HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190219Comments.pdfKARL T. KLEIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 5156 iiTI F !\,/E[J i,rr* f [$ i9 P]l 2: l+9 SS .t,{U Street Address for Express Mail 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO INCREASE THE SUBSTATION ALLOWANCE IN SCHEDULE 19, LARGE POWER SERVICE. COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission comments as follows on Idaho Power Company's Application. BACKGROUND On December 28,20l8,Idaho Power Company filed Tariff Advice No. 18-04. The Company's Tariff Advice proposed to update the Substation Allowance amount in Schedule 19, Large Power Service, by I2.7%. The changes were to take effect February I,2019. At the Commission's January 22,2019 meeting, the Commission Staff questioned whether the Tariff Advice proposed only "minor changes to existing schedules," as allowed by Commission Rule 134.01 (IDAPA Staff recommended the Commission allow further investigation by treating the Company's Tariff Advice as an Application, suspending the proposed effective date, and processing the case by Modified Procedure. Under Company Schedule 19, if a customer asks for service that requires the Company to add or upgrade transformer capacity in Substation Facilities, the customer must initially pay the ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E-19-02 1STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I9,2OI9 associated costs but is eligible for a one-time Substation Allowance based on the customer's subsequent sustained usage of capacity. Commission Order Nos. 32893 and32914 require the Company to update the Substation Allowance each year. The Company explains the maximum Substation Allowance is determined by multiplying the customer's actual increase in load by $64,386 per megawatt (MW), with the Substation Allowance not to exceed the actual cost of the Substation Facilities. With this Application, the Company would increase the $/MW multiplier by $8,173 to $72,559, which is a 12.7%o increase. The Company primarily attributes the increased Substation Allowance to increased material costs, including an lSoh increase in the cost of a 30MVA transformer and a24Yo increase of a 4-unit metalclad. The Company noted the overall increase in material costs was offset by a decrease in the general overhead rate from 11.48%to 9.81o/o. STAFF REVIEW StafPs review focused on three areas to determine the reasonableness of the Company's proposed allowance amount: (1) the calculation method; (2) changes in direct material cost; and (3) an audit of the overhead rate. Based on its review, Staff believes the Company's calculation method complied with Commission Orders and that the overhead rate was accurate. However, Staff believes the Company's standard allowance overestimated transformer costs. Using Staff s proposed estimate of transformer costs, the Substation Allowance would be $69,397lMW versus the Company's proposed allowance of $72,559. If the Commission approves Staff s proposal, the allowance amount would increase 7.8Yo above the current amount instead of by l2-7%o as requested by the Company. Staff s proposal is detailed in CONFIDENTIAL - Affachment B. Methodology Staff confirmed the Company's calculations follow the methodology approved by Commission Order Nos. 32893 and329l4. This methodology for annually updating the standard Substation Allowance amount has been in place since 2013. Staff continues to support it as long as the costs included as inputs accurately reflect current actual costs, otherwise cross-subsidies are more likely to occur between existing customers and customers requesting new terminal facilities. 2STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I9,2OI9 Direct Material Costs After examining the cost of all direct material included in the Company's proposed allowance amount, Staff believes that an lSYo increase in the cost of the 30 MVA transformer is unreasonable given the method the Company used to make the estimate, and that the cost should only increase 5oh over the amount approved in last year's filing. Staffls proposed increase is based on the inflation rate of actual Company purchases of a similar transformer. The transformer is a major component in the calculation of the allowance because the direct cost of the 30 MVA transformer is approximately 45%o of all direct material cost and is approximately 34% of the cost of the total Substation Allowance. To substantiate transformer pricing, the Company relied on vendor "budgetary" pricing from a single source. The quotation reflected an 18%o increase in price + l5yo from the price in the current allowance. Staff believes a budgetary quote from a single source does not constitute a competitive price that the Company would actually pay. By comparison, Staff reviewed the Company procurement of six comparable 44.8 MVA transformers purchased and placed into service between April of 2017 and June of 2018. These actual purchases indicate an average annual increase of approximately 5oZ (see CONFIDENTIAL - Attachment A). Staff believes that a 5Yo inflationary increase better exhibits what the Company would actually pay for a transformer. Staff believes all other direct material costs in the standard allowance either reflected a reasonable rate of inflation or had a sound basis for the increase. For example, the 24o/o increase in the 4-unit metalclad (switchgear) was based on actual purchases obtained through the Company's bidding process. When asked by Staff, the Company could not supply actual pricing for 30 MVA transformers purchased over the last five years. Without actual purchases, there is no sound basis for estimating accurate material cost. Because of the absence of actual purchases, Staff is concerned that some materials, specifically the transformer, are no longer standard for customer requested substation upgrades. Staff recommends that the Company and Staff meet before the next annual filing to discuss potential changes to the materials used to calculate the Schedule l9 allowance. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 19,2019J Overhead Rate General Overheads are capital costs that cannot be directly assigned to a specific asset or individual project. The Schedule 19 general overhead rate is applied to all vehicle, labor, and direct material costs. The actual general overhead rate for the 12 months ended October 31, 2018 was 931% and decreased from last year's rate of 11.48%. Staff verified the Company's inputs for the calculation of general overheads for Substations and confirmed the calculation of the general overhead rate. The reduction in the overhead rate partially offsets the increase in the Substation Allowance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve Staffls proposed Substation Allowance of $69,397 per MW as outlined in CONFIDENTIAL - Attachment B. Staff also recommends that the Company and Staff meet to discuss materials and the basis used to estimate cost in the Substation Allowance. Respecttully submitted this I4+L day of Febrwry 2019 lu// Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Rick Keller Kathy Stockton I:\umisc/comments\ipce I 9.2kkrkkls comments 4STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 19,2019 ATTACHMENTA IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROTECTET) TINDER THE PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT B IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROTECTED T]NDER THE PROTECTIVE AGREEME,NT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS lgth DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING NON-CONFIDENTIAL COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY,IN CASE, NO. IPC-E.19-02, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-mail : lnordstrom@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower.com (Confi dential Information) PETER J. RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27TH STREET PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-mail : peter@richardsonadams. com (Non-Confi dential Information) GRANT ANDERSON IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-mail: ganderson@idahopower.com (Confi dential Informati on) DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-mail: dreading@mindspring.com (Non-Confi dential Information) Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE