HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211229Annual Review 2020.pdfLISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com December 29, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-19-08 Recovery of Costs Associated with North Valmy Power Plant – Idaho Power Company’s Application Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, is Idaho Power Company’s Valmy Levelized Revenue Requirement Balancing Account 2020 Annual Review. Please note that Attachment No. 2 of the enclosure contains commercially sensitive and potentially material non-public information under Regulation FD. The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, hereby certifies that Attachment No. 2 of Idaho Power Company’s Valmy Levelized Revenue Requirement Balancing Account 2020 Annual Review contains information that is a trade secret as described in Idaho Code § 74-101, et eq., and § 48-801, et seq., and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Attachment RECEIVED 2021 DEC 29 AM 11:57 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW 1 VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW December 29, 2021 In Order No. 33771 issued in Case No. IPC-E-16-24 on May 31, 2017, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) approved a balancing account mechanism designed to smooth revenue requirement impacts associated with the accelerated shutdown of Valmy and allow for full recovery of Valmy-related costs near the plant’s end-of-life. In addition, it more closely aligns the cost recovery period with the remaining operating life of the plant, resulting in a better matching of cost recovery from customers who benefit from the plant’s operations while mitigating the risk of future customers bearing the costs of a plant that will no longer be providing service. There are four types of costs the Company records to the balancing account: (1) the return of and on existing Valmy plant investments as of May 31, 2017, (2) the return of and on the incremental capital investments at Valmy after May 31, 2017, (3) non-fuel operations and maintenance expense (“O&M”) reductions, and (4) decommissioning costs related to the Valmy shutdown. Under the balancing account approach, the Company replaces the base rate revenue recovery associated with Idaho Power’s existing investment in Valmy with a levelized revenue requirement and tracks it in the Valmy balancing account. The levelized revenue requirement is determined by calculating the present value of the revenue requirement of each of the individual balancing account items and converting the values into a level payment stream from customers over the remaining recovery period. In Case No. IPC-E-19-08, Idaho Power requested the Commission (1) approve the North Valmy Project Framework Agreement between NV Energy and Idaho Power dated as of February 22, 2019 (“Framework Agreement”), (2) find that all actual Valmy investments through December 31, 2018, were prudently incurred, (3) allow investments forecasted through December 31, 2025, at Valmy to be included in the levelized revenue requirement mechanism, and (4) adjust customer rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement. As part of their approval of the Company’s request, the Commission in Order No. 34349 also instructed Idaho Power to file an annual report detailing the amounts recorded to the Valmy balancing account. Specifically, Staff requested the report include any major changes to the forecasted capital expenditures, by unit, as well as a narrative description of the actual investments made at Valmy during the prior year. A discussion of the balancing account activity from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, is contained below. NORTH VALMY GENERATING STATION The North Valmy Generating Station (“Valmy”) is a coal-fired power plant that consists of two units and is located near Winnemucca, Nevada. Unit 1 went into service in 1981 and Unit 2 followed in 1985. Idaho Power owns 50 percent of Valmy and NV Energy is the co-owner of the plant with the remaining 50 percent ownership and operates the Valmy facility. Idaho Power and NV Energy (collectively, the “Parties”) work jointly to make decisions regarding Valmy. The plant is connected via a single 345 kilovolt transmission line to the Idaho Power control area at the Midpoint substation. Idaho Power owns the northbound capacity and NV Energy owns the southbound capacity of this line. The Company exited coal-fired operations of Unit 1 December VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW 2 31, 2019, as accepted1 by the Commission as part of Idaho Power’s 2017 Integrated Resource Plan. The ownership and operation of Valmy is governed by three agreements: the Agreement for the Ownership of the North Valmy Power Plant Project, the Agreement for the Operation of the North Valmy Power Plant Project, both of which are dated December 12, 1978, and the North Valmy Station Operating Procedures Criteria, dated as of February 11, 1993, between Idaho Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company,2 as amended by Amendment No. 1 to the Operating Procedure Criteria for Valmy Coal Diversion Procedures and Usage, dated as of January 1, 2012 (collectively, the “Existing North Valmy Agreements”). Additionally, the Parties entered into the Framework Agreement, memorializing the terms and conditions under which either partner may elect exit of participation of Valmy. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES IN 2020 Although cessation of coal-fired operations at Valmy is anticipated to occur for both parties by year-end 2025, there are investments required to be made to continue the safe and reliable operation of the plant. As explained in more detail in the discussion of the levelized revenue requirement update below, approximately $600,000 of investments were made at Valmy in 2020 -- $33,880 associated with Unit 1 completed in 2019, which was offset by $15,056 in credits from prior years’ Unit 1 projects, and $580,000 in Unit 2 and common facility investments. While Idaho Power exited operations of Unit 1 on December 31, 2019, there was one project associated with Unit 1 for which the costs were not recorded until 2020 and is described below. In addition, the Company has included a description of projects that resulted in capital investments required to maintain the reliable operations of Unit 2 or common facilities that were greater than $30,000. Unit 1 2020 Plant Additions Unit 1 Primary Air Fan A Motor, Replace – On October 31, 2019, the Unit 1 A Primary Air Fan motor inboard bearing overheated and failed while in service. The motor inboard bearing alarm sounded and upon inspection of the motor, plant personnel discovered a large amount of smoke coming from the motor inboard bearing housing. The motor was shut down and replaced with the existing spare motor. The damaged motor was refurbished to become a spare Primary Air Fan motor. Unit 1 Primary Air Fans are used to convey fluidized coal from the pulverizers to the boiler burner through attached coal conduit piping. Without both Primary Air Fans, Unit 1 could not reach stable operation and would have been curtailed until late December 2019 while the damaged motor was repaired. While the costs appear as 2020 plant additions, the work was performed on Unit 1 in 2019 but final costs did not close to the project until early 2020. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $33,880 Unit 2 and Common Facility Plant Additions Greater than $30,000 Unit 2 Pulverizer A Major Rebuild – Pulverizers are utilized to grind coal to fine dust before being transported to burner fronts. This process wears out roll wheel assemblies, table grinding segments, and the interior of pulverizer equipment. The normal operating life cycle of a Unit 2 pulverizer is roughly 18 to 24 months. Routine inspections are performed at 3,000 hours and required maintenance is performed to ensure the maximum life of the pulverizer rebuild. Major overhauls are required for the continued reliable operation of Unit 2 and include replacements of roll wheels, air seals, coal shields, bearings, wear resistant ceramic liners, classifier vanes, coal 1 Order No. 33983. 2 Sierra Pacific Power Company has conducted business as NV Energy since 2008. VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW 3 feeder wear components, spring frame wear plate, and the pyrites plow. A pulverizer overhaul was scheduled for 2019 but due to reduced run times for Unit 2, a full pulverizer overhaul was not yet needed. Instead, three refurbished trunnion wheel assemblies were purchased as capital spares. The capital spares will allow the capital maintenance outages to be completed on an as needed basis, as opposed to during the routine inspection, when the pulverizers’ hours of operation and level of wear justifies the overhauls. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $165,540 Unit 2 Scrubber Outlet Duct Pluggage, Modification – The three dry scrubber vessels on Unit 2 often suffer severe scaling and/or debris material buildup as scale is dislodged from the scrubber vessel walls. The scale and buildup can be severe enough that several times per year the unit is curtailed 70 MW’s while the scale and buildup are removed from the vessel walls and the outlet duct via the existing debris chute and from the outlet duct door. The debris material is then collected and transported to the ash landfill. The removal is also required under the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards regulations. This project enlarged the existing Unit 2 scrubber vessel debris chute and installed three 24-inch diameter hydraulically actuated knife gate valves to allow for the faster and safer removal and collection of the scale, sludge and debris for disposal in the ash landfill. The duration of forced outage was decreased by half and automated the valves to open the scrubber vessel, which previously required personnel to perform via a ladder, improving safety. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $139,284 Unit 2 Scrubber Atomizer Wheels, Replace – The dry scrubber on Unit 2 utilizes nine atomizing spray machines (three atomizers per scrubber vessel) to atomize a lime/recycled fly ash mixed slurry that reacts with the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas to produce calcium sulfate. The solid calcium sulfate particles are then collected along with fly ash in the baghouse. To accomplish this the atomizer wheel rotates at approximately 13,000 revolutions per minute and centrifugal force shears the lime/recycled ash slurry into very small droplets for intimate liquid/gas contact. The force of the shearing slurry slowly erodes the atomizer wheel face and the wheels require routine replacement. An atomizer wheel can be expected to last for 10,000 – 12,000 hours in service. This project replaced five of the atomizer wheels that were at the end of their service life and was necessary to ensure the plant’s reliability for the 2020 summer peak season. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $108,817 Common Facility Vans, Replace (3) – The plant was concerned with the safety and reliability of the van transportation fleet. The Valmy fleet was aging and reaching high mileage, traveling approximately 1,650 miles for maintenance and 4,575 miles for operations/fuels per month. The vans transport employees to and from the remote plant site, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which is a standard in northern Nevada set by local mining companies. The cost of the vans is partially offset by a payroll deduction from each employee riding in the van. This project replaced three of the existing nine vans, each van is over ten years old with between 190,000 to 256,000 miles. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $87,965 Common Facility De-Militarized Zone Server Cluster – The configurations in the Valmy De- Militarized Zone (“DMZ”) included five individual servers for each functional and protective service. One of the servers had reached the end of its life because it was running on an outdated operating system that was no longer supported by Microsoft. As a result, the cyber security patching was no longer available for that server. This project moved the many individual servers in the Valmy DMZ to a high availability server cluster capable of resisting hardware failure and facilitating cyber security compliance. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $36,493 Common Facility Reverse Osmosis Membranes, Replace – First pass reverse osmosis membranes foul and plug over time. New membranes are required approximately every two VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW 4 years to maintain ultra-pure condensate for boiler makeup. This project replaced the east and west first pass reverse osmosis membranes which were last replaced in 2018. Total Idaho Power share of 2020 additions: $31,851 LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT UPDATE Order No. 34349 issued in Case No. IPC-E-19-08 approved an update to the Valmy levelized revenue requirement amounts in rates based on plant investments as of December 31, 2018. As presented in Attachment No. 1 to this report, Idaho Power has recalculated the levelized revenue requirement and summarized the update, if any, to the components below: Component A - Existing Investments at May 31, 2017. The revenue requirement component related to existing investments is based on the Valmy-related balances in effect prior to the establishment of the Valmy balancing account or existing investments as of May 31, 2017. This component of the revenue requirement, approximately $32.3 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis, net of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (“Tax Reform”) impact, did not change since the update in Case No. IPC-E-19-08 and will remain constant through the remaining life of Valmy. Component B – Incremental Investments. The revenue requirement on incremental investments can be summarized in two subcomponents: (1) the revenue requirement on incremental investments at Unit 1 from June 1, 2017, through December 31, 2019, and (2) the revenue requirement on Unit 2 and common facility investments after May 31, 2017, including the revenue requirement of Unit 1 beyond 2019. No changes were made to subcomponent (1), actual Unit 1 investments through December 31, 2019, as the 2020 investments are included in subcomponent (2) because they occurred after December 31, 2019. The revenue requirement of subcomponent (1) is $92,876 on an Idaho jurisdictional basis, net of the reduction associated with Tax Reform. While no changes were made to subcomponent (1), this differs slightly from the Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement presented in the 2019 Annual Report due to errors in the presentment of the regulatory asset balance. Subcomponent (2) was updated to include the net $18,824 in Unit 1 investments discussed above and actual Unit 2 and common facility investments for the January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, time period. The actual investments made were $602,383, lower than the forecast of $1.06 million. In addition, subcomponent (2) was updated to include the latest forecast for Unit 2 and common facility investments. As explained in more detail later, the updated forecast is $4.94 million higher, or a total of $7.37 million. The updates to Component B – Incremental Investments resulted in an increase of approximately $440,000 for a total levelized revenue requirement of $1,876,898 on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. Component C – Decommissioning Costs. There have been no updates to cost estimates associated with decommissioning activities therefore the revenue requirement associated with future decommissioning costs remains unchanged at approximately $1.10 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. Component D – O&M Savings. The Valmy levelized revenue requirement mechanism includes expected non-fuel O&M savings when compared to Valmy-related non-fuel O&M amounts approved in the Company’s last general rate case. Idaho Power has updated the revenue requirement associated with O&M savings to include actual Valmy-related non-fuel O&M amounts for the January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, time period. O&M savings over the life of the plant continue to be lower than originally estimated resulting in a decrease to the VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW 5 expected O&M savings for a total Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement reduction of $4.61 million. In addition to the four components described above, the Company has computed the true- up resulting from collections of levelized revenue requirement amounts for the January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, time period. Actual Idaho jurisdictional sales volumes were slightly higher than forecasted resulting in a total over collection, including applicable carrying charges of $82,125. The result is an over collection to be refunded over the remaining recovery period through 2028 of $852 per year. Adding this to the load variance true-up of $9,183 included in the June 1, 2019, rate change, results in a total load variance true-up since establishment of the levelized revenue mechanism of $8,331. The updated levelized revenue requirement associated Valmy includes $32.3 million associated with existing investments, $1.97 million related to incremental investments, $1.10 million in decommissioning costs, $4.61 million in non-fuel O&M savings, and a load variance true-up of $8,331, for a total levelized revenue requirement of $30,748,803 on an Idaho jurisdictional basis, which is $850,381 greater than the existing Valmy-related levelized revenue requirement currently included in customer rates. Differences between the annual Valmy-related levelized revenue requirement updates and the associated level of collection in customer rates will continue to be tracked in the balancing account. Idaho Power continues to monitor the balance and, in compliance with Order No. 34349, will submit a filing to the Commission no later than February 28, 2022, to true-up the balancing account with actuals, effective June 1, 2022, if it is determined by the Commission that such differences warrant credit or collection through customer rates. FORECASTED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Forecasted capital expenditures for the 2021 through 2025 time period used as the basis for the levelized revenue requirement approved in Case No. IPC-E-19-08 were $2.43 million and all associated with Unit 2 and common facilities due to Idaho Power’s exit of coal-fired operations in Unit 1. Using the latest forecast from the plant, capital expenditures are approximately $7.37 million, or $4.94 million higher. As can be seen in Confidential Attachment No. 2, the majority of the increase, $3.82 million, is expected to occur in 2021 and 2022 when the turbine on Unit 2 will need the high-pressure/intermediate-pressure turbine shell studs replaced along with a steam leak repaired on the inner and outer shell sections of the turbines, the pulverizer will require the replacement of the spare roll wheels, grinding segments and the gearbox, and the unit will require an Ovation human machine interface and server update. Previously, the capital business plan included a blanket budget of $400,000 for Unit 2 capital restoration in both 2021 and 2022. The forecast has been refined, to a blanket budget of $50,000 along with the above four replacements totaling $3.10 million. In addition to the increases in 2021 and 2022, the capital expenditure forecast for 2023 and 2024 grew by approximately $1.12 million as the complete baghouse bag replacement on Unit 2 was moved from 2021 to 2023 and the capital restoration blanket budget items were refined and assigned to specific projects. CONCLUSION Annually, Idaho Power will recalculate the Valmy levelized revenue requirement and provide an update to the Commission, detailing the amounts recorded to the balancing account while also identifying any major changes to the forecasted capital expenditures. The Company maintains that actual investments made are prudent and only necessary for environmental compliance, and the continued safe, reliable and economic operation of the plant. Component A Component C Component D True-Up TOTAL SYSTEM Existing @ 5/31/2017 Incremental Capital Unit 1 2017-2019 Incremental Capital 2020-2025 Decommissioning Costs O&M Savings 2017-2025 Load Variance SYSTEM Total Annual Levelized Revenue Requirement in Rates effective June 1, 2019 33,951,978 100,941 1,274,034 1,152,182 (5,046,137) - 31,432,998 Incremental Change - (3,262) 699,915 - 198,666 - 895,319 New Levelized Revenue Requirement Effective December 31, 2020 33,951,978 97,679 1,973,949 1,152,182 (4,847,472) - 32,328,317 Component A Component C Component D True-Up (1)(2) IDAHO JURISDICTIONAL Existing @ 5/31/2017 Incremental Capital Unit 1 2017-2019 Incremental Capital 2020-2025 Decommissioning Costs O&M Savings 2017-2025 Load Variance Annual Levelized Revenue Requirement in Rates effective June 1, 2019 32,282,687 95,978 1,211,394 1,095,534 (4,796,353) 9,183 29,898,422 Incremental Change - (3,102) 665,503 - 188,832 (852) 850,381 New Levelized Revenue Requirement Effective December 31, 2020 32,282,687 92,876 1,876,898 1,095,534 (4,607,522) 8,331 30,748,803 TOTAL INCREMENTAL CHANGE TO THE IDAHO JURISDICTIONAL LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT FOR THE VALMY PLANT 850,381 1. On June 1, 2018, customer rates were reduced to reflect the impact of the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, as directed by Order No. 34071. The computation of the incremental change in the levelized revenue requirement amounts are based on the corporate tax rate in effect in the respective years presented. Levelized Revenue Requirement for the Valmy Plant 2020 Annual Update Idaho Power ceased participation in U1 12-31-19; NV Energy operates U1 through 12-31-21; Both parties operate U2 through 12-31-25 Component B Component B IDAHO Total CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 29th day of December 2021, I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT BALANCING ACCOUNT 2020 ANNUAL REVIEW upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email Dayn.Hardie@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email botto@idahoconservation.org _____________________________________ Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant