HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190308Harvey Direct.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBL]C UTILITIES COMM]SSION IN THE MATTER OE TDAHO POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ]NCREASE ]TS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERV]CE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED W]TH THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT. IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TEST]MONY OE TOM HARVEY CASE NO. IPC_E_19_OB 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 O Pl-ease state your name, business address, and present position with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"). A. is 7221 West My name is Tom Harvey and my busi-ness address Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. I am employed by Idaho Power as the Supply, Planning and Operations Department. General- Manager of Power 1n the Power Supply 0 A10 Pl-ease describe your educational background. I have a Bache]or of Business Administration management from Boise State University. I al-so , University of Idaho's Utility Executive Course 11 in business !2 attended the 13 in 2071. 74 o Please describe your work experi-ence with 15 Idaho Power. t6 A. I was hired by Idaho Power in JuIy 1980 to work in the Plant Accounting Department. Erom 1985 through 2009, I was the Fuels Management Coordinator and then was promoted to the Joint Projects Manager. In April 2015, I was promoted to Resource Planning and Operations Di-rector. In January 2018, I was promoted to my current position, General Manager of Power Supply, Planning and Operations j-n the Power Supply Department. My current responsibil-ities incl-ude supervision over Idaho Power's jointJ-y owned coal 71 1B 79 20 27 )) 23 24 HARVEY, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 25 1 assets, integrated resource planning, load serving 2 operations, and merchant activities. 3 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 4 case? 5 A. The purpose of my testimony is to discuss the 6 results of successful- negotiations between Idaho Power and 7 Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Enerqy") 8 by describing the provisions of the North Valmy Project 9 Framework Agreement between NV Energy and Idaho Power dated 10 as of Eebruary 22, 20L9 ("Agreement"). I will discuss how 11 those provisions clarify the respective rights and 72 obligations of Idaho Power and NV Energy ("Party" or 13 col1ectlvely, the "Parties") with respect to the continued L4 operation, retirement, and decommissioning of the Valmy 15 plant or the units thereof, resulting in benefits for Idaho 76 Power's customers. I wil-l also present an evaluation of 71 the economics of a Unit 2 cl-osure supporting a December 37, 18 2025, end-of-Iife date. Finally, I wil-I dlscuss the 19 prudence of investments made at the Val-my plant that have 20 added to the associated plant balances since the Company's 21, last request to update Valmy plant balances became 22 effective on June 1-, 2017, and to inform the Idaho Pub]ic 23 Utilities Commission ("Commission") of necessary future 24 investments at the plant to ensure Unit 1 and Unit 2 25 HARVEY, Df 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 continue to be availabl-e for reliable load service through the end of 2079 and 2025, respectively. O. Pl-ease describe the Val-my p1ant. A. Valmy is a coal--fired power plant that consists of two units and is located near Winnemucca, Nevada. Unit 1 went into service in 1981 and Unit 2 10 followed in 1985. Idaho Power owns 50 megawattsl ("MW") (generator nameplate NV Energy is the co-owner of the plant 50 percent ownershi-p and operates the Parties work jointly to make decisions percent, or 284 rating), of Valmy. with the remaining Valmy facility. The 11 regarding Valmy. kil-ovolt12 The plant is connected via a single 345 13 transmission line to the Idaho Power control- area at the 14 Midpoint substation. Idaho Power owns the northbound 15 capacity and NV Energy owns the southbound capacity of this t6 l-ine. 71 Coal for Valmy is shipped via railroad from various 18 mines in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. The power plant uses 19 a variety of emissions control technologies, including 20 state-of-the-art fabric filters that remove more than 99 27 percent of particul-ate emj-ssions. Additionally, a dry 22 sorbent injection system has been instal-led on Unit 1 to 23 reduce acid gas emj-ssions and flue-gas scrubber 1 Eor planning purposes, Idaho Power uses the net dependable capability of 262 MW. HARVEY, Df 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 technology is utilized on Unit 2 for the reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions. O. Please describe the current agreements under which NV Energy and Idaho Power own and operate Va1my. A. Currently, the ownership and operatj-on of Valmy is dictated by three agreements: the Agreement for the Ownership of the North Valmy Power Pl-ant Project ("Ownership Agreement"), the Agreement for the Operation of the North Valmy Power Plant Project ("Operation Agreement"), both of which are dated December 72, 1918, and the North Valmy Station Operating Procedures Criteria, dated as of February 77, 1993, between ldaho Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to the Operating Procedure Criteria for Val-my Coal Dj-version Procedures and Usage, dated as of January l, 2012 (col-l-ectively, the "Existing North Valmy Agreements") . The Ownership Agreement sets forth Idaho Power's ownership rights and interests in the Valmy plant while the Operation Agreement assigns NV Energy as the operator of the Valmy plant while al-so setting forth operating decision procedures, operating expense payments, and the annual budgeting process, among other terms and conditions. The Existing North Valmy Agreements have provided the Partj-es the basis for owning and operating the Val-my plant for over 40 years. HARVEY, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 10 11 12 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 o. NV Energy in a Valmy A. I. THE AGREEMENT Do the Existing North Valmy Agreements offer or Idaho Power the ability to end participation unit ? No. While the for cessation of operations none contemplate a scenario Ownership Agreement provides under a variety of scenarios, 1n whlch one party chooses to 10 exit one or both unj-ts during the time the other party wishes to continue operations. O. Pl-ease provide an overview of the provisions of the Agreement. A. As described in the testimony of Company witness Matthew T. Larkin, the Agreement, included as Exhibit No. 2 Lo my testimony, cl-arifies the respective rights and obl-igations of the Parties with respect to the contj-nued operati-on, retirement, and decommissioning of the Valmy plant or the units thereof. The Agreement sets forth provisions that: o Al-l-ow for the termination of participation 20 in a unit and the retirement of a unlt; 27 o Include the el-ection to retire or continue 22 to operate and the associated decommissioning study, decommissioning fee, and final- exit; 24 o Set forth decommissioning governance; HARVEY, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 71 1B T9 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 o Detail- decommissioning activities during the interim period; o Provide for a decommissioning plan; o Establish a decommissioning budget, dispute, and payment processes; and o Contai-n representation and warranties of the Parties, describe defaults, and incorporate other miscel]aneous terms. It al-so provides for a contractual- mechanism by which Idaho Power may meet its obligations pursuant to Order No. 33771 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24 in which Idaho Power agreed2 to use prudent and commercially reasonable efforts to reach an agreement with NV Energy to amend the Existing North Valmy Agreements to provi-de for the cessation of Idaho Power's coal-fired operations, oL participatj-on thereof, dt Va1my. A. Termination of Participation in a Unit; Retirenent of a Unit. I What are the termination of participation and in the Agreement?20 retirement of a unit provisions set forth 2 In the lulatter of the AppTication of ldaho Power Company forAuthority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant, Case No. IPC-E-16-24, Settl-ement Stipulatlon and Motion to Approve Settlement Stipufation s-igned by Idaho Power, commission Staff, the Idaho Irrigatj-on PumpersAssociatlon, Inc., Micron Technology, Tnc., the U.S. Department of Energy and Federal- Executive Agencies, the Idaho Conservation League, Sierra Cl-ub, and the Industriaf Customers of Idaho Power (fiIed May 3, 2071) ("Settfement Stipulation") . The Settlement Stipulation was approved by Commission Order No. 33771 (May 31, 2011). 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 HARVEY, DI Idaho Power 6 Company I 2 3 4 5 A 1 I 9 A.Article III gives each Party the right to elect to terminate participation in a unitr dr option not avail-abl-e in the Existing North Valmy Agreements. If a Party desj-res Participant" ) written notice to exit a unit, that party (the "Exiting must provide the remaining participant no less than 15 months prior to the proposed exit notice shafl indicate whether or notexit date. The 10 the Exiting Participant intends to retain ownership of its ownership interests and liabilities with respect to the unit and confj-rm that the Exiting Participant foregoes its right to all output and productive uses of the unit upon exit. of the unlt. Upon recei-pt of the exlt notice, the remai-ning participant has the right to elect to retire such 11 t2 13 22 23 14 unit at any point from and after the proposed exit date and 15 must provide election on notice to the Exiting Partlcipant of such L6 or before 90 days prior to the proposed t1 retirement date. O. Has the Company provided NV Bnergy an exit notice for Unit 1 pursuant to the terms of the Agreement? A. Yes. Article fII acknowledges that Idaho Power's prior notj-ce to NV Energy of its desire to exit Unit 1 on December 31, 2019, contained in the Term Sheet dated December 2J, 20t1, constitutes a val1d exit notice. 1B 79 20 2t 24 25 HARVEY, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 o. output from a participation A. not elect to What happens to Idaho Power's share of the unit upon Idaho Power's cessation of in operation of that unit? Pursuant to Section 3.7.4, Lf NV Energy does exits 10 retire a unit when the Company participation of that unit, Idaho Power's ownership percentage share of the output of the unit will no longer be avail-abl-e to either Party. Shoul-d inadvertent use of an Exiting Participant's output occur at a unit, do inadvertent output operations fee will- be assessed. Exhibit C, Unit Operation Limltations and Control-s, of the Agreement describes the means and methods to l1mit the net capacity of a unlt after a party has exited partlcipation in the operation of that unit. O. Woul-d Idaho Power be responsible for any costs associated with the operation of Valmy upon exiting a unit? A. Yes. As Mr. Larkin mentioned in his testimony, the Agreement sets forth payment obligations associated with a Party's exit from participation in operation of a Valmy unit, whj-ch obligations are described in Exhibit A of the Agreement. Under the Agreement, the Company woul-d be responsible for the applicable exit fees and its portion of shared costs until- the earl-ier of the retirement date of the unit or December 3I, 2025. fn addition, Idaho Power remains responsible for its share of HARVEY, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 )i 2t 22 23 24 25 1 the applicable decommissioning costs, or those liabilities, 2 costs, and expenses arising from activlties that occurred 3 prior to exit of the unit. The Company woul-d not, however, 4 be responsible for the following costs arising after exit 5 from the unit: operating expenses, fuel-rel-ated costs, 6 costs of capital additions, or any new fixed or varj-abIe 7 costs, associated wlth such unit. B Q. Company witness Mr. Larkin discussed the exit 9 fee and shared costs. Please describe these costs detai]ed 10 in Exhibit A of the Agreement. 11 A. The exit fee and shared costs , or col-l-ectively 12 "Project Costs," are an Exiting Participant's contractual 13 payment obligations for the Valmy plant and both categories !4 of costs represent ongoing Valmy-related costs that the 15 Exiting Partici-pant wou1d have been responsible for under L6 the Existing North Va1my Agreements. The exit fee is a t1 fixed dollar amount that was calcul-ated based upon (1) 18 negotiated expected l-abor costs for maintenance on the 19 exited unlt, (2) non-Iabor fixed operations and maj-ntenance 20 (*O&M") costs for the exited unit, and (3) government- 2l mandated fixed O&M costs for the exited unit. 22 Shared costs are those known, ongoing 23 24 payment obligations that exist regardless of exit from a unit. Shared costs include the pJ-ant-related a decision to actual- common 25 facility fixed O&M costs, non-exited unit fixed O&M costs, HARVEY, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 I 9 and fuel- handling fixed O&M expenses j-n accordance with the Existing North Valmy Agreements. An Exiting Participant is responsible for 50 percent of the shared costs. O. Will either of the Pro;ect Costs change over time? A. The exit fee wil-l not change over time, except in the event a unj-t is retired on or prior to December 31, or in the event2025, dt which time the exit fee may cease, that the exit date for the exited unit 10 1 of the exit year, when the exit fee 11 reduced. occurs after January is proporti-onately based on actualBecause the shared costs they change each month. What is the amount of are 12 expenses, 13 O 74 15 16 L1 1B 79 20 2I 22 ZJ 24 the annual exit fee that Idaho Power will be responsible for assuming the Company exits from participation in Unit 1 operations at December 31, 2079? A. The bel-ow Tabl-e 7, included as Tab1e A-1 in Exhibit A of the Agreement, summarj-zes the exit fee and shared costs Idaho Power would be responsj-bIe for under the current assumption that the Company ceases participation in operations of Unit I on December 31, 2079, but remains a participant in Unit 2 operations until December 31, 2025. HARVEY, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 25 1 Table 1. Exiting Participant Exits Unit 1 and Renains in Unit 2 2 REDACTED HARVEY, DI Idaho Power 11 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 O. If NV Energy ceases December 37, 2021, would the exit cease ? A operations of Unit I on Yes. If NV Energy contj-nued to operate Unit 1 fees listed i-n Table 1 the exit fees or shared costs? In accordance with the Existing North Idaho Power is obligated to pay its capital projects required for through sources3 cease on continue December December 37, 2027, ds current publicly availabl-e suggest, Tdaho Power's exit fee obligations would that date.Shared cost obligatlons however woul-d Unit 2 was in operationr or until- whichever is earl-ier. as long as 31,2025, . When are the exit fees and shared costs paid?10 0 11 A. The first exit fee is payable on or prj-or to the exit date for a unit, and annually on or before December 1 of each year thereafter. Shared costs are paid 72 13 74 monthly in Agreements. o. accordance with the Existlng North Valmy 15 t6 Are there any other costs Idaho Power would be 11 responsible for with respect to the Valmy plant that are 18 19 20 not a component of A. Yes. Valmy Agreements, 27 ownership percentage share of 3 Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval- of their 201-9-2038 Trienniaf Integrated Resource Pfan and 2079-202L Energy SuppLy Plan, Docket No. 18-06003 (December 21, 2018). HARVEY, DI L2 Idaho Power Company 1 operation of the plant's common facilitiesa and any capital 2 prolects specific to uni-ts it has not exited. In addition, 3 the Company is responsible for its ownership percentage 4 share of material-s and supplies purchased and used in the 5 sol-e operation of any unit it has not exited, and coal and 6 diesel fuel consumed in the operati-ons of any unit it has 7 not exited. You indicated earlier that upon receipt of an , right toexit notice, the I 9 10 el-ect to retire 11 that it intends remaining such uni-t. to retire participant has the Has NV Energy provided notice Unit 1 upon Idaho Power's exlt on 72 December 31, 2079? 13 A No. 74 Agreement, shoul-d 15 fees for such unit However, under the provj-sions of the NV Energy choose to retire a unit, exit will cease upon retirement. Retire or Continue to Operate;B. Election toT6 11 18 L9 20 Decommissioning Study, Decommissioning Fee, Final Exit; Decommissioning Activities During Interim Period. O. At this time, Idaho Power expects to cease operations of both units by December 31, 2025, and NV Energy's Integrated Resource PIan (*IRP") suggests that it has simil-ar timing. When will decommissioning activities begin? a Excl-uding common facility projects that are solely attributabfeto production, which ldaho Power will be bil-Ied at a rate equal to the applicable revised net capacity after exit of a unit. z)- ZZ /< 24 25 HARVEY, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Under the provisions of the Agreement, a 2 remalning participant wil-l- provide notice to an Exiting 3 Participant as to whether or not the remaining particlpant 4 will- retire the units on December 37, 2025, or continue to 5 operate them beyond December 31, 2025. If the remaining 5 participant chooses to contj-nue to operate, within 30 days 7 from the notice, the Exiting Participant has the right to B elect to (1) fol-Iow the decommissioning provisions in 9 Articl-es VII and VIII of the Agreement, which al-l-ow for 10 decommissioning actlvities to occur under a decommissioning 11 committee structure or (2) in the alternatj-ve, jointly 72 undertake the development of a decommissioning study with 13 the option to pay the remaining participant a one-time 74 decommissioning payment equal to 50 percent of the total- 15 decommissioning costs as described in Section 4.3 of the 76 Agreement. Either option would sati-sf y an Exit j-ng l1 Participant's obligations to pay decommj-ssioning costs. 18 O. Under the one-time decommissioning payment 1,9 structure, once that decommissioning payment is made, is 20 the Exiting Participant responsible for any other 2l decommissioning costs? 22 A. After payment of the decommissioning fee, the 23 onJ-y other decommissioning-related costs would be for costs 24 that were unknown at the time of payment, lncluding costs 25 that (1) were not the type described in the decommissioning HARVEY, DI Idaho Power L4 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 study, (2) were not known to the remaining participant at the time the decommissioning study was completed, (3) were not reasonably foreseeable by a plant operator, and (4) were not due to actions of the remaining participant after the Exiting Participant's exit date for a unit. O. What woul-d happen to Idaho Power's ownership rights in the Valmy plant if NV Energy continued to operate a unit or units after year-end 2025? A. If NV Energy continued to operate either unit after December 37, 2025, Idaho Power's ownershi-p interests in the Val-my plant woul-d be terminated by the conveyance to NV Energy via an asset purchase agreement in form and substance mutuaI1y accepted by both Parties, releasing the Company of liability for future claimss with respect to the Valmy pIant. O. What will occur if the notice to the Exiting Participant indicates the Valmy units will be retired on December 31, 2025? A. If the remaining participant notifies the Exitlng Particj-pant that it wj-l-l- retire the units on December 31, 2025, then the Parties wil-l- begin the establ-ishment of a decommissj-oning plan and a s Idaho Power woufd conti-nue to be fiable for unknown Decommissionj-ng Costs as defined in the Agreement and set forth in Section 4.3.3, l-iabifities due to events that occurred prior to the date which it exited a unit, and certain types of fiabifities that by l-aw cannot be discfaimed via contract. HARVEY, DI 15 Idaho Power Company 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 L1 1B 79 ZU 27 22 decommj-ssioning budget, a dispute process, and a process as described in Articles VII and VIII of Agreement. payment the o.Does the Agreement provide an avenue for decommissioning activi-ties to occur on Unit 1 once the unit is no longer in operation? A. Not necessarily. However, tf any decommissioning activities are undertaken during the period between cessation of Unit 1 operations and the complete 10 cessation of the Valmy p1ant, those activlties would be 11 subj ect to the to the Retirement Guldelines included as Exhibit B 13 by the Agreement. The Parties and are 74 work scope components of the Valmy plant in Valmy Agreements. C. Decommissioninq: 15 L6 Governance PIan; Budget; Disputes,' !2 Retirement Guidelines were prepared intended to identify the prlmary necessary to complete the retirement accordance with the Existing North L1 18 79 20 Pa1'ments. O. Please describe the establishment of the decommissioning plan that wi]l- commence once both units are retired. A. The decommissioning plan wil-l determine the 27 22 23 24 current federal and state requj-rements under 1aw, if dny, 25 for decommissioning Val-my and estimate the cost of 26 decommissioning. This plan wil-l- serve as a foundation for, HARVEY, Df L6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 1 and describe in reasonabl-e detail, the decommissioning 2 acLivities proposed to be performed under the direction of 3 the decommissioning agent or the decommissioning committee. 4 Q. What is a decommissionj-ng agent? 5 A. A decommissioning agent is responsible for 5 performing decommissioning activities assigned by the 7 decommissioni-ng committee. In accordance with Article V of I the Agreement, NV Energy is appoi-nted as the 9 decommj-ssioning agent. 10 O. Pl-ease describe the decommissioning committee. 11 A. The decommissioning committee consists of one 72 appointed representative of each Party. The committee wiII 13 oversee the performance of the decommissioning agent, 74 incl-uding decommissioning activities and the identification 15 thereof . The functj-ons and responsibil-ities of the 76 decommissioning committee include the review, and approvaf 11 or rejection of , (l) the decommissionj-ng pJ-an proposed by 18 the decommissloning agent, (2) any changes to the 79 Retirement Guidelines, (3) each annual decommissioning 20 budget, (4) any changes to the scope of decommissioning 2L activities or incurrence of additional decommissioning 22 costs proposed by the decommissioning agent, (5) the 23 reports submitted by the decommissioning agent regarding 24 interim decommissioning actj-vities, and (6) proposed 25 decommissioning costs or increases in the decommissioning HARVEY, Df Ll Idaho Power Company 1 budget in excess of the amounts identified in Exhibit E of 2 the Agreement. 3 In addition, the decommissioning committee wil-I be 4 responsibl-e for determining each Party's decommissioning 5 share pursuant to the Agreement and determining when the 6 decommissioning activities and the decommissioning have 7 been completed. The decommlsslonlng agent will monitor 8 budgets and schedul-es for the decommissioning activities 9 and approve all proposed changes to the budgets or 10 schedules for the decommissioning activities. 11 O. With representation from both NV Energy and 1,2 Idaho Power, how is approval of a request from the 13 decommissioning agent decided? !4 A. Any actions or determinations brought to the 15 decommissioning committee require a unanimous vote by both 1,6 members. 11 O. You indicated the decommj-ssioning budget is 18 prepared annually and presented to the decommissioning 19 committee for approval or rejection. Is there a process in 20 place for dj-sputes to components of the decommissioning 2L budget? 22 A. Yes. Once the budget j-s received from the 23 the decommj-ssioning committee 24 decommissionlng provide written the decommj-ssionlng the decommissioning agent may of any budget that agent, notice to 25 activities or costs within HARVEY, Dr l_8 Idaho Power Company 1 it disputes. The written notice must contain supporting 2 documentation to show the basls for the dispute. The 3 decommissioning agent may then revj-se the decommissioning 4 budget and resubmit it to the decommissioning committee. 5 Q. Are decommissioning payments made based on the 6 annual decommissioning budget? 7 A. Yes. Idaho Power would be responsible for 8 making its payment of the Company's ownership percentage 9 share of the annual decommissloning costs on or before 10 January 15 and July 1 of the budget year. During that 11 budget year, oD a monthly basis, the decommissioning agent 12 will submit to the decommissioning committee a comparison 13 of monthly and year-to-date actuaf and budgeted L4 decommissioning costs. The decommissioning agent wiIl 15 true-up the total decommissj-oning costs paid on or before 76 March 1 of the year fol-l-owing the budget year. 11 O. Does the Agreement allow for a review of the 18 actual expenditures once the decommissioning activitles 79 have been completed and payment has been made? 20 A. Yes. Following the true-up of the 2l decommissioning costs billed for the prior budget year, 22 either Party may perform an audit of the expenditures. 23 Each party has 12 months to dispute any portj-on of the 24 decommissioning costs. 25 HARVEY, DI T9 fdaho Power Company 1 Q. Are there any other provisions of the 2 Agreement you have not discussed? 3 A. Yes. In addition to the provisj-ons described 4 earlier in my testimony, the Agreement contains 5 representation and warranties of the Parties, descri-bes 6 defaults, and incorporates other miscellaneous terms. 1 Q. Please provide an overview of the provisions 8 of the Agreement. 9 A. The Agreement provides for a mechanism by 10 which either Party can cease participation in Valmy 11 operatj-ons and sets forth the terms by which 1,2 decommissioning of the plant is to occur, which was not 13 provided for in the Existing North Valmy Agreements and t4 affords Idaho Power a contractual- mechanism by which the 15 Company may meet its obligations pursuant to Order No. 76 3311L. 11 II. VAT,MY T'NIT 2 CLOSI'RE AI{ALYSIS 18 O. Order No. 33171 requires that the Company 19 continue to conduct Unit 2 cl-osure analyses. Has Idaho 20 Power performed any analyses evaluating an earl-ier 2I retirement date for Unlt 2? 22 A. Yes. Ej-rst, in accordance with the Settlement 23 Stipulation approved in Order No. 33771, Idaho Power is 24 eval-uating the economics of a Unit 2 retirement as part of 25 the Company's 2019 fRP. The 20L9 IRP is currently in the HARVEY, DI 20 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 development results is phase, and premature. results of therefore a discussion of the The Company expects to have this analysis no l-ater than the end 10 preliminary of March. However, the provj-sions of the Agreement, specifically Artic1e III, Termination of Participation in a Unit; Retirement of a Unit, set forth the Parties' contractual- payment obligatJ-ons, which provide insight into the economics of a Unit 2 cl-osure. As I discussed earl-ier i-n my testimony, Artic1e IIf defines the effects of a Party's notice of exiting a unit and the associated fee schedul-e, ds set forth in Exhibit A to the Agreement. This fee schedule, in combination with the Existing North Valmy 11 72 13 L4 Agreements, indicate that it is unlikely there wou.l-d be any 15 economj-c benefit associated with the exit of Unit 2 prior L6 to December 31, 2025. l1 further. 1B in my testimony, Table A- 19 1 in Exhibit A of the Agreement establishes the exj-t fee 20 structure for costs associated with Idaho Power's exit from 2l Unit 1 in 2079 prior to NV Energy and both Parties' exj-t 22 from Unit 2 in 2025. Beginning January L, 2020, the 23 Company would be responsible for an exit fee and sustaj-ned 24 payment of shared costs. The exit fee payments would 25 continue through the earlier of year-end 2025 or NV HARVEY, Dr 2L Idaho Power Company O A Please explaln this As discussed earlier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 Energy's exit from Unit 1 operations, which is set for 2027 in NV Energy's current IRP. Shared costs, that are fixed in nature, woul-d operation. Idaho woul-d be responsible consumes and for 50 for the cost be paid as long as Unlt 2 remained in Power diesel- fuel consumed associated with coal it percent of at the p1ant. These payment accordance with the Existing North under the terms of the Agreement wou1d obligations exist Va1my Agreements continue through participation in Therefore, l-n and 10 2025, or until- NV Energy ceases Unit 2, whichever is earl-ier. it is unlikely that fdaho Power's exit result in 11 72 from Unit 2 operatj-ons prior to 2025 would material- savj-ngs because the only payment13 obligation rel-ief L4 would come from a reduction in certain costs associated 15 with Idaho Power's capacity reduction in Unit 2 operations. 76 To the extent Idaho Power has payment obllgations l7 associated with participation in Unit 2 operations, the 18 Company benefits from its ownership share of Valmy's 19 capacity by having that capacity avaj-lable shou1d 1ts 20 dispatch prove to be economically viab1e. 21 Moreoverr ds detailed in the 20L7 IRP Appendix C,6 22 Idaho Power's ownership share of Valmy's capacity is 6 In the Matter of ldaho Power Company's 2077 Inteqrated Resource PJan, Case No. IPC-E-1'7-77, 2017 IRP Appendix C, pp. 42-48 (fil-ed June 30, 201-l). The Commisslon acknowl-edged the Company's 2071 Integrated Resource Plan in Order No. 33983 (February 9, 2018). HARVEY, DI 22 fdaho Power Company 1 util-ized to meet the Company's current peak-hour load and 2 resource balance. Without it, Idaho Power coul-d experience 3 a deficit during the year, with potential- deficits growing 4 in subsequent years through 2025. Valmy is a necessary, 5 al-though relatively infrequent, contrj-butor to system 6 rel-iabilj-ty through 2025 and there is no material economj-c 7 benefit associated with the exit of Unit 2 prror to year- 8 end 2025. 9 Q. Pl-ease describe the analysis the Company is 10 performing as part of the 2019 IRP that evaluates the 11 economics of the cessation date of Unit 2 operatj-ons. 72 A. The Company committed to conducting ongoing 13 analyses that eval-uate the economics of a Unit 2 retirement L4 date prior to December 31, 2025, ds part of the Settl-ement 15 Stipulation approved wlth Order No. 33117, and to submit 16 those as part of the IRP process. Idaho Power wil-l- 1,7 continue monitoring the economics and include the analysis 18 resul-ts in its 20L9 fRP, at a minimum. 19 III . VAIMY II{\IESII\{ENTS 20 a. Company witness Mr. Larkin explained the 2L Commission approved actual Valmy-rel-ated plant investments 22 as of July 31, 2076, and approximately $1.5 million in 23 forecasted investments associated with Unit 1 through 24 December 37, 201,8, ds part of the levelized revenue 25 requirement incl-uded in customer rates with Order No. HARVEY, Df 23 Idaho Power Company 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I 33111, and that the Settlement StipulationT requires the those forecastedCompany to true-up to actuals expenditures. Pl-ease explain the investments made at the Valmy plant since JuIy 37, 20L6. A. Whil-e Idaho Power is cognizanl of the approachJ-ng end-of-life date for Unit L, there were some required investments to ensure Valmy remains operational in a safe, efficj-ent, and re1iable manner, including investments required to ensure environmental compliance, as well as a number of investments for routine maintenance and repair. a. Does fdaho Power perform a review of the planned capital projects prior to any i-nvestments being made at Valmy? A. Yes. Eor all planned capital projects, Idaho Power receives from NV Energy as the plant operator a description of the project, the factors driving the need for the project, and a recommendation for the work to be performed. In addition, as part of the drafting of the Agreement, the Parties extensively reviewed the 201,9 through 2025 capital busj-ness p1ans, identifyi-ng and ensuring the forecast incl-uded only those projects needed for environmental- compli-ance and for the safe, efficient, and reliable operation of the Val-my p1ant. 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 1 Settfement Stipulation, pp. 8-9, paragraph 15. HARVEY, DI 24 Idaho Power Company 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 O.Have you prepared an exhibit detailing the investments made since July 31, 2016? A Yes. Exhibit No. 3 details the investments made at Valmy sj-nce July 31, 20L6, including the investment by unit or whether the common facility and a cl-assifi-cation as to environmental compliance, of the plant, or for reliability purposes operation for those projects over $100,000. allExhibit No. 3 al-so incl-udes a descriptlon of 10 investments made slnce July 3L, 2016, and justification for 11 those investments over $100,000. t2 O. You stated Exhibit No. 3 indicates whether an 13 investment was for environmental-compli-ance, the safe and or for reliability the safe and economic 74 economi-c operation Please15 purposes. investment was for of the p1ant, descri-be the investments made for 1,6 environmental compliance sj-nce August 7, 20L6. 77 A. There was only one investment for the sol-e 18 purpose of environmental- compliance sj-nce August 3L, 2016. 19 This investment was associated with Unit 1 and mentj-oned by 20 Mr. Larkin in his testimony. During a required inspection 2l in December 20L1, it was discovered that unexpected 22 significant degradations were noted on 22 thermocouples, 15 23 coal burner assemblies, and refractory around al-l- burners. 24 The Mercury and Alr Toxics Standard (*MATS") requires 25 burner and combustion control- inspection and combustion HARVEY, DI 25 Idaho Power Company 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 tuning burner every 35 months and, as and combustion control a result of the degradation, 10 parts were required to be replaced in order to comply with MATS regulations.s O. What investments were made for the safe, reliable, and economic operatj-on of the plant? A. The remaining investments made for the continued safe, re1iable, and economic operation of the plant included the eliminatj-on of arc flash hazards in the plant, the redesign and instal-l-ation of the clarifier reclrcufation system on both units, a pulverizer rebuild of Unit 7, and instal-l-ation of the spare generator step-up unit ("GSU") on Unit 2 due to failure of the existj-ng GSU, a turbine water injection protection system for both units, and a secure wireless system. In addi-tion, a Unit I sootblower system redesign was required, insulation and lagglng work was done at the pIant, cyber security program enhancements were made, Unit 2 GSU work was performed, and replacement of a productj-on wel-l- pump, secondary air heater gearbox, emergency lighting, and fan motors on both units occurred. One other investment was made in combination with the safe operation original domestic of the plant: the re-dril-l- of the in 7971, and that water welf. The weII, drilled 24 that provj-des domestic water supply to the plant 8 Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rul-e 40 CFR 63.10021 HARVEY, DI 26 Idaho Power Company 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 77 18 79 20 2L 22 Z3 1 is used for the plant sanitary system, eye wash system, and 2 safety showers had reached the end of its useful life and 3 re-dri1ling was the only option. 4 Q. What type of investments does Idaho Power 5 anticlpate will- be made at the Val-my plant for the 6 remainder of its operating l-ife? 7 A. Idaho Power anticipates necessary, routine B capital expendj-tures to safely and rel-iab1y operate Valmy 9 t.hrough the plant's end-of-lj-fe in 2025. Only standard, 10 annual maintenance and repairs are forecasted for Unit 1 11 durlng 2079. Eor Unit 2 and common facilities, a number of 12 upgrades and replacements of plant infrastructure that are 13 required periodically will be made in 201,9, including an 74 outage that requires lnspection and selected refurbishment. 15 This outage'is the last large one to be performed and will- 16 help ensure the unit is operati-onal and can continue to 11 provide rel-iabl-e service through 2025. 18 O. Will Idaho Power perform the same review of 19 future incremental investments prior to any work being 20 done? 2l A. Yes. The Parties wil-l- continue the annua] 22 budget budget meetJ-ngs where all capital projects included 1n the 23 24 25 are reviewed and approved by description Idaho Power. of the factors The driving the work Company w111 the need for receave a the project and a recommendation for HARVEY, DI 21 Idaho Power Company 1 to be performed from the plant operator, NV Energy. The 2 estimated cost of each project will then be compared to the 3 expected l-ife of the asset as well as the Valmy end-of-l-j-fe 4 date to determine prudency of the planned investment. In 5 addition, Idaho Power and NV Energy wil-l- work together to 6 identify ways to reduce O&M as both partners prepare for 7 future 1ow production from the plant through its end-of- 8 1ife. 9 Q. Please summari-ze your testimony. 10 A. The Agreement provides for a contractuaf 11 mechanj-sm by which Idaho Power may meet its obligations L2 pursuant to Order No. 33111 and cl-arifies the respective 13 rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the 14 continued operation, retirement, and decommissioning of the 15 Valmy plant or the units thereof. Whil-e NV Energy and 16 Idaho Power are cognizanL of the approaching end-of-Iife of l7 the pIant, some investments were required to ensure the 18 plant remains operational in a safe, efficient, and 19 reliable manner, includlng investments required to ensure 20 environmental compliance. Idaho Power wil-I continue to 2L work with NV Energy to ensure that any future investments 22 in the Val-my plant are necessary and prudent in light of 23 the expected end-of-1ife dates dj-scussed in my testimony. 24 VaImy is a necessary, although relatively infrequent, 25 contributor to system reliability through 2025 and there is HARVEY, DT 28 Idaho Power Company 1 no material- economic benefit associated with the exit of Unit 2 prior to year-end 2025. O. Does this complete your testimony? A. Yes, it does. 2 3 4 q 6 1 o 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 71 1B t9 20 27 22 Z3 24 HARVEY, DI 29 Idaho Power Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY STATE OF IDAHO ae County of Ada I, Tom Harvey, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the General- Manager of Power Supply, Planning and Operations in the Power Supply Department and am competent to be a witness j-n this proceeding. f declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony and exhj-bits are true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 8th day of March 2079. 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 17 18 79 20 27 22 23 Tom Harvey SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 8th day of March 201,9. &1, tl A 3 24 25 26 21 28 29 S.ary Public for Ida Residing at:Meridian Idaho My commission expires:02/04/20 rl HARVEY, DI 30 Idaho Power Company ot BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. !PG.E.l9.08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARVEY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 EXHIBIT NO.2 IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL BE PROVIDED TO THOSE PARTIES THAT EXEGUTE THE PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN THIS MATTER BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARVEY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 i! tp':iEEii * 5 r!;i3E;3 7vu69 5 -![] i:i ii E ENg 66I!r9t i:E 9! Ei3:!! J:J iE a Bit ;! !+;t:r:i^E o =:"F: :.! !Ec 6.E !grz P pIii3 E-E I.? EicEI;t aE.92<-^s;; !E !;.3=Eli o! 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Fe i.EEX:r=F i 9! 9; .9.9 o.cEi;;i E;: i!!=i S!-P]5: -2s $ Ei! !.. I :E' !:9€!; ,,2 Er:atc P;: '-.! I iF fEi ir5! .EE9ciatEat:U HiE ulo > iEHt-;gE t E e,'!n I 5! ; E I z .!! =!! =,! i E =!t !! ze 8 j 8 e ) oz =o o a -3 e ! = :E a ]o oo = =E g : =, z I s 1 - ;it >6 b o a o = oo z Q E o = I s= al H5>z>r ;z o a = zo 9g 3$ i= oo =z e =r 2 = Po:'2 =g>= 3 o i,;zotsoo FzIc-) Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-19-08 T. Harvey, IPC Page 1 of 2 *t"l 1u I d slnl"l 8 d "t" RIR ]"l= dq a 5 : o4 = o I = !l rl zs = = o o 2 g : a d 6 E I :le tl: xt* (la .t".t" *lB R "t" *l* I 3 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-19-08 T. Harvey, IPC Page 2 of 2 o itizoF6o F2 5I =J