HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191127Cross-Petition .pdfMATT HUNTER (lSB No. 10655) DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Tele: (208) 334-0300 FAX: (208) 334-3'162 RECEIVED :Jl9NCy 2t pti t:32 SSION -t =.(5 cco Street Address for Express Mail: I l33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 837 14 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION OF 20I8 DEMAND.SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRI.],D CASE NO. IPC.E-Ig.I1 COMMISSION STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION OF ORDER NO.34469 The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission cross-petitions the Commission for an Order clarifying Order No. 34469. Specifically, Staff requests the Commission clarify the change in cost-effectiveness test is intended to only apply to demand-side management (DSM) resources for integrated resource planning. BACKGROUND On March 15,2Ol9,Idaho Power Company applied for a Commission order finding that the utility prudently incurred its 2018 DSM expenses. The Company also asked the Commission to find that including "all cost-effective DSM resources in the Company's long-term resource planning process, from a total resource cost [TRC] perspective, will lead to the most economic planning outcome and best serve the public interest." Application at 2. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION I The Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Intervention that required interested persons to file any petitions to intervene by April 29,2019. Sae Order No. 34301 . Idaho Conservation lrague (ICL) and the City of Boise (Boise City) filed the only petitions to intervene, and thc Commission granted both petitions. .lee Order Nos. 34306 and 34328. On May 23,2019, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure and sct comment deadlines. Order No.34338. Commission Staff, ICL, and Boise City filed comments, and Idaho Power filed reply comments. The Comments Staff recommended the Commission "decline the Company's request to use the [TRC] perspective in its integrated resource planning because that perspective includes costs that Idaho Power does not incur to provide electric service." Staff Comments at 5. Staffnoted that it "believes the UCT [utility cost test] is the most appropriate test for rcsource planning because the key question it answers is whether utility system costs will be reduced." 1d. at 8. Boise City's comments focused on Idaho Power's request to use the TRC as its primary means to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the Company's DSM programs during integrated resource planning. Boise City Comments at 3-7. Boise City opposed using the TRC as the primary means of evaluation, favoring the UCT instead. 1d. at 4. Boise City encouraged the Company to principally rely on the UCT when deciding what energy efficiency programs to offer. 1d "[U]sing the UCT ... would likely ... increase [the] energy efficiency programs that would qualify for funding." ft/. at 7. ICL echoed Staff and Boise City in opposing the use of the TRC as the primary perspective for integrated resource planning. ICL Comments at 6-9. Like Staff and Boise City, ICL prefened the UCT. Id Idaho Power's Reply Comments In its reply comments, the Company responded to Staff, Boise City, and ICL's support ofthe UCT as the primary test for integrated resource planning. Curiously, Idaho Power's primiuy argument against the UCT was that it would increase costs for customers if it was used as the primary test to evaluate supply-side resource acquisition-an issue not raised in the Company's Application or any party's comments. Company Reply Comments at 2-6. The Company reiterated its request that the Commission find that Idaho Power "should continue to rely on thc TRC test 2STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION perspective when evaluating the amount of energy efiiciency included in long-term resource planning." Id. at l0 (emphasis added). The Commission's Order On October 3 l, 2019, the Commission issued Order No. 34469. The Commission found that "the UCT perspective is the appropriate perspective for integrated resource planning because it includes only those costs and benefits that the utility incurs to provide service." Rejecting Idaho Power's request that the Commission find that use of the TRC would lcad to the most economic planning outcome, the Commission focused its discussion on DSM and, specifically, energy efficiency programs. Thc Commission's findings and dccision did not mention supply-side resources. The Commission ordered Idaho Power to "use the UCT perspective for integrated resource planning." It!4hp Power's Petition for Clarification On November 2l , 2019, Idaho Power hled a Petition for Clarification in which it asked the Commission to clarify "that the change in cost-effectiveness test is intended to apply to energy efficiency resources in the resource planning context, not all supply-side resources." Company's Petition at 3. The Company noted that all parties discussed the test perspectives in the context of energy efficiency. /d. Additionally, the Company again argued-as it did in its reply comments- using the UCT as the primary perspective fbr evaluating supply-side resources would shift costs to the Company's customers. Id. at 5-6. CROSS-PETITION Staff cross-petitions the Commission to clarify that Order No. 34469 applies only to DSM resources for integrated resource planning. This case has been from the beginning about DSM resources, and each party (except fbr Idaho Power in its reply comments) argued in the context of DSM. Idaho Power correctly notes that its Application requested "the Commission find the inclusion of all cost-effective DSM resources in the Company's long-term resource planning process, from a [TRC] perspective, will lead to the most economic planning outcome and best serve the public interest." Petition for Clarification, footnote 7 (emphasis added). STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION 3 Which cosfeffectiveness perspective is the appropriate perspective for evaluating the cost effectiveness of supply-side resources for integrated resource planning is a question for a different case. If Idaho Power wants this question answered, Staff recommends the Company file a separate proceeding. Respcctfully submitted thrs L7 Xay sf November 2019 Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General 4STAFF'S CROSS.PETITION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ONTHISTHIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2019, I SERVED THE FOREGOING STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-19- I I, VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL & U.S. MAIL, POSTACE PRE-PAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D. NORDSTROM REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. BOX 70 BOISE, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: lttorrlstr()ni (a, i(lilhr)l)()\\ cr'.c()[r BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 7iO N 6TH STREET BOISE, ID 83702 E-mail lr('ll,)ul i\l, rll, r!r rrt \L r \ irl iOtl. (,l ABIGAIL R GERMAINE BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 500 BOISE, ID 83701-0500 E-MAIL:ernlrinc @)cit oltroisc,or WUlA, Keri J. Ha Legal Assistant to Matt Hunter 5STAFF'S CROSS-PETITION CE,RTIFICATE OI.' SERVICE tor&Ug,rdlho!gwc!.qel]] CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-mail: cirschcrttrlt'rt1g1Qj!ulrrrPol! !l!.!leLrl