HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190412Larkin Corrected Pages.pdf3Effi*.ID An IDACORP Company ii t1 F.l]il i 2 PFt 3: 20 JULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel ihi lton@idahooower.com April 12, 2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re Case No. IPC-E-19-08 Recovery of Costs Associated with North Valmy Power Plant - Errata to Application and Corrected Pages of the Direct Testimony of Matthew T. Larkin Dear Ms. Hanian ln the process of reviewing ldaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power") responses to discovery, ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff discovered a computational error in the workpapers that quantified the estimated $12.2 million reduction in overall costs associated with the North Valmy Project Framework Agreement between NV Energy and ldaho Power dated as of February 22,2019, for ldaho Power customers. Correction of the computational error increases estimated cost savings to $17 .2 million. Page 5 of the Application and the following pages of the Direct Testimony of Matthew T. Larkin contain the incorrect estimate of the overall cost reduction: o Page 3, line 9;o Page 14, line 1;. Page 17, line 9; ando Page 37, line 5. ldaho Power regrets the confusion that this may cause and assures the Commission that the change in the Application and testimony has no impact on conclusions presented by ldaho Power in its original filing. !n fact, the correction of the computational error increases the estimated benefits to ldaho Power customers. ln order to reflect this change, enclosed for filing are an original and seven (7) copies of the Errata to Application and nine (9) copies of the corrected pages 3, 14, 17 , and 37 of Mr. Larkin's testimony. Redlined copies of pages 3, 14, 17, and 37 are also 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Diane M. Hanian, Secretary April 12,2019 Page 2 enclosed for the Commission's reference and convenience. As noted on the Certificates of Service, the Errata to Application and the corrected pages have been served on the parties in this case. lf you have any questions regarding the enclosed errata, corrected pages, or this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, A. Hi JAH:csb Enclosures cc: Service List (w/encls.) (' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFYthat on the 12th day of Apri! 2019 lserved true and correct copies of the CORRECTED PAGES 3, 14, 17, AND 37 OF THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW T. LARKIN upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Wash ington Street (837 02) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 ldaho Gonseruation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq Christa Bearry, Legal cnC;(/)() =r h.) ;b-o;U N) T (r) T\),\) m C) rn CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email edward.jewell@ouc.idaho.oov 1 No. 33111,1 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Idaho Power has pursued 2 prudent and commercially reasonabl-e efforts to end its 3 participation i-n the operation of Valmy Unit 1 by December 4 3L, 20L9, and Valmy Unit 2 by December 37, 2025. The terms 5 and conditions contained in the Agreement are consistent 6 with the commitments detailed in the settl-ement agreement 7 approved by Order No. 33171 and wil-l- al-l-ow Idaho Power to 8 achleve cost savings benefits for customers of 9 approximately $11.2 mil-lion when compared to operating both 10 units through 2025 under current agreements. In this case, 11 the Company seeks the Commission approval required by the t2 Agreement and to adjust customer rates to align with the 13 remaining life-cycle costs provlded for by the Agreement. L4 a. What specific action is the Company requesting 15 of the Commission in this case? !6 A. The Company is requesting the Commj-ssj-on: (1) 1,1 approve the Agreement; (2) f ind that all actual- Valmy 18 investments through December 3!, 2078, were prudently 79 incurred; (3) aIl-ow investments forecasted through December 20 31, 2025, dt Valmy to be incl-uded in the l-evel-ized revenue 21, requirement mechanism establ-ished by Order No. 33711,; and 22 (4) adjust customer rates to recover the associated 1 In the l"Iatter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Efectric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant, Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Order No 33117 (May 31, 2071). CoRRECTED LARKTN, Df 3 Idaho Power Company 1 costs for Idaho Power customers of approximately $11.2 2 million, as compared to prior plans to operate both Valmy 3 units through 2025. The option to cease participation in 4 one or more Valmy units does not exj-st under the current 5 Existing North Valmy Agreements. The Agreement cfarifies 6 the respective rights and obligations of each Party with 7 respect to the continued operation, exit or retirement, and B decommissioning of the Valmy plant or the units thereof. 9 The newly-structured payment obligations set forth in the 10 framework of the Agreement provide a financial benefit to 11 customers because incremental capital improvements L2 associated with an exited unit cease/ common facility costs 13 are reduced as a result of Idaho Power's new capacity 14 share, and variable operating cost savings are experienced. 15 The Agreement provides a l-evel- of certainty L6 regarding the amount of fixed non-fuel O&M costs in the 71 future and generates an annual levelized revenue 18 requirement savings to customers of nearly $189,000. 19 Approval of the Agreement 1s in the best interest of Idaho 20 Power and its customers. 2L O. Pl-ease provide a general overview of the 22 purpose of the Agreement. 23 A. The Parties entered into the Agreement because 24 the Existing North Valmy Agreements do not provide for a 25 mechanism by which either Party can cease participation in CoRRECTED LARKTN, Df L4 Idaho Power Company 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 Unit 7, Idaho Power wil-l-no longer be responsible for fees the unit.associated with exiting O. Has Idaho Power quantified the anticipates achieving assuming execution of cost savings lt the Agreement? A. Yes. When compared to costs associated wlth the Existj-ng North Valmy Agreements and Idaho Power's contractual payment obligations associated wlth both units through December 31, 2025, the Company estimates savings of over $11 .2 million by entering into the Agreement. These costs are detailed in Mr. Harvey's testimony. Because the balanclng account mechanism approved by the Commission with Order No. 33111 ensures customers pay no more or no less than actual Valmy-related costs, these cost savings wil-l serve as a direct benefit to customers. Irr. THE VAIDf:r LE\ZELIZED RE\rENt E REQUIREMENT MECHAITTSM 10 72 13 t4 11 15 16 O. Please provlde an overview of the Company's 77 balancing account mechanism associated with the Val-my plant 18 and approved with Order No. 33117. 79 A. The bal-ancing account mechanism approved in 20 Case No. IPC-E-76-24 is designed to smooth revenue 2l requirement i-mpacts associated with the shutdown of Valmy 22 and allow for ful-l recovery of Valmy-related costs near the 23 plant's end-of-1ife. In addition, it more closely aligns 24 the cost recovery period with the remaining operating l-ife 25 of the pIant, resulti-ng j-n a better matching of cost CoRRECTED LARKTN, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 The terms and conditions contained in the Agreement are consistent Stipulat j-on Idaho Power with the commitments detail-ed in the Settlement approved by to achieve Order No. 337'71 and wil-l al-low the cost savings benefits for 10 customers of approximately $I1.2 million. The Company seeks the Commission approval required by the Agreement and to adjust customer raLes to align with the remaining life-cycle costs provided for by the Agreement. The update to the Valmy l-evelized revenue requirement incl-udes only those Valmy-rel-ated investments necessary for environmental compliance, and the continued safe, reliable, and economic operation of the plant and the costs updated by the Agreement. Idaho Power seeks approval of an adjustment of $1.21 mil-l-ion to the Company's Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement to take place on June 7, 20L9, which equates to an overaff increase of 0.11 percent. O. Does this complete your testimony? A. Yes, it does. 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 7't 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CoRRECTED LARKTN, Dr 31 Idaho Power Company 25 1 aL 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 No. 337'1L,1 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Idaho Power has pursued prudent and commercially reasonabl-e efforts to end its participation in the operation of Valmy Unj-t 1 by December 31, 2019, and Valmy Unit 2 by December 31, 2025. The terms and conditions contained in the Agreement are consistent with the commitments detalled in the settl-ement agreement Power toapproved by Order No. achieve cost savings approximately $1,21 .2 33711 and wil-l al-l-ow Idaho 10 units through 2025 under current 11 the Company seeks the Commissi-on 12 Agreement and to adjust customer benefits for customers of mil-l-ion when compared to operating both agreements. fn this case, approval required by the rates to align with the by the Agreement.13 remaining 11fe-cycJ-e costs provided for 74 O. What specific action is the Company requesting 15 of the Commi-ssion in this case? 76 A. The Company is requesting the Commission: (1) 71 approve the Agreement; (2) find that all actual Valmy 18 investments through December 31, 2078, were prudently 79 incurred; (3) allow investments forecasted through December 20 31, 2025, dt Val-my to be included in the levelized revenue 2l requirement mechanism establ-ished by Order No. 33711; and 22 (4) adjust customer rates to recover the associated \ In the l,Iatter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authority to Increase fts Rates for ELectric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valny Plant, Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Order No. 33771 (May 31 , 2011) . CoRRECTED LARKTN, Df 3 Idaho Power Company 1 costs for Idaho Power customers of approximately $721.2 2 mil-l-ion, ds compared to prior plans to operate both Valmy 3 units through 2025. The optJ-on to cease participation in 4 one or more Valmy units does not exist under the current 5 Existing North Valmy Agreements. The Agreement clarifies 6 the respective rights and obligations of each Party with 7 respect to the contj-nued operation, exi-t or retirement, and 8 decommissioning of the Val-my plant or the units thereof. 9 The newly-structured payment obligations set forth in the 10 framework of the Agreement provide a financial- benefit to 11 customers because incremental- capital improvements !2 associated with an exited unit cease, common facility costs 13 are reduced as a resuft of Idaho Power's new capacity 74 share, and varlable operating cost savings are experj-enced. 15 The Agreement provides a l-evel of certainty t6 regarding the amount of fixed non-fuel- O&M costs in the l1 future and generates an annual- l-evelized revenue 18 requirement savings to customers of nearly $189r000. 19 Approval of the Agreement is in the best interest of Idaho 20 Power and its customers. 27 O. Please provide a general 22 purpose of the Agreement. 23 A. The Parties entered into overview of the the Agreement because 24 the Existing North Valmy Agreements mechanism by which either Party can do not provide for a cease partlcipation in CoRRECTED LARKIN, Dr 74 Idaho Power Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 Unit 1-, Idaho Power wil-l- 11 costs are balanc j-ng Order No.72 13 than actual Valmy-related !4 serve as a direct benefit cost savings it the Agreement? Yes. When compared to costs associated wlth North Valmy Agreements and Idaho Power's payment obligations associated with both units 2025, the Company estimates savings of by entering into the Agreement. These no longer be responsj-bIe for fees the unit. costs, to customers associated with exiting O. Has Idaho Power quantified the anticipates achieving assumi-ng execution of A. the Exj-sting contractual through December 37, over $L21.2 mill-ion 10 detail-ed in Mr. Harvey's testimony. Because the account mechanism approved by the Commission with 33711 ensures customers pay no more or no less these cost savings will 15 III. THE VAIM:T LE\IELIZED REVENT'E REQUIRE},IENT MECTTAIIISM Please provide an overview ofL6 t1 18 I9 20 2t ZZ 23 24 o. balancing account and approved with A. The mechanism assoclated with the Company's the Valmy plant Order No. 33111. balancing account mechanism approved l_n Case No. IPC-E-16-24 is designed to smooth revenue requi-rement impacts associated with the shutdown of Valmy and al-Iow for fuII recovery of Valmy-related costs near the plant's end-of-life. fn addition, it more closely aligns the cost recovery period with the remaining operating l-ife of the plant, resulting in a better matching of cost CORRECTED LARKIN, DI Idaho Power t7 Company 4tr, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 The terms and conditions contained in the Agreement are consistent Stipulation Idaho Power approved by to achieve with the commitments detail-ed in the Settlement 10 the cost savings benefits for customers of approximately $72't.2 miIlion. The Company seeks the Commission approval required by the Agreement and to adjust customer rates to align with the remaining life-cycIe costs provided for by the Agreement. The update to the Valmy l-evelized revenue requirement incl-udes only those Valmy-related investments necessary for environmental compliance, and the contj-nued safe, relj-ab1e, and economic operation of the plant and the costs updated by the Agreement. Idaho Power seeks approval of an ad3ustment of $L.21 million to the Company's Idaho jurisdictional- revenue requi-rement to take place on June 1,, 2019, which equates to an overal-l- increase of 0.11 percent. O. Does this complete your testimony? A. Yes, it does. Order No. 33111 and wil-l- al-l-ow CORRECTED LARKIN, DI Idaho Power 11 72 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 79 20 2t 23 24 25 31 Company