,non-seasonalhydro,and seasonal hydro projects.These "Other projects"may include (but are not limited to):cogeneration,biomass,biogas,landfill gas,or geothermalprojects. Note:The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2019,released January 2019.See Annual Energy Outlook 2019,Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables ref.php PACIFICORP Page 5