HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200121Comments.pdfEDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, rDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. I0446 RECEIVED l.llt JtN ? I PH t: bS l!, Street Address for Express Mail: 1 1331 W. CHINDEN BLVD, BI,DG 8 SUITE 20I.A BOISE. IDAHO 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E.I8-16 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF BACKGROUND On May 9,2018, the Commission ordered Idaho Power Company ("Company") to "...file a study with the Commission exploring fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options prior to its next general rate case." Order No. 34046 at 31. The Commission also ordered the Company: to undertake a comprehensive customer fixed-cost analysis to determine the proper methodology and "spread" of fixed costs as they relate to the Company's customers. The Company. with input from interested parties, shall outline the scope of the study that should include exploring fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options. A status update shall be filed with the Commission on a quarterly basis, with more specific deadlines prescribed in the coming notice ofapplication in that matter. Order No. 34046 at 23. On Oct 19,2018 the Company petitioned the Commission to initiate a docket in order to study fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options as required by Order No. 34046. On Nov 9, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 34190, Notice of Petition and STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 21,2020 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY FIXED COSTS OF PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS I Notice of Intervention Deadline, which directed Stafl'to inlbrmally confer with parties about the procedural and substantive scope ofthe docket, proposed schedule, and othcr matters, and then repo( back to the Commission by April 30" 2019. Stafl-s report ("Staffls Report") includcd tables ofrate designs and rate design attributes under consideration by parties at that time. Intervening parties ("Intervenors" or "Parties") are Idaho Conservation League, Avista Corporation, NW Energy Coalition, Idahydro, Idaho Inigation Pumpers Association, Inc., Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, City of Boise City, Idaho Sierra Club, Idaho Clean Energy Association, Industrial Customers of Idaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier. Parties met for a total ofone pre-settlement conference and five settlement mectings. On August 9,2019, the Company provided a draft copy of the Fixed Cost Report to Parlies, requesting their feedback. The Company submitted its Fixed Cost Report to the Commission, along with a motion to accept this report, on September 30,2019. The Company updatcd its Fixed Cost Report to correct some incorrect references on Deccmber 10,2019. STAFF ANALYSIS Summary After conducting a comprehensive review ofthe Company's Fixed Cost Reporl and supporting workpapers, Staffbelieves the Fixed Cost Report is incomplete and cannot be relied upon as a basis lor changing rate designs. In particular: r The evidence presented by the Company is insufficient to determine whether current ratemaking methods allow the Company to currently over-recover or under-recover all ol'the flxed costs authorized by the Commission; o The Company did not provide sullicient evidencc to support a change in rate design; o Rather than undertaking a comprchensive customer fixed-cost analysis, the Company provided the Commission a position paper advocating its preferred rate design; and o The Company did not adequately consider input lrom Parties regarding the scope ol the report. The Company should have heeded Parties' input and provided a much more comprehensive and quantitative analysis ofrates design options. 2..rA){t rARY 21 . 2010STAFF COMMEN'IS Introduction Staff believes the Company's Fixed Cost Recovery Report should have given more attention to the topic of fixed cost recovcry and the options for fixed oost recovery. Instead, the Company's Fixed Cost Report focuses on the proportion ofrevenue recovered from each class through the Company's preferred billing mechanisms: Customer Charges, Demand Charges, and Energy Charges. Nowhere in its Fixed Cost Report does the Company provide any quantitative infbrmation showing whether or not it is adequately collecting its fixed costs, either through its basc tarifTrates, or through riders such as the Fixed Cost Adjustment C'FCA") and Sales Based Adjustment Rates ("SBAR"). StafTexplains the difference between revenue and t'ixed costs as follows. The costs of serving each class include variable costs, such as the costs of fuel and market purchases; and fixed costs, such as employee salaries, capital depreciation, debt service, and Commission authorized return on equity in capital investments. When the revenue recovered from a class tkough rates equals, or excceds. the cost of serving that class, the Company will recover all of its fixed costs from that class. This is true, regardless ofwhether the rcvcnue is recovered through Customer Charges, Demand Charges, or Energy Charges. When the revenue recovered liom a class is less than the cost ofserving that class, then the Company may not f'ully recover the fixed costs of serving that class. Because the Company is obligated to pay lbr fuel. purchased power, and employee salaries, thc inability to recover fixed costs first manifcsts itselfas a Retum on Equity ("ROE") that is less than that authorized by the Commission. The Fixed Cost Report does not provide any quantitative comparison showing how alternative rate designs proposed by the Company would better collect thc Company's fixed costs than cunent rate designs. In Stafl s discussion oflixed cost recovery, Staff will provide a more in-depth discussion ofthe Company's ability to recovcr its fixed costs and will outlinc the analysis that should be conducted prior to considering altemative rate designs for adoption. Staffs fixed cost recovery scction will also discuss the Company's ability to recover its fixed costs through basic rates and charges, as well as through riders. such as the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA'), SBAR, and FCA mechanisms. Using evidence provided by the Company in its Fixed Cost Report and supporting work papers, Staff was unable to determine that the Company is either over-collecting or under-collecting its Ilxed costs. STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 21.2020J The Company's Fixed Cost Report focuses narrowly on the use ofrates to collect the Company's revenue requirement. Although Staff takes it as axiomatic that rates must allow the Company a fair opportunity to recover its revenue requirement, Staffnotes that many different rate designs can achieve this goal. So long as rates afford thc Company an opportunity to recover its revenue requirement, Staffbelieves that rates may be chosen to achieve other goals, such as energy e1'ficiency, incenting cuslomer behaviors that def'er or avoid future plant investment, or allowing customers the ability to control their bills. The Fixed Cost Report advocates a particular rate design that the Company refers to as "Cost of Service Infbrmed," often to the exclusion ofan objective and comprehensive analysis of other rate designs proposed by Parties. As shown in Attachment A. the Company either did not analyze, or did not adequately analyze, many of the rate designs proposcd by Parties. Staff believes the Company should have conducted an objective and cornprehensive analysis ofall rate designs discussed instead ofproviding a position paper advooating fbr its preferred Cost of Service Informed rate design. Staff does not take a position on what, if any, changes should be made to the Company's current rate design; however, Staffbelieves that some ratc designs warrant a more detailed analysis than was presented by the Company. Had the Company's Fixed Cost Report fully complied with the Commission's order, StafTbelieves that it could have served as a toolbox which could be referenced by the Commission, Stafl', and other Parties when discussing thc pros and cons olcurrenl rate designs, as well as rate designs that may be proposed to the Commission fbr consideration. Staffdisagrees that the Company's Cost of Service Inlbrmed rate designs are truly informed by Cost of Service. Under the Company's proposed Cost of Service Informed rate designs, the proportion ofrevenue collected through each rate componcnt (Customer, Demand, Basic Load Charge, and Energy) is proportional to the Company's Class Cost olService (*CCOS') allocators; however, the Company provided no evidence that its proposed billing determinants correspond to the Company's CCOS allocators. Despite the similar names, the conespondence between the Company's Dcmand charge and the Company's Demand CCOS allocators is weak. Ol'particular concern is the Company's inability to show how its proposed Basic Load Charge ("BLC") is related to factors that cause the Clompany to incur inoremental fixed costs. Staff will discuss these concems. as r,''ell as general Cost olService principles, in its Cost of Service discussion. JANUARY 2I,2O2O4S]'AFF COMMENTS Staff researched the experiences of other companies and jurisdictions with rate designs similar to those studied in the Company's reporl. Some of these experiences are informative. In the case of some rate designs, such as the Company's proposal to implemcnt demand charges for Rcsidential and Small General Service ("R&SGS") customers, Staff confirmed that no other investor-owned utility in the country has implemented a mandatory residential charge. Only one investor-owned utility. Westar, has implemented mandatory demand charges lor solar customers. Importantly, the experiences of other jurisdictions can alert the Commission to potential unintended consequences ofeach rate design. StafThas summarized its research in the subsection discussing each rate design. Cost of Service The Company's last general rate case used a Cost ofService study based on 2010 calendar year data. IPC-E-I 1-08, l,arkin di at4. In order to provide a more up-to-date basis for its Fixed Cost Report, the Company developed an updated CCOS using calendar year 2017 information as its basis ("Straw Man CCOS'). The Straw Man CCOS was developed using the IPC-E-11-08 methodology, updated to account for changes such as the creation of Rate Schedules 6 and 8. Staff believes that the Straw Man CCOS is an appropriate basis for the current discussion about rate designs, but also notes that the 2017 calendar year intbrmation used to develop it has not been as thoroughly vetted as it would be in a lbrmal rate case. The Straw Man CCOS classilles costs as either customer-related, demand-related, or energy-related. Customer-classii'ied costs are those costs that vary with the number of customers in the class, and include plant investments and expenses associated with meters, service drops, billing, and customer service. Because they can usually be associated with particular customers, the Company is able to directly allocate most of its customcr-classified costs to individual classes. The Fixed Cost Report assumes all customer-related costs to be fixed. Fixed Cost Report at 57. Demand-classified costs are incurred to serve customers' maximum loads. Because each piece ofplant must be designed to mect the peak load placed on it, demand-related costs are closely related to measures ofpeak consumption such as Coincident Peak ("CP") and Non- Coincident Peak ("NCP") allocators. As noted earlier, some distribution plant. such as meters and sen'ice drops, can be associated with particular customers and are classified as customer-related costs. Distribution JANUARY 2I,2O2O5STAFF COMMLNTS plant that cannot be directly assigned to particular classes are allocated using a class NCP allocator. Fixed Cost Report at 64. Because they must be designcd to mcet system-u'ide peak demand, the Company's transmission and generation plant are allocated using a variety ofCP allocators. In its Fixed Cost Report. ldaho Power assumes all Customer and Demand classified costs to be fixed, and that Energy classilled costs are variable. Although this division is simple, Staff notes that a considerable amount olgeneration plant is classificd as Energy, and thus, according to the Company's model are variable, and not fixed costs. In fact, the Company's Strar.man CCOS considers 55.4% oltixed base load generation to be a variable energy cost, rather than a fixed cost. Fixed Cost Study at 22. In order to study the effects ofclassilying all generation base load plant as Demand, and thus as Fixed Costs. the Company developed CCOS No. 3. This scenario follows the same methodology as the Company's Straw Man CCOS but classifies all generation plant as Demand. Had the Company used CCOS Scenario No. 3 as the basis for the Fixed Cost Report. the reported tiaction offixed costs collected in the Company's energy charge would have been even largcr than that reported by the Company. Fixed Cost Report at 23, Figurc I3. Staffnotes that the allocation of a portion offixed base load plant as an energy related expense is consistent with the methodology used to develop the Company's j urisdictional load tactor. It is also consistent with the methodology prescribed in Order No. 30722 (IPC-E-08-10). Energy classified expenses typically include the costs offuel, energy purchases, and other variable expenses associated with the production, transmission, and distribution ofenergy; however, as noted previously, the Company's Strawman CCOS classifics a large fraction of its fixed base load generation plant as a variable energy expense. In fact, approximately 50% of the Energy-classified variable costs in thc Company's report represent the fixed cosls olbase load generation plant. Fixed Cost Report at22. Energy classified costs are allocatcd to customer classes using the normalized energy values for each class weighted by marginal energy costs. Fixed Cost Report at 64. Usc of Cosl of Service in Rate Making A Cost of Service study is an attenrpt to assign costs to cach class according to the manner in which each class caused the Company to incur costs. The Cost of Service methodology employs hundreds ofdillerent formulae that may either represent industry best STAFF COMMEN'I'S 6 JANUARY 21.2020 practice, Commission order, or the Company's best attempt to formulate a reasonable methodology. Each of the hundreds of fbrmulae embodied in a Cost of Service study are based on assumptions that may only be approximately correct, or that may have changed since the methodology was adopted. For example, since the Company's last ratc case (IPC-E-11-08), distributed generation systems have prolif-erated, and two ne$,rate classes have been created; however, the Company's last rate case methodology did not include methods tbr valuing the contribution ofdistributed gencration resourccs. or for determining the costs to serve those customers. In sho(, the Company's Cost of Service methodology is an evolving work-in- progress that is neither static nor perl'ect. The Conrpany's Cost ofScrvice Study may be a uselul starting point, but the Commission is fiee to deviatc from it when its application vvould lead to unfair, unjust, or unreasonable results. Thus, the results ofa Cost of Service study do not necessarily represent an allocation of the Company's revenue requirement that the Commission believes to be fair, just. and reasonable. The results ofCost ofService studies often are used to identify potential cost shifting Ilom one class to another. For example, the Cost of Service model proposed by the Company in its last rate case allocated $127,619,827 to the Schedule 24 Agricultural Irrigation Class ("lnigators"). IPC-E-1 1-08, Larkin di. Exhibit No. 38. However, the base revenue ultimately allocated to this class was only $107,383.256, or about 84% ofthe Company's Cost ofService Revenue Requirement. IPC-E-I l-08, Motion for Approval of Stipulation, Exhibit No. 3. Viewed through the lens of the Company's Cost of Service model, there was a $20,236,571 cost shift from Irrigators to other parties; however, use ofa difl'erent Cost of Service model could have given a very dif'tercnt result. Once each class's revenue requirement has been determined, base rates for each class are determined in order to recover that class's revenue requirement. It is possible that the rate design dcveloped for a particular class over-collecls or undcr-collects revenue from that class; howcver, because revenue collection from one class has little or no bearing on the revenue collected t'rom another class after each class' revenue requiremcnt has been set, it is incorrecl to say that this process results in a cost shift from one class to another. We can only say that the revenue collected from a partioular class is either greater than. or less than, that authorized by the Commission. Whereas thc Cost of Service process aims to allocate costs to individual classes, rate design is intended to I'airly collect revenue liom individual customers in a way that is most 7STAFF COMMF,Nl'S JANUARY 2I,2O2O beneficial to all customers. Cost of Service takes a retrospective look at how costs have been incurred, while rate design can be used to incent luture behaviors that lou'er costs for all customers. For examplc, large volumetric energy charges incent behaviors that decrease energy consumption. In addition to incenting oonservation o1'ooal, natural gas, or hydro-resources, these rate designs can lead to lower average energy costs when marginal energy costs are high. Likewise, time differentiated demand charges that incent reductions in demand at system CP or class NCP can help delay. or even avoid. future expenditures on generation, transmission, or distribution plant. At present, Schedules 9, 19, and 24, charge customers fbr demand through their Demand and/or Basic Load charges. On page 28 ofthe Fixed Cost Report, the Company states "A demand charge sends an efficiency signal----one that correlates with load lactor and encourages customers to reduce their peak energy usage." Staffbelieves that this statement is only partially corrcct. Although a demand charge does. indeed, signal customcrs to reduce their demand, it docs not necessarily provide a signal that incents custonrers to reduoe demand during the critical periods that drive Clompany investment in nen'capital. In order for a demand chargc to effectively signal cuslomers to reduce consumption during coincident and non-coincident peak periods, the demand charge would need to be time difl'erentiated so that demand costs more during the Company's peaking periods. For most classes, the correlation between the Demand charge and thc CP allocator is weak. According to the Company, the Demand charge is intended to recover a portion of capacity-related costs associated with the generation and transmission ofelectricity. Fixed Cost Report at 7. A customer's demand charge is based on that customer's lS-minute peak consumplion, regardless ofwhether that peak coincides with system coincident peak. or not, so there can be a mismatch between the coincident peak time and the time at which the customer's peak demand is assessed. This mismatch sends a poor economic signal to customers who could reduce or eliminate consumption during time periods conesponding to system CP. For example, Schedule 24 secondary service irrigation customers pay an in-season demand charge of $6.98 per kW of demand. Most irigation customers pump water 24 hours per day during much ofthe growing season, so even iliuigation customers were to reduce consumption during the Company's summer peaking period of l:00 pm to 9:00 pm, they would still bc assessed the same peak demand charge lbr using their pumps outside of the peaking S-IAFF COMMEN'I'S JANUARY 2I,2O2O8 period. This alone does not provide an incentive to reduce system peak demand to defer investment in resources to meet additional demand requirements. The Basic Load Charge (*BLC') is another demand allocator that is intended to collect a portion ofthe capacily-related fixed costs ol'distribution f'acilities. Fixed Cost Report at 7. Depending on customer class, the BLC is calculated using either the customer's highest peak or using an average ofthe customer's highest peaks over the preceding twelve months. Fixed Cost Report at 7. As noted earlier, distribution costs are rypically allocated across customer classes using an NCP allocator. Because the customer's peak consumption periods do not necessarily coincide with class NCP, the BLC does not send an economic signal that is ellbctive at reducing class NCP. In order to incent customers to reduce consumption during Non-Coincident-Peak periods, the BLC would need to be based on consumption that occurs during Non-Coincident-Peak periods used to develop the NCP allocator; however, Stall'was unable to ascertain any relationship between the BLC and the Company's NCP allocators. In Production Request No. 7, Stafl'asked the Company to provide intbrmation that could correlate the timing of demands used to calculate customer B[,Cs with class NCPs. In its response, the Company stated that "The requested information is not available." The Company lurthermore stated that, "Comparison between the dates and times of non-coincident peak and customer individuat peaks would be based on different, unmatched data sets." Prior to implemcnting any new BLC charges, Stat'fbclicves the Company should study the relationship between the BLC and the peaking evcnts that drive the Company to incur costs. Fixed Cost Collection Staff found no evidence, either in the Fixed Cost Report or the accompanying work papers, that the Company is either over-collecting or undcr-collecting the fixed costs embedded in its Commission authorized revenue requirement. Given that the Commission ordered the Company to conduct a fixed cost analysis, Staff believes this to have bccn a serious omission. Likewise, Stal'l'bclieves the report should have analyzcd the effect of the FCA and the PCA on the collection offixed costs through proposed rate designs, as the parties agreed to regarding the scope of the report. Basic rates are designed, using pro-forma test year information from the Company's last rate case, to recover all ofthe Company's fixed and variable costs. To the extent that customcr 9STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 2I.2O2O usage, customer count, and weather varies liom the pro-forma test year, the FCA is intended to ensure that the Company collects its authorized fixed costs. Because the prices of fuel and purchased power can vary substantially from pricing assumed in the Company's pro-lbrma test year, thc Commission has authorized the Power Cost Adjustment ('PCA') mechanism. The PCA allows the Company to properly recover its variable costs, as well as some fixed costs. As noted in Staff s discussion ofCost ofService, somc ofthe Company's tlxed costs are classilled as variable Energy Costs. Recovery of energy classified fixed costs is achieved using the Sales Based Adjustment Rate and is computed as part of the Company's PCA. The SBAR calculation in the PCA adjusts for either the under-recovery or over-recovery of energy-classifled production cost recovered through base rates due to the difference between the amount ofenergy predicted to be consumed when base rates were set (total energy billing detcrminants) and the actual amount ofenergy consumcd. The Company's FCA and the SBAR component of the PCA exist to allow the Company to fully recover tlxed costs not recovered in variable energy rates. As discussed below, it is possible that the current FCA allows the Company to over-collect its fixed oosts; ho'\,t ever, absent more complele information than was provided in the Company's Fixed Cost Report, it is not possible for Stafl to determine whether the FCA is allowing the Company to over-collect or under-collect the fixed costs embedded in the Commission authorized revenue requirement. Staff notes that the Company's current Fixed Cost Ad.justment mechanism is intended to be a true-up mechanism that "decouples," or separates, billed energy sales lrom revenue in order to remove the finanoial disincentive that exists when the Company invests in Demand Side Management C'DSM) resources and activities. It is calculated as thc difference betu,een the level offixed cost recovery authorized by the Commission in the Company's last general rate case, and the level offixed cost recovery that thc Company recovered through actual billed energy sales during the calendar year. The FCA is calculated using a Fixed Cost per Customer ('FCC') and Fixed Cost per Energy ("FCE') that are calculated during each rate case. In the most recent gencral rate case (IPC-E-l l-08), the residential FCC was calculated by dividing the fixed costs embedded in the Commission authorized residential revenue requirement ($258,560,620) by the number ofresidential customers in the Company's test year (397,403). The resulting FCC was $650.63 per customer. In its last FCA tiling, the Company reported 445.452 residential customers. STAFF COMMEN'I'S l0 JNNUARY 21,2020 The F'CE represents the fixed costs embedded in the Company's volumetric rates. Irr the most recent general rate case (IPC-E-11-08) this was lbund to be $0.051602 per kWh. Each year. the l-CA is calculated by subtracting the product ofthe cunent year's billed kWh sales and the FCE from the product ofthe current year's customer count and the FCC. In 2017, the customer count was 426,737 residential customers, 48,000 more than u'hen base rates werc cstablished, and the Company billed those customers for 4.131,973,17 0 kWh, so the FCA was $33,468,647. Implicit in this calculation is the assumption that the fixed cost ofserving new customers is the same as the fixed cost to serve the customers who existed at the time of the Company's last rate case. Neither the Fixed Cost Report nor the work papers provided with it allowed Staff to verif, this assumption. Staffhad expected a more complete discussion ofthe need for and effects ofrevenue stabilization mechanisms such as the FCA and PCA with its analysis of all rate designs summarized in StafFs April 30,2019 report. Instead, the Company states, without supporting evidence, that, "Many of'the cost ofservicc methodologies and rate designs in this report, il' implementcd, would impact the level of reliance on existing FCA (either up or down) or warrant consideration of a moditled fixed cost recovery mechanism." IPC-E- I 8- 16 Fixed Cost Report page 2. The Company's report continues to restate this last assertion - that even with these rate designs included in the Study, thc FCA, in one form or another, would still need to be considered. Staff has repeatedly expressed concems with the current FCA mechanism. Thc amount the Company recovers fluctuates yearly as a f'unction ofthe kW sales and the number of customers. The annual recovery amount for the FCA deferral is never "trued up" to the actual yearly or current costs of the Company, and Staft'has not audited said fixed costs of thc Company for comparison purposes to what the FCA is rccovering. Nor does the FCA currently tie baok to the Company's DSM portfotio or savings. Since its inception in 2007, the FCA has collected S180,565,737 fiom R&SGS customers. During the l2 years that the FCA (2007-2018) has been in effect, Residential customers have received surcharges in all years except one. Small General Service customers have received additional surcharges in every year since the FCA's inception. Between 2013, the first ycar for which complete data is available, and 201 8, $137 ,964,362 has been colleoted fiom customers taking service under R&SGS tariffs. Over the same 6 years, the average calculated STAFF COMMENTS ll JANUARY 2I,2O2O S'I'AI;II COMMENTS t2 JANT]ARY 21.2020 Fixed Cost Recovery amount (FCE x kW sales) was $275,720,994, compared to the $258,560,620 level offixed costs authorized by the Commission in the last general rate case (IPC-E-l l-08). The dift'erence bctween what the FCA methodology calculates and the authorized level offixed costs authorized in the last general rate case has not been audited by Staff, nor has the change in fixed costs been deemed prudent by the Commission, yet the Company recovers the additional revenue each year through the FCA. Staff expected that the influences ofthe FCA and the PCA on fixed costs collected by the Company would be studied in the Company's report. Staff also notes that the Company has not been in for a general rate case since IPC-E-l l-08 was closed. Ilthe Company were under-collecting its fixed costs, Stalf surmises that the Company would have filed a ncw rate case. At minimum, the Company should have explained how updating its rates through a rate case could have corected over- recovery/under-recovery due to long term changes in customer counts or load. Selected Rate Designs Staffs April 20,2019 report to the Commission summarized the rate designs and attributes that were being discussed by parties at that time. Few ofthese rate designs and attributes were analyzed and discussed in the Company's report. [n this section, Staffwill discuss selected rate designs and describe analyses that should havc been included in the Company's Fixed Cost Report. StatTu'ill begin with a discussion of thrcc rate designs that will serve as book-ends for understanding more complicated rate designs: A rate desigrr with large volumetric rate, a rate design with a large fixed charge, and a rate design with a large dcmand charge. Because the Company's current R&SGS schedules already rely on large volumetric rates, Stalfs discussion of large volumetric rate dcsigns also serves as a discussion of the Company's current R&SGS rate designs. Stal-fs discussion ofthe other two end-points. a structure with a large fixed charge and a structure with a large demand charge, will serve as reference points for discussions about the pros and cons of more complicated, multi-part ratc designs. Staffnotes that any rate dcsign that incents changes in customer behavior is likely to be destabilizing and may lead to improper collection ol'the Company's fixed costs. For example, we would expect the current R&SGS rate designs, with their large volumetric rate components, to incent decreased electric consumption. Given thc 1.3% average annual declinc in residential energy consumption reported by the Company. it appears that these rate designs are working as expectedi however, in decreasing consumption, this rate design also results in decreased collection of the fixed costs embedded in volumetric rates. Fixed Cost Report at 29. Similarly, we would expect a rate design with a large demand component to incent reductions in demand, which would lead to decreased collcction of the fixed charges enrbedded in the demand charge, and lead to the same potcntial for under-recovery that exists fbr volumetric charges. As discussed previously, the FCA is intended to ofl'set the potential for over/under-recovered revenue in volumetric rates. If the Company were to introduce a demand chargc, it is quite possible that the Company would need an FCA-like mechanism to offset the potential for under- recovered revenue in its demand rates. As discussed earlier, rate designs may be used to incent behaviors that benefit all customers. When marginal energy costs are high, reduced consumption benefits all customers by lowering the average cost ofenergy embedded in volumetric rates, and reductions in demand benefit all customers by deferring or avoiding the costs ofnew production and transmission plant needed to mcet demand. StafT cautions, however, that the number of goals that can be achieved with rate design is zero-sum. For cxample. an increased demand charge will require a decreased volumetric charge, thereby diluting the volumetric charge's ability to signal reduced volumctric consumption. Attributes oJ Large Volumetric Rate designs: The Company's Residential and Small General Service rate schedules rely on large volumetric rates. Using the Company's 201 7 Straw Man CCOS as a guide, Stal'l tbund that 94.1% ofthe revenue collected from thesc classes is collected through the volumetric component olthese schedules'two part rate dcsigns. The remaining revenue is collected from a small, five dollar monthly customer charge. Using information l'rom the 2017 Straw Man CCOS, Staff determined that under the Company's current rate schedule, R&SGS customers paid an average volumetric charge of $0.084 per kWh. About 46% ol'Company sales are to the Company's R&SGS classes, so it is imponant to understand how.well volumetric rates f'are in collccting the fixed costs allocated to these classes. According to the Company's 2017 Straw Man CCOS, the revenue requirement allocated to the R&SGS classes was $455,596,645; hotever. the revenue collected from these classes, $47 5,435,592, exceeded this allocation by 4.4%. Company Response to Staffs Production Request Nos. 2l -24. Bccause the revenue f-rom these classes exceeds the R&SGS revenue STAFI: COMMENI'S l3 JANL]ARY 2I.2O2O requirement, Staff notes that the Company fully recovered its lixed costs from these classes in 2017. One drawback of using rate dcsigns with a large volumetric component is their sensitivity to annual and seasonal variations in weather. A standard rate case practice is to adjust test year revenue lbr the effects of weather ("Weather Normalization"). Without Weather Normalization, it is not possible to determine whethcr the current R&SGS rate design systematically over- collects fixed costs, or whether fixed-cost over-collection in 2017 was a one-time occurrence. Staffbelieves that the Company should have conducted a more thorough analysis to determine t'hether or not the Company's R&SGS rate designs consistently over-collect or under-collect fixed costs. As noted in Staffs discussion of the Company's Cost of'Service models, thc Straw Man CCOS classifies more than halfolits base load plant as energy. Under this methodology, the energy classilied cost per kWh fbr R&SGS customers is $0.030 per kWh. When all base load plant is classified as demand (CCOS Scenario 3), the energy classified cost drops to $0.016 per kWh. Depending on whether fixed costs are viewed through the lens of the Straw Man CCOS or CCOS Scenario 3, the fixed costs embedded in the residential volumetric rate are either $0.054 per kWh, or $0.068 per kWh. Under either Cost of Service methodology, fixed costs account fbr the majority of costs embedded in thc R&SGS volumetric rates. Because large volumetric rates provide an incentive to reduce consumption, it is not surprising that monthly per-capita encrgy consumption is decreasing. Ifenergy conservation is a goal, then the 1.370 annual decrease in per-customer residential energy use reported by the Company is a f'eature, and not a defect of the R&SGS rate sohedules. Staff included a partial analysis offixed cost recovery through the Company's current rate design in its Fixed Cost Collection discussion: however, given the information provided in the Company's Fixed Cost Report, Staff is unable to completely quantif)'the impact that decreased energy consumption has on the Company's ability to collect its tixed costs in basic rates. StafTbelieves that the Company's Fixed Cost Report should have quantified the impact ofdecreased volumetric sales on fixed cost recovery, A second benefit oflarge volumetric rates is their effect on peak demand. Because measures undertaken by customers to reduce overall consumption usually reduce peak consumption, reduction in energy consumption is often accompanied by concomitant rcductions in system peak load. For example, air conditioning is a primary driver olsummer peak demand. STAFF COMMENTS 14 JANUARY 2I,2O2O Because it is likely that an air conditioning unit will be operating during summer coincident pcaking events, use of more elllcient air conditioners reduces both total energy use and peak demand. It is likely that much ofthe l% annual reduction in demand reported by the Company is due to measures undertaken by customers whose primary aim was reducing their monthly energy bill. A rate design employing large volumetric rates may not fairly reflect the way that individual customers cause the Company to incur costs. For example, the infiastructure required to connect a single-family residence to the system is approximately lhe same. regardless ol' whether that residence is heated using an electric fumace or a gas fumace. Because electrically heated homes use much more energy during the winter months, they pay much higher energy charges than their gas heated counterparts, and because fixed costs are embeddcd in volumetric rates, customers with electrically heated homcs pay a larger share of the Company's infrastructure costs, even though they requirc about the same amount of infrastructure as other customers. Currently, the residential schedule employs a tiered rate design: Monthly energy rates increase with increasing consumption. One effect ofthis structure is to destabilize revenue collection through volumetric rates and exaggerate the eff'ects olweather on revenue collection. Another effect is to increase the tiaction ofthe Company's flxed costs paid by customers with electrically heated homes. The Company brietly discusses this issue on pages 26-27 olits Fixed Cost report. Staff's investigation found that nearly all investor owned utilities use volumetric rates lbr residential customers, though some commissions have approved time-based volumetric rates as a method for reducing demand and potentially deferring the need to invest in new plant. Attributes of Rate Schedules v'ith increose(l Fixed Charges As noted in Staffs Cost of Service discussion, most ofthe costs that the Company incurs serving its customers are fixed. Using the Company's Straw Man CCOS as a guide, Staff determincd that of the total $987 annual cost of serving R&SGS customers, about $654 (66.3%) represents fixed costs. Ifthe production plant costs are classified as demand (CCOS Scenario 3), lixed costs represent $812 (82.3%) ofthe annual cosls olserving the Company's R&SGS customers. Given the large fiaction of tlxcd costs embedded in customer bills, StalTbelieves that rate designs with high fixed cost components deserve some consideration. S'I'AI,'F COMMENTS l5 JANUARY 21,2020 The Company briefly discusses a rate design with a high fixed charge on page 27 ol'the Fixed Cost Report but dismisses it because it does not promote other policy objectives. Although a rate design with a large monthly fixed charge would not promote energy conservation or demand reduction, it would stabilize and reduce bills for most customers who rely on electricity to heat lheir homes. This could be particularly important for some [ou,incomc or fixed income customers. For the current discussion, Staff will use the Company's2017 Straw Man CCOS as the basis for a 2-parl residential rate design with a $56 monthly customer charge reflecting the fixed costs ofserving residential customers, and an energy charge of $0.030 per kWh ("Hypothetical F'ixed Rate"). StatTnotes that thc average cost ofserving a residential customer is about $85 per month. Given that average residential consumption is 957 kWh per month, the Company would collect an average energy charge of$29 per month. enabling the Company to collcct thc cntire $85 average monthly cost ol'serving its residential customers. Because the $0.030 per kWh energy charge represents only variable energy costs incuned by the Company, the Company should be able to collcct its fixcd costs regardless ofvariations in consumption due to variable weather or changes in customer behavior. In order to understand how adopting the Hypothetical Fixed Rate would impact its customers, Statf examined the billing eft'ects on three hypothetical residential customers: An average Idaho Power residential customer with consumption of I 1,485 kWh per year, a customer w'ith elcctrical space heating and consumption of 22.270 kWh per year, and an apartment dweller with gas heat, and electrical consumption of4,550 kWh per year. Under the Hypothetical Fixed Rate, the average Idaho Power customer would see no change in average monthly bills relative to the current volumetric rate design. Her average monthly bill would remain at approximately $85 per month; horever, she would not see as much seasonal variation in her bills under the Hypothetical Fixed Rate design as she does under the Company's current volumetric rate design. Residential customers with electrical space heating would see the largest changes to their monthly bills. Under current rates. the typical residential customer with electrical space heating pays an average bill of $ I 52.40 per month, with a January bill of $323.09 per month. Under Staffs Hypothetical Fixed Rate, the same customer's average monthly bill would drop to $107.39 per month, with a January bitl ofjust $ 162.41. STAFT I]OMMI]NTS l6 JnNtJnRY 2t.2020 The apartment dweller's average monthly bill would increase from $33.24 per month to $66.50 per month under the Hypothetical Fixed Rate design. Staff's invcstigation ofother investor-owned utilities lbund that none charged a monthly fixed charge as high as the $56 Hypothetical Fixed Rate. Idaho Power's $5 service charge lbr residential customers is relatively low compared to the residcntial service charges ol'most other investor-owned utilities. Staffs review found thal in 2017, the fixed charges approvcd by Commissions rangcd from $5 to $20 per month, with an average tixed charge of $ I L I 9. Demand Based Rate designs A properly structured demand charge can incent customer behaviors that allow thc Company to reduce, defer, or avoid investment in new production, transmission. or distribution plant; however, becausc demand classified plant-in-service represent costs that have already been incurred by the Company, a reduction in customer demand does not result in an irnmediate reduction in Company expenses. Furthermore. because properly structured demand charges can be expected to result in demand reduction over time, they would not be expected to stabilize Ilxed cost recovery. Currently, residential customers pay no demand charge, yet residential demand is still decreasing at a rate of l0lo per year. This is only slightly less than the 1.3% annual decrease in residential energy consumption. Ifthe Company were to implement a residential demand charge, it is not unreasonable to expect that demand could decrease at a much greater rate than it currently does. Staff believes the Fixed Cost Report should have included a much more thorough analysis ofhow increasing demand charges could result in decreased demand, and a concomitant reduction in fixed costs collected through demand charges. Several of thc Company's rate schedules employ one or more demand charges. We will use the Schedule 9 Primary Large General Service rate schedule to illustratc how demand charges are used. In addition to a $285 monthly service charge and an average energy charge of about $0.043 per kWh, Schedule 9 Primary customers pay three different demand-related charges: A Demand Charge, an On-Peak Demand charge, and a Basic Load Charge. The Demand Charge is based on the average kW power supplied during the l5- consecutive minute period of maximum use, regardless ofthe time ofday that this peak occurs. Currently, Schedule 9 Primary Service demand charges are $5.09 in the summer, and $4.46 in the winter. This dcmand charge will incent customers to reduce their peak demand, but not the time of day at which peak demand occurs. According to the Company's Fixed Cost Report, the STAFF COMMENTS t7 JANIJARY 21,2020 Demand Charge is intended to recover a portion of capacity-related generation and transmission costs; however, as noted in Staffs discussion on Cost ofService, transmission and generation costs are driven by a need to meet system coincident peak demand. Given that the demand charge is the same, without regard to whether or not the Customcr's peak consumption is coincident with system peaking events, it is dillicult to see how the current demand charge is related to the way in which customer classes cause the Company to incur costs, or how it fully incenls customers to avoid consumption patterns that drive the need for investment in production and transmission plant. The Schedule 9 Primary Scrvice On-Peak Billing Demand Charge is a $0.95 per kW charge assessed during the lS-minute period of maximurn use during the On-Peak time periodl. This small charge provides a weak signal to Schedule 9 customers that inccnts reduced demand during likely peaking hours. Schedule 9 Primary Service customers also pay a $ 1.28 per kW Basic Load Charge ("BLC"). According to the Company. this chargc recovers a portion o I.capacity-related fixed costs ofdistribution facilities, such as substations. primary lines, and transformers. Fixed Cost Report at 7. For Schedule 9 customers, the charge is assessed monthly, and it is bascd on the average of the two highest monthly billing demands over the past year. As noted in Stai'fs Cost- of-Serwice discussion, distribution plant is typically allocatcd based on each class's non- coincident peak. Because the peaks used to compute a customer's BLC do not generally coincide with class non-coincident peak. Staffdocs not believe that the BLC provides a particularly good signal to customers to engagc in consumption pattems that decrease the need for distribution plant. In Production Request No. 7, Staff asked the Company to explain how the peaks used to calculate the BLC coincide with the Class Non-Coincident Peak Period used in the 2017 Straw Man CCOS. In its response. the Company stated, "Comparison between the dates and times of non-coincidcnt peak and customer individual pcaks would be based on different, unmatched data sets." There do not appear to be any investor-owned utilities in the country with mandatory demand charges for non-solar residential customers. However, several investor-owned utilities ofl'er pilot programs or other optional tariffs that include demand charges. I The Company's On-Peak Billing Period occurs from l:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidaysl ftom June through August. STAFF COMMF,N I S l8 JANUARY 21.2020 Attributes of Time oJ Demand Based Rate Designs As noted in the previous section, the Company's demand charges do not I'ully incent reduced consumption during critical time periods such as system CP and class NCP. A time dil'lerentiated demand charge sends a signal that encourages customers to both decrease peak loads, and to shift the times at which their peak loads occur. The relatively small Schedule 9 On- Peak Billing demand charge is a Tirne ol Demand charge. Olcourse, a larger On-Peak demand charge could provide a larger incentive to reduce consumption during system CP, The Company's Schedule 24 Inigation Tariff provides a good example for why such a rate design might be desirable. During thc irrigation scason (May through September), Inigators who receive power at secondary level voltage pay a $22.00 monthly service charge, an energy charge olapproximately $0.0562 per kWh, and a $6.97 per kW demand charge. 'l'his demand oharge is the same, regardless ofthe time ofday that the Inigator's peak occurs. Most lrrigators can, and do, pump water 24 hours per day during the irrigation season. Without an appropriate economic signal, there is no incentive for Irrigators to reduoe pumping during hours of likely system coincident peak. Staflnotes that secondary level irrigation customers account for approximately 2370 ol-summer peak dcmand, so any reduction in Irrigator's demand could help defer the need for luture generation and transmission plant. Company's Straw Man CCOS. Currently, Irrigators can sign-up tbr the Company's Optional Schedule 23, peak rewards program. Under this program, Irrigators can receive a bill credit of $5.00 per kWh in exchangc fbr allowing the Company to curtail their power during system peaking events. A timc dill'erentiated demand charge could incent all Irrigators to reduce their demand during periods of time corresponding to system coincident peak. It is important that the peak period used to calculate the On-Peak billing charge correspond with the time periods during which a system coincident peaking event is likely to occur. Currently, the On-Peak billing period used in the Company's tariffs is defined as l:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Monday ttrough Friday. In Appendix H, the Company presents the results ol'an analysis showing that most peaks occur bctween 3:00 pm and 10:00 pm, rather than the l:00 pm to 9:00 pm summer On-Peak period currently used in the Company's Taril1i. There do not appear to be any investor-owned utility in the country with mandatory time- of-demand charges. S'l AFF C'OMN{EnNTS t9 JANI.JARY 21,2020 Time ol Use Rate Dcsigns In its discussion of Volumetric Rate designs, Staffnoted that in addition to incenting reductions in energy consumption, volumetric rates were probably responsible lbr some ofthe l7o annual reduction in demand reported by the Company. The incentive for decreasing CP and NCP demand can be increased by increasing volumetric rates at times coinciding with periods during which system coincident peak. or class non-coincident peak are likely to occur. The Company's discussion of Time of Use rate designs includes a discussion of two different rate designs. The first is actually a hybrid rate design that includes both time differentiated energy rates and a Basic Load Charge. The second is a more traditional 'fime of Use ("TOU') rate design. 1-hc Company criticizes the TOU rate design because it "does not reflect the cost to serve." Fixed Cost Report at 34. Staff both disagrees w'ith this assessment and disagrees that it is necessary lbr a rate design to be based on the Company's pref'erred collection mechanism in order to reflect a "cost to serve." By increasing volumetric charges during potential peaking periods, TOU rate designs signal customers to reduce consumption during times when cost to serve is the highest. Furthermore, because the Company's Demand and BLC charges arc calculated rvithout regard for timing ofthe Customer's peak, there is little relationship between these charges and the CP and NCP allocators used to allocate Demand classilled costs, so it is dilficult to see how the Company's proposed Demand and BLC charges are relevant to Cost of Service. In short, Staff believes that a traditional Time of Use rate design is a more effective signal ofcost causation than the Company's proposed Demand and BLC charges. The Califomia Public Utilities Commission instituted mandatory Time of Use rates for all commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers under its jurisdiction. Residential customers have the option to enroll. STAFF COMMENTS 20 JANI]ARY 2I.2O2O The Company's Cost of Service InJbrmed Rate Designs The Company proposes a number of rate design modifications that it claims to be Cost ol' Service Informed. In order for a rale design to be truly Cost of Service intbrmed, it is necessary for thc rate design's billing determinants to be corrclated with the allocators used to assign a share ofthe Company's revenue requirement to each rate class. An example can be found on page 45 of the Fixed Cost Report, where the Company proposes introduction ola tlasic Load Charge for Irrigators. Cunently, Inigators pay a single demand charge each month. The proposed Basic Load Charge would be calculated using the average olthe previous l2 months' two highest monthly demands. Fixcd Cost Report at 42. Given that most Irrigators'load profiles are relatively flat throughout the growing season, it is difficult to see how introducing a new demand charge that is nothing more than an average obtained tiom the existing demand charge is an improvement. For irrigation customers, the proposed BLC does nothing that can't be accomplished by increasing the demand charge with a conesponding decrease in volumetric rates. Given that the proposed new charge does not provide an incentive for customers to reduce load at system peak, it is dillicult to understand the purposc ofthe proposed Basic Load Charge. The Company also proposes what it calls a Three Part Demand Structure fbr rcsidential customers. Stafl notes that the Company's Three Part Demand Structure actually uses four components: A llxcd $17.28 Customer Charge that corresponds with customer-classified charges; a $5.41 per kW on-peak demand charge corresponding with summer production related costs: a $ 1.15 per kW Basic Load Charge corresponding with distribution-related costs, and a tiered energy chargc that would include all energy costs, all transmission costs, and non-summer production costs. F-ixed Cost Report at 28 - 31 and79. As currently configured, the Company's residential AMI meters are not capable of measuring peak demand during specilied time periodsl however, thc meters are capable of recording each hour's oonsumption. As a proxy for on-pcak demand, the Company proposes using the maximum hourly consumption during the Peak Billing Period (3:00 pm to l0:00 pm during summer weekdays) as a proxy. Company's response to Stal ls Production Request No. 9. StafTbelieves that this proposed demand charge can incent reduced coincident peak demand, thereby deferring investment in production plant; howevcr, this reduction will also result in reduced revenue collected through the Demand charge. Prior to considering the introduction ofa demand charge into the Company's residential rates, Stall'believes it to be imperative that the Company look at how customers might use both short and long-term measures to reduce demand. Many customers will be able to achieve meaninglul sho(-term demand reductions by assuring that certain appliances, such as air conditioners, clothes dryers, or hair dryers, are not used during the on-peak period. Over the longer term, whcn opting to replace existing appliances, customers may choose smaller appliances, such as smaller air condilioning units, with reduced consumption and demand. Staff is also concemed with the Company's proposed Basic Load Charge, primarily because the Company was unable to demonstrate how it is correlated with either residential class S'I'AFF COMMENTS 21 JANUARY 2I.2O2O non-coincident peaking events or with customer behaviors that decrease the need Ibr f'uture production plant. Company Response to Staffs Production Request No. 7. Staff believes that the following quote from James Tong, and lbrmer FERC commissioner Jon Wellinghoff encapsulates the problems ofusing demand charges to recover the sunk costs ofdistribution plant: Furthermore, the only things that utilities size according to demand from individual residential customers are the final line transformers and connecting secondary lines. These costs are small relative to those of generation and transmission capacity. And most of these capacity costs are sunk. By deflnition, sunk costs cannot be incremental. Using the cost-causation principle to justifu demand charges to pay for sunk costs makes no sense; future usage behavior does not cause costs that have been sunk. Tong and Wellinghofl, Utilitics Dive, October 2016. As previously stated. no other investor owned utility in the country has implemented a mandatory three-part residential rate that includes a dcmand componenl tbr non-solar customers. Rate Design for Net-Metering Customers In Ordcr No. 34509, the Commission ordered the Company to conduct a credible and fair study of the costs and benefits ofnet metering. In particular. the Commission specified several ways in which the study must reflect publio input, including public u'orkshops and the ability lbr customers to provide comments during the study design and study review phases. Stali- recommends that rate design changcs fbr net metering customers be discussed in these public workshops in order to hear and incorporate public tbedback. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The Company's Fixed Cost Report is incomplete and cannot be relied upon as a basis to reasonably change rate structures. In particular: o The evidence presented by the Company is insufficient to determine whether current ratemaking methods allow the Company to over-recover or under-recover all of the flxed costs authorized by the Commission; o The Company did not provide sut'licient evidence to support a change in rate design; 22 JANUARY 2I.2O2OS'I'N F'I- CoIVI \,I ENTS a a Rather than providing the Commission with a toolbox that it could use when assessing various rate designs, the Company provided the Commission a position paper advocating its preferred rate design; and The Company did not adequately consider input from parties regarding the scope ofthe report. The Company should have heeded Parties'input and provided a much more comprehensive and quantitative analysis of rates design options. Recommendations Prior to any proceeding that contemplates a change in rate design, the Company should perform an objective and comprehensive study of all rate designs under consideration. The study should consider the pros and cons ofeach rate design, including: o A quantitative analysis ofeach rate design's ability to collect fixed costs embedded in the Commission's authorized revenue requirement; . A quantitative analysis ofthe rate design's stability under conditions ofchanging weather, increased customer counts, or changes in oustomer behavior; o A quantitative analysis ofthe impacts ofrevenue stabilization mechanisms (e.g. FCA, PCA, and SBAR) on the rate design's abitity to collect fixed costs; and r A quantitative and qualitative analysis that changes in rate design may have on disparate groups within the affected classes. Respectfully submitted this 1l dav of .Ianuarv 2020 :t L( Ed J ll Deputy A rn General Technical Staff: Mike Morrison Stacey Donohue Kathy Stockton Rachelle Famsworth Michael Eldred Joe Terry Johan Kalala-Kasanda i:umisc/comments/ipce I 8. I 6ejmmklsdcmcrfiid conlments STAFF COMMENTS 23 JANUARY 21,2020 ! zd o zd .!3o !* .2o zd .!3o o9z'e.9o zi i5 ! 2ai i5 ZJ i5 .-! -0r ;zi i5 i5 z i- z i5 oz i5 z i5 oz i5 z i5 z i5 z i5 z c; E9z3 :3z'o i5 z3 i5 zi i5 o9ZJ i5 e-'dE -4z3 ii 9E E.=tE E" i5 i5 z i5 z i- z ii z i5 z ii oz i5 z i5 z i5 z i5 z E E;i:g.r o i5 z i5 z i5 z z h s->ZJ i5 z3 i5 z'o o!z'o i5 z'o ii9zd i5 b9z'o E i5 z3 o zi i- zi i- ZJ i5 6!ZJ i5 zd a5 P!) zd i5 5Tz'u i5 zi i- z3 o ;9,;5 ;i5 z3 i5 z6 i5 t2z6 i5 ZJ i5 ZE i5 :$ ,96 zi i5 ir9z'- i5 z3 i5 o9z3 6 ;3-irgz3 i5 ,6 o 6U E E 5 E.9l! (, t) 3 < o ! .x I o <9 g oo e t!! U s E E; o !a OE iD E:ir> tlrE! I ta a qJ 6)a{) aho bo= q)_Y O6) rje'ie EN o(n !-qe a U al- U Attachment A Clase No. IPC-ll-18-16 Stat'f Comments 01121120 Page I of2 ,_@ o -P ^0, }zd i5 z'o i5 b!!:$z'o.2o ! 6az'o.!!o 6gz'!.9o 66zd.9o zi i5 i5 z E z i5 z i- z 1, .9o z .!o z L5 2 i5 z F3 E i5 o9 ,96 z6 i5 vri,!;EF;g o ii z i5 z i5 z o z .2o oz i- z i- z i5 z i5 oz i5 z i5 z !0E !,i z'o i5 b1 E o9z3 i5 -9zd i5 z6 i5 ir9zi i5 za i5 -q 5 >. zii ,96 .!o zat i5 o9z-o E 6{z-o i5 zd i5 o:l i5 ;a i5 i.I E t^ b9 i5 i5 z3 i5 69 i5 ?rsz6.9o zd i5 ! zd i5 z6 i5 za3 6 69z3 i5 z'o i5 F a .oIa 2zor d>9 : ! E .so E .o ,9 9- oo i5 l o Eg E =; .!P t ;q '89 .9 = o q) ov) v)4) ! 6.a; a0 (,) o! i9,, c) >L-a 6t o\ 'i, 6r E")x=Eo. ^U)<>1 to 6t (i EO Q t- U U Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-18-16 Staff Comments 0ll2l120 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2IS' DAY OF JANUARY 2020, SERVED THE FORIGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC.E-I8-16, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOI,LOWINC: LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWERCOMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordstrom@idahopowcr.com BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bottolaltidahoconscrvation.ors ELECTRONIC ONLY .loc IVI i ller ioe.rniller(a)a vrsUtcorD.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 6r l9 POCATEI,LO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo@echohawk.com C TOM ARKOOSH ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: tom.arkoosh koosh.corr.r erin.ceci I koo sh.cor.n TIM TATUM CONNIE ASCFIENBRENNER IDAIIO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: tlatumari)idahopo\\'er.co1rl F. DIEGO RIVAS NWENERGY COAT,ITON I1O1 8I'H AVE HELENA MT5960I E-MAIL: diego(a)nwencrgy.com ANTHONY YANKEL I27OO LAKE AVE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH44IO7 E-MAIL: tonyfayankel.net TED WL,SI'ON ROCKY MOIJN'I'AIN POWER 1407 WN TEMPI,F] S]'E 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I I 6 E-MAIL: tcd.r.v 0t'l ilic c ol11 CERIII:ICATE OF SERVICE DAVID J MEYER ESQ VP AND CHIEF COTINSEL AVISTA CORP PO BOX 3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.meyer@avistacorp.com caschenbrcnncr(alt idahopou,er.com ELECTRONIC ONLY dock etsilr)i dahorrorvcr.conr PATRICK D EHRBAR DIR OF REG AFFAIRS AVISTA CORP POBOX3727 SPOKANE WA.99220-3727 E-MAIL : patrick.ehrbar(@avistacoro.com ABIGAIL RGERMAINE BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFFICE PO BOX 500 BOISE ID 83701-0500 E-MAIL: asermaine@cityolboise.ore KELSEY JAE NTINEZ IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 920 CLOVER DR BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: kelsey@kelseyiaenunez.com RUSSELL SCHIERMEIER 29393 DAVIS ROAD BRUNEAU ID 83604 E-MAIL: buyhay@smail.com BRIANA KOBOR VOTE SOLAR 358 S 7OO E STE 8206 SALT LAKE CITY U]'84I02 E-MAIL: briana@.votesolar.ors NICK THORPI, E-MAIL: nthorpelr0eanhi ustice.ors PRESTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W BANNOCK STREET BOISE ID 83702 E.MAIL: prestoncarter@qivensputsley.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreadin g@mindsprins.com YSECRET CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE YVONNE R HOGLE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 E-MAIL: Yvonne.hosle@pacificom.corn DAVID BENDER EARTHJUSTICE 39l6NAKOMA RD MADISONWI 537II E-MAIL: dbender@earthjustice.orq PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 5I5N2TTIISTREET PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: oeter@richardsonadams.corn ELECTRONIC ONLY AL LL]NA E-MAIL : aluna(?earthjustice.org ZACK WATERMAN MIKE HECKLER IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 503 W FRANKLIN ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: zack.waterman@sierraclub.orq michael.p.hecker@smail.com