HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190308Larkin Direct.pdf',-',_ti'l\ r!-ir:.-..,:t . .1!- i,,1. l,iri1 ..E Plj lr: t+9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OF ]DAHO POWER COMPANY' S APPLICAT]ON EOR AUTHORITY TO ]NCREASE ]TS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT. IDAHO POWER COMPANY D]RECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW T. LARKIN CASE NO. IPC-E-19-08 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 O. Pl-ease state your name, business address, and present position with Idaho Power "Company"). Company ("Idaho Power" or A. My name is Matthew T. Larkin. My business address is 7221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Revenue Requirement Department.Senior Manager O. A. in the Regulatory Affairs Pl-ease describe your educatlonal background I received a Bachelor of Business 10 Administration degree in Finance from the Universi-ty of Oregon in 2001. In 2008, I earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Oregon. I have also attended e1ectric utility ratemaking courses, including the ELectric Rates Advanced Course, offered by the Edison Electric Instj-tute, and Estimation of El-ectricity Marginal Costs and AppTication to Pricinq, presented by Natlonal Economic Research Associates, Inc. O. Pl-ease describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. I began my employment with Idaho Power as a Regulatory Analyst in January 2009. As a Regulatory Analyst I, I provj-ded support for the Company's regulatory activities, including compliance reporting, financial- analysis, and the development of revenue forecasts for regulatory filings. 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 Z1 LARKIN, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 25 1 In January 20L4, I was promoted to Senior Regulatory 2 Analyst where my responsibilities expanded to incl-ude the 3 development of complex cost-related studies and the 4 anal-ysis of strategic regulatory issues. 5 Since becoming the Revenue Requirement Senior 6 Manager in March 2016, T have overseen the Company's 7 regulatory activities rel-ated to revenue requirement, such 8 as power supply expense modeling, jurisdictional- separation 9 studies, and Idaho Power's Open Access Transmission Tariff 10 formula rate. 11 I. OVERVIETT 72 O. What is the purpose of this case? 13 A. The purpose of this case is to present to the L4 Idaho Public Utilj-ties Commission ("Commission") the 15 results of successful negotiatj-ons between Idaho Power and 16 Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (*NV Enerqy") Ll regarding the terms and conditions under which either 18 partner may elect exit of participation in the North Valmy 79 power plant ("Valmy"). The resul-ts of these negotiations, 20 whj-ch began in 2071, have been memorial-ized in the North 27 Valmy Project Framework Agreement between NV Energy and 22 Idaho Power dated as of Eebruary 22, 2019 ("Agreement"). 23 As required by the settlement agreement approved by Order 24 25 LARKIN, Df 2 Idaho Power Company 1 No. 33117,1 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Idaho Power has pursued 2 prudent and commercially reasonabl-e efforts to end its 3 particj-pation in the operation of Valmy Unit 1 by December 4 3L, 2079, and Valmy Unit 2 by December 31, 2025. The terms 5 and conditions contained in the Agreement are consistent 6 with the commitments detail-ed in the settl-ement agreement 7 approved by Order No. 33711 and will al-l-ow Idaho Power to 8 achieve cost savings benefits for customers of 9 approximately $L2.2 mifl-ion when compared to operating both 10 units through 2025 under current agreements. In this case, 11 the Company seeks the Commission approval required by the 12 Agreement and to adjust customer rates to align with the 13 remaining life-cyc1e costs provided for by the Agreement. L4 0. What specific actlon 15 of the Commission in this case? is the Company requesting 76 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 A. The Company is requesting the Commission: (1) approve the Agreement; (2) f ind that al-l- actual- Valmy investments through December 31, 2018, were prudently incurred; (3) al-l-ow investments forecasted through December 31, 2025, dt Valmy to be incl-uded in the level-j-zed revenue requirement mechanism established by Order No. 33117; and (4) adjust customer rates to recover the associated 1 In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company forAuthority to Increase fts Ra tes for El-ectric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North VaTny PLant, Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Order No. 33117 (May 31 , 201,'7) . LARKIN, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 incremental annual- Ievelized revenue requirement of $L.2L 2 mil-Iion with an effective date of June 7, 2079, which 3 equates to an overall increase of 0.11 percent. 4 Q. How is the Company's case organized? 5 A. My testj-mony begins with a discussion of the 6 Company's efforts to reach an agreement with NV Energy to 7 amend the current contracts associated with the ownership 8 and operation of Va1my, as required by Order No. 3311L. I 9 provide an overview of the Agreement and how it resul-ts in 10 l-ower costs than what exist under the current agreements, 11 benefiting Idaho Power's customers. My testimony then 12 summarj-zes the requested changes to the Valmy l-evel-j-zed 13 revenue requj-rement, including: (1) modifications 74 ref l-ecti-ng the provisions of the Agreement; (2) necessary 15 actual- investments made through December 31, 20L8, and 76 forecasted through December 31, 2025, for both Units 1 and !7 2; and (3) savings resulting from operations and 18 maintenance ("O&M") reductions already experienced between 19 June 7, 20L7, and December 31, 2018, and those expected to 20 occur through 2025. My testimony concludes with a 2L quantification of the proposed $L.21 million increase to 22 rates with a requested effective date of June 7, 20L9. 23 The direct testimony of Company witness Tom Harvey 24 descri-bes in detaif the provisions of the Agreement. Mr. 25 Harvey's testimony presents the evaluation of the economics LARKTN, Dr 4 Idaho Power Company 1 of a Unit 2 closure supporting the cessation of operations 2 aL December 31, 2025. Mr. Harvey discusses the necessary 3 actual- investments made at the Valmy plant that have added 4 to the assocj-ated plant bal-ances since July 31, 2016, that 5 are requested to replace the previously forecasted plant 5 bal-ances through December 31, 2078, and that are currently 7 ref1ected in customer rates.2 Fina1Iy, Mr. Harvey informs 8 the Commission of necessary future investments at the plant 9 to ensure Unit 1 and Unit 2 continue to be available for 10 rel-iabl-e l-oad service through the end of 2079 and 2025, 11 respectively. 72 O. Do you have any exhibits? 13 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 1 to my testimony provides a 74 summary of the updated l-evel-ized revenue requirement to the l-evel-1zed15 calculations by cost category as compared 76 revenue requirement amounts incfuded in customer rates approved with Order Nos. 33111 and 34071.3 O. Please summarize the Company's l-ast update to base rates assoclated with Va1my. 71 L9 2 Order No. 33117, in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, al-l-owed customer rates to be set based upon actual Valmy plant bafances through July 31, 2016, and a forecast of Unit 1 plant bafances through December 31, 2019. Order No. 33111, further required Idaho Power to seek a prudence review of actual- plant bafances incurred after July 31, 2076, and a review of forecasted bafances beyond 2019 before incfusion in rates as part of a subsequent case. This case requests such a review. 3 In the lulatter of the Investigation into the Impact of Federaf Tax Code Rerzisions on Utility Costs and Ratenaking, Case No. GNR-U-18-01, Order No. 34071 (Idaho Power Company) (May 31,2018). LARKIN, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1B 1 A. Order No. 33117, in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, 2 approved a settlement stipulation entered into between 3 Idaho Power, Commission Staff, the Idaho lrrigation Pumpers 4 Association, Inc., Micron TechnoJ-ogy, Inc., the U.S. 5 Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies, the 6 Idaho Conservation League and Sierra C1ub, and the 7 Industrial Customers of Idaho Power re1ated to Valmy 8 ("settlement Stipulation") The Settl-ement Stipulation 9 contained the foll-owing provisions: (1) a level-ized annuaf 10 Idaho jurisdlctional- revenue increase of $13.29 mil-l-ion 11 effective June L, 2071, to recover Valmy-related revenue 1,2 requirements through 2028; (2 ) a balancing account to track 13 the incremental- costs and benefits associated with the 1,4 accel-erated Val-my end-of-life date; (3) regulatory 15 accounts, including regulatory assets, to facil-itate 16 compliance with Genera1ly Accepted Accounting Principles; 77 (4) a process to review the prudency of expenditures of 18 each generation unit; and (5) the settl-ement of all- issues 79 in Case No. IPC-E-76-23.4 20 O. Please describe the components for which the 27 $73.29 million was based. 22 a In the Matter of the AppTication of ldaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Rates Due to Revised Depreciation Rates for Efectric PLant-in-Service, Case No. IPC-E-16-23, Order No. 33770 (May 31, 2011 ) . LARKIN, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 A revenue requirement (1) existing Valmy based on actual- plant balances The levellzed annual Idaho jurlsdictional- incl-udes the revenue requirement on: investments forecasted plant 31, 2011; (2) the from August requirement Unit 1 from 31, 2071, which were July 31, 20L6, and t, 2016, through May on incremental- June 7, 2077, l-n in the at May through balances revenue investments forecasted for 10 through December 37, 20L9; and (3) the revenue requi-rement associated with expected decommissioning costs, the sum of whlch is offset by the expected annual- non-fuel O&M savJ-ngs. O. Were there any further adjustments to customer 13 rates re1ated to the recovery of Valmy-specific revenue l4 requirements after A. Yes. June 7, 2071? 15 , 2078, customer rates were of the federa] Tax Cuts and16 reduced to reflect the impact 71 Jobs Act of 2011 ("TCJA"), as directed in Order No. 34071. This adjustment included a specific reduction related to Valmy of approximately $2.78 miIIion, or $2.07 mil-l-ion on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. The computatj-on of the 1B 2L incremental change in the l-evelized revenue requirement this case are22 amounts included in the Company's request tax rates in effect23 based on the corporate 24 respective years. LARKIN, DT 7 Idaho Power Company 11 72 19 20 On June 1 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 II. IDAIIO POIVER'S CESSATION OF PARTICIPATION IN VALM:T OPERATIONS O. Under what agreements do NV Energy and ldaho Power own and operate Valmy? A. Currently, the ownership and operation of Valmy is dictated by three agreements: the Agreement for the Ownership of the North Valmy Power Pl-ant Project ("Ownership Agreement"), the Agreement for the Operation of the North Valmy Power Pfant Project ("Operation Agreement"), both of which are dated December 12, L918, and the North Valmy Station Operating Procedures Criteria, dated as of February 77, 1993, between Idaho Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to the Operating Procedure Criteria for Valmy Coal Diversion Procedures and Usage, dated as of January 7, 2072 (coIlectively, the "Existj-ng North Valmy Agreements"). The Ownership Agreement sets forth Idaho Power's ownership rights and interests in the Valmy plant whil-e the Operation Agreement assigns NV Energy as the operator of the Valmy plant whil-e al-so setting forth operating decj-sion procedures, operating expense payments, and the annual budgeting process, among other terms and conditions. The Exi-sting North Valmy Agreements have provided Idaho Power and NV Energy ("Party" or col-l-ectively, the "Parties") LARKTN, DI B Idaho Power Company 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 the basis for owning and operating the Valmy plant for over 40 years. O. What used by the Parties are the current end-of-life assumptions for each Valmy unit? the SettlementAIdaho Power, in Commission with Order No StipuJ-ation . 33117, agreed to efforts to end its Update and 2, 6 approved by the 7 use prudent and I participation in commercially reasonabl-e the operation of Unit December 31,1bv In9 20L9, and Unit 2 by December 31, 2025.i-ts 2078 10 to the Llfe Span Analysis Process of Valmy Units 1 11 NV Energy recoflrmended retirement dates of both units at 72 year-end 2025.5 However, oh December 21, 2018,. in Docket 13 No. 1B-06003, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission L4 ("Nevada PUC" ) issued an order adopting NV Energy's 2079- 15 2038 Triennial Integrated Resource PIan, 20L9-2021 Action 76 Pl-an, and 201,9-2021 Energy Supply Pl-an, all of which L1 incfuded an early retirement of Unit 1 on December 31, 5 Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approvaL of 1ts 2077-2036 TrienniaJ- Integrated Resource Pfan and 2077-2019 Enerqy Supply P1an, 2016 AnnuaL Demand Side lulanaqement Update Report as it refates to theAction Pfan of its 2076'2035 Integrated Resource Pl-an, and the second amendment to its 2076-2035 Integrated Resource Pfan and 2016-201-8Action PLan to incfude the acquisition of the South Point Energy Center, Docket No. 16-07001. Updated Life Span Analysis Process in compliance with Order dated February 16, 207'7, filed on February 1,6, 20L8. LARKIN, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 202L, under NV Energy's stated conditions.6 The end-of-life date for Unit 2 remained at year-end 2025.1 O. Do the Existing North Valmy Agreements offer NV Energy or Idaho in a Valmy unit? A. No. Power the ability to end participation Ownership Agreement provides under a variety of scenarios, in which one party chooses to units during the time the other party wishes to cont j-nue operations. O. With a year-end 2079 cessation of participation in Unit 1 operations, Idaho Power would be the first party to exit a Valmy unit while NV Energy continues operations of the unit through at least 202L, dfl exit scenario not provided for under the Existing North Valmy Agreements. Has the Company attempted to amend the 6 Joint AppTication of lilevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approvaL of their 2019-2038 Trienniaf Inteqrated Resource Pfan and 2079-2021 Energy SuppTy P7an, Docket No. 18-06003 (December 21, 2018). NV Energy's stated conditions include: ( 1 ) demonstrative evidence that the three new northern PV projects and associated storage projects will achieve commercial operati-on by June 2022, (2) NV Energy must have adequate capacity to serve customer 1oad, (3) there must be sufflcient access to capacj-ty and energy in western markets to mitigate cost pressure and afl-evi-ate a reduction in ffexibilj-ty associated wj-th not having power avail-abfe from Va]my 1, (4) a transmj-ssion area foad of 2,800 MW wil-] trigger a reevaluation of retirement of Va1my 1, (5) accounting treatment regarding decommissioning Valmy 1 must be consistent wlth other retirement NV Energy generatj-on assets, and (6) the accounting treatment regarding undepreciated book value must be consistent with the tracking accounting treatment authorized in prior dockets. LARKIN, DI 10 Idaho Power Company While the for cessation of none contemplate exit one or both operations a scenari-o 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 7 Nevada PUC Order dated December 21, 2078. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 Existing North Valmy Agreements and end participation in operations of Unit 1 in accordance with Order No. 3311L? A. Yes. Following Commission approval of the Settlement Stipulation in Case No. IPC-E-1,6-24, Idaho Power and NV Energy began discussions around Idaho Power's exit from ownershi-p and/or operations of Va1my. While the Parties do not align on retirement dates of the units, both companies committed to pursuing a path forward that wou1d allow Idaho Power to exit one or more Valmy units on the Company's proposed schedul-e. On December 27, 2011, the Parties signed a term sheet ("Term Sheet") that established a non-binding agreement that would set in motion the path for Idaho Power to achieve its preferred exit dates for both Valmy units. The Term Sheet, which was included as part of the Val-my Status Report8 filed with the Commission on December 29, 2011, also identified Idaho Power's intent to cease its participation in operatj-ons of Unit l- on December 3!, 20L9. O. Please summarize the provisions of the Term Sheet. A. The Term Sheet included both binding and non- binding provisions. The binding provisions speci-fied that the Parties were bound to maintain the confidentiality of 8 Idaho Power Company's Confidentiaf North Valmy Power Pl-ant Status Report, Case No. IPC-E-76-24. LARKIN, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 10 11 72 13 I4 15 76 71 1B L9 ZU 2L 22 23 1 discussions rel-ated to the retirement and shutdown of Valmy 2 and that the Parties would consult with each other prior to 3 issuing any press rel-ease or publi-c statement or making any 4 public filing. The non-binding provj-sions indicated the 5 Parties agreed to enter into a retirement, monitoring, and 6 decommissioning (or si-milar) agreement that would set 7 forth, among other things, the means for Idaho Power's exit 8 from one or more Valmy units, and clarify certain issues 9 under the existing ownership and operating agreements 10 between the Parties with respect to retirement, 11 environmental assessment and monitoring, and 72 decommissioning. Through the Term Sheet, the Parties 13 commi-tted to working through all the binding and non- 14 binding provisions and memorialize resolutions in an 15 agreement. 76 O. Pl-ease describe the activities the Parties 77 have undertaken fol-lowing execution of the Term Sheet. 18 A. Immediately foll-owing the signing of the Term 19 Sheet, the Parties commenced preparation and negotiation of 20 the Agreement. Paraflel- to drafting provisions of the 27 Agreement, the Partj-es worked to identify indivlduaf O&M 22 expense items, separating and variable O&M expenses. were reviewed to determine O&M cost components between fixed activi-ty would be for budgeting purposes, LARKIN, Df L2 Idaho Power Company 23 24 Over 300 different activities if the 25 performed in the future and used 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 what time period it applied to, whether it is associated with a speciflc unit, coflrmon facilitles, or both, and what the budget amount would be if only one unit were in operation. The currently used review resulted in approximately 170 activitles receiving a designation of fixed or variabl-e O&M. These fixed and variable O&M charges became the foundatj-on for ca1culating payment obligations contained in the Agreement. O. Have the Parties finalized the Agreement? 10 A. Yes. The Agreement was executed by Idaho l-1 Power on February 22, 20!9, and by NV Energy on February L2 28, 2079, and is effective upon both Party's determination 13 of sati-sfactory regulatory approval-s from the Commission, 14 the Nevada PUC, and the Publ-ic Utility Commissi-on of 15 Oregon. The Agreement will remain in effect until- the date 76 in which all Valmy decommissioning activities have been l1 performed costs have O. or completed and all related decommissioning 1B been paid. 79 20 Idaho Power's Why is the Agreement in the best interest of customers ? 27 22 24 A. In addition to meetlng the obligations committed to in the Sett1ement Stipulation approved with Order No. 33117, the Agreement creates a structure whereby fdaho Power may cease its participation in the Valmy plant or the units thereof, resulting in a reduction in overa1l LARKTN, Dr 13 Idaho Power Company 25 1 costs for ldaho Power customers of approximately $12.2 2 million, as compared to prior plans to operate both Valmy 3 units through 2025. The option to cease participation in 4 one or more Valmy units does not exist under the current 5 Existing North Valmy Agreements. The Agreement clarifies 5 the respective rights and obligatlons of each Party with 7 respect to the continued operation, exit or retirement, and 8 decommi-ssioning of the Va1my plant or the units thereof . 9 The newly-structured payment obligations set forth in the 10 framework of the Agreement provide a financial- benefit to 11 customers because incremental- capital improvements 12 associated wlth an exited unit cease, comrnon facility costs 13 are reduced as a resul-t of Idaho Power's new capacity L4 share, and variable operating cost savings are experienced. 15 The Agreement provides a l-evel- of certainty 16 regarding the amount of fixed non-fuel O&M costs in the 71 future and generates an annual levelized revenue 1B requirement savings to customers of nearly $189,000. 19 Approval of the Agreement is in the best j-nterest of Idaho 20 Power and its customers. 27 a. Pl-ease provide a general overview of the 22 purpose of the Agreement. 23 A. The Parties entered into the Agreement because 24 the Existing North Valmy Agreements mechanj-sm by which either Party can do not provide for a cease participation in LARKIN, DI 74 Idaho Power Company 25 1 Valmy operations in a manner that woul-d al-l-ow either Party 2 to avoid any of the associated cost obligations, nor do 3 they set forth the terms by which decommissioning of the 4 plant is to occur. The Agreement was executed to: (1) 5 provide for a contractual mechanism by which Idaho Power 6 may meet its obligations pursuant to Order No. 33777; (2) 1 clarlfy the respective rights and obligations of the 8 Parties with respect to the continued operation, 9 retirement, and decommissioning of the Valmy plant or the 10 units thereof; and (3) affow an exiti-ng participant to 11 cease participation in the Valmy plant or the units 12 thereof. Company witness Tom Harvey will describe the 13 provisions of the Agreement in more detail-. L4 O. Are there any costs associated with the 15 Agreement? 16 A. Yes. The Agreement sets forth payment tl obligations associated with a Party's exit from 18 participatj-on 1n operation of a Valmy unlt. Mr. Harvey 19 will explai-n the exit fee structure establ-ished as part of 20 the Agreement i-n more detail- in his testimony, but, 2l generally, Idaho Power would be responsible for exit fees, 22 a fixed dol-l-ar amount that represents ongoing Valmy-related 23 costs that exist under the current agreement, and shared 24 costs, which are known, ongoing Valmy-rel-ated costs that 25 exist regardless of a decision to exit a unit. The Company LARKIN, DI 15 fdaho Power Company 1 would be l-iable for these costs until- the earl-ier of the 2 reLtrement date of each unit or December 31, 2025. 3 In addition, Idaho Power would be responsible for 4 its share of the applicable decommissioning costs arising 5 from activities that occurred prior to exlt of the unit. 6 The Company would not, however, be responsible for the 7 fol-lowing costs after exiting from the unit: operating 8 expenses, fuel-related costs, costs of capital additions, 9 administrative and general expensesr or any new fixed or 10 variable costs associated with such unit. 11 O. Please explain how the cost provisions of the 12 Agreement benefit customers. 13 A. The Existing North Valmy Agreements do not 74 provi-de relief from contractual- payment obligations should 15 Idaho Power exit a unit prior to NV Energy, meaning the 76 Company would be responsible for 50 percent of the fixed l1 and variabl-e costse associated with Val-my for as long as NV 18 Energy operated the plant regardless of Idaho Power's 19 decision to exit from one or both uni-ts. With execution of 20 the Agreement, when Idaho Power exits operations of Unit 1 2t at year-end 2079, total variab1e operating costs will 22 decrease, a percentage of common facility costs will be 23 reduced, and incremental capital improvements specific to 24 Unit 1 will- cease. When NV Energy ceases operatlons of LARKIN, DI 16 Idaho Power Company e Excfudj-ng fuel expenses 1 Unit l, Idaho Power will no longer be responsible for fees 2 associated with exiting the unit. Has Idaho Power quantified the cost savings it achieving assuming execution of the Agreement? Yes. When compared to costs assocj-ated with 3 4 5 6 1 o. anticipates A. the Exlstlng contractual- North Valmy Agreements and Idaho Power's payment obligations associated with both units B through December 3L, 2025, the Company estimates savings of 9 over $L2.2 million by entering into the Agreement. These 10 costs are detalled in Mr. Harvey's testi-mony. Because the 11 balancing account mechanism approved by the Commission with t2 Order No. 3311 1 ensures customers pay no more or no less 13 than actual Valmy-refated costs, these cost savings will- 14 serve as a direct benefit to customers. 15 rrr. THE VAI;}fY LEVELIZED REVENT E REQUIRET,IENT MECHANISM L6 O. Pl-ease provide an overview of the Company's L1 bal-ancing account mechanism assoclated with the Valmy plant 18 and approved with Order No. 3311I. L9 A. The balancing account mechanism approved j-n 20 Case No. IPC-E-16-24 is designed to smooth revenue 2l requirement lmpacts associated with the shutdown of Valmy 22 and all-ow for full- recovery of Valmy-related costs near the 23 plant's end-of-l-ife. In addition, LL more closely aligns 24 the cost recovery period with the remaining operating life 25 of the pJ-ant, resuJ-ting 1n a better matching of cost LARKIN, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 recovery from customers who 2 operations while mitigating 3 bearing the costs of a plant benefit from the plant's the risk of future customers that 4 5 6 1 B 9 providing service. With Order No. the rate impact to customers, the Valmy-rel-ated revenue requirement three years longer fife of the plant. O. What balancing account? A. There wil-l- no longer be 33171, to help mltigat.e Commission approved a collection through 2028, than Idaho Power's planned operatlonal- types of costs are recorded in the Valmy 10 11 are four types of costs the Company 12 records to the balancing account: (1) the accelerated 13 depreciation associated with existing Valmy plant !4 investments,' (2) the return on the undepreciated capital 15 investments at Valmy; (3) non-fuel O&M reductlons; and (4) L6 decommissioning costs refated to the Va1my shutdown. Under 71 the balancing account approach, the Company replaces the 18 base rate revenue recovery associated with Idaho Power's 1,9 existing investment in Valmy with a levelized revenue 20 requirement and tracks it in the Valmy balancing account. 27 O. How is the level-ized revenue requirement 22 determi-ned? 23 A. The l-evelized revenue requirement is 24 determined by calcul-ating the present va1ue of the revenue 25 requj-rement of each of the individual- balancing account LARKIN, Df 18 Idaho Power Company 1 items and converting the values into a level payment stream 2 from customers over the remainlng recovery period. Order 3 No. 33777 approved an incremental revenue requirement 4 increase of $13.3 million, lncl-uding all Valmy-related 5 plant investments as of May 3L, 20L1, based on actual plant 6 bal-ances through July 31, 2016, and forecasted plant 7 balances from August l, 2016, through May 31, 2071, 8 projected additions to the Valmy plant for Unit 1 from 2077 9 through 20!9, current and future non-fuel O&M savings 10 beginning June 1-, 20L7, through December 31, 2025, and 11 projected decommissioning costs, excluding contingency 72 estimates. 13 O. You indicated Idaho Power is proposing to L4 update the l-evel-1zed revenue requirement as part of this 15 request. What is the updated levelized revenue requirement 16 based on cost changes updated by the Agreement and the L1 Settl-ement Stipulation that the Company is proposing to be 18 recovered from customers and tracked in the Valmy balancing 79 account? 20 A. Incorporating the changes in costs associated 2L with execution of the Agreement and updating Valmy-related 22 plant investment balances results in an annual l-evel-ized 23 revenue requirement of $29.90 milllon on an Idaho 24 jurisdictional basis, ot an incremental- increase to the 25 Idaho jurisdictional- levelized revenue requirement of $7.27 LARKTN, Dr 19 Idaho Power Company 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 1 million. Exhibit No. 1 summarizes 2 level-ized revenue requlrement. The the changes to the updated Valmy-rel-ated inclusion of al-1 actual- 2078; (2) an updated 1 through December 3!, the l-evelized revenue January 1, Unit 2 and Based upon the Settl-ement Stipulation, estimate of an updated that incorporated planned forecast of investments for Units 2019, ds weff as the inclusion of requirement for Unit 1 investments beginning 2020,' and (3) a forecast of investments for common facil-ities through December 31, 2025. plant balances consist of: (1) the investments through December 37, the Company also quantified an levelized revenue requirement 10 the terms of the Settlement Stipulati-on, forecasted 11 j-nvestments at Unit 2 between June l, 2077, and December L2 31, 2025, were excluded from customer rates until- the 13 Company filed this case, or a case with a similar intent. 74 O. How does the updated levelized revenue 15 requirement compare to prj-or estimates performed at the L6 time of settlement discussions in Case No. IPC-E-16-24? 71 A. When Idaho Power computed the Idaho 1B j urisdictlonaf with the terms fevelized revenue requirement associated 19 agreed upon in 22 investments associated with Unit 2 from June l, 2071, with 20 27 23 24 25 a recovery 2025. The forecast of beginn j-ng level-i zed January l, 2020, through December 31, revenue requirement incl-uded a Unit 2 investments of approximately $9.1 4 LARKIN, DI 20 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I mil-l-ion. Through negotiations of the Agreement, Idaho Power was able to significantly reduce forecasted Unit 2 investments to $5. 17 mil-l-ion, resulting in a lower the updates to the level-ized 9 revenue requirement amount. 10 A. The levelized revenue requirement can be 11 separated into four components: 72 o Component A. The revenue requirement on 13 actuaf existing investments at May Ievel-ized revenue requirement by eliminating certain costs continued operation of Valmy the p1ant. O. Please describe 74 a Componen! B. The 15 incremental investments after May 76 20 than that estimated in 2077 associated with NV Energy's after Idaho Power's exit from 31, 20L7; revenue requirement on 3L, 2017;to revenue requirement non-fuel- O&M a Qprnppnelt C. The 11 associated with future decommissioning costs; and 1B o Component D. The revenue requirement 79 associated wlth O&M savj-ngs, including reductions and those costs updated by the Agreement. 10 As presented 1n Exhibit No. l, Component B conslsts of two subcomponents: (1) the revenue requirement of j-ncremental investments at Unit 1 from June 1, 201-7, through 2019 and (2) the revenue requirement on Unit 2 Valmy j-ncremental investments after May 31, 201J, including the revenue requirement of Unit 1 beyond 2079. LARKTN, Df 2I Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 Y O. changes to inc]uded in A. investments the revenue January 7, requirement in Unit 2 during requirement for 2020. Whil-e the Pl-ease provide a summary of the drivers of the the level-ized revenue requirement amount to be customer rates. The main driver of the increase relates to the inclusion of the actual- and estimated incremental the remainder of 1ts l1fe and Unit 1 investments beyond Company calcul-ated the revenue of these cost categories in Case No. lncfuded in the Ievellzed10 IPC-E-L6-24, they were not 11 revenue requirement computation approved with Order No. 72 33771 but rather deferred for review and inclusion in rates 13 at a later date. For comparative purposes, the annual 74 l-evel-ized revenue requirement related to the same cost 15 categories in that case was $1.15 million. To a l-esser 16 degree, the update of the existing plant to actual-s at May 77 31, 20L1, afso contributed to the increase in the levelized 18 revenue requi-rement. Fina11y, forecast O&M expenses for 79 the remainder of Valmy's life are lower than the levels 20 approved in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, partj-a1Iy offsettlng the 21 other incremental cost categories. 22 O. Were there any changes to Component A, the 23 revenue requirement on existing investments as of May 31, 24 201,7 ? 25 LARKIN, DI 22 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. The revenue requirement component 2 related to existing investments is based on the Valmy- 3 related plant bal-ances in effect prior to the establ-ishment 4 of the Valmy balancing account or existing investments as 5 of May 31, 2071. In Case No. IPC-E-L6-24, the approved 6 accelerated depreciation expense was based on a net plant 7 balance that included actual- plant balances as of July 31, 8 20L6, and forecasted balances through May 31, 2077. Idaho 9 Power has updated the Valmy-related plant balances so that 10 the revenue requirement on existing investments incl-udes 11 actual- plant bafances on May 31, 2017. As of May 31, 20L1, L2 the Val-my net plant investment was approximately $271.55 13 mil-f ion. 74 How does this too 15 plant investments approved 76 A In Case No. IPC-E-16-24, 77 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 the Val-my-related net rPC-E-1 6-24? the Commission compare in Case No. 25 associated with existing Valmy investments incl-uded in the approved Valmy-related net plant investments of approximately $276.77 million, or approximately $780,000 l-ess than actual- Valmy-related plant investments at May 37, 20L1 . O. What is the updated l-evelized revenue requirement on existing lnvestments as of May 31, 2071, included in the level-ized revenue requirement calculation? A. The total- revenue requirement amount LARKTN, Dr 23 Idaho Power Company 1 l-evelized revenue requirement calculatj-on is approximately 2 $34.44 million on an Idaho jurisdictional- basis. 3 Q. How does this compare to the l-evel-lzed revenue 4 requj-rement on existing investments currently included in 5 customer rates? 5 A. The updated level-ized revenue requJ-rement on 7 existing investments is an increase of approximately I $144,000 due to higher than forecasted plant investments 9 through May 31, 2071. 10 O. Please describe the changes made to Component 11 B, the l-evelized revenue requj-rement on j-ncremental 72 i-nvestments. 13 A. The changes made to Component B, the levelized 1,4 revenue requirement on incremental- investments can be 15 summarized in two subcomponents: (1) the revenue !6 requirement on incremental- investments at Unit I from June L7 !, 2071, through December 31, 2019, and (2) the revenue 18 requirement on Unit 2 Valmy i-ncremental- investments after 19 May 37, 2077, lncJ-uding the revenue requirement of Unit 1 20 beyond 20L9. 2! O. What changes were made to the revenue 22 requi-rement on incremental- investments associated with the 23 first subcomponent Unit 1 investments from June L, 2011, 24 through December 37, 2019? 25 LARKTN, Dr 24 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 A. i-ncremental- Stipulation al-l- Unit 1 through 20L9. 13 (a) (1) of the investments approved in in Case No. IPC-E-L6-24 plant j-nvestments made at the Settl-ement included a forecast of after May 31, requj-rement only with Sectlon The revenue requirement component related to Valmy 20L7, and included the associated revenue Idaho Power, Settl-ement in accordance Stipulation, adjusted 3L, 20L8, balances toL, 2071, through December actual- Unit 1 i-ncremental- p1ant. the June reflect 10 investments made at the Valmy Actual Unit 1 plant investments made during the June L, 20!1, through December 31, 2078, time period were approximately $2.26 mil-l-ion compared to the forecast of $1.53 million, on a system basj-s. In addition, Idaho Power has updated the forecast of lncremental investments associated with Unit 1 to include the $400,000 in expected investments tn 20L9 for the remaining life of the unit. 0. What is the driver behind the $730,000 difference between the forecasted Unit 1 Valmy plant investments and the actual- Unit 1 Valmy plant investments? A. The primary dri-ver of the differences in Unit 1 investments was due to unexpected significant degradation of burner and combustion contro1 parts discovered during a required i-nspection of Unit 1 in December 20L1. The Mercury and Air Toxj-cs Standard ("MATS") requires burner LARKIN, DI 25 Idaho Power Company 11 L2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 23 24 25 1 and combustion control inspection and combustion tuning 2 every 36 months and, as a resuft of the degradation, burner 3 and combustj-on control parts were required to be repaired 4 in order to comply with MATS regulations.ll Exhibit No. 3 5 to Company witness Mr. Harvey's testj-mony details all 5 Val-my-related incremental plant investments made since 7 August 7, 2016, and the purpose of the incremental 8 investment, including a cl-assification as to whether the 9 investment was for environmental compliance, the safe and 10 economic operation of the p1ant, or for reliability 11 purposes. Mr. Harvey wil-l- also discuss all- incremental- 72 investments made at Valmy in more detail. 13 0. What was the j-mpact to the l-evel-i-zed revenue 74 requirement for subcomponent 1 as a resul-t of the update to 15 actua.l-s of the Unlt 1 plant bal-ances and forecasted 2019 16 plant investments? L7 A. The update to actuals of the Unit 1 18 investments and the inclusion of forecasted plant 79 investments in 20L9 resul-ted in an increase to the 20 levelized revenue requirement of approximately $38r000. 2L O. What were the changes made to subcomponent 2, 22 the l-evel-ized annuaf revenue requirement on all Valmy 23 incremental investments after December 37, 20L9, including 24 the revenue requirement of Unit 1 beyond December 3!, 2019? 11 Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rule 40 CFR 63.10021. LARKTN, Dr 26 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Now that an Agreement is in place and a plan 2 for Idaho Power to cease all Valmy operations by 2025 has 3 been established, Idaho Power is proposing to j-nclude in 4 the l-evel-ized revenue requirement computation all 5 forecasted Valmy-related incremental j-nvestments for both 6 units beyond 20L9. First, in accordance with Section 1 L3 (a) (2) of the Settlement Stipulation approved with Order 8 No. 337'77, Idaho Power has included the June L, 2071 , 9 through December 3!, 2078, actual investment"s associated 10 with Valmy Unit 2 and common facilities and is requesting 11 the Commission approve these incremental- lnvestments as 1-2 part of the updated l-evel-ized revenue requj-rement 13 computation. The total plant bal-ance as of December 3!, L4 20!8, associated with Unit 2 included in the l-evel-ized 15 revenue requirement on incremental investments is $1.38 16 mil-l-ion. Mr. Harvey wil-l- discuss in detail the investments L7 but, primarily, they were for rel-iabil-ity purposes. 18 O. What is the forecast of Valmy-related 19 incremental- investments associated with both units beyond 20 2079? 27 A. The Company anticipates $5.57 mil-l-ion12 in 22 forecasted investments expected over Valmy's remaining l-ife 23 for those necessary investments expected for environmental- 12 The forecast incl-udes $400,000 in Unit 1 investments in 2019 and $5.17 mil-l-ion in Unit 2 and common facil-ity j-nvestments made in 2019 throuqh 2025. LARKTN, Df 21 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 9 compliance, the safe and economic or for rel-iabillty purposes. The $5.57 m1l1ion is down from the $9 operation forecast 7 million addition of the p1ant, of approximately forecasted of the in an increase duri-ng Case incrementaf No. IPC-E-76-24. The 10 investments beyond 20L9 results to the level-ized revenue requirement on incremental j.nvestments associated with subcomponent 2 of $7.27 mj-l-Ilon. Mr. Harvey will explain in more detail these anticipated capital expenditures. O. What is the total revenue requirement assoclated with the incremental investments of both subcomponents with al-l- Val-my-related plant including actual investments from June 7, 2077, through December 31, 2078, and forecasted investments from January l, 2079, through 11 t2 13 74 15 December 31, 2025? 16 A. The Idaho jurisdictional- revenue requirement 11 associated with incremental- investments at Valmy sj-nce the 18 balancj-nq account mechanism was establ-ished on June 7, 19 2071, is $1.31 mil-l-ion. As can be seen in Exhibit No. 1, 20 the increase was prj-mariJ-y attributable to the addition of 27 the revenue requirement associated with both Unit 1 and 22 Unlt 2 investments beginning January \, 2020. 23 O. Have any changes been made to Component C, the 24 revenue requirement associated with future decommissioning 25 costs? LARKIN, DI 28 Idaho Power Company 1 A. No. Idaho Power conti-nues to monitor and 2 review cost estimates for decommissioning activities 3 associated with the cessation of operations at Valmy and 4 will- seek to update the decommlssioning cost estimate 5 included in the levelized revenue requirement computation 6 as part of a future case. At this time, the Company is not 7 proposing a change j-n the levelized revenue requirement 8 computation associated with the decommissioning cost 9 category. 10 O. Does Idaho Power propose changes be made to 11 update Component D, the revenue requirement associated with 1,2 O&M savings, including non-fue1 O&M reductions and those 13 costs updated by the Agreement? L4 A. In Case No. IPC-E-16-24, the Commissj-on 15 approved a l-evelized revenue requi-rement that included 76 expected non-fuel O&M savings when compared to Valmy- L7 re1ated non-fuel O&M amounts approved in the Company's l-ast 18 general rate case. Idaho Power committed to, ds part of 79 the Settlement Stipulation approved with Order No. 33711, 20 making a forecast-to-actual adjustment of the non-fue1 O&M 2L savings in the next Valmy-related adjustment to base rates. 22 The Company has incl-uded the O&M costs updated by the 23 Agreement in its updated forecast of non-fuel- O&M savings. 24 25 LARKIN, DI 29 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 O. What were the non-fuel- O&M savj-ngs that were included in the level-ized revenue requirement approved in Case No. IPC-E-16-24? A. The Idaho jurisdictional levelized revenue requirement included an offset of $4.64 million per year associated with forecasted Valmy non-fuel O&M savings. O. How do actual and forecasted non-fuel O&M savings compare to amounts included in the Idaho jurisdictional- l-evelized revenue requirement? A. The total- actual- and forecasted non-fuel O&M10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 22 /< 24 savings associated with Valmy through approximately $52.36 mi11ion, which is the $52.32 m1l-1ion approved with Order December stightly No. 33117 31, 2025, is higher than O. You indicated Idaho Power has inc1uded in Component D the costs updated by the Agreement. How does Idaho Power propose to update these O&M expenses? A. As I explained earl-ier in my testimony, the Agreement sets forth Idaho Power's payment obligations associated with the exit from participation in operatJ-ons of a Valmy unit, including an annual exit fee and shared costs. Company witness Mr. Harvey will explain in detail the specific payment obligations Idaho Power woul-d be responsible for upon approval of the Agreement, but, in general, the Company would be obligated to make an annual fixed dollar amount payment in the form of an exj-t fee as LARKTN, Df 30 Idaho Power Company 25 1 well as certain shared costs if Idaho Power exited 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 operations of a unit prior Idaho Power's current plan to NV Energy. to exit Unit 1 an through Therefore, under in 2079 and if NV December 31 sources suggest, i3 the annual exit fee payment Energy continued 2027, ds current Company would be in 2019 and 2020. O&M expenses are to operate Unit l- publicly available responsible for The exit fees incl-uded in the forecasted and $ U(JJ LJ respectively, the forecast ofon a total- system basis and are included in 10 O&M expenses. in 2021, Idaho until 2025. costs through 2025. Shared that exist regardless of a However, if NV Energy does not exit Unit 1 Power would be responsible for the exit fee Idaho Power woufd al-so be obligated to pay shared are the ongoing costs 11 72 13 74 15 decision to exlt a unit. These 16 expenses incfude costs such as Iabor, TheL1 maintenance, and fuel- handling forecasted O&M 1B expected beginning Power's exit from 2020 are directly correlated with t9 fixed and variable savj-ngs Idaho 20 reduction i-n variable 1 operations and the corresponding operating costs specific to the Unit 27 exited unit. 22 O. Dld the Company make any other adjustments to 23 the non-fuel- O&M savings? 13 Docket No. 18-06003, Order dated December 21, 2078 REDACTED LARKIN, DI 31 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. Idaho Power has al-so incl-uded 2 amortization of materials and suppli-es inventory at the 3 Valmy p1ant. Materials and supplies are those parts 4 necessary to have on hand at the Valmy plant to keep the 5 plant operating at a safe and reliable level shoul-d repairs 6 be required. The Company has included approximately 7 $830,000 in estimated amortization associated with the 8 material-s and supplies beginning in 2020 to ensure the 9 costs are recovered when operations of the plant cease. 10 O. What are the total non-fuel O&M savings 11 included in the levelized revenue requirement computation? 12 A. Idaho Power is proposing a non-fuel O&M 13 incremental- savings adjustment of approxj-mately $189,000 14 for a total- $4.83 million levelized revenue requirement 15 Idaho jurisdlctional- basls. 76 t1 1B t9 ZU 27 22 24 savings on an o. requirement? What is the resulting total Ievelized revenue A. The Company's proposed update to the levelized revenue requirement associated with VaImy includes $34.44 million associated with existing j-nvestments, $1.31 million related to j-ncremental investments, $1.04 million in decommissi-onj-ng costs, and $4.83 million in non-fuel- O&M savings, for a total- l-evel-ized revenue requirement of $29.89 mil-l-ion on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. LARKIN, DI 32 Idaho Power Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 u as soclated o. requirement requirement 15 Idaho 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 What is the existing revenue requirement 1s currently included in the Company's A. with Valmy that base rates? resuft of the TCJA with Order No. 34011 is The Idaho jurisdictional- Ievelized revenue requj-rement approved with Order No. 33117 the total levelized and updated as a $28.68 million. revenueHow does compare to currently the existing level-ized revenue in customer rates? 10 A. The total Idaho jurisdictional levelized revenue requirement of $29.89 million less the Idaho jurisdictional share of the existing revenue requirement $28.68 mil-l-ion resul-ts in an j-ncremental annual levelized L4 revenue requirement 11 72 13 of j urisdictional O. Did the of approximately basls. $7.20 million on an Company make any additional request that have not already been The Company also adjusted the l-evelized to true-up the difference in level-ized collected from June 7, 2011, through that was a result of actual- Idaho adjustments to its discus sed? A. Yes. revenue requirement revenue requirement December 3L, 20L8, 23 jurisdj-ctional sal-es volumes that 24 forecasted volumes over the same 25 20L8, the total under collection, were l-ower than period. At December 37, j-ncl-uding applicabl-e LARKIN, DI 33 Idaho Power Company 1 carrylng charges, was $83,844. This under col-Iection has 2 been added to the updated levelized revenue requirement, to 3 be collected over the remaining recovery period, through 4 2028. The annual j-mpact of this adjustment over the 5 remaining recovery period is $9,183. 6 Q. What is the true-up associated with the under 7 col-l-ection of Valmy-related revenue requirement amounts 8 during the June 1-, 2071, through May 31, 2019, time period? 9 A. Spreading the under collection over the 10 remaining recovery period, or through December 37, 2028, 11 resul-ts in a true-up of approximately $9,000. Adding this t2 to the Idaho jurisdictional levelized revenue requirement 13 of $29.89 mill-ion resul-ts in an Idaho jurisdictj-onal 1,4 levelized revenue requirement of $29.90 miIIion, or an 15 incremental- increase of approximately $1.21 million. 16 IV. RECOMMEIIDED RATE!{AI(ING TREAT!,IENT 71 O. Why does the Company believe the proposed June 7, 20L9, effective date for the requested rate adjustments is reasonabfe and appropriate? A. Idaho Power acknowl-edges the Company is requesting a relatively expedited review of its request j-n this case, especially i-n light of the complexities of the Agreement and associated update to the Idaho jurisdictlonal- Valmy levelized revenue requirement. However, because the Valmy balancing account mechanism approved by the 18 19 20 27 22 )? 25 LARKIN, DI 34 Idaho Power Company 24 1 2 3 4 6 6 1 I 9 Commission with Order No. 33711 converts revenue requirement amounts into a level payment stream over the recovery period, it ensures customers pay no more or no less than actual- Valmy-rel-ated costs. Therefore, this mechanism would allow for the interi-m approval of an incremental level-ized revenue requirement increase of $7.2L million if the Commission needed more time for review of the Company's broader any request in di-f f erences this case. Under this 10 approach, should al-l-owed l-evefs of ultimately recovery, a true-up coul-d the next update to Valmy-related base O. If the bal-ancing account customers pay no more or no fess than costs, hrhy does the Company bel-ieve a rates on June l, 2019, is necessary? impact the be made during rates. mechanism ensures actual Valmy-related change in customer and LARKIN, DI 35 Idaho Power Company 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 21 )) 23 A. Idaho Power's request for a June l, 2019, effective date wil-1 coincide with the annual flxed cost power cost rate adjustments.la Therefore, the Company's requested effective date for the incremental Valmy levelized revenue requirement update woul-d minimize rate changes for consolidate customers while allowing Idaho Power to several- rate updates. 14 fdaho Power afso fil-ed an applicati-on i-n Case No. IPC-E-19-06 on Eebruary 72, 2079, to reduce the Energy Efficiency Rider, Tariff Schedule 91, effective June 1, 2079. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 o.How does the Company propose to al-l-ocate the incremental- annual- l-evelized revenue requirement amount of approxj-mately $1.21 mill-ion to each cl-ass of customers? A The Company requests that the Idaho jurisdictional incremental- revenue requirement of approximately $7.21 million be recovered from all customer classes through a uniform percentage j-ncrease to al-l- base rate components except the service charge. O. Has the Company prepared a schedul-e that presents the revenue spread resul-ts for each customer cl-ass under the Company's proposed allocation methodology? A. Yes. Attachment 2 Lo the Application presents a summary of the proposed revenue lmpact for each customer class. When the Company requests rate changes associated with the annual rate mechanisms l-ater this spring, Idaho Power will attach to its application a summary of the proposed combined revenue impact for each customer cl-ass. V. CONCLUSION O. Please summarize your testimony. A. As required by the Settlement Stipulation approved by Order No. 33171 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Idaho Power has pursued prudent and commercially reasonable efforts to end its participation in the operation of Valmy Unit 1 by December 3L, 2079, and Valmy Unit 2 by December 31, 2025, which have been memorialized i-n the Agreement. LARKIN, DI 36 Idaho Power Company 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 t1 1B t9 20 27 22 Z3 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 The terms and conditions contained in the Agreement are in the Settlementconsistent Stipulation Idaho Power with the commitments detail-ed approved by Order No. 33771 and wil-l- allow to achieve the cost savings benefits for 10 customers of approximately $72.2 million. The Company seeks the Commission approval required by the Agreement and to adjust customer rates to align with the remaining life-cyc1e costs provided for by the Agreement. The update to the Valmy l-evel-ized revenue requirement includes only those Valmy-rel-ated investments 11 necessary for environmental compliance, and the continued L2 safe, reIiabIe, and economic operation of the plant and the 13 costs updated by the Agreement. fdaho Power seeks approval L4 of an adjustment of $7.21 million to the Company's Idaho 15 jurisdictional- revenue requirement to take place on June \, L6 2079, which equates to an overal-l- increase of 0.11 percent. l7 O. Does this complete your testimony? 18 A. Yes, it does. 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 LARKIN, DI 31 Idaho Power Company ) ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY STATE OF IDAHO SS. County of Ada I, Matthew T. Larkj-n, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the followi-ng: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Revenue Requirement Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department and am competent to be a wj-tness j-n this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony and exhibit are true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this Btn day of March 20L9. 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 71 18 24 25 26 21 28 79 20 27 22 23 >- 7. ---\ Matthew T. Larkin SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 8th day of March 2079. S Not ary Iic for I Res j-ding at:Meri-dian Idaho My commission expires:02/04/2 LARKIN, DI 38 Idaho Power Company s. or BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-I9-08 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY LARKIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 s6ooo oo 6N6 os.r o 6r .j oo N- @. odj @ 6i oood@d tsoON ? oFoa e oool q aoNTd1 q €@@a d.i NO@N@oq6; oF =qts 6 oi 6OTEF._s E6o>E!g8d F 9!n-:d>o6Asi Qdo EC.E o 90 Eo 0o 6':eo6UN -eONEO EObN s3. SF OH!ohdcHg'= c- o5pFl.=\ESx\ Eo.NE.o-.t: EEd d l EE E eo.=! 3T B EPeE EEEU 9c! o EoU>OA;P :;*E" EJ!h;=o =fiE98 Etr;=98 .J9FPZE * EEE:E +istsE i =IgEE ]3R R 9 Ior1 o-.i= ;Ze d) lEEE s9'oi E'=P * O*o E EdidGUoZocrhioc=c! o trH:p g;tE" g :a=E-.iooc=fiE95 6- = 6= O,-*a;3dri*€E t6#iEE EB bEP B:4l !- J<D&d9;ER R 2 6gH FEio>s!!86 F !9o >o6i 3Ho o .9 G feEo a F .iNozi .cooz8 ooE6Oo;9 EE Es.€3 GO Fa€ uo(c EOeE9x f6UE6sFo 3oo<EeEE9a!o:B OOCq OlEo !-od_csEE,=g+50ELoo oc =gE" E-soo2Udcr;,oc oE ;ocEoE ..i.E @ o @@ @ o @ N6 N o- @r6o Nod@€ 6o oo roT a,.l E!S € +r5LOGE ato.t CELG a.(Es Oij =EL.lo:ra- B+.=E ox9E:F (J{0 -e3 =otgFE ol ==L(Doiosu,sE.sOs.N€Po'fAEJ;ot4Goo oioq- o € bcEo c6;IJEo 0o Fz3A E UIFdorFzu rE =o drfzu Udc!UNr r zoF9o!!ef oE o E-FoFUc,z-IJ F2UEUdU = FoF odi @od'l @ ou1 ?Eq66_o6d -co ON<obN EE. 8.F OHH :Obn E.: q N ^l N6eo 6 @ Noq-ooN.oooC Ixg oNq o u1 @ o@o ro @ Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-19-08 M. Larkin, IPC Page 1 of 1 o6