HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190308Application.pdf3Effi*. An IDACORP CompanY JULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel ih i lton@idahopower.com March 8,2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. !PC-E-19-08 Recovery of Costs Associated with North Valmy Power Plant - ldaho Power Company's Application and Testimony Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an origina! and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Application. Also enclosed are an original and eight (8) copies each of the Direct Testimony of Matthew T. Larkin and the Direct Testimony of Tom Harvey filed in support of the Application. One copy each of Mr. Larkin's and Mr. Harvey's testimonies has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." A disk containing a Word version of Mr. Larkin's and Mr. Harvey's testimonies is enclosed for the Reporter. Also enclosed are an original and eight (8) copies of confidentia! Exhibit No. 2 to the Direct Testimony of Tom Harvey. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement to be executed in this matter. Lastly, four (4) copies each of ldaho Power Company's press release and customer notice are also enclosed. U JAH:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho 5t. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Very ulia A.ilton JULIA A. HILTON (lSB No. 7740) LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n o rd strom @ id a hopower. com Attorneys for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIry TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT. CASE NO. ]PC-E-19-08 APPLICATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-524 and RP 052, 121, and 125, hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order: (1) approving the North Valmy Project Framework Agreement between NV Energy and ldaho Power dated as of February 22,2019 ("Agreement"); (2) finding that all actual Valmy investments through December 31, 2018, were prudently incurred; (3) allowing investments forecasted through December 31, 2025, at Valmy to be included in the levelized revenue requirement mechanism established by Order No. 33771; and (4) adjusting customer ) ) ) ) ) ) ) __: i-' ": t', .f r 11'*- i./ -- L l- L/ APPLICATION - 1 : i'i,ii -[j F].i tr: lr8 rilUll rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $1.21 million with an effective date of June 1, 2019, which equates to an overall increase of 0.11 percent. !n support of this Application, ldaho Power asserts as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. The North Valmy Generating Station ("Valmy") is a coal-fired power plant that consists of two units and is located near Winnemucca, Nevada. Unit 1 went into service in 1981 and Unit 2 followed in 1985. ldaho Power owns 50 percent, or 284 megawattrt 1"MW") (generator nameplate rating), of Valmy. NV Energy is the co-owner of the plant with the remaining 50 percent ownership and operates the Valmy facility. ldaho Power and NV Energy work jointly to make decisions regarding Valmy. The plant is connected via a single 345 kilovolt transmission line to the ldaho Power control area at the Midpoint substation. ldaho Power owns the northbound capacity and NV Energy owns the southbound capacity of this line. 2. Coal for Valmy is shipped via railroad from various mines in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. The power plant uses a variety of emissions control technologies, including state-of-the-art fabric filters that remove more than 99 percent of particulate emissions. Additionally, a dry sorbent injection system has been installed on Unit 1 to reduce acid gas emissions and flue-gas scrubber technology is utilized on Unit 2 for the reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions. 3. Currently, the ownership and operation of Valmy is dictated by three agreements: the Agreement for the Ownership of the North Valmy Power Plant Project ("Ownership Agreement"), the Agreement for the Operation of the North Valmy Power I For planning purposes, ldaho Power uses the net dependable capability of 262 MW APPLICATION - 2 Plant Project ("Operation Agreement"), both of which are dated December 12, 1978, and the North Valmy Station Operating Procedures Criteria, dated as of February 11, 1993, between ldaho Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to the Operating Procedure Criteria for Valmy Coal Diversion Procedures and Usage, dated as of January 1, 2012 (collectively, the "Existing North Valmy Agreements"). The Existing North Valmy Agreements have provided ldaho Power and NV Energy ("Party" or collectively, the "Parties") the basis for owning and operating the Valmy plant for over 40 years. 4. ldaho Power, in a settlement stipulation approved by the Commission in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, agreed to use prudent and commercially reasonable efforts to end its participation in the operation of Unit 1 by December 31 ,2019, and Unit 2 by December 31,2025. On May 31,2017, the Commission issued Order No.33771 in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, approving a settlement stipulation entered into between ldaho Power, Commission Staff, the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc., Micron Technology, lnc., the U.S. Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies, the ldaho Conservation League and Sierra Club, and the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power related to Valmy ("Settlement Stipulation"). The Settlement Stipulation contained the following provisions: (1) a levelized annual ldaho jurisdictional revenue increase of $13.29 million effective June 1,2017, to recover Valmy related revenue requirements through 2028; (2) a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with the accelerated Valmy end-of-life date; (3) regulatory accounts, including regulatory assets, to facilitate compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting APPLICATION - 3 Principles; (4) a process to review the prudency of expenditures of each generation unit; and (5) the settlement of all issues in Case No. IPC-E-16-23.2 5. The balancing account mechanism approved in Case No. !PC-E-16-24 is designed to smooth revenue requirement impacts associated with the shutdown of Valmy and allow for full recovery of Valmy-related costs near the plant's end-of-life. ln addition, it more closely aligns the cost recovery period with the remaining operating life of the plant, resulting in a better matching of cost recovery from customers who benefit from the plant's operations while mitigating the risk of future customers bearing the costs of a plant that wil! no longer be providing service. Order No. 33771 approved an incremental revenue requirement increase of $13.3 million and to help mitigate the rate impact to customers, the Commission approved a Valmy-related revenue requirement collection through 2028, three years longer than ldaho Power's planned operational life of the plant. II. CESSATION OF PARTICIPATION IN VALMY OPERATIONS 6. Following Commission approval of the Settlement Stipulation, ldaho Power and NV Energy began discussions around ldaho Power's exit from ownership and/or operations of Valmy. On December 27, 2017, the Parties signed a term sheet ("Term Sheet") that established a non-binding agreement that would create a path for ldaho Power to achieve its preferred exit dates for both Valmy units, identifying ldaho Power's intent to cease its participation in operations of Unit 1 on December 31, 2019. lmmediately following the signing of the Term Sheet, the Parties commenced preparation and negotiation of the Agreement and on February 22,2019, and February 2 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Authoity to lncrease Rafes Due to Revlsed Depreciation Rafes for Electric Plant-in-Seruice. APPLICATION - 4 28, 2019, the Parties signed the Agreement, to become effective upon both Party's determination of satisfactory regulatory approvals from the Commission, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission ("Nevada PUC"), and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. 7. The Agreement: (1) provides for a contractual mechanism by which ldaho Power may meet its obligations pursuant to Order No. 33771; (2) clarifies the respective rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the continued operation, retirement, and decommissioning of the Valmy plant or the units thereof; and (3) allows an exiting participant to cease participation in the Valmy plant or the units thereof. Company witness Tom Harvey's testimony describes the provisions of the Agreement in more detail. 8. The option to cease participation in one or more Valmy units does not exist under the current Existing North Valmy Agreements. By creating a structure whereby ldaho Power may cease its participation in the Valmy plant or the units thereof, the Agreement is estimated to result in a reduction in overall costs for ldaho Power customers of approximately $12.2 million, as compared to prior plans to operate both Valmy Units through 2025. The newly-structured payment obligations set forth in the framework of the Agreement provide a financia! benefit to customers because incremental capital improvements associated with an exited unit cease, common facility costs are reduced as a result of ldaho Power's new capacity share, and variable operating cost savings are experienced. APPLICATION - 5 III. VALMY UNIT 2 CLOSURE ANALYSIS L Order No. 33771 requires that the Company continue to conduct Unit 2 closure analyses. ln accordance with the Settlement Stipulation, ldaho Power is evaluating the economics of a Unit 2 retirement as part of the Company's 2019 lntegrated Resource PIan ("lRP"). The 2019 lRP is currently in the development phase, and therefore a discussion of the results is premature. 10. However, because the provisions of the Agreement set forth the Parties' contractual payment obligations, an economic evaluation of a Unit 2 closure can be performed. While ldaho Power cannot definitively state NV Energy's plans for the Valmy plant, the Nevada PUC adopted for NV Energy an early retirement of Unit 1 on December 31,2021, under stated conditions.3 The end-of-life date for Unit 2 remained at year-end 2025. Based upon the reduction in expenses described in the Agreement and relying upon the 2021 date in NV Energy's !RP, the Company can quantify the cost of exiting Unit 2 prior to December 31,2025, and confirm there is no material economic benefit associated with an earlier exit of Unit 2. IV. VALMY INVESTMENTS 11. While ldaho Power is cognizant of the approaching end-of-life date for Unit 1, there were some required investments to ensure Valmy remains operational in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner, including investments required to ensure environmental compliance, as well as a number of investments for routine maintenance and repair. Exhibit No. 3 to the direct testimony of Mr. Harvey details the investments made at Valmy since July 31 , 2016, the point in time in which actual plant balances 3 Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company dtb/a NV Energy for approval of their 2019-2038 Triennial lntegrated Resource Plan and 2019- 2021 Energy Supply P/an, Docket No. 18-06003 (December21,2018). APPLICATION - 6 were approved with Order No. 33771. Exhibit No. 3 also includes a description of all investments made since July 31 , 2016, and justification for those investments over $100,000. lt further describes the investment by unit or common facility and a classification as to whether the investment was for environmental compliance, the safe and economic operation of the plant, or for reliability purposes for those projects over $100,000. 12. Since July 31 , 2016, one investment was made for the sole purpose of environmental compliance associated with the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard, a number of investments were made for the continued safe, reliable, and economic operation of the plant, including the elimination of arc flash hazards in the plant, a pulverizer rebuild of Unit 1, cyber security program enhancements, replacement of a production wel! pump, and the redrill of the original domestic water wel!. Idaho Power anticipates necessary, routine capital expenditures to ensure environmental compliance and to continue to safely and reliably operate Valmy through the plant's end-of-life in 2025. Only standard, annual maintenance and repairs are forecasted for Unit 1 during 2019. For Unit 2 and common facilities, a number of upgrades and replacements of plant infrastructure that are required periodically will be made in 2019. V. THE VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT UPDATE AND RECOMMENDED RATEMAKING TREATMENT 13. There are four types of costs the Company records to the balancing account: (1) the accelerated depreciation associated with existing Valmy plant investments; (2) the return on the undepreciated capital investments at Valmy; (3) non- fuel operations and maintenance ("O&M") reductions; and (4) decommissioning costs related to the Valmy shutdown. Under the balancing account approach, the Company APPLICATION - 7 replaces the base rate revenue recovery associated with ldaho Power's existing investment in Valmy with a levelized revenue requirement and tracks it in the Valmy balancing account. The levelized revenue requirement is determined by calculating the present value of the revenue requirement of each of the individual balancing account items and converting the values into a level payment stream from customers over the remaining recovery period. 14. lncorporating the changes in costs associated with execution of the Agreement and updating Valmy-related plant investment balances results in an annua! levelized revenue requirement of $29.90 million on an ldaho jurisdictional basis, or an incrementa! increase to the ldaho jurisdictiona! levelized revenue requirement of $1.21 million. The updated Valmy-related plant balances consist of: (1) the inclusion of all actual investments through December 31,2018; (2) an updated forecast of investments for Unit 1 through December 31,2019, as well as the inclusion of the levelized revenue requirement for Unit 1 investments beginning January 1, 2020; and (3) a forecast of investments for Unit 2 and common facilities through December 31,2025. 15. The main driver of the increase relates to the inclusion of the actua! and estimated incremental investments in Unit 2 during the remainder of its life and the revenue requirement for Unit 1 investments beyond January 1,2020. To a lesser degree, the update of the existing plant to actuals at May 31, 2017, also contributed to the increase in the levelized revenue requirement. Finally, forecast O&M expenses for the remainder of Valmy's life are lower than the levels approved in Case No. IPC-E-16-24, partially offsetting the other incremental cost categories. The Company's proposed update to the levelized revenue requirement associated with Valmy includes APPLICATION - 8 $34.44 million associated with existing investments, $1.31 million related to incremental investments, $1.04 million in decommissioning costs, $4.83 million in non-fuel O&M savings, and a true-up of approximately $9,000 for a previous under collection, for a total levelized revenue requirement of $29.90 million on an ldaho jurisdictional basis. 16. ldaho Power acknowledges the Company is requesting a relatively expedited review of its request in this case, especially in light of the complexities of the Agreement and associated update to the ldaho jurisdictional Valmy levelized revenue requirement. However, because the Valmy balancing account mechanism approved by the Commission with Order No. 33771 converts revenue requirement amounts into a level payment stream over the recovery period, it ensures customers pay no more or no less than actual Valmy-related costs. Therefore, this mechanism would allow for the interim approval of an incremental levelized revenue requirement increase of $1.21 million if the Commission needed more time for review of the Company's broader request in this case. Under this approach, should any differences ultimately impact the allowed levels of recovery, a true-up could be made during the next update to Valmy- related base rates. 17. The Company proposes to allocate the increase related to the Valmy balancing account using the jurisdictional separation study methodology consistent with that utilized to determine the ldaho jurisdictional revenue requirement in Case No. IPC-E-11-08. The Company requests that the ldaho jurisdictional incremental revenue requirement of approximately $1.21 million be recovered from all customer classes through a uniform percentage increase to all base rate components except the service APPLICATION - 9 charge. The proposed change equates to an overall increase of 0.11 percent (see Attachment 2). VI. PROPOSED TARIFF 18. Attachment 1 to this Application is a copy of ldaho Power's proposed IPUC No.29, Tariff No. 101, in both clean and legislative formats, which contains the tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retai! electric service to its customers in the state of ldaho following the update to the Valmy levelized revenue requirement for June 1,2019, through May 31 ,2020. 19. Attachment 2 to this Application shows a comparison of revenues from the various tariff customers under ldaho Power's existing rates to the corresponding new revenue levels resulting from the proposed Valmy levelized revenue requirement update. ldaho Power's request for a June 1, 2019, effective date will coincide with the annual fixed cost and power cost rate adjustments; therefore; the Company's requested effective date for the Valmy levelized revenue requirement update would minimize rate changes for customers while allowing ldaho Power to consolidate several rate updates. When the Company files with the Commission the additiona! requests for rate changes associated with the annual rate mechanisms, ldaho Power will attach to its application a summary of the proposed combined revenue impact for each customer class. VII. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 20. ldaho Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. lf, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the APPLICATION - 1O Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 21. This Application will be brought to the attention of ldaho Power's customers by means of both a press release to media in the Company's service area and a customer notice distributed in customers' bills, both of which are accompanying this Application. The customer notice will be distributed over the course of the Company's current billing cycle, with the last notice being sent on April 23, 2019. Idaho Power will also keep its Application open for public inspection at its offices throughout the state of ldaho. ldaho Power asserts that this notice procedure satisfies the Rules of Practice and Procedure of this Commission; however, the Company will, in the alternative, bring the Application to the attention of its affected customers through any other means directed by the Commission. 22. Service of pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Julia A. Hilton ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 i h ilton@idahopower. com Matt Larkin ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 m larkin@ idahopower. com dockets@ idahopower.com IX. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 23. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order: (1) approving the Agreement; (2\ finding that all actua! Valmy investments through December 31, 2018, were prudently incurred; (3) allowing investments forecasted APPLICATION - 11 through December 31, 2025, at Valmy to be included in the levelized revenue requirement mechanism established by Order No. 33771; and (4) adjusting customer rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $1.21 million with an effective date of June 1, 2019, which equates to an overall increase of 0.11 percent. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 8th day of March 2019. A.ON Attorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 12 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 I PROPOSED TARIFF (clean format) ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 Cancels Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE STANDARD PLAN (Continued) All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer $s.00 Non-summer Service Charge, per month $s.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 8.54220, 10.2715i, 12.2019i, 7.93710, 8.7504i, 9.6e100 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING SCHEDULE 3 MASTER-METERED MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residentialand Small Farm Energy Credit): Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh all kWh 8.5971i, Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 4-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 4-3 SCHEDULE 4 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ENERGY WATCH PILOT PLAN (oPTroNAL) SUSPENDED (Continued) TIME PERIODS The time periods are defined as follows. All times are stated in Mountain Time Summer SeasonOn-Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Monday through FridayOff-Peak: 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays Critical peak period (10 select summer days): 5:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Non-summer Season Mid-Peak. Off-Peak: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Energy Watch Event hours 43.2898$ On-Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Mid-Peak Off-Peak 12.1513i, 6.97830 8.9775Q, 6.9783d PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 SCHEDULE 5 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TIME-OF-DAY PILOT PI.AN (oPTroNAL) (Continued) TIME PERIODS (Continued) Holidays are New Yea/s Day (January 1), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), lndependence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), and Christmas Day (December 25). lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day , or Christmas Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated a holiday. lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day, or Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated a holiday. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule g8 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $s.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Peak Off-Peak 12.7277i, 7.2963i, 9.39540 7.29630, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 6-6 Cancels OrioinalSheet No. 6-6 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following rate structure and charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 8.s422i, 10.27150, 12.20190, 7.9371i, 8.7504i, 9.6s100 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Service Charge, per month ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer Non-summer $s.00Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh 9.73836 1 1.59846 9.73830 10.2174i, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-5 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No. 8-5 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERTION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season beglns on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh All Additional kWh 9.73830 11.59Ut, 9.73830 10.2174i, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Atfairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Energy Charge, per kWh First 2,000 kWh AllAdditional kWh Summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 10.3e160 4.8099d Non-summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 $0.00 $4.39 9.35410, 4.36360 $0.00 $5.98 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho ldaho Power Company Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 94 Cancels LP.ll.C. No-29, Tariff SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $285.00 $1.28 $5.1 0 $0.95 4.8827i, 4.5054i, 4.25870, Summer $28s.00 $0.68 $4.79 $0.95 4.8048i, 4.4430i, 4.2045i, Non-summer $28s.00 $1.28 $4.46 nla 4.0401i, 3.90440, Non-summer $285.00 $0.68 $4.30 nla 3.98960 3.86590 nla nla PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Service Chargb, per month ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 15-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 15-2 SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer's Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 1. Monthly Per Unit Ch on existinq facilities AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 400 Watt Metal Halide Average Lumens 8,550 19,800 45,000 Average Lumens 19,800 45,000 FLOOD LIGHTING Base Rate $ 9.51 $11.35 $1s.38 Base Rate $13.60 $16.04 $14.73 $23.41 400 Watt 1000 Watt 2. For New Facilities lnstalled Before June 1, 2004: The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the changes specified in Schedule 66. 3. For New Facilities lnstalled On or After June 1. 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho 28,800 88,000 ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. 19-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. Ne29, Teriff No. 101 Eiqhth Revised Sheet No. 19-3 SCHEDULE 19 I.ARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY At the Customer's request and at the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company. This service is provided under the provisions set forth in Rule M, Facilities Charge Service. POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer's Power Factor is less than g0 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION When a Customer has properly invoked Rule G, Temporarv Suspension of Demand, the Basic Load Capacity, the Billing Demand, and the On-Peak Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule G. ln the event the Customer's metered demand is less than 1,000 kW during the period of such suspension, the Basic Load Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determining the Customer's Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $39.00 $0.91 $5.92 $1.01 6.3640d s.03876 4.4718(, Non-summer $39.00 $0.91 $4.24 nla 4.6864f, 4.16360 nla IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 194 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 19-4 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $299.00 $1.26 Non-summer $299.00 $1.26 Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.04 $4.48 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.s5 nla Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 5.23770 4.16500 3.71620 nla 3.9261(, 3.5099d TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Summer Non-summer $299.00 $299.00 Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.70 $0.70 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $5.86 $4.35 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.95 nla Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 5.17820 4.13570 3.6920( nla 3.90760 3.4935d PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL I RRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule g8 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE ln-Season $22.00 $6.98 Out-of-Season $3.50 nla Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kWh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Outof-Season Ail kwh 5.76960 5.4781f, nla nla nla 6.62350 TRANSMISSION SERVICE ln-Season $299.00 Out-of-Season $3.50Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.58 nla nla nla Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kWh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season Ail kwh 5.5269d 5.2s580 nla 6.3220i, IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 26-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 26-1 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVI CE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY. INC. BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED DECEMBER 29. 2OO9 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Monthlv Contract Demand Charoe $1.65 per kW of Contract Demand Monthlv Billino Demand Charqe $10.84 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Minimum Monthly Billing Demand Minimum Monthlv Billinq Demand The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts Dailv Excess Demand Charoe $0.287 per each kW over the Contract Demand Monthlv Enerov Charqe 2.77930, per kWh. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 29-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 29-1 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY POCATELLO. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29, 2OO4 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charqe $2.28 per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe, $7.78 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5,000 kW Daily Excess Dennand tharce $0.288 per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerqy Charge 2.7985i, per kWh Monthlv Facilities Charqe A Monthly Facilities Charge will be paid for the Company's investment in Distribution Facilities. A Monthly Facilities Charge rate of 1.41o/o will be paid forfacilities installed for 31 years or less and a rate of 0.59% will be paid for facilities installed more than 31 years. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 30-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 30-1 SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 15. 2011 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy's facilities located at the ldaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Demand Charqe, per kW of Billing Demand $8.39 2.9332i2. Eneroy Charqe, per kWh SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Billino Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month. 2. Power Factor Adiustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3O-minute period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. 1 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-09-BSD-0651 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C No.29 Tariff No 101 Third Revised Sheet No. 32-1 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. 32-1 SCHEDULE 32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY CALDWELL, IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED APRIL 8, 2015 APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable beginning the first day of the month in the first month that the aggregate power requirement at one or more Points of Delivery at the Simplot Facility located near or at 16551 Simplot Boulevard, Caldwell, ldaho, exceeds 20,000 kW. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charqe per kW of Contract Demand Summer $1.76 Non-Summer $1.76 Demand Charqe per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 10,000 kW $14.69 $8.54 Dailv Excess Demand Charqe per each kW over the Contract Demand $0.294 $0.294 Enerqv Charqe per kWh $0.030855 $0.030276 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No.40-2 Cancels Eleventh Revised Sheet No.40-2 SCHEDULE 40 NON-METERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer's electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is non-metered, failure of the Customer's equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 8.1 030 Minimum Charge, per month $1.50 ADDITIO CHARGES Applicable only to municipalities or agencies of federal, state, or county governments with an authorized Point of Delivery having the potential of intermittent variations in energy usage. lntermittent Usage Charge, per unit, per month $1.00 PA ENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. 41-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 41-3 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "A" - ldaho Powet-O ystem lGontinued) The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Lamp Charqes, per lamp (41A) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,540 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $11.40 $10.87 $14.57 $15.85 $18.07 Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh 7.36e(, Pole Charqes For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: Charqe Wood pole, per pole $1.81 Steel pole, per pole $7.18 Facilities Charoes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1, 2004 will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the charges specified in Schedule 66. Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Monthlv Charoes ldaho Power Company Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 41*4 Cancels !.P.U.C.No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 414 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTI NG SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "8" - Customer-Owned. ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem - No New Service The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer and maintained by ldaho Power. Customer-owned lighting systems receiving maintenance under Option B must have ldaho Power standard wattage high pressure sodium vapor lamps installed in all street lighting fixtures. Customer-owned systems installed on or after June 1, 2004 which are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Variable Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. Enerqv And Maintenance Service Energy and Maintenance Service includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, painting, or refinishing of metal poles. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company's operating schedules and requirements. Monthlv Charoes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metered Service, per lamp (418) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Enerqv and Maintenance Charqes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,450 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $3.07 $3.43 $4.97 $6.1 2 $8.65 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company !.P.IJ-C. Na-29, Tarttr No-l 0'1 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 41-5 Cancels Eiqhth Revised Sheet No- 41-5 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTI NG SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "B" - Customer-Owned. ldaho Power-Mai ined Svstem - No New Service (Continued) Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerov Energy Charge, per kWh Metered iervjce,per lamp (418M) 7.3696 $1.36 $1.26 $1.2s $1.36 $1.36 $3.36 s.0596 Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Maintenance Charoes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed, owned, and maintained by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for notifying the Company of any changes or additions to the lighting equipment or loads being served under Option C - Non-Metered Service. Failure to notify the Company of such changes or additions will result in the termination of non-metered service under Option C and the requirement that service be provided under Option C - Metered Service. All new Customer-owned lighting systems installed outside of Subdivisions on or after January 1,2012 are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June '1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. 41-6 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eiqhth Revised Sheet No. 41-6 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTI NG SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthlv Charqes Non-Metered Service (41 C) Energy Charge, per kWh Metered Service (41CM) Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh NO NEW SERVICE The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). For non-metered service, the average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on the total wattage of the Customer's lighting system and 4,059 hours of operation. 5.17300, $3.36 5.0ssl AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to any Customer who, on October 31, 1981, was receiving service under this schedule. CABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, and thoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn. SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIOD Street lighting facility locations, type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time by written request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, shall be provided for Customers receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facility shall also be maintained. The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon written notification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility: 1. At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period. The Company will not grant a request from a Customer for reinstallation of street lighting service for a minimum period of two years from the date of removal. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Tenth Revised Sheet No. 41-8 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 41-8 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE (Continued) ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metered Service (With Maintenance), per lamp Average Lumens Base Rate Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt 7,654 19,125 $4.71 $8.78 Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerov Energy Charge, per kWh 7.369i, Metered Service (With Maintenance) per lamp Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt $1.31 $1.32 Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh $3.36 5.0590 Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 42-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 42-1 SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLI ILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of ldaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of, and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company's underground or overhead distribution system, are installed, owned, maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1,2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 5.741Q, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Atfairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho PROPOSED TARIFF (legislative format) SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE STANDARD PLAN (Continued) RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate a|240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh All Additional kWh Over 2000 Summer $s.00 8.*$ru( 10.2*o715i, 12.187p0190 Non-summer $5.00 7.9275371Q, 8.73985040 e.67s291_Q6 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power CompanyThirlaenthFourteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTwelfthThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 ldaho Power Company N+H+hIgIth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 EishthNinth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 SCHEDULE 3 MASTER.METERED MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit): Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh all kWh 8.5#7971i Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34OZt Effective - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Gompany +wennlXUteedh Revised Sheet No. 4-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. lOlEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 4-3 SCHEDULE 4 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ENERGY WATCH PILOT PLAN (oPTroNAL) SUSPENDED (Continued) TIME PERIODS The time periods are defined as follows. All times are stated in Mountain Time Summer SeasonOn-Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through FridayOff-Peak: 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays Critical peak period (10 select summer days): 5.00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Non-summer Season Mid-Peak: Off-Peak: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Energy Watch Event hours 43.2s4WA On-Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Mid-Peak Off-Peak 12j3tr5134 6.e6e8zE3l 8.e666225/ 6.e6s8zE3d PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34OZl Effective - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +semnlXUlgqth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 SCHEDULE 5 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TIME-OF-DAY PILOT PLAN (oProNAL) (Continued) TIME PERIODS (Continued) Holidays are New Year's Day (January 1), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), lndependence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), and Christmas Day (December 25). lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day , or Christmas Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated a holiday. lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day, or Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated a holiday. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $s.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Peak Off-Peak 12.7#2470 7.2874963(, e.38409546 7.284a963$ PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order frle. 3407t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-6 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summerseason begins on June 1 ofeach yearand ends onAugust3l ofeach year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following rate structure and charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Service Charge, per month Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 Summer $5.00 8.s++Wf 10.2*sl15O, 12.18712019Q, Non-summer $5.00 7.9275371Q, 8.73e85040 e 67e291!0 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34oul6 Effective - June 1, 20199 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I loano Power Company TwelfthThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer $5.00 Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh e.72s3936 11.5&4€'Wgd e.72653836 10.2A5s1140, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 340#t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERTION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summerseason begins on June 1 ofeach yearand ends onAugust 31 ofeach year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh e.72s3g3o 11.s8439946 e.72s3g3d 10.zs501lai, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3402[6 Effective - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 8-5 ldaho Power Company Nin+hTenth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 EishthNinth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Energy Charge, per kWh First 2,000 kWh AllAdditional kWh Summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 $0.00 $5.e79 10.37es9166 4.804+eeo Non-summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 $0.00 $4.389 3e75410 35830300 9 4 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34O7t Effective - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company@ Revised Sheet No. 94 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101T-+velfthThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 9-4 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $285.00Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $1.28 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $5.OS1p On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.95 4.87#8270 4.4eee59540 4.2535il0, Summer $28s.00 $0.68 $4.789 $0.95 4.7sssgQ4gd 4.437$4ni 4.1ss4415f Non-summer $285.00 $1.28 $4.456 nla nla4Bq91i, 3.899790446 Non-summer $285.00 $0.68 $4.2e3q nla 3 e8489q6 3 80*590 Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak nla PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3'1071 Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company eevenUclwqfih Revised Sheet No. 15-2 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 15-2 SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer's Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 1. Monthlv Per Unit Charoe on existinq facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 400 Watt Metal Halide Average Lumens 8,550 19,800 45,000 Average Lumens 19,800 45,000 LIGHTING Base Rate $ e.501 $11.349 $15.36q Base Rate $13.580q $16.024 400 Watt 28,800 $14.7+3 1000 Watt 88,000 $23.3841 2. For New Facilities lnstalled Before June 1. 2004. The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the changes specified in Schedule 66. 3. For New Facilities lnstalled On or After June 1, 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3407t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ergh+hN4lh Revised Sheet No. 19-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. lOlSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. 19-3 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY At the Customer's request and at the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company. This service is provided under the provisions set forth in Rule M, Facilities Charge Service. POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer's Power Factor is less than 90 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION When a Customer has properly invoked Rule G, Temoorary Suspension of Demand, the Basic Load Capacity, the Billing Demand, and the On-Peak Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule G. ln the event the Customer's metered demand is less than 1,000 kW during the period of such suspension, the Basic Load Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determining the Customer's Monthly Charge. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $39.00 $0.91 $5.e+2 $1.01 6.35€q4qd 5.$%:qo, 4.46€4718i Non-summer $s9.00 $0.91 $4.23! nla 4.68wO40 4.1585$q6 nla IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3407t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Idaho Power Company +we{frhThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 194 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 19-4 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $299.00 $1.26 Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.034 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.95 5.23#77i, 4.15es05Q6 3.7117^2i, Summer $29e.00 $0.70 $5.85q $0.95 5171s%i, 4.1W7570 3.6e759290 Non-summer $299.00 $1.26 $4.4+9 nla 3.e?13a1i, 3.s056990 Non-summer $299.00 $0.70 $4.345 nla 3.e02ez0l s.48e39350 nla Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak nla The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3407t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho PAYMENT ldaho Power Company +welfrhThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kWh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season All kwh TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kwh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season All kwh ln-Season $22.00 $6.e7q 5.7626966 5.4714ili, nla ln-Season $299.00 $6.578 Out-of-Season $3.50 nla 6.61552356 Out-of-Season $3.50 nla nla nla nla nla .52A2WA 24945580 5 5 nla 6.31/€.2200 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3407t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company eeve*nIWelth Revised Sheet No. 26-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 26-1 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY. INC. BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED DECEMBER 29, 2OO9 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Monthlv Contract Demand Charqe $1.65 per kW of Contract Demand Monthlv Billinq Demand Charoe $10.834 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Minimum Monthly Billing Demand Minimum Monthlv Billinq Demand The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts Dailv Excess Demand Charoe $0.287 per each kW over the Contract Demand Monthlv Enerov Charoe 2.775F930, per kWh. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3402t Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company eeventhlWglth Revised Sheet No. 29-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. lOlTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 29-1 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY POCATELLO. IDAHO MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charoe $2.28 per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe, $7.779 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5,000 kW Dailv Excess Demand Charqe $0.288 per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerqv Charqe 2.795+950, per kWh Monthlv Facilities Charoe A Monthly Facilities Charge will be paid for the Company's investment in Distribution Facilities. A Monthly Facilities Charge rate of 1.41o/o will be paid for facilities installed for 31 years or less and a rate of 0.59% will be paid for facilities installed more than 31 years. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effeclive - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29, 2OO4 ldaho Power Company EleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 30-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. lOlTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 30-1 SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IC ERVI RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER .15. 2011 CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-09-BSD-0651 AVAII-ABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy's facilities located at the ldaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Demand Charqe, per kW of Billing Demand $8.38e 2.s2€6,:i2. Enerqv Charqe, per kWh SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Billinq Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month. 2. Power Factor Adiustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3O-minute period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. 1 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34OZt Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company SeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 32-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 32-1 SCHEDULE 32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY CALDWELL. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED APRIL 8. 2015 APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable beginning the first day of the month in the first month that the aggregate power requirement at one or more Points of Delivery at the Simplot Facility located near or at 16551 Simplot Boulevard, Caldwell, ldaho, exceeds 20,000 kW. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charqe per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 10,000 kW Dailv Excess Demand Charqe per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerov Charoe per kWh $14.679 $8.534 $0.294 $0.294 $0.0308+855 $0.03023e20 Summer $1.76 Non-Summer $1.76 IDAHO lssued per Order trls. 34g7t lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldahoEffective - June 1, 201e9 ldaho Power Company ebve*nlwelflh Revised Sheet No. 40-2 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 40-2 SCHEDULE 40 NON-METERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer's electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is non-metered, failure of the Customer's equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh L0e31030 Minimum Charge, per month $1.50 ADDITIONAL CHARGES Applicable only to municipalities or agencies of federal, state, or county governments with an authorized Point of Delivery having the potential of intermittent variations in energy usage. lntermittent Usage Charge, per unit, per month $1.00 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order trrle. ${Q}1 Effective - June 1, 201e9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Nn*hIedh Revised Sheet No. 41-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 ErshthNinth Revised Sheet No.41-3 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "A" - ldaho Power-Owned, ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthlv Charoes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Lamo Charoes, per lamp (414) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Base Rate $11.3e4q $10.862 $14.552 $15.839 $18.052 Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh Pole Charges 7.36090 For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: Charqe Wood pole, per pole $1.81 Steel pole, per pole $7.18 Facilities Charqes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1, 2004 will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the charges specified in Schedule 66. Payment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effective - June 1,20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Average Lumens 5,540 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 ldaho Power Company@ Revised Sheet No. 41-4 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 TweifthThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 41-4 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer and maintained by ldaho Power. Customer-owned lighting systems receiving maintenance under Option B must have ldaho Power standard wattage high pressure sodium vapor lamps installed in all street lighting fixtures. Customer-owned systems installed on or after June 1, 2004 which are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Variable Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. Enerov And Maintenance Service Energy and Maintenance Service includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, painting, or refinishing of metal poles. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company's operating schedules and requirements. Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metered Service, per lamp (418) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Enerov and Maintenance Charqes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,450 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $3.07 $3.43 $4 e62 $6.1+2 $8.0+q IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34OZt Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "B" - Customer-Owned. ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem - No New Service ldaho Power Company EtghthNfdh Revised Sheet No. 41-5 Cancels t.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. 41-5 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "8" - Customer-Owned, ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem - No New Service (Continued) Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh 7.36990 Metered Service, per lamp (418M) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Maintenance Charqes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh $1.36 $1.26 $1.25 $1.36 $1.36 $3.36 5.05390 Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. "C" - Customer-Owned, Customer-Maintained Svstem The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed, owned, and maintained by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for notifying the Company of any changes or additions to the lighting equipment or loads being served under Option C - Non-Metered Service. Failure to notify the Company of such changes or additions will result in the termination of non-metered service under Option C and the requirement that service be provided under Option C - Metered Service. All new Customer-owned lighting systems installed outside of Subdivisions on or after January 1,2012 are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company ErghthNinth Revised Sheet No. 41-6 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. 41-6 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthly Charoes Energy Charge, per kWh Metered Service (41CM) Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh NO NEW SERVICE The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). For non-metered service, the average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on the total wattage of the Customer's lighting system and 4,059 hours of operation. Non-Metered Service (41c) 5.167Q7300 $3.36 5.0896 AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to any Customer who, on October 31, 1981, was receiving service under this schedule. PLICABIL Service under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, and thoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn. SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIOD Street lighting facility locations, type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time by written request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, shall be provided for Customers receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facility shall also be maintained. The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon written notification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility: 1. At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period. The Company will not grant a request from a Customer for reinstallation of street lighting service for a minimum period of two years from the date of removal. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3497+ Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ninthfellh Revised Sheet No. 41-8 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 EiehthNinth Revised Sheet No. 41-8 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTI NG SERVICE (Continued) NO NEW SERVICE (Continued) ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metered Service (With Maintenance), per lamp Average BaseLumens Rate Mercury Vapor 175 Watt 7,654 $4.701 400 Watt 19,125 $8.778 Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh 7.36090 Metered Service (With Maintenance) per lamp Mercurv Vapor 175 Watt 400 Watt Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh $1.31 $1.32 $3.36 5.0s390 Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34OZl- Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company El€ve+r+hTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 42-1 Cancels l.P.U-e-Xq. 29, Tariff No l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 42-1 SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of ldaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of, and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company's underground or overhead distribution system, are installed, owned, maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1,2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 5.734410 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34071 Effective - June 1, 20189 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-19-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 2 s CJ qoN No @N o\ot!t_o\f @ ooN-N(o o Noo-NNNos e @NN. 6N. @N6- @6oo Ioouo oNEco =oo ooFEo 6oo oILoNoN o o =ooN q)cl- ss-oIqoo E8Rci s o No @n o @o FOoc'N.ottt_o{ 6 oo- oN.$N @ oooo oooeNN@ Qspo NO o_ NNN. @s ooNN. oN. @N@- ooo6ioo-sNo ooo_oo@-N N. N (oo (ooooo F$N o N co>66.9s9EN:ooHEEu)t0)--cee6o 6=o o.!vEEP NroONro@ooNoNOOo@NeN-NE sss ooo s o oooqa.!N@O@no @NONNO$(oo6<oJAQo F*oOOr ai@o@oo $c! 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